Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 5/30/2019 7:00 PM |
Aaron Boynton | Howard Custom Transfers | Aaron Boynton |
Aaron Lindgren | Chicago Artizen LLC | Lindgren Family |
Aaron Newton | Self | Self |
Aaron Thomas McInturff | NA | Aaron Thomas McInturff |
Abbie Roff | Self | |
Abraham Villegas | The Medical Cannabis Community | The Medical Cannabis Community, patients of Illinois |
Adam Clifford Meacham | IDHS | |
Adam Coffelt | Not applicable | |
Adam Donnelly | --None-- | |
Adam James Nyland | Self | Self |
Adam Jensen | Self | Self |
Adam joy | Self | |
Adam Juodis | Self | Self |
Adam Long | self | |
Adam Long | self | Self |
Adam Waheed Burshan | Novaspect | Myself |
Adele Mae Green | Karnak Productions, Inc | self |
Aditi Singh | AIDS Foundation of Chicago | AIDS Foundation of Chicago |
Adrian Zavala | Cannamentor | |
Aidan Head | Vita Foods | |
Aiden Ethington | Self | |
Alaina Gansemer | River Bluff Cannabis | |
Alan Mills | Uptown People's Law Center | Uptown People's Law Center |
Alberto Rodriguez Guijosa | Self | |
Alec Douglas Wheeler | self | Alec Douglas Wheeler |
Alec Laird | Illinois Retail Merchants Association | Illinois Retail Merchants Association |
Aleda Diggins | Self | My self and my family |
Aleshia Trammel | Self | |
Alesia Patton Mcneil | Self | Self |
Alexander Alanis | Self | |
Alexander Kraeger | Self | Op1620 |
Alexander Kraeger | Self | Patient |
Alexander L Sandack | Self | Self |
Alexander Naremore | Self | Self |
Alexander Watry | Self | |
Alice Saleski | Self | |
Alicia | Self | Self |
Allen Partin | None | |
Allie Kunkler | Household | |
Allison May | Myself | |
Allister Booth | Home | |
Alyssa T | self | |
Alyssa Witte | Not available | Self |
Amanda Chaussey | Self | Self |
Amanda Defoort | Vape N glass | |
Amanda Kempton Rhoads | Self | Self |
Amanda L McCarthy | self | self |
Amanda marohn | None | |
Amanda Orellano | Self | Self |
Amanda Rodenburg | Self | |
Amanda S Perkins | Amanda S Perkins, LCSW Child, Adolescent and Adult therapy | |
Amanda Tooley | None | |
Amanda Tooley | Self | Self |
Amber Nimmo | Self | |
Amber veselack | Self | Self |
Amy Hildebrand | Independent | self |
Amy kelly | None | Self |
Amy M Shaulinskas | self | self |
Amy Pearl | amy pearl | amy pearl |
Amy Summers | Self | Self |
Amy Telisman | Na | Self |
Amy Thatcher | Self | Self |
Amy Watkins | Self | |
Anders J Stoy | Self | Self |
Andrew Cordes | Self | |
Andrew Kotansky | Self | Self |
Andrew L Prather | None | Self |
Andrew Morrissey | Butterfield Country Club | self |
Andrew Sobanski | Self | |
Andrew Stevens | Not Applicable | Self |
Andy Guinn | Self | Self |
Angel Jenkins | 1980 | Na |
Angela S Madura | None | None |
Angela Woodard | My House | |
angelina castello | Self | Self |
Anita Burnett | Self | |
Ann McFadden | Medical cannabis supporter | Medical cannabis supporter |
Anna Darrow | Self | Self |
Anna ralls | Self | |
Anna Rose Mates | Self | |
Anna Wolfson | Self | Self |
Anne Kasa | Self | Self |
Annette Johnson | Self | Self |
Annette L Johnson | Self | Self |
Annette Messina | NA | |
Anthony Bonson | Self | Self |
Anthony Isaacs | Self | |
Anthony Scalia | Self | |
Anthony Scott | Self | Self |
Ashley Bishop | Self | Self |
Ashley Jean Bobisud | Self | Self |
Ashley Lewis | Self | Self |
Ashley Noble | Self | |
Ashley Sangret | Self | Self |
Ashley Wright | Cook County States Attorney Office | Cook County States Attorney Office |
Ashton Osborne | Self | |
Ashton Perry | Self | Self |
Athena Hubert | none | self |
Audrey L Capps | Self | Self |
Ayrton Capetillo | Self | |
Bailey Knapp | Phoenix Botanical | |
Barbara Brumfield | Self | Self |
Barbara Little | Self | |
Basdeo Davud Das | Self | Self |
Bear Syavong | Self | Self |
Becky Maichel | Mrs | myself |
Ben Kunze | Golden Air care | |
Beniamino Capellupo | SEIU Illinois Council | SEIU Illinois Council |
Benjamin Ruddell | ACLU of Illinois | ACLU of Illinois |
Benjamin Savage | self | self |
Benjamin Youngdahl | Self | Self |
Beth force | Epic | |
Betsy Clarke | Juvenile Justice Initiative | Juvenile Justice Initiative |
Beverly Adams | Self | Self |
Beverly Feldt | Self | Self |
Blaine Riley | Self | Self |
Blake Duncan | Self | Self and friends |
Bobbi Newburn | None | |
Bobby Margaris | Darkmindz | |
Bonnie Petersen | self | self |
Brad Davis | self | self |
Brad Justice | self | medical cannabis community |
Brandian Smith | Self | Self |
Brandon Burgess | Self | |
Brandon Burton | None | |
Brandon Hallam | Independent | |
Brandon Liberto | Self | Self |
Brandon Lipin | Adler university | |
Brandon Motley | Motley Fitness | Self |
Brandon Swartz | Self | |
Brandy Trego | Self | |
Breanna Usrey | Self | Self |
Brett dunbar | Self | |
Brett Heintz | Self | |
Brett Jackson | Myself | |
Brian | Self | |
Brian Bishop | Seld | Self |
Brian Costin | Americans for Prosperity - Illinois | Americans for Prosperity - Illinois |
Brian D Kucharski | not applicable | |
Brian Favia | Mr. | Myself |
Brian Frazier Wright | The Green Pet Shop | |
Brian Gordon | Mr | Self |
Brian Neil Campbell | IFI | self |
Brian Quinlan | Musician | |
Brian Ramirez | Shamanramen | |
Brian sanchez | Self | Self |
Brian Smith | Na | Myself |
Brianna corrigan | Self | Self |
Bridgette Koukos | Na | Self |
Brigid OConnor | Not applicable | Self |
Brittany Davis | Self | Self |
Brock Blankenhagen | Self | Self |
Brooklyn | None | Self |
Bruce Frazin | self | Self |
Bryan mcmullan | Self | Self |
Bryant Brooks | None | |
Bryce Steenburg | 1958 | |
Brynn Marie Lovell | NA | Self |
Caitlin Arquines | Self | |
Caleb lewis | Medical canniabis patient | Self |
Cameron | self | |
Cameron english | Self. | |
Cameron Weiner | Self | Self |
Carl Tate | Self | Self |
Carlos Orbe | Self | Self |
Carmelo Reyes | NA | Myself |
Carol Esposito | Selt | Selt |
Carole Wohler | Medical cannabis supporter | |
Caroline Hammond | Self | Self |
Carolyn Noel | Self | |
Carolyn Self | Self | |
Carolyn self | Self | Self |
Caron Grantham | Minorities For Medical Marijauna | Minorities For Medical Marijauna |
Carrie Lackas | Personal | Personal |
Carrie Williams-George | self | |
Carrie Woggon | Self | My self |
Carter Harms | Illinois Department of Human Rights | Illinois Department of Human Rights |
Cassi Clifford | None | |
Catherine Burcham | Self | |
Catherine Caporusso | Resistance | Humans |
Catherine E Kulupka | Self | Self |
Cathy willis | None | |
Catrien Egbert | Self | Self |
Celia sax | Self | |
Charles Huggins | Self | Self |
Charles Schwarz | Self | self |
Charles W Keller | self | self |
Charles Wilbur | self | self |
Chase R Lesniak | End the | |
Chelsie Strama | DPU | Self |
Cheryl Jones Das | Self | Self |
Cheyanne Miller | Self | |
Chloe Szot | Self | Self |
Chris Barry | Self | |
Chris Bergheger | Self | |
Chris damitz | Cannabis llc | |
Chris hagemeier | Unemployed | Civilian over 21 |
Chris Hovenga | Self | |
Chris Kelly | Self | |
Chris kemper | Self | Self |
chris rhoads | Self | Self |
Chris Rice | Self | |
chris shipley | self | |
Christian Baril | self | |
Christina Dunn | Self | Self |
Christina Svast | Self | Medical Cannabis Community |
Christine Hubbard | Self | Self |
Christine Karhliker | Self | |
Christine Vanecek | Self | Self |
Christopher Demkovich | Self | Self |
Christopher Frank | Self | Self |
Christopher Holly | NONE | self |
Christopher Johnson | 1985 | Self |
Christopher Loiselle | Self | Self |
Christopher Valdivieso | Self | |
Christy Pennington | Cresco Labs | Christy Pennington |
Cindy lambert | Self | |
Claire Durwood | Self | Self |
Claire Johnson | Self | |
clara herberger | self | medical cannabis community |
CLAUDE EUGENE SYLLING | self | medical cannabis patient |
CLAUDE SYLLING | Self | Self |
Clinton Bradley Duzan | Self | Self |
Cody Breeden | Self | Self |
Cody Douglas Hazelhurst | self | |
Cody Hansen | self | self |
Cody King | Self | Self |
Cody Rose | Registered Agent | Cody Rose |
Cody Williams | Self | |
Colton Goins | Self | Self |
Connor Newman | Myself | |
Cora Scott | Self | Citizens of the great state of Illinois |
Corey Fineran | Ivy Envy | |
Cori Dorsey | Self | |
Cory Andrew Bieber | Self | Self |
Courtney Dearing | Self | Self |
Courtney Stupp | Self | |
Crista Busse | NA | |
Cristal Flinchem | None | Self |
Crystal L Greathouse | Self | |
Curtis Roff | Self | |
Cynthia Hankla | Self | Self |
D Jones | Self | Self |
Daiven Emling | Origin Acres | |
DALE STROUGH | Atty at Law | |
Dan | Self | Self |
Dan Gibrick | Self | Self |
Dan Griffith | retiree | |
Dan Jabs | Operation 1620 | Operation 1620 |
Dan McCarthy | self | self |
Dana Ivison | Self | |
Danial siddiqui | Top fashion | |
Danial Vis | disabled | |
Daniel ford | Self | |
Daniel Green | Cowan Systems | |
Daniel Kovalcik | Self | Self |
Daniel Lumbley | Self employed | Self |
Daniel Mahoney | None | Self |
Daniel Myers | Myself | |
Daniel N Howell | Self | Self |
Daniel Scimeca | Self | Self |
Daniela Mahoney | Self | Self |
Danielle Krall | Self | |
Danielle Smallwood | SELF | Self |
Dante Hamilton | Internet Webpages Newspaper Inc | |
Dante j williams | Self | |
Dante williams | NA | |
Darlene Greer | Self | Self |
Darren Monroe | Myself | |
Darryl Forthman | High Quality Painting | |
Darryl Mouck | Self | |
dave w staggs | self | self |
David Allen Wilson | None | Self |
David Bates | Concordia University Chicago | Self |
David Green | Canna-Hub Holdings | |
David L Cooper | Self | Self |
David McClinton | 3Energies | Self |
David OKane | Teacher | Self |
David R Hartmann | Na | |
David R Hartmann | Na | |
David Settles | Retired | |
David Stupp | None | |
David Telisman | Na | Self |
DavidThiel | Self | |
Dean Moulopoulos | Self | |
Deanna L Moczarny | Salveo | |
Debbie L Carter | Self | Myself |
Deborah Ness | None | |
Deborah Owen | Ms. | self |
Debra M Salomon | Self | |
Delaney Miller | Household | |
Demetrius Hilliard | Do all install | |
Denise Gengler | Self | Self |
Denise Haynes Mison | Haynes Mison household | |
Denise Wankel | self | |
DeniseTestin | Tax payer | Self |
Dennis R Tadin | 1982 | |
Dennis R Tadin | Self | Self |
Dennis Sebastian | Self | Self |
Derek Klopfenstein | Self | |
Derrick Miller | Self | Self |
Derrick Peters | Self | Self |
Destiny Melvin | Self | Self |
Diamond Lugo | Self | Self |
Diana Akmakjian | Self | Self |
Diana L Dailey | xxx | |
Diana McPeek | Self | |
Diedra Giles | Self | |
DJ Loeffelholz | River Bluff Cannabis | River Bluff Cannabis |
Dmitry Shub | Self | Self |
Dominique Schauer | Self | Self |
Donald Dailey | xxx | |
Donald Olker | Illinois State University | 3 Members of this household |
Donna | Self | Self |
Donte Townsend | Son of A Bud | |
Dorothy Stiver | Self | Self |
Doug Budzak | Not applicable | |
Douglas Bien | Self | |
Douglas Schoenhofen | Na | |
Doyle Rhoads | Self | |
Duain Altepeter | Self | Self |
Dustin Coughenour | Myself | Me |
Dustin king | Self | Self |
Dylan Bickers | Masthead | |
Dylan kerr | Self | |
Edgar Bahena | No Business | |
Edgar Nava | Self | Self |
Edie Moore | Chicago NORML | Chicago NORML |
Edmund Leipus | None | Self |
Edmundo Placencia | Self | Self |
Edna Ledermann | Medical Cannabis Patient | Medical Cannabis |
Edricc Orbe | Self | |
Eduardo Ruiz | Self | Self |
Edward Canto | Self | Self |
Edward F Arteaga | Self | Self |
Edward Powell | Self | Self |
Eileen Steenburg | 1958 | |
Elana Elterman | Self | Self |
Eleanor Smith | Self | Self |
Elijah Alexeas | Self | |
Elizabeth Carter | self | Self |
Elizabeth Hart | Self | Self |
Elizabeth J Stubbs | Self | |
Elizabeth Logan | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Malone | Self | |
Elizabeth McFadden | Medical cannabis Supporter | Medical cannabis supporter |
Elizabeth Mejias | illinoismedicalmarijuana | illinoismedicalmarijuana studentmmj |
Elizabeth Miller | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Rickert | Self | Self |
Emilka Lanc | self | |
Emily Gelber | None | Myself |
Emily Hovenga | Self | |
Emily Livingston | Self | |
Enrique Perez | None | |
Eric Deasy | Self | Self |
eric gill | Individual | |
Eric Roberts | None | Self |
Eric Zachary Turner | 1987 | Myself |
Erica Drogoszewski | Self employed | |
Erica elliott | None | |
Erica Van Schaik | Self | Self |
Erik Neumann | self | self |
Erik Zeidler | Self | |
Etta Worthington | NA | self |
Evan crose | Sidetrax | |
Evan Huff | Maxine's munchies | |
Evelyn R Stenzel | self | Self |
Fawaz Azeem | Self | Self |
Felice Schleicher | none | self |
Felix Yanes Jr | Illinois medical cannabis pilot program | |
Fernando I Chang | Self | Self |
Filjo Abraham | Not Applicable | |
Franklin Corbin | Self | Self |
Fred Hoffman | self | self |
Frederica Marie Schilling | self | |
Gabe Mendoza | Chi NORML | Chi NORML |
Gabriel Goldman | Self | Self |
Garen Hudson | Students for Sensible Drug Policy | Students for Sensible Drug Policy |
Garrett rollins | Self | |
Gavin orlacchio | Mr | |
Gayle S Blodgett | None | |
Gene Keith | Self | Self |
Gennifer Gates | NA | |
Geoffrey Bathje | Self | Self |
George Rivera Jr | Self | |
George Suchy | Self | Self |
Gerald Hubacek | Self | Self |
Giana Lovell | None | |
Gina dobelman | Self | |
Gladys | Self | Self |
Glenn Weiss | Self | Self |
Graham Michael | ILLINOIS Hemp | ILLINOIS Hemp |
Grant Harris | Self | Self |
Greg Kascewicz | Self | |
gregory madura | None | Self |
Grover Sharp | Self | |
Gwen Crockran | Self | Self |
Haley Hansen | The Clinic Effingham | |
Hannah Robe | Self | Self |
Harlan Chemers | Self | Proponent |
Harold Karch | self | |
Harrison Ornelas | On behalf of myself | |
Harry Ulgaro | Self | Self |
Hazel Canto | Self | Self |
Heather Egland | Illinois resident | Self |
Heather Johnson | Na | Self |
Heather Lackey | Self | Illinois voter |
Heather M McMeekan | 1968 | Self. |
Heather Steele | Personal | |
Hector Velazquez | None | |
Heidi Thorp | IL Voter | Self |
Hilda Cerda | Self | Self |
Holly Hoffman | Self | Self |
Holly Tate | Self | |
Homer B Chapa III | Self | Self |
Hope Middleton | Self | Self |
hugo romero | self | self |
Ian petrovich | Self | Self |
Iren Raye | na | self |
Isaiah Clermont | Self | Self |
Islieth Moran | Self | Self |
Ivan Valdivieso | Self | |
Jackie Snow | Self | |
Jacob | Personal | Personal |
Jacob Shannon | Self | |
Jacqueline Gost | Self | Self |
Jacquelyn Lomeli | Patient | |
Jacquelyn Sigite | self | |
Jaine Reynoso | Self | Self |
James | Self | |
James a noble | Self | |
James Blaszak | Resident | |
James Davis | None | Self |
James Ellis | Self | Self |
James Hines | Self | Self |
James kersh | None | |
James Kevin Morvay | 1986 | Self |
James McIntyre | Foster Care Alumni of America Illinois Chapter | Foster Care Alumni of America Illinois Chapter |
James Redden | Insane Throttle | |
James Schroeder | self | |
Jamie Clark | Self | Self |
Jamie Stanford | Home Healthcare | |
Jamie VanSwearingen | Self | |
Jane Floyd-Hendey | Retired | Self |
Jane Szczesniak | self | self |
Janet Messmer | Self | Self |
Janet Nelson | self | self |
Janice Mulqueeny | None | Self |
Janice Vail | Citizen | |
January Fry | Dickerson and Nieman Realtors | |
Jared Boyar | Self | |
Jared D Morton | 1998 | |
Jari Ramos-Orbe | Self | Jari Ramos-Orbe |
Jason Maggard | Self | |
Jason Arnold | Jointlife | |
Jason Hardy | Self | Self |
Jason Matthews | Self | Self |
Jason Sweat | Illinois Prisoner Review Board | Illinois Prisoner Review Board |
Jatohn Reado | Self | |
Jay | Chicago | Self |
Jay McCroskey | Individual | |
Jayme Eckart | NA | |
Jayne Lenderink | Medical cannabis community | Medical cannabis community |
Jean OBrien | personal comment | self |
Jeannette Hamilton | Illinois medical cannabis | Illinois medical cannabis |
Jeff Crabill | None | |
Jeff Soenksen | Self | Self |
Jeff Stuck | Self | Myself |
Jeffrey Gost | Self | Self |
Jeffrey R Zahnen | 1989 | Self |
Jenel marunde | Wellness rising Collaborative | |
Jennifer A Madera | Self | |
Jennifer Chasteen | Self | Patients |
Jennifer Futterman | Na | Self |
Jennifer Gonzales | Country inn and suites | |
Jennifer Ladisch Douglass | Jennifer Ladisch Douglass, Attorney at Law | |
Jennifer McHenry | Self | ALS caregiver |
Jennifer Sims | Self | Self |
Jennifer Walling | Illinois Environmental Council | Illinois Environmental Council |
Jennifer Wolf | Self | |
Jenny Clay | Self | |
Jeremie Mascheri | Self | Self |
Jeremy Ayares | NA | |
Jeremy Dare | Self | Self |
Jeremy Jervis | Self | Self |
Jeremy Lindenborn | Self | |
Jeremy Mcfadden | Medical cannabis supporter | Medical cannabis supporter |
Jeremy Shulting | Na | |
Jerome Goldberg | None | |
Jerry barton | Walmart | |
Jerry Cohan | Self | Self |
Jerry South | Self | Self |
Jesse armes | Self | |
Jesse Miguel | Self | |
Jesse R Greenblatt | Self | Self |
Jessica Dittman | Self | Self |
Jessica Galvin | Na | |
Jessica Herran | self | self |
Jessica Spanton | 1991 | |
Jessica Stevens | Self | Self |
Jessica Welch | Self | |
Jessie Segura | Self | Self |
Jessie slade | Myself | Self |
Jesus Garcia III | Self | Self |
Jim Bray | Self | Illinois Justice Project |
Jim Champion | Self | Self |
Jim Kast | Self | Self |
Jim Rogal | Individual | |
Joanne Wiedemann-Wolf | None | |
Joe Loeffelholz | River Bluff Cannabis | River Bluff Cannabis |
Joe szczesniak | Self | Self |
Joel Faires | self | self |
Joey Babyar | Self | |
John | Self Empolyed | Self Employed artist |
John | Self Empolyed Artist | Myself |
John | Self Empoyed artist | Self Employed artist |
John Amdor | Nekritz Amdor Consulting | Juvenile Justice Initiative |
John Carl Money | self | |
John Carr | IGAM Inc | Mental Health America-Illinois |
John Field | Self | Self |
John Hohler | none | |
John Horner | Self | Self |
John Hughes | NA | Self |
John Lamberger | Self | |
John McGuire | Retired assistant States Attorney | Self |
John miller | Na | John miller |
John Nicolay | Nicolay & Dart LLC | The Scotts Company LLC |
John Reininger | Self | Self |
John Salovesh | Self | |
John Schaljo | Self | Self |
John Sundara | Self | |
Johnny Boyd Jr | Self | Self |
Johnny campbell | Self | |
Johnny Rivera | Self | Self |
Jon J White | Self | |
Jon Whisler | Self | Self |
Jonah Berg Ganza | Self | Self |
Jonathan | Self | |
Jonathan Cipriani | NA | Self |
Jonathan Kinsey | self | self |
Jonathan ruddick | Self | Self |
Jordan Asquith | Self | Self |
Jordan Muller | Myself | |
Jorge Urias Jr | Self | Jorge Urias Jr |
Joseph Alvin Kelly | Self | self |
Joseph D White | SELF | SELF |
Joseph Doke | | Self |
Joseph Lantz | Self | Self |
Joseph Rodriguez | NA | |
Joseph Singleton | Homeowner | |
Joseph Ward | Self employed | |
Joseph Yon | Self business | |
Josephine herrera | Self | Self |
Josh Amos | FedEx | |
Josh Smith | Student | |
Josh Waldmire | None | |
Joshua merritt | Midwest laser | |
Joshua Stephenson | Stephensons | Joshua Stephenson, Kendra Rich |
Joy Grainge | Medical Cannabis Education Association | Myself |
Juan Vargas | Self | Self |
Judy Witasik | Self | Self |
Julia Testin | NA | Self |
Julie Billimack | Self | Self |
Julie Falco | self | self |
Julie Fortin | Self | Self |
Julie K Prom | Self | Self |
Julie Miller | None | Myself |
Justin Canary | Brothers green labs | |
Justin Garza | Self | |
Justin Gibson | Self | Self |
Justin Heilmann | Self | |
Justin Hoyt | Self | Self |
Justin James Jones | Justin Jones | |
Justin JOSE | SELF | |
Justin Lark | Home | |
Justin Nedoss | Millikin University | |
KAMEN PRICE | MEDICAL PATIENT | medical patient |
Kannatopia | Kannatopia | Kannatopia |
Kara | NA | |
Kara Bishop | Self | Self |
Karen Davis | None | Self |
Karen Dickerson | self | Self |
Karen Schwartz | NA | Self |
Karen Slater | Myself | Myself |
Kari Crowley | Not applicable | |
Kate Alpert | Self | Self |
Kate Nicolai | Self | Polictial AF |
Kate Nicolai | Self | self |
Kate Szczesniak | self | self |
Katharine Mascheri | Self | Self |
Katherine Jovanovich | Self | Self |
Katherine A Bien | Self | |
katherine maple | server | |
Katherine Pavlik | None | Self |
Kathleen Kane-Willis | Chicago Urban League | Chicago Urban League |
Kathleen Myers | none | none |
Kathleen Sullivan | Self | Self |
kathy hagen | self | |
KATHY MAE BEGALKA | Self | self |
Katje Sabin | Self | Self |
Katrina Carnes | Self | Self |
Katrina Freeze | Self | Self |
Kayla Byers | Self | |
Kayla Harris | Self | Self |
Kayla Rowland | Moxie Massage | |
Keith Thompson | none | |
Kelli Quinn | Self | Self |
Kelly Elizabeth Jones | Self | Self |
Kelsy Thomas | Self | |
Kelvin D McCabe | Law Office K McCabe | Illinois Chapter of the Nat'l Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) |
Ken Lenderink Jr | Medical cannabis community | Medical cannabis community |
Kendall Hunter | Na | |
Kendy Griswold | Self | |
Kenneth S Maddex | self | Self |
Kenneth slawson | Self | Self |
Keri Mendez | Vickeri4 Inc. | Myself |
Kevin Berry | self | |
Kevin Cihlar | Self | |
Kevin Collins | Self | Self |
Kevin Conner | None | |
Kevin OBrien | Citizen | |
Kevin Tegtmeyer | Self | Self |
Kevonte Jalil Bivens | G Kush by Snow | Self |
Kim Hildebrand | Independent | self |
Kimberly Foxx | Cook County States Attorney Office | Cook County States Attorney Office |
Kimberly Gilbert | Self | Self |
Kimberly Harkess | Self | |
Kipp Lacy | Self | Self |
Kirsten Velasco | Self | Self |
Koury Sargent | Business | |
Krisandra Szczesniak | Self | Self |
Kristi Hanson | self | |
Kristin Curtis | na | self |
Kristin L Rudolph | self | self |
Kristina Lowery | NA | |
Kristina Redington | Self | Self |
Kristina Rice | NA | Myself |
Kristopher Coffie | Self | Self |
Kristopher Todd bass | Self | Self |
Kurt Akers | Self | Self |
Kurt Hilgendorf | Chicago Teachers Union | Chicago Teachers Union |
Kurt Wohler | Medical cannabis supporter | Medical cannabis supporter |
Kurt wohler | Mr kurt wohler | |
Kyah Cook | Self | |
Kyle Hillman | National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter |
Kyle Pollina | Self | Self |
kyrsten romero | self | self |
L Victoria Waring | Self | |
Lana Wroten | Self | Self |
Larry Zenger | None | Self |
Laura A Farrell | Illinois Medical Cannabis Recipes | |
Laura Almanza | Self | Self |
Laura Cargerman | Self | |
Laura carter | Veterans For Cannabis | |
Laura E Williams | 1985 | |
Laura gardner | Mamas magical meds | |
Laura gardner | Self | |
Laura Hanson | Self | |
Laura Justice | self | medical cannabis community |
Laura Schiff | self | |
Lauren Ashley Boynton | Not applicable | |
LAUREN E EHLE | Self | self |
Lauren Hany | Self | |
Lauren Tipton | Lauren Tipton | Lauren Tipton |
Lawrence Ness | None | |
Lea Bonner | Self | |
Leanne Beard-Moriconi | Self | Self |
Leanne Nolan | Myself | |
Lee Ann Crane | Ataraxia | |
Leigh Ann Charlot | None | |
Lenice Abbott | Self | Self |
Leonard Spivey | Self | |
Leslie Kahn | Self | Self |
Leslie Murray | Self | Self |
Leticia Jimenez | Self | Self representation |
Lianne Young | Self | |
Linda Boyd | Self | |
Linda Hogg | Self | |
Linda Lunt | Self | Self |
Linda stanley | none | self |
Lindsey Larson | Self | Self |
Lindsey Tallerico | Citizen | Self |
LindseyUtley | Self | Self |
Linsey Hutson | Na | |
Lisa Benson | Self | |
Lisa Bridges | Self-Person | Self |
Lisa Burnham | self | |
Lisa Carr | Self | |
Lisa Haynes | Self | |
Lisa Leipus | None | Self |
Lisa miller | NORML | NORML |
Lisa salazar | Lisa Salazar legalization rec | |
Lisa weiss | Self | Myself and family |
Logan sorenson | Me | Self |
Logan Troxel | Self | Self |
Lorraine Cassini | Not applicable | |
Losten | Bobes Pizza | |
Lucas Kaplan | Self | Self |
Lucas Kusek | Personal | |
Luis Klein | Juvenile Justice Initiative | Juvenile Justice Initiative |
Luke Brotan | Personal | |
Luke Keeley | Self | Self |
Luke Meyer | Self | |
Luke Romin | Self | Self |
Luke Wesolowski | 1982 | Self |
Lynn | Self | |
Lynn Beagle | Self | |
Lynn Howard | Not applicable | Self |
Lynn Stanczuk | Self | Self |
M | Self | Self |
Madison Caise | KC-CASA | Madison Caise |
Maggie Durso | Self | |
Malki Duque | Na | Self |
Mallory Finn | undisclosed | |
Manny guillen | Self | |
Margaret Barnott | None | |
Margaret Lockhart | self | |
Margret Vesely | Self | |
Maria Galvan | Self | Self |
Marianne Gizzi | Self | Self |
Marilee Watson | NA | |
Marilyn landis | Self | |
marina hernandez | self | self |
Mario mucino | Self | |
Mark Keleminic | Self | Self |
Mark Lovekamp | Self | Self |
Mark Peysakhovich | MBM Advantage LLC | Ascend Illinois and HCI ALTERNATIVES |
Mark Sadowski | None | |
Mark Walsh | none | individual |
Marla Hedrick | self | self |
Martin Vanhemert | Self | Medical Canna(bis) Community |
Mary | Self | Self |
Mary Bain | Healthcare | Self |
Mary D'Angelo | Self | |
Mary Hodgson | Homemaker | |
Mary McCormick | Self | |
Mary Rajcok | Self | Self |
Mary Rhein | Lucky Dog | |
Mason Rice | Self | Self |
Mathew Petrocelli | SIUE | |
Matt Arenstein | human being | Matt Arenstein |
Matt DeVeau | NA | |
Matt McDaniel | Agency | |
Matt Omans | self | |
Matt Sokolowski | Self | |
matt zimbelman | self | |
Matthew fremault | Security | |
Matthew hankammer | None | |
Matthew Johnson | None | Self |
Matthew Jones | Self | Self |
Matthew Kleiman | self | self |
Matthew Orr | None | Myself |
Matthew R Karnatz | 1986 | Self |
Matthew Slade | Myself | Self |
Matthew Strong | none | Self |
Matthew Welser | Self | Self |
Matthew Zaradich | Self | |
Matthias Casey | AWP | |
Maureen Fitzmaurice | None | |
Mauricio Consalter | Medici Healthcare | Self |
Maxwell Arne | Restaurant | |
Maxwell Logan | None | |
Meagan McFadden | Self | Self |
Megan Goldman | Self | Self |
Megen | Self | Self |
Meggan Zier | None | Self |
Mel Jackson | Self | self |
Melanie Roach | Patient | Patient |
Melisa gonzalez | Self | |
Melissa A Heinz | None | Self |
Melissa Bergheger | Self | |
Melissa Durie | None | Self |
Melissa Nelson | Self | Self |
Melissa Santiago | NA | NA |
Meredith Lusher Fleece | Personal | Self |
Merle Dallas jr | NormL | |
Michael Ayers | none | |
Michael Brommer | Self | |
Michael Ciaccio | Teamsters Joint Council 25 | Teamsters Joint Council 25 |
Michael D Nichols | Self | self |
Michael Dickerson | Self Employed | Self |
Michael Dohm | Self | |
Michael Doughty | Self | Self |
Michael Fleece | Self | Self |
Michael Gargiulo | Self | |
Michael Huffman | Self | Self |
Michael La Porte | None | Self |
Michael Morris | NA | Myself |
Michael Peacock | Self | Self |
Michael Rizo | Self | |
Michael Smith | 1988 | |
michael spisak | self | |
Michael Svast | Self | Self |
Michael Thompson | Diecast Studios | |
Michael Woggon | Self | Self |
Michael zaworski | Damage Inc. | |
Michael Ziri | Equality Illinois | Equality Illinois |
Michaelangelo Velasco | Self | Self |
Michelle | NA | Self |
Michelle Cerutti | Cerutti Insurance | |
Michelle Cianferri | NA | |
Michelle Donat | self | self |
Michelle Faires | Self | Self |
Michelle kinney | Self | |
Michelle Novak | Self | |
Michellenea Futrell | None | |
Mike Agee | Self | |
Mike Coyle | self | self |
Mike Hoffman | Self | Self |
Mike Pietruszka | Self | Self |
Miles Anthony | Self | Norml |
Miriam Lacey | None | |
Miriam Lacey | Self | |
Mishalyn Rodriguez | Self | |
Mitchell D Freymann | Macs Body shop | |
Mitchell James McCarthy | Self | |
Mitchell Tillman | Self | Self |
moises cortes | self | self |
Molly Jarman | Self | Self |
Monica Orbe | Self | Self |
Morgana Harp | Illinois Resident | |
Musette Michael | Musette Michael | Musette Michael |
N Jean Lacy | CannaSpectrum, LLC | Self |
Nancy Castello | Self | Self |
Nancy Fortin | Self | Self |
Natalie Carberry | Self | Self |
Natalie terrazas | S&s | |
Nathan Alan Steele | Self | |
Nathan La Porte | Self | Self |
Nathan Titus | Myself | Myself |
Nathaniel Hughes | Self | Self |
Nathaniel Rabideau | None | Self |
Nathaniel Sanabria | Self | Self |
Neo Orbe | Na | Self |
Nicholas A Widger | Self | Self |
Nicholas Beller | Self | Self |
Nicholas Constantine | Brown Wood Inc | Self |
Nicholas Focht | Self | |
Nicholas StCyr | Self | |
Nicholaus l Tapscott | Self | |
Nick Bowes | Self | Self |
Nick Taylor | Self | Self |
Nicole | Self | Self |
Nicole N Jones | self | self |
Nicole Rogers | SuperNatural Wellness | Self |
Nicole Taylor Ryan | Self | Self |
Nicolle Grasse | None | Self |
Nikolas Velleca | 1990 | Self |
Nolan Brooks | Christie Clinic | Self |
Nolan Hoffmann | Self | Self |
Nora Smith | None | Nora Smith |
Norma Breweur | Nurse | |
Norma Hunt | Self | Support og legalization |
Obed Angel | Self | Self |
Olympia Mercuri | None | Self |
Owen Gourley | Self | Self |
Pam Dukovac | Self | Self |
Pamela Ryan | NORML | |
PAMELA TATE | Self | Self |
Patricia Armstrong | On behalf of self | Illinois voter |
Patricia Bolin | Self | Medical Cannabis Community |
Patricia Lamagno | self | self |
Patricia McAdams | Self | Self |
Patrick Evan | Self | |
Patrick Logan | Self | Self |
Patrick Rule | | |
Patrick Veach | Self | Self |
Patrick Zenger | None | Self |
PATTI Jordan | Self | |
Paul Akers | Self | Self |
Paul J Stark | Pizza Restaurant | SELF |
Paul Nimz | NA | myself |
Paula Thompson | None | |
Peg Phillips | Phillips Tax Service | Self |
Peggy L Scott | not applicable | citizen of IL |
PEGGY PRICE | 1980 | Medical marijuana care givers |
Pete Reeves | Black Cannabis Business Network, NFP | Black Cannabis Business Network, NFP |
peter | self | self |
Peter Cho | Home | |
Peter Contos | Students for Sensible Drug Policy | SSDP |
Peter M Mandybur | 1996 | |
Peter Savage | none | |
Peter Savage | patient | |
Peyton LAnglais | Self | Self |
Phillip draffen | Self | |
Phillip Petersen | Self | Self |
Phyllis Volkmar | self | |
Plamena Todorova | Household | |
Racheal Plymale | Self | Self |
Rachel Berry | Self | Self |
Rachel Marfell | None | Self |
Ralph Choat | FSCB | Self |
Randy Anderson | Self | |
Randy C Wheeler | None | Self |
Randy Diedrich | Self | |
Randy Diedrich | Self | Self |
Randy Parkins | Self | |
Raynaldo Dejesus Jr | Na | Self |
Rebecca Das | Self | Self |
Rebecca Ingala | Citizen | |
Rebecca Villegas | Self | TMCC |
Rebecca Weinberg | Self | None |
Rebekah Marie bass | Self | Self |
REGINA Crosley-Corcoran | Self | |
Regina Peterson | Self | Self |
Reilly Drew | None | Self |
Renee Applebey | Self | Self |
Renee Wsol | Self | Self |
Richard Castello | 35 | |
Richard Douglass | Self | |
Richard Greenfield | RJG Associates | RJG Associates |
Richard Kelly | Self | Self |
Richard Lunde | NA | Self |
Richard M Emling | self | self |
Richard Maturo | NA | Self |
Richard Ray Simmons | Self | Self |
Richard Sherman | Self | Medical cannabis |
Rimi Duque | NA | Self |
Rita McGuire | RJM Wellness | |
Robert De Shong | self | |
Robert Gailliaert Jr | Self | |
Robert Hughes | robert hughes | Robert Hughes |
Robert Kamen | SELF | |
Robert Mastio | Self | Self |
Robert Phillips | Self | Self |
Robert Phillips | The Dispensary, LLC. | Self |
Robert Prior | Na | Self |
Robert Raudenbush | Self | |
Robert Rodenburg | Self | |
Robert Self | None | Self |
robert snow | disabled | |
Robert T Self | None | Self |
Robert Vondrash | Self | |
Robert W Smith | Self | |
Robilyn Fleissner | NA | Self |
Robin Atkinson | Self | Self |
Robin Callaway Welch | None | None |
Robin Dusek | Me | self |
Rodney Daub | Citizen Medical Cannabis Patient | Person, myself |
Rodrigo Pacheco | Personal | |
Ronald Herstedt | Retired | Self |
Ronald Kurtz | self | self |
Ronald McHenry | Self | |
Ronald Taxer | Self | Self |
Ronnie Riley | Self | Self |
Rosa Campos | Self | Self |
Rosario Ricobene | Not applicable | |
Rosemary Kropp | Kropp Insurance Agency | |
Rosie M Naumovski | Self | Self |
Rosie Naumovski | Self | Self |
Ross Toliver | Self | Self |
Ryan Blitstein | Self | Self |
Ryan Burnett | Self | |
Ryan campbell | null | self |
Ryan DiPietro | Self | |
Ryan Kropp | Kropp Insurance Agency | |
Ryan L Murphy Mazique | Self | Self |
Ryan Marucco | Village of Stonington | |
Ryan McIntyre | Self | Self |
Ryan Morris | Myself | |
ryan navel | Self | Self |
Ryan Pierce | Circle k | |
Ryan tyson | Tyson eng | |
Sabrina Neely | Self | Self |
Salvatore Esposito | Self | Self |
Sam Damitz | Self | |
Samantha Clark | Self | Self |
Samantha Combs | Self | Self |
Samantha Costello | Self | Self |
Samantha Hansen | Self | |
Samantha Pohlman | None | |
Samuel Fortman | Self | Self |
Samuel R Mostow | Self | Samuel R Mostow |
Sandra Champion | Self | Self |
Sandra J Villano | Self | |
Sandra Joan Bettger | Self | |
Sandra Schafer | Self | Self |
Santos Mendoza | Self | |
Sara Brawley | none | |
Sara Curtner | Self | Self |
Sara Jane Abbott | Self | |
Sara Scimeca | self | self |
Sarah Baker | None | Self |
Sarah Bates | self | self |
Sarah D Geary | Self | |
Sarah Dengler | Self | Self |
Sarah Doerr | Washington County Democratic Party | Self |
Sarah Elliott | self | Self |
Sarah Feezor | self | self |
Sarah Ford | Self | |
Sarah harrah | Self | Self |
Sarah Jacobazzi | Self | |
Sarah Morris | Self | Self |
Sarah Schultz | Self | Self |
Sarah Shirkey | none | |
Sarah Winders | Self | Self |
Sari Zats | Self | Medical cannabis community |
Scot Diamond | None | |
Scott | Self | Self |
Scott Blair | Heartland CannAssist | |
Scott Drnec | Central steel | Scott Drnec |
Scott Henke | na | Self |
Scott Wietrzykowski | Self | Self |
Sean Austin | Self | Self |
Sean D Carter | Fever River Outfitters | |
Sean Herstedt | Disabled | Self |
Sean O'Donnell | Self | Self |
Shannon Davenport | Self | Self |
Shannon Griffin | Self | Self |
Shannon Wright | Self | |
Sharon Craig | Self | Self |
Sharon Larson | na | self |
Sharon Malczynski | Self | |
Shawn Jeter | Self | |
Shawn Phillips | Self | Self |
Shawnda West | McDonalds | |
Shea Perkins | Self | Self |
Sheila Voss | self | self |
Sheri Province | Resident | |
Shyla Dallas | NORML | |
Sidney Gentles | Self | Self |
Solarian Laughlin | Illinois Resident | |
Sonja Valdivieso | Self | |
Stacey Milbrandt | Myself | |
Stacey Plott | Thrive | |
Stephanie D Simpson | Self | |
Stephanie Hunter | None | Self |
Stephanie Presley | Self | Self |
Stephanie Reynolds | Me | |
Stephanie Rodriguez | NA | |
Stephanie Standish | Self | |
Stephen Kropp | Kropp Insurance Agency | |
Stephen Trent | Self | Self |
Steve Baker | Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender | Cook County Public Defender |
Steven Lovell | None | |
Steven brooks | Self | Self |
Steven Gough | Self | Self |
Steven Morris | Self | Self |
Steven S Howard | not applicable | self |
Sue Rio | Self | Self |
Susan Bowerman | Self | |
Susan Kingsley | Self | Self |
Susan McDonald | Self | Self |
Susan McFaul | Self | Self |
Susan ONeal | Self | Self |
Susan Schultz | Action Metro East | |
Susan Walker | Self | Self |
Susanna Liberto | Self | Self |
Susin Wasilewski | Self | |
Tahnya Ford | Self | Self |
Tamieka Hardy | Self | |
Tammy Schmit | Self | Self |
Tammy Schmit | Self | Self |
Tana Wright | Self | Self |
Tanner Kasinger | Ataraxia | Ataraxia |
Tanya Moody | Self | |
Tatelynn Forthman | Self | Self |
Taylor Belcher | None | Self |
Taylor Coakley | Self | |
Taylor Kenney | Self | Self |
Taylor Schuck | Self | Self |
Telemechus Kanzaki | Happy Joes | |
Teresa Reynolds | Self | Self |
Teresa self | None | Self |
Teresa Stinaldi | self | self |
Teri Gidwitz | self | self |
terrence burke | na | self |
Terri Jovicevic | Self | |
Terry burke | none | na |
The Rev Gina Volpe | Episcopal Church of the Holy Nativity | |
Theodore Little | T and H Services | |
Theresa LaMont | Self | Self |
Theresa Morrison | Self | Self |
Thomas Genders | SELF | SELF |
Thomas Hanrahan | Self | Self |
Thomas Howard | Stumari | biploars, creatives and people that believe in rules making sense. |
Thomas L Howe | Self | Self |
Thomas LaFontaine | Self | |
Thomas W Harris | na | Self |
Thomas Walsh | Self | Self |
Thomas Walsh | Thomas J.Walsh Consulting | Juvenile Justce Initiative |
Thomi self | None | Self |
Tifani Giller | Self | Self |
Tiffany Becerra | Self | Self |
Tiffany Bowers | self | |
Tiffany L Milasius | Self | |
Tiffany Woodman | Self | |
Tim Drea | IL AFL-CIO | Labor |
Tim Fitzgerald | None | |
Tim Holm | Self | Self |
Tim McGraw | None | |
Timothy Blakley | Self | Self |
timothy patrick flaherty | Federal | |
Timothy Watson | NA | |
Tina McMahon | Self | |
Tina Renea Dickerson | Self | Self |
Todd Longmire | Self | Self |
Todd McCorkle | Self | |
Tom | Self | |
Tom Hodkinson | Self | Self |
Tom Neth | self | self |
Tom Ruff | Self | |
Tom Weber | None | |
Toni Oplt | Metro East Green Alliance | self |
Tony Lenderink | Medical cannabis community | Medical cannabis community |
Tony Zier | None | Self |
Tracey Gzamouranis | Self | Self |
Tracie Hall | Self | Self |
Tracy N Orthal | Self | Self |
Travis Burris | self | |
Travis Jones | self | self |
Travis Norton | Illionois norml | |
TRAVIS THOMPSON | Thompson Bikes | self, |
Trenton Blair | Trent | |
Troy Wilburn | Self | |
Tyson Land | Self | Self |
Ulysses Diaz | self | self |
Vernon L Blankenship | Self | Self |
vicki king | self | |
Victoria Brenic | Self | Self |
Victoria De Shong | Self | |
Victoria Homan | Self | Self |
Victoria Reisberg | self | self |
Vilmarie Narloch | Self | Self |
Vince Durso | Self | Self |
Virginia Farrugia | 1979 | Myself |
Virginia Moran | Self | Self |
Walt rippa | The public | Self,Walt rippa |
Walter Hoynes | Self | Self |
walter j sledz | BOGIESGARAGE | self |
Wesley Henry Perkins | 2016 | Wesley Perkjins on behalf of Operation 1620 |
Wesley Lamere | Self | |
Wesley Smith | Self | Self |
William A Frazin | Self | Self |
William Fishel | None | Self |
William Johnson | Syngenta | Support of legalisation of cannabis |
William Mueller | 1973 | Self |
William Ortlund | Lake county Forest Preserve Police | |
william roger abens | NORML | |
William Schrero | One Design | |
William T Yahner | self | self |
William Wilson | NA | NA |
Yesenia Aguinaga | I | I |
Zach Harris | Self | Self |
Zach Koutsky | Local 881 United Food and Commercial Workers | 34,000 members of Local 881 UFCW |
Zach Lommatzsch | Self | Self |
Zachary Giles | Self | |
Zena Ennis | Helping hands | |
Zena Ennis | Medical Community | |
Hearing Date and Time: Executive (S) 5/29/2019 3:00 PM |
Adam Long | self | Self |
Aide Lozano | Self | Self |
Alex Cohen | Chicago NORML | Chicago NORML |
Alexander Kraeger | Op1620 | Op1620 |
Alhaji Abubakar | NORML | Chicago NORML |
Alison Howlett Walters | Chicago Laborers District Council LMCC | Chicago Laborers District Council LMCC |
Allison ODwyer | Individual | Individual |
Amanda L McCarthy | self | self |
Amber Yaste | Pittsfield | amber yaste |
Amy Hildebrand | Self | self |
Amy Maldonado | GoNORML | GoNORML |
Angel Jenkins | 1980 | Na |
Angela S Madura | Self | None |
Angelique Muhammad | Not applicable | Self |
Anna Madura | Self | None |
Annette Messina | NA | NA |
Anthony Bonson | Self | Self |
Anthony Garritano | XD Tech | XD Technology Industry |
Ashley Bishop | Self | Self |
Ashley Wright | Cook County States Attorney Office | Cook County States Attorney Office |
Bailey Sanz | FMG Suite | Bailey Sanz |
Benia Smith | Bjs Investments llc | Self |
Beniamino Capellupo | SEIU Illinois Council | SEIU Illinois Council |
Benjamin Fonseca | Allied Access Foundation Inc | People with Disabilities. |
Benjamin Ruddell | ACLU of Illinois | ACLU of Illinois |
Bernard Vendlinski | NORML | NORML |
Bowen Quast | Self | Self |
Bradlee Barcus | Self | Self |
Brady Knippenberg | Self | Self |
Brandian Smith | Self | Self |
Brandon Motley | Motley Fitness | Self |
Brendan Murphy | Self | Self |
Brian Bunkowski | Self | Self |
Brian Costin | Americans for Prosperity - Illinois | Americans for Prosperity - Illinois |
Brian Costin | Americans for Prosperity - Illinois | Americans for Prosperity - Illinois |
Brian Favia | Mr. | Myself |
Bruce Frazin | Self | Self |
BRYANT BROOKS | Self | None |
Caleb lewis | Medical cannabis pataint | Self |
Carrie Woggon | None | Normal |
Chad A White | Self | Self |
Charles Schwarz | Self | Self |
Charlette Stanton | CeeBlaq Social CLUB | Charlette Stanton |
Chimoun Chlimon | Simon Tacos Inc. | Chicago NORML |
Chimoun Chlimon | Simon Tacos Inc. | Esho Toma |
Christiana Lewis | Self | Self |
Christina Dunn | Self | Self |
Christine Dussault | None | Self |
Christopher Johnson | Self | Self |
Christopher Wartman | Lollipop Farms | Christopher Wartman |
Clint Brown | Local 881 United food and Commercial Workers | Local 881UFCW |
Corey M Cox | None | Self |
Courtney McEvoy | Self | Self |
Crystal Bell | Self | Self |
Curtis straczek | Resident | On behalf of myself |
Cynthia Hankla | Self | Self |
Cynthia Tapia | Self | Self |
D Sumers | Individual | Myself |
Dalton Andrew McCarty | Self | Self |
Dalton Campbell | Self | Self |
Dan McCarthy | self | self |
Daniel Mahoney | None | Self |
Daniel Scimeca | Self | Self |
Danny Vazquez | GCYC | Danny Vazquez |
Dave Lowitzki | Lowitzki Consulting, LLC | SEIU Healthcare IL and IN |
David Borneman | Self | Self |
David Bythewood | Constituent | Self |
David L Cooper | Self | Self |
David McClinton | 3 ENERGIES | Self |
David Michaud | Cannect Wellness of Illinois LLC | Cannect Wellness of Illinois, LLC |
David Rechs | self | self |
Derrick Peters | None | HB1438 |
Dia Morgan | None | None |
DIANNE MARSELLA | Dianne Marsella | Concerned citizen |
Donald Loeffelholz | None | Na |
Donita M Lake | Nature Own Wellness Center | Donita M Lake |
Duain Altepeter | Self | Self |
Dustin Coughenour | Myself | Myself |
Edward canto | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Gardner | none | NONE |
Elizabeth Rickert | None | Self |
Elizabeth Valdes | Self | Self |
Elva Mironova | Self | Self |
Emerson Branch | Branchs Medicinal LLC | LLC |
Erica Bland-Durosinmi | SEIU Healthcare IL | SEIU Healthcare IL |
Gabe Mendoza | CHI NORML | Chi NORML |
Gabriella Cooper | NA | NA |
Genie mooney | None | Self |
Gerald Easley | NA | NA |
Gina Szulkowski | Self | Self |
GLEN C GILMORE | Leapfrog Product Development | NORML. National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Law |
gregory madura | Self | None |
Haley Hansen | The Clinic Effingham | Haley Hansen |
Harley Friedman | Self | Self |
Heather Egland | Illinois resident | Self |
Holly Hoffman | Self | Self |
Isaac Ahrens | Self | Self |
Isaac Williams III | Chicago NORML | Chicago NORML |
Islieth Moran | Self | Self |
James Kevin Morvay | 1986 | IL Norml |
Janet Messmer | Self | Self |
Javier H Garcia | Person | Javier H Garcia |
Jean Lacy | Self | Self |
Jean Page | self | self |
Jeannette Hamilton | Illinois medical cannabis | Self |
Jenna Dedio | None | Jenna Dedio |
Jennifer Johnson | TGG LLC | People of IL |
Jennifer ohnson | Chicago Norml | Chicago Norml |
Jeremie Mascheri | Self | Self |
Jeremy Lindenborn | None | Jeremy Lindenborn |
Jerry South | Self | Self |
Jess Leahy | self | Self |
Jesse Greenblatt | Self | Self |
Jesse R Greenblatt | IL-NORML | Self |
Jessica Briscoe | Self | Self |
Jim Bray | Self | Illinois Justice Project |
Jim Champion | Self | Self |
Joan Padilla | None | Self |
Joanna Sawitz | Indivisible NLC | Indivisible NLC |
Joe Loeffelholz | River Bluff Cannabis | River Bluff Cannabis |
Joe szczesniak | Self | Self |
John Amdor | Nekritz Amdor Consulting | Juvenile Justice Initiative |
John Caleb Masoner | Operation 1620 | John Caleb Masoner |
John Coultas | Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation | Illinois Department of Finacial and Professional Regulation |
John Johnson | IBEW Local 51 | IBEW Local 51 |
John Nicolay | Nicolay & Dart LLC | The Scotts Company LLC |
John Nicolay | Nicolay & Dart LLC | Trace |
John Spaw | NA | Self |
JoLynn Doerr | self | self |
Jordan Asquith | Self | Self |
Joseph Ayala | None | None |
Joseph Doke | | Self |
Joseph F Kralicek | Self | Self |
Joseph Lantz | Self | Self |
Joseph McCauley | Self | Self |
Joshua Perkins | Self | Myself |
Joshue Flores | Self | Self |
Joy Grainge | Self | Myself |
Julia Jonczyk | NA | Self |
Julie K Prom | Self | Self |
Julie Stephan | Self | Self |
Justin Heilmann | Kraft Heinz Company | None |
Justin Hoyt | Self | Self |
Justin Kander | Aunt Zelda's | Justin Kander |
Kaitlin Thompson | Self | Self |
Karen Roberts | Jus Sandwiches | Self |
Kate Nicolai | Self | Polictial AF |
Katelynn Karner | Self | Self |
Katherine Burton | Self | Self |
Kathleen Blackburn | Self | Self |
Kathleen Myers | none | none |
Kathleen Young | Self | Self |
KeShanna Eison | Apartment | Keshanna Eison |
Kevin Cihlar | Self | Medical Cannabis Community |
Kiana Hughes | Self | Chicago NORML, Elevated Education, LLC |
Kirsten Velasco | self | self |
Klaudia Nowak | Self | Self |
Krisandra Hanson | Self | Self |
Kristi Jacobs | Self | Self |
Kristina Rice | NA | Myself |
Kristopher Coffie | Self | Self |
Kurt Hilgendorf | Chicago Teachers Union | Chicago Teachers Union |
Kyle Hillman | National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter |
Kyle Orstead | Self | Self |
Lamar Sanders | NA | NA |
Laura Hopkins | Wellness Elevation | Myself and my family |
Laura Reasons | Self | Self |
Laurie Foreman | Self | Self |
Leida Villegas | Self | Self |
Lenice Abbott | Self | Self |
Leo alanis | Civilian | Civilian |
Linda stanley | none | self |
Logan Troxel | Self | Self |
Luis Alvarez | Luis Alvarez LLC | myself, Luis H Alvarez |
Malachi Freeze | Self | Self |
Martel Holmes | Psi sigma sigma delta | Fraternal order psi sigma sigma delta |
Marti Smith | National Nurses United | National Nurses United |
Mary Bain | Healthcare | Self |
Matthew J Orr | None | Myself |
Matthew Slade | Myself | Self |
Meggan Zier | None | Self |
Melanie Dillon | ECS | Self |
Melanie Roach | Patient | Patient |
Meredith s | None | Self |
Michael Brooke | self | Self |
Michael Ciaccio | Teamsters Joint Council 25 | Teamsters Joint Council 25 |
Michael Gargiulo | Citizen of Illinois | NA |
Michael James huffman | Self | Self |
Michael Kulov | NA | NA |
Michael Morris | NA | Myself |
Michael Plenn | Self | Self |
Michael Ziri | Equality Illinois | Equality Illinois |
Michelle Donat | self | self |
Michelle Faires | Self | Self |
Michelle Roskens | Self | Self |
Mike Hoffman | Self | Self |
Mike Macellaio | Chicago & Cook County Building & Construction Trades | Building Trades |
Miranda Wilgus | self | self |
Morgan R Daugherty | Self | Self |
Nathan Titus | Myself | Myself |
Nathaniel Sanabria | Self | Self |
Nicholas A Widger | Self | Self |
Nicholaus A Hoover | None | Nicholaus A Hoover |
Nick Schwietering | Self | Self |
Nicole Jones | Self | Self |
Nicole N Jones | Self | Self |
Nicole Rogers | SuperNatural Wellness | Self |
Niya Kelly | Chicago Coalition for the Homeless | Chicago Coalition for the Homeless |
Norbert Padilla | None | Self |
Pamela Sourelis | None | Self |
Patrice Gronwick | NA | Self |
Patricia Lamagno | self | self |
Patricia McAdams | Self | Self |
Paul Lanctot | Self | IL Medical Cannabis Community |
Peggy L Scott | not applicable | citizen of IL |
Peter Contos | Ssdp | Individual |
Peter Daane | None | Chicago Norml |
Phuong-Yung Cong-Huyen | Self | Self |
Quentin Daufeldt | KQCC-Kind, Quality, Caring Consultants and Distribution | KQCC-Kind, Quality, Caring Consulting and Distribution |
Rachel Becknell | Constituent | Self |
Raynaldo Dejesus Jr | Na | Self |
Rebecca Barber | Self | Self |
Renee George | Self | Self |
Richard Golz | None | Richard Golz, Chicago NORML |
Rob Dixon | Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulations | Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulations |
Robert Shintani | 1988 | Self |
Robilyn Fleissner | None | Self |
Robin Atkinson | Self | Self |
ron stone jr | self | self |
Ronnie Riley | Self | Self |
Ryan DiPietro | Self | Self |
Ryan McIntyre | Self | Self |
Samantha Dedio | None | None |
Sandra Champion | Self | Self |
Sarah Sciortino-Cone | Wellness Center | Self |
Scott Henke | na | Self |
Shalyn Cherniavskyj | Self | Self |
Shawn S Phillips | No Company | Shawn Phillips |
Staci Black | Self | Chicago NORML |
Steve Dutner | Self | Self |
Steven Gough | Not applicable | Not applicable |
sue nelson | moore pilot car service | disabled |
Sue Ortiz | None | Sue Ortiz |
Susin Wasilewski | Self | Illinois Medical Cannabis Community |
Sydney Stone | Self | Self |
Tahnya Ford | Self | Self |
Taila Howe | Nickel Experiential Agency | Nickel Experiential Agency |
Taylor Goodwin | Self | Self |
Teresa Reynolds | Self | Self |
Teresa Stinaldi | self | self |
Terry burke | none | na |
Thomas garlic | Self | Self |
Thomas Walsh | Thomas J.Walsh Consulting | Juvenile Justce Initiative |
Tim Drea | IL AFL-CIO | Labor |
Travis Thompson | Thompson Bikes | Self. Please allow home grow for medical, Five plants indoors. |
Trevor Clatfelter | International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 916 | International Brotherhood of Teamsters (Local 916) |
Victor M Paz | Self | Self |
Virginia Moran | Self | Self |
William A Frazin | Self | Self |
Yesenia Argudin | Butt Waggin Tails | Butt Waggin Tails |
Zach Koutsky | Local 881 UFCW | 34,000 members of Local 881 United Food and Commercial Workers |
Zofia Sutor | Self | Self |