Full Text of HB0117 102nd General Assembly
| | HB0117 Engrossed | | LRB102 00216 BMS 10218 b |
| 1 | | AN ACT concerning employment.
| 2 | | Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 | | represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 | | Section 5. The Illinois Secure Choice Savings Program Act | 5 | | is amended by changing Sections 5, 30, 60, and 85 as follows: | 6 | | (820 ILCS 80/5)
| 7 | | Sec. 5. Definitions. Unless the context requires a | 8 | | different meaning or as expressly provided in this Section, | 9 | | all terms shall have the same meaning as when used in a | 10 | | comparable context in the Internal Revenue Code. As used in | 11 | | this Act: | 12 | | "Board" means the Illinois Secure Choice Savings Board | 13 | | established under this Act. | 14 | | "Department" means the Department of Revenue. | 15 | | "Director" means the Director of Revenue. | 16 | | "Employee" means any individual who is 18 years of age or | 17 | | older, who is employed by an employer, and who has wages that | 18 | | are allocable to Illinois during a calendar year under the | 19 | | provisions of Section 304(a)(2)(B) of the Illinois Income Tax | 20 | | Act. | 21 | | "Employer" means a person or entity engaged in a business, | 22 | | industry, profession, trade, or other enterprise in Illinois, | 23 | | whether for profit or not for profit, that (i) has at no time |
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| 1 | | during the previous calendar year employed at least 5 | 2 | | employees fewer than 25 employees in the State during every | 3 | | quarter of the previous calendar year , (ii) has been in | 4 | | business at least 2 years, and (iii) has not offered a | 5 | | qualified retirement plan, including, but not limited to, a | 6 | | plan qualified under Section 401(a), Section 401(k), Section | 7 | | 403(a), Section 403(b), Section 408(k), Section 408(p), or | 8 | | Section 457(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 in the | 9 | | preceding 2 years. | 10 | | "Enrollee" means any employee who is enrolled in the | 11 | | Program.
| 12 | | "Fund" means the Illinois Secure Choice Savings Program | 13 | | Fund.
| 14 | | "Internal Revenue Code" means Internal Revenue Code of | 15 | | 1986, or any successor law, in effect for the calendar year.
| 16 | | "IRA" means a Roth or Traditional IRA (individual | 17 | | retirement account) under Section 408 or 408A of the Internal | 18 | | Revenue Code.
| 19 | | "Participating employer" means an employer or small | 20 | | employer that facilitates a payroll deposit retirement savings | 21 | | arrangement as provided for by this Act for its employees. | 22 | | "Payroll deposit retirement savings arrangement" means an | 23 | | arrangement by which a participating employer facilitates | 24 | | payroll deduction contributions from enrollees to the Program. | 25 | | "Program" means the Illinois Secure Choice Savings | 26 | | Program.
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| 1 | | "Small employer" means a person or entity engaged in a | 2 | | business, industry, profession, trade, or other enterprise in | 3 | | Illinois, whether for profit or not for profit, that (i) | 4 | | employed less than 5 25 employees during any quarter of at any | 5 | | one time in the State throughout the previous calendar year, | 6 | | or (ii) has been in business less than 2 years, or both items | 7 | | (i) and (ii), but that notifies the Board that it is interested | 8 | | in being a participating employer. | 9 | | "Wages" means any compensation within the meaning of | 10 | | Section 219(f)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code that is | 11 | | received by an enrollee from a participating employer during | 12 | | the calendar year.
| 13 | | (Source: P.A. 101-353, eff. 8-9-19.) | 14 | | (820 ILCS 80/30)
| 15 | | Sec. 30. Duties of the Board. In addition to the other | 16 | | duties and responsibilities stated in this Act, the Board | 17 | | shall: | 18 | | (a) Cause the Program to be designed, established and | 19 | | operated in a manner that: | 20 | | (1) accords with best practices for retirement | 21 | | savings vehicles; | 22 | | (2) maximizes participation, savings, and sound | 23 | | investment practices; | 24 | | (3) maximizes simplicity, including ease of | 25 | | administration for participating employers and |
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| 1 | | enrollees; | 2 | | (4) provides an efficient product to enrollees by | 3 | | pooling investment funds; | 4 | | (5) ensures the portability of benefits; and | 5 | | (6) provides for the deaccumulation of enrollee | 6 | | assets in a manner that maximizes financial security | 7 | | in retirement. | 8 | | (b) Appoint a trustee to the IRA Fund in compliance | 9 | | with Section 408 of the Internal Revenue Code. | 10 | | (c) Explore and establish investment options, subject | 11 | | to Section 45 of this Act, that offer employees returns on | 12 | | contributions and the conversion of individual retirement | 13 | | savings account balances to secure retirement income | 14 | | without incurring debt or liabilities to the State. | 15 | | (d) Establish the process by which interest, | 16 | | investment earnings, and investment losses are allocated | 17 | | to individual program accounts on a pro rata basis and are | 18 | | computed at the interest rate on the balance of an | 19 | | individual's account. | 20 | | (e) Make and enter into contracts necessary for the | 21 | | administration of the Program and Fund, including, but not | 22 | | limited to, retaining and contracting with investment | 23 | | managers, private financial institutions, other financial | 24 | | and service providers, consultants, actuaries, counsel, | 25 | | auditors, third-party administrators, and other | 26 | | professionals as necessary. |
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| 1 | | (e-5) Conduct a review of the performance of any | 2 | | investment vendors every 4 years, including, but not | 3 | | limited to, a review of returns, fees, and customer | 4 | | service. A copy of reviews conducted under this subsection | 5 | | (e-5) shall be posted to the Board's Internet website. | 6 | | (f) Determine the number and duties of staff members | 7 | | needed to administer the Program and assemble such a | 8 | | staff, including, as needed, employing staff, appointing a | 9 | | Program administrator, and entering into contracts with | 10 | | the State Treasurer to make employees of the State | 11 | | Treasurer's Office available to administer the Program. | 12 | | (g) Cause moneys in the Fund to be held and invested as | 13 | | pooled investments described in Section 45 of this Act, | 14 | | with a view to achieving cost savings through efficiencies | 15 | | and economies of scale. | 16 | | (h) Evaluate and establish the process by which an | 17 | | enrollee is able to contribute a portion of his or her | 18 | | wages to the Program for automatic deposit of those | 19 | | contributions and the process by which the participating | 20 | | employer provides a payroll deposit retirement savings | 21 | | arrangement to forward those contributions and related | 22 | | information to the Program, including, but not limited to, | 23 | | contracting with financial service companies and | 24 | | third-party administrators with the capability to receive | 25 | | and process employee information and contributions for | 26 | | payroll deposit retirement savings arrangements or similar |
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| 1 | | arrangements. | 2 | | (i) Design and establish the process for enrollment | 3 | | under Section 60 of this Act, including the process by | 4 | | which an employee can opt not to participate in the | 5 | | Program, select a contribution level, select an investment | 6 | | option, and terminate participation in the Program. | 7 | | (j) Evaluate and establish the process by which an | 8 | | individual may voluntarily enroll in and make | 9 | | contributions to the Program. | 10 | | (k) Accept any grants, appropriations, or other moneys | 11 | | from the State, any unit of federal, State, or local | 12 | | government, or any other person, firm, partnership, or | 13 | | corporation solely for deposit into the Fund, whether for | 14 | | investment or administrative purposes.
| 15 | | (l) Evaluate the need for, and procure as needed, | 16 | | insurance against any and all loss in connection with the | 17 | | property, assets, or activities of the Program, and | 18 | | indemnify as needed each member of the Board from personal | 19 | | loss or liability resulting from a member's action or | 20 | | inaction as a member of the Board. | 21 | | (m) Make provisions for the payment of administrative | 22 | | costs and expenses for the creation, management, and | 23 | | operation of the Program, including the costs associated | 24 | | with subsection (b) of Section 20 of this Act, subsections | 25 | | (e), (f), (h), and (l) of this Section, subsection (b) of | 26 | | Section 45 of this Act, subsection (a) of Section 80 of |
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| 1 | | this Act, and subsection (n) of Section 85 of this Act. | 2 | | Subject to appropriation, the State may pay administrative | 3 | | costs associated with the creation and management of the | 4 | | Program until sufficient assets are available in the Fund | 5 | | for that purpose. Thereafter, all administrative costs of | 6 | | the Fund, including repayment of any start-up funds | 7 | | provided by the State, shall be paid only out of moneys on | 8 | | deposit therein. However, private funds or federal funding | 9 | | received under subsection (k) of Section 30 of this Act in | 10 | | order to implement the Program until the Fund is | 11 | | self-sustaining shall not be repaid unless those funds | 12 | | were offered contingent upon the promise of such | 13 | | repayment. The Board shall keep total annual expenses as | 14 | | low as possible, but in no event shall they exceed 0.75% of | 15 | | the total trust balance. | 16 | | (n) Allocate administrative fees to individual | 17 | | retirement accounts in the Program on a pro rata basis. | 18 | | (o) Set minimum and maximum contribution levels in | 19 | | accordance with limits established for IRAs by the | 20 | | Internal Revenue Code. | 21 | | (o-5) Select a default contribution rate for Program | 22 | | participants within the range of 3% to 6% of an enrollee's | 23 | | wages. | 24 | | (o-10) Establish annual, automatic increases to the | 25 | | contribution rates based upon a schedule provided for in | 26 | | rules up to a maximum of 10% of an enrollee's wages. |
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| 1 | | (p) Facilitate education and outreach to employers and | 2 | | employees. | 3 | | (q) Facilitate compliance by the Program with all | 4 | | applicable requirements for the Program under the Internal | 5 | | Revenue Code, including tax qualification requirements or | 6 | | any other applicable law and accounting requirements. | 7 | | (q-5) Verify employee eligibility for auto-enrollment | 8 | | in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code and | 9 | | applicable Federal and State laws. The verification shall | 10 | | include the rejection of any enrollee under 18 years of | 11 | | age. | 12 | | (r) Carry out the duties and obligations of the | 13 | | Program in an effective, efficient, and low-cost manner. | 14 | | (s) Exercise any and all other powers reasonably | 15 | | necessary for the effectuation of the purposes, | 16 | | objectives, and provisions of this Act pertaining to the | 17 | | Program. | 18 | | (t) Deposit into the Illinois Secure Choice | 19 | | Administrative Fund all grants, gifts, donations, fees, | 20 | | and earnings from investments from the Illinois Secure | 21 | | Choice Savings Program Fund that are used to recover | 22 | | administrative costs. All expenses of the Board shall be | 23 | | paid from the Illinois Secure Choice Administrative Fund.
| 24 | | The Board may enter into agreements with other | 25 | | governmental entities, including other states or their | 26 | | agencies and instrumentalities, to enable residents of other |
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| 1 | | states to participate in the Program. | 2 | | (Source: P.A. 100-6, eff. 6-30-17; 101-353, eff. 8-9-19.) | 3 | | (820 ILCS 80/60)
| 4 | | Sec. 60. Program implementation and enrollment. Except as | 5 | | otherwise provided in Section 93 of this Act, the Program | 6 | | shall be implemented, and enrollment of employees shall begin | 7 | | in 2018. The Board shall establish an implementation timeline | 8 | | under which employers shall enroll their employees in the | 9 | | Program. The timeline shall include the date by which an | 10 | | employer must begin enrollment of its employees in the Program | 11 | | and the date by which enrollment must be complete. The Board | 12 | | shall adopt the implementation timeline at a public meeting of | 13 | | the Board and shall publicize the implementation timeline. The | 14 | | Board shall provide advance notice to employers of their | 15 | | enrollment date and the amount of time to complete enrollment. | 16 | | The enrollment deadline for employers with fewer than 25 | 17 | | employees and more than 15 employees shall be no sooner than | 18 | | September 1, 2022. The enrollment deadline for employers with | 19 | | at least 5 employees but not more than 15 employees shall be no | 20 | | sooner than September 1, 2023. Board's implementation timeline | 21 | | shall ensure that all employees are required to be enrolled in | 22 | | the Program by December 31, 2020. The provisions of this | 23 | | Section shall be in force after the Board opens the Program for | 24 | | enrollment. | 25 | | (a) Each employer shall establish a payroll deposit |
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| 1 | | retirement savings arrangement to allow each employee to | 2 | | participate in the Program within the timeline set by the | 3 | | Board after the Program opens for enrollment. | 4 | | (b) Employers shall automatically enroll in the Program | 5 | | each of their employees who has not opted out of participation | 6 | | in the Program using the form described in subsection (c) of | 7 | | Section 55 of this Act and shall provide payroll deduction | 8 | | retirement savings arrangements for such employees and | 9 | | deposit, on behalf of such employees, these funds into the | 10 | | Program. Small employers may, but are not required to, provide | 11 | | payroll deduction retirement savings arrangements for each | 12 | | employee who elects to participate in the Program. Small | 13 | | employers' use of automatic enrollment for employees is | 14 | | subject to final rules from the United States Department of | 15 | | Labor. Utilization of automatic enrollment by small employers | 16 | | may be allowed only if it does not create employer liability | 17 | | under the federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act. | 18 | | (c) Enrollees shall have the ability to select a | 19 | | contribution level into the Fund. This level may be expressed | 20 | | as a percentage of wages or as a dollar amount up to the | 21 | | deductible amount for the enrollee's taxable year under | 22 | | Section 219(b)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code. Enrollees | 23 | | may change their contribution level at any time, subject to | 24 | | rules promulgated by the Board. If an enrollee fails to select | 25 | | a contribution level using the form described in subsection | 26 | | (c) of Section 55 of this Act, then he or she shall contribute |
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| 1 | | the default contribution rate of his or her wages to the | 2 | | Program, provided that such contributions shall not cause the | 3 | | enrollee's total contributions to IRAs for the year to exceed | 4 | | the deductible amount for the enrollee's taxable year under | 5 | | Section 219(b)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code. | 6 | | (d) Enrollees may select an investment option from the | 7 | | permitted investment options listed in Section 45 of this Act. | 8 | | Enrollees may change their investment option at any time, | 9 | | subject to rules promulgated by the Board. In the event that an | 10 | | enrollee fails to select an investment option, that enrollee | 11 | | shall be placed in the investment option selected by the Board | 12 | | as the default under subsection (c) of Section 45 of this Act. | 13 | | If the Board has not selected a default investment option | 14 | | under subsection (c) of Section 45 of this Act, then an | 15 | | enrollee who fails to select an investment option shall be | 16 | | placed in the life-cycle fund investment option. | 17 | | (e) Following initial implementation of the Program | 18 | | pursuant to this Section, at least once every year, | 19 | | participating employers shall designate an open enrollment | 20 | | period during which employees who previously opted out of the | 21 | | Program may enroll in the Program. | 22 | | (f) An employee who opts out of the Program who | 23 | | subsequently wants to participate through the participating | 24 | | employer's payroll deposit retirement savings arrangement may | 25 | | only enroll during the participating employer's designated | 26 | | open enrollment period or if permitted by the participating |
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| 1 | | employer at an earlier time. | 2 | | (g) Employers shall retain the option at all times to set | 3 | | up any type of employer-sponsored retirement plan, such as a | 4 | | defined benefit plan or a 401(k), Simplified Employee Pension | 5 | | (SEP) plan, or Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees | 6 | | (SIMPLE) plan, or to offer an automatic enrollment payroll | 7 | | deduction IRA, instead of having a payroll deposit retirement | 8 | | savings arrangement to allow employee participation in the | 9 | | Program. | 10 | | (h) An employee may terminate his or her participation in | 11 | | the Program at any time in a manner prescribed by the Board. | 12 | | (i) The Board shall establish and maintain an Internet | 13 | | website designed to assist employers in identifying private | 14 | | sector providers of retirement arrangements that can be set up | 15 | | by the employer rather than allowing employee participation in | 16 | | the Program under this Act; however, the Board shall only | 17 | | establish and maintain an Internet website under this | 18 | | subsection if there is sufficient interest in such an Internet | 19 | | website by private sector providers and if the private sector | 20 | | providers furnish the funding necessary to establish and | 21 | | maintain the Internet website. The Board must provide public | 22 | | notice of the availability of and the process for inclusion on | 23 | | the Internet website before it becomes publicly available. | 24 | | This Internet website must be available to the public before | 25 | | the Board opens the Program for enrollment, and the Internet | 26 | | website address must be included on any Internet website |
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| 1 | | posting or other materials regarding the Program offered to | 2 | | the public by the Board.
| 3 | | (Source: P.A. 99-571, eff. 7-15-16; 100-6, eff. 6-30-17; | 4 | | 100-863, eff. 8-14-18.) | 5 | | (820 ILCS 80/85)
| 6 | | Sec. 85. Penalties.
| 7 | | (a) An employer who fails without reasonable cause to | 8 | | enroll an employee in the Program within the time prescribed | 9 | | under Section 60 of this Act shall be subject to a penalty | 10 | | equal to:
| 11 | | (1) $250 per for each employee for the first each | 12 | | calendar year the employer is noncompliant or portion of a | 13 | | calendar year during which the employee neither was | 14 | | enrolled in the Program nor had elected out of | 15 | | participation in the Program ; or
| 16 | | (2) $500 per employee for each subsequent calendar | 17 | | year the employer is noncompliant; noncompliance does not | 18 | | need to be consecutive to qualify for the $500 penalty | 19 | | beginning after the date a penalty has been assessed with | 20 | | respect to an employee, $500 for any portion of that | 21 | | calendar year during which such employee continues to be | 22 | | unenrolled without electing out of participation in the | 23 | | Program .
| 24 | | The Department shall determine total employee count using | 25 | | the annual average from employer-reported quarterly data. |
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| 1 | | (b) After determining that an employer is subject to a | 2 | | penalty under this Section for a calendar year, the Department | 3 | | shall issue a notice of proposed assessment to such employer, | 4 | | stating the number of employees for which the penalty is | 5 | | proposed under item (1) of subsection (a) of this Section or | 6 | | and the number of employees for which the penalty is proposed | 7 | | under item (2) of subsection (a) of this Section for such | 8 | | calendar year, and the total amount of penalties proposed.
| 9 | | Upon the expiration of 120 90 days after the date on which | 10 | | a notice of proposed assessment was issued, the penalties | 11 | | specified therein shall be deemed assessed, unless the | 12 | | employer had filed a protest with the Department under | 13 | | subsection (c) of this Section or come into full compliance | 14 | | with the Program as required under Section 60 of this Act .
| 15 | | If, within 120 90 days after the date on which it was | 16 | | issued, a protest of a notice of proposed assessment is filed | 17 | | under subsection (c) of this Section, the penalties specified | 18 | | therein shall be deemed assessed upon the date when the | 19 | | decision of the Department with respect to the protest becomes | 20 | | final. | 21 | | (c) A written protest against the proposed assessment | 22 | | shall be filed with the Department in such form as the | 23 | | Department may by rule prescribe, setting forth the grounds on | 24 | | which such protest is based. If such a protest is filed within | 25 | | 120 90 days after the date the notice of proposed assessment is | 26 | | issued, the Department shall reconsider the proposed |
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| 1 | | assessment and shall grant the employer a hearing. As soon as | 2 | | practicable after such reconsideration and hearing, the | 3 | | Department shall issue a notice of decision to the employer, | 4 | | setting forth the Department's findings of fact and the basis | 5 | | of decision. The decision of the Department shall become | 6 | | final: | 7 | | (1) if no action for review of the decision is | 8 | | commenced under the Administrative Review Law, on the date | 9 | | on which the time for commencement of such review has | 10 | | expired; or
| 11 | | (2) if a timely action for review of the decision is | 12 | | commenced under the Administrative Review Law, on the date | 13 | | all proceedings in court for the review of such assessment | 14 | | have terminated or the time for the taking thereof has | 15 | | expired without such proceedings being instituted.
| 16 | | (d) As soon as practicable after the penalties specified | 17 | | in a notice of proposed assessment are deemed assessed, the | 18 | | Department shall give notice to the employer liable for any | 19 | | unpaid portion of such assessment, stating the amount due and | 20 | | demanding payment. If an employer neglects or refuses to pay | 21 | | the entire liability shown on the notice and demand within 10 | 22 | | days after the notice and demand is issued, the unpaid amount | 23 | | of the liability shall be a lien in favor of the State of | 24 | | Illinois upon all property and rights to property, whether | 25 | | real or personal,
belonging to the employer, and the | 26 | | provisions in the Illinois Income Tax Act regarding liens, |
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| 1 | | levies and collection actions with regard to assessed and | 2 | | unpaid liabilities under that Act, including the periods for | 3 | | taking any action, shall apply.
| 4 | | (e) An employer who has overpaid a penalty assessed under | 5 | | this Section may file a claim for refund with the Department. A | 6 | | claim shall be in writing in such form as the Department may by | 7 | | rule prescribe and shall state the specific grounds upon which | 8 | | it is founded. As soon as practicable after a claim for refund | 9 | | is filed, the Department shall examine it and either issue a | 10 | | refund or issue a notice of denial. If such a protest is filed, | 11 | | the Department shall reconsider the denial and grant the | 12 | | employer a hearing. As soon as practicable after such | 13 | | reconsideration and hearing, the Department shall issue a | 14 | | notice of decision to the employer. The notice shall set forth | 15 | | briefly the Department's findings of fact and the basis of | 16 | | decision in each case decided in whole or in part adversely to | 17 | | the employer. A denial of a claim for refund becomes final 120 | 18 | | 90 days after the date of issuance of the notice of the denial | 19 | | except for such amounts denied as to which the employer has | 20 | | filed a protest with the Department. If a protest has been | 21 | | timely filed, the decision of the Department shall become | 22 | | final:
| 23 | | (1) if no action for review of the decision is | 24 | | commenced under the Administrative Review Law, on the date | 25 | | on which the time for commencement of such review has | 26 | | expired; or
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| 1 | | (2) if a timely action for review of the decision is | 2 | | commenced under the Administrative Review Law, on the date | 3 | | all proceedings in court for the review of such assessment | 4 | | have terminated or the time for the taking thereof has | 5 | | expired without such proceedings being instituted.
| 6 | | (f) No notice of proposed assessment may be issued with | 7 | | respect to a calendar year after June 30 of the fourth | 8 | | subsequent calendar year. No claim for refund may be filed | 9 | | more than 1 year after the date of payment of the amount to be | 10 | | refunded.
| 11 | | (g) The provisions of the Administrative Review Law and | 12 | | the rules adopted pursuant to it shall apply to and govern all | 13 | | proceedings for the judicial review of final decisions of the | 14 | | Department in response to a protest filed by the employer | 15 | | under subsections (c) and (e) of this Section. Final decisions | 16 | | of the Department shall constitute "administrative decisions" | 17 | | as defined in Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
The | 18 | | Department may adopt any rules necessary to carry out its | 19 | | duties pursuant to this Section. | 20 | | (h) Whenever notice is required by this Section, it may be | 21 | | given or issued by mailing it by first-class mail addressed to | 22 | | the person concerned at his or her last known address or in an | 23 | | electronic format as determined by the Department .
| 24 | | (i) All books and records and other papers and documents | 25 | | relevant to the determination of any penalty due under this | 26 | | Section shall, at all times during business hours of the day, |
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| 1 | | be subject to inspection by the Department or its duly | 2 | | authorized agents and employees.
| 3 | | (j) The Department may require employers to report | 4 | | information relevant to their compliance with this Act on | 5 | | returns otherwise due from the employers under Section 704A of | 6 | | the Illinois Income Tax Act and failure to provide the | 7 | | requested information on a return shall cause such return to | 8 | | be treated as unprocessable.
| 9 | | (k) For purposes of any provision of State law allowing | 10 | | the Department or any other agency of this State to offset an | 11 | | amount owed to a taxpayer against a tax liability of that | 12 | | taxpayer or allowing the Department to offset an overpayment | 13 | | of tax against any liability owed to the State, a penalty | 14 | | assessed under this Section shall be deemed to be a tax | 15 | | liability of the employer and any refund due to an employer | 16 | | shall be deemed to be an overpayment of tax of the employer.
| 17 | | (l) Except as provided in this subsection, all information | 18 | | received by the Department from returns filed by an employer | 19 | | or from any investigation conducted under the provisions of | 20 | | this Act shall be confidential, except for official purposes | 21 | | within the Department or pursuant to official procedures for | 22 | | collection of penalties assessed under this Act. Nothing | 23 | | contained in this subsection shall prevent the Director from | 24 | | publishing or making available to the public reasonable | 25 | | statistics concerning the operation of this Act wherein the | 26 | | contents of returns are grouped into aggregates in such a way |
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| 1 | | that the specific information of any employer shall not be | 2 | | disclosed. Nothing contained in this subsection shall prevent | 3 | | the Director from divulging information to an authorized | 4 | | representative of the employer or to any person pursuant to a | 5 | | request or authorization made by the employer or by an | 6 | | authorized representative of the employer.
| 7 | | (m) Civil penalties collected under this Act and fees | 8 | | collected pursuant to subsection (n) of this Section shall be | 9 | | deposited into the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund. The | 10 | | Department may, subject to appropriation, use moneys in the | 11 | | fund to cover expenses it incurs in the performance of its | 12 | | duties under this Act. Interest attributable to moneys in the | 13 | | Tax Compliance and Administration Fund shall be credited to | 14 | | the Tax Compliance and Administration Fund. | 15 | | (n) The Department may charge the Board a reasonable fee | 16 | | for its costs in performing its duties under this Section to | 17 | | the extent that such costs have not been recovered from | 18 | | penalties imposed under this Section.
| 19 | | (o) The This Section shall become operative 9 months after | 20 | | the Board notifies the Director that the Program has been | 21 | | implemented. Upon receipt of such notification from the Board, | 22 | | the Department shall immediately post on its Internet website | 23 | | a notice stating that this Section is operative and the date | 24 | | that it is first operative.
This notice shall include a | 25 | | statement that rather than enrolling employees in the Program | 26 | | under this Act, employers may sponsor an alternative |
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| 1 | | arrangement, including, but not limited to, a defined benefit | 2 | | plan, 401(k) plan, a Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) plan, a | 3 | | Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE) plan, or | 4 | | an automatic enrollment payroll deduction IRA offered through | 5 | | a private provider. The Board shall provide a link to the | 6 | | vendor Internet website described in subsection (i) of Section | 7 | | 60 of this Act , if applicable .
| 8 | | (Source: P.A. 98-1150, eff. 6-1-15; 99-464, eff. 8-26-15.)