1251. HB3806eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (28) state's (6) police (18) states (2) . . . criminal violence throughout the State. (g) The Secretary of State Police DUI Fund is created as a special fund in the State treasury. All moneys received by the Secretary of State Police under subsection (f) of this Section . . . 1252. HB3806 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (66) police (19) state's (8) states (2) . . . criminal violence throughout the State. (g) The Secretary of State Police DUI Fund is created as a special fund in the State treasury. All moneys received by the Secretary of State Police under subsection (f) of this Section . . . 1254. HB3806ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (25) state's (6) states (2) police (17) . . . criminal violence throughout the State. (g) The Secretary of State Police DUI Fund is created as a special fund in the State treasury. All moneys received by the Secretary of State Police under subsection (f) of this Section . . . 1255. HB3815 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (48) police (4) state's (6) . . . are subject to the provisions of the State Universities Civil Service Act. (10) The State Police so long as they are subject to the merit provisions of the State Police Act. (11) (Blank). (12) The technical . . . 1256. HB3816 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (21) stating (1) police (2) states (12) . . . arresting authority, the circuit court clerk, and the Department of State Police concerning the arrest and conviction for the Class 3 or 4 felony. A . . . 1257. HB3817enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (69) police (32) state's (30) states (14) . . . shall report to the Department of State Police, in the form and manner required by the Department of State Police, the final disposition of each minor . . . 1258. HB3817eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (69) police (32) state's (30) states (14) . . . shall report to the Department of State Police, in the form and manner required by the Department of State Police, the final disposition of each minor . . . 1259. HB3817ham002 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (67) police (32) state's (30) states (14) . . . 11385 SLF 23715 a Department of State Police, in the form and manner required by the Department of State Police, the final disposition of each minor . . . 1260. HB3817ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (72) police (33) state's (30) states (14) . . . shall report to the Department of State Police, in the form and manner required by the Department of State Police, the final disposition of each minor . . . 1261. HB3822 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (199) states (74) state's (6) police (17) stating (1) . . . as prescribed by the Department of State Police. These fingerprints shall be checked against the Department of State Police and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal . . . 1262. HB3822ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (192) state's (6) states (62) stating (2) police (17) . . . as prescribed by the Department of State Police. These fingerprints shall be checked against the Department of State Police and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal . . . 1263. HB3822ham002 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (189) state's (4) states (62) stating (2) police (15) . . . as prescribed by the Department of State Police. These fingerprints shall be checked against the Department of State Police and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal . . . 1264. HB3822ham003 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (110) state's (4) states (32) stating (2) police (9) . . . as prescribed by the Illinois State Police. These fingerprints shall be checked against the Illinois State Police and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal . . . 1265. HR0137 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (3) police (2) states (2) . . . THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate Illinois State Police District 11 Interim Commander Captain Timothy . . . 1266. HB3835 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (20) police (12) states (2) . . . January 1, 2014. The Department of State Police may adopt rules concerning the implementation of this subsection. The Department of State Police shall provide the seller or transferor . . . 1267. HB3852 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (20) police (12) states (2) state's (4) . . . program administered by the Department of State Police, using the Illinois State Police Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kit. "Health care . . . 1268. HB3852ham002 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (18) police (12) states (2) state's (4) . . . program administered by the Department of State Police, using the Illinois State Police Sexual Assault Evidence Collection Kit. "Health care . . . 1269. HB3853 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (110) states (16) stated (1) police (4) state's (2) . . . following: (1) In all counties, the respective State's Attorney; (2) The Director of State Police under Section 2605-10, 2605-15, 2605-75, 2605-100, . . . 1270. HB3853ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (107) states (16) stated (1) stating (3) police (4) state's (2) . . . covered by any bond posted with the State Commission under this subsection shall, when requested by any representative or agent of the State Commission or any person having police authority, exhibit to such person the . . . 1271. HB3855enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (1868) states (436) stated (14) police (89) stating (15) state's (168) . . . Laboratory Fund, $200,000; From the State Police Wireless Service Emergency Fund, $200,000; From the State Offender DNA Identification System Fund, $800,000; and From the State Police Whistleblower Reward and Protection Fund, . . . 1272. HB3855eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (1868) states (436) stated (14) police (89) stating (15) state's (168) . . . Laboratory Fund, $200,000; From the State Police Wireless Service Emergency Fund, $200,000; From the State Offender DNA Identification System Fund, $800,000; and From the State Police Whistleblower Reward and Protection Fund, . . . 1273. HB3855 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (1869) states (436) stated (14) police (89) stating (15) state's (168) . . . Laboratory Fund, $200,000; From the State Police Wireless Service Emergency Fund, $200,000; From the State Offender DNA Identification System Fund, $800,000; and From the State Police Whistleblower Reward and Protection Fund, . . . 1274. HB3856 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (2) police (4) states (8) . . . or honors an individual or group of police officers, fire fighters, members of the United States Armed Forces, National Guard, or veterans. (D) . . . 1275. HB3857 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (9) policing (6) police (4) . . . against a peace officer, community policing volunteer, fireman, private security officer, emergency management worker, emergency medical services personnel, employee of a police department, employee of a sheriff's department, . . . subdivision (a)(5) under the laws of this State or laws similar to subdivision (a)(5) of any other state. Aggravated battery as defined in subdivision . . . 1276. HB3866 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (21) police (2) state's (18) states (6) . . . or delivery of firearms on the premises of any school. (6) Disarming a police officer. (7) Obstructing justice. (8) Concealing or aiding a fugitive. . . . has previously been convicted under the laws of this State or any other state of the offense of child pornography, aggravated child pornography, . . . 1277. HB3868 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (75) state's (64) states (4) stated (2) police (2) . . . adopted in accordance with this subsection (t) by the Department of State Police. The rulemaking authority granted in this subsection (t) shall apply . . . 1278. HB3872 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (7) police (2) states (4) . . . for an extension of credit, and who has received notification of a police report filed with a consumer reporting agency that the applicant has been . . . Forces or the National Guard of any state, the District of Columbia, a commonwealth, or a territory of the United States who has entered any full-time training . . . 1279. HB3872ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (2) state (5) states (4) . . . for an extension of credit, and who has received notification of a police report filed with a consumer reporting agency that the applicant has been . . . Forces or the National Guard of any state, the District of Columbia, a commonwealth, or a territory of the United States who has entered any full-time training . . . 1280. HB3873 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (21) police (17) . . . shall notify the Department of State Police in a form and manner prescribed by the Department of State Police. The Department of State Police shall determine whether to revoke the . . . 1281. HB3878 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (86) states (20) stated (6) state's (52) police (2) . . . adopted in accordance with this subsection (t) by the Department of State Police. The rulemaking authority granted in this subsection (t) shall apply . . . 1282. HB3901 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (3) states (4) police (1) . . . institution" means any penitentiary, State farm, reformatory, prison, jail, house of correction, police detention area, half-way house or other institution . . . 1283. HB3903enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (1) police (2) . . . b AN ACT concerning education. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: Section 5. The School . . . (1) predominantly or regularly a place of operation for a municipal police department, county sheriff department, or other law enforcement agency, . . . 1284. HB3903eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (1) police (2) . . . b AN ACT concerning education. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly: Section 5. The School . . . (1) predominantly or regularly a place of operation for a municipal police department, county sheriff department, or other law enforcement agency, . . . 1285. HB3903 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (4) police (2) 100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY State of Illinois 2017 and 2018 HB3903 Introduced , by Rep. Juliana Stratton . . . established space that is a place of operation for a municipal police department, county sheriff department, or other law enforcement agency . . . 1286. HB3904 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (19) police (2) state's (2) . . . 1, 2003. (b-5) To develop, in consultation with the Department of State Police, a program for tracking and evaluating each inmate from commitment through . . . 1287. HB3904ham003 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (13) police (2) state's (2) . . . 1, 2003. (b-5) To develop, in consultation with the Department of State Police, a program for tracking and evaluating each inmate from commitment through . . . 1288. HB3904ham002 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (13) police (2) state's (2) . . . 1, 2003. (b-5) To develop, in consultation with the Department of State Police, a program for tracking and evaluating each inmate from commitment through . . . 1289. HB3904ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (13) police (2) state's (2) . . . 1, 2003. (b-5) To develop, in consultation with the Department of State Police, a program for tracking and evaluating each inmate from commitment through . . . 1290. HB3910enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (19) states (20) police (4) . . . or intraspinal infusion. (u-5) "Illinois State Police" means the State Police of the State of Illinois, or its successor agency. (v) "Immediate . . . 1291. HB3910eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (19) states (20) police (4) . . . or intraspinal infusion. (u-5) "Illinois State Police" means the State Police of the State of Illinois, or its successor agency. (v) "Immediate . . . 1292. HB3910 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (20) states (20) police (4) . . . or intraspinal infusion. (u-5) "Illinois State Police" means the State Police of the State of Illinois, or its successor agency. (v) "Immediate . . . 1293. HB3916 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (7) police (3) . . . or ordinances and includes a campus police department. "Public safety personnel" means a sheriff, deputy sheriff, municipal police officer, State police officer, parole and probation officer, . . . 1294. HR0150 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (7) police (2) policing (1) . . . with and empowered Village police and fire departments to implement initiatives to ensure the highest degree of public safety possible; state-of-the-art wireless surveillance equipment . . . 1295. HR0157 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (2) state (1) . . . for Derek's Lawn Service in Chester before joining the Chester Police Department; he was also a volunteer fireman for the Chester Fire Department; . . . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we mourn the passing of Officer James Brockmeyer, and . . . 1296. HR0158 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (2) police (12) . . . Jack Bivens served with the Illinois State Police (ISP) for 26 years from 1955 to 1981, and 12 years with the Sparta Police Department; Jim C. Bivens served with . . . 1297. HB3943 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (8) police (1) . . . 50,000 For Expenses Related to the Illinois State Police................................. 14,461,500 For distributions to local . . . 1298. HB3962 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (108) states (8) police (2) . . . GENERAL OFFICE Payable from the State Boating Act Fund: For Personal Services ................................. 0 For State Contributions to State Employees' Retirement System ......................... . . . 166,600 Payable from Conservation Police Operations Assistance Fund: For expenses associated with the Conservation Police Officers.................. 1,250,000 . . . 1299. HB3969 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (9) police (6) . . . necessary, is appropriation to the State Police Merit Board from the State Police Merit Board Public Safety Fund for all costs associated with a cadet program for the Department of State Police. Section 99. Effective date. This . . . 1300. HB3970 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (29) police (1) . . . related training and travel expenses and to reimburse the Illinois State Police and the Illinois Commerce Commission for costs incurred for activities . . . 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