90th General Assembly
Status of HB1671
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   55 ILCS 5/3-3018          from Ch. 34, par. 3-3018                          

        Amends the Counties Code.  Provides that death certificates shall      
   be issued no more than 30 days after the later of either the  date  of      
   death  or  the  date  the  body  comes  under  the jurisdiction of the      
          STATE MANDATES FISCAL NOTE                                           
          HB 1671 fails to create a State mandate.                             
          HOME RULE NOTE                                                       
          HB 1671 does not preempt home rule authority.                        
          FISCAL NOTE (DCCA)                                                   
          HB1671 imposes no additional requirements and has no fiscal          
          impact on units of local government.                                 
   97-03-06  H  FIRST READING                                                  
   97-03-06  H  REFERRED TO HOUSE RULES COMMITTEE        RULES                 
   97-03-11  H       ASSIGNED TO COMMITTEE               LOCAL GOVT            
   97-03-20  H  DO PASS/SHORT DEBATE                     017-000-000   HLGV    
   97-03-20  H  PLACED CALENDAR 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE                       
   97-04-08  H  ADDED AS A JOINT SPONSOR                 HOLBROOK              
   97-04-11  H                     FISCAL NOTE REQUESTED DART                  
   97-04-11  H  STATE MANDATES FISCAL NOTE REQUESTED     DART                  
   97-04-11  H  HOME RULE NOTE REQUESTED                 DART                  
   97-04-11  H  STATE DEBT IMPACT NOTE REQUESTED         DART                  
   97-04-11  H  CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE                        
   97-04-15  H  STATE MANDATES FISCAL NOTE FILED                               
   97-04-15  H  CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE                        
   97-04-16  H  HOME RULE NOTE FILED                                           
   97-04-16  H                         FISCAL NOTE FILED                       
   97-04-16  H  CALENDAR ORDER 2ND READING-SHORT DEBATE                        
   97-04-23  H  SECOND READING-SHORT DEBATE                                    
   97-04-23  H  HELD ON CAL ORDER 2ND RDG - SHORT DEBATE                       
   97-04-25  H  RE-REFERRED TO RULES COMM/RULE 19(A)     RULES         HRUL    
   99-01-12  H  SESSION SINE DIE                                               


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