Full Text of HB4053 94th General Assembly
State of Illinois
2005 and 2006 HB4053
Introduced 2/28/2005, by Rep. Michael J. Madigan SYNOPSIS AS INTRODUCED: |
New Act |
20 ILCS 605/605-610 rep. |
20 ILCS 605/605-615 rep. |
20 ILCS 605/605-620 rep. |
20 ILCS 605/605-625 rep. |
20 ILCS 605/605-630 rep. |
Creates the Illinois International Business Council Act. Provides for the appointment by the Governor of an International Business Council to encourage the development of international business opportunities for Illinois companies. Provides for the Directors of Agriculture and of Commerce and Economic Opportunity and the 4 legislative leaders, or the designee of each, to be non-voting ex officio members. Requires the Council to represent the State in marketing and promoting Illinois products and businesses. Requires State agencies to consult with the Council before continuing or undertaking international marketing programs authorized by law. Amends the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Law to transfer to the Council the functions of the Department's Trade Office. Effective July 1, 2005.
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HB4053 |
LRB094 11458 JAM 42385 b |
| 1 |
| AN ACT concerning State government.
| 2 |
| Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
| 3 |
| represented in the General Assembly:
| 4 |
| Section 1. Short title. This Act may be cited as the | 5 |
| Illinois International Business Council Act.
| 6 |
| Section 5. Findings; purpose. The General Assembly finds | 7 |
| that it is important to encourage international business | 8 |
| developments for Illinois companies by creating partnerships | 9 |
| that open markets, by accessing customers, and by facilitating | 10 |
| transactions. Therefore, the purpose of the Illinois | 11 |
| International Business Council is to build Illinois' profile as | 12 |
| a region prepared to do business with the world. The Council | 13 |
| shall encourage international business development for | 14 |
| Illinois companies by affecting policy and creating | 15 |
| partnerships that open markets, access customers, and | 16 |
| facilitate transactions.
| 17 |
| Section 10. Council created. There is created the Illinois | 18 |
| International Business Council. The Council shall consist of 11 | 19 |
| members. Five of the members shall be voting members appointed | 20 |
| by the Governor with the advice and consent of the Senate. The | 21 |
| Speaker and Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, | 22 |
| the President and Minority Leader of the Senate, the Director | 23 |
| of Agriculture, and the Director of Commerce and Economic | 24 |
| Opportunity, or the designee of each, shall be non-voting ex | 25 |
| officio members. | 26 |
| Of the members appointed by the Governor, one member must | 27 |
| have a background in agriculture, one member must have a | 28 |
| background in manufacturing, and one member must have a | 29 |
| background in international business relations. | 30 |
| Members of the Council shall receive no compensation but | 31 |
| shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance of |
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| 1 |
| their duties. | 2 |
| The Council shall annually select a chair from among its | 3 |
| members. The Council shall meet at the call of the chair.
| 4 |
| Section 15. Duties and powers of the Council. The Council | 5 |
| has the power to: | 6 |
| (1) Host monthly leadership forums to give small groups | 7 |
| of top business leaders the ability to interact with top | 8 |
| federal, State, and local governmental officials. | 9 |
| (2) Manage trips to Washington, D.C., for key business | 10 |
| leaders, giving this group exposure to top policy makers in | 11 |
| the federal administration and Congress. | 12 |
| (3) Manage trips to the State for members of Congress | 13 |
| and their staffs, giving this group exposure to Illinois | 14 |
| businesses, research facilities, and other statewide | 15 |
| highlights. | 16 |
| (4) Host monthly trade missions from international | 17 |
| companies, introducing these influential travelers to key | 18 |
| leaders at Illinois businesses for the expressed purpose of | 19 |
| building partnerships with suppliers and customers. | 20 |
| (5) Manage trips to other states and foreign countries | 21 |
| for Illinois business leaders to give them and their | 22 |
| respective companies exposure to new and expanding | 23 |
| markets. | 24 |
| (6) Manage meetings with prospective partners to | 25 |
| discuss products, markets, pricing, and other elements of | 26 |
| the transaction. | 27 |
| (7) Attract international participation in high | 28 |
| profile Illinois projects. | 29 |
| (8) Make recommendations to the Governor and the | 30 |
| members of the General Assembly concerning the role the | 31 |
| State performs in international business development.
| 32 |
| (9) Assist Illinois businesses to engage in, expand, | 33 |
| and increase foreign trade. | 34 |
| (10) Establish or cosponsor mentoring conferences, | 35 |
| using experienced
manufacturing exporters, to explain and |
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| 1 |
| provide information to prospective
export manufacturers | 2 |
| and businesses concerning the process of exporting to both
| 3 |
| domestic and international opportunities.
| 4 |
| (11) Provide technical assistance to prospective | 5 |
| export manufacturers and
businesses seeking to establish | 6 |
| domestic and international export
| 7 |
| (12) Coordinate with the Department of Commerce and | 8 |
| Economic Opportunity's Small Business Development Centers
| 9 |
| to link buyers with prospective export manufacturers and | 10 |
| businesses.
| 11 |
| (13) Promote, both domestically and abroad, products | 12 |
| made in Illinois in
order to inform consumers and buyers of | 13 |
| their high quality
standards and craftsmanship.
| 14 |
| (14) Provide technical assistance toward establishment | 15 |
| of export trade
corporations in the private sector.
| 16 |
| (15) Develop an electronic data base to compile | 17 |
| information on
international trade and investment | 18 |
| activities in Illinois companies,
provide access to | 19 |
| research and business opportunities through external data
| 20 |
| bases, and connect this data base through international | 21 |
| communication
systems with appropriate domestic and | 22 |
| worldwide networks users.
| 23 |
| (16) Collect and distribute to foreign commercial | 24 |
| libraries directories,
catalogs, brochures, and other | 25 |
| information of value to foreign businesses
considering | 26 |
| doing business in this State.
| 27 |
| (17) Establish an export finance awareness program to | 28 |
| provide
information to banking organizations about methods | 29 |
| used by banks to provide
financing for businesses engaged | 30 |
| in exporting and about other State and
federal programs to | 31 |
| promote and expedite export financing.
| 32 |
| (18) Undertake a survey of Illinois' businesses to | 33 |
| identify exportable
products and the businesses interested | 34 |
| in exporting.
| 35 |
| (19) In cooperation with the Department of
Agriculture | 36 |
| and the
Trade and Port Promotion Advisory |
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| 1 |
| Committee, (i) provide
assistance to
those manufacturing | 2 |
| and service companies that desire to export
| 3 |
| machinery, implements, equipment, other manufactured | 4 |
| products, and
professional services; (ii) encourage | 5 |
| Illinois companies to
exporting or increase their | 6 |
| export sales of agricultural and manufactured
products; | 7 |
| (iii) cooperate with agencies and instrumentalities of
the | 8 |
| federal
government in trade development activities in | 9 |
| overseas markets; (iv) conduct
the necessary research | 10 |
| within Illinois and in overseas markets in order to
assist | 11 |
| exporting companies; (v) promote the State of Illinois as a
| 12 |
| source
of agricultural and manufactured products through | 13 |
| information and promotion
campaigns overseas; and (vi) | 14 |
| conduct an information program for
buyers of | 15 |
| Illinois agricultural and manufactured products. | 16 |
| (20) In cooperation with the Department of
Agriculture | 17 |
| and the International
Trade and Port Promotion Advisory | 18 |
| Committee, (i) establish a
rate information | 19 |
| service for U.S. and foreign shippers; (ii)
promote the
| 20 |
| advantages of Illinois water ports and existing airport | 21 |
| facilities through
appropriate means and media in this | 22 |
| country and overseas; and (iii)
with the export | 23 |
| expansion projects and any other activity that results in
| 24 |
| the additional flow of agricultural and manufactured | 25 |
| products through the
Illinois water ports and existing | 26 |
| airport facilities. | 27 |
| (21) In cooperation with the
Department of Agriculture | 28 |
| and with the
of the International Trade and Port | 29 |
| Promotion Advisory Committee, establish overseas offices | 30 |
| for (i) the promotion of the export of
| 31 |
| agricultural and manufactured products; (ii) | 32 |
| representation of
seaports; (iii) economic | 33 |
| development; and (iv) tourism
promotion and services. | 34 |
| Section 20. Rules. The Council shall adopt rules as it | 35 |
| deems necessary to perform its duties under this Act.
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| 1 |
| Section 25. Staff. Subject to appropriation, the Council | 2 |
| may employ a staff as may be necessary to carry out its | 3 |
| functions under this Act and may contract for services | 4 |
| necessary to enable the Council to carry out its evaluation | 5 |
| functions, independent of programmatic and administrative | 6 |
| control by other State boards, agencies, and personnel.
| 7 |
| Section 30. Executive Director. The Council shall appoint | 8 |
| an Executive Director, who is the chief executive officer of | 9 |
| the Council. In addition to any other duties set forth in this | 10 |
| Act, the Executive Director shall do the following: | 11 |
| (1) Direct and supervise the administrative affairs | 12 |
| and activities of the Council, in accordance with its rules | 13 |
| and policies.
| 14 |
| (2) Attend meetings of the Council. | 15 |
| (3) Keep minutes of all proceedings of the Council. | 16 |
| (4) Approve all accounts for salaries, per diem | 17 |
| payments, and allowable expenses of the Council and its | 18 |
| employees and consultants and approve all expenses | 19 |
| incidental to the operation of the Council. | 20 |
| (5) Report and make recommendations to the Council on | 21 |
| the merits and status of any proposed facility. | 22 |
| (6) Perform any other duty that the Council requires | 23 |
| for carrying out the provisions of this Act.
| 24 |
| Section 35. Finances; annual report. | 25 |
| (a) The Council may accept funds, grants, gifts, and | 26 |
| services from the government of the United States or its | 27 |
| agencies, from this State or its departments, agencies, or | 28 |
| instrumentalities, from any other governmental unit, and from | 29 |
| private and civic sources for the purpose of funding any | 30 |
| projects authorized by this Act. The Council may receive | 31 |
| appropriations. | 32 |
| (b) Services of personnel, use of equipment and office | 33 |
| space, and other necessary services may be accepted from |
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| members of the Council as part of its financial support. | 2 |
| (c) The Council shall report annually on its activities and | 3 |
| finances to the Governor and the members of the General | 4 |
| Assembly.
| 5 |
| Section 45. Agriculture marketing. The Council has | 6 |
| authority and responsibility with respect to: | 7 |
| (1) Marketing and promotion of Illinois agricultural | 8 |
| products. | 9 |
| (2) Consulting services and marketing information for | 10 |
| Illinois agribusinesses. | 11 |
| (3) Representing Illinois at trade shows and seminars | 12 |
| related
to the State's agricultural exporting capabilities.
| 13 |
| Section 50. Other State programs. Notwithstanding any | 14 |
| other law to the contrary, the Department of Agriculture and | 15 |
| all other State executive branch agencies must consult with the | 16 |
| Council before continuing or undertaking any international | 17 |
| marketing program or programs authorized by law as of or after | 18 |
| the effective date of this Act.
| 19 |
| (20 ILCS 605/605-610 rep.)
| 20 |
| (20 ILCS 605/605-615 rep.)
| 21 |
| (20 ILCS 605/605-620 rep.)
| 22 |
| (20 ILCS 605/605-625 rep.)
| 23 |
| (20 ILCS 605/605-630 rep.)
| 24 |
| Section 90. The Department of Commerce and Economic | 25 |
| Opportunity Law of the
Civil Administrative Code of Illinois is | 26 |
| amended by repealing Sections 605-610, 605-615, 605-620, | 27 |
| 605-625, and 605-630. | 28 |
| Section 97. Severability. The provisions of this Act are | 29 |
| severable under Section 1.31 of the Statute on Statutes.
| 30 |
| Section 99. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1, | 31 |
| 2005.