Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Higher Education (S) 3/14/2017 2:00 PM |
Ellie Walsh | Governors State University--for identification only | UPI, IFT, AFT |
A Joanne Doolin | none | self |
Alberto Lopez | Northeastern Illinois University | Northeastern Illinois University Teacher preparation program |
Alice Davenport | self | self |
Alice Melkumian | self | self |
Alice Trimmer | None | None |
Alison Reeves | SIUE | self |
Amy Carr | self | self |
Andrea Van Duzor | self | self |
Antonia Potenza | Roosevelt University | Self |
Ava Belisle-Chatterjee | Columbia College Chicago | Self |
Barbara J Leys | Chicago State University | Myself |
Barbara ODonnell | Southern Illinois University Edwardsville | Barbara ODonnell |
Brian Clark | Western Illinois University | Western Illinois University |
Brian Schultz | Northeastern Illinois University | Northeastern Illinois University |
Bruce Spitzer | Quincy University | Self |
C Lucy Park | University of Illinois at Chicago | Faculty Advisory Council to The Illinois Board of Higher Education |
Carol Wren | DePaul University | self |
Carol Gayle | Lake Forest College | self |
Casimir Psujek | Self | Self |
Catherine M Main | University of Illinois at Chicago | myself |
Cathy Kelso | University of Chicago | MYSELF |
Christopher Worthman | DePaul University | University professors |
Daniel Hrozencik | Chicago State University | Faculty Advisory Council, Illinois Board of Higher Education |
Daniel Low | Concordia University Chicago | Self |
David Bates | DePaul University | Self |
David J Thomas | Concordia University Chicago | Concordia University |
David R Ladon | DePaul University | self |
Debra K Meyer | Elmhurst College | this is a personal witness slip |
Dennis Smithenry | Elmhurst College | Dennis Smithenry |
Diana Brannon | Elmhurst College | Professors |
Donna Metlicka | University of St. Francis | University of St. Francis |
Dr Todd D Oberg | None | Faculty |
Edward Howerton | Aurora University | IBHE |
Elizabeth Meadows | Roosevelt University | Faculty Advisory Council of the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) |
Elizabeth Sherwood | SIUE | Elizabeth Sherwood |
Erich Theiss | self | self |
George Fero | McKendree University | IBHE FAC |
Gianmario Besana | DePaul University | None |
Hilary Conklin | DePaul University | Self |
Isaura Pulido | Northeastern Illinois University | Isaura Pulido |
Jacquy Pfeiffer | French Pastry School | French Pastry School |
James Ball | Northeastern Illinois University | Northeastern Illinois University |
James W Reed | Illinois Education Association | Illinois Education Association |
Jeanne White | Elmhurst College | Self |
Jeff Moore | The Lawn Moores, LLC | self |
Jennifer Alexander | City Colleges of Chicago | NA |
Jill Hallett | various universities in Chicago | Self |
Joseph Gardner | DePaul University | none, university faculty in Illinois |
Julia Snider | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign |
Julie A Clemens | Illinois Central College | IBHE Faculty Advisory Council |
Julie Peters | University of Illinois at Chicago | Self |
Julius Nadas | Wilbur wright college | self |
Karel Jacobs | Chicago State University | Self |
karen monkman | DePaul university | faculty |
Karen Wrobbel EdD | Trinity International University | self |
Katherine Daniels | self | SELF |
Kelley Quinn | self | self |
Kevin Brucker | Eureka College | Self |
Kevin J Brandon | Concordia University Chicago | Faculty of the College of Education, Concordia University Chicago |
Kim Knutson | Wright College, City Colleges of Chicago | Faculty. |
Laura Lag | Roosevelt University | Higher Education |
Liliana B Zecker | DePaul University | Myself |
Linda Markowitz | SIUE | Linda Markowitz |
Marie Ann Donovan | DePaul University | Faculty Advisory Council, Illinois Board of Higher Education |
marni nissen | Columbia College Chicago | self |
Marshall Shafkowitz | Washburne Culinary & Hospitality Institute | WCHI |
Martha Klems | Self | Self |
Mary Goetting | Concordia University chicago | self |
Megha Murphy | University of Illinois | None |
Michael Bathgate | Saint Xavier University | Saint Xavier University, Faculty Advisory Council to Illinois Board of Higher Education |
Michael C Egan | Augustana College | Myself as a concerned citizen |
Mike Phillips | IBHE Faculty Advisory Council | IBHE Faculty Advisory Council |
Mira H Kolodkin | Wilbur Wright College | Myself |
Nena Bush | San Joaquin Delta College | Higher Ed Faculty |
Patrick McGinty | Western Illinois University | University Professionals of Illinois |
Paul Bialek | Trinity International University | Faculty Advisory Council of the IBHE |
Paul Rose | SIUE | Representing myself |
Peggy Keefer | Self | Self |
Peter Cole | Western Illinois University | University of Professionals of Illinois |
Phillip A Beverly | Chicago State University | Self |
Rachel Ragland | Lake Forest College | Higher Education |
Renee Theiss | Governors State University | self |
Rick Snoeyink | Trinity Christian College | Faculty Advisory Council |
Robert J Szyman | Self | Self |
Robert Rotenberg | DePaul University | myself |
Robert S Barwa | University of St. Francis | Individual |
Roberta Ruben | Self | Not appearing |
Sandra Ellingsen | Trinity International University | Pat McGuire |
Sarah Brown | DePaul University | Self |
Sarah Parlier | Illinois Central College | Faculty Forum at Illinois Central College |
Scott Bucking | DePaul University | Not applicable |
Sebastien Canonne | French Pastry School | The French Pastry School |
Sheryl Covitt | DePaul University | Individual |
Shirley K Morgenthaler | Concordia University Chicago | Faculty Advisory Council, Illinois Board of Higher Education |
Sonja Rotenberg | None | myself |
Steven J Nagy | none | self |
Steven Rock | Western Illinois University | self |
Suzanne Sanders | Wilbur Wright College, 4300 N. Narragansett Ave., Chicago, IL 60634 | Wilbur Wright College |
Terri J Towler | Self | Self |
Theodore Timm | Timm & Garfinkel | Self |
Timothy Duggan | Northeastern Illinois University | Self |
Vajo Necak | self | self |
William Thompson | Western Illinois University | University Professionals of Illinois |