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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
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Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(625 ILCS 5/) Illinois Vehicle Code.

625 ILCS 5/5-502

    (625 ILCS 5/5-502) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 5-502)
    Sec. 5-502. Injunctions. If any person operates in violation of any provision of this Chapter, or any rule, regulation, order or decision of the Secretary of State, or of any term, condition or limitation of any license, the Secretary of State, or any person injured thereby, or any interested person, may apply to the Circuit Court of the county in which such violation or some part thereof occurred, or in which the person complained of has his established or additional place of business or resides, to prevent such violation. The Court has jurisdiction to enforce obedience by injunction or other process restraining such person from further violation and enjoining upon him obedience.
(Source: P.A. 86-444.)

625 ILCS 5/5-503

    (625 ILCS 5/5-503) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 5-503)
    Sec. 5-503. Failure to obtain dealer's license, operation of a business with a suspended or revoked license.
    (a) Any person operating a business for which he is required to be licensed under Section 5-101, 5-101.2, 5-102, 5-102.8, 5-201, or 5-301 who fails to apply for such a license or licenses within 15 days after being informed in writing by the Secretary of State that he must obtain such a license or licenses is subject to a civil action brought by the Secretary of State for operating a business without a license in the circuit court in the county in which the business is located. If the person is found to be in violation of Section 5-101, 5-101.2, 5-102, 5-102.8, 5-201, or 5-301 by carrying on a business without being properly licensed, that person shall be fined $300 for each business day he conducted his business without such a license after the expiration of the 15-day period specified in this subsection (a).
    (b) Any person who, having had his license or licenses issued under Section 5-101, 5-101.2, 5-102, 5-201, or 5-301 suspended, revoked, nonrenewed, cancelled, or denied by the Secretary of State under Section 5-501 or 5-501.5 of this Code, continues to operate business after the effective date of such revocation, nonrenewal, suspension, cancellation, or denial may be sued in a civil action by the Secretary of State in the county in which the established or additional place of such business is located. Except as provided in subsection (e) of Section 5-501.5 of this Code, if such person is found by the court to have operated such a business after the license or licenses required for conducting such business have been suspended, revoked, nonrenewed, cancelled, or denied, that person shall be fined $500 for each day he conducted business thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 100-409, eff. 8-25-17; 100-450, eff. 1-1-18; 100-863, eff. 8-14-18; 101-505, eff. 1-1-20.)

625 ILCS 5/5-504

    (625 ILCS 5/5-504) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 5-504)
    Sec. 5-504. Effect of revoked or denied license - Notification to prospective buyers - Rescinding of contracts. (a) No license shall be issued to any person to conduct the business of a new vehicle dealer, used vehicle dealer, scrap processor, automotive parts recycler, repairer, or rebuilder at a location or at property at which that person or any other person had his license as a new vehicle dealer, used vehicle dealer, scrap processor, automotive parts recycler, repairer, or rebuilder revoked or denied after a revocation or pending revocation within 2 months after such revocation or denial.
    (b) A licensee who has been notified by the Secretary of State that the Secretary of State may take action to revoke the dealer's license or licenses of that licensee shall inform in writing any prospective buyer of his business of such possible action by the Secretary of State.
    (c) If any person purchases or contracts to purchase a business required to be licensed by Section 5-101, 5-102, 5-201 or 5-301 without being informed in writing by the prior owner or owners that, at the time of the sale or making of contract to purchase, the prior owner or owners had been informed by the Secretary of State that the Secretary of State may be taking action to revoke the license or licenses of the prior owner or owners, the person who has purchased or contracted to purchase such business may, within one year after being informed that his application for a dealer's license at that location had been denied due to the revocation of the license or licenses of any prior owner or owners, rescind the purchase or contract to purchase such business or the property, both real and otherwise, at which the business is located.
    (d) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this Section, the Secretary of State may issue a license to a person applying for a license as a new vehicle dealer, used vehicle dealer, scrap processor, automotive parts recycler, repairer or rebuilder if the Secretary of State, solely in his discretion, determines that a denial of the license under the circumstances would place extreme undue hardship upon the applicant.
    No license shall be issued under this subsection to a person who is a spouse, offspring, sibling, parent, grandparent, grandchild, uncle or aunt, nephew or niece, cousin or in-law of the person whose license to do business at that location had been revoked or denied nor to a person who was an officer or employee of the business firm in relation to which the license was revoked or denied.
    Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (e) of Section 2-118 of this Code, the venue for judicial review of final acts or decisions under this subsection shall be the Circuit Court of Sangamon County.
(Source: P.A. 84-1302; 84-1304.)

625 ILCS 5/5-505

    (625 ILCS 5/5-505)
    Sec. 5-505. License suspension or revocation; penalty. The Secretary shall suspend the license of any licensee under this Chapter who permits an individual who is not an authorized agent or employee of the licensee to use the license of the licensee to purchase a vehicle from an auction. The suspension shall be for a period of no less than 30 days for the first violation. Upon a second or subsequent violation, the Secretary shall revoke the license of the licensee.
(Source: P.A. 102-154, eff. 1-1-22.)

625 ILCS 5/Ch. 5 Art. VI

    (625 ILCS 5/Ch. 5 Art. VI heading)

625 ILCS 5/5-601

    (625 ILCS 5/5-601) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 5-601)
    Sec. 5-601. Credit or conditional sale of certain motor vehicles - Liability insurance status stamped on bill of sale. Whenever, in connection with the credit sale of or conditional sale of a motor vehicle designed and used for the carrying of not more than 10 passengers, the agreement provides that all or any of the consideration to be paid by the buyer or conditional buyer may be paid more than 30 days after possession of such motor vehicle is transferred to such buyer or conditional buyer, and a policy of insurance which does not cover such buyer or conditional buyer for the risk of liability to the public arising out of the operation, use or maintenance of such motor vehicle, is issued in connection with such transaction, the seller or conditional seller shall stamp or have imprinted thereon a statement on the bill of sale at the time the transaction is consummated that no such coverage is included in such policy. Such statement shall be in the following form and shall be in bold type not less than one-half inch in height:
(Source: P.A. 76-1586.)

625 ILCS 5/5-602

    (625 ILCS 5/5-602) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 5-602)
    Sec. 5-602. Whoever violates any of the provisions of this Article shall be guilty of a petty offense and shall be fined not more than $500.
(Source: P.A. 77-2720.)

625 ILCS 5/Ch. 5 Art. VII

    (625 ILCS 5/Ch. 5 Art. VII heading)

625 ILCS 5/5-700

    (625 ILCS 5/5-700) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 5-700)
    Sec. 5-700. Definitions. For the purposes of this Article, the following phrases have the meanings ascribed to them in this Section:
    Place of business for a vehicle auctioneer. This means the place owned and regularly occupied by a vehicle auctioneer licensee, within or without the State, for the primary and principal purpose of keeping and maintaining the books and records required for the conduct of business, with the personnel available during normal business hours or an automatic telephone answering service during normal business hours. The additional place of business means that place within the State where the auction is held, which place of business shall contain the books and records required for said auction with personnel available during normal business hours. The Secretary of State shall be notified of the additional place of business at least 10 days before the auction.
    Auctioning vehicles. This means arranging for and handling the sale of vehicles, not the property of the auctioneer, by auction to the highest bidder.
(Source: P.A. 89-663, eff. 8-14-96.)

625 ILCS 5/5-701

    (625 ILCS 5/5-701) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 5-701)
    Sec. 5-701. Vehicle auctioneers to be licensed. (a) No person, other than a licensed new vehicle dealer, a licensed used vehicle dealer, or municipality, shall engage in this State in the business of auctioning vehicles, for more than one owner, at auction or shall offer to sell, solicit or advertise the sale of a vehicle at auction without first acquiring a commercial vehicle auctioneer license from the Secretary of State under the provisions of this Section. A vehicle auction licensee shall be entitled thereunder to sell, solicit, and advertise the sale of used vehicles belonging to others at auction.
    (b) An application for a vehicle auctioneer license shall be filed with the Secretary of State, duly verified by oath, in such form as the Secretary of State may by rule or regulation prescribe and shall contain:
    1. The name and type of business organization established and the address of the place of business;
    2. If the applicant is a corporation, a list of its officers and directors, setting forth the residence address of each; if the applicant is a sole proprietorship, a partnership, an unincorporated association, trust or any similar form of business organization, the names and residence addresses of the proprietor or of each partner, member, officer, director, trustee, manager and shareholder having 10% or greater ownership interest in the corporation;
    3. A statement that the applicant has been approved for registration under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, approved June 28, 1933, as amended, by the Department of Revenue. However, this requirement does not apply to licensee who is already licensed hereunder with the Secretary of State, and who is merely applying for a renewal of his license. As evidence of this fact, the application shall be accompanied by a certification from the Department of Revenue showing that the Department has approved the applicant for registration under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act;
    4. A statement that the applicant has complied with the bonding requirements of the "Retailers' Occupation Tax Act", approved June 28, 1933, as amended. As evidence of this fact, the application shall be accompanied by a certification from the Department of Revenue showing that the applicant is in compliance with the bonding requirements of the "Retailers' Occupation Tax Act" or that the applicant is not required to be bonded with the Department of Revenue under the "Retailers' Occupation Tax Act";
    5. Such other information concerning the business of the applicant as the Secretary of State may by rule or regulation prescribe;
    6. An application for a vehicle auctioneer license shall be accompanied by the following license fees: $50 for applicant's place of business plus $25 for each additional place of business, if any, to which the application pertains, provided, however, that if such an application is made after July 1 of any year, the license fee shall be $25 for applicant's place of business plus $12.50 for each additional place of business, if any, to which the application pertains. License fees shall be returnable only in the event that such application shall be denied by the Secretary of State.
    7. A statement that the licensee has irrevocably consented to the appointment of the Secretary of State as its agent for service of process with the State of Illinois. Said service of process shall be accomplished as provided in Section 10-301 of the Illinois Vehicle Code.
    (c) Any change which renders no longer accurate any information contained in any application for a vehicle auctioneer shall be amended within thirty days after the occurrence of each change on such form as the Secretary of State may prescribe by rule or regulation, accompanied by an amendatory fee of $2.
    (d) Anything in this Chapter to the contrary notwithstanding, no person shall be licensed as a vehicle auctioneer unless such person shall maintain a place of business as defined in this Chapter.
    (e) The Secretary of State shall, within a reasonable time after receipt, examine an application submitted to him under this Section. Unless the Secretary makes a determination that the application submitted to him does not conform to this Section or that grounds exist for a denial of the application under Section 5-501 of this Chapter, he must grant the applicant an original vehicle auctioneer license in writing for his place of business and a supplemental license in writing for each additional place of business, in such form as he may prescribe by rule or regulation which shall include the following:
    1. The name of the person licensed;
    2. If a corporation, the name and address of its officers or if a sole proprietorship, a partnership, an unincorporated association or any similar form of business organization, the name and address of the proprietor or of each partner, member, officer, director, trustee or manager;
    3. Complete address of the place of business of the licensee;
    4. In the case of supplemental license, the place of business of the licensee and the place of business to which such supplemental license pertains.
    (f) The appropriate instruments evidencing the license or a certified copy thereof, provided by the Secretary of State shall be kept posted, conspicuously, in the place of business of the licensee within the State and in each additional place of business, if any, maintained by such licensee.
    (g) Except as provided in subsection (h) of this Section, all vehicle auctioneer licenses granted under this Section expire on December 31 of the calendar year for which they are granted unless sooner revoked under Section 5-501 of this Chapter.
    (h) a vehicle auctioneer license may be renewed upon application and payment of the fee required herein, and submission of proof of coverage by an approved bond under the "Retailers' Occupation Tax Act" or proof that applicant is not subject to such bonding requirements, as in the case of an original license, but in case an application for the renewal of an effective license is made during the month of December, the effective license shall remain in force until the application for renewal is granted or denied by the Secretary of State.
    (i) Each person licensed as a vehicle auctioneer or a licensed new or used car dealer when auctioning vehicles is required to furnish each purchaser of a motor vehicle the following:
    1. A certificate of title properly assigned to the purchaser;
    2. A statement verified under oath that all identifying numbers on the vehicle agree with those on the certificate of title;
    3. A bill of sale properly executed on behalf of such person.
(Source: P.A. 85-1396.)

625 ILCS 5/5-702

    (625 ILCS 5/5-702) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 5-702)
    Sec. 5-702. No person shall engage in the business of auctioning any vehicles for which a salvage certificate is required by law except to a bidder who is an out-of-state salvage vehicle buyer or who is properly licensed as a rebuilder, automotive parts recycler, or scrap processor, as required by Section 5-301 of this Chapter.
(Source: P.A. 95-783, eff. 1-1-09.)

625 ILCS 5/Ch. 5 Art. VIII

    (625 ILCS 5/Ch. 5 Art. VIII heading)

625 ILCS 5/5-801

    (625 ILCS 5/5-801) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 5-801)
    Sec. 5-801. Criminal penalties. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this Chapter, except a person who violates a provision for which a different criminal penalty is indicated, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. Any person who violates subsection (e) of Section 5-202 is guilty of a Class C misdemeanor. Any person who violates any provisions of Section 5-701 is guilty of a Class 3 felony.
(Source: P.A. 100-725, eff. 8-3-18.)

625 ILCS 5/5-802

    (625 ILCS 5/5-802) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 5-802)
    Sec. 5-802. The violation of any rule or regulation promulgated by the Office of the Secretary of State under this Chapter shall not in and of itself constitute a criminal offense.
(Source: P.A. 85-1204.)

625 ILCS 5/5-803

    (625 ILCS 5/5-803)
    Sec. 5-803. Administrative penalties. Instead of filing a criminal complaint against a new or used vehicle dealer, or against any other entity licensed by the Secretary under this Code, or any other unlicensed entity acting in violation of this Code, a Secretary of State Police investigator may issue administrative citations for violations of any of the provisions of this Code or any administrative rule adopted by the Secretary under this Code. A party receiving a citation shall have the right to contest the citation in proceedings before the Secretary of State Department of Administrative Hearings. Penalties imposed by issuance of an administrative citation shall not exceed $50 per violation. A penalty may not be imposed unless, during the course of a single investigation or upon review of the party's records, the party is found to have committed at least 3 separate violations of one or more of the provisions of this Code or any administrative rule adopted by the Secretary under this Code. Penalties paid as a result of the issuance of administrative citations shall be deposited in the Secretary of State Police Services Fund.
(Source: P.A. 101-572, eff. 8-23-19.)

625 ILCS 5/Ch. 5 Art. IX

    (625 ILCS 5/Ch. 5 Art. IX heading)
(Source: P.A. 102-941, eff. 7-1-22.)

625 ILCS 5/5-901

    (625 ILCS 5/5-901)
    Sec. 5-901. Regulation of manufactured home dealers.
    (a) As used in this Article:
    "Established place of business" means the place owned or leased and occupied by any person duly licensed or required to be licensed as a manufactured home dealer for the purpose of engaging in selling, buying, bartering, displaying, exchanging, or dealing in, on consignment or otherwise, manufactured homes and for such other ancillary purposes as may be permitted by the Secretary by rule.
    "Manufactured home" means a factory-assembled structure built on a permanent chassis, transportable in one or more sections in the travel mode, incapable of self-propulsion, bears a label indicating the manufacturer's compliance with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development standards, as applicable, and is designed for year-round occupancy as a single-family residence when connected to approved water, sewer, and electrical utilities.
    "Manufactured home dealer" means: (1) an individual or entity that engages in the business of acquiring or disposing of new or used manufactured homes; (2) an individual or entity who advertises or otherwise holds the individual or the entity out as being engaged in the business of acquiring or selling new or used manufactured homes; or (3) an individual or entity who buys or sells more than 2 new or used manufactured homes within a 12-month period.
    (b) No person shall engage in this State in the business of selling or dealing in, on consignment or otherwise, manufactured homes of any make, or act as an intermediary, agent, or broker for any manufactured home purchaser, other than as a salesperson, or to represent or advertise that he or she is so engaged, or intends to so engage, in the business, unless licensed to do so by the Secretary of State under this Section.
    (c) An application for a manufactured home dealer's license shall be filed with the Secretary of State Vehicle Services Department and duly verified by oath, on such form as the Secretary of State may prescribe, and shall contain all of the following:
        (1) The name and type of business organization of the
applicant, and his or her established place of business in this State.
        (2) If the applicant is a corporation, a list of its
officers, directors, and shareholders having a 10% or greater ownership interest in the corporation. If the applicant is a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a limited liability company, an unincorporated association, a trust, or any similar form of business organization, the name and residence address of the proprietor, or the name and residence address of each partner, member, officer, director, trustee, or manager.
        (3) A statement that the applicant has been approved
for registration under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act by the Department of Revenue, except that this requirement does not apply to a manufactured home dealer who is already licensed with the Secretary of State, and who is only applying for a renewal of his or her license. As evidence of this fact, the application shall be accompanied by a certification from the Department of Revenue showing that the Department has approved the applicant for registration under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
        (4) An application for a manufactured home dealer's
license shall be accompanied by a $1,000 license fee for the applicant's established place of business. If the application is made after June 15 of any year, the license fee shall be $500 for the applicant's established place of business. License fees shall be returnable only if the application is denied by the Secretary of State.
        Of the money received by the Secretary of State as
license fees under this paragraph (4), 95% shall be deposited into the General Revenue Fund and 5% into the Motor Vehicle License Plate Fund.
        (5) A statement that no officer, director,
shareholder having a 10% or greater ownership interest, proprietor, partner, member, officer, director, trustee, manager, or other principal in the business of the applicant has committed in the past 3 years any violation, as determined in any civil, criminal, or administrative hearing proceeding, of any one of the following Acts:
            (A) the Anti-Theft Laws of this Code;
            (B) the Certificate of Title Laws of this Code;
            (C) the Offenses against Registration and
Certificates of Title Laws of this Code;
            (D) the Dealers, Transporters, Wreckers, and
Rebuilders Laws of this Code;
            (E) Section 21-2 of the Criminal Code of 2012,
criminal trespass to vehicles;
            (F) the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act;
            (G) the Consumer Installment Loan Act;
            (H) the Retail Installment Sales Act;
            (I) the Interest Act;
            (J) the Illinois Wage Assignment Act;
            (K) Part 8 of Article XII of the Code of Civil
Procedure; or
            (L) the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business
Practices Act.
        (6) A bond or certificate of deposit in the amount of
$150,000 for each license holder applicant intending to act as a manufactured home dealer under this Section. The bond shall be for the term of the license for which application is made and shall expire not sooner than December 31st of the year for which the license was issued. The bond shall run to the People of the State of Illinois and to customers asserting financial claims against the dealer, with surety by a bonding or insurance company authorized to do business in this State. It shall be conditioned upon the proper transmittal of all title and registration fees and taxes (excluding taxes under the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act) accepted by the applicant as a manufactured home dealer, and the execution of all of the dealer's obligations to the customer, including financial duties related to the acceptance and disbursement of any funds paid to the dealer by the customer, and conveyance of possession or ownership documents of a manufactured home.
        (7) Dealers in business for over 10 years may
substitute a certificate of insurance in lieu of the bond or certificate of deposit upon renewing their license.
        (8) Any other information concerning the business of
the applicant as the Secretary of State may by rule prescribe.
    (d) Any change that renders no longer accurate any information contained in any application for a license under this Section shall be amended within 30 days after the occurrence of the change on a form the Secretary of State may prescribe, by rule, accompanied by an amendatory fee of $25.
    (e) The Secretary of State shall, within a reasonable time after receipt, examine an application submitted under this Section, and unless the Secretary makes a determination that the application submitted does not conform with the requirements of this Section or that grounds exist for a denial of the application under subsection (f), grant the applicant an initial manufactured home dealer's license in writing for the established place of business of the applicant in a form the Secretary may prescribe by rule, which shall include the following:
        (1) the name of the person or entity licensed;
        (2) if a corporation, the name and address of its
officers; if a sole proprietorship, a partnership, an unincorporated association, or any similar form of business organization, the name and address of the proprietor, or the name and address of each partner, member, officer, director, trustee or manager; or if a limited liability company, the name and address of the general partner or partners, or managing member or members; and
        (3) the established place of business of the licensee.
    (f) A license issued under this Section may be denied, revoked, or suspended if the Secretary of State finds that the applicant, or the officer, director, shareholder having a 10% or greater ownership interest in the corporation, owner, partner, trustee, manager, employee or the licensee has:
        (1) violated this Section;
        (2) made any material misrepresentation to the
Secretary of State in connection with an application for a license, title, or registration;
        (3) committed a fraudulent act in connection with
selling, bartering, exchanging, offering for sale, or otherwise dealing in manufactured homes;
        (4) not maintained an established place of business
as defined in this Section;
        (5) failed to file or produce to the Secretary of
State any application, report, document, or other pertinent books, records, documents, letters, contracts required to be filed or produced under this Section or any rule adopted by the Secretary of State pursuant to this Section;
        (6) failed to pay any fees or taxes due under this
Code, or has failed to transmit any fees or taxes received by him or her for transmittal by him or her to the Secretary of State or the State of Illinois;
        (7) failed to transfer title to a manufactured home
when legally required to do so; or
        (8) violated any of the following:
            (A) the Anti-Theft Laws of this Code;
            (B) the Certificate of Title Laws of this Code;
            (C) the Offenses against Registration and
Certificates of Title Laws of this Code;
            (D) the Dealers, Transporters, Wreckers, and
Rebuilders Laws of this Code;
            (E) Section 21-2 of the Criminal Code of 2012,
criminal trespass to vehicles;
            (F) the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act;
            (G) the Consumer Installment Loan Act;
            (H) the Retail Installment Sales Act;
            (I) the Interest Act;
            (J) the Illinois Wage Assignment Act;
            (K) Part 8 of Article XII of the Code of Civil
Procedure; or
            (L) the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business
Practices Act.
    (g) In addition to other grounds specified in this Section, the Secretary of State, on complaint of the Department of Revenue, shall refuse the issuance or renewal of a license, or suspend or revoke such a license, for any of the following violations of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act, the tax imposed on corporations under subsection (b) of Section 201 of the Illinois Income Tax Act, the Personal Property Tax Replacement Income Tax imposed under subsections (c) and (d) of Section 201 of the Illinois Income Tax Act, or the tax imposed under Section 704A of the Illinois Income Tax Act:
        (1) failure to make a tax return;
        (2) the filing of a fraudulent return;
        (3) failure to pay all or part of any tax or penalty
finally determined to be due;
        (4) failure to comply with the bonding requirements
of the Retailers' Occupation Tax Act.
    (h) A license issued under this Section may be canceled by the Secretary of State prior to its expiration in any of the following situations:
        (1) if a license is voluntarily surrendered by the
licensed person;
        (2) if the business enterprise is a sole
proprietorship and the sole proprietor dies or is imprisoned for any period exceeding 30 days; or
        (3) if the license was issued to the wrong person or
corporation or contains an error on its face.
    If any person whose license has been canceled wishes to apply for another license, whether during the same license year or any other year, that person shall be treated as a new applicant and the cancellation of the person's prior license shall not, in and of itself, be a bar to the issuance of a new license.
    (i) A license issued under this Section may be canceled without a hearing if the Secretary of State is notified that the applicant, or any officer, director, shareholder having a 10% or greater ownership interest, owner, partner, trustee, manager, employee, or member of the applicant or the licensee has been convicted of any forcible felony or any felony involving the selling, bartering, exchanging, offering for sale, or otherwise dealing in ownership documents relating to any of the above actions.
    (j) The appropriate instrument evidencing the license or a certified copy of the instrument, provided by the Secretary of State, shall be kept posted conspicuously in the established place of business of the licensee.
    (k) All records related to the purchase, sale, or acceptance for sale on consignment of any manufactured home shall be maintained at the licensee's established place of business. These records shall be retained for a period of not less than 7 years, and shall be made available for inspection upon the request of a Secretary of State auditor or an investigator with the Secretary of State Department of Police.
    (l) Except as provided in subsection (i), all licenses granted under this Section shall expire by operation of law on December 31st of the calendar year for which the licenses were granted, unless sooner revoked or canceled under subsection (f).
    (m) Each person licensed as a manufactured home dealer is required to furnish each purchaser of a manufactured home:
        (1) in the case of a new manufactured home, a
manufacturer's statement of origin, and in the case of a previously owned manufactured home, a certificate of title, in either case properly assigned to the purchaser;
        (2) a statement verified under oath that all
identifying numbers on the vehicle match the identifying numbers on the certificate of title or manufacturer's statement of origin;
        (3) a bill of sale properly executed on behalf of the
purchaser; and
        (4) for a new manufactured home, a warranty, and in
the case of a manufactured home for which the warranty has been reinstated, a copy of the warranty; if no warranty is provided, a disclosure or statement that the manufactured home is being sold "AS IS".
    (n) This Section does not apply to a seller who privately owns his or her manufactured home as his or her main residence and is selling the manufactured home to another individual or to a licensee so long as that individual does not sell more than 2 manufactured homes in one 12-month period.
    (o) This Section does not apply to any person licensed under the Real Estate License Act of 2000.
    (p) The Secretary of State may adopt any rules necessary to implement this Section.
    (q) Any individual or entity licensed as a manufactured home dealer or a community-based manufactured home dealer on the effective date of this Section shall be entitled to act as a manufactured home dealer under this Section for the duration of any license in effect on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 102nd General Assembly, and shall be eligible to be issued a manufactured home dealer's license under this Section upon the expiration of any such license.
(Source: P.A. 102-941, eff. 7-1-22.)

625 ILCS 5/Ch. 6

    (625 ILCS 5/Ch. 6 heading)

625 ILCS 5/Ch. 6 Art. I

    (625 ILCS 5/Ch. 6 Art. I heading)

625 ILCS 5/6-100

    (625 ILCS 5/6-100) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 6-100)
    Sec. 6-100. Definitions. For the purposes of this Chapter, the following words shall have the meanings ascribed to them:
    (a) Application Process. The process of obtaining a driver's license, identification card, or permit. The process begins when a person enters a Secretary of State Driver Services facility and requests a driver's license, identification card or permit.
    (b) Conviction. A final adjudication of guilty by a court of competent jurisdiction either after a bench trial, trial by jury, plea of guilty, order of forfeiture, or default.
    (c) Identification Card. A document made or issued by or under the authority of the United States Government, the State of Illinois or any other state or political subdivision thereof, or any governmental or quasi-governmental organization that, when completed with information concerning the individual, is of a type intended or commonly accepted for the purpose of identifying the individual.
    (d) Standard driver's license. A driver's license issued in a manner which is not compliant with the REAL ID Act and implementing regulations. Standard driver's licenses shall be marked "Federal Limits Apply" and shall have a color or design different from the REAL ID compliant driver's license.
    (e) REAL ID compliant driver's license. A driver's license issued in compliance with the REAL ID Act and implementing regulations. REAL ID compliant driver's licenses shall bear a security marking approved by the United States Department of Homeland Security.
    (f) Limited Term REAL ID compliant driver's license. A REAL ID compliant driver's license issued to a person who is not a permanent resident or citizen of the United States, or an individual who has an approved application for asylum in the United States or has entered the United States in refugee status, and marked "Limited Term" on the face of the license.
(Source: P.A. 103-210, eff. 7-1-24.)