Illinois General Assembly - Full Text of HB3713
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Full Text of HB3713  103rd General Assembly


Sen. Adriane Johnson

Filed: 4/21/2023





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2    AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 3713 by replacing
3everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4    "Section 5. The School Code is amended by adding Section
52-3.196 as follows:
6    (105 ILCS 5/2-3.196 new)
7    Sec. 2-3.196. School ventilation.
8    (a) As used in this Section:
9    "Active classroom" means any room currently being used for
10any duration of in-person instruction.
11    "ASHRAE" means the American Society of Heating,
12Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers.
13    "Certified assessor" means:
14        (1) a certified technician; or
15        (2) a person who is certified to perform ventilation
16    verification assessments of heating, ventilation, and air



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1    conditioning systems through a certification body
2    accredited by the American National Standards Institute.
3    "CADR" means clean air delivery rate.
4    "Certified technician" means a person who is certified as
5a Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Bureau Technician by the
6International Certification Board and accredited to comply
7with ISO/IEC 17024, which is the conformity assessment
8regarding general requirements for bodies operating
9certification of persons, by the American National Standards
10Institute in Testing Adjusting and Balancing or another
11nationally recognized certifying body accredited to ISO/IEC
1217024 in testing adjusting and balancing.
13    "CFM" means cubic feet per minute.
14    "DBA" means A-weighted sound level in decibels.
15    "HEPA" means High Efficiency Particulate Air.
16    "HVAC" means Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning.
17    "Mechanical engineer" means a professional engineer
18licensed as a mechanical engineer by the Department of
19Financial and Professional Regulation who has professional
20experience with heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
22    "PM2.5" means particulate matter at 2.5 microns or less.
23    "PM10" means particulate matter at 10 microns or less.
24    "PPM" means parts per million.
25    "UV" means ultraviolet.
26    "Skilled and trained construction workforce" means a



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1workforce in which at least 40% of the workers are graduates of
2or registered in and attending an apprenticeship program
3registered with the workforce solutions department or an
4apprenticeship program to which the department has granted
5reciprocal approval for the applicable construction
7    (b) Subject to appropriation, the State Board of Education
8shall require all school districts to supply all active
9classroom instructors, all school staff and administration,
10and district leadership with an educational document, in a PDF
11and a physical format, explaining at a minimum the values of
12good indoor air quality, including peer-reviewed research
13demonstrating effects of poor and good indoor air quality, an
14explanation of airborne transmission of pathogens and other
15airborne substances, a basic explanation of air changes per
16hour and relation to outdoor air and filtered air, best
17practice recommendations for the portable air cleaner and the
18air quality monitor, including guidance on theory, function,
19placement, and operation of the monitor. The document shall be
20developed with the assistance of indoor air quality experts
21located with the help of an organization recognized as a
22subject matter expert in the field of indoor air quality, such
23as a local ASHRAE chapter. This document shall be created and
24supplied to schools within 3 months of the effective date of
25this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly.
26    (c) Subject to appropriation, the State Board shall



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1require all school districts to ensure that all active
2classrooms that are not mechanically ventilated have at least
32 properly functioning windows, or one window in situations
4where only one is present, that can open and can safely stay
5open. School districts must be in compliance with this Section
6within 6 months of the effective date of this amendatory Act of
7the 103rd General Assembly.
8    (d) Subject to appropriation, the State Board shall
9require all school districts to ensure that all active
10classrooms are equipped with an air quality monitor or sensor
12        (1) is installed and operating within one month
13    following delivery, with advanced features such as an
14    integrated dashboard being operable within 6 months;
15        (2) remains in the active classroom until classroom is
16    no longer an active classroom;
17        (3) is an air quality monitor that has been determined
18    by the State Board to be suitable by the State Board
19    seeking out and obtaining a written statement noting that
20    the capabilities of the monitor in question are sufficient
21    to serve the purposes described in this Section from
22    indoor air quality experts located with the help of an
23    organization recognized as a subject matter expert in the
24    field of indoor air quality, such as a local ASHRAE
25    chapter. The written statement shall minimally address
26    suitability of: the selected monitor's measurement



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1    technology, calibration specifications, and manufacturer
2    stated accuracies and ranges;
3        (4) measures carbon dioxide, and preferably also
4    PM2.5, carbon monoxide, PM10, temperature, and humidity;
5        (5) displays, at a minimum, carbon dioxide readings
6    through a display on the device or other means, such as on
7    a computer or cellular phone application;
8        (6) is corded and does not rely solely on batteries
9    for power;
10        (7) is to be located between 2 and 6 feet above the
11    floor and at least 5 feet away from doors, operable
12    windows, or human occupants;
13        (8) connects via a wired or wireless connection to
14    other applicable monitors so as to permit recording of
15    data which includes at least the maximum carbon dioxide
16    concentrations for a period of at least one year, as well
17    as remote access to current air quality readings through a
18    computer or cellular phone application; and
19        (9) provides notification through a visual indicator
20    on the monitor or another alert, such as electronic mail,
21    a text message, or a cellular phone application, when the
22    carbon dioxide levels in the classroom have exceeded a PPM
23    level recommended to the State Board in writing by indoor
24    air quality experts located with the help of an
25    organization recognized as a subject matter expert in the
26    field of indoor air quality, such as a local ASHRAE



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1    chapter.
2    Each school shall record all incidents where the
3recommended PPM level was breached in a classroom and maintain
4those records for at least 5 years.
5    Any supplied air quality monitor under this subsection may
6not be shared between active classrooms.
7    If devices matching the criteria described in this
8subsection are unavailable, the State Board shall contact an
9organization recognized as a subject matter expert in the
10field of indoor air quality, such as a local ASHRAE chapter,
11and request assistance in locating indoor air quality experts
12to help determine suitable selection criteria for an air
13quality monitor that will sufficiently accomplish the goals
14of: providing teachers and staff with air quality information
15to facilitate managing indoor air quality; storing a
16sufficient type and duration of data to facilitate ventilation
17assessments; provide remote access to current air quality
18readings; and generally align with contemporary best practice
20    (e) Subject to appropriation, the State Board shall
21require all school districts to ensure that all active
22classrooms are equipped with a portable air cleaner that meets
23all of the following requirements:
24        (1) Is installed and operating within one month
25    following delivery.
26        (2) Remains in the active classroom until the



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1    classroom is no longer an active classroom.
2        (3) Is a portable air cleaner the State Board has
3    determined to be suitable by seeking out and obtaining a
4    written statement noting that the capabilities of the
5    portable air cleaner in question are sufficient to serve
6    the purposes described in this Section from indoor air
7    quality experts located with the help of an organization
8    recognized as a subject matter expert in the field of
9    indoor air quality, such as a local ASHRAE chapter.
10        (4) Utilizes one or more HEPA filters that are at
11    least 99.97% efficient at filtering 0.3 micrometer
12    diameter particles in standard tests.
13        (5) Utilizes or has the option of utilizing a
14    secondary filter for gaseous pollutants, such as activated
15    carbon.
16        (6) Only utilizes HEPA filtration, as opposed to
17    additional technologies such as ionization, chemical
18    processes, and UV. If such additional technologies are
19    present in the selected portable air cleaner they must be
20    able to be disabled.
21        (7) Has a speed setting that produces a minimum 500
22    smoke CADR. If no air cleaner is available that meets this
23    requirement, then a portable air cleaner that produces a
24    minimum 400 smoke CADR may be selected. The testing method
25    shall be the most recent version of the AC-1 testing
26    method from the Association of Home Appliance



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1    Manufacturers. If the AC-1 testing method is no longer
2    available or used, then a testing method that meets
3    substantially similar standards as the AC-1 testing method
4    may be used. Only fan and filter mechanical HEPA
5    filtration may be utilized for CADR testing and no
6    additional technologies such as ionization. Costs
7    associated with testing shall be the responsibility of the
8    portable air cleaner manufacturer or supplier. Test
9    results shall be provided to the State Board from one or
10    more accredited testing laboratories in the United States
11    that are approved by the Association of Home Appliance
12    Manufacturers or a successor organization to conduct these
13    tests. Preferably, each portable air cleaner shall be
14    tested at the same laboratory.
15        (8) Has more than 3 speed settings, with one of the
16    speed settings operating at a maximum 33 dBA sound power;
17    this speed setting shall produce a minimum of 100 smoke
18    CADR. If no portable air cleaner meets the requirements of
19    this Section with more than 3 speed settings, a portable
20    air cleaner with 3 speed settings may be selected. The
21    portable air cleaner shall have a different speed setting
22    that operates at a maximum 33 dBA sound power; this speed
23    setting shall produce a minimum 275 smoke CADR. If no
24    portable air cleaner operates under those speed setting
25    specifications, then a portable air cleaner that has a
26    speed setting that operates at a maximum of 53 dBA or



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1    produces a minimum of 225 smoke CADR may be used. The
2    testing methods shall be the most recent versions of the
3    AC-1 and AC-2 testing methods from the Association of Home
4    Appliance Manufacturers. If the AC-1 or AC-2 testing
5    methods are no longer available or used, then testing
6    methods that meet substantially similar standards as the
7    AC-1 or AC-2 testing methods may be used. Only fan and
8    filter mechanical HEPA filtration may be utilized for CADR
9    testing, and no additional technologies such as ionization
10    may be used. Costs associated with testing shall be the
11    responsibility of the portable air cleaner manufacturer or
12    supplier. Test results shall be provided to the State
13    Board from one or more accredited testing laboratories in
14    the United States that are approved by the Association of
15    Home Appliance Manufacturers or a successor organization
16    to conduct these tests. Preferably, each portable air
17    cleaner shall be tested at the same laboratory.
18        (9) Is electrically certified by Underwriters
19    Laboratories or a similar organization.
20        (10) Has a manufacturer's warranty of at least one
21    year.
22        (11) Shall be continuously operated during room
23    occupancy on at least low speed.
24        (12) Shall be maintained according to the
25    manufacturer's recommendations, including filter
26    replacements at the recommended schedule.



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1        (13) Shall be replaced within one month if it becomes
2    inoperable.
3    If a portable air cleaner on the market does not meet the
4parameters of this subsection, the State Board shall contact
5an organization recognized as a subject matter expert in the
6field of indoor air quality, such as a local ASHRAE chapter,
7and request assistance in locating indoor air quality experts
8to help determine an alternative portable air cleaner or a
9combination of 2 or more air cleaners that best meet the
10parameters of this subsection and may permit the use of the
11alternative portable air cleaner or a combination of 2 or more
12air cleaners.
13    Any supplied portable air cleaner may not be shared
14between active classrooms.
15    (f) Subject to appropriation, the State Board shall
16require all school districts to supply each school with 5
17additional portable air cleaners and 5 additional air quality
18monitors that meet the requirements of subsections (d) and (e)
19to be used in school health offices, libraries, cafeterias,
20and other similar spaces.
21    (g) Subject to appropriation, the State Board shall
22require all school districts to undertake a ventilation
23verification assessment of all mechanical ventilation systems
24in the school district performed by a certified assessor or a
25mechanical engineer and shall be based on physical
26measurements made during the assessment. If an assessment is



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1performed by a certified assessor, the assessment report shall
2be reviewed by a mechanical engineer. The ventilation
3verification assessment shall verify whether the existing
4mechanical ventilation system is operating in accordance with
5design parameters and meets the requirements of any applicable
6building codes. The State Board shall adopt rules for the
7ventilation verification assessment that shall include, at a
8minimum, each base minimum ventilation verification assessment
9procedure from the most recent version of ASHRAE's Design
10Guidance for Education Facilities or a successor document. The
11State Board shall update its rules regarding the ventilation
12verification assessment as necessary and to conform to the
13best practices for measuring indoor air quality.
14    (h) The verification assessment report from the mechanical
15engineer shall include appropriate corrective actions needed
16for the mechanical ventilation system or the heating,
17ventilation, and air conditioning infrastructure, including
18installation of appropriate filters, installation of carbon
19dioxide sensors and additional maintenance, repairs, upgrades
20or replacement.
21    (i) The school district shall have a ventilation
22verification assessment performed on all mechanical
23ventilation systems in the school district at least every 5
24years. The ventilation verification assessment and the
25ventilation verification reports are public documents and
26shall be available to the public upon request.



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1    (j) Each school's first ventilation verification
2assessment shall occur between one and 6 months after the
3school's air quality monitors have been installed and data has
4started recording, and all measurements for this assessment,
5and all following, shall be made in the same conditions in
6which the building typically operates. The assessment plan
7shall be developed with the assistance of indoor air quality
8experts located with the help of an organization recognized as
9a subject matter expert in the field of indoor air quality,
10such as a local ASHRAE chapter, to ensure that the assessment
11results are representative of indoor air quality conditions
12experienced during normal occupancy.".