1351. SB2185eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (6) police (3) . . . Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: Section 1. This Act may be referred to as Conor's Law. Section 5. The Department of State Police Law of the Civil Administrative Code . . . 1352. SB2185 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (4) police (10) . . . influence of alcohol or drugs, the police officer on duty has a reasonable suspicion that the individual is still under the influence while at the police station, and there are signs that the . . . LRB100 12037 KTG 24668 b AN ACT concerning State government. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: . . . 1353. SB2185sam003 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (4) police (3) . . . Act may be referred to as Conor's Law. Section 5. The Department of State Police Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is amended by adding . . . 1354. SB2185sam002 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (3) police (3) . . . Act may be referred to as Conor's Law. Section 5. The Department of State Police Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is amended by adding . . . 1355. SB2185sam004 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (4) police (3) . . . Act may be referred to as Conor's Law. Section 5. The Department of State Police Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is amended by adding . . . 1356. HB4029 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (10) police (2) stated (2) . . . or has a billing address in this State. This monthly surcharge shall not apply to local, municipal, or State police or fire departments who are customers of wireless carriers. (b) State and local taxes shall not apply to the . . . 1357. HR0296 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (7) states (2) state (1) . . . Center For Public Safety, School of Police Staff and Command; he served with the United States Navy and joined the Kankakee Police Department on November 17, 1982; and . . . 1358. SR0406 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (1) state (1) . . . Excellence; he serviced the backup power generators at City Hall, the Police Department, Public Works and the city's water utility; he also worked as . . . RESOLVED, BY THE SENATE OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of Gary R. Paris, and extend our . . . 1359. SR0412 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (1) state (1) . . . a senior citizens club, a nature center, nature trails, playgrounds, a police ranger program, a golf club, a water park, a gazebo, a recreation complex, . . . RESOLVED, BY THE SENATE OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we declare November 18, 2017 as Wood Dale Park District . . . 1360. HR0306 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (1) state (1) . . . Library; the Vernon Hills Post Office; expansion and remodeling of the police department and public works buildings; development of the Gregg's Landing . . . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we recognize Barbara J. Williams on 28 years of dedicated . . . 1361. SJ0031 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (2) state (2) . . . he began his service with the Champaign Police Department on August 1, 1962; and WHEREAS, Champaign Police Officer Robert Tatman was shot and killed . . . RESOLVED, BY THE SENATE OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING HEREIN, that we designate . . . 1362. SR0420 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: states (4) police (1) state (1) . . . Selph had a 20-year successful career as a police officer; he then served two years with the United States Marshal Service and taught criminal justice . . . 1363. HR0312 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (3) state (1) . . . Highland FIRE-EMS Paramedic Todd Zobrist, Paramedic Ty Barr, Highland Police Department Sergeant Aric Steinbeck, Officer Shawn Bland, Officer Heather . . . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we recognize and show our sincere gratitude for the heroic . . . 1364. HR0320 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (4) state (1) . . . Rudy Nimocks joined the University of Chicago Police Department as its chief of police in 1989; he served as Director of Community Partnerships . . . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate Rudy Nimocks on his retirement from the . . . 1365. HB4036 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (214) police (2) . . . Laboratory Fund, $200,000; From the State Police Wireless Service Emergency Fund, $200,000; From the State Offender DNA Identification System Fund, $800,000; and From the State Police Whistleblower Reward and Protection Fund, . . . 1366. SR0441 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: states (2) police (1) state (1) . . . and Hazel (Duree) Wales on March 16, 1927; he served in the United States Navy during World War II and married Carol Stevenson on February 11, 1956; . . . 1970; and WHEREAS, Kenneth Wales was the Assistant Chief of the Milan Police Department; and WHEREAS, Kenneth Wales enjoyed gardening; and WHEREAS, . . . 1367. HB4037 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (39) states (10) police (15) stating (1) state's (2) . . . electronically to the Department of State Police. "Livescan vendor" means an entity whose equipment has been certified by the Department of State Police to collect an individual's demographics . . . 1368. HR0330 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (4) state (1) . . . Rudy Nimocks joined the University of Chicago Police Department as its chief of police in 1989; he served as Director of Community Partnerships . . . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate Rudy Nimocks on his retirement from the . . . 1369. SR0452 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: states (2) police (3) state (1) . . . (Crimmins) Curtis on August 4, 1923; she proudly served in the United States Army Women's Corps for three years as a surgical technician and married . . . Gail Warner, Kathryn Warner (Chicago Police Department, Retired); her grandchildren, Donald (Peggy) Barrett (Chicago Police Department), Walter Barrett, Kevin (Judith) . . . 1370. HR0338 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: states (4) police (1) state (1) . . . from Marquette High School in 1952 and enlisted in the United States Air Force in 1955, where he served for four years; he married JoAnn Olson . . . - 2 - LRB100 12469 MST 25370 r WHEREAS, Daniel Callahan served as police commissioner of the City of Morris from 1998 to 2017; and WHEREAS, Daniel . . . 1371. HR0339 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (4) state (1) . . . Rudy Nimocks joined the University of Chicago Police Department as its chief of police in 1989; he served as Director of Community Partnerships . . . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate Rudy Nimocks on his retirement from the . . . 1372. SR0463 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (1) state (1) . . . from the Will County Sheriff's Department, the "National Chiefs of Police Citation", and the "Seekers of Justice Award" from the Black SR0463 - 2 . . . RESOLVED, BY THE SENATE OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of Jo Ann Marie Robinson, and extend . . . 1373. HJ0048 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (7) police (1) states (4) . . . or his or her designee; and (6) the Director of the Department of State Police, or his or her designee; and be it further RESOLVED, That members of . . . 1374. SB2190 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (19) state's (8) states (10) police (2) . . . including but not limited to the following: (1) The Department of State Police. (2) The Federal Bureau of Investigation and other federal law enforcement . . . 1375. SR0468 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: states (2) police (1) state (1) . . . (March) Iwan on June 8, 1947; he served his country in the United States Marine Corps from 1965 to 1968 and did two tours of duty in the Vietnam . . . Legion of American Veterans, the VFW, and the Fraternal Order of Police; and WHEREAS, Chester Iwan was preceded in death by his parents; and WHEREAS, . . . 1376. SB2194 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (354) states (36) stating (1) state's (20) police (15) stated (1) . . . of this Article, the total required State contribution to the System for State fiscal year 2007 is $344,164,400. For each of State fiscal years 2008 through 2009, the State contribution to the System, as a percentage . . . has 25 or more years of service as a police officer or firefighter, and a participant who is age 55 or over and has at least 20 but less than 25 years of service as a police officer or firefighter, shall be entitled . . . 1377. SB2196 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (222) state's (8) police (2) states (2) . . . officer beyond that which is inherent in the normal performance of police duties. Limitation of the terms of the arbitration decision pursuant to . . . of this Article, the total required State contribution for State fiscal year 2007 is $738,014,500. For each of State fiscal years 2008 through 2009, the State contribution to the System, as a percentage . . . 1378. SB2200 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (8) state's (4) police (2) states (2) 100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY State of Illinois 2017 and 2018 SB2200 Introduced 4/27/2017, by Sen. Kyle McCarter . . . officer beyond that which is inherent in the normal performance of police duties. Limitation of the terms of the arbitration decision pursuant to . . . 1379. HJ0056 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: states (2) state (2) police (1) . . . HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, THE SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that we recognize May 19, 2017 as a day to honor police officers and firefighters who have lost . . . 1380. SB2207 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (130) police (31) policing (1) . . . to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Illinois State Police Memorial Park Fund for grants to the Illinois State Police Heritage Foundation, Inc. for building . . . 1381. SJ0036 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (3) state (4) . . . graduated from Annawan High School in 1997; another fallen police officer, Michigan State Trooper, Chad Wolf, graduated from Annawan High School in 1995; . . . 1382. SR0478 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: states (2) police (3) state (1) . . . of 14 children; he joined the United States Air Force and was stationed in New Mexico for four years, before returning to Elgin; and WHEREAS, Cipriano Siete joined the Elgin Police Department in 1958, becoming its first . . . 1383. SR0481 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: states (2) state (2) police (1) . . . Sohn proudly served as an Illinois State Trooper, retiring after 30 years of service; he also served the community of Bethalto as the Chairman of the Police and Fire Commission for 10 years; and . . . 1384. HB4045eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (324) states (44) state's (34) police (15) . . . payable on a regular payroll by the State Treasurer on a warrant of the State Comptroller out of any State, trust or federal fund, or by the Governor of the State through a disbursing officer of the State . . . has 25 or more years of service as a police officer or firefighter, and a participant who is age 55 or over and has at least 20 but less than 25 years of service as a police officer or firefighter, shall be entitled . . . 1385. HB4045 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (802) states (66) state's (54) stating (1) police (15) stated (1) . . . payable on a regular payroll by the State Treasurer on a warrant of the State Comptroller out of any State, trust or federal fund, or by the Governor of the State through a disbursing officer of the State . . . has 25 or more years of service as a police officer or firefighter, and a participant who is age 55 or over and has at least 20 but less than 25 years of service as a police officer or firefighter, shall be entitled . . . 1386. HB4045ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (323) states (44) state's (34) police (15) . . . payable on a regular payroll by the State Treasurer on a warrant of the State Comptroller out of any State, trust or federal fund, or by the Governor of the State through a disbursing officer of the State . . . has 25 or more years of service as a police officer or firefighter, and a participant who is age 55 or over and has at least 20 but less than 25 years of service as a police officer or firefighter, shall be entitled . . . 1387. HR0384 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (6) police (1) . . . and offer drug treatment; and WHEREAS, Local police departments across the State rely on HR0384 - 2 - LRB100 12688 MST 26103 r this funding . . . 1388. SR0507 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (2) state (1) . . . June 13, 1957; and WHEREAS, Officer Jones was a veteran of the Elgin Police Department and a school resource officer at Kimball Middle School; he worked . . . RESOLVED, BY THE SENATE OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of Officer Stevenson "Steve" Jones, . . . 1389. HR0405 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (2) state (1) . . . the age of 59; and WHEREAS, Officer Jones was a veteran of the Elgin Police Department and a school resource officer at Kimball Middle School; he worked . . . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of Officer Stevenson "Steve" Jones, . . . 1390. HB4050 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (8) police (4) . . . operations with the Department of State Police and the Department of Transportation. Provides that if the Department of State Police or the Department of Transportation do . . . 1391. HR0411 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (1) state (1) . . . Fire Department was founded on January 10, 1917; and WHEREAS, Police Magistrate H.H. Timmermann swore in the first 26 members of the department; . . . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate the Beckemeyer-Wade Fire Protection District . . . 1392. HR0418enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (1) state (5) . . . The shooting death of 17 year-old Laquan McDonald by a Chicago police officer on October 20, 2014 shed light on the inefficiencies that plague . . . HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that the Auditor General is directed in accordance with Section 3-2 of the Illinois State Auditing Act to conduct a performance . . . 1393. HR0418 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (1) state (5) . . . The shooting death of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald by a Chicago police officer on October 20, 2014 shed light on the inefficiencies that plague . . . HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that the Auditor General is directed in accordance with Section 3-2 of the Illinois State Auditing Act to conduct a performance . . . 1394. HR0418ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (1) state (5) . . . The shooting death of 17 year-old Laquan McDonald by a Chicago police officer on October 20, 2014 shed light on the inefficiencies that plague . . . HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that the Auditor General is directed in accordance with Section 3-2 of the Illinois State Auditing Act to conduct a performance . . . 1395. HB4053 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (6) police (1) stating (1) 100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY State of Illinois 2017 and 2018 HB4053 Introduced , by Rep. Allen Skillicorn . . . except when on official Toll Highway Authority business which includes police and other emergency vehicles. However, any law enforcement agency vehicle, . . . 1396. HR0427 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (2) state (1) . . . the age of 59; and WHEREAS, Officer Jones was a veteran of the Elgin Police Department and a school resource officer at Kimball Middle School; he worked . . . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of Officer Stevenson "Steve" Jones, . . . 1397. HR0429 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (11) state (1) . . . he previously served as chief of police for the Village of Mundelein since 1992; prior to assuming the position of chief with Mundelein, he served with the Elk Grove Village Police Department for 24 years, achieving the . . . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate Undersheriff Raymond J. Rose on his retirement . . . 1398. HB4054 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (70) police (2) states (4) . . . identification number, Secretary of State identification number or Illinois Department of State Police number, for each vehicle, junk vehicle or . . . 1399. SR0536 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (2) state (1) . . . June 13, 1957; and WHEREAS, Officer Jones was a veteran of the Elgin Police Department and a school resource officer at Kimball Middle School; he worked . . . RESOLVED, BY THE SENATE OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of Officer Stevenson "Steve" Jones, . . . 1400. HB4056 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (141) police (66) states (6) stated (1) state's (26) policing (5) . . . created which shall be known as the State Police Merit Board Public Safety Fund. The Fund shall be used by the State Police Merit Board to provide a cadet program for State Police personnel and to meet all costs associated . . . Result Page   | Previous |    | 19 |    | 20 |    | 21 |    | 22 |    | 23 |    | 24 |    | 25 |    | 26 |    | 27 |    | 28 |    | 29 |    | 30 |    | 31 |    | 32 |    | 33 |    | 34 |    | 35 |    | 36 |    | 37 |    | Next |