1301. HB3974 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (6) police (1) . . . 2,045,000 For State Contributions to State Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,104,600 For State Contributions to Social Security................................. . . . Equipment................... 22,000 Total $4,530,000 Payable from the Police Training Board Services Fund: For payment of and/or services related to . . . 1302. SB2099 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (108) states (8) police (2) . . . GENERAL OFFICE Payable from the State Boating Act Fund: For Personal Services ................................. 0 For State Contributions to State Employees' Retirement System ......................... . . . 166,600 Payable from Conservation Police Operations Assistance Fund: For expenses associated with the Conservation Police Officers.................. 1,250,000 . . . 1303. HB3979 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (40) police (5) stated (3) state's (2) . . . for the Department of Transportation, the Illinois State Police and the Secretary of State, provided that the representation required resulted from . . . 1304. HB3985 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (46) police (35) . . . necessary, is appropriated from the State Police Whistleblower Reward and Protection Fund to the Department of State Police for payment of their expenditures for state law enforcement purposes in accordance . . . 1305. SB2115 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (46) police (35) . . . necessary, is appropriated from the State Police Whistleblower Reward and Protection Fund to the Department of State Police for payment of their expenditures for state law enforcement purposes in accordance . . . 1306. SB2116 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (40) police (5) stated (3) state's (2) . . . for the Department of Transportation, the Illinois State Police and the Secretary of State, provided that the representation required resulted from . . . 1307. HB3997 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (294) states (22) state’s (6) stated (6) police (5) state's (4) . . . Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Department of State Police for the projects hereinafter enumerated: JOLIET DISTRICT 5 For Replace . . . 1308. HB3998 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (26) police (18) . . . of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to the Illinois State Police Heritage Foundation for all costs associated with infrastructure improvements. . . . 1309. SB2139 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (8) police (1) . . . 50,000 For Expenses Related to the Illinois State Police................................. 14,461,500 For distributions to local . . . 1310. SB2140 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (6) police (1) . . . 2,045,000 For State Contributions to State Employees' Retirement System.................. 1,104,600 For State Contributions to Social Security................................. . . . Equipment................... 22,000 Total $4,530,000 Payable from the Police Training Board Services Fund: For payment of and/or services related to . . . 1311. SB2147 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (29) police (1) . . . related training and travel expenses and to reimburse the Illinois State Police and the Illinois Commerce Commission for costs incurred for activities . . . 1312. SB2150 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (9) police (6) . . . necessary, is appropriation to the State Police Merit Board from the State Police Merit Board Public Safety Fund for all costs associated with a cadet program for the Department of State Police. Section 99. Effective date. This . . . 1313. SB2166 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (294) states (22) state’s (6) stated (6) police (5) state's (4) . . . Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Department of State Police for the projects hereinafter enumerated: JOLIET DISTRICT 5 For Replace . . . 1314. SB2167 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (26) police (18) . . . of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to the Illinois State Police Heritage Foundation for all costs associated with infrastructure improvements. . . . 1315. HR0173 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (4) police (1) . . . Governor Bruce Rauner has proposed that the State add hundreds of new Illinois State Police to combat the growing number of shooting incidents . . . 1316. HR0179 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (1) states (2) state (1) . . . moved to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, where his father worked with the police force; and WHEREAS, In the 1990s, Chief Owens returned to Central Illinois . . . Defense Secretary James Mattis praised Owens saying, "The United States would not long exist were it not for the selfless commitment of such warriors. . . . 1317. HB4002 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (812) police (32) states (100) state's (20) stated (6) stating (2) . . . Section 2605-400 of the Department of State Police Law (20 ILCS 2605/2605-400), the Department of State Police is authorized to furnish, pursuant to . . . 1318. HR0176 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (3) police (1) . . . Aurora stood at 5.3%, well below the State average; and WHEREAS, Mayor Weisner oversaw major projects during his years of service, including the new Aurora Police Station, which opened in 2010; the new . . . 1319. SR0233 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: states (2) state (2) police (1) . . . 23, 1949; and WHEREAS, Thomas Drew was a Lieutenant in the Illinois State Police, retiring in 1978; following retirement, he worked for Koster Construction, . . . 1320. SR0251 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: states (2) state (2) police (1) . . . 20, 1931; he served in the United States Army during the Korean War; he graduated from California State University in Los Angeles, where he was . . . County Child Advocacy Center Board, and was a member of the Chiefs of Police Associations for McHenry County and Illinois; and WHEREAS, Mel Wallace . . . 1321. SR0252 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: states (2) police (1) state (1) . . . Wagman served 25 years in the United States Army as a Sergeant 1st Class; he worked as a recruiter; his overseas assignment was in Germany, serving with the military police; and WHEREAS, Donald Wagman was a member . . . 1322. HR0193 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: states (6) state (3) police (1) . . . delivered to the Governor of Illinois, the Director of the Illinois State Police, and the Director of the Federal Bureau of HR0193 - 3 - LRB100 11721 . . . 1323. HR0194 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: states (16) state (8) police (1) states' (1) . . . Lisa Madigan, the Director of the Illinois State Police, and all 102 States' Attorneys in the State of Illinois. 1324. HB4011enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (13) states (2) police (1) state's (2) . . . coordination with the Department of State Police, develop and implement a community outreach program to promote awareness among the State's parents and children of child abduction . . . 1325. HB4011sam001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (13) states (2) police (1) state's (2) . . . coordination with the Department of State Police, develop and implement a community outreach program to promote awareness among the State's parents and children of child abduction . . . 1326. HB4013 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (50) police (3) . . . 375,800 Department of State Police For five members of the State Police Merit Board, $237 per diem, whichever is applicable . . . 1327. SB2173 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (443) states (42) state's (24) stating (1) police (15) stated (1) . . . of this Article, the total required State contribution for State fiscal year 2007 is $5,220,300. For each of State fiscal years 2008 through 2009, the State contribution to the System, as a percentage . . . has 25 or more years of service as a police officer or firefighter, and a participant who is age 55 or over and has at least 20 but less than 25 years of service as a police officer or firefighter, shall be entitled . . . 1328. HJ0040 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (5) police (6) . . . Talbot joined the Bloomington Police Department and served with them for over two years before attending the Illinois State Police Academy in 1975; he worked for District . . . 1329. SR0295 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (2) state (1) . . . WHEREAS, In January 1976, Eddie Carter became a member of the Rantoul Police Department; he retired as Deputy Chief in June 2005; he attended the FBI . . . RESOLVED, BY THE SENATE OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of Eddie Carter, and extend our . . . 1330. HR0216 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (4) state (5) state's (2) . . . Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police (ILACP), partnering with the American Automobile Association and supported by the Illinois Truck Enforcement Association, the Illinois State Police, the Illinois Department of Transportation, . . . 1331. SJ0022 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (2) state (3) . . . for Derek's Lawn Service in Chester before joining the Chester Police Department; he was also a volunteer fireman for the Chester Fire Department; . . . HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING HEREIN, that we designate Illinois Route 3 as it travels from State Street in Chester to Water Street as . . . 1332. HR0217 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (11) state (2) policing (1) . . . HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate Fairview Heights Police Chief Nicholas Gailius on his selection as the 2017 Police Chief of the Year by the Illinois Association . . . 1333. SR0322enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (4) state (7) state's (2) . . . Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police, the American Automobile Association, the Secretary of State, the Illinois Truck Enforcement Association, the Illinois State Police, the Illinois Department of Transportation, . . . 1334. SR0322 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (4) state (5) state's (2) . . . Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police (ILACP), partnering with the American Automobile Association and supported by the Illinois Truck Enforcement Association, the Illinois State Police, the Illinois Department of Transportation, . . . 1335. SJ0023 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (2) state (2) . . . Dennis M. Neary was hired as a police officer in Coal City on October 23, 1972 and went on to serve as Chief of Police in Coal City for 30 years; and WHEREAS, . . . r RESOLVED, BY THE SENATE OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING HEREIN, that we designate . . . 1336. HB4018 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (130) police (31) policing (1) . . . to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Illinois State Police Memorial Park Fund for grants to the Illinois State Police Heritage Foundation, Inc. for building . . . 1337. HB4027eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (798) states (66) state's (54) stating (1) police (15) stated (1) . . . payable on a regular payroll by the State Treasurer on a warrant of the State Comptroller out of any State, trust or federal fund, or by the Governor of the State through a disbursing officer of the State . . . has 25 or more years of service as a police officer or firefighter, and a participant who is age 55 or over and has at least 20 but less than 25 years of service as a police officer or firefighter, shall be entitled . . . 1338. HB4027 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (802) states (66) state's (54) stating (1) police (15) stated (1) . . . payable on a regular payroll by the State Treasurer on a warrant of the State Comptroller out of any State, trust or federal fund, or by the Governor of the State through a disbursing officer of the State . . . has 25 or more years of service as a police officer or firefighter, and a participant who is age 55 or over and has at least 20 but less than 25 years of service as a police officer or firefighter, shall be entitled . . . 1339. SR0337 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (2) state (3) . . . interference on the part of the police, sheriff, or military authorities; and WHEREAS, Media accounts state the National Guard was only able to begin . . . 1340. HR0244 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (2) state (3) . . . interference on the part of the police, sheriff, or military authorities; and WHEREAS, Media accounts state the National Guard was only able to begin . . . 1341. SB2178 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (88) state's (64) states (4) stated (2) police (2) . . . (t) by the SB2178 - 15 - LRB100 12109 JWD 24388 b Department of State Police. The rulemaking authority granted in this subsection (t) shall apply . . . 1342. SB2179 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (26) police (18) . . . of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for a grant to the Illinois State Police Heritage Foundation for all costs associated with infrastructure improvements. . . . 1343. SB2180 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (293) states (22) state’s (6) stated (6) state's (4) police (5) . . . Fund to the Capital Development Board for the Department of State Police for the projects hereinafter enumerated: AMERICAN GENERAL BUILDING - . . . 1344. SB2181 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (1448) states (74) policing (2) police (13) state's (66) stating (26) stated (33) . . . Laboratory Fund, $200,000; From the State Police Wireless Service Emergency Fund, $200,000; From the State Offender DNA Identification System Fund, $800,000; and From the State Police Whistleblower Reward and Protection Fund, . . . 1345. SB2182 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (1147) state’s (68) states (20) police (96) state's (44) policing (1) stated (4) . . . to the Office of the Secretary of State from the Illinois State Police Memorial Park Fund for grants to the Illinois State Police Heritage Foundation, Inc. for building . . . 1346. HR0251 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (7) states (2) state (1) . . . El Paso, Texas; he became a United States citizen and the age of 16 and served in the Marine Corps; and WHEREAS, Miguel Juarez become a Waukegan police officer on November 14, l979; he began . . . 1347. HR0257 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (4) police (1) . . . of this resolution be delivered to the Secretary of State, the Illinois State Police, and the Illinois Department of Transportation. 1348. HR0276 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (3) state (1) . . . Highland FIRE-EMS Paramedic Todd Zobrist, Paramedic Ty Barr, Highland Police Department Sergeant Aric Steinbeck, Officer Shawn Bland, Officer Heather . . . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we recognize and show our sincere gratitude for the heroic . . . 1349. HJ0044 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (3) state (1) . . . Highland FIRE-EMS Paramedic Todd Zobrist, Paramedic Ty Barr, Highland Police Department Sergeant Aric Steinbeck, Officer Shawn Bland, Officer Heather . . . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, THE SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that we recognize and show our . . . 1350. SB2185enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (6) police (3) . . . Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: Section 1. This Act may be referred to as Conor's Law. Section 5. The Department of State Police Law of the Civil Administrative Code . . . Result Page   | Previous |    | 18 |    | 19 |    | 20 |    | 21 |    | 22 |    | 23 |    | 24 |    | 25 |    | 26 |    | 27 |    | 28 |    | 29 |    | 30 |    | 31 |    | 32 |    | 33 |    | 34 |    | 35 |    | 36 |    | Next |