Illinois General Assembly - Keyword Lookup Results
Illinois General Assembly

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Results for "state police" within 100th GA Legislation.New Search
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1151. SB1946enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (76) police (2) states (4)
. . . identification number, Secretary of State identification number or Illinois Department of State Police number, for each vehicle, junk vehicle or . . .

1152. SB1946eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (76) police (2) states (4)
. . . identification number, Secretary of State identification number or Illinois Department of State Police number, for each vehicle, junk vehicle or . . .

1153. SB1946 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (75) police (2) states (4)
. . . identification number, Secretary of State identification number or Illinois Department of State Police number, for each vehicle, junk vehicle or . . .

1154. SB1946sam001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (75) police (2) states (4)
. . . identification number, Secretary of State identification number or Illinois Department of State Police number, for each vehicle, junk vehicle or . . .

1155. HB3472 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (632) stated (3) stating (6) police (80) states (232) state's (16) policing (2)
. . . promulgated by the Department of State Police by an individual possessing a valid permit issued by the Department of State Police for this purpose. The Director of State Police is authorized to approve satisfactory . . .

1156. HB3473 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (12) states (14) police (2)
. . . or entry into a branch of the United States armed services. "Department" means Department of Children and Family Services. "Local law enforcement agency" means the police of a city, town, village or other incorporated . . .

1157. HB3483 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (49) police (10) police's (2) states (8) state's (4)
. . . offender. Provides that the Department of State Police must maintain hotline access so that State, local, and federal law enforcement agencies may . . .

1158. SB1972 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (9) police (4)
100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY State of Illinois 2017 and 2018 SB1972 Introduced 2/10/2017, by Sen. Antonio . . . under their jurisdiction and within the reasonable exercise of the police power from: 1. Regulating the standing or parking of vehicles, except as . . .

1159. HC0028 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (5) police (4) states (2)
. . . free zones directly or by grant; (ii) the Department of State Police, to hire retired police officers to work in crime free zones as community liaisons; . . .

1160. HB3515 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (26) state's (10) police (1)
. . . Aging; (2) coroners or medical examiners (or both); (3) State's Attorneys; (4) local police departments; HB3515 - 16 - LRB100 10168 HEP 20349 b (5) forensic . . .

1161. HB3518 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (8) police (4)
. . . was a child under the age of 18; (4) is currently on the Illinois State Police Sex Offender Registry or the National Sex Offender Public Website for . . .

1162. HB3520 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (4) police (4)
100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY State of Illinois 2017 and 2018 HB3520 Introduced , by Rep. Tim Butler SYNOPSIS . . . Program shall consist of a police staff , a rate auditing staff, and a civil penalties staff . This staff These staffs shall be headed by a Chief of Police , a Supervisor of Tariffs and Audits, . . .

1163. SB1980eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (12) state's (2) police (2) states (2)
. . . court shall mail the confiscated card to the Department of Illinois State Police; all legally possessed firearms shall be returned to the person upon . . .

1164. SB1980ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (150) state's (102) police (19) policing (7) states (48)
. . . to appropriation, the Director of State Police shall establish a statewide multi-jurisdictional Violent Crime Suppression Task Force led by the Department of State Police dedicated to combating gun violence and . . .

1165. SB1980sam001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (10) state's (2) police (1) states (2)
. . . the circuit court shall mail the confiscated card to the Illinois State Police; all legally possessed firearms shall be returned to the person upon . . .

1166. SB1980sam002 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (11) state's (2) police (2) states (2)
. . . court shall mail the confiscated card to the Department of Illinois State Police; all legally possessed firearms shall be returned to the person upon . . .

1167. SB1980sam003 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (11) state's (2) police (2) states (2)
. . . court shall mail the confiscated card to the Department of Illinois State Police; all legally possessed firearms shall be returned to the person upon . . .

1168. SB1987enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (6) police (5)
. . . Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: Section 5. The State Police Act is amended by changing Section 45 . . .

1169. SB1987ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (5) police (5)
. . . after the enacting clause with the following: "Section 5. The State Police Act is amended by changing Section 45 as follows: (20 ILCS 2610/45) . . .

1170. SB1993enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (169) states (38) police (70) state's (76)
. . . Standards Board, or in the case of a State police officer, juvenile officer training SB1993 Enrolled - 10 - LRB100 10121 HEP 20295 b approved by the Director of the Department of State Police. (18) "Secure child care facility" means . . .

1171. SB1993ham002 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (168) states (38) police (70) state's (76)
. . . Standards Board, or in the case of a State police officer, juvenile officer training approved by the Director of the Department of State Police. (18) "Secure child care facility" means . . .

1172. SB1993ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (168) states (38) police (70) state's (76)
. . . Standards Board, or in the case of a State police officer, juvenile officer training approved by the Director of the Department of State Police. (18) "Secure child care facility" means . . .

1173. HB3537 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (17) states (6) police (2) state's (4)
. . . including but not limited to the following: (1) The Department of State Police. (2) The Federal Bureau of Investigation and other federal law enforcement . . .

1174. HB3537ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (16) states (6) police (2) state's (4)
. . . including but not limited to the following: (1) The Department of State Police. (2) The Federal Bureau of Investigation and other federal law enforcement . . .

1175. HB3538enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (553) states (54) state's (68) stated (2) stating (5) police (13) states' (1)
. . . are subject to the provisions of the State Universities Civil Service Act. (10) The State Police so long as they are subject to the merit provisions of the State Police Act. (11) (Blank). (12) The technical . . .

1176. HB3538sam001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (551) states (54) state's (68) stated (2) stating (5) police (13) states' (1)
. . . are subject to the provisions of the State Universities Civil Service Act. (10) The State Police so long as they are subject to the merit provisions of the State Police Act. (11) (Blank). (12) The technical . . .

1177. SB1997sam002 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: police (1) state (1) state's (2)
. . . custody under this Section is not an arrest nor does it constitute a police record. (4) After taking temporary custody of a minor under this Section, . . . Department of Children and Family Services, in consultation with the State's Attorney's Office, may transport the minor to a child advocacy center or . . .

1178. SB1997sam001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: police (1) state (1) state's (2)
. . . custody under this Section is not an arrest nor does it constitute a police record. (4) After taking temporary custody of a minor under this Section, . . . Department of Children and Family Services, in consultation with the State's Attorney's Office, may transport the minor to a child advocacy center or . . .

1179. SB2021sam002 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (67) police (32) state's (30) states (14)
. . . 11420 SLF 23714 a Department of State Police, in the form and manner required by the Department of State Police, the final disposition of each minor . . .

1180. SB2021sam001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (72) police (33) state's (30) states (14)
. . . shall report to the Department of State Police, in the form and manner required by the Department of State Police, the final disposition of each minor . . .

1181. SB2034enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (42) state's (16) states (14) stated (3) stating (2) police (1)
. . . the immigration laws of the United States, whether the defendant, although a United States citizen, is considered under the law of any foreign state a national of that state for the purposes of extradition or non-extradition . . . (12) based on any information contained in the complaint and any police reports, affidavits, or other documents accompanying the complaint, the . . .

1182. SB2034ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (41) state's (16) states (14) stated (3) stating (2) police (1)
. . . the immigration laws of the United States, whether the defendant, although a United States citizen, is considered under the law of any foreign state a national of that state for the purposes of extradition or non-extradition . . . (12) based on any information contained in the complaint and any police reports, affidavits, or other documents accompanying the complaint, the . . .

1183. HB3606 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (9) police (13)
. . . Act. Provides that the Department of State Police, Secretary of State Police Department, mass transit district police force, university police force, county sheriff's office, and each police department of a municipality of this . . .

1184. HB3609 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (6) police (1)
. . . of Public Health. The Department of Revenue. The Department of State Police. The Department of Transportation. The Department of Veterans' Affairs. . . .

1185. HB3615enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (6) police (5)
. . . agency or the Department of State Police if the local law enforcement agency or Department of State Police is conducting a joint investigation. . . .

1186. HB3615eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (6) police (5)
. . . agency or the Department of State Police if the local law enforcement agency or Department of State Police is conducting a joint investigation. . . .

1187. HB3615 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (7) police (5)
. . . agency or the Department of State Police if the local law enforcement agency or Department of State Police is conducting a joint investigation. . . .

1188. HB3620 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (52) states (6) police (9)
. . . (20.7) To contract with the Department of State Police for the use of trained and qualified State police officers and with the Department of Revenue . . .

1189. HB3625 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (28) police (1) states (14) stating (1)
. . . Act. Provides that the Department of State Police shall by rule allow for non-resident license applications from any state or territory of the United States (rather than just those states or territories with laws related to firearm . . .

1190. HB3633 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (34) police (2)
. . . the Board (such as a gaming special agent employed by the Board, a State police officer, or a revenue agent) shall be responsible for notifying the . . .

1191. HB3638 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (3) police (2)
100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY State of Illinois 2017 and 2018 HB3638 Introduced , by Rep. Mark Batinick SYNOPSIS . . . officer beyond that which is inherent in the normal performance of police duties. Limitation of the terms of the arbitration decision pursuant to . . .

1192. SB2041 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (6) police (1) state's (2)
100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY State of Illinois 2017 and 2018 SB2041 Introduced 2/10/2017, by Sen. William . . . following provisions concerning notice of impoundment: (1) Whenever a police officer has cause to believe that SB2041 - 6 - LRB100 06288 AXK 16325 b . . .

1193. HB3644eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (8) police (4) state's (2)
. . . (12) the Director of State Police, or his or her designee; (13) the Superintendent of the Chicago Police Department, or his or her designee; (14) . . .

1194. HB3644 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (9) police (4) state's (2)
. . . (12) the Director of State Police, or his or her designee; (13) the Superintendent of the Chicago Police Department, or his or her designee; (14) . . .

1195. HB3644ham002 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: police (4) state (6) state's (2)
. . . (12) the Director of State Police, or his or her designee; (13) the Superintendent of the Chicago Police Department, or his or her designee; (14) . . .

1196. HB3644ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: police (4) state (6) state's (2)
. . . (12) the Director of State Police, or his or her designee; (13) the Superintendent of the Chicago Police Department, or his or her designee; (14) . . .

1197. HB3645 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (11) police (4)
. . . transmitted to the president of the park district by the Illinois State Police under Section 8-23 of the Park District Code or Section 16a-5 of the . . .

1198. HB3646 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (22) police (14) state's (4) stating (1)
. . . are submitted to the Department of State Police, or a laboratory approved and designated by the Director of State Police. (b) By February 15, 2011, the Department of State Police shall submit to the Governor, the Attorney . . .

1199. HB3662 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (136) police (2) state's (4) stating (1) states (14) stated (2)
. . . other administrative departments of the State, county and municipal governments, county and city police departments and upon prosecuting officers for . . .

1200. HB3662ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status
Terms found: state (132) police (2) state's (4) stating (1) states (14) stated (2)
. . . other administrative departments of the State, county and municipal governments, county and city police departments and upon prosecuting officers for . . .

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