1401. HR0442 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (3) state (1) . . . Board and was a volunteer with the police department from 2007 to 2017, where she often manned the front desk; she was also part of the police outreach program and oversaw police volunteer programs; and WHEREAS, Darlene . . . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of Darlene Ahlstedt, and extend . . . 1402. HB4057 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (399) states (36) state's (14) stated (2) police (3) . . . a member of the Department of State Police Merit Board on or after January 1, 2012; (23) any person who first becomes a member of the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority on or after January . . . 1403. SR0554 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: states (2) police (3) state (1) . . . James McDonough served in the United States Army with the military police; and WHEREAS, James McDonough retired as a sergeant with the Chicago Police Department; and WHEREAS, James McDonough . . . 1404. HR0474 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (6) police (2) . . . Obama; the first mandated that all police interrogations on homicide investigations be recorded; the second, required police in Illinois to record the race of all . . . HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate Monique D. Davis on her retirement as State Representative for the 27th District, . . . 1405. HB4059 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (7) state's (4) police (4) . . . designated for the Department of State Police, the moneys shall be remitted by the circuit court clerk to the Department of State Police within one month after receipt for deposit . . . 1406. HJ0067 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (3) state (2) . . . his father's footsteps and becoming a police officer; he was working as an officer with the Burbank Police Department in Cook County and had plans . . . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, THE SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that we designate the Interstate . . . 1407. HR0484 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (2) state (2) . . . his law enforcement career as a police officer in Kewanee, where he served for eight years, including time on a multi-jurisdictional, bi-state narcotics unit known as the Quad City . . . 1408. SB2214 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (1087) state’s (64) states (20) police (104) state's (44) policing (1) stated (4) . . . to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Illinois State Police Memorial Park Fund for grants to the Illinois State Police Heritage Foundation, Inc. for building . . . 1409. HB4064 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (443) states (42) state's (24) stating (1) police (15) stated (1) . . . of this Article, the total required State contribution for State fiscal year 2007 is $5,220,300. For each of State fiscal years 2008 through 2009, the State contribution to the System, as a percentage . . . has 25 or more years of service as a police officer or firefighter, and a participant who is age 55 or over and has at least 20 but less than 25 years of service as a police officer or firefighter, shall be entitled . . . 1410. HB4068 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (88) state's (48) police (1) states (10) stated (3) . . . any duly appointed member of a police department in any city whose population exceeds 500,000 according to the last Federal HB4068 - 15 - LRB100 13139 KTG 27545 b or State census, and except any member of a fire . . . 1411. SB2215 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (199) states (14) state’s (4) stated (5) state's (2) police (3) . . . Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Department of State Police for the projects hereinafter enumerated: AMERICAN GENERAL BUILDING - . . . 1412. SB2216 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (16) police (9) . . . of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to the Illinois State Police Heritage Foundation for all costs associated with infrastructure improvements. . . . 1413. SB2217 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (1976) states (88) state's (134) policing (2) police (21) stated (36) stating (27) . . . $662,000 State Police DUI Fund ................................. $57,100 State Police Firearm Services Fund ................. $7,200,000 State Police Merit Board Public Safety Fund ........... . . . 1414. SR0611 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: states (2) police (2) state (1) . . . Mabel (Scofield) Walima on December 24, 1942; he served in the United States Navy for six years as a corpsman; and WHEREAS, Ronald Walima retired from . . . Disaster Agency and as a part time police office for the Village of Lake in the Hills and as a auxiliary police office with the Village of Carpentersville; . . . 1415. HR0505 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (2) state (2) . . . his law enforcement career as a police officer in Kewanee, where he served for eight years, including time on a multi-jurisdictional, bi-state narcotics unit known as the Quad City . . . 1416. SR0643 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (2) police (1) . . . James Augustine served six years with the Illinois Secretary of State Police; from 1968 to 1993, he taught history at Livingston High School, where . . . 1417. AM1000200 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (1) police (1) . . . of Office: Member Agency or Other Body: Illinois Department of State Police Merit Board Start Date: June 2, 2017 End Date: March 18, 2019 Name: . . . 1418. HB4076 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (626) stated (52) states (88) stating (38) state's (54) police (3) 100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY State of Illinois 2017 and 2018 HB4076 Introduced , by Rep. Luis Arroyo SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED: See Index Amends the State Finance Act. Creates the State Aviation Program Fund, the Local Government . . . subdivision or other public entity, including without limitation police and fire stations, educational facilities, and public restrooms and rest . . . 1419. SB2221 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (326) state's (48) states (62) stated (38) stating (25) police (2) . . . of the 98th General Assembly, the State Comptroller shall order and the State Treasurer shall transfer $6,600,000 from the Local Government Tax Fund to the Illinois State Medical Disciplinary Fund. (Source: P.A. . . . safety purposes" means crime prevention, detention, fire fighting, police, medical, ambulance, or other emergency services. Votes shall be recorded . . . 1420. HB4077eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (6) police (1) states (2) . . . his or her possession. The Court shall return to the Department of State Police Firearm Owner's Identification Card Office the person's Firearm Owner's . . . 1421. HB4077ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (5) police (1) states (2) . . . his or her possession. The Court shall return to the Department of State Police Firearm Owner's Identification Card Office the person's Firearm Owner's . . . 1422. HB4078 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (559) police (3) states (168) state's (8) stating (5) stated (10) . . . Control and Community Protection Act, authorizing the Director of State Police to dispose of forfeited property, which includes the sale and disposition . . . 1423. SR0687 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (4) police (2) . . . in football; and WHEREAS, Trooper Albin was accepted into Illinois State Police Academy Class 111; he was assigned to District 6 in Pontiac, where he . . . 1424. SB2224 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (559) police (3) states (168) state's (8) stating (5) stated (10) . . . Control and Community Protection Act, authorizing the Director of State Police to dispose of forfeited property, which includes the sale and disposition . . . 1425. SR0718 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: states (4) police (1) state (1) . . . 22, 1963; he served in the United States Air Force; he married Susan Ward in Hoopeston on March 17, 2017; and WHEREAS, Mark Drollinger was chief of police for the City of Hoopeston; he was a former . . . 1426. SR0728 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (1) state (1) . . . the Center For Economic Development, and the Joliet Fire and Police Board; and WHEREAS, Sheldon Bell was a Master Mason at Raven Lodge 303 . . . RESOLVED, BY THE SENATE OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of Sheldon C. Bell, and extend our . . . 1427. SR0769 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (3) state (1) . . . Eric Hyatt served as a Fairbury police officer for six years and a Gibson City police officer for 11 years; he was promoted to Gibson City Chief of Police in October of 2016; and WHEREAS, Eric . . . RESOLVED, BY THE SENATE OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of Eric Thomas Hyatt, and extend . . . 1428. HB4079 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (39) police (1) state's (2) . . . of this Act to an ethics commission, an inspector general, the State Police, a State's Attorney, the Attorney General, or any other law enforcement HB4079 . . . 1429. SR0775 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (1) states (2) state (1) . . . married Robbie Jean Mangum; and WHEREAS, Dr. Sykes joined the Chicago Police Department in the early 1960s and became an officer in the newly established . . . studies to modify and approve clinical drug trials in both the United States and Canada; while serving as chairman of the Dialysis Strategy Committee . . . 1430. HR0565 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (5) state (1) . . . OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate Oak Lawn Police Chief Michael Murray on his HR0565 - 2 - LRB100 . . . 1431. SR0788 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (1) state (1) . . . 29 years at Madison County; her career started with the Granite City Police Department; she served as a detective secretary and chief's secretary before . . . RESOLVED, BY THE SENATE OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of SR0788 - 3 - LRB100 13616 MST . . . 1432. HR0569 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: states (2) state (5) police (1) . . . The House of Representatives mourns the death of the two Virginia State Police Officers, Lt. H. Jay Cullen and Trooper Berke M. M. Bates, who lost . . . 1433. SB2226enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (8) police (14) . . . Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: Section 5. The State Police Act is amended by changing Section 40 . . . 1434. SB2226eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (8) police (14) . . . Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: Section 5. The State Police Act is amended by changing Section 40 . . . 1435. SB2226 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (12) police (19) . . . Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: Section 5. The State Police Act is amended by changing Section 40 . . . 1437. SB2226sam001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (8) police (16) . . . auto-injector under Section 40 of the State Police Act or Section 10.19 of the Illinois Police Training Act. Section 20. The Public Health Standing . . . 1438. HR0574 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (1) state (2) . . . Academic Scholarship, the Chicago Police Department and Chicago Public Schools "We Care" Role Model Program, the Roseland Community Youth Volunteer, Chicago State University Academic Scholarships, and . . . 1439. SR0826 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (1) states (2) state (1) . . . beloved mother of Michael (Chicago Police Department) (Nicole), Brenda, and Timothy Donnelly (United States Navy); the proud grandmother of Aiden . . . 1440. HB4088 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (3) police (4) . . . also serve as sworn part-time police officers. Effective immediately. LRB100 13903 SLF 28635 b A BILL FOR HB4088 LRB100 13903 SLF 28635 b AN ACT concerning State government. Be it enacted by the People . . . 1441. HR0581 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (1) state (2) . . . Academic Scholarship, the Chicago Police Department and Chicago Public Schools "We Care" Role Model Program, the Roseland Community Youth Volunteer, Chicago State University Academic Scholarships, and . . . 1442. SR0834 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (5) state (1) . . . to learn of the death of Chicago Police Department Captain James Alan LaVoy, of Mt. Greenwood, who passed away on August 13, 2017; and WHEREAS, Captain LaVoy joined the Chicago Police Department over 25 years ago; he served . . . RESOLVED, BY THE SENATE OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of Captain James Alan LaVoy, and . . . 1443. HR0585 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (2) police (1) HR0585 LRB100 14123 ALS 28879 r HOUSE RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The State of Illinois suffered a great loss when beloved son Richard "Dick" Locher . . . George Pradel to incorporate the Dick Tracy character into Naperville Police Department campaigns; Locher was also actively involved in Naperville Community . . . 1444. HR0586 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (2) police (1) . . . Hollie Hutchins is survived by her husband; her son, Illinois State Police Master Sergeant Joseph (Melissa) Hutchins; her granddaughters, Elyse . . . 1445. SR0837 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (1) state (1) . . . in 1998; and WHEREAS, Harley Rutledge was a lieutenant for the Urbana Police Department, where he worked for over 19 years; and WHEREAS, Harley Rutledge . . . r RESOLVED, BY THE SENATE OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of Harley D. Rutledge, and extend . . . 1446. HJ0077 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (2) state (2) . . . who have given their lives in the line of duty; and WHEREAS, Morris Police Department Patrolman Clarence Roseland's honorable service was tragically . . . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, THE SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that we designate the portion . . . 1447. HJ0078 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (2) police (1) . . . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, THE SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that we designate the portion . . . the Secretary of the Illinois Department of Transportation, the Morris Police Department, and the Mayor of the City of Morris. 1448. SB2229 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (7) police (3) . . . Card previously issued in his or her name by the Department of State Police). Effective immediately. LRB100 14170 SLF 28927 b A BILL FOR SB2229 . . . 1449. HR0592 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (7) policing (1) states (2) police (1) . . . Most of the attention directed at the heroin crisis is focused on policing rather than treatment, which is an ineffective and expensive way to treat . . . legislation is being duplicated in states across the country; shortly before the adoption of the Act, a report was published indicating that Illinois has become the third-worst state in providing treatment for heroin addicts; . . . 1450. SR0869 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: states (2) police (1) state (1) . . . in 1967 and served in the United States Army; and WHEREAS, Jon Lowrance retired from Caterpillar, Inc., where he worked for 31 years; he also retired as chief of police for the City of Assumption, serving in . . . Result Page   | Previous |    | 20 |    | 21 |    | 22 |    | 23 |    | 24 |    | 25 |    | 26 |    | 27 |    | 28 |    | 29 |    | 30 |    | 31 |    | 32 |    | 33 |    | 34 |    | 35 |    | 36 |    | 37 |    | 38 |    | Next |