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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide.

Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(10 ILCS 5/) Election Code.

10 ILCS 5/19A-10.5

    (10 ILCS 5/19A-10.5)
    Sec. 19A-10.5. Child sex offenders. If an election authority designates one or more permanent early voting polling places under this Article, the election authority must designate at least one permanent early voting polling place that a qualified elector who is a child sex offender as defined in Section 11-9.3 of the Criminal Code of 2012 may enter without violating Section 11-9.3 of that Code.
    If an election authority designates one or more temporary early voting polling places under this Article, the election authority must designate at least one temporary early voting polling place that a qualified elector who is a child sex offender as defined in Section 11-9.3 of the Criminal Code of 2012 may enter without violating Section 11-9.3 of that Code.
(Source: P.A. 97-1150, eff. 1-25-13.)

10 ILCS 5/19A-15

    (10 ILCS 5/19A-15)
    Sec. 19A-15. Period for early voting; hours.
    (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Code, the period for early voting by personal appearance begins the 40th day preceding a general primary, consolidated primary, consolidated, or general election and extends through the end of the day before election day.
    (b) Except as otherwise provided by this Section, a permanent polling place for early voting must remain open beginning the 15th day before an election through the end of the day before election day during the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., or 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., on weekdays, except that beginning 8 days before election day, a permanent polling place for early voting must remain open during the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., or 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., and 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Saturdays and holidays, and 10:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sundays; except that, in addition to the hours required by this subsection, a permanent polling place designated by an election authority under subsections (c), (d), and (e) of Section 19A-10 must remain open for a total of at least 8 hours on any holiday during the early voting period and a total of at least 14 hours on the final weekend during the early voting period.
    (c) Notwithstanding subsection (b), an election authority may close an early voting polling place if the building in which the polling place is located has been closed by the State or unit of local government in response to a severe weather emergency or other force majeure. The election authority shall notify the State Board of Elections of any closure and shall make reasonable efforts to provide notice to the public of an alternative location for early voting.
    (d) (Blank).
(Source: P.A. 102-15, eff. 6-17-21.)

10 ILCS 5/19A-20

    (10 ILCS 5/19A-20)
    Sec. 19A-20. Temporary branch polling places.
    (a) In addition to permanent polling places for early voting, the election authority may establish temporary branch polling places for early voting.
    (b) The provisions of subsection (b) of Section 19A-15 do not apply to a temporary polling place. Voting at a temporary branch polling place may be conducted on any one or more days and during any hours within the period for early voting by personal appearance that are determined by the election authority.
    (c) The schedules for conducting voting do not need to be uniform among the temporary branch polling places.
    (d) The legal rights and remedies which inure to the owner or lessor of private property are not impaired or otherwise affected by the leasing of the property for use as a temporary branch polling place for early voting, except to the extent necessary to conduct early voting at that location.
    (e) In a county with a population of:
         (1) 3,000,000 or more, the election authority in the
county shall establish a temporary branch polling place under this Section in the county jail. Only a resident of a county who is in custody at the county jail and who has not been convicted of the offense for which the resident is in custody is eligible to vote at a temporary branch polling place established under this paragraph (1). The temporary branch polling place established under this paragraph (1) shall allow a voter to vote in the same elections that the voter would be entitled to vote in where the voter resides. To the maximum extent feasible, voting booths or screens shall be provided to ensure the privacy of the voter.
        (2) less than 3,000,000, the sheriff may establish a
temporary branch polling place at the county jail. Only a resident of a county who is in custody at the county jail and who has not been convicted of the offense for which the resident is in custody is eligible to vote at a temporary branch polling place established under this paragraph (2). A temporary branch polling place established under this paragraph (2) shall allow a voter to vote in the same elections that the voter would be entitled to vote in where the voter resides. To the maximum extent feasible, voting booths or screens shall be provided to ensure the privacy of the voter.
    All provisions of this Code applicable to pollwatchers shall apply to a temporary branch polling place under this subsection (e), subject to approval from the election authority and the county jail, except that nonpartisan pollwatchers shall be limited to one per division within the jail instead of one per precinct. A county that establishes a temporary branch polling place inside a county jail in accordance with this subsection (e) shall adhere to all requirements of this subsection (e). All requirements of the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965 and Sections 203 and 208 of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act shall apply to this subsection (e).
(Source: P.A. 101-442, eff. 1-1-20; 102-15, eff. 6-17-21.)

10 ILCS 5/19A-21

    (10 ILCS 5/19A-21)
    Sec. 19A-21. Use of local public buildings for early voting polling places. Upon request by an election authority, a unit of local government (as defined in Section 1 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution, which does not include school districts) shall make the unit's public buildings within the election authority's jurisdiction available as permanent or temporary early voting polling places without charge. Availability of a building shall include reasonably necessary time before and after the period early voting is conducted at that building. However, if upon receiving the election authority's request, a park district organized under the Park District Code demonstrates to the election authority that the use of a specific room as an early voting polling place would interfere with scheduled programming, the election authority and the park district shall work cooperatively to find an alternative room at the same location to serve as an early voting polling place. If the park district and the election authority are unable to identify a mutually agreeable alternative location at the park district, the park district and election authority shall prepare documentation explaining the difficulties for their respective entities to the Board of County Commissioners who shall determine which room shall be used as an early voting polling place as soon as practicable to avoid delays in determining an early voting polling place.
    A unit of local government making its public building available as a permanent or temporary early voting polling place shall ensure that any portion of the building made available is accessible to voters with disabilities and elderly voters.
(Source: P.A. 103-600, eff. 7-1-24.)

10 ILCS 5/19A-25

    (10 ILCS 5/19A-25)
    Sec. 19A-25. Schedule of locations and times for early voting.
    (a) The election authority shall publish during the week before the period for early voting and at least once each week during the period for early voting in a newspaper of general circulation in the election authority's jurisdiction a schedule stating:
        (1) the location of each permanent and temporary
polling place for early voting and the precincts served by each location; and
        (2) the dates and hours that early voting will be
conducted at each location.
    (b) The election authority shall post a copy of the schedule at any office or other location that is to be used as a polling place for early voting. The schedule must be posted continuously for a period beginning not later than the 10th day before the first day of the period for early voting by personal appearance and ending on the last day of that period.
    (c) The election authority must make copies of the schedule available to the public in reasonable quantities without charge during the period of posting.
    (d) If the election authority maintains a website, it shall make the schedule available on its website.
    (e) No additional permanent polling places for early voting may be established after the schedule is published under this Section. Additional temporary locations may be established after the schedule is published, provided that the location is open to all eligible voters. The location, dates, and hours shall be reported to the State Board of Elections and posted on the election authority's website.
    (f) At least 10 days before the period for early voting begins, each election authority shall provide the State Board of Elections with a list of all early voting sites and the hours each site will be open.
(Source: P.A. 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15.)

10 ILCS 5/19A-25.5

    (10 ILCS 5/19A-25.5)
    Sec. 19A-25.5. Voting machines, automatic tabulating equipment, and precinct tabulation optical scan technology voting equipment.
    (a) In all jurisdictions in which voting machines are used, the provisions of this Code that are not inconsistent with this Article relating to the furnishing of ballot boxes, printing and furnishing ballots and supplies, the canvassing of ballots, and the making of returns, apply with full force and effect to the extent necessary to make this Article effective, provided that the number of ballots to be printed shall be in the discretion of the election authority, and provided further that early ballots shall not be counted until after the polls are closed on election day.
    (b) If the election authority has adopted the use of automatic tabulating equipment under Article 24A of this Code, and the provisions of that Article are in conflict with the provisions of this Article 19A, the provisions of Article 24A shall govern the procedures followed by the election authority, its judges of election, and all employees and agents; provided that early ballots shall be counted at the election authority's central ballot counting location and shall not be counted until after the polls are closed on election day.
    (c) If the election authority has adopted the use of tabulation optical scan technology voting equipment under Article 24B of this Code, and the provisions of that Article are in conflict with the provisions of this Article 19A, the provisions of Article 24B shall govern the procedures followed by the election authority, its judges of election, and all employees and agents; provided that early ballots shall be counted at the election authority's central ballot counting location and shall not be counted until after the polls are closed on election day.
    (d) If the election authority has adopted the use of Direct Recording Electronic Voting Systems under Article 24C of this Code, and the provisions of that Article are in conflict with the provisions of this Article 19A, the provisions of Article 24C shall govern the procedures followed by the election authority, its judges of election, and all employees and agents; provided that early ballots shall be counted at the election authority's central ballot counting location and shall not be counted until after the polls are closed on election day.
(Source: P.A. 94-645, eff. 8-22-05; 94-1000, eff. 7-3-06.)

10 ILCS 5/19A-30

    (10 ILCS 5/19A-30)
    Sec. 19A-30. Persons conducting early voting.
    (a) The election authority (i) must use election judges to conduct early voting at an early voting polling place or (ii) must appoint an employee or, if appropriate, designate a municipal clerk, township clerk, or road district clerk to serve as the election official in charge of a polling place for early voting.
    (b) If the election authority uses an employee or designates a municipal, township, or road district clerk under subsection (a), then the election authority may also appoint as many additional election officials as it deems necessary for the proper conduct of the election.
(Source: P.A. 94-645, eff. 8-22-05.)

10 ILCS 5/19A-35

    (10 ILCS 5/19A-35)
    Sec. 19A-35. Procedure for voting.
    (a) Not more than 23 days before the start of the election, the county clerk shall make available to the election official conducting early voting by personal appearance a sufficient number of early ballots, envelopes, and printed voting instruction slips for the use of early voters. The election official shall receipt for all ballots received and shall return unused or spoiled ballots at the close of the early voting period to the county clerk and must strictly account for all ballots received. The ballots delivered to the election official must include early ballots for each precinct in the election authority's jurisdiction and must include separate ballots for each political subdivision conducting an election of officers or a referendum at that election.
    (b) In conducting early voting under this Article, the election judge or official is required to verify the signature of the early voter by comparison with the signature on the official registration card, and the judge or official must verify (i) that the applicant is a registered voter, (ii) the precinct in which the applicant is registered, and (iii) the proper ballots of the political subdivision in which the applicant resides and is entitled to vote before providing an early ballot to the applicant. The election judge or official must verify the applicant's registration from the most recent poll list provided by the election authority, and if the applicant is not listed on that poll list, by telephoning the office of the election authority.
    (b-5) A person requesting an early voting ballot to whom a vote by mail ballot was issued may vote early if the person submits that vote by mail ballot to the judges of election or official conducting early voting for cancellation. If the voter is unable to submit the vote by mail ballot, it shall be sufficient for the voter to submit to the judges or official (i) a portion of the vote by mail ballot if the vote by mail ballot was torn or mutilated or (ii) an affidavit executed before the judges or official specifying that (A) the voter never received a vote by mail ballot or (B) the voter completed and returned a vote by mail ballot and was informed that the election authority did not receive that vote by mail ballot.
    (b-10) Within one day after a voter casts an early voting ballot, the election authority shall transmit the voter's name, street address, and precinct, ward, township, and district numbers, as the case may be, to the State Board of Elections, which shall maintain those names and that information in an electronic format on its website, arranged by county and accessible to State and local political committees.
    (b-15) Immediately after voting an early ballot, the voter shall be instructed whether the voting equipment accepted or rejected the ballot or identified that ballot as under-voted for a statewide constitutional office. A voter whose ballot is identified as under-voted may return to the voting booth and complete the voting of that ballot. A voter whose early voting ballot is not accepted by the voting equipment may, upon surrendering the ballot, request and vote another early voting ballot. The voter's surrendered ballot shall be initialed by the election judge or official conducting the early voting and handled as provided in the appropriate Article governing the voting equipment used.
    (c) The sealed early ballots in their carrier envelope shall be delivered by the election authority to the central ballot counting location before the close of the polls on the day of the election.
(Source: P.A. 98-691, eff. 7-1-14; 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15.)

10 ILCS 5/19A-40

    (10 ILCS 5/19A-40)
    Sec. 19A-40. Enclosure of ballots in envelope. It is the duty of the election judge or official to fold the ballot or ballots in the manner specified by the statute for folding ballots prior to their deposit in the ballot box, and to enclose the ballot or ballots in an envelope unsealed to be furnished by him or her, which envelope shall bear upon the face thereof the name, official title, and post office address of the election authority, and upon the other side a printed certification in substantially the following form:
    I state that I am a resident of the .... precinct of the (1) *township of .... (2) *City of .... or (3) *.... ward in the city of .... residing at .... in that city or town in the county of .... and State of Illinois, that I have lived at that address for .... months last past; that I am lawfully entitled to vote in that precinct at the .... election to be held on .... .
*fill in either (1), (2) or (3).
    I further state that I personally marked the enclosed ballot in secret.
    Under penalties of perjury as provided by law pursuant to Section 29-10 of the Election Code, the undersigned certifies that the statements set forth in this certification are true and correct.
    If the ballot enclosed is to be voted at a primary election, the certification shall designate the name of the political party with which the voter is affiliated.
    In addition to the above, the election authority shall provide printed slips giving full instructions regarding the manner of marking and returning the ballot in order that the same may be counted, and shall furnish one of the printed slips to each of such applicants at the same time the ballot is delivered to him or her. The instructions shall include the following statement: "In signing the certification on the early ballot envelope, you are attesting that you personally marked this early ballot in secret. If you are physically unable to mark the ballot, a friend or relative may assist you. Federal and State laws prohibit your employer, your employer's agent, or an officer or agent of your union from assisting voters with physical disabilities."
    In addition to the above, if a ballot to be provided to a voter pursuant to this Section contains a public question described in subsection (b) of Section 28-6 and the territory concerning which the question is to be submitted is not described on the ballot due to the space limitations of the ballot, the election authority shall provide a printed copy of a notice of the public question, which shall include a description of the territory in the manner required by Section 16-7. The notice shall be furnished to the voter at the same time the ballot is delivered to the voter.
(Source: P.A. 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)

10 ILCS 5/19A-45

    (10 ILCS 5/19A-45)
    Sec. 19A-45. Certification. The voter shall make and subscribe the certification provided for on the return envelope of the ballot, and the ballot or ballots shall be folded by the voter in the manner required to be folded before depositing the ballot in the ballot box, and shall be deposited in the envelope and the envelope securely sealed. The voter shall then endorse his or her certificate on the back of the envelope and the envelope shall be returned to the election judge or official conducting the early voting.
(Source: P.A. 94-645, eff. 8-22-05.)

10 ILCS 5/19A-50

    (10 ILCS 5/19A-50)
    Sec. 19A-50. Receipt of ballots. Upon receipt of the voter's ballot, the election judge or official shall enclose the unopened ballot in a large or carrier envelope that shall be securely sealed and endorsed with the name and official title of the election judge or official and the words, "This envelope contains a ballot and must be opened on election day", together with the number and description of the precinct in which the ballot is to be voted, and the election authority shall safely keep the envelope in its office until delivered to the central ballot counting location. The ballots determined to be valid shall be added to the vote totals for the precincts for which they were cast in the order in which the ballots were opened.
(Source: P.A. 94-645, eff. 8-22-05; 94-1000, eff. 7-3-06.)

10 ILCS 5/19A-55

    (10 ILCS 5/19A-55)
    Sec. 19A-55. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 94-645, eff. 8-22-05. Repealed by P.A. 94-1000, eff. 7-3-06.)

10 ILCS 5/19A-60

    (10 ILCS 5/19A-60)
    Sec. 19A-60. Pollwatchers. Pollwatchers may be appointed to observe early voting by personal appearance at each permanent and temporary polling place where early voting is conducted. The pollwatchers shall qualify and be appointed in the same manner as provided in Sections 7-34 and 17-23, except that each candidate, political party, or organization of citizens may appoint only one pollwatcher for each location where early voting by personal appearance is conducted. Pollwatchers must be residents of the State and possess valid pollwatcher credentials.
    Pollwatchers shall be permitted to observe all proceedings and view all reasonably requested records relating to the conduct of the early voting, provided the secrecy of the ballot is not impinged, and to station themselves in a position in the voting room as will enable them to observe the judges or election authority personnel making the signature comparison between the voter application and the voter registration record card; provided, however, that the pollwatchers shall not be permitted to station themselves in such close proximity to the judges of election or election authority personnel so as to interfere with the orderly conduct of the voting and shall not, in any event, be permitted to handle voting or election materials. Pollwatchers may challenge for cause the voting qualifications of a person offering to vote and may call to the attention of the judges of election or election authority personnel any incorrect procedure or apparent violations of this Code.
     The judges of election or election authority personnel conducting early voting, or a majority of either of these, have the power and authority to hear and determine the legality of an early voting ballot.
(Source: P.A. 94-645, eff. 8-22-05; 94-1000, eff. 7-3-06.)

10 ILCS 5/19A-65

    (10 ILCS 5/19A-65)
    Sec. 19A-65. Death of voter before opening of polls. Whenever due proof is made to the judges of election or election authority personnel counting early ballots that any voter who has marked an early ballot as provided in this Article has died before the opening of the polls on the date of the election, the ballot of the deceased voter shall be returned in the same manner provided for rejected ballots; but the casting of the ballot of a deceased voter shall not invalidate the election.
(Source: P.A. 94-645, eff. 8-22-05.)

10 ILCS 5/19A-70

    (10 ILCS 5/19A-70)
    Sec. 19A-70. Advertising or campaigning in proximity of polling place; penalty. During the period prescribed in Section 19A-15 for early voting by personal appearance, no advertising pertaining to any candidate or proposition to be voted on may be displayed in or within 100 feet of any polling place used by voters under this Article. No person may engage in electioneering in or within 100 feet of any polling place used by voters under this Article. The provisions of Section 17-29 with respect to establishment of a campaign free zone, including, but not limited to, the provisions for placement of signage on public property beyond the campaign free zone, apply to polling places under this Article.
    Any person who violates this Section may be punished for contempt of court.
(Source: P.A. 98-115, eff. 7-29-13.)

10 ILCS 5/19A-75

    (10 ILCS 5/19A-75)
    Sec. 19A-75. Early voting in jurisdictions using Direct Recording Electronic Voting Systems under Article 24C. Election authorities that have adopted for use Direct Recording Electronic Voting Systems under Article 24C may either use those voting systems to conduct early voting or, so long as at least one Direct Recording Electronic Voting System device is available at each early voting polling place, use whatever method the election authority uses for vote by mail balloting; provided that no early ballots are counted before the polls close on election day.
(Source: P.A. 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15.)

10 ILCS 5/Art. 20

    (10 ILCS 5/Art. 20 heading)

10 ILCS 5/20-1

    (10 ILCS 5/20-1) (from Ch. 46, par. 20-1)
    Sec. 20-1. The following words and phrases contained in this Article shall be construed as follows:
    1. "Territorial limits of the United States" means each of the several States of the United States and includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam and the Virgin Islands; but does not include American Samoa, the Canal Zone, the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands or any other territory or possession of the United States.
    2. "Member of the United States Service" means (a) members of the Armed Forces while on active duty and their spouses and dependents of voting age when residing with or accompanying them, (b) members of the Merchant Marine of the United States and their spouses and dependents when residing with or accompanying them and (c) United States government employees serving outside the territorial limits of the United States.
    3. "Citizens of the United States temporarily residing outside the territorial limits of the United States" means civilian citizens of the United States and their spouses and dependents of voting age when residing with or accompanying them, who maintain a precinct residence in a county in this State and whose intent to return may be ascertained.
    4. "Non-Resident Civilian Citizens" means civilian citizens of the United States (a) who reside outside the territorial limits of the United States, (b) who had maintained a precinct residence in a county in this State immediately prior to their departure from the United States, (c) who do not maintain a residence and are not registered to vote in any other State, and (d) whose intent to return to this State may be uncertain.
    5. "Official postcard" means the postcard application for registration to vote or for a vote by mail ballot in the form provided in Section 204(c) of the Federal Voting Rights Act of 1955, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1973cc-14(c)).
    6. "Federal office" means the offices of President and Vice-President of the United States, United States Senator, Representative in Congress, delegates and alternate delegates to the national nominating conventions and candidates for the Presidential Preference Primary.
    7. "Federal election" means any general, primary or special election at which candidates are nominated or elected to Federal office.
    8. "Dependent", for purposes of this Article, shall mean a father, mother, brother, sister, son or daughter.
    9. "Electronic transmission" includes, but is not limited to, transmission by electronic mail or the Internet.
(Source: P.A. 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15.)

10 ILCS 5/20-1b

    (10 ILCS 5/20-1b)
    Sec. 20-1b. Voter electronic-mail addresses. The election authority shall give each voter who requests a ballot under the provisions of Article 20 the opportunity to provide an electronic-mail address beginning January 1, 2012, provided that the voter may opt out of providing an electronic-mail address. An electronic-mail address provided shall not be publicly available and is exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Neither an election authority nor the State Board of Elections may release a voter's electronic-mail address to any third party. An election authority may use the address only to communicate with the voter about the voting process, including transmitting military-overseas ballots and election materials if the voter has requested electronic transmission, and verifying the voter's mailing address and physical location as needed. Any other use or disclosure is prohibited, and each request for an electronic-mail address shall so state.
(Source: P.A. 97-81, eff. 7-5-11.)

10 ILCS 5/20-2

    (10 ILCS 5/20-2) (from Ch. 46, par. 20-2)
    Sec. 20-2. Any member of the United States Service, otherwise qualified to vote, who expects in the course of his duties to be absent from the county in which he resides on the day of holding any election may make application for a vote by mail ballot to the election authority having jurisdiction over his precinct of residence on the official postcard or on a form furnished by the election authority as prescribed by Section 20-3 of this Article not less than 10 days before the election. A request pursuant to this Section shall entitle the applicant to a vote by mail ballot for every election in one calendar year. The original application for ballot shall be kept in the office of the election authority for one year as authorization to send a ballot to the voter for each election to be held within that calendar year. A certified copy of such application for ballot shall be sent each election with the vote by mail ballot to the election authority's central ballot counting location to be used in lieu of the original application for ballot. No registration shall be required in order to vote pursuant to this Section.
    Ballots under this Section shall be mailed by the election authority in the manner prescribed by Section 20-5 of this Article and not otherwise. Ballots voted under this Section must be returned postmarked no later than election day and received for counting at the central ballot counting location of the election authority during the period for counting provisional ballots, the last day of which is the 14th day following election day.
(Source: P.A. 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15; 99-522, eff. 6-30-16.)

10 ILCS 5/20-2.1

    (10 ILCS 5/20-2.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 20-2.1)
    Sec. 20-2.1. Citizens of the United States temporarily residing outside the territorial limits of the United States who are not registered but otherwise qualified to vote and who expect to be absent from their county of residence during the periods of voter registration provided for in Articles 4, 5 or 6 of this Code and on the day of holding any election, may make simultaneous application to the election authority having jurisdiction over their precinct of residence for registration by mail and vote by mail ballot not less than 30 days before the election. Such application may be made on the official postcard or on a form furnished by the election authority as prescribed by Section 20-3 of this Article or by facsimile or electronic transmission. A request pursuant to this Section shall entitle the applicant to a vote by mail ballot for every election in one calendar year. The original application for ballot shall be kept in the office of the election authority for one year as authorization to send a ballot to the voter for each election to be held within that calendar year. A certified copy of such application for ballot shall be sent each election with the vote by mail ballot to the election authority's central ballot counting location to be used in lieu of the original application for ballot.
    Registration shall be required in order to vote pursuant to this Section. However, if the election authority receives one of such applications after 30 days but not less than 10 days before a Federal election, said applicant shall be sent a ballot containing the Federal offices only and registration for that election shall be waived.
    Ballots under this Section shall be delivered by the election authority in the manner prescribed by Section 20-5 of this Article in person, by mail, or, if requested by the applicant and the election authority has the capability, by facsimile transmission or by electronic transmission.
    Ballots voted under this Section must be returned postmarked no later than election day and received for counting at the central ballot counting location of the election authority during the period for counting provisional ballots, the last day of which is the 14th day following election day.
(Source: P.A. 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15; 99-522, eff. 6-30-16.)

10 ILCS 5/20-2.2

    (10 ILCS 5/20-2.2) (from Ch. 46, par. 20-2.2)
    Sec. 20-2.2. Any non-resident civilian citizen, otherwise qualified to vote, may make application to the election authority having jurisdiction over his precinct of former residence for a vote by mail ballot containing the Federal offices only not less than 10 days before a Federal election. Such application may be made on the official postcard or by facsimile or electronic transmission. A request pursuant to this Section shall entitle the applicant to a vote by mail ballot for every election in one calendar year at which Federal offices are filled. The original application for ballot shall be kept in the office of the election authority for one year as authorization to send a ballot to the voter for each election to be held within that calendar year at which Federal offices are filled. A certified copy of such application for ballot shall be sent each election with the vote by mail ballot to the election authority's central ballot counting location to be used in lieu of the original application for ballot. No registration shall be required in order to vote pursuant to this Section. Ballots under this Section shall be delivered by the election authority in the manner prescribed by Section 20-5 of this Article in person, by mail, or, if requested by the applicant and the election authority has the capability, by facsimile transmission or by electronic transmission. Ballots voted under this Section must be returned postmarked no later than election day and received for counting at the central ballot counting location of the election authority during the period for counting provisional ballots, the last day of which is the 14th day following election day.
(Source: P.A. 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15; 99-522, eff. 6-30-16.)

10 ILCS 5/20-2.3

    (10 ILCS 5/20-2.3) (from Ch. 46, par. 20-2.3)
    Sec. 20-2.3. Members of the Armed Forces and their spouses and dependents. Any member of the United States Armed Forces while on active duty, and his or her spouse and dependents, otherwise qualified to vote, who expects in the course of his or her duties to be absent from the county in which he or she resides on the day of holding any election, in addition to any other method of making application for vote by mail ballot under this Article, may make application for a vote by mail ballot to the election authority having jurisdiction over his or her precinct of residence by a facsimile machine or electronic transmission not less than 10 days before the election.
    Ballots under this Section shall be delivered by the election authority in the manner prescribed by Section 20-5 of this Article in person, by mail, or, if requested by the applicant and the election authority has the capability, by facsimile transmission or by electronic transmission. Ballots voted under this Section must be returned postmarked no later than election day and received for counting at the central ballot counting location of the election authority during the period for counting provisional ballots, the last day of which is the 14th day following election day.
(Source: P.A. 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15; 99-522, eff. 6-30-16.)

10 ILCS 5/20-3

    (10 ILCS 5/20-3) (from Ch. 46, par. 20-3)
    Sec. 20-3. The election authority shall furnish the following applications for registration by mail or vote by mail ballot which shall be considered a method of application in lieu of the official postcard.
    1. Members of the United States Service and citizens of the United States temporarily residing outside the territorial limits of the United States may make application within the periods prescribed in Sections 20-2 or 20-2.1, as the case may be. Such application shall be substantially in the following form:
    To be voted at the ............ election in the precinct in which is located my residence at ..............., in the city/village/township of ............(insert home address) County of ........... and State of Illinois.
    I state that I am a citizen of the United States; that on (insert date of election) I shall have resided in the State of Illinois and in the election precinct for 30 days; that on the above date I shall be the age of 18 years or above; that I am lawfully entitled to vote in such precinct at that election; that I am (check category 1, 2, or 3 below):
    1.  ( ) a member of the United States Service,
    2.  ( ) a citizen of the United States temporarily residing outside the territorial limits of the United States and that I expect to be absent from the said county of my residence on the date of holding such election, and that I will have no opportunity to vote in person on that day.
    I hereby make application for an official ballot or ballots to be voted by me at such election if I am absent from the said county of my residence, and I agree that I shall return said ballot or ballots to the election authority postmarked no later than election day, for counting no later than during the period for counting provisional ballots, the last day of which is the 14th day following election day or shall destroy said ballot or ballots.
    (Check below only if category 2 and not previously registered)
    ( ) I hereby make application to become registered as a voter and agree to return the forms and affidavits for registration to the election authority not later than 30 days before the election.
    Under penalties as provided by law pursuant to Article 29 of the Election Code, the undersigned certifies that the statements set forth in this application are true and correct.
    Post office address or service address to which registration materials or ballot should be mailed
    If application is made for a primary election ballot, such application shall designate the name of the political party with which the applicant is affiliated.
    Such applications may be obtained from the election authority having jurisdiction over the person's precinct of residence.
    2. A spouse or dependent of a member of the United States Service, said spouse or dependent being a registered voter in the county, may make application on behalf of said person in the office of the election authority within the periods prescribed in Section 20-2 which shall be substantially in the following form:
"APPLICATION FOR BALLOT to be voted at the........... election in the precinct in which is located the residence of the person for whom this application is made at.............(insert residence address) in the city/village/township of......... County of.......... and State of Illinois.
    I certify that the following named person................ (insert name of person) is a member of the United States Service.
    I state that said person is a citizen of the United States; that on (insert date of election) said person shall have resided in the State of Illinois and in the election precinct for which this application is made for 30 days; that on the above date said person shall be the age of 18 years or above; that said person is lawfully entitled to vote in such precinct at that election; that said person is a member of the United States Service, and that in the course of his duties said person expects to be absent from his county of residence on the date of holding such election, and that said person will have no opportunity to vote in person on that day.
    I hereby make application for an official ballot or ballots to be voted by said person at such election and said person agrees that he shall return said ballot or ballots to the election authority postmarked no later than election day, for counting no later than during the period for counting provisional ballots, the last day of which is the 14th day following election day, or shall destroy said ballot or ballots.
    I hereby certify that I am the (mother, father, sister, brother, husband or wife) of the said elector, and that I am a registered voter in the election precinct for which this application is made. (Strike all but one that is applicable.)
    Under penalties as provided by law pursuant to Article 29 of The Election Code, the undersigned certifies that the statements set forth in this application are true and correct.
Name of applicant ......................
Residence address ........................
    Service address to which ballot should be mailed:
    If application is made for a primary election ballot, such application shall designate the name of the political party with which the person for whom application is made is affiliated.
    Such applications may be obtained from the election authority having jurisdiction over the voting precinct in which the person for whom application is made is entitled to vote.
(Source: P.A. 101-270, eff. 1-1-21; 102-292, eff. 1-1-22.)

10 ILCS 5/20-4

    (10 ILCS 5/20-4) (from Ch. 46, par. 20-4)
    Sec. 20-4. Immediately upon the receipt of the official postcard or an application as provided in Section 20-3 within the times heretofore prescribed, the election authority shall ascertain whether or not such applicant is legally entitled to vote as requested, including verification of the applicant's signature by comparison with the signature on the official registration record card, if any. If the election authority ascertains that the applicant is lawfully entitled to vote, it shall enter the name, street address, ward and precinct number of such applicant on a list to be posted in his or its office in a place accessible to the public. Within one day after posting the name and other information of an applicant for a ballot, the election authority shall transmit that name and posted information to the State Board of Elections, which shall maintain the names and other information in an electronic format on its website, arranged by county and accessible to State and local political committees. As soon as the official ballot is prepared the election authority shall immediately deliver the same to the applicant in person, by mail, by facsimile transmission, or by electronic transmission as provided in this Article.
    If any such election authority receives a second or additional application which it believes is from the same person, he or it shall submit it to the chief judge of the circuit court or any judge of that court designated by the chief judge. If the chief judge or his designate determines that the application submitted to him is a second or additional one, he shall so notify the election authority who shall disregard the second or additional application.
    The election authority shall maintain a list for each election of the voters to whom it has issued vote by mail ballots. The list shall be maintained for each precinct within the jurisdiction of the election authority. Prior to the opening of the polls on election day, the election authority shall deliver to the judges of election in each precinct the list of registered voters in that precinct to whom vote by mail ballots have been issued.
    Election authorities may transmit by facsimile or other electronic means a ballot simultaneously with transmitting an application for vote by mail ballot; however, no such ballot shall be counted unless an application has been completed by the voter and the election authority ascertains that the applicant is lawfully entitled to vote as provided in this Section.
(Source: P.A. 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15.)

10 ILCS 5/20-5

    (10 ILCS 5/20-5) (from Ch. 46, par. 20-5)
    Sec. 20-5. The election authority shall fold the ballot or ballots in the manner specified by the statute for folding ballots prior to their deposit in the ballot box and shall enclose such ballot in an envelope unsealed to be furnished by it, which envelope shall bear upon the face thereof the name, official title and post office address of the election authority, and upon the other side of such envelope there shall be printed a certification in substantially the following form:
    I state that I am a resident/former resident of the ....... precinct of the city/village/township of ............, (Designation to be made by Election Authority) or of the .... ward in the city of ........... (Designation to be made by Election Authority) residing at ................ in said city/village/township in the county of ........... and State of Illinois; that I am a
    1.  (  ) member of the United States Service
    2.  (  ) citizen of the United States temporarily residing outside the territorial limits of the United States
    3. ( ) nonresident civilian citizen
and desire to cast the enclosed ballot pursuant to Article 20 of the Election Code; that I am lawfully entitled to vote in such precinct at the ........... election to be held on ............
    I further state that I marked the enclosed ballot in secret.
    Under penalties as provided by law pursuant to Article 29 of the Election Code, the undersigned certifies that the statements set forth in this certification are true and correct.
(Service Address)
    If the ballot enclosed is to be voted at a primary election, the certification shall designate the name of the political party with which the voter is affiliated.
    In addition to the above, the election authority shall provide printed slips giving full instructions regarding the manner of completing the forms and affidavits for registration by mail or the manner of marking and returning the ballot in order that the same may be counted, and shall furnish one of the printed slips to each of the applicants at the same time the registration materials or ballot is delivered to him.
    In addition to the above, if a ballot to be provided to an elector pursuant to this Section contains a public question described in subsection (b) of Section 28-6 and the territory concerning which the question is to be submitted is not described on the ballot due to the space limitations of such ballot, the election authority shall provide a printed copy of a notice of the public question, which shall include a description of the territory in the manner required by Section 16-7. The notice shall be furnished to the elector at the same time the ballot is delivered to the elector.
    The envelope in which such registration or such ballot is mailed to the voter as well as the envelope in which the registration materials or the ballot is returned by the voter shall have printed across the face thereof two parallel horizontal red bars, each one-quarter inch wide, extending from one side of the envelope to the other side, with an intervening space of one-quarter inch, the top bar to be one and one-quarter inches from the top of the envelope, and with the words "Official Election Balloting Material-VIA AIR MAIL" between the bars. In the upper right corner of such envelope in a box, there shall be printed the words: "U.S. Postage Paid 42 USC 1973". All printing on the face of such envelopes shall be in red, including an appropriate inscription or blank in the upper left corner of return address of sender.
    The envelope in which the ballot is returned to the election authority may be delivered (i) by mail, postage paid, (ii) in person, by the spouse, parent, child, brother, or sister of the voter, or (iii) by a company engaged in the business of making deliveries of property and licensed as a motor carrier of property by the Illinois Commerce Commission under the Illinois Commercial Transportation Law.
    Election authorities transmitting ballots by facsimile or electronic transmission shall, to the extent possible, provide those applicants with the same instructions, certification, and other materials required when sending by mail.
(Source: P.A. 100-201, eff. 8-18-17.)

10 ILCS 5/20-6

    (10 ILCS 5/20-6)
    Sec. 20-6. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15. Repealed by P.A. 99-522, eff. 6-30-16.)

10 ILCS 5/20-7

    (10 ILCS 5/20-7) (from Ch. 46, par. 20-7)
    Sec. 20-7. Upon receipt of such vote by mail voter's ballot, the officer or officers above described shall forthwith enclose the same unopened, together with the application made by said vote by mail voter in a large or carrier envelope which shall be securely sealed and endorsed with the name and official title of such officer and the words, "This envelope contains a vote by mail voter's ballot and must be opened on election day," together with the number and description of the precinct in which said ballot is to be voted, and such officer shall thereafter safely keep the same in his office until counted by him as provided in the next section.
(Source: P.A. 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15.)

10 ILCS 5/20-8

     (10 ILCS 5/20-8) (from Ch. 46, par. 20-8)
    Sec. 20-8. Time and place of counting ballots.
    (a) (Blank.)
    (b) Each vote by mail voter's ballot returned to an election authority, by any means authorized by this Article, and received by that election authority may be processed by the election authority beginning on the day it is received by the election authority in the central ballot counting location of the election authority, but the results of the processing may not be counted until the day of the election after 7:00 p.m., except as provided in subsections (g) and (g-5).
    (c) Each vote by mail voter's ballot that is mailed to an election authority and postmarked no later than election day, but that is received by the election authority after the polls close on election day and before the close of the period for counting provisional ballots cast at that election, shall be endorsed by the receiving authority with the day and hour of receipt and shall be counted at the central ballot counting location of the election authority during the period for counting provisional ballots.
    Each vote by mail voter's ballot that is mailed to an election authority absent a postmark or a barcode usable with an intelligent mail barcode tracking system, but that is received by the election authority after the polls close on election day and before the close of the period for counting provisional ballots cast at that election, shall be endorsed by the receiving authority with the day and hour of receipt, opened to inspect the date inserted on the certification, and, if the certification date is election day or earlier and the ballot is otherwise found to be valid under the requirements of this Section, counted at the central ballot counting location of the election authority during the period for counting provisional ballots. Absent a date on the certification, the ballot shall not be counted.
    If an election authority is using an intelligent mail barcode tracking system, a ballot that is mailed to an election authority absent a postmark may be counted if the intelligent mail barcode tracking system verifies the envelope was mailed no later than election day.
    (d) Special write-in vote by mail voter's blank ballots returned to an election authority, by any means authorized by this Article, and received by the election authority at any time before the closing of the polls on election day shall be endorsed by the receiving election authority with the day and hour of receipt and shall be counted at the central ballot counting location of the election authority during the same period provided for counting vote by mail voters' ballots under subsections (b), (g), and (g-5). Special write-in vote by mail voter's blank ballot that are mailed to an election authority and postmarked no later than election day, but that are received by the election authority after the polls close on election day and before the closing of the period for counting provisional ballots cast at that election, shall be endorsed by the receiving authority with the day and hour of receipt and shall be counted at the central ballot counting location of the election authority during the same periods provided for counting vote by mail voters' ballots under subsection (c).
    (e) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, vote by mail voters' ballots and special write-in vote by mail voter's blank ballots received by the election authority after the closing of the polls on the day of election shall be endorsed by the person receiving the ballots with the day and hour of receipt and shall be safely kept unopened by the election authority for the period of time required for the preservation of ballots used at the election, and shall then, without being opened, be destroyed in like manner as the used ballots of that election.
    (f) Counting required under this Section to begin on election day after the closing of the polls shall commence no later than 8:00 p.m. and shall be conducted by a panel or panels of election judges appointed in the manner provided by law. The counting shall continue until all vote by mail voters' ballots and special write-in vote by mail voter's blank ballots required to be counted on election day have been counted.
    (g) The procedures set forth in Articles 17 and 18 of this Code shall apply to all ballots counted under this Section. In addition, within 2 days after a ballot subject to this Article is received, but in all cases before the close of the period for counting provisional ballots, the election judge or official shall compare the voter's signature on the certification envelope of that ballot with the signature of the voter on file in the office of the election authority. If the election judge or official determines that the 2 signatures match, and that the voter is otherwise qualified to cast a ballot under this Article, the election authority shall cast and count the ballot on election day or the day the ballot is determined to be valid, whichever is later, adding the results to the precinct in which the voter is registered. If the election judge or official determines that the signatures do not match, or that the voter is not qualified to cast a ballot under this Article, then without opening the certification envelope, the judge or official shall mark across the face of the certification envelope the word "Rejected" and shall not cast or count the ballot.
    In addition to the voter's signatures not matching, a ballot subject to this Article may be rejected by the election judge or official:
        (1) if the ballot envelope is open or has been opened
and resealed;
        (2) if the voter has already cast an early or grace
period ballot;
        (3) if the voter voted in person on election day or
the voter is not a duly registered voter in the precinct; or
        (4) on any other basis set forth in this Code.
    If the election judge or official determines that any of these reasons apply, the judge or official shall mark across the face of the certification envelope the word "Rejected" and shall not cast or count the ballot.
    (g-5) If a ballot subject to this Article is rejected by the election judge or official for any reason, the election authority shall, within 2 days after the rejection but in all cases before the close of the period for counting provisional ballots, notify the voter that his or her ballot was rejected. The notice shall inform the voter of the reason or reasons the ballot was rejected and shall state that the voter may appear before the election authority, on or before the 14th day after the election, to show cause as to why the ballot should not be rejected. The voter may present evidence to the election authority supporting his or her contention that the ballot should be counted. The election authority shall appoint a panel of 3 election judges to review the contested ballot, application, and certification envelope, as well as any evidence submitted by the vote by mail voter. No more than 2 election judges on the reviewing panel shall be of the same political party. The reviewing panel of election judges shall make a final determination as to the validity of the contested ballot. The judges' determination shall not be reviewable either administratively or judicially.
    A ballot subject to this subsection that is determined to be valid shall be counted before the close of the period for counting provisional ballots.
    (g-10) All ballots determined to be valid shall be added to the vote totals for the precincts for which they were cast in the order in which the ballots were opened.
    (h) Each political party, candidate, and qualified civic organization shall be entitled to have present one pollwatcher for each panel of election judges therein assigned.
(Source: P.A. 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15; 99-522, eff. 6-30-16.)

10 ILCS 5/20-9

    (10 ILCS 5/20-9)
    Sec. 20-9. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 87-1052. Repealed by P.A. 94-1000, eff. 7-3-06.)

10 ILCS 5/20-10

    (10 ILCS 5/20-10) (from Ch. 46, par. 20-10)
    Sec. 20-10. Pollwatchers shall be permitted to be present during the casting of the vote by mail voters' ballots, each political party, candidate and qualified civic organization shall be entitled to have present one pollwatcher for each panel of election judges therein assigned. Such pollwatchers shall be subject to the same provisions as are provided for pollwatchers in Sections 7-34 and 17-23 of this Code, and shall be permitted to observe the election judges making the signature comparison between that which is on the ballot envelope and that which is on the permanent voter registration record card taken from the master file.
(Source: P.A. 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15; 99-522, eff. 6-30-16.)

10 ILCS 5/20-11

    (10 ILCS 5/20-11) (from Ch. 46, par. 20-11)
    Sec. 20-11. Whenever it shall be made to appear by due proof to the judges of election that any elector who has marked and forwarded his ballot as provided in this article has died prior to the opening of the polls on the date of the election, then the ballot of such deceased voter shall be returned by the judges of election in the same manner as provided for rejected ballots above; but the casting of the ballot of a deceased voter shall not invalidate the election.
(Source: Laws 1944, 1st S.S., p. 6.)

10 ILCS 5/20-12

    (10 ILCS 5/20-12) (from Ch. 46, par. 20-12)
    Sec. 20-12. In all counties, cities, towns and precincts in which voting machines are used, all the provisions of this Act, and not inconsistent with the provisions of this article, relating to the furnishing of ballot boxes, printing and furnishing official ballots and supplies in such number as provided by law, the canvassing of the ballots and making the proper return of the result of the election, shall, to the extent necessary to make this article effective, apply with full force and effect; Provided, however, that the number of ballots to be printed shall be in the discretion of the election authority.
(Source: P.A. 80-1469.)

10 ILCS 5/20-13

    (10 ILCS 5/20-13) (from Ch. 46, par. 20-13)
    Sec. 20-13. If otherwise qualified to vote, any person not covered by Section 20-2, 20-2.1, or 20-2.2 of this Article who is not registered to vote and who is temporarily absent from his county of residence, may make special application to the election authority having jurisdiction over his precinct of permanent residence, not less than 5 days before a presidential election, for a vote by mail ballot to vote for the president and vice-president only. Such application shall be furnished by the election authority and shall be in substantially the following form:
    SPECIAL VOTE BY MAIL BALLOT APPLICATION (For use by non-registered Illinois residents temporarily absent from the county to vote for the president and vice-president only)
    1. I hereby request a vote by mail ballot to vote for the president and vice-president only ......... (insert date of general election)
    2. I am a citizen of the United States and a permanent resident of Illinois.
    3. I have maintained, and still maintain, a permanent abode in Illinois for the past .......... years at: .......... (House) .......... (Number) .......... (Street) .......... (City) .......... (Village) .......... (Town)
    4. I will not be able to regularly register in person as a voter because .................... (Give reason for temporary absence such as "Student", "Temporary job transfer", etc.)
    5. I was born .......... (Month) .......... (Day) .......... (Year) in .................... (State or County);
    6. To be filled in only by a person who is foreign-born (If answer is "yes" in either a. or b. below, fill in appropriate information in c.):
    a. One or both of my parents were United States citizens at the time of my birth?
  ) YES ( ) NO     b. My United States citizenship was derived through an act of the Congress of the United States?
  ) YES ( ) NO     c. The name of the court issuing papers and the date thereof upon which my United States citizenship was derived is .................... located in .......... (City) .......... (State) on .......... (Month) .......... (Day) .......... (Year)
    (For persons who derived citizenship through papers issued through a parent or spouse, fill in the following)
    (1) My parents or spouse's name is:
    ......... (First) .......... (Middle) .......... (Last)
    (2) ........ (Month) .......... (Day) .......... (Year)
    is the date of my marriage or my age at which time I derived my citizenship.
    7. I am not registered as a voter in any other county in the State of Illinois or in any other State.
    8. I am not requesting a ballot from any other place and am not voting in any other manner in this election and I have not voted and do not intend to vote in this election at any other address. I request that you mail my ballot to the following address:
    (Print name and complete mailing address)
    9. Under penalties as provided by law pursuant to Article 29 of the Election Code, the undersigned certifies that the statements set forth in this application are true and correct.
Signature of Applicant
    The procedures set forth in Sections 20-4 through 20-12 of this Article, insofar as they may be made applicable, shall be applicable to vote by mail voting under this Section.
(Source: P.A. 100-201, eff. 8-18-17.)

10 ILCS 5/20-13.1

    (10 ILCS 5/20-13.1) (from Ch. 46, par. 20-13.1)
    Sec. 20-13.1. Any person not covered by Sections 20-2, 20-2.1 or 20-2.2 of this Article who is registered to vote but who is disqualified from voting because he moved outside his election precinct during the 30 days preceding a presidential election may make special application to the election authority having jurisdiction over his precinct of former residence by mail, not more than 30 nor less than 5 days before a Federal election, or in person in the office of the election authority, not more than 30 nor less than 1 day before a Federal election, for a vote by mail ballot to vote for the president and vice-president only. Such application shall be furnished by the election authority and shall be in substantially the following form:
    (For use by registered Illinois voters disqualified for having moved outside their precinct on or after the 30th day preceding the election, to vote for president and vice-president only.)
    1. I hereby request a ballot to vote for president and vice-president only on .......... (insert date of general election).
    2. I am a citizen of the United States and my present address is: .................... (Residence Number) .......... (Street) .................... (City/Village/Township) .......... (County) .......... (State).
    3. As of .......... (Month), .......... (Day), .......... (Year) I was a registered voter at .......... (Residence Number) .......... (Street) .................... (City/Village/Township).
    4. I moved to my present address on .......... (Month) .......... (Day) .......... (Year).
    5. I have not registered to vote from nor have I requested a ballot in any other election jurisdiction in this State or in another State.
    6. (If vote by mail request), I request that you mail the ballot to the following address:
    Print name and complete mailing address.
    Under the penalties as provided by law pursuant to Article 29 of The Election Code, the undersigned certifies that the statements set forth in this application are true and correct.
(Signature of Applicant)
    7. Subscribed and sworn to before me on .......... (Month) .......... (Day) .......... (Year)
(Signature of Official
Administering Oath)
    The procedures set forth in Sections 20-4 through 20-12 of this Article, insofar as they may be made applicable, shall be applicable to vote by mail voting under this Section.
(Source: P.A. 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15.)

10 ILCS 5/20-14

    (10 ILCS 5/20-14) (from Ch. 46, par. 20-14)
    Sec. 20-14. The foregoing sections of this article shall be deemed to provide a method of registration and of voting in addition to the methods otherwise provided in this Code.
(Source: P.A. 81-953.)

10 ILCS 5/20-15

    (10 ILCS 5/20-15)
    Sec. 20-15. Precinct tabulation optical scan technology voting equipment. If the election authority has adopted the use of Precinct Tabulation Optical Scan Technology voting equipment pursuant to Article 24B of this Code, and the provisions of the Article are in conflict with the provisions of this Article 20, the provisions of Article 24B shall govern the procedures followed by the election authority, its judges of elections, and all employees and agents, provided that ballots under this Article must be counted at the election authority's central ballot counting location. In following the provisions of Article 24B, the election authority is authorized to develop and implement procedures to fully utilize Precinct Tabulation Optical Scan Technology voting equipment, at the central ballot counting location, authorized by the State Board of Elections as long as the procedure is not in conflict with either Article 24B or the administrative rules of the State Board of Elections.
(Source: P.A. 94-1000, eff. 7-3-06.)

10 ILCS 5/20-20

    (10 ILCS 5/20-20)
    Sec. 20-20. Report on ballots. On or before the 21st day after an election, each election authority shall transmit to the State Board of Elections the following information with respect to that election:
        (1) The number, by precinct, of ballots subject to
this Article requested, provided, and counted.
        (2) The number of rejected ballots subject to this
        (3) The number of voters seeking review of rejected
ballots pursuant to subsection (g-5) of Section 20-8.
        (4) The number of ballots counted following review
pursuant to subsection (g-5) of Section 20-8.
    On or before the 28th day after an election, the State Board of Elections shall compile the information received under this Section with respect to that election and make that information available to the public.
(Source: P.A. 94-1000, eff. 7-3-06.)

10 ILCS 5/20-25

    (10 ILCS 5/20-25)
    Sec. 20-25. Extraordinary procedures. In the event of a deployment of the United States Armed Forces or the declaration of an emergency by the President of the United States or the Governor of Illinois, The Governor or the executive director of the State Board of Elections may modify the registration and voting procedures established by this Article or by rules adopted pursuant to this Article for the duration of the deployment or emergency in order to facilitate vote by mail voting under this Article. The Governor or executive director, as the case may be, then promptly shall notify each election authority of the changes in procedures. Each election authority shall publicize the modifications and shall provide notice of the modifications to each person under its jurisdiction subject to this Article for whom the election authority has contact information.
(Source: P.A. 98-1171, eff. 6-1-15.)

10 ILCS 5/Art. 21

    (10 ILCS 5/Art. 21 heading)

10 ILCS 5/21-1

    (10 ILCS 5/21-1) (from Ch. 46, par. 21-1)
    Sec. 21-1. Choosing and election of electors of President and Vice-President of the United States shall be in the following manner:
    (a) In each year in which a President and Vice-President of the United States are chosen, each political party or group in this State shall choose by its State Convention or State central committee electors and alternate electors of President and Vice-President of the United States and such State Convention or State central committee of such party or group shall also choose electors at large and alternate electors at large, if any are to be appointed for this State and such State Convention or State central committee of such party or group shall by its chair and secretary certify the total list of such electors and alternate electors together with electors at large and alternate electors at large so chosen to the State Board of Elections.
    The filing of such certificate with the Board, of such choosing of electors and alternate electors shall be deemed and taken to be the choosing and selection of the electors and alternate electors of this State, if such party or group is successful at the polls as herein provided in choosing their candidates for President and Vice-President of the United States.
    (b) The names of the candidates of the several political parties or groups for electors and alternate electors of President and Vice-President shall not be printed on the official ballot to be voted in the election to be held on the day in this Act above named. In lieu of the names of the candidates for such electors and alternate electors of President and Vice-President, immediately under the appellation of party name of a party or group in the column of its candidates on the official ballot, to be voted at said election first above named in subsection (1) of Section 2A-1.2 and Section 2A-2, there shall be printed within a bracket the name of the candidate for President and the name of the candidate for Vice-President of such party or group with a square to the left of such bracket. Each voter in this State from the several lists or sets of electors and alternate electors so chosen and selected by the said respective political parties or groups, may choose and elect one of such lists or sets of electors and alternate electors by placing a cross in the square to the left of the bracket aforesaid of one of such parties or groups. Placing a cross within the square before the bracket enclosing the names of President and Vice-President shall not be deemed and taken as a direct vote for such candidates for President and Vice-President, or either of them, but shall only be deemed and taken to be a vote for the entire list or set of electors and alternate electors chosen by that political party or group so certified to the State Board of Elections as herein provided. Voting by means of placing a cross in the appropriate place preceding the appellation or title of the particular political party or group, shall not be deemed or taken as a direct vote for the candidates for President and Vice-President, or either of them, but instead to the Presidential vote, as a vote for the entire list or set of electors and alternate electors chosen by that political party or group so certified to the State Board of Elections as herein provided.
    (c) Such certification by the respective political parties or groups in this State of electors and alternate electors of President and Vice-President shall be made to the State Board of Elections within 2 days after such State convention or meeting of the State central committee in which the electors and alternate electors were chosen.
    (d) Should more than one certificate of choice and selection of electors and alternate electors of the same political party or group be filed by contesting conventions or contesting groups, it shall be the duty of the State Board of Elections within 10 days after the adjournment of the last of such conventions to meet and determine which set of nominees for electors and alternate electors of such party or group was chosen and selected by the authorized convention of such party or group. The Board, after notice to the chair and secretaries or managers of the conventions or groups and after a hearing shall determine which set of electors and alternate electors was so chosen by the authorized convention and shall so announce and publish the fact, and such decision shall be final and the set of electors and alternate electors so determined upon by the electoral board to be so chosen shall be the list or set of electors and alternate electors to be deemed elected if that party shall be successful at the polls, as herein provided.
    (e) Should a vacancy occur in the office of elector, such vacancy shall be filled in accordance with Section 25 of the Uniform Faithful Presidential Electors Act.
(Source: P.A. 103-600, eff. 7-1-24.)

10 ILCS 5/21-2

    (10 ILCS 5/21-2) (from Ch. 46, par. 21-2)
    Sec. 21-2. The county clerks of the several counties shall, within 21 days next after holding the election named in subsection (1) of Section 2A-1.2 and Section 2A-2, make 2 copies of the abstract of the votes cast for electors and alternate electors by each political party or group, as indicated by the voter, as aforesaid, by a cross in the square to the left of the bracket aforesaid, or as indicated by a cross in the appropriate place preceding the appellation or title of the particular political party or group, and transmit by mail one of the copies to the office of the State Board of Elections and retain the other in his office, to be sent for by the electoral board in case the other should be mislaid. Within 31 days after the holding of such election, and sooner if all the returns are received by the State Board of Elections, the State Board of Elections shall proceed to open and canvass said election returns and to declare which set of candidates for President and Vice-President received, as aforesaid, the highest number of votes cast at such election as aforesaid; and the electors and alternate electors of that party whose candidates for President and Vice-President received the highest number of votes so cast shall be taken and deemed to be elected as electors and alternate electors of President and Vice-President, but should 2 or more sets of candidates for President and Vice-President be returned with an equal and the highest vote, the State Board of Elections shall cause a notice of the same to be published, which notice shall name some day and place, not less than 5 days from the time of such publication of such notice, upon which the State Board of Elections will decide by lot which of the sets of candidates for President and Vice-President so equal and highest shall be declared to be highest. And upon the day and at the place so appointed in the notice, the board shall so decide by lot and declare which is deemed highest of the sets of candidates for President and Vice-President so equal and highest, thereby determining only that the electors and alternate electors chosen as aforesaid by such candidates' party or group are thereby elected by general ticket to be such electors and alternate electors.
(Source: P.A. 103-600, eff. 7-1-24.)

10 ILCS 5/21-3

    (10 ILCS 5/21-3) (from Ch. 46, par. 21-3)
    Sec. 21-3. Within five days after the votes shall have been canvassed and the results declared or the result declared by lot as provided for in Section 21-2 above, the Governor shall cause the result of said election to be published, and shall proclaim the persons electors and alternate electors of President and Vice-President so chosen composing the list so elected, by transmitting by mail to the several persons so chosen and composing the list or set elected, electors of President and Vice-President certificates in triplicate, under the Seal of State of their appointment, and shall also transmit under the Seal of State to the Secretary of State of the United States the certificate of the election of said electors and alternate electors as required by the laws of Congress.
(Source: P.A. 103-600, eff. 7-1-24.)