Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide.

Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(210 ILCS 45/) Nursing Home Care Act.

210 ILCS 45/3-320

    (210 ILCS 45/3-320) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-320)
    Sec. 3-320. All final administrative decisions of the Department under this Act are subject to judicial review under the Administrative Review Law, as now or hereafter amended, and the rules adopted pursuant thereto. The term "administrative decision" is defined as in Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
(Source: P.A. 83-1530.)

210 ILCS 45/Art. III Pt. 4

    (210 ILCS 45/Art. III Pt. 4 heading)

210 ILCS 45/3-401

    (210 ILCS 45/3-401) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-401)
    Sec. 3-401. A facility may involuntarily transfer or discharge a resident only for one or more of the following reasons:
        (a) for medical reasons;
        (b) for the resident's physical safety;
        (c) for the physical safety of other residents, the
facility staff or facility visitors; or
        (d) for either late payment or nonpayment for the
resident's stay, except as prohibited by Titles XVIII and XIX of the federal Social Security Act. For purposes of this Section, "late payment" means non-receipt of payment after submission of a bill. If payment is not received within 45 days after submission of a bill, a facility may send a notice to the resident and responsible party requesting payment within 30 days. If payment is not received within such 30 days, the facility may thereupon institute transfer or discharge proceedings by sending a notice of transfer or discharge to the resident and responsible party by registered or certified mail. The notice shall state, in addition to the requirements of Section 3-403 of this Act, that the responsible party has the right to pay the amount of the bill in full up to the date the transfer or discharge is to be made and then the resident shall have the right to remain in the facility. Such payment shall terminate the transfer or discharge proceedings. This subsection does not apply to those residents whose care is provided for under the Illinois Public Aid Code. The Department shall adopt rules setting forth the criteria and procedures to be applied in cases of involuntary transfer or discharge permitted under this Section.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)

210 ILCS 45/3-401.1

    (210 ILCS 45/3-401.1) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-401.1)
    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 103-691)
    Sec. 3-401.1. (a) A facility participating in the Medical Assistance Program is prohibited from failing or refusing to retain as a resident any person because he or she is a recipient of or an applicant for the Medical Assistance Program.
    (a-5) After the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1997, a facility of which only a distinct part is certified to participate in the Medical Assistance Program may refuse to retain as a resident any person who resides in a part of the facility that does not participate in the Medical Assistance Program and who is unable to pay for his or her care in the facility without Medical Assistance only if:
        (1) the facility, no later than at the time of
admission and at the time of the resident's contract renewal, explains to the resident (unless he or she is incompetent), and to the resident's representative, and to the person making payment on behalf of the resident for the resident's stay, in writing, that the facility may discharge the resident if the resident is no longer able to pay for his or her care in the facility without Medical Assistance;
        (2) the resident (unless he or she is incompetent),
the resident's representative, and the person making payment on behalf of the resident for the resident's stay, acknowledge in writing that they have received the written explanation.
    (a-10) For the purposes of this Section, a recipient or applicant shall be considered a resident in the facility during any hospital stay totaling 10 days or less following a hospital admission. The Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall recoup funds from a facility when, as a result of the facility's refusal to readmit a recipient after hospitalization for 10 days or less, the recipient incurs hospital bills in an amount greater than the amount that would have been paid by that Department (formerly the Illinois Department of Public Aid) for care of the recipient in the facility. The amount of the recoupment shall be the difference between the Department of Healthcare and Family Services' (formerly the Illinois Department of Public Aid's) payment for hospital care and the amount that Department would have paid for care in the facility.
    (b) A facility which violates this Section shall be guilty of a business offense and fined not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 for the first offense and not less than $1,000 nor more than $5,000 for each subsequent offense.
(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 103-691)
    Sec. 3-401.1. (a) A facility participating in the Medical Assistance Program is prohibited from failing or refusing to retain as a resident any person because he or she is a recipient of or an applicant for the Medical Assistance Program.
    (a-5) A facility of which only a distinct part is certified to participate in the Medical Assistance Program may refuse to retain as a resident any person who resides in a part of the facility that does not participate in the Medical Assistance Program and who is unable to pay for his or her care in the facility without Medical Assistance only if:
        (1) the facility, no later than at the time of
admission and at the time of the resident's contract renewal, explains to the resident (unless he or she is incompetent), and to the resident's representative, and to the person making payment on behalf of the resident for the resident's stay, in writing, that the facility may discharge the resident if the resident is no longer able to pay for his or her care in the facility without Medical Assistance;
        (2) the resident (unless he or she is incompetent),
the resident's representative, and the person making payment on behalf of the resident for the resident's stay, acknowledge in writing that they have received the written explanation;
        (3) in circumstances where the Medicare coverage is
ending prior to the full 100-day benefit period, the facility provides notice to the resident and to the resident's representative that the resident's Medicare coverage will likely end in 5 days. This notification shall specify that the resident shall not be required to move under this Section until these 5 days are up. In cases where the facility is notified in a shorter time frame than 5 days by a managed care organization or the time frame is shorter than 5 days due to inaccurate reporting by an outside entity, the facility must provide a minimum of 2 days' notification.
    (a-10) For the purposes of this Section, a recipient or applicant shall be considered a resident in the facility during any hospital stay totaling 10 days or less following a hospital admission. The Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall recoup funds from a facility when, as a result of the facility's refusal to readmit a recipient after hospitalization for 10 days or less, the recipient incurs hospital bills in an amount greater than the amount that would have been paid by that Department (formerly the Illinois Department of Public Aid) for care of the recipient in the facility. The amount of the recoupment shall be the difference between the Department of Healthcare and Family Services' (formerly the Illinois Department of Public Aid's) payment for hospital care and the amount that Department would have paid for care in the facility.
    (b) A facility which violates this Section shall be guilty of a business offense and fined not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 for the first offense and not less than $1,000 nor more than $5,000 for each subsequent offense.
(Source: P.A. 103-691, eff. 1-1-25.)

210 ILCS 45/3-402

    (210 ILCS 45/3-402) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-402)
    Sec. 3-402. Involuntary transfer or discharge of a resident from a facility shall be preceded by the discussion required under Section 3-408 and by a minimum written notice of 21 days, except in one of the following instances:
    (a) When an emergency transfer or discharge is ordered by the resident's attending physician because of the resident's health care needs. The State Long Term Care Ombudsman shall be notified at the time of the emergency transfer or discharge.
    (b) When the transfer or discharge is mandated by the physical safety of other residents, the facility staff, or facility visitors, as documented in the clinical record. The Department and the State Long Term Care Ombudsman shall be notified prior to any such involuntary transfer or discharge. The Department shall immediately offer transfer, or discharge and relocation assistance to residents transferred or discharged under this subparagraph (b), and the Department may place relocation teams as provided in Section 3-419 of this Act.
    (c) When an identified offender is within the provisional admission period defined in Section 1-120.3. If the Identified Offender Report and Recommendation prepared under Section 2-201.6 shows that the identified offender poses a serious threat or danger to the physical safety of other residents, the facility staff, or facility visitors in the admitting facility and the facility determines that it is unable to provide a safe environment for the other residents, the facility staff, or facility visitors, the facility shall transfer or discharge the identified offender within 3 days after its receipt of the Identified Offender Report and Recommendation.
(Source: P.A. 103-320, eff. 1-1-24.)

210 ILCS 45/3-403

    (210 ILCS 45/3-403) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-403)
    Sec. 3-403. The notice required by Section 3-402 shall be on a form prescribed by the Department and shall contain all of the following:
    (a) The stated reason for the proposed transfer or discharge;
    (b) The effective date of the proposed transfer or discharge;
    (c) A statement in not less than 12-point type, which reads: "You have a right to appeal the facility's decision to transfer or discharge you. If you think you should not have to leave this facility, you may file a request for a hearing with the Department of Public Health within 10 days after receiving this notice. If you request a hearing, it will be held not later than 10 days after your request, and you generally will not be transferred or discharged during that time. If the decision following the hearing is not in your favor, you generally will not be transferred or discharged prior to the expiration of 30 days following receipt of the original notice of the transfer or discharge. A form to appeal the facility's decision and to request a hearing is attached. If you have any questions, call the Department of Public Health or the State Long Term Care Ombudsman at the telephone numbers listed below.";
    (d) A hearing request form, together with a postage paid, preaddressed envelope to the Department; and
    (e) The name, address, and telephone number of the person charged with the responsibility of supervising the transfer or discharge.
(Source: P.A. 103-320, eff. 1-1-24.)

210 ILCS 45/3-404

    (210 ILCS 45/3-404) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-404)
    Sec. 3-404. A request for a hearing made under Section 3-403 shall stay a transfer pending a hearing or appeal of the decision, unless a condition which would have allowed transfer or discharge in less than 21 days as described under paragraphs (a) and (b) of Section 3-402 develops in the interim.
(Source: P.A. 81-223.)

210 ILCS 45/3-405

    (210 ILCS 45/3-405) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-405)
    Sec. 3-405. A copy of the notice required by Section 3-402 shall be placed in the resident's clinical record and a copy shall be transmitted to the Department, the State Long Term Care Ombudsman, the resident, and the resident's representative.
(Source: P.A. 103-320, eff. 1-1-24.)

210 ILCS 45/3-406

    (210 ILCS 45/3-406) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-406)
    Sec. 3-406. When the basis for an involuntary transfer or discharge is the result of an action by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly Department of Public Aid) with respect to a recipient of Title XIX and a hearing request is filed with the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly Department of Public Aid), the 21-day written notice period shall not begin until a final decision in the matter is rendered by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly Department of Public Aid) or a court of competent jurisdiction and notice of that final decision is received by the resident and the facility.
(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)

210 ILCS 45/3-407

    (210 ILCS 45/3-407) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-407)
    Sec. 3-407. When nonpayment is the basis for involuntary transfer or discharge, the resident shall have the right to redeem up to the date that the discharge or transfer is to be made and then shall have the right to remain in the facility.
(Source: P.A. 81-223.)

210 ILCS 45/3-408

    (210 ILCS 45/3-408) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-408)
    Sec. 3-408. The planned involuntary transfer or discharge shall be discussed with the resident, the resident's representative and person or agency responsible for the resident's placement, maintenance, and care in the facility. The explanation and discussion of the reasons for involuntary transfer or discharge shall include the facility administrator or other appropriate facility representative as the administrator's designee. The content of the discussion and explanation shall be summarized in writing and shall include the names of the individuals involved in the discussions and made a part of the resident's clinical record.
(Source: P.A. 81-223.)

210 ILCS 45/3-409

    (210 ILCS 45/3-409) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-409)
    Sec. 3-409. The facility shall offer the resident counseling services before the transfer or discharge of the resident.
(Source: P.A. 81-223.)

210 ILCS 45/3-410

    (210 ILCS 45/3-410) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-410)
    Sec. 3-410. A resident subject to involuntary transfer or discharge from a facility, the resident's guardian or if the resident is a minor, his parent shall have the opportunity to file a request for a hearing with the Department within 10 days following receipt of the written notice of the involuntary transfer or discharge by the facility.
(Source: P.A. 81-223.)

210 ILCS 45/3-411

    (210 ILCS 45/3-411) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-411)
    Sec. 3-411. The Department of Public Health, when the basis for involuntary transfer or discharge is other than action by the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (formerly Department of Public Aid) with respect to the Title XIX Medicaid recipient, shall hold a hearing at the resident's facility not later than 10 days after a hearing request is filed, and render a decision within 14 days after the filing of the hearing request.
(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)

210 ILCS 45/3-412

    (210 ILCS 45/3-412) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-412)
    Sec. 3-412. The hearing before the Department provided under Section 3-411 shall be conducted as prescribed under Section 3-703. In determining whether a transfer or discharge is authorized, the burden of proof in this hearing rests on the person requesting the transfer or discharge.
(Source: P.A. 81-223.)

210 ILCS 45/3-413

    (210 ILCS 45/3-413) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-413)
    Sec. 3-413. If the Department determines that a transfer or discharge is authorized under Section 3-401, the resident shall not be required to leave the facility before the 34th day following receipt of the notice required under Section 3-402, or the 10th day following receipt of the Department's decision, whichever is later, unless a condition which would have allowed transfer or discharge in less than 21 days as described under paragraphs (a) and (b) of Section 3-402 develops in the interim.
(Source: P.A. 81-223.)

210 ILCS 45/3-414

    (210 ILCS 45/3-414) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-414)
    Sec. 3-414. The Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall continue Title XIX Medicaid funding during the appeal, transfer, or discharge period for those residents who are Title XIX recipients affected by Section 3-401.
(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)

210 ILCS 45/3-415

    (210 ILCS 45/3-415) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-415)
    Sec. 3-415. The Department may transfer or discharge any resident from any facility required to be licensed under this Act when any of the following conditions exist:
    (a) Such facility is operating without a license;
    (b) The Department has suspended, revoked or refused to renew the license of the facility as provided under Section 3-119;
    (c) The facility has requested the aid of the Department in the transfer or discharge of the resident and the Department finds that the resident consents to transfer or discharge;
    (d) The facility is closing or intends to close and adequate arrangement for relocation of the resident has not been made at least 30 days prior to closure; or
    (e) The Department determines that an emergency exists which requires immediate transfer or discharge of the resident.
(Source: P.A. 81-223.)

210 ILCS 45/3-416

    (210 ILCS 45/3-416) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-416)
    Sec. 3-416. In deciding to transfer or discharge a resident from a facility under Section 3-415, the Department shall consider the likelihood of serious harm which may result if the resident remains in the facility.
(Source: P.A. 81-223.)

210 ILCS 45/3-417

    (210 ILCS 45/3-417) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-417)
    Sec. 3-417. Transfer or discharge; alternative placements. The Department shall offer transfer or discharge and relocation assistance to residents transferred or discharged under Sections 3-401 through 3-415, including information on available alternative placements. Residents shall be involved in planning the transfer or discharge and shall choose among the available alternative placements, except that where an emergency makes prior resident involvement impossible the Department may make a temporary placement until a final placement can be arranged. Residents may choose their final alternative placement and shall be given assistance in transferring to such place. No resident may be forced to remain in a temporary or permanent placement. Where the Department makes or participates in making the relocation decision, consideration shall be given to proximity to the resident's relatives and friends. The resident shall be allowed 3 visits to potential alternative placements prior to removal, except where medically contraindicated or where the need for immediate transfer or discharge requires reduction in the number of visits.
    When the Department provides information on available alternative placements in community-based settings for individuals being discharged or transferred from facilities licensed under this Act, the information must include a comprehensive list of a range of appropriate, client-oriented services and the name of and contact information for the ADA coordinator in the relocation locale. The comprehensive list must include the name and contact information for each agency or organization providing those services and a summary of the services provided by each agency or organization. A hotline or similar crisis telephone number must also be provided to individuals relocating into the community.
(Source: P.A. 96-477, eff. 8-14-09.)

210 ILCS 45/3-418

    (210 ILCS 45/3-418) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-418)
    Sec. 3-418. The Department shall prepare resident transfer or discharge plans to assure safe and orderly removals and protect residents' health, safety, welfare and rights. In nonemergencies, and where possible in emergencies, the Department shall design and implement such plans in advance of transfer or discharge.
(Source: P.A. 81-223.)

210 ILCS 45/3-419

    (210 ILCS 45/3-419) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-419)
    Sec. 3-419. The Department may place relocation teams in any facility from which residents are being discharged or transferred for any reason, for the purpose of implementing transfer or discharge plans.
(Source: P.A. 81-223.)

210 ILCS 45/3-420

    (210 ILCS 45/3-420) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-420)
    Sec. 3-420. In any transfer or discharge conducted under Sections 3-415 through 3-418 the Department shall:
    (a) Provide written notice to the facility prior to the transfer or discharge. The notice shall state the basis for the order of transfer or discharge and shall inform the facility of its right to an informal conference prior to transfer or discharge under this Section, and its right to a subsequent hearing under Section 3-422. If a facility desires to contest a nonemergency transfer or discharge, prior to transfer or discharge it shall, within 4 working days after receipt of the notice, send a written request for an informal conference to the Department. The Department shall, within 4 working days from the receipt of the request, hold an informal conference in the county in which the facility is located. Following this conference, the Department may affirm, modify or overrule its previous decision. Except in an emergency, transfer or discharge may not begin until the period for requesting a conference has passed or, if a conference is requested, until after a conference has been held; and
    (b) Provide written notice to any resident to be removed, to the resident's representative, if any, and to a member of the resident's family, where practicable, prior to the removal. The notice shall state the reason for which transfer or discharge is ordered and shall inform the resident of the resident's right to challenge the transfer or discharge under Section 3-422. The Department shall hold an informal conference with the resident or the resident's representative prior to transfer or discharge at which the resident or the representative may present any objections to the proposed transfer or discharge plan or alternative placement.
(Source: P.A. 81-223.)

210 ILCS 45/3-421

    (210 ILCS 45/3-421) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-421)
    Sec. 3-421. In any transfer or discharge conducted under subsection (e) of Section 3-415, the Department shall notify the facility and any resident to be removed that an emergency has been found to exist and removal has been ordered, and shall involve the residents in removal planning if possible. With the consent of the resident or his or her representative, the facility must inform the resident's designated case coordination unit, as defined in 89 Ill. Adm. Code 240.260, of the resident's pending discharge and must provide the resident or his or her representative with the case coordination unit's telephone number and other contact information. Following emergency removal, the Department shall provide written notice to the facility, to the resident, to the resident's representative, if any, and to a member of the resident's family, where practicable, of the basis for the finding that an emergency existed and of the right to challenge removal under Section 3-422.
(Source: P.A. 94-767, eff. 5-12-06.)

210 ILCS 45/3-422

    (210 ILCS 45/3-422) (from Ch. 111 1/2, par. 4153-422)
    Sec. 3-422. Within 10 days following transfer or discharge, the facility or any resident transferred or discharged may send a written request to the Department for a hearing under Section 3-703 to challenge the transfer or discharge. The Department shall hold the hearing within 30 days of receipt of the request. The hearing shall be held at the facility from which the resident is being transferred or discharged, unless the resident or resident's representative, requests an alternative hearing site. If the facility prevails, it may file a claim against the State under the "Court of Claims Act" for payments lost less expenses saved as a result of the transfer or discharge. No resident transferred or discharged may be held liable for the charge for care which would have been made had the resident remained in the facility. If a resident prevails, the resident may file a claim against the State under the "Court of Claims Act" for any excess expenses directly caused by the order to transfer or discharge. The Department shall assist the resident in returning to the facility if assistance is requested.
(Source: P.A. 85-1378.)