Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Transportation (S) 5/18/2021 3:00 PM |
Ariel Hampton | Illinois Environmental Council | Illinois Environmental Council |
Bob Guy | SMART-Transportation Division | SMART-TD |
Brad Tietz | Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce | Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce |
Cassy Good | Illinois Municipal League | Illinois Municipal League |
Cordelia Meyer | Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago | Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago |
John Amdor | Nekritz Amdor Consulting | Active Transportation Alliance |
John Amdor | Nekritz Amdor Consulting | Metropolitan Planning Council |
Michael Sturino | Illinois Road and Transportation Builders Association | Illinois Road and Transportation Builders Association |
Rebecca Mason | American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois | American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois |
Tom Kotarac | Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago | Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago |
Hearing Date and Time: Transportation: Regulation, Roads (H) 3/1/2021 12:00 PM |
Audrey Wennink | Metropolitan Planning Council | Metropolitan Planning Council |
Bob Fisher | self employed | |
Brad Tietz | Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce | Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce |
Cassy Good | Illinois Municipal League | Illinois Municipal League |
Colleen Smith | Illinois Environmental Council | Illinois Environmental Council |
Dave Comerford | Illinois Federation of Teachers | Illinois Federation of Public Employees, IFT Local 4408 |
David McEllis | Environmental Law and Policy Center | Environmental Law and Policy Center |
Jacky Grimshaw | Center for Neighborhood Technology | Center for Neighborhood Technology |
John Amdor | Nekritz Amdor Consulting | Active Transportation Alliance |
John Amdor | Nekritz Amdor Consulting | Metropolitan Planning Council |
John Foote | self | self |
Jon Zabrocki | self | self |
Kyle Whitehead | Active Transportation Alliance | Active Transportation Alliance |
Mary Tyler | Illinois Economic Policy Institute | Illinois Economic Policy Institute |
Matt Emigholz | Illinois Federation of Public Employees | Illinois Federation of Public Employees |
Michael Gorman | University of Chicago | self |
Rahul Kalsi | Office of the President - Cook County Government | Office of the President - Cook County Government |
Renee Patten | Self | Self |
Sarah Coulter | Calumet Collaborative | |
Scott Presslak | StarLine Chicago | |
Thomas Kotarac | Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago | Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago |