Illinois General Assembly - HB4242Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB4242  100th General Assembly

House Amendment 001   House Amendment 002   Senate Amendment 001
Senate Amendment 002
Bill Status

Legislation: HB4242
Proponents: 66Opponents: 6No Position: 0
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary (S) 5/1/2018 4:15 PM
Crystal BellSelfSelf
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Dennis LyleIllinois Broadcasters AssociationIllinois Broadcasters Association
Josh SharpIllinois Press AssociationIllinois Press Association
Mary ShapiroSelfSelf
Rachel BecknellConstituentSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Cities & Villages (H) 1/30/2018 3:00 PM
Ashley MillerSelfSelf
Brecken Cutlerselfnone
Carol Mckinnyself
Carole Martzselfself
Carole Martzselfself
Carole Martzselfself
Carolyn RobinsonSelfSelf
Carrie Felixselfself
Crystal BellSelfSelf
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Deanna Brennanselfself
DIANNE MARSELLADianne Marsellaself
Elaine Rockneyselfself
Elizabeth CzechanskiSelfSelf
Emily Wattsretired facultyself
Heather EglandIllinois residentSelf
Jan DarrowSelfSelf
Janet PottsNAMyself
Jean MageeNoneIndivisibles
Jennifer CaputoSelfMyself
Jennifer LaDukeSelfSelf
Jim Slezakselfself
Jody Cossselfself
Josephine PolanekMrs.Self
Josh SharpIllinois Press AssociationIllinois Press Association
Joyce sorrellSelfSelf
Judith AulikSelfSelf
Judith AulikSelfSelf
Julie Kaufmanselfself
Kathleen BlackburnSelfSelf
Kathleen BlackburnSelfSelf
Laura Jamesselfself
Laurie CondraSelfSelf
Lenice AbbottSelfSelf
Linda ChandlerNoneSelf
Linda LuntSelfAction for a Better Tomorrow Elmhurst
Marion Nowakselfself
Mary Joan Ceplaselfself
Megan MockaitisSelfSelf
Meggie ZayasMyselfMYSELF
Melissa SengerNoneSelf
Michelle Donatselfself
Nancy GrandoneNASelf
Nathan La PorteSelfSelf
Pamela Ohmanselfself
Pamela SourelisNONESelf
Patrice GronwickNASelf
Patricia MasekNoneSelf
Patricia MasekNoneSelf
Patricia McAdamsSelfSelf
Peggy Cainnoneself
Rachel BecknellConstituentSelf
Rhona DiCamilloindividualna
Sandra SwantekSelfWritten
Shawn Michaelselfself
Sol MisenerNAMyself
Susan Singernonenone
Suzanne PritikinStay at home parentSelf
Tammy GreenSelfSelf
Tracy Nicholsonnoneself