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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide.

Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(625 ILCS 5/) Illinois Vehicle Code.

625 ILCS 5/7-306

    (625 ILCS 5/7-306) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 7-306)
    Sec. 7-306. Action in respect to an unlicensed driver. Whenever any person who is not a resident of this State has been convicted of an offense which would require the revocation of the driver's license of a resident, such nonresident shall not operate any motor vehicle in this State nor shall any motor vehicle owned by such nonresident be operated within this State by any person, and the Secretary of State shall not issue to such nonresident any driver's license and shall not register any motor vehicle owned by such nonresident unless and until such nonresident shall give proof of financial responsibility.
(Source: P.A. 83-831.)

625 ILCS 5/7-307

    (625 ILCS 5/7-307) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 7-307)
    Sec. 7-307. Courts to report nonpayments of judgment. The clerk of a court, or the judge of a court which has no clerk, or the judgment creditor or his or her attorney of record shall forward to the Secretary of State, on a form prescribed by the Secretary, a certified record of any judgment for damages, the rendering and nonpayment of which judgment required the suspension of the driver's license and registrations in the name of the judgment debtor hereunder, such record to be forwarded to the Secretary of State upon request by the plaintiff after the expiration of 30 days after such judgment has become final and when such judgment has not been stayed or satisfied within the amounts specified in this Article as shown by the records of the Court.
(Source: P.A. 98-1028, eff. 8-22-14.)

625 ILCS 5/7-308

    (625 ILCS 5/7-308) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 7-308)
    Sec. 7-308. Action in respect to nonresident for nonpayment of judgment. (a) If a person, whose failure to satisfy a judgment within 30 days after the same became final would require a suspension or revocation hereunder in respect to a resident, shall not be a resident of this State, such nonresident shall not operate any motor vehicle in this State, nor shall any motor vehicle owned by such nonresident be operated in this State by any person and the Secretary of State shall not issue to such nonresident a driver's license and shall not register any motor vehicle owned by such nonresident unless and until such nonresident shall give proof of financial responsibility and shall satisfy any such judgment as required with respect to a resident of this State.
    (b) The Secretary of State shall forward to the Motor Vehicle Commissioner or state officer performing the functions of a Commissioner in the state, foreign country, or province of the Dominion of Canada in which a judgment debtor resides, a certified record of any unsatisfied judgment rendered against such nonresident which requires suspension of such nonresident's driving privileges in this State.
(Source: P.A. 83-831.)

625 ILCS 5/7-309

    (625 ILCS 5/7-309) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 7-309)
    Sec. 7-309. Suspension to continue until judgments paid and proof given.
    (a) The suspension of such driver's license, license plates and registration stickers shall remain in effect and no other vehicle shall be registered in the name of such judgment debtor, nor any new license issued to such person (including any such person not previously licensed), unless and until the Secretary of State receives authenticated documentation that such judgment is satisfied, or dormant as provided for in Section 12-108 of the Code of Civil Procedure, as now or hereafter amended, or stayed by court order, and the judgment debtor gives proof of financial responsibility, as hereinafter provided. The Secretary of State may terminate the suspension of such person's driver's license, license plates and registration stickers and no proof of financial responsibility shall be required on any existing suspensions under this Article which are more than 20 years old.
    (b) Whenever, after one judgment is satisfied and proof of financial responsibility is given as herein required, another such judgment is rendered against the judgment debtor for any motor vehicle crash occurring prior to the date of the giving of said proof and such person fails to satisfy the latter judgment within the amounts specified herein within 30 days after the same becomes final, then the Secretary of State shall again suspend the driver's license of such judgment debtor and shall again suspend the registration of any vehicle registered in the name of such judgment debtor as owner. Such driver's license and registration shall not be renewed nor shall a driver's license and registration of any vehicle be issued to such judgment debtor while such latter judgment remains in effect and unsatisfied within the amount specified herein.
(Source: P.A. 102-982, eff. 7-1-23.)

625 ILCS 5/7-310

    (625 ILCS 5/7-310) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 7-310)
    Sec. 7-310. Petition for discharge filed in bankruptcy. A petition for discharge filed in bankruptcy following the rendering of any judgment shall relieve the judgment debtor from the requirements of this Chapter 7, except that the judgment debtor's drivers license shall remain suspended and may not be renewed, and the judgment debtor may not be issued a license or registration, until the judgment debtor gives proof of his or her financial responsibility in the future, as provided in Section 1-164.5. The proof is to be maintained by the judgment debtor, in a manner satisfactory to the Secretary of State, for a period of 3 years after the date on which the proof is first filed.
    A petition for discharge filed in bankruptcy of the owner or lessee of a commercial vehicle by whom the judgment debtor is employed at the time of the motor vehicle crash that gives rise to the judgment also shall relieve the judgment debtor so employed from any of the requirements of this Chapter 7 if the discharge of the owner or lessee follows the rendering of the judgment and if the judgment debtor so employed was operating the commercial vehicle in connection with his or her regular employment or occupation at the time of the crash. This amendatory act of 1985 applies to all cases irrespective of whether the crash giving rise to the suspension of license or registration occurred before, on, or after its effective date.
(Source: P.A. 102-982, eff. 7-1-23.)

625 ILCS 5/7-311

    (625 ILCS 5/7-311) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 7-311)
    Sec. 7-311. Payments sufficient to satisfy requirements.
    (a) Judgments herein referred to arising out of motor vehicle crashes occurring on or after January 1, 2015 (the effective date of Public Act 98-519) shall for the purpose of this Chapter be deemed satisfied:
        1. when $25,000 has been credited upon any judgment
or judgments rendered in excess of that amount for bodily injury to or the death of one person as the result of any one motor vehicle crash; or
        2. when, subject to said limit of $25,000 as to any
one person, the sum of $50,000 has been credited upon any judgment or judgments rendered in excess of that amount for bodily injury to or the death of more than one person as the result of any one motor vehicle crash; or
        3. when $20,000 has been credited upon any judgment
or judgments, rendered in excess of that amount for damages to property of others as a result of any one motor vehicle crash.
    The changes to this subsection made by Public Act 98-519 apply only to policies issued or renewed on or after January 1, 2015.
    (b) Credit for such amounts shall be deemed a satisfaction of any such judgment or judgments in excess of said amounts only for the purposes of this Chapter.
    (c) Whenever payment has been made in settlement of any claim for bodily injury, death, or property damage arising from a motor vehicle crash resulting in injury, death, or property damage to two or more persons in such crash, any such payment shall be credited in reduction of the amounts provided for in this Section.
(Source: P.A. 102-982, eff. 7-1-23.)

625 ILCS 5/7-312

    (625 ILCS 5/7-312) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 7-312)
    Sec. 7-312. Installment payment. (a) A judgment debtor upon 5 days notice to the judgment creditor may apply to the trial court in which the judgment was entered for the privilege of paying such judgment in installments and the court in its discretion and without prejudice to any other judicial remedies which the judgment creditor may have may so order, fixing the amounts and times of payment of the installments.
    (b) The Secretary of State shall not suspend the driver's license, registration or nonresident's operating privilege, and any suspended driver's license or registration following nonpayment of a final judgment shall be restored when the judgment debtor gives proof of financial responsibility and when the judgment debtor obtains an order from the trial court permitting the payment of such judgment in installments and while the payment of any such installment is not in default.
(Source: P.A. 83-1362.)

625 ILCS 5/7-313

    (625 ILCS 5/7-313) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 7-313)
    Sec. 7-313. Suspension required upon breach of agreement. In the event the judgment debtor fails to pay any installments as permitted by the order of the court upon notice of such default, the Secretary of State, upon receipt of a court order, shall forthwith suspend the driver's license, registration certificate, license plates, registration stickers or nonresident's operating privilege of the judgment debtor until said judgment is satisfied as provided in Section 7-311 or a second installment payment plan is accepted as provided in Section 7-312.
(Source: P.A. 90-774, eff. 8-14-98.)

625 ILCS 5/7-314

    (625 ILCS 5/7-314) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 7-314)
    Sec. 7-314. Alternate methods of giving proof. Proof of financial responsibility when required under this Article may be given by filing with the Secretary of State:
    1. A certificate of insurance as provided in Section 7-315 or Section 7-316;.
    2. A bond as provided in Section 7-320; or
    3. A deposit of securities as provided in Section 7-323.
(Source: P.A. 83-831.)

625 ILCS 5/7-315

    (625 ILCS 5/7-315) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 7-315)
    Sec. 7-315. Certificate of insurance proof.
    (a) Proof of financial responsibility may be made by filing with the Secretary of State the electronic certificate of any insurance carrier duly authorized to do business in this State, certifying that it has issued to or for the benefit of the person furnishing such proof and named as the insured in a motor vehicle liability policy, a motor vehicle liability policy or policies or in certain events an operator's policy meeting the requirements of this Code and that said policy or policies are then in full force and effect. All electronic certificates must be submitted in a manner satisfactory to the Secretary of State.
    (b) Such certificate or certificates shall give the dates of issuance and expiration of such policy or policies and certify that the same shall not be canceled unless 15 days' prior electronic notice thereof be given to the Secretary of State and shall explicitly describe all motor vehicles covered thereby unless the policy or policies are issued to a person who is not the owner of a motor vehicle.
    (c) The Secretary of State shall not accept any certificate or certificates unless the same shall cover all motor vehicles then registered in this State in the name of the person furnishing such proof as owner and an additional certificate or certificates shall be required as a condition precedent to the subsequent registration of any motor vehicle or motor vehicles in the name of the person giving such proof as owner.
(Source: P.A. 103-179, eff. 6-30-23; 103-605, eff. 7-1-24.)

625 ILCS 5/7-316

    (625 ILCS 5/7-316) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 7-316)
    Sec. 7-316. Certificate furnished by nonresident as proof. Any nonresident owner of a motor vehicle not registered in this State may give proof of financial responsibility by filing with the Secretary of State a certificate or certificates of an insurance carrier authorized to transact business in the state or province of the Dominion of Canada in which the motor vehicle or motor vehicles described in such certificate are registered, or if such nonresident does not own a motor vehicle then in the state or province of the Dominion of Canada in which the insured resides, and otherwise conforming to the provisions of this Code, and the Secretary of State shall accept the same if such carrier shall:
        1. Execute a power of attorney authorizing the
Secretary of State to accept service on its behalf of notice of process in any action arising out of a motor vehicle crash in this State;
        2. Duly adopt a resolution which shall be binding
upon it declaring that its policies shall be deemed to be varied to comply with the laws of this State relating to the terms of motor vehicle liability policies as required by Section 7-317; and
        3. Agree to accept as final and binding any final
judgment duly rendered in any action arising out of a motor vehicle crash in any court of competent jurisdiction in this State.
(Source: P.A. 102-982, eff. 7-1-23.)

625 ILCS 5/7-316.1

    (625 ILCS 5/7-316.1)
    Sec. 7-316.1. Nonresidents and former residents; when proof not required.
    (a) Any nonresident or former Illinois resident who (i) has met all requirements for reinstatement of his or her driving or registration privileges under this Chapter except for filing proof of financial responsibility, (ii) resides outside of Illinois, and (iii) has applied for a driver's license in another state, shall be released from the requirement of showing proof of financial responsibility in this State if he or she presents to the Secretary of State, in a manner satisfactory to the Secretary, notice of his or her out-of-state residency.
    (b) Any nonresident or former Illinois resident whose driver's license was revoked and who (i) has met all requirements for applying for driving privileges except for filing proof of financial responsibility under this Chapter, (ii) resides outside of Illinois, and (iii) has applied for a driver's license in another state, shall be released from the requirement of showing proof of financial responsibility in this State if he or she presents to the Secretary of State, in a manner satisfactory to the Secretary, notice of his or her out-of-state residency.
    (b-5) Any nonresident or former Illinois resident who has submitted satisfactory documentation to the Secretary of State to be released of showing proof of financial responsibility in this State shall have his or her Illinois license cancelled 60 days after acceptance of notice of cancellation, as provided in Section 6-201 of this Code.
    (c) If a nonresident or former Illinois resident released from the requirement of showing proof of financial responsibility in this State under subsection (a) or subsection (b) of this Section moves or returns to this State within 3 years of the date of release, that person must present to the Secretary of State, in a manner satisfactory to the Secretary, proof of insurance coverage during the period in which the person lived outside of Illinois. A person who fails to present the required proof may not be issued a driver's license until he or she presents proof of financial responsibility that is satisfactory under this Chapter. The proof of financial responsibility required under this subsection (c) must be shown or maintained for the period of time required under this Chapter.
    (d) The Secretary shall adopt rules for implementing this Section.
(Source: P.A. 98-178, eff. 1-1-14.)

625 ILCS 5/7-317

    (625 ILCS 5/7-317) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 7-317)
    Sec. 7-317. "Motor vehicle liability policy" defined.
    (a) Certification. -A "motor vehicle liability policy", as that term is used in this Act, means an "owner's policy" or an "operator's policy" of liability insurance, certified as provided in Section 7-315 or Section 7-316 as proof of financial responsibility for the future, and issued, except as otherwise provided in Section 7-316, by an insurance carrier duly authorized to transact business in this State, to or for the benefit of the person named therein as insured.
    (b) Owner's Policy. --Such owner's policy of liability insurance:
        1. Shall designate by explicit description or by
appropriate reference, all motor vehicles with respect to which coverage is thereby intended to be granted;
        2. Shall insure the person named therein and any
other person using or responsible for the use of such motor vehicle or vehicles with the express or implied permission of the insured;
        3. Shall insure every named insured and any other
person using or responsible for the use of any motor vehicle owned by the named insured and used by such other person with the express or implied permission of the named insured on account of the maintenance, use or operation of any motor vehicle owned by the named insured, within the continental limits of the United States or the Dominion of Canada against loss from liability imposed by law arising from such maintenance, use or operation, to the extent and aggregate amount, exclusive of interest and cost, with respect to each motor vehicle, of $25,000 for bodily injury to or death of one person as a result of any one crash and, subject to such limit as to one person, the amount of $50,000 for bodily injury to or death of all persons as a result of any one crash and the amount of $20,000 for damage to property of others as a result of any one crash. The changes to this paragraph made by this amendatory Act of the 98th General Assembly apply only to policies issued or renewed on or after January 1, 2015.
    (c) Operator's Policy. --When an operator's policy is required, it shall insure the person named therein as insured against the liability imposed by law upon the insured for bodily injury to or death of any person or damage to property to the amounts and limits above set forth and growing out of the use or operation by the insured within the continental limits of the United States or the Dominion of Canada of any motor vehicle not owned by him.
    (d) Required Statements in Policies. --Every motor vehicle liability policy must specify the name and address of the insured, the coverage afforded by the policy, the premium charged therefor, the policy period, and the limits of liability, and shall contain an agreement that the insurance thereunder is provided in accordance with the coverage defined in this Act, as respects bodily injury and death or property damage or both, and is subject to all the provisions of this Act.
    (e) Policy Need Not Insure Workers' Compensation. --Any liability policy or policies issued hereunder need not cover any liability of the insured assumed by or imposed upon the insured under any workers' compensation law nor any liability for damage to property in charge of the insured or the insured's employees.
    (f) Provisions Incorporated in Policy. --Every motor vehicle liability policy is subject to the following provisions which need not be contained therein:
        1. The liability of the insurance carrier under any
such policy shall become absolute whenever loss or damage covered by the policy occurs and the satisfaction by the insured of a final judgment for such loss or damage shall not be a condition precedent to the right or obligation of the carrier to make payment on account of such loss or damage.
        2. No such policy may be cancelled or annulled as
respects any loss or damage, by any agreement between the carrier and the insured after the insured has become responsible for such loss or damage, and any such cancellation or annulment shall be void.
        3. The insurance carrier shall, however, have the
right to settle any claim covered by the policy, and if such settlement is made in good faith, the amount thereof shall be deductible from the limits of liability specified in the policy.
        4. The policy, the written application therefor, if
any, and any rider or endorsement which shall not conflict with the provisions of this Act shall constitute the entire contract between the parties.
    (g) Excess or Additional Coverage. --Any motor vehicle liability policy may, however, grant any lawful coverage in excess of or in addition to the coverage herein specified or contain any agreements, provisions, or stipulations not in conflict with the provisions of this Act and not otherwise contrary to law.
    (h) Reimbursement Provision Permitted. --The policy may provide that the insured, or any other person covered by the policy shall reimburse the insurance carrier for payment made on account of any loss or damage claim or suit involving a breach of the terms, provisions or conditions of the policy; and further, if the policy shall provide for limits in excess of the limits specified in this Act, the insurance carrier may plead against any plaintiff, with respect to the amount of such excess limits of liability, any defense which it may be entitled to plead against the insured.
    (i) Proration of Insurance Permitted. --The policy may provide for the pro-rating of the insurance thereunder with other applicable valid and collectible insurance.
    (j) Binders. --Any binder pending the issuance of any policy, which binder contains or by reference includes the provisions hereunder shall be sufficient proof of ability to respond in damages.
    (k) Copy of Policy to Be Filed with Department of Insurance--Approval. --A copy of the form of every motor vehicle liability policy which is to be used to meet the requirements of this Act must be filed, by the company offering such policy, with the Department of Insurance, which shall approve or disapprove the policy within 30 days of its filing. If the Department approves the policy in writing within such 30 day period or fails to take action for 30 days, the form of policy shall be deemed approved as filed. If within the 30 days the Department disapproves the form of policy filed upon the ground that it does not comply with the requirements of this Act, the Department shall give written notice of its decision and its reasons therefor to the carrier and the policy shall not be accepted as proof of financial responsibility under this Act.
    (l) Insurance Carrier Required to File Certificate. --An insurance carrier who has issued a motor vehicle liability policy or policies or an operator's policy meeting the requirements of this Act shall, upon the request of the insured therein, deliver to the insured for filing, or at the request of the insured, shall file direct, with the Secretary of State a certificate, as required by this Act, which shows that such policy or policies have been issued. No insurance carrier may require the payment of any extra fee or surcharge, in addition to the insurance premium, for the execution, delivery or filing of such certificate.
    (m) Proof When Made By Endorsement. --Any motor vehicle liability policy which by endorsement contains the provisions required hereunder shall be sufficient proof of ability to respond in damages.
(Source: P.A. 102-982, eff. 7-1-23.)

625 ILCS 5/7-318

    (625 ILCS 5/7-318) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 7-318)
    Sec. 7-318. Notice of cancellation or termination of certified policy. When an insurance carrier has certified a motor vehicle liability policy or policies under this Act, it shall notify the Secretary of State of any cancellation by submitting an electronic notice at least 15 days prior to cancellation of such policy and the policy shall continue in full force and effect until the date of cancellation specified in such notice or until its expiration, except that such a policy subsequently procured and certified shall, on the effective date of its certification, terminate the insurance previously certified with respect to any vehicle designated in both certificates. All electronic certificates must be submitted in a manner satisfactory to the Secretary of State.
(Source: P.A. 103-179, eff. 6-30-23.)

625 ILCS 5/7-319

    (625 ILCS 5/7-319) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 7-319)
    Sec. 7-319. This Act Not to Affect Other Policies.
    Sections 7-301 through 7-329, each inclusive, of this Act shall not be held to apply to or affect bonds or policies of automobile insurance against liability which may now or hereafter be required by any other provision of this Act and such bonds or policies, if endorsed to conform to the requirements of this Act, shall be accepted as proof of financial responsibility when required under this Act. This Act shall not be held to apply to or affect policies insuring solely the insured named in the policy against liability resulting from the maintenance, operation or use by persons in the insured's employ or in his behalf of motor vehicles not owned by the insured.
(Source: P.A. 76-1586.)

625 ILCS 5/7-320

    (625 ILCS 5/7-320) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 7-320)
    Sec. 7-320. Bond as Proof. A person required to give proof of financial responsibility may file with the Secretary of State a bond, executed by the person giving such proof and by a surety company, duly authorized to transact business within the State; or by the person, giving such proof and by 2 individual sureties, each owning real estate within this State and having an equity therein in the amount of such bond, which real estate shall be scheduled therein.
    1. The Secretary of State shall not accept any such real estate bond unless it is first approved by a judge of a court.
    2. The Secretary of State shall not accept any such bond unless it is conditioned for payment in amounts and under the same circumstances as would be required in a motor vehicle liability policy furnished by the person giving such proof under this Act.
    3. No such bond shall be cancelled unless 10 days' prior written notice is given to the Secretary of State, but cancellation of such bond shall not prevent recovery thereon with respect to any right or cause of action arising prior to the date of cancellation.
    4. The principal and sureties of every such real estate bond shall execute and deliver an original and one copy of the bond and schedule and in addition, when the real property or any part thereof, listed or described in the schedule, shall lie in more than one county, then as many extra copies as there are counties in which the real property, or any part thereof, shall lie, to the judge to whom such bond is presented for approval, who shall, if he approved the bond, endorse upon the original and each copy of the bond the date of the approval thereof; and the clerk of the court shall immediately file one of the copies with the recorder in each county in which is situated any of the non-registered real property so scheduled.
    5. If any of the lands so scheduled shall have been registered under "An Act concerning land titles", approved May 1, 1897, as amended, the clerk of the court in which the bond is approved shall immediately file with the registrar of titles in and for each county in which any of the registered land so scheduled is situated, a notice stating that such land has been so scheduled, and the registrar shall thereupon enter a memorial of such fact upon the record.
    6. The clerk of the court in which the bond is approved shall endorse upon the original of each such real estate bond approved the date upon which he or she filed a copy of such bond with the recorder in each county in which is situated any of the non-registered real property so scheduled or the notice with the registrar of titles in and for each county in which any of the registered land scheduled is situated and shall deliver such original bond to the principal thereon.
(Source: P.A. 83-1362.)

625 ILCS 5/7-321

    (625 ILCS 5/7-321) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 7-321)
    Sec. 7-321. When Bond Shall Constitute a Lien. Such bond shall constitute a lien upon the unregistered real estate so scheduled of any surety from the time when a copy of such bond is filed in the office of the recorder in and for the county in which such non-registered real property so scheduled is situated, and such bond shall be a lien upon all registered real property listed or described in the accompanying schedule from the time when notice, as aforesaid, is filed in the office of the registrar of titles in and for the county in which such registered real estate so scheduled is situated. Such lien shall exist in favor of the People of the State of Illinois for the use of any holder of a final judgment against the principal on such bond upon a liability covered by the conditions of such bond.
(Source: P.A. 83-358.)

625 ILCS 5/7-322

    (625 ILCS 5/7-322) (from Ch. 95 1/2, par. 7-322)
    Sec. 7-322. Action on Bond.
    If a judgment is rendered against the principal of any such surety or real estate bond upon a liability covered by the conditions of such bond and such judgment is not satisfied within thirty (30) days after it becomes final, then the judgment creditor may, for his own use and benefit, and at his sole expense, bring an action or actions in the name of the State against the company or persons who executed such bond including an action or proceeding to foreclose any lien that may exist upon the real estate of a person who has executed such bond, which action shall be brought in like manner and subject to all the provisions of law applicable to an action to foreclose a mortgage upon real estate.
(Source: P.A. 76-1586.)