1201. SB2042 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (4) police (2) 100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY State of Illinois 2017 and 2018 SB2042 Introduced 2/10/2017, by Sen. Karen McConnaughay . . . established space that is a place of operation for a municipal police department, county sheriff department, or other law enforcement agency . . . 1202. HB3666 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (16) police (7) . . . $15 shall be apportioned to the State Police Firearm Services Fund, $5 shall be apportioned to the Mental Health Reporting Fund, and $5 shall be apportioned to the State Crime Laboratory Fund; and (2) $30 for . . . 1203. HB3669 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (297) states (44) police (22) stated (3) state's (8) . . . Section 2605-400 of the Department of State Police Law (20 ILCS 2605/2605-400), the Department of State Police is authorized to furnish, pursuant to . . . 1204. SB2046enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (5) stating (4) police (6) . . . on a monthly basis, to the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation Fund, the Police Memorial Committee Fund, and the Illinois State Police Memorial Park Fund. Moneys transferred . . . 1205. SB2046ham002 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (4) stating (4) police (6) . . . on a monthly basis, to the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation Fund, the Police Memorial Committee Fund, and the Illinois State Police Memorial Park Fund. Moneys transferred . . . 1206. SB2046ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (2) police (6) stating (2) . . . on a monthly basis, to the Chicago Police Memorial Foundation Fund, the Police Memorial Committee Fund, and the Illinois State Police Memorial Fund. Moneys transferred to . . . 1207. SB2047 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (7) police (5) . . . agency or the Department of State Police if the local law enforcement agency or Department of State Police is conducting a joint investigation. . . . 1208. SB2053 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (199) states (74) state's (6) police (17) stating (1) . . . as prescribed by the Department of State Police. These fingerprints shall be checked against the Department of State Police and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal . . . 1209. SB2053sam001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (189) state's (4) states (62) stating (2) police (15) . . . as prescribed by the Department of State Police. These fingerprints shall be checked against the Department of State Police and Federal Bureau of Investigation criminal . . . 1210. SB2054 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (10) police (4) . . . $120 shall be apportioned to the State Police Firearm Services Fund, $20 shall be apportioned to the Mental Health Reporting Fund, and $10 shall be apportioned to the State Crime Laboratory Fund. (c) A non-resident . . . 1211. SB2060 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (8) police (1) stating (2) states (2) stated (1) 100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY State of Illinois 2017 and 2018 SB2060 Introduced 2/10/2017, by Sen. Chapin Rose . . . to referrals by telegraph. Repeals a provision granting the Department police powers. Renumbers provisions concerning definitions and makes technical . . . 1212. SB2062sam001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (20) state's (22) police (7) . . . and forward the Department of State Police portion of the fee to the Department and it shall be deposited in the State Police Services Fund. (11) Final Order. No court . . . 1213. SB2063 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (75) state's (64) states (4) stated (2) police (2) . . . adopted in accordance with this subsection (t) by the Department of State Police. The rulemaking authority granted in this subsection (t) shall apply . . . 1214. HB3676 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (15) states (6) policing (2) state's (2) . . . subsection (a) of this Section or under any law of the United States or of any state which is substantially similar to subsection (a) of this Section . . . any person's activity as a community policing volunteer or to prevent any person from engaging in activity as a community policing volunteer; or (19) the murdered individual . . . 1215. HB3681 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (17) police (2) states (10) state's (8) . . . Section, "billy club" means a short stick or club commonly carried by police officers which is either telescopic or constructed of a solid piece of . . . Investigators of the Office of the State's Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor authorized by the board of governors of the Office of the State's Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor to carry . . . 1216. HB3682 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (3) police (1) states (4) . . . Review Board. (a) There is hereby created within the Department of State Police a Concealed Carry Licensing Review Board to consider any objection to . . . 1217. HB3683 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (11) states (10) police (1) state's (8) . . . or a public HB3683 - 2 - LRB100 09821 RLC 19991 b utility to perform police functions, and guards of armored car companies, while actually engaged . . . Investigators of the Office of the State's HB3683 - 6 - LRB100 09821 RLC 19991 b Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor authorized by the board of governors of the Office of the State's Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor to carry . . . 1218. HB3689 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (112) states (8) police (1) . . . of higher education" means Chicago State University, Eastern Illinois University, Governors State University, Illinois State University, Northeastern Illinois University, . . . wagons, vans, four-wheel drive vehicles, emergency vehicles, and police and HB3689 - 68 - LRB100 11251 MLM 21583 b fire vehicles, shall specify . . . 1219. SB2073 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (20) police (2) states (12) policing (3) . . . arresting authority, the circuit court clerk, and the Department of State Police concerning the arrest and conviction for the Class 3 or 4 felony. A . . . 1220. SB2073sam001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (18) police (2) states (12) policing (3) . . . arresting authority, the circuit court clerk, and the Department of State Police concerning the arrest and conviction for the Class 3 or 4 felony. A . . . 1221. SB2076 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (8) police (3) . . . Card issued by the Department of State Police under this Act are exclusive powers and functions of this State. Any ordinance or regulation, or portion . . . 1222. HB3712enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (19) stating (1) police (2) state's (2) . . . 1, 2003. (b-5) To develop, in consultation with the Department of State Police, a program for tracking and evaluating each inmate from commitment through . . . 1223. HB3712eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (19) stating (1) police (2) state's (2) . . . 1, 2003. (b-5) To develop, in consultation with the Department of State Police, a program for tracking and evaluating each inmate from commitment through . . . 1224. HB3712 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (20) stating (1) police (2) state's (2) . . . 1, 2003. (b-5) To develop, in consultation with the Department of State Police, a program for tracking and evaluating each inmate from commitment through . . . 1225. HB3713 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (2) police (3) states (6) . . . of HB3713 - 2 - LRB100 06332 RLC 16370 b police officers, fire fighters, members of the United States Armed Forces or National Guard, or veterans. . . . 1226. SB2085sam001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (41) states (4) police (1) . . . 34-18.5. The investigation shall be conducted by the Department of State Police in the same manner as provided for in Section 34-18.5. However, notwithstanding . . . 1227. HB3717 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (200) police (20) state's (26) states (36) stated (5) stating (2) . . . or member of any duly organized State, County, or Municipal peace unit, any police force of another State, the United States Department of Defense, or any police force whose members, by statute, are . . . 1228. HB3718enr 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (86) states (24) state's (72) police (10) stating (10) stated (4) . . . which in turn shall immediately mail the card to the Department of State Police Firearm Owner's Identification Card Office for safekeeping. The period . . . 1229. HB3718eng 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (86) states (24) state's (72) police (10) stating (10) stated (4) . . . which in turn shall immediately mail the card to the Department of State Police Firearm Owner's Identification Card Office for safekeeping. The period . . . 1230. HB3718 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (77) states (18) state's (66) police (10) stating (10) stated (4) . . . which in turn shall immediately mail the card to the Department of State Police Firearm Owner's Identification Card Office for safekeeping. The period . . . 1231. HB3718ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (85) states (24) state's (72) police (10) stating (10) stated (4) . . . which in turn shall immediately mail the card to the Department of State Police Firearm Owner's Identification Card Office for safekeeping. The period . . . 1232. HB3722 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (17) police (13) . . . shall notify the Department of State Police in a form and manner prescribed by the Department of State Police. The Department of State Police shall determine whether to revoke the . . . 1233. HB3730 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (5) police (3) states (2) . . . data to the Department of State Police, unless he or she has successfully completed a fingerprint training course conducted or authorized by the Department of State Police and is licensed as a fingerprint vendor. . . . 1234. HB3731 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (2) police (2) 100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY State of Illinois 2017 and 2018 HB3731 Introduced , by Rep. Martin J. Moylan . . . ILCS 70/4.04) (from Ch. 8, par. 704.04) Sec. 4.04. Injuring or killing police animals, service animals, accelerant detection dogs, or search and rescue . . . 1235. HB3733 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (22) police (10) state's (2) . . . Fund to be used by the Department of State Police as grants by the Department of State Police to units of local government to purchase bulletproof vests for local police departments and to hire peace officers. . . . 1236. HB3733ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (17) police (4) state's (2) . . . Card previously issued in his or her name by the Department of State Police in order to acquire or possess a firearm or firearm ammunition; (2) . . . 1237. HB3734 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (22) police (7) states (6) . . . amendatory Act, except possession of weapons registered with the State Police in the time provided. Provides exemptions and penalties. Prohibits delivery, . . . 1238. HR0134 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: police (1) state (1) . . . the Illinois Municipal Clerk's Association; she serves on the Fire and Police Pension Board and as Village Collector, Corporate Seal Keeper, Board Secretary, . . . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we congratulate Lena Moreland on her retirement as City . . . 1239. HB3735 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (3) policing (4) states (10) stating (1) . . . any person's activity as a community policing volunteer or to prevent any person from engaging in activity as a community policing volunteer. For the purpose of this Section, "community policing volunteer" has the meaning ascribed to . . . of the Armed Forces of the United States serving on active duty. For purposes of this clause (22), the term "Armed Forces" means any of the Armed Forces of the United States, including a member of any reserve HB3735 . . . 1240. HB3738 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (31) police (3) state's (22) states (6) . . . of a felony under the laws of this State or any other jurisdiction. This Section shall not apply if the person has been granted relief by the Director of the Department of State Police under Section 10 of the Firearm Owners . . . 1241. HB3743 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (2) police (1) 100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY State of Illinois 2017 and 2018 HB3743 Introduced , by Rep. Jaime M. Andrade, . . . with other traffic, or in compliance with law or the directions of a police officer or official traffic-control device, no person shall: 1. Stop, stand . . . 1242. HJ0027 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (12) police (1) . . . (9) The Director of the Illinois State Police or his HJ0027 - 4 - LRB100 11098 MST 21359 r designee; (10) The Executive Director of the Illinois State Board of Elections or his designee; (11) . . . 1243. HB3752 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (105) states (6) police (1) . . . and for use only by the courts, police officers, prosecuting authorities, the driver licensing administrator of any other state, the Secretary of State, or the parent or legal guardian of a . . . 1244. HB3781 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (5) police (17) . . . Sexually Violent Persons Commitment Act. (a-4) The Department of State Police shall provide a list of sex offenders required to register to the Illinois . . . 1245. HB3785 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (8) police (1) stating (2) states (2) stated (1) 100TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY State of Illinois 2017 and 2018 HB3785 Introduced , by Rep. Peter Breen SYNOPSIS . . . to referrals by telegraph. Repeals a provision granting the Department police powers. Renumbers provisions concerning definitions and makes technical . . . 1246. HB3786ham001 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (41) states (4) police (1) . . . 34-18.5. The investigation shall be conducted by the Department of State Police in the same manner as provided for in Section 34-18.5. However, notwithstanding . . . 1247. HB3786ham002 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (41) states (4) police (1) . . . 34-18.5. The investigation shall be conducted by the Department of State Police in the same manner as provided for in Section 34-18.5. However, notwithstanding . . . 1248. HB3788 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (26) police (18) state's (2) . . . to campus registration. The out-of-state student or out-of-state employee shall provide accurate information as required by the Department of State Police. That information shall include the out-of-state . . . 1249. HB3796 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (8) police (3) . . . Card issued by the Department of State Police under this Act are exclusive powers and functions of this State. Any ordinance or regulation, or portion . . . 1250. HB3804 100th General Assembly    Bill Status Terms found: state (25) state's (24) police (8) . . . and forward the Department of State Police portion of the fee to the Department and it shall be deposited in the State Police Services Fund. (11) Final Order. No court . . . Result Page   | Previous |    | 16 |    | 17 |    | 18 |    | 19 |    | 20 |    | 21 |    | 22 |    | 23 |    | 24 |    | 25 |    | 26 |    | 27 |    | 28 |    | 29 |    | 30 |    | 31 |    | 32 |    | 33 |    | 34 |    | Next |