Full Text of HB0751 96th General Assembly
State of Illinois
2009 and 2010 HB0751
Introduced 2/6/2009, by Rep. Kathleen A. Ryg SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED: |
20 ILCS 1705/18.4 |
20 ILCS 1705/18.5 |
30 ILCS 605/7.1 |
from Ch. 127, par. 133b10.1 |
405 ILCS 30/4.6 new |
Amends the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Administrative Act, the State Property Control Act, and the Community Services Act. Provides that whenever a State mental health facility operated by the Department of Human Services is closed and the real estate on which the facility is located is sold by the State, the net proceeds of the sale of the real estate shall be deposited into the Community Mental Health Medicaid Trust Fund. Provides that whenever a State developmental disabilities facility operated by the Department of Human Services is closed and the real estate on which the facility is located is sold by the State, the net proceeds of the sale of the real estate shall be deposited into the Community Developmental Disability Services Medicaid Trust Fund. Provides that in determining whether any net proceeds are realized from such a sale of real estate,
sufficient moneys shall be made available to ensure that there is an
appropriate level of
staffing and that life, safety, and care concerns are addressed so as to
provide for persons with developmental disabilities or mental illness at the
remaining State-operated facilities that will be expected to handle the
previously served at the closed facility. Requires the Department of Human Services to share and discuss its plan or plans for using the net proceeds with advocates, advocacy organizations, and advisory groups whose
includes advocacy for persons with developmental disabilities or persons with
illness. Effective immediately.
| |
HB0751 |
LRB096 05755 DRJ 15826 b |
| 1 |
| AN ACT concerning health.
| 2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 |
| Section 5. The Mental Health and Developmental | 5 |
| Disabilities Administrative Act is amended by changing | 6 |
| Sections 18.4 and 18.5 as follows:
| 7 |
| (20 ILCS 1705/18.4)
| 8 |
| Sec. 18.4. Community Mental Health Medicaid Trust Fund; | 9 |
| reimbursement.
| 10 |
| (a) The Community Mental Health Medicaid Trust Fund is | 11 |
| hereby created
in the State Treasury.
| 12 |
| (b) Amounts
paid to the State during each State fiscal year | 13 |
| by the federal government under Title XIX
or Title XXI of the | 14 |
| Social Security Act for services delivered by community
mental | 15 |
| health providers, and any interest earned thereon, shall be
| 16 |
| deposited as follows: | 17 |
| (1) The first $75,000,000 shall be deposited directly | 18 |
| into the Community Mental Health Medicaid Trust Fund to be | 19 |
| used for the purchase of community mental health services; | 20 |
| (2) The next $4,500,000 shall be deposited directly | 21 |
| into the Community Mental Health Medicaid Trust Fund to be | 22 |
| used by the Department of Human Services' Division of | 23 |
| Mental Health for the oversight and administration of |
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| 1 |
| community mental health services and up to $1,000,000 of | 2 |
| this amount may be used for support of community mental | 3 |
| health service initiatives; | 4 |
| (3) The next $3,500,000 shall be deposited directly | 5 |
| into the General Revenue Fund;
| 6 |
| (4) Any additional amounts shall be deposited into the | 7 |
| Community Mental Health Medicaid Trust Fund to be used for | 8 |
| the purchase of community mental health services.
| 9 |
| (b-5) Whenever a State mental health facility operated by | 10 |
| the Department is closed and the real estate on which the | 11 |
| facility is located is sold by the State, the net proceeds of | 12 |
| the sale of the real estate shall be deposited into the | 13 |
| Community Mental Health Medicaid Trust Fund. | 14 |
| (c) The Department shall reimburse community mental health
| 15 |
| providers for
services provided to eligible
individuals. | 16 |
| Moneys in the Community Mental Health Medicaid Trust Fund may | 17 |
| be
used for that purpose.
| 18 |
| (d) As used in this Section:
| 19 |
| "Community mental health provider" means a community | 20 |
| agency that is funded by the Department to
provide a service.
| 21 |
| "Service" means a mental health service
provided pursuant | 22 |
| to the provisions of administrative rules adopted by the | 23 |
| Department and funded by the Department of Human Services' | 24 |
| Division of Mental Health.
| 25 |
| (Source: P.A. 94-58, eff. 6-17-05; 94-839, eff. 6-6-06; 95-707, | 26 |
| eff. 1-11-08.)
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| 1 |
| (20 ILCS 1705/18.5) | 2 |
| Sec. 18.5. Community Developmental Disability Services | 3 |
| Medicaid Trust Fund; reimbursement. | 4 |
| (a) The Community Developmental Disability Services | 5 |
| Medicaid Trust Fund is hereby created in the State treasury.
| 6 |
| (b) Except as provided in subsection (b-5), any funds in | 7 |
| excess of $16,700,000 in any fiscal year paid to the State by | 8 |
| the federal government under Title XIX or Title XXI of the | 9 |
| Social Security Act for services delivered by community | 10 |
| developmental disability services providers for services | 11 |
| relating to Developmental Training and Community Integrated | 12 |
| Living Arrangements as a result of the conversion of such | 13 |
| providers from a grant payment methodology to a fee-for-service | 14 |
| payment methodology, or any other funds paid to the State for | 15 |
| any subsequent revenue maximization initiatives performed by | 16 |
| such providers, and any interest earned thereon, shall be | 17 |
| deposited directly into the Community Developmental Disability | 18 |
| Services Medicaid Trust Fund. One-third of this amount shall be | 19 |
| used only to pay for Medicaid-reimbursed community | 20 |
| developmental disability services provided to eligible | 21 |
| individuals, and the remainder shall be transferred to the | 22 |
| General Revenue Fund. | 23 |
| (b-5) Beginning in State fiscal year 2008, any funds paid | 24 |
| to the State by the federal government under Title XIX or Title | 25 |
| XXI of the Social Security Act for services delivered through |
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| 1 |
| the Children's Residential Waiver and the Children's In-Home | 2 |
| Support Waiver shall be deposited directly into the Community | 3 |
| Developmental Disability Services Medicaid Trust Fund and | 4 |
| shall not be subject to the transfer provisions of subsection | 5 |
| (b). | 6 |
| (b-10) Whenever a State developmental disabilities | 7 |
| facility operated by the Department is closed and the real | 8 |
| estate on which the facility is located is sold by the State, | 9 |
| the net proceeds of the sale of the real estate shall be | 10 |
| deposited into the Community Developmental Disability Services | 11 |
| Medicaid Trust Fund. | 12 |
| (c) For purposes of this Section: | 13 |
| "Medicaid-reimbursed developmental disability services" | 14 |
| means services provided by a community developmental | 15 |
| disability provider under an agreement with the Department that | 16 |
| is eligible for reimbursement under the federal Title XIX | 17 |
| program or Title XXI program. | 18 |
| "Provider" means a qualified entity as defined in the | 19 |
| State's Home and
Community-Based Services Waiver for Persons | 20 |
| with Developmental Disabilities that is funded by the | 21 |
| Department to provide a Medicaid-reimbursed service. | 22 |
| "Revenue maximization alternatives" do not include | 23 |
| increases in
funds paid to the State as a result of growth in | 24 |
| spending through service expansion or
rate increases.
| 25 |
| (Source: P.A. 95-707, eff. 1-11-08.) |
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| 1 |
| Section 10. The State Property Control Act is amended by | 2 |
| changing Section 7.1 as follows:
| 3 |
| (30 ILCS 605/7.1) (from Ch. 127, par. 133b10.1)
| 4 |
| Sec. 7.1.
(a) Except as otherwise provided by law, all | 5 |
| surplus real
property held by the State of Illinois shall be | 6 |
| disposed of by the
administrator as provided in this Section. | 7 |
| "Surplus real property," as
used in this Section, means any | 8 |
| real property to which the State holds fee
simple title or
| 9 |
| lesser interest, and is vacant, unoccupied or unused and which | 10 |
| has no
foreseeable use by the owning agency.
| 11 |
| (b) All responsible officers shall submit an Annual Real | 12 |
| Property
Utilization Report to the Administrator, or annual | 13 |
| update of such
report, on forms required by the Administrator, | 14 |
| by October 30 of each year.
The Administrator may require such | 15 |
| documentation as he deems reasonably
necessary in connection | 16 |
| with this Report, and shall require that such
Report include | 17 |
| the following information:
| 18 |
| (1) A legal description of all real property owned by the | 19 |
| State
under the control of the responsible officer.
| 20 |
| (2) A description of the use of the real property listed | 21 |
| under (1).
| 22 |
| (3) A list of any improvements made to such real property | 23 |
| during the
previous year.
| 24 |
| (4) The dates on which the State first acquired its | 25 |
| interest in such
real property, and the purchase price and |
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| 1 |
| source of the funds used to
acquire the property.
| 2 |
| (5) Plans for the future use of currently unused real | 3 |
| property.
| 4 |
| (6) A declaration of any surplus real property.
On or | 5 |
| before December 31 of each year the Administrator shall furnish
| 6 |
| copies of each responsible officer's report along with a list | 7 |
| of surplus
property indexed by legislative district to the | 8 |
| General Assembly.
| 9 |
| This report shall be filed with the Speaker, the Minority | 10 |
| Leader and the
Clerk of the House of Representatives and the | 11 |
| President, the Minority
Leader and the Secretary of the Senate | 12 |
| and shall be duplicated and made
available to the members of | 13 |
| the General Assembly for evaluation by such
members for | 14 |
| possible liquidation of unused public property at public sale.
| 15 |
| (c) Following receipt of the Annual Real Property | 16 |
| Utilization Report
required under paragraph (b), the | 17 |
| Administrator shall notify all State
agencies by December 31 of | 18 |
| all declared surplus real
property. Any State
agency may submit | 19 |
| a written request to the Administrator, within 60 days
of the | 20 |
| date of such notification, to have control of surplus real
| 21 |
| property transferred to that agency. Such request must indicate | 22 |
| the
reason for the transfer and the intended use to be made of | 23 |
| such surplus
real property. The Administrator may deny any or | 24 |
| all such requests by a
State agency or agencies if the | 25 |
| Administrator determines that it is more
advantageous to the | 26 |
| State to dispose of the surplus real property under
paragraph |
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| 1 |
| (d). In case requests for the same surplus real property are
| 2 |
| received from more than one State agency, the Administrator | 3 |
| shall weigh
the benefits to the State and determine to which | 4 |
| agency, if any, to
transfer control of such property. The | 5 |
| Administrator shall coordinate
the use and disposal of State | 6 |
| surplus real property with any State space
utilization program.
| 7 |
| (d) Any surplus real property which is not transferred to | 8 |
| the
control of another State agency under paragraph (c) shall | 9 |
| be disposed of
by the Administrator. No appraisal is required | 10 |
| if during his initial
survey of surplus real property the | 11 |
| Administrator determines such
property has a fair market value | 12 |
| of less than $5,000. If the value of
such property is | 13 |
| determined by the Administrator in his initial survey
to be | 14 |
| $5,000 or more, then the Administrator shall obtain 3 | 15 |
| appraisals
of such real property, one of which shall be | 16 |
| performed by an appraiser
residing in the county in which said | 17 |
| surplus real property is located.
The average of these 3 | 18 |
| appraisals, plus the costs of obtaining the
appraisals, shall | 19 |
| represent the fair market value of the surplus real
property. | 20 |
| No surplus real property may be conveyed by the Administrator
| 21 |
| for less than the fair market value. Prior to offering the | 22 |
| surplus real
property for sale to the public the Administrator | 23 |
| shall give notice in
writing of the existence and fair market | 24 |
| value of the surplus real
property to the governing bodies of | 25 |
| the county and of all cities,
villages and incorporated towns | 26 |
| in the county in which such real
property is located. Any such |
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| 1 |
| governing body may exercise its option to
acquire the surplus | 2 |
| real property for the fair market value within 60
days of the | 3 |
| notice. After the 60 day period has passed, the
Administrator | 4 |
| may sell the surplus real property by public auction
following | 5 |
| notice of such sale by publication on 3 separate days not less
| 6 |
| than 15 nor more than 30 days prior to the sale in the State | 7 |
| newspaper
and in a newspaper having general circulation in the | 8 |
| county in which the
surplus real property is located. The | 9 |
| Administrator shall post "For
Sale" signs of a conspicuous | 10 |
| nature on such surplus real property
offered for sale to the | 11 |
| public. If no acceptable offers for the surplus
real property | 12 |
| are received, the Administrator may have new appraisals of
such | 13 |
| property made. The Administrator shall have all power necessary | 14 |
| to
convey surplus real property under this Section. All moneys | 15 |
| received
for the sale of surplus real property shall be | 16 |
| deposited in the General
Revenue Fund, except that: | 17 |
| (1) Where where moneys expended for the acquisition of | 18 |
| such
real property were from a special fund which is still | 19 |
| a special fund in
the State treasury, this special fund | 20 |
| shall be reimbursed in the amount
of the original | 21 |
| expenditure and any amount in excess thereof shall be
| 22 |
| deposited in the General Revenue Fund. | 23 |
| (2) Whenever a State mental health facility operated by | 24 |
| the Department of Human Services is closed and the real | 25 |
| estate on which the facility is located is sold by the | 26 |
| State, the net proceeds of the sale of the real estate |
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| 1 |
| shall be deposited into the Community Mental Health | 2 |
| Medicaid Trust Fund. | 3 |
| (3) Whenever a State developmental disabilities | 4 |
| facility operated by the Department of Human Services is | 5 |
| closed and the real estate on which the facility is located | 6 |
| is sold by the State, the net proceeds of the sale of the | 7 |
| real estate shall be deposited into the Community | 8 |
| Developmental Disability Services Medicaid Trust Fund.
| 9 |
| The Administrator shall have authority to order such | 10 |
| surveys, abstracts
of title, or commitments for title insurance | 11 |
| as may, in his reasonable
discretion, be deemed necessary to | 12 |
| demonstrate to prospective purchasers or
bidders good and | 13 |
| marketable title in any property offered for sale pursuant
to | 14 |
| this Section. Unless otherwise specifically authorized by the | 15 |
| General
Assembly, all conveyances of property made by the | 16 |
| Administrator shall be by
quit claim deed.
| 17 |
| (e) The Administrator shall submit an annual report on or | 18 |
| before
February 1 to the Governor and the General Assembly | 19 |
| containing a
detailed statement of surplus real property either | 20 |
| transferred or
conveyed under this Section.
| 21 |
| (Source: P.A. 85-315.)
| 22 |
| Section 15. The Community Services Act is amended by adding | 23 |
| Section 4.6 as follows: | 24 |
| (405 ILCS 30/4.6 new) |
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| 1 |
| Sec. 4.6. Closure and sale of State mental health or | 2 |
| developmental disabilities facility. | 3 |
| (a) Whenever a State mental health facility operated by the | 4 |
| Department of Human Services is closed and the real estate on | 5 |
| which the facility is located is sold by the State, then, to | 6 |
| the extent that net proceeds are realized from the sale of that | 7 |
| real estate, those net proceeds must be directed toward | 8 |
| providing
other services and supports for persons with mental | 9 |
| health needs. To that end, those net proceeds shall be | 10 |
| deposited into the Community Mental Health Medicaid Trust Fund. | 11 |
| (b) Whenever a State developmental disabilities facility | 12 |
| operated by the Department of Human Services is closed and the | 13 |
| real estate on which the facility is located is sold by the | 14 |
| State, then, to the extent that net proceeds are realized from | 15 |
| the sale of that real estate, those net proceeds must be | 16 |
| directed toward providing
other services and supports for | 17 |
| persons with developmental disabilities needs. To that end, | 18 |
| those net proceeds shall be deposited into the Community | 19 |
| Developmental Disability Services Medicaid Trust Fund. | 20 |
| (c) In determining whether any net proceeds are realized | 21 |
| from a sale of real estate described in subsection (a) or (b),
| 22 |
| sufficient moneys shall be made available to ensure that there | 23 |
| is an
appropriate level of
staffing and that life, safety, and | 24 |
| care concerns are addressed so as to
provide for persons with | 25 |
| developmental disabilities or mental illness at the
remaining | 26 |
| State-operated facilities that will be expected to handle the
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| individuals
previously served at the closed facility. | 2 |
| (d) The purposes of using the net proceeds from a sale of | 3 |
| real estate as provided in this Section shall include, but need | 4 |
| not be
limited to, providing for individuals with
developmental | 5 |
| disabilities and mental health needs the services and supports | 6 |
| described in subsection (e) of Section 4.4. | 7 |
| (e) Whenever any net proceeds are realized from a sale of | 8 |
| real estate as provided in this Section, the Department of | 9 |
| Human Services shall share and discuss its plan or plans for | 10 |
| using those net proceeds with advocates, advocacy | 11 |
| organizations, and advisory groups whose
includes | 12 |
| advocacy for persons with developmental disabilities or | 13 |
| persons with
| 14 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon | 15 |
| becoming law.