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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
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Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.


105 ILCS 5/Art. 11E

    (105 ILCS 5/Art. 11E heading)
(Source: P.A. 94-1019, eff. 7-10-06.)

105 ILCS 5/11E-5

    (105 ILCS 5/11E-5)
    Sec. 11E-5. Purpose and applicability. The purpose of this Article is to permit greater flexibility and efficiency in the reorganization and formation of school districts for the improvement of the administration and quality of educational services and for the best interests of pupils. This Article applies only to school districts with under 500,000 inhabitants.
(Source: P.A. 94-1019, eff. 7-10-06.)

105 ILCS 5/11E-10

    (105 ILCS 5/11E-10)
    Sec. 11E-10. Definitions. In this Article:
    "Affected district" means any school district with territory included in a petition for reorganization under this Article that encompasses (i) 25% or more of the total land area of the district, (ii) more than 8% of the student enrollment of the district, or (iii) more than 8% of the equalized assessed valuation of the district.
    "Combined high school - unit district" means a school district resulting from the combination of a high school district and a unit district.
    "Combined school district" means any district resulting from the combination of 2 or more entire elementary districts, 2 or more entire high school districts, or 2 or more entire unit districts.
    "Dual district" means a high school district and all of its feeder elementary districts collectively.
    "Elementary district" means a school district organized and established for purposes of providing instruction up to and including grade 8. "Elementary district" includes common elementary school districts, consolidated elementary school districts, community consolidated school districts, combined elementary districts, and charter elementary districts.
    "Elementary purposes" means the purposes of providing instruction up to and including grade 8.
    "High school district" means a school district organized and established for purposes of providing instruction in grades 9 through 12. "High school district" includes charter high school districts, township high school districts, consolidated high school districts, community high school districts, and non-high school districts.
    "High school purposes" means the purposes of providing instruction in grades nine through 12.
    "High school - unit conversion" means a school district conversion authorized under subsection (a) of Section 11E-15 of this Code.
    "K through 12 purposes" means the purposes of providing instruction up to and including grade 12.
    "Multi-unit conversion" means the formation of a combined high school - unit district and one or more new elementary districts as authorized under subsection (b) of Section 11E-30 of this Code.
    "Optional elementary unit district" means a unit district resulting from the combination of a high school district and the combination of any one or more elementary districts electing to organize as an optional elementary unit district.
    "Partial elementary unit district" means either a combined high school - unit district or an optional elementary unit district.
    "School board" means either a board of education or a board of school directors.
    "School district conversion" means a high school - unit conversion or a unit to dual conversion.
    "School needs" means the needs of the proposed school district and any districts in the area adjacent thereto in relation to, without limitation, providing a full range of high quality educational and extracurricular programs, maintaining a full complement of professional staff to deliver optimal educational services, meeting the program and staff needs of all students, including students with disabilities and students in career and technical education courses, maximizing community involvement in school governance, operating on an economically efficient basis, and maintaining a sufficient local tax base.
    "Substantially coterminous" means that a high school district and one or more elementary districts share the same boundaries or share the same boundaries except for territory encompassing, for a particular district, (i) less than 25% of the land area of the district, (ii) less than 8% of the student enrollment of the district, and (iii) less than 8% of the equalized assessed valuation of the district.
    "Unit district" means a school district organized and established for purposes of providing instruction up to and including grade 12. "Unit district" includes charter (K through 12) districts, community unit districts, community consolidated unit districts, other districts that, prior to the adoption of the community consolidated unit district and community unit district, authorizing legislation had expanded to provide instruction through the 12th grade (commonly referred to as "Old Type" unit districts), and partial elementary unit districts organized pursuant to the provisions of this Article.
    "Unit to dual conversion" means a school district conversion authorized under subsection (b) of Section 11E-15 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 94-1019, eff. 7-10-06.)

105 ILCS 5/11E-15

    (105 ILCS 5/11E-15)
    Sec. 11E-15. School district conversion.
    (a) One or more unit districts and one or more high school districts, all of which are contiguous, may, under the provisions of this Article, be converted into a dual district through the dissolution of the unit district or districts and the high school district or districts if the following apply:
        (1) each elementary district to be created includes
all of the territory within a unit district to be dissolved; and
        (2) the high school district to be created includes
all of the territory within the unit districts and high school districts to be dissolved.
    (b) Two or more contiguous unit districts may, under the provisions of this Article, dissolve and form a single new high school district and new elementary districts that are based upon the boundaries of the dissolved unit districts.
(Source: P.A. 94-1019, eff. 7-10-06.)

105 ILCS 5/11E-20

    (105 ILCS 5/11E-20)
    Sec. 11E-20. Combined school district formation.
    (a)(1) The territory of 2 or more entire contiguous elementary districts may be organized into a combined elementary district under the provisions of this Article.
    (2) Any 2 or more entire elementary districts that collectively are within or substantially coterminous with the boundaries of a high school district, regardless of whether the districts are compact and contiguous with each other, may be organized into a combined school district in accordance with this Article.
    (3) Any 2 or more entire elementary districts that are not contiguous may be organized into a combined school district in accordance with this Article if the following requirements are met and documented within 2 calendar years prior to the petition filing date:
        (A) the distance between each district administrative
office is documented as no more than 30 miles; and
        (B) every district contiguous to a district wishing
to organize into a combined school district under the provisions of this paragraph (3) determines that it is not interested in participating in a petition for a combined school district filed in accordance with this Article, through a vote of its school board, and documents that non-interest in a letter to the regional superintendent of schools containing approved minutes that record the school board vote.
    (b)(1) The territory of 2 or more entire contiguous high school districts may be organized into a combined high school district under the provisions of this Article.
    (2) Any 2 or more entire high school districts that are not contiguous may be organized into a combined school district in accordance with this Article if the following requirements are met and documented within 2 calendar years prior to the petition filing date:
        (A) the distance between each district administrative
office is documented as no more than 30 miles; and
        (B) every district contiguous to a district wishing
to organize into a combined school district under the provisions of this paragraph (2) determines that it is not interested in participating in a petition for a combined school district filed in accordance with this Article, through a vote of its school board, and documents that non-interest in a letter to the regional superintendent of schools containing approved minutes that record the school board vote.
    (c)(1) The territory of 2 or more entire contiguous unit districts may be organized into a combined unit district under the provisions of this Article.
    (2) Any 2 or more entire unit districts that are not contiguous may be organized into a combined school district in accordance with this Article if the following requirements are met and documented within 2 calendar years prior to the petition filing date:
        (A) the distance between each district administrative
office is documented as no more than 30 miles; and
        (B) every district contiguous to the district wishing
to organize into a combined school district under the provisions of this paragraph (2) determines that it is not interested in participating in a petition for a combined school district filed in accordance with this Article, through a vote of its school board, and documents that non-interest in a letter to the regional superintendent of schools containing approved minutes that record the school board vote.
(Source: P.A. 98-125, eff. 8-2-13.)

105 ILCS 5/11E-25

    (105 ILCS 5/11E-25)
    Sec. 11E-25. Unit district formation.
    (a) Any contiguous and compact territory, no part of which is included within any unit district, may be organized into a unit district as provided in this Article.
    (b) The territory of one or more entire unit districts that are contiguous to each other, plus any contiguous and compact territory no part of which is included within any unit district, and the territory of which taken as a whole is compact may be organized into a unit district as provided in this Article.
(Source: P.A. 94-1019, eff. 7-10-06.)

105 ILCS 5/11E-30

    (105 ILCS 5/11E-30)
    Sec. 11E-30. Partial elementary unit district formation.
    (a) One or more entire high school districts and one or more entire unit districts, all of which are contiguous, may be organized into a combined high school - unit district as provided in this Article. The combined high school - unit district shall serve all residents of the district for high school purposes and those residents residing in the portion of the territory included within the boundaries of the dissolved unit district or districts for elementary purposes.
    (b) One or more contiguous unit districts may, as provided in this Article, dissolve and form a single new combined high school - unit district and one or more new elementary districts. The boundaries of the new elementary district or districts shall be based upon the boundaries of the dissolved unit district or districts electing to join the combined high school - unit district only for high school purposes. Territory included within the boundaries of the new elementary district or districts shall be served by the new combined high school - unit district only for high school purposes. All other territory within the combined high school - unit district shall be served by the combined high school - unit district for both high school and elementary purposes.
    (c) A high school district and 2 or more elementary districts that collectively are substantially coterminous may seek to organize into an optional elementary unit district as provided in this Article, provided that territory comprising at least 51% of the equalized assessed valuation of the high school district is subject to a combined high school and elementary maximum annual authorized tax rate for educational purposes of 4.0% or less. The optional elementary unit district shall serve all residents of the district for high school purposes. The optional elementary unit district shall serve residents of only those elementary districts electing to join the optional elementary unit district, as determined in accordance with subsection (b) of Section 11E-65 of this Code, for elementary purposes. The corporate existence of any elementary district electing not to join the optional elementary unit district in accordance with subsection (b) of Section 11E-65 of this Code shall not be affected by the formation of an optional elementary unit district, and an elementary district electing not to join the optional elementary unit district shall continue to serve residents of the district for elementary purposes.
    (d)(1) For 5 years following the formation of an optional elementary unit district, any elementary district that elected not to join an optional elementary unit district for elementary purposes may elect to dissolve and combine with the optional elementary unit district by filing a petition that requests the submission of the proposition at a regularly scheduled election for the purpose of voting for or against joining the optional elementary unit district and that complies with the other provisions of this Article.
        (2) After an election in which an elementary district
votes to join an optional elementary unit district in accordance with paragraph (1) of this subsection (d), but prior to the dissolution of the elementary district, the elementary district must first issue funding bonds pursuant to Sections 19-8 and 19-9 of this Code to liquidate any operational deficit or debt incurred or accumulated since the date of the election in which the proposition to form the optional elementary unit district passed. The elementary district shall not be required to comply with the backdoor referenda provisions of Section 19-9 of this Code as a condition of issuing the funding bonds. If applicable, the tax levy to pay the debt service on the funding bonds shall not be included in the district's aggregate extension base under Section 18-210 of the Property Tax Code. Taxes levied to repay principal and interest on any long term debt incurred or accumulated between the date of the election in which the proposition to form the optional elementary unit district passed and the date of the elementary district's dissolution and joining the optional elementary unit district in accordance with paragraph (1) of this subsection (d) shall be levied and extended only against the territory of the elementary district as it existed prior to dissolution.
        (3) If all eligible elementary districts elect to
join an optional elementary unit district in accordance with this subsection (d), the optional elementary unit district shall thereafter be deemed a unit district for all purposes of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 94-1019, eff. 7-10-06.)

105 ILCS 5/11E-35

    (105 ILCS 5/11E-35)
    Sec. 11E-35. Petition filing.
    (a) A petition shall be filed with the regional superintendent of schools of the educational service region in which the territory described in the petition or that part of the territory with the greater percentage of equalized assessed valuation is situated. The petition must do the following:
        (1) be signed by at least 50 legal resident voters or
10% of the legal resident voters, whichever is less, residing within each affected district; or
        (2) be approved by the school board in each affected
    (b) The petition shall contain all of the following:
        (1) A request to submit the proposition at a regular
scheduled election for the purpose of voting:
            (A) for or against a high school - unit
            (B) for or against a unit to dual conversion;
            (C) for or against the establishment of a
combined elementary district;
            (D) for or against the establishment of a
combined high school district;
            (E) for or against the establishment of a
combined unit district;
            (F) for or against the establishment of a unit
district from dual district territory exclusively;
            (G) for or against the establishment of a unit
district from both dual district and unit district territory;
            (H) for or against the establishment of a
combined high school - unit district from a combination of one or more high school districts and one or more unit districts;
            (I) for or against the establishment of a
combined high school - unit district and one or more new elementary districts through a multi-unit conversion;
            (J) for or against the establishment of an
optional elementary unit district from a combination of a substantially coterminous dual district; or
            (K) for or against dissolving and becoming part
of an optional elementary unit district.
        (2) A description of the territory comprising the
districts proposed to be dissolved and those to be created, which, for an entire district, may be a general reference to all of the territory included within that district.
        (3) A specification of the maximum tax rates for
various purposes the proposed district or districts shall be authorized to levy for various purposes and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Section 11E-80 of this Code.
        (4) A description of how supplementary State deficit
difference payments made under subsection (c) of Section 11E-135 of this Code will be allocated among the new districts proposed to be formed.
        (5) Where applicable, a division of assets and
liabilities to be allocated to the proposed new or annexing school district or districts in the manner provided in Section 11E-105 of this Code.
        (6) If desired, a request that at that same election
as the reorganization proposition a school board or boards be elected on a separate ballot or ballots to serve as the school board or boards of the proposed new district or districts. Any election of board members at the same election at which the proposition to create the district or districts to be served by the board or boards is submitted to the voters shall proceed under the supervision of the regional superintendent of schools as provided in Section 11E-55 of this Code.
        (7) If desired, a request that the referendum at
which the proposition is submitted for the purpose of voting for or against the establishment of a unit district (other than a partial elementary unit district) include as part of the proposition the election of board members by school board district rather than at large. Any petition requesting the election of board members by district shall divide the proposed school district into 7 school board districts, each of which must be compact and contiguous and substantially equal in population to each other school board district. Any election of board members by school board district shall proceed under the supervision of the regional superintendent of schools as provided in Section 11E-55 of this Code.
        (8) If desired, a request that the referendum at
which the proposition is submitted for the purpose of voting for or against the establishment of a unit to dual conversion include as part of the proposition the election of board members for the new high school district (i) on an at large basis, (ii) with board members representing each of the forming elementary school districts, or (iii) a combination of both. The format for the election of the new high school board must be defined in the petition. When 4 or more unit school districts and a combination of board members representing each of the forming elementary school districts are involved and at large formats are used, one member must be elected from each of the forming elementary school districts. The remaining members may be elected on an at large basis, provided that none of the underlying elementary school districts have a majority on the resulting high school board. When 3 unit school districts and a combination of board members representing each of the forming elementary school districts are involved and at large formats are used, 2 members must be elected from each of the forming elementary school districts. The remaining member must be elected at large.
        (9) If desired, a request that the referendum at
which the proposition shall be submitted include a proposition on a separate ballot authorizing the issuance of bonds by the district or districts when organized in accordance with this Article. However, if the petition is submitted for the purpose of voting for or against the establishment of an optional elementary unit district, the petition may request only that the referendum at which the proposition is submitted include a proposition on a separate ballot authorizing the issuance of bonds for high school purposes (and not elementary purposes) by the district when organized in accordance with this Article. The principal amount of the bonds and the purposes of issuance, including a specification of elementary or high school purposes if the proposed issuance is to be made by a combined high school - unit district, shall be stated in the petition and in all notices and propositions submitted thereunder. Only residents in the territory of the district proposing the bond issuance may vote on the bond issuance.
        (10) A designation of a committee of ten of the
petitioners as attorney in fact for all petitioners, any 7 of whom may at any time, prior to the final decision of the regional superintendent of schools, amend the petition in all respects (except that, for a unit district formation, there may not be an increase or decrease of more than 25% of the territory to be included in the proposed district) and make binding stipulations on behalf of all petitioners as to any question with respect to the petition, including the power to stipulate to accountings or the waiver thereof between school districts.
    (c) The regional superintendent of schools shall not accept for filing under the authority of this Section any petition that includes any territory already included as part of the territory described in another pending petition filed under the authority of this Section.
    (d)(1) Those designated as the Committee of Ten shall serve in that capacity until such time as the regional superintendent of schools determines that, because of death, resignation, transfer of residency from the territory, failure to qualify, or any other reason, the office of a particular member of the Committee of Ten is vacant. Upon determination by the regional superintendent of schools that these vacancies exist, he or she shall declare the vacancies and shall notify the remaining members to appoint a petitioner or petitioners, as the case may be, to fill the vacancies in the Committee of Ten so designated. An appointment by the Committee of Ten to fill a vacancy shall be made by a simple majority vote of the designated remaining members.
    (2) Failure of a person designated as a member of the Committee of Ten to sign the petition shall not disqualify that person as a member of the Committee of Ten, and that person may sign the petition at any time prior to final disposition of the petition and the conclusion of the proceedings to form a new school district or districts, including all litigation pertaining to the petition or proceedings.
    (3) Except as stated in item (10) of subsection (b) of this Section, the Committee of Ten shall act by majority vote of the membership.
    (4) The regional superintendent of schools may accept a stipulation made by the Committee of Ten instead of evidence or proof of the matter stipulated or may refuse to accept the stipulation, provided that the regional superintendent sets forth the basis for the refusal.
    (5) The Committee of Ten may voluntarily dismiss its petition at any time before a final decision is issued by the State Superintendent of Education.
(Source: P.A. 94-1019, eff. 7-10-06; 95-903, eff. 8-25-08.)

105 ILCS 5/11E-40

    (105 ILCS 5/11E-40)
    Sec. 11E-40. Notice and petition amendments.
    (a) Upon the filing of a petition with the regional superintendent of schools as provided in Section 11E-35 of this Code, the regional superintendent shall do all of the following:
        (1) Cause a copy of the petition to be given to each
school board of the affected districts and the regional superintendent of schools of any other educational service region in which territory described in the petition is situated.
        (2) Cause a notice thereof to be published at least
once each week for 3 successive weeks in at least one newspaper having general circulation within the area of all of the territory of the proposed district or districts. The expense of publishing the notice shall be borne by the petitioners and paid on behalf of the petitioners by the Committee of Ten.
    (b) The notice shall state all of the following:
        (1) When and to whom the petition was presented.
        (2) The prayer of the petition.
        (3) A description of the territory comprising the
districts proposed to be dissolved and those to be created, which, for an entire district, may be a general reference to all of the territory included within that district.
        (4) If applicable, the proposition to elect, by
separate ballot, school board members at the same election, indicating whether the board members are to be elected at large or by school board district.
        (5) If requested in the petition, the proposition to
issue bonds, indicating the amount and purpose thereof.
        (6) The day, time, and location on which the hearing
on the action proposed in the petition shall be held.
    (c) The requirements of subsection (g) of Section 28-2 of the Election Code do not apply to any petition filed under this Article. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in the Election Code, the regional superintendent of schools shall make all determinations regarding the validity of the petition, including without limitation signatures on the petition, subject to State Superintendent and administrative review in accordance with Section 11E-50 of this Code.
    (d) Prior to the hearing described in Section 11E-45 of this Code, the regional superintendent of schools shall inform the Committee of Ten as to whether the petition, as amended or filed, is proper and in compliance with all applicable petition requirements set forth in the Election Code. If the regional superintendent determines that the petition is not in proper order or not in compliance with any applicable petition requirements set forth in the Election Code, the regional superintendent must identify the specific alleged defects in the petition and include specific recommendations to cure the alleged defects. The Committee of Ten may amend the petition to cure the alleged defects at any time prior to the receipt of the regional superintendent's written order made in accordance with subsection (a) of Section 11E-50 of this Code or may elect not to amend the petition, in which case the Committee of Ten may appeal a denial by the regional superintendent following the hearing in accordance with Section 11E-50 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 94-1019, eff. 7-10-06; 95-903, eff. 8-25-08.)

105 ILCS 5/11E-45

    (105 ILCS 5/11E-45)
    Sec. 11E-45. Hearing.
    (a) No more than 15 days after the last date on which the required notice under Section 11E-40 of this Code is published, the regional superintendent of schools with whom the petition is required to be filed shall hold a hearing on the petition. Prior to the hearing, the Committee of Ten shall submit to the regional superintendent maps showing the districts involved and any other information deemed pertinent by the Committee of Ten to the proposed action. The regional superintendent of schools may adjourn the hearing from time to time or may continue the matter for want of sufficient notice or other good cause.
    (b) At the hearing, the regional superintendent of schools shall allow public testimony on the action proposed in the petition. The Committee of Ten shall present, or arrange for the presentation of all of the following:
        (1) Evidence as to the school needs and conditions in
the territory described in the petition and the area adjacent thereto.
        (2) Evidence with respect to the ability of the
proposed district or districts to meet standards of recognition as prescribed by the State Board of Education.
        (3) A consideration of the division of funds and
assets that will occur if the petition is approved.
        (4) A description of the maximum tax rates the
proposed district or districts is authorized to levy for various purposes and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Section 11E-80 of this Code.
        (5) For a non-contiguous combined school district, as
specified in paragraph (3) of subsection (a), paragraph (2) of subsection (b), or paragraph (2) of subsection (c) of Section 11E-20 of this Code, evidence that the action proposed in the petition meets the requirements of the respective paragraph.
    (c) Any regional superintendent of schools entitled under the provisions of this Article to be given a copy of the petition and any resident or representative of a school district in which any territory described in the petition is situated may appear in person or by an attorney at law to provide oral or written testimony or both in relation to the action proposed in the petition.
    (d) The regional superintendent of schools shall arrange for a written transcript of the hearing. The expense of the written transcript shall be borne by the petitioners and paid on behalf of the petitioners by the Committee of Ten.
(Source: P.A. 98-125, eff. 8-2-13.)

105 ILCS 5/11E-50

    (105 ILCS 5/11E-50)
    Sec. 11E-50. Approval or denial of the petition; administrative review.
    (a) Within 14 days after the conclusion of the hearing under Section 11E-45 of this Code, the regional superintendent of schools shall take into consideration the school needs and conditions of the affected districts and in the area adjacent thereto, the division of funds and assets that will result from the action described in the petition, the best interests of the schools of the area, and the best interests and the educational welfare of the pupils residing therein and, through a written order, either approve or deny the petition. If the regional superintendent fails to act upon a petition within 14 days after the conclusion of the hearing, the regional superintendent shall be deemed to have denied the petition.
    (b) Upon approving or denying the petition, the regional superintendent of schools shall submit the petition and all evidence to the State Superintendent of Education. The State Superintendent shall review the petition, the record of the hearing, and the written order of the regional superintendent, if any. Within 21 days after the receipt of the regional superintendent's decision, the State Superintendent shall take into consideration the school needs and conditions of the affected districts and in the area adjacent thereto, the division of funds and assets that will result from the action described in the petition, the best interests of the schools of the area, and the best interests and the educational welfare of the pupils residing therein and, through a written order, either approve or deny the petition. If the State Superintendent denies the petition, the State Superintendent shall set forth in writing the specific basis for the denial. The decision of the State Superintendent shall be deemed an administrative decision as defined in Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil Procedure. The State Superintendent shall provide a copy of the decision by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the Committee of Ten, any person appearing in support or opposition of the petition at the hearing, each school board of a district in which territory described in the petition is situated, the regional superintendent with whom the petition was filed, and the regional superintendent of schools of any other educational service region in which territory described in the petition is situated.
    (c) Any resident of any territory described in the petition who appears in support of or opposition to the petition at the hearing or any petitioner or school board of any district in which territory described in the petition is situated may, within 35 days after a copy of the decision sought to be reviewed was served by certified mail, return receipt requested, upon the party affected thereby or upon the attorney of record for the party, apply for a review of an administrative decision of the State Superintendent of Education in accordance with the Administrative Review Law and any rules adopted pursuant to the Administrative Review Law. The commencement of any action for review shall operate as a supersedeas, and no further proceedings shall be had until final disposition of the review. The circuit court of the county in which the petition is filed with the regional superintendent of schools shall have sole jurisdiction to entertain a complaint for the review.
(Source: P.A. 94-1019, eff. 7-10-06; 95-903, eff. 8-25-08.)

105 ILCS 5/11E-55

    (105 ILCS 5/11E-55)
    Sec. 11E-55. Holding of elections.
    (a) Elections provided by this Article shall be conducted in accordance with the general election law. The regional superintendent of schools shall perform the election duties assigned by law to the secretary of a school board for the election and shall certify the officers and candidates therefore pursuant to the general election law.
    (b) Nomination papers filed under this Article are not valid unless the candidate named therein files with the regional superintendent of schools a receipt from the county clerk showing that the candidate has filed a statement of economic interests as required by the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act. This receipt shall be so filed either previously during the calendar year in which his or her nomination papers were filed or within the period for the filing of nomination papers in accordance with the general election law.
    (c)(1) If the petition requests the election of school board members of the school district proposed to be created at the same election at which the proposition to establish that district is to be submitted to voters or if the regional superintendent of schools finds it to be in the best interest of the districts involved to elect school board members of the school district proposed to be created at a consolidated election or general primary election, then that fact shall be included in the notice of referendum.
    (2) If the members of the school board of the school district proposed to be created are not to be elected at the same election at which the proposition to establish that district is to be submitted to the voters, then the regional superintendent of schools shall order an election to be held on the next regularly scheduled election date for the purpose of electing a school board for that district.
    (3) In either event, the school board elected for a new school district or districts created under this Article shall consist of 7 members who shall have the terms and the powers and duties of school boards as provided by statute.
    (d) All notices regarding propositions for reorganization or creation of new school districts under this Article shall be given in accordance with the general election law in substantially the following form:
        (1) Notice in high school - unit conversion or unit
to dual conversion:


        NOTICE is hereby given that on (insert date), a
referendum will be held in part(s) of ....... county (counties) for the purpose of voting for or against the proposition to dissolve (here identify the school districts to be dissolved by name and number) and to establish new school districts for the following described territory: A new (here specify elementary, high school, or unit) district shall be formed from (here describe the territory, which, for territory currently included in an entire school district, may be a general reference to all of the territory included within that particular school district). (Here repeat the territory information for each new school district.)
        The election is called and will be held pursuant to
an order of the Regional Superintendent dated on (insert date), which order states that if a majority of the voters in each of the affected districts voting on the proposition at the referendum vote in favor thereof, the tax rates for various purposes of the new districts shall be as follows: For the new (here specify elementary, high school, or unit) district formed from the territory of (here describe territory, which, for territory currently included in an entire school district, may be a general reference to all of the territory included within that particular district), the tax rates for various purposes shall be (here specify the maximum tax rates for various purposes the proposed school district is authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Section 11E-80 of this Code). (Here repeat the tax rate information for each new school district.)
    Dated (insert date).
    Regional Superintendent of Schools ..................
        (2) Notice for combined school district formation:

        NOTICE is hereby given that on (insert date), a
referendum will be held in part(s) of ....... county (counties) for the purpose of voting for or against the proposition to establish a combined (here insert elementary, high school, or unit) school district for the following described territory: (here describe the territory, which, for territory currently included in an entire school district, may be a general reference to all of the territory included within that particular school district). The election is called and will be held pursuant to an order of the Regional Superintendent dated on (insert date), which order states that if a majority of the voters in each of the affected school districts voting on the proposition at the referendum vote in favor thereof, the tax rates for various purposes of the proposed combined school district shall be (here specify the maximum tax rates for various purposes the proposed combined school district is authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Section 11E-80 of this Code).
    Dated (insert date).
    Regional Superintendent of Schools ..................
        (3) Notice for unit district formation (other than a
partial elementary unit district):


        NOTICE is hereby given that on (insert date), a
referendum will be held in part(s) of ....... county (counties) for the purpose of voting for or against the proposition to establish a unit district for the following described territory: (here describe the territory, which, for territory currently included in an entire school district, may be a general reference to all of the territory included within that particular school district). The election is called and will be held pursuant to an order of the Regional Superintendent dated on (insert date), which order states that if a majority of the voters in each of the affected school districts voting on the proposition at the referendum vote in favor thereof, the tax rates for various purposes for the proposed unit district shall be (here specify the maximum tax rates for various purposes the proposed unit district shall be authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Section 11E-80 of this Code).
    Dated (insert date).
    Regional Superintendent of Schools ..................
        (4) Notice for combined high school - unit district


        NOTICE is hereby given that on (insert date), a
referendum will be held in part(s) of ....... county (counties) for the purpose of voting for or against the proposition to establish a combined high school - unit district for the following described territory: (here describe the territory, which, for territory currently included in an entire school district, may be a general reference to all of the territory included within that particular school district). The following described territory shall be included in the combined high school - unit district for high school purposes only: (here describe the territory that will be included only for high school purposes, which, for territory currently included in an entire school district, may be a general reference to all of the territory included within that particular school district). The election is called and will be held pursuant to an order of the Regional Superintendent dated on (insert date), which order states that if a majority of the voters in each of the affected school districts voting on the proposition at the referendum vote in favor thereof, the tax rates for various purposes for the proposed combined high school - unit district shall be (here specify the maximum tax rates for various purposes the proposed combined high school - unit district shall be authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Sections 11E-80 and 11E-90 of this Code).
    Dated (insert date).
    Regional Superintendent of Schools ..................
         (5) Notice for multi-unit conversion:

        NOTICE is hereby given that on (insert date), a
referendum will be held in part(s) of ....... county (counties) for the purpose of voting for or against the proposition to dissolve (here identify the districts to be dissolved by name and number) and to establish new school districts for the following described territory: A new (here specify elementary or combined high school - unit) district shall be formed from (here describe the territory, which, for territory currently included in an entire school district, may be a general reference to all of the territory included within that particular school district). (Here repeat the territory information for each new school district.) The following described territory shall be included in the proposed combined high school - unit district only for high school purposes: (here describe the territory that will only be included for high school purposes, which, for territory currently included in an entire school district, may be a general reference to all of the territory included within that particular school district).
        The election is called and will be held pursuant to
an order of the Regional Superintendent dated on (insert date), which order states that if a majority of the voters in each of the affected districts voting on the proposition at the referendum vote in favor thereof, the tax rates for various purposes of the new districts shall be as follows: For the new elementary district formed from the territory of (here identify the unit district by name and number) the tax rates for various purposes shall be (here specify the maximum tax rates for various purposes the proposed elementary district is authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Section 11E-80 of this Code). (Here repeat the tax rate and Property Tax Extension Limitation Law information for each new elementary district.) For the new combined high school - unit district, the tax rates for various purposes shall be (here specify the maximum tax rates for various purposes the proposed combined high school - unit district shall be authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Sections 11E-80 and 11E-90 of this Code).
    Dated (insert date).
    Regional Superintendent of Schools ..................
        (6) Notice for optional elementary unit district


        NOTICE is hereby given that on (insert date), a
referendum will be held in part(s) of ....... county (counties) for the purpose of voting for or against the proposition to establish an optional elementary unit district for the following described territory: (here describe the elementary and high school district territory by name and number). If a majority of the voters in one or more of the affected elementary districts and in the affected high school district voting on the proposition at the referendum vote in favor thereof, all of the territory included within the affected high school district shall be included in the optional elementary unit district for high school purposes. However, only the territory of elementary districts in which a majority of the voters voting in the proposition at the referendum vote in favor thereof shall be included in the optional elementary unit district for elementary purposes. The election is called and will be held pursuant to an order of the Regional Superintendent dated on (insert date), which order states that if a majority of the voters in one or more of the affected elementary districts and in the affected high school district voting on the proposition at the referendum vote in favor thereof, the tax rates for various purposes for the proposed optional elementary unit district shall be (here list the maximum tax rates for various purposes the proposed optional elementary unit district is authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Sections 11E-80 and 11E-95 of this Code).
    Dated (insert date).
    Regional Superintendent of Schools ..................
        (7) Notice for an elementary district to opt into a
partial elementary unit district:


        NOTICE is hereby given that on (insert date), a
referendum will be held in part(s) of ....... county (counties) for the purpose of voting for or against the proposition to dissolve an elementary district and join an optional elementary unit district for kindergarten through 12 grade-level purposes for all of the territory included within (here identify the elementary district by name and number). The election is called and will be held pursuant to an order of the Regional Superintendent dated on (insert date), which order states that if a majority of the voters in the elementary school district voting on the proposition at the referendum vote in favor thereof, the tax rates for various purposes for the optional elementary unit district shall be (here list the maximum tax rates for various purposes the optional elementary unit district is authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Sections 11E-80 and 11E-95 of this Code) and the elementary district, prior to dissolution, shall issue funding bonds pursuant to Sections 19-8 and 19-9 of the School Code to liquidate any operational deficit or debt incurred or accumulated since the date of the election in which the proposition to form the optional elementary unit district passed.
    Dated (insert date).
    Regional Superintendent of Schools ....................
(Source: P.A. 94-1019, eff. 7-10-06.)

105 ILCS 5/11E-60

    (105 ILCS 5/11E-60)
    Sec. 11E-60. Ballots.
    (a) Separate ballots shall be used for the election in each affected district. If the petition requests the submission of a proposition for the issuance of bonds, then that question shall be submitted to the voters at the referendum on a separate ballot.
    (b) Ballots for all reorganization propositions submitted under the provisions of this Article must be in substantially the following form:
        (1) Ballot for high school - unit conversion or unit
to dual conversion:

        Shall (here identify the districts to be dissolved by
name and number) be dissolved and new school districts be established as follows: a new (here specify elementary, high school, or unit) district formed from all of the territory included within (here identify the existing school district by name and number), with the authority to levy taxes for various purposes as follows: (here specify the maximum tax rates for various purposes the new school district is authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Section 11E-80 of this Code), each upon all of the taxable property of the school district at the value thereof, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, and a new (here repeat the information for each new school district)?

        The election authority must record the votes "Yes" or

        (2) Ballot for combined school district formation:
        Shall a combined (here insert elementary, high, or
unit) school district, with the authority to levy taxes at the rate of (here specify the maximum tax rates for various purposes the new unit district is authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Section 11E-80 of this Code), each upon all of the taxable property of the district at the value thereof, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, be established?

        The election authority must record the votes "Yes" or

        (3) Ballot for unit district formation (other than a
partial elementary unit district formation):

        Shall a unit district, with the authority to levy
taxes at the rate of (here specify the maximum tax rates for various purposes the new unit district is authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Section 11E-80 of this Code), each upon all of the taxable property of the district at the value thereof, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, be established?

        The election authority must record the votes "Yes" or

        (4) Ballot for a combined high school - unit district

        Shall a combined high school - unit district formed
from all of the territory included within (here identify existing school districts by name and number), serving the territory included within (here identify existing school district by name and number) only for high school purposes, with the authority to levy taxes for various purposes as follows: (here specify the maximum tax rates for various purposes the new combined high school - unit district is authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Sections 11E-80 and 11E-90 of this Code), each upon all of the taxable property of the district at the value thereof, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, be established?

        The election authority must record the votes "Yes" or

        (5) Ballot for an optional elementary unit district

        Shall an optional elementary unit district, with the
authority to levy taxes at the rate of (here specify the maximum tax rates for various purposes the new optional elementary unit district is authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Sections 11E-80 and 11E-95 of this Code), each upon all of the taxable property of the district at the value thereof, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, be established?

        The election authority must record the votes "Yes" or

        (6) Ballot for multi-unit conversion:
        Shall (here identify the districts to be dissolved by
name and number) be dissolved and new school districts established as follows: a new elementary district formed from all of the territory included within (here identify the existing school district by name and number), with the authority to levy taxes for various purposes as follows: (here specify the maximum tax rates for various purposes the new school district is authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Section 11E-80 of this Code), each upon all of the taxable property of the school district at the value thereof, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, (here repeat the information for each new elementary school district), and a new combined high school - unit district formed from all of the territory included within (here identify the existing school district by name and number), with the authority to levy taxes for various purposes as follows: (here specify the maximum tax rates for various purposes the new combined high school - unit district is authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Sections 11E-80 and 11E-90 of this Code), each upon all of the taxable property of the school district at the value thereof, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue?

        The election authority must record the votes "Yes" or

        (7) Ballot for an elementary school district to
dissolve and join an optional elementary unit district:

        Shall (here identify the elementary district by name
and number) be dissolved and join (here identify the optional elementary unit district by name and number), with the authority to levy taxes at the rate of (here specify the maximum tax rates for various purposes the optional elementary unit district is authorized to levy and, if applicable, the specifications related to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, in accordance with Sections 11E-80 and 11E-95 of this Code), each upon all of the taxable property of the district at the value thereof, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue and shall (here identify the elementary district by name and number), prior to dissolution, issue funding bonds pursuant to Sections 19-8 and 19-9 of the School Code to liquidate any operational deficit or debt incurred or accumulated since the date of the election in which the proposition to form (here identify the optional elementary unit district by name and number) passed?

        The election authority must record the votes "Yes" or
(Source: P.A. 94-1019, eff. 7-10-06; 95-903, eff. 8-25-08.)

105 ILCS 5/11E-65

    (105 ILCS 5/11E-65)
    Sec. 11E-65. Passage requirements.
    (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsections (b) and (c) of this Section, if a majority of the electors voting at the election in each affected district vote in favor of the proposition submitted to them, then the proposition shall be deemed to have passed.
    (b) In the case of an optional elementary unit district to be created as provided in subsection (c) of Section 11E-30 of this Code, if a majority of the electors voting in the high school district and a majority of the voters voting in at least one affected elementary district vote in favor of the proposition submitted to them, then the proposition shall be deemed to have passed and an optional elementary unit district shall be created for all of the territory included in the petition for high school purposes, and for the territory included in the affected elementary districts voting in favor of the proposition for elementary purposes.
    (c) In the case of an elementary district electing to join an optional elementary unit district in accordance with subsection (d) of Section 11E-30 of this Code, a majority of the electors voting in that elementary district only must vote in favor of the proposition at a regularly scheduled election.
    (d)(1) If a majority of the voters in at least 2 unit districts have voted in favor of a proposition to create a new unit district, but the proposition was not approved under the standards set forth in subsection (a) of this Section, then the members of the Committee of Ten shall submit an amended petition for consolidation to the school boards of those districts, as long as the territory involved is compact and contiguous. The petition submitted to the school boards shall be identical in form and substance to the petition previously approved by the regional superintendent of schools, with the sole exception that the territory comprising the proposed district shall be amended to include the compact and contiguous territory of those unit districts in which a majority of the voters voted in favor of the proposal.
    (2) Each school board to which the petition is submitted shall meet and vote to approve or not approve the amended petition no more than 30 days after it has been filed with the school board. The regional superintendent of schools shall make available to each school board with which a petition has been filed all transcripts and records of the previous petition hearing. The school boards shall, by appropriate resolution, approve or disapprove the amended petition. No school board may approve an amended petition unless it first finds that the territory described in the petition is compact and contiguous.
    (3) If a majority of the members of each school board to whom a petition is submitted votes in favor of the amended petition, then the approved petition shall be transmitted by the secretary of each school board to the State Superintendent of Education, who shall, within 21 days after receipt, approve or deny the amended petition based on the criteria stated in subsection (b) of Section 11E-50 of this Code. If approved by the State Superintendent of Education, the petition shall be placed on the ballot at the next regularly scheduled election.
(Source: P.A. 94-1019, eff. 7-10-06; 95-903, eff. 8-25-08.)

105 ILCS 5/11E-70

    (105 ILCS 5/11E-70)
    Sec. 11E-70. Effective date of change.
    (a) Except as provided in subsections (a-5) and (a-10) of this Section, if a petition is filed under the authority of this Article, the change is granted and approved at election, and no appeal is taken, then the change shall become effective after the time for appeal has run for the purpose of all elections; however, the change shall not affect the administration of the schools until July 1 following the date that the school board election is held for the new district or districts and the school boards of the districts as they existed prior to the change shall exercise the same power and authority over the territory until that date.
    (a-5) If a petition is filed under the authority of this Article for the consolidation of Christopher Unit School District 99 and Zeigler-Royalton Community Unit School District 188, the change is granted and approved at election, and no appeal is taken, then the change shall become effective after one or both of the school districts have been awarded school construction grants under the School Construction Law.
    (a-10) If (i) a petition is filed under the authority of this Article for the reorganization of 2 or more school districts that requires a new school building to effectively educate students, (ii) the change is granted and approved at an election, and (iii) no appeal is taken, then, with the approval of the regional superintendent of schools, the change may become effective after one or more of the school districts have been awarded school construction grants, in accordance with the School Construction Law. The intent to postpone the reorganization's effective date must be documented in the petition, and the petition is void if it does not take effect within 5 years after being filed. After the referendum approval and before the effective date of the reorganization, the petition becomes void if the following requirements are met:
        (1) the board of each affected district, by proper
resolution, causes the proposition to void the petition to be submitted to the voters of each affected district at a regularly scheduled election; and
        (2) a majority of the electors voting at the
election in each affected district votes in favor of voiding the petition.
    (b) If any school district is dissolved in accordance with this Article, upon the close of the then current school year, the terms of office of the school board of the dissolved district shall terminate.
    (c) New districts shall be permitted to organize and elect officers within the time prescribed by the general election law. Additionally, between the date of the organization and the election of officers and the date on which the new district takes effect for all purposes, the new district shall also be permitted, with the stipulation of the districts from which the new district is formed and the approval of the regional superintendent of schools, to take all action necessary or appropriate to do the following:
        (1) Establish the tax levy for the new district, in
lieu of the levies by the districts from which the new district is formed, within the time generally provided by law and in accordance with this Article. The funds produced by the levy shall be transferred to the new district as generally provided by law at such time as they are received by the county collector.
        (2) Enter into agreements with depositories and
direct the deposit and investment of any funds received from the county collector or any other source, all as generally provided by law.
        (3) Conduct a search for the superintendent of the
new district and enter into a contract with the person selected to serve as the superintendent of the new district in accordance with the provisions of this Code generally applicable to the employment of a superintendent.
        (4) Conduct a search for other administrators and
staff of the new district and enter into a contract with these persons in accordance with the provisions of this Code generally applicable to the employment of administrators and other staff.
        (5) Engage the services of accountants, architects,
attorneys, and other consultants, including but not limited to consultants to assist in the search for the superintendent.
        (6) Plan for the transition from the administration
of the schools by the districts from which the new district is formed.
        (7) Bargain collectively, pursuant to the Illinois
Educational Labor Relations Act, with the certified exclusive bargaining representative or certified exclusive bargaining representatives of the new district's employees.
        (8) Expend the funds received from the levy and any
funds received from the districts from which the new district is formed to meet payroll and other essential operating expenses or otherwise in the exercise of the foregoing powers until the new district takes effect for all purposes.
        (9) Issue bonds authorized in the proposition to form
the new district or bonds pursuant to and in accordance with all of the requirements of Section 17-2.11 of this Code, levy taxes upon all of the taxable property within the new district to pay the principal of and interest on those bonds as provided by statute, expend the proceeds of the bonds and enter into any necessary contracts for the work financed therewith as authorized by statute, and avail itself of the provisions of other applicable law, including the Omnibus Bond Acts, in connection with the issuance of those bonds.
    (d) After the granting of a petition has become final and approved at election, the date when the change becomes effective for purposes of administration and attendance may be accelerated or postponed by stipulation of the school board of each district affected and approval by the regional superintendent of schools with which the original petition is required to be filed.
(Source: P.A. 97-925, eff. 8-10-12; 98-125, eff. 8-2-13.)

105 ILCS 5/11E-75

    (105 ILCS 5/11E-75)
    Sec. 11E-75. Map showing change. Within 30 days after a new school district has been created or the boundaries of an existing district have been changed under the provisions of this Article, the regional superintendent of schools of any county involved shall make and file with the county clerk of his or her county a map of any districts changed by the action, whereupon the county clerk or county clerks, as the case may be, shall extend taxes against the territory in accordance therewith.
(Source: P.A. 94-1019, eff. 7-10-06.)

105 ILCS 5/11E-80

    (105 ILCS 5/11E-80)
    Sec. 11E-80. Specification of taxing purposes and rates. Whenever taxing purposes and rates are required to be specified or described under this Article for petition, hearing, notice, or ballot requirements, the purposes and rates shall be specified or described in accordance with this Section and, where applicable, shall also include a specification of the aggregate extension base and debt service extension base in accordance with the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law.
        (1) For the formation of a district not subject to
the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, other than a partial elementary unit district, all of the following must be done:
            (A) List the maximum rate at which the district
will be authorized to levy a tax for educational purposes, operations and maintenance purposes, and pupil transportation purposes (such as .....% for educational purposes, .....% for operations and maintenance purposes, and .....% for pupil transportation purposes), subject to the rate limitations specified in Sections 17-2 and 17-3 of this Code.
            (B) If it is desired to secure authority to levy
other taxes above the statutory permissive rate, then list the maximum rate at which the district will be authorized to levy a tax for each such purpose (such as .....% for special educational purposes, .....% for leasing educational facilities or computer technology purposes, .....% for capital improvement purposes, and .....% for fire prevention and safety purposes), subject to all applicable statutory rate limitations.
        (2) For the formation of a district that is subject
to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, other than a partial elementary unit district, all of the following must be done:
            (A) List the purpose for each and every tax that
the new district will be authorized to levy (such as educational purposes and operations and maintenance purposes).
            (B) For each tax purpose listed, specify the
maximum rate at which the district will be authorized to levy each tax (such as .....% for educational purposes and .....% for operations and maintenance purposes), subject to all applicable statutory rate limitations.
            (C) Specify the aggregate extension base the
district will seek to establish in conformity with the provisions of Section 18-210 of the Property Tax Code. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, no notice and referendum requirements other than those set forth in this Article shall be required to establish an aggregate extension base for a new district formed in accordance with this Article.
            (D) If desired, specify the debt service
extension base the district will seek to establish in accordance with Section 18-212 of the Property Tax Code. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, no notice and referendum requirements other than those set forth in this Article shall be required to establish a debt service extension base for a new district formed in accordance with this Article.
        (3) For the formation of a partial elementary unit
district not subject to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, the purposes and tax rate information required by subsection (b) of Section 11E-90 or subsection (b) of Section 11E-95 of this Code, as applicable, must be specified.
        (4) For the formation of a partial elementary unit
district that is subject to the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, all of the following must be done:
            (A) List the purpose for each and every tax that
the new district will be authorized to levy, including an indication of whether the tax is for grade K through 8 or grade 9 through 12 purposes, to the extent required by Section 11E-90 or 11E-95 of this Code.
            (B) For each tax purpose listed, list the maximum
rate at which the district will be authorized to levy each tax, subject to the rate limitations specified in subsection (b) of Section 11E-90 or subsection (b) of Section 11E-95 of this Code, as applicable, and elsewhere in statute.
            (C) Specify the aggregate extension base the
district will seek to establish in conformity with the provisions of Section 18-210 of the Property Tax Code. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, no notice and referendum requirements other than those set forth in this Article shall be required to establish an aggregate extension base for a new district formed in accordance with this Article.
            (D) If desired, specify the debt service
extension base the district will seek to establish in accordance with Section 18-212 of the Property Tax Code. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary contained in the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law, no notice and referendum requirements other than those set forth in this Article shall be required to establish a debt service extension base for a new district formed in accordance with this Article.
(Source: P.A. 94-1019, eff. 7-10-06.)

105 ILCS 5/11E-85

    (105 ILCS 5/11E-85)
    Sec. 11E-85. Tax levy and borrowing authority, bonds, and working cash funds; districts other than partial elementary unit districts. The school board of any district involved in a school district conversion or the school board of any new district created under the provisions of this Article other than a partial elementary unit district may do any of the following:
        (1) Levy for the purposes and at not exceeding the
rates specified in the petition with respect to each district, which rates thereafter may be increased or decreased in accordance with Sections 17-2 through 17-7 of this Code, and further levy taxes for other purposes as generally permitted by law.
        (2) Borrow money and issue bonds as authorized in
Articles 10 and 19 of this Code and as otherwise permitted by law.
        (3) Establish, maintain, or re-create a working cash
fund as authorized by Article 20 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 94-1019, eff. 7-10-06.)

105 ILCS 5/11E-90

    (105 ILCS 5/11E-90)
    Sec. 11E-90. Classification of property, taxes, bonds, and funds for combined high school - unit districts.
    (a) All real property included within the boundaries of a combined high school - unit district created in accordance with this Article shall be classified into either a high school only classification or elementary and high school classification as follows:
        (1) Real property included within the high school
only classification shall include all of the real property included within both the boundaries of the combined high school - unit district and the boundaries of a separate school district organized and established for purposes of providing instruction up to and including grade 8.
        (2) Real property included within the elementary and
high school classification shall include all of the real property of the combined high school - unit district not included in the high school only classification.
    (b) The petition to establish a combined high school - unit district shall set forth the maximum annual authorized tax rates for the proposed district as follows:
        (1) The petition to establish a combined high school
- unit district must include a maximum annual authorized tax rate for both grade K through 8 educational purposes and grade 9 through 12 educational purposes. The rate for grade K through 8 educational purposes shall not exceed 3.5%. The rate for grade 9 through 12 educational purposes shall not exceed 3.5%. The combined rate for both grade K through 8 and grade 9 through 12 educational purposes shall not exceed 4.0%.
        (2) The petition to establish a combined high school
- unit district must include a maximum annual authorized tax rate for both grade K through 8 operations and maintenance purposes and grade 9 through 12 operations and maintenance purposes. The rate for grade K through 8 operations and maintenance purposes shall not exceed 0.55%. The rate for grade 9 through 12 operations and maintenance purposes shall not exceed 0.55%. The combined rate for both grade K through 8 and grade 9 through 12 operations and maintenance purposes shall not exceed 0.75%.
        (3) The petition to establish a combined high school
- unit district must include a maximum annual authorized tax rate for both grade K through 8 special education purposes and grade 9 through 12 special education purposes. The rate for grade K through 8 special education purposes shall not exceed 0.40%. The rate for grade 9 through 12 special education purposes shall not exceed 0.40%.
        (4) The petition to establish a combined high school
- unit district must include a maximum annual authorized tax rate for transportation purposes.
        (5) If it is desired to secure authority to levy
other taxes above the permissive rate applicable to unit districts as specified elsewhere in statute, the petition must include the maximum annual authorized tax rate at which the district will be authorized to levy a tax for each such purpose, not to exceed the maximum rate applicable to unit districts as specified elsewhere in statute.
    (c) The school board of any new combined high school - unit district created under the provisions of this Article may levy a tax annually upon all of the taxable property of the district at the value as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue, as follows:
        (1) For all real property within the district, rates
not to exceed the maximum annual authorized grade 9 through 12 educational purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (1) of subsection (b) of this Section, the maximum annual authorized grade 9 through 12 operation and maintenance purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (2) of subsection (b) of this Section, the maximum annual authorized grade 9 through 12 special education purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (3) of subsection (b) of this Section, the maximum annual authorized transportation purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (4) of subsection (b) of this Section, and for all other purposes, the statutory permissive rate for unit districts or the maximum annual authorized rate for that purpose established in accordance with subdivision (5) of subsection (b) of this Section.
        (2) For all real property in the district included
within the elementary and high school classification, in addition to the rates authorized by subdivision (1) of this subsection (c), rates not to exceed the maximum annual authorized grade K through 8 educational purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (1) of subsection (b) of this Section, the maximum annual authorized grade K through 8 operation and maintenance purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (2) of subsection (b) of this Section, and the maximum annual authorized grade K through 8 special education purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (3) of subsection (b) of this Section.
    (d) The school board may, subsequent to the formation of the district and in accordance with Sections 17-2 through 17-7 of this Code, seek to increase the maximum annual authorized tax rates for any statutorily authorized purpose up to the maximum rate set forth in subsection (b) of this Section or otherwise applicable to unit districts as specified elsewhere in statute, whichever is less, subject to the following approval requirements:
        (1) The school board may increase the following
rates only after submitting a proper resolution to the voters of the district at any regular scheduled election and obtaining approval by both a majority of voters living in the portion of the territory included within the high school only classification voting on the proposition and a majority of voters living in the portion of the territory included within the elementary and high school classification voting on the proposition:
            (A) The maximum annual authorized grade 9
through 12 educational purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (1) of subsection (b) of this Section, as may be increased thereafter in accordance with this subsection (d).
            (B) The maximum annual authorized grade 9
through 12 operation and maintenance purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (2) of subsection (b) of this Section, as may be increased thereafter in accordance with this subsection (d).
            (C) The maximum annual authorized grade 9
through 12 special education purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (3) of subsection (b) of this Section, as may be increased thereafter in accordance with this Section.
            (D) The maximum annual authorized transportation
purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (4) of subsection (b) of this Section, as may be increased thereafter in accordance with this subsection (d).
            (E) For all other statutorily authorized
purposes, any rate exceeding the statutory permissive rate for unit districts established in accordance with subdivision (5) of subsection (b) of this Section, as may be increased thereafter in accordance with this Section.
        (2) The school board may increase the following rates
only after submitting a proper resolution to the voters of the district living in the portion of the territory included within the elementary and high school classification at any regular scheduled election and obtaining approval by a majority of voters living in the portion of the territory included within the elementary and high school classification voting on the proposition:
            (A) The maximum annual authorized grade K
through 8 educational purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (1) of subsection (b) of this Section, as may be increased thereafter in accordance with this subsection (d).
            (B) The maximum annual authorized grade K
through 8 operation and maintenance purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (2) of subsection (b) of this Section, as may be increased thereafter in accordance with this subsection (d).
            (C) The maximum annual authorized grade K
through 8 special education purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (3) of subsection (b) of this Section, as may be increased thereafter in accordance with this Section.
    (e) The school board may, after submitting a proper resolution to the voters of the district at any regular scheduled election, seek to do either of the following:
        (1) Increase or decrease the maximum authorized
annual tax rate for grade K through 8 educational purposes with an equal corresponding increase or decrease of the maximum authorized annual tax rate for grade 9 through 12 educational purposes, such that there is no change in the total combined maximum authorized annual tax rate for both purposes.
        (2) Increase or decrease the maximum authorized
annual tax rate for grade K through 8 operations and maintenance purposes with an equal corresponding increase or decrease of the maximum authorized annual tax rate for grade 9 through 12 operations and maintenance purposes, such that there is no change in the total combined maximum authorized annual tax rate for both purposes.
    Any modification to maximum authorized annual tax rates pursuant to this subsection (e) must be approved by both a majority of voters living in the portion of the territory included within the high school only classification voting on the proposition and a majority of voters living in the portion of the territory included within the elementary and high school classification voting on the proposition. No maximum tax rate secured hereunder may exceed the maximum tax rate for a particular purpose specified elsewhere in statute.
    (f) The school board may seek to do either of the following:
        (1) Increase the maximum authorized annual tax rate
for either grade K through 8 educational purposes or grade K through 8 operations and maintenance purposes with an equal corresponding decrease being effected to the maximum authorized tax rate for the other fund.
        (2) Increase the maximum authorized annual tax rate
for either grade 9 through 12 educational purposes or grade 9 through 12 operations and maintenance purposes with an equal corresponding decrease being effected to the maximum authorized tax rate for the other fund.
    A proper resolution to increase and concurrently decrease the maximum authorized annual tax rates for grade K through 8 purposes in accordance with this subsection (f) shall be submitted to the voters of the district residing in the elementary and high school classification at any regular scheduled election and must be approved by a majority of voters living in the portion of the territory included within the elementary and high school classification voting on the proposition. A proper resolution to increase and concurrently decrease the maximum authorized annual tax rates for grade 9 through 12 purposes in accordance with this subsection (f) shall be submitted to all of the voters of the district at any regular scheduled election and must be approved by a majority of voters voting on the proposition. No maximum tax rate secured hereunder may exceed the maximum tax rate for a particular purpose specified elsewhere in statute. The terms and provisions of this subsection (f) shall apply instead of the terms and provisions of Section 17-6.1 of this Code to any concurrent equal increase and decrease in the maximum authorized rates for educational and operations and maintenance purposes by a combined high school - unit district.
    (g) The school board may borrow money and issue bonds for elementary or high school purposes (but not K through 12 purposes) as authorized by Articles 10 and 19 and Section 17-2.11 of this Code and as otherwise permitted by law. All notices, resolutions, and ballots related to borrowing money and issuing bonds in accordance with this subsection (g) shall indicate whether the proposed action is for elementary or high school purposes. Taxes to pay the principal of, interest on, and premium, if any, on bonds issued for high school purposes shall be extended against the entire district, and taxes to pay the principal of, interest on, and premium, if any, on bonds issued for elementary purposes shall be extended only against property within the elementary and high school classification. The proposition to issue bonds for high school purposes must be submitted to and approved by a majority of voters of the district voting on the proposition. The proposition to issue bonds for elementary purposes must only be submitted to and approved by a majority of voters living in the portion of the territory proposed to be included or included within the elementary and high school classification voting on the proposition. Notwithstanding the terms and provisions of Section 19-4 of this Code, the board of a combined high school - unit district may not seek to designate any bonds issued for high school purposes as bonds issued for elementary purposes or designate any bonds issued for elementary purposes as bonds issued for high school purposes. Any petition filed in accordance with Section 19-9 of this Code requesting that the proposition to issue bonds for the payment of orders or claims for elementary purposes be submitted to the voters must be signed by 10% or more of the registered voters of the elementary and high school classification. If required pursuant to Section 19-9 of this Code, the proposition to issue bonds for the payment of orders or claims for elementary purposes must only be submitted to and approved by a majority of voters living in the portion of the territory included within the elementary and high school classification voting on the proposition. Taxes to pay the principal of, interest on, and premium, if any, on any refunding bonds issued in accordance with Article 19 of this Code to refund bonds, coupons, or other evidences of indebtedness for bonds issued by the combined high school - unit district for high school purposes or issued by a district that dissolved to form the combined high school - unit district shall be extended against the entire district. Taxes to pay the principal of, interest on, and premium, if any, on any refunding bonds issued in accordance with Article 19 of this Code to refund bonds, coupons, or other evidences of indebtedness for bonds issued by the combined high school - unit district for elementary purposes shall only be extended against the property within the elementary and high school classification.
    (h) The school board may establish, maintain, or re-create a working cash fund for elementary or high school purposes (but not K through 12 purposes) as authorized by Article 20 of this Code. All notices, resolutions, and ballots related to the establishment of a working cash fund shall indicate whether the working cash fund shall be for elementary or high school purposes. For purposes of Section 20-2 of this Code, taxes to pay the principal of, interest on, and premium, if any, on bonds issued to create a working cash fund for high school purposes shall be extended against the entire district, and taxes to pay the principal of, interest on, and premium, if any, on bonds issued to create a working cash fund for elementary purposes shall be extended only against property within the elementary and high school classification. Any petition filed in accordance with Section 20-7 of this Code requesting that the proposition to issue bonds to establish a working cash fund for elementary purposes be submitted to the voters must be signed by 10% or more of the registered voters of the elementary and high school classification. If required pursuant to Section 20-7 of this Code, the proposition to issue bonds for a working cash fund for elementary purposes must only be submitted to and approved by a majority of voters living in the portion of the territory included within the elementary and high school classification voting on the proposition. Upon the abolishment of the working cash fund for elementary purposes in accordance with Section 20-8 of this Code, the balance shall be transferred to the fund established for the receipt of proceeds from levies specified for grade K through 8 educational purposes. Upon the abolishment of the working cash fund for high school purposes in accordance with Section 20-8 of this Code, the balance shall be transferred to the fund established for the receipt of proceeds from levies specified for grade 9 through 12 educational purposes.
    (i) The school board shall establish separate funds for the receipt of tax proceeds from levies specified for grade K through 8 purposes and grade 9 through 12 purposes in accordance with subdivisions (1) through (3) of subsection (b) of this Section and the receipt of tax and other proceeds from bond issuances for grade K through 8 purposes and grade 9 through 12 purposes in accordance with subsection (g) of this Section. Proceeds received from any levy or bond issuance specified for grade K through 8 purposes shall not be used to pay for any staff, equipment, materials, facilities, buildings, land, or services solely related to instruction in grades 9 through 12. Proceeds received from any levy or bond issuance specified for grade 9 through 12 purposes shall not be used to pay for any staff, equipment, materials, facilities, buildings, land, or services solely related to instruction in grades K through 8. Expenses related to staff, equipment, materials, facilities, buildings, land, or services related to instruction in both grades K through 8 and grades 9 through 12 may be paid from proceeds received from a levy or bond issuance specified for either grade K through 8 purposes or grade 9 through 12 purposes.
    (j) The school board of a combined high school - unit district may abate or abolish any fund in accordance with this Code, provided that no funds may be transferred from an abated or abolished fund specified for grade K through 8 purposes to a fund specified for grade 9 through 12 purposes, and no funds may be transferred from an abated or abolished fund specified for grade 9 through 12 purposes to a fund specified for grade K through 8 purposes.
    (k) To the extent the specific requirements for borrowing money, levying taxes, issuing bonds, establishing, maintaining, or re-creating a working cash fund, and transferring funds by a combined high school - unit district set forth in this Section conflicts with any general requirements for school districts set forth in Article 10, 17, 19, or 20 of this Code, the requirements set forth in this Section shall control over any such general requirements.
(Source: P.A. 94-1019, eff. 7-10-06.)

105 ILCS 5/11E-95

    (105 ILCS 5/11E-95)
    Sec. 11E-95. Classification of property, taxes, bonds, and funds for optional elementary unit districts.
    (a) All real property included within the boundaries of an optional elementary unit district created in accordance with this Article shall be classified into either a high school only classification or an elementary and high school classification as follows:
        (1) Real property included within the high school
only classification shall include all of the real property included within both the boundaries of the optional elementary unit district and the boundaries of a separate school district organized and established for purposes of providing instruction up to and including grade 8 that did not elect to join the optional elementary unit district in accordance with this Article.
        (2) Real property included within the elementary and
high school classification shall include all real property of the optional elementary unit district not included in the high school only classification.
    (b) The petition to establish an optional elementary unit district shall set forth the maximum annual authorized tax rates for the proposed district as follows:
        (1) The petition must specify a maximum annual
authorized tax rate for both grade K through 8 educational purposes and grade 9 through 12 educational purposes. The rate for grade K through 8 educational purposes shall not exceed 3.5%. The rate for grade 9 through 12 educational purposes shall not exceed 3.5%. The combined rate for both grade K through 8 and grade 9 through 12 educational purposes shall not exceed 4.0%.
        (2) The petition must specify a maximum annual
authorized tax rate for both grade K through 8 operations and maintenance purposes and grade 9 through 12 operations and maintenance purposes. The rate for grade K through 8 operations and maintenance purposes shall not exceed 0.55%. The rate for grade 9 through 12 operations and maintenance purposes shall not exceed 0.55%. The combined rate for both grade K through 8 and grade 9 through 12 operations and maintenance purposes shall not exceed 0.75%.
        (3) The petition must specify a maximum annual
authorized tax rate for both grade K through 8 special education purposes and grade 9 through 12 special education purposes. The rate for grade K through 8 special education purposes shall not exceed 0.40%. The rate for grade 9 through 12 special education purposes shall not exceed 0.40%.
        (4) The petition must specify a maximum annual
authorized tax rate for transportation purposes.
        (5) If it is desired to secure authority to levy
other taxes above the permissive rate applicable to unit districts as specified elsewhere in statute, the petition must specify the maximum annual authorized tax rate at which the district will be authorized to levy a tax for each such purpose, not to exceed the maximum annual authorized tax rate applicable to unit districts as specified elsewhere in statute.
        (6) The aggregate of all rates specified in
accordance with this subsection (b) shall not exceed the highest dual district rate, excluding rates for bond and interest levies, applicable to any territory within the high school district included in the petition in the year immediately preceding the creation of the new district.
    (c) The school board of any new optional elementary unit district created under the provisions of this Article may levy a tax annually upon all of the taxable property of the district at the value as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue as follows:
        (1) For all real property within the district, rates
not to exceed the maximum annual authorized grade 9 through 12 educational purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (1) of subsection (b) of this Section, the maximum annual authorized grade 9 through 12 operation and maintenance purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (2) of subsection (b) of this Section, the maximum annual authorized grade 9 through 12 special education purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (3) of subsection (b) of this Section, the maximum annual authorized transportation purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (4) of subsection (b) of this Section, and, for all other purposes, the statutory permissive rate for unit districts or the maximum annual authorized rate for that purpose established in accordance with subdivision (5) of subsection (b) of this Section.
        (2) For all real property in the district included
within the elementary and high school classification, in addition to the rates authorized by subdivision (1) of this subsection (c), rates not to exceed the maximum annual authorized grade K through 8 educational purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (1) of subsection (b) of this Section, the maximum annual authorized grade K through 8 operation and maintenance purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (2) of subsection (b) of this Section, and the maximum annual authorized grade K through 8 special education purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (3) of subsection (b) of this Section.
    (d) The school board may, subsequent to the formation of the district and in accordance with Sections 17-2 through 17-7 of this Code, seek to increase the maximum annual authorized tax rates for any statutorily authorized purpose up to the maximum rate set forth in subsection (b) of this Section or otherwise applicable to unit school districts as specified elsewhere in statute, whichever is less, subject to the following approval requirements:
        (1) The school board may increase the following
rates only after submitting a proper resolution to the voters of the district at any regular scheduled election and obtaining approval by both a majority of voters living in the portion of the territory included within the high school only classification voting on the proposition and a majority of voters living in the portion of the territory included within the elementary and high school classification voting on the proposition:
            (A) The maximum annual authorized grade 9
through 12 educational purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (1) of subsection (b) of this Section, as may be increased thereafter in accordance with this subsection (d).
            (B) The maximum annual authorized grade 9
through 12 operation and maintenance purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (2) of subsection (b) of this Section, as may be increased thereafter in accordance with this subsection (d).
            (C) The maximum annual authorized grade 9
through 12 special education purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (3) of subsection (b) of this Section, as may be increased thereafter in accordance with this subsection (d).
            (D) The maximum annual authorized transportation
purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (4) of subsection (b) of this Section, as may be increased thereafter in accordance with this subsection (d).
            (E) For all other statutorily authorized
purposes, any rate exceeding the statutory permissive rate for unit districts established in accordance with subdivision (5) of subsection (b) of this Section, as may be increased thereafter in accordance with this subsection (d).
        (2) The school board may increase the following
rates only after submitting a proper resolution to the voters of the district living in the portion of the territory included within the elementary and high school classification at any regular scheduled election and obtaining approval by a majority of voters living in the portion of the territory included within the elementary and high school classification voting on the proposition:
            (A) The maximum annual authorized grade K
through 8 educational purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (1) of subsection (b) of this Section, as may be increased thereafter in accordance with this subsection (d).
            (B) The maximum annual authorized grade K through
8 operation and maintenance purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (2) of subsection (b) of this Section, as may be increased thereafter in accordance with this subsection (d).
            (C) The maximum annual authorized grade K
through 8 special education purposes rate established in accordance with subdivision (3) of subsection (b) of this Section, as may be increased thereafter in accordance with this subsection (d).
    (e) The school board may, after submitting a proper resolution to the voters of the district at any regular scheduled election, seek to do either of the following:
        (1) Increase or decrease the maximum authorized
annual tax rate for grade K through 8 educational purposes with an equal corresponding increase or decrease of the maximum authorized annual tax rate for grade 9 through 12 educational purposes, such that there is no change in the total combined maximum authorized annual tax rate for both purposes.
        (2) Increase or decrease the maximum authorized
annual tax rate for grade K through 8 operations and maintenance purposes with an equal corresponding increase or decrease of the maximum authorized annual tax rate for grade 9 through 12 operations and maintenance purposes, such that there is no change in the total combined maximum authorized annual tax rate for both purposes.
    Any modification to maximum authorized annual tax rates pursuant to this subsection (e) must be approved by both a majority of voters living in the portion of the territory included within the high school only classification voting on the proposition and a majority of voters living in the portion of the territory included within the elementary and high school classification voting on the proposition. No maximum tax rate secured hereunder may exceed the maximum tax rate for a particular purpose specified elsewhere in statute.
    (f) The school board may seek to do either of the following:
        (1) Increase the maximum authorized annual tax rate
for either grade K through 8 educational purposes or grade K through 8 operations and maintenance purposes with an equal corresponding decrease being effected to the maximum authorized tax rate for the other fund.
        (2) Increase the maximum authorized annual tax rate
for either grade 9 through 12 educational purposes or grade 9 through 12 operations and maintenance purposes with an equal corresponding decrease being effected to the maximum authorized tax rate for the other fund.
    A proper resolution to increase and concurrently decrease the maximum authorized annual tax rates for grade K through 8 purposes in accordance with this subsection (f) shall be submitted to the voters of the district residing in the elementary and high school classification at any regular scheduled election and must be approved by a majority of voters living in the portion of the territory included within the elementary and high school classification voting on the proposition. A proper resolution to increase and concurrently decrease the maximum authorized annual tax rates for grade 9 through 12 purposes in accordance with this subsection (f) shall be submitted to all of the voters of the district at any regular scheduled election and must be approved by a majority of voters voting on the proposition. No maximum tax rate secured hereunder may exceed the maximum tax rate for a particular purpose specified elsewhere in statute. The terms and provisions of this subsection (f) shall apply instead of the terms and provisions of Section 17-6.1 of this Code to any concurrent equal increase and decrease in the maximum authorized rates for educational and operations and maintenance purposes by an optional elementary unit district.
    (g) The school board may borrow money and issue bonds for elementary or high school purposes (but not grade K through 12 purposes) as authorized by Articles 10 and 19 and Section 17-2.11 of this Code and as otherwise permitted by law. All notices, resolutions, and ballots related to borrowing money and issuing bonds in accordance with this subsection (g) shall indicate whether the proposed action is for elementary or high school purposes. Taxes to pay the principal of, interest on, and premium, if any, on bonds issued for high school purposes shall be extended against the entire district, and taxes to pay the principal of, interest on, and premium, if any, on bonds issued for elementary purposes shall be extended only against property within the elementary and high school classification. The proposition to issue bonds for high school purposes must be submitted to and approved by a majority of voters of the district voting on the proposition. The proposition to issue bonds for elementary purposes must only be submitted to and approved by a majority of voters living in the portion of the territory included within the elementary and high school classification voting on the proposition. Notwithstanding the terms and provisions of Section 19-4 of this Code, the board of an optional elementary unit district may not seek to designate any bonds issued for high school purposes as bonds issued for elementary purposes or designate any bonds issued for elementary purposes as bonds issued for high school purposes. Any petition filed in accordance with Section 19-9 of this Code requesting that the proposition to issue bonds for the payment of orders or claims for elementary purposes be submitted to the voters must be signed by 10% or more of the registered voters of the elementary and high school classification. If required pursuant to Section 19-9 of this Code, the proposition to issue bonds for the payment of orders or claims for elementary purposes must only be submitted to and approved by a majority of voters living in the portion of the territory included within the elementary and high school classification voting on the proposition. Taxes to pay the principal of, interest on, and premium, if any, on any refunding bonds issued in accordance with Article 19 of this Code to refund bonds, coupons, or other evidences of indebtedness for bonds issued by the optional elementary unit district for high school purposes or issued by a district that dissolved to form the optional elementary unit district shall be extended against the entire district. Taxes to pay the principal of, interest on, and premium, if any, on any refunding bonds issued in accordance with Article 19 of this Code to refund bonds, coupons, or other evidences of indebtedness for bonds issued by the optional elementary unit district for elementary purposes shall only be extended against the property within the elementary and high school classification.
    (h) The school board may establish, maintain, or re-create a working cash fund for elementary or high school purposes (but not grade K through 12 purposes) as authorized by Article 20 of this Code. All notices, resolutions, and ballots related to the establishment of a working cash fund shall indicate whether the working cash fund shall be for elementary or high school purposes. For purposes of Section 20-2 of this Code, taxes to pay the principal of, interest on, and premium, if any, on bonds issued to create a working cash fund for high school purposes shall be extended against the entire district, and taxes to pay the principal of, interest on, and premium, if any, on bonds issued to create a working cash fund for elementary purposes shall be extended only against property within the elementary and high school classification. Any petition filed in accordance with Section 20-7 of this Code requesting that the proposition to issue bonds to establish a working cash fund for elementary purposes be submitted to the voters must be signed by 10% or more of the registered voters of the elementary and high school classification. If required pursuant to Section 20-7 of this Code, the proposition to issue bonds for a working cash fund for elementary purposes must only be submitted to and approved by a majority of voters living in the portion of the territory included within the elementary and high school classification voting on the proposition. Upon the abolishment of the working cash fund for elementary purposes in accordance with Section 20-8 of this Code, the balance shall be transferred to the fund established for the receipt of proceeds from levies specified for grade K through 8 educational purposes. Upon the abolishment of the working cash fund for high school purposes in accordance with Section 20-8 of this Code, the balance shall be transferred to the fund established for the receipt of proceeds from levies specified for grade 9 through 12 educational purposes.
    (i) The school board shall establish separate funds for the receipt of tax proceeds from levies specified for grade K through 8 purposes and grade 9 through 12 purposes in accordance with subdivisions (1) through (3) of subsection (b) of this Section and the receipt of tax and other proceeds from bond issuances for grade K through 8 purposes and grade 9 through 12 purposes in accordance with subsection (g) of this Section. Proceeds received from any levy or bond issuance specified for grade K through 8 purposes shall not be used to pay for any staff, equipment, materials, facilities, buildings, land, or services solely related to instruction in grades 9 through 12. Proceeds received from any levy or bond issuance specified for grade 9 through 12 purposes shall not be used to pay for any staff, equipment, materials, facilities, buildings, land, or services solely related to instruction in grades K through 8. Expenses related to staff, equipment, materials, facilities, buildings, land, or services related to instruction in both grades K through 8 and grades 9 through 12 may be paid from proceeds received from a levy or bond issuance specified for either grade K through 8 purposes or grade 9 through 12 purposes.
    (j) The school board of an optional elementary unit district may abate or abolish any fund in accordance with this Code, provided that no funds may be transferred from an abated or abolished fund specified for grade K through 8 purposes to a fund specified for grade 9 through 12 purposes, and no funds may be transferred from an abated or abolished fund specified for grade 9 through 12 purposes to a fund specified for grade K through 8 purposes.
    (k) To the extent that the specific requirements for borrowing money, levying taxes, issuing bonds, establishing, maintaining, or re-creating a working cash fund, and transferring funds by an optional elementary unit district set forth in this Section conflicts with any general requirements for school districts set forth in Article 10, 17, 19, or 20 of this Code, the requirements set forth in this Section shall control over any such general requirements.
(Source: P.A. 94-1019, eff. 7-10-06.)

105 ILCS 5/11E-100

    (105 ILCS 5/11E-100)
    Sec. 11E-100. Timing of extension of tax levies.
    (a) If the election of the school board of the new district occurs at a regular election and the board of education makes its initial levy or levies in that same year, the county clerk shall extend the levy or levies, notwithstanding any other law that requires the adoption of a budget before the clerk may extend the levy. In addition, the districts from which the new district is formed, by joint agreement and with the approval of the regional superintendent of schools, shall be permitted to amend outstanding levies in the same calendar year in which the creation of the new district is approved at the rates specified in the petition.
    (b) If the election of the board of education of the new district does not occur in the same calendar year that the proposition to create the new district is approved, the districts from which the new district or districts are formed, by joint agreement and with the approval of the regional superintendent of schools, shall be permitted to levy in the same calendar year in which the creation of the new district is approved at the rates specified in the petition. The county clerks shall extend any such levy notwithstanding any law that requires adoption of a budget before extension of the levy.
(Source: P.A. 94-1019, eff. 7-10-06.)

105 ILCS 5/11E-105

    (105 ILCS 5/11E-105)
    Sec. 11E-105. Assets, liabilities and bonded indebtedness; tax rate.
    (a) Subject to the terms and provisions of subsections (b) and (c) of this Section, whenever a new district is created under any of the provisions of this Article, the outstanding bonded indebtedness shall be treated as provided in this subsection (a) and in Section 19-29 of this Code. The tax rate for bonded indebtedness shall be determined in the manner provided in Section 19-7 of this Code, and, notwithstanding the creation of any such district, the county clerk or clerks shall annually extend taxes, for each outstanding bond issue against all of the taxable property that was situated within the boundaries of the district, as those boundaries existed at the time of the issuance of the bond issue, regardless of whether the property is still contained in that same district at the time of the extension of the taxes by the county clerk or clerks; provided that, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 19-18 of this Code, upon resolution of the school board, the county clerk must extend taxes to pay the principal of and interest on any general obligation bonds issued by the new district exclusively to refund any bonded indebtedness of a district organized into the new district against all of the taxable property that was situated within the boundaries of the previously existing district as the boundaries existed at the time of the issuance of the bonded indebtedness being refunded; however, (i) the net interest rate on the refunding bonds may not exceed the net interest rate on the refunded bonds, (ii) the final maturity date of the refunding bonds may not extend beyond the final maturity date of the refunded bonds, and (iii) the tax levy to pay the refunding bonds in any levy year may not exceed the tax levy that would have been required to pay the refunded bonds for that levy year. The terms of the proviso are applicable to districts that were created pursuant to a referendum held in November of 2008. The terms of the proviso, other than this sentence, are inoperative after June 30, 2016.
    (b) For a unit district formation, whenever a part of a district is included within the boundaries of a newly created unit district, the regional superintendent of schools shall cause an accounting to be had between the districts affected by the change in boundaries as provided for in Article 11C of this Code. Whenever the entire territory of 2 or more school districts is organized into a unit district pursuant to a petition filed under this Article, the petition may provide that the entire territory of the new unit district shall assume the bonded indebtedness of the previously existing school districts. In that case, the tax rate for bonded indebtedness shall be determined in the manner provided in Section 19-7 of this Code, except that the county clerk shall annually extend taxes for each outstanding bond issue against all the taxable property situated in the new unit district as it exists after the organization.
    (c)(1) For a high school-unit conversion, unit to dual conversion, or multi-unit conversion, upon the effective date of the change as provided in Section 11E-70 of this Code and subject to the provisions of paragraph (2) of this subsection (c), each newly created elementary district shall receive all of the assets and assume all of the liabilities and obligations of the dissolved unit district forming the boundary of the newly created elementary district.
    (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1) of this subsection (c), upon the stipulation of the school board of the school district serving a newly created elementary district for high school purposes and either (i) the school board of the unit district prior to the effective date of its dissolution or (ii) thereafter the school board of the newly created elementary district and with the approval in either case of the regional superintendent of schools of the educational service region in which the territory described in the petition filed under this Article or the greater percentage of equalized assessed valuation of the territory is situated, the assets, liabilities, and obligations of the dissolved unit district may be divided and assumed between and by the newly created elementary district and the school district serving the newly created elementary district for high school purposes, in accordance with the terms and provisions of the stipulation and approval. In this event, the provisions of Section 19-29 shall be applied to determine the debt incurring power of the newly created elementary district and of the school district serving the newly created elementary district for high school purposes.
    (3) Without regard to whether the receipt of assets and the assumption of liabilities and obligations of the dissolved unit district is determined pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2) of this subsection (c), the tax rate for bonded indebtedness shall be determined in the manner provided in Section 19-7, and, notwithstanding the creation of this new elementary district, the county clerk or clerks shall annually extend taxes for each outstanding bond issue against all of the taxable property that was situated within the boundaries of the dissolved unit district as those boundaries existed at the time of the issuance of the bond issue, regardless of whether the property was still contained in that unit district at the time of its dissolution and regardless of whether the property is contained in the newly created elementary district at the time of the extension of the taxes by the county clerk or clerks.
(Source: P.A. 98-1112, eff. 1-1-15.)

105 ILCS 5/11E-110

    (105 ILCS 5/11E-110)
    Sec. 11E-110. Teachers in contractual continued service; educational support personnel employees.
    (a) When a school district conversion or multi-unit conversion becomes effective for purposes of administration and attendance, as determined pursuant to Section 11E-70 of this Code, the provisions of subsection (h) of Section 24-11 of this Code relative to the contractual continued service status of teachers having contractual continued service whose positions are transferred from one school board to the control of a new or different school board shall apply, and the positions held by teachers, as that term is defined in subsection (a) of Section 24-11 of this Code, having contractual continued service with the unit district at the time of its dissolution shall be transferred on the following basis:
        (1) positions of teachers in contractual continued
service that, during the 5 school years immediately preceding the effective date of the change, as determined under Section 11E-70 of this Code, were full-time positions in which all of the time required of the position was spent in one or more of grades 9 through 12 shall be transferred to the control of the school board of the new high school district or combined high school - unit district, as the case may be;
        (2) positions of teachers in contractual continued
service that, during the 5 school years immediately preceding the effective date of the change, as determined under Section 11E-70 of this Code, were full-time positions in which all of the time required of the position was spent in one or more of grades kindergarten through 8 shall be transferred to the control of the school board of the newly created successor elementary district; and
        (3) positions of teachers in contractual continued
service that were full-time positions not required to be transferred to the control of the school board of the new high school district or combined high school - unit district, as the case may be, or the school board of the newly created successor elementary district under the provisions of subdivision (1) or (2) of this subsection (a) shall be transferred to the control of whichever of the boards the teacher shall request.
    With respect to each position to be transferred under the provisions of this subsection (a), the amount of time required of each position to be spent in one or more of grades kindergarten through 8 and 9 through 12 shall be determined with reference to the applicable records of the unit district being dissolved pursuant to stipulation of the school board of the unit district prior to the effective date of its dissolution or thereafter of the school board of the newly created districts and with the approval in either case of the regional superintendent of schools of the educational service region in which the territory described in the petition filed under this Article or the greater percentage of equalized assessed evaluation of the territory is situated; however, if no such stipulation can be agreed upon, the regional superintendent of schools, after hearing any additional relevant and material evidence that any school board desires to submit, shall make the determination.
    (a-5) When a school district conversion or multi-unit conversion becomes effective for purposes of administration and attendance, as determined pursuant to Section 11E-70 of this Code, the provisions of subsection (b) of Section 10-23.5 of this Code relative to the transfer of educational support personnel employees shall apply, and the positions held by educational support personnel employees shall be transferred on the following basis:
        (1) positions of educational support personnel
employees that, during the 5 school years immediately preceding the effective date of the change, as determined under Section 11E-70 of this Code, were full-time positions in which all of the time required of the position was spent in one or more of grades 9 through 12 shall be transferred to the control of the school board of the new high school district or combined high school - unit district, as the case may be;
        (2) positions of educational support personnel
employees that, during the 5 school years immediately preceding the effective date of the change, as determined under Section 11E-70 of this Code, were full-time positions in which all of the time required of the position was spent in one or more of grades kindergarten through 8 shall be transferred to the control of the school board of the newly created successor elementary district; and
        (3) positions of educational support personnel
employees that were full-time positions not required to be transferred to the control of the school board of the new high school district or combined high school - unit district, as the case may be, or the school board of the newly created successor elementary district under subdivision (1) or (2) of this subsection (a-5) shall be transferred to the control of whichever of the boards the educational support personnel employee requests.
    With respect to each position to be transferred under this subsection (a-5), the amount of time required of each position to be spent in one or more of grades kindergarten through 8 and 9 through 12 shall be determined with reference to the applicable records of the unit district being dissolved pursuant to stipulation of the school board of the unit district prior to the effective date of its dissolution or thereafter of the school board of the newly created districts and with the approval in either case of the regional superintendent of schools of the educational service region in which the territory described in the petition filed under this Article or the greater percentage of equalized assessed evaluation of the territory is situated; however, if no such stipulation can be agreed upon, the regional superintendent of schools, after hearing any additional relevant and material evidence that any school board desires to submit, shall make the determination.
    (b) When the creation of a unit district or a combined school district becomes effective for purposes of administration and attendance, as determined pursuant to Section 11E-70 of this Code, the positions of teachers in contractual continued service in the districts involved in the creation of the new district are transferred to the newly created district pursuant to the provisions of subsection (h) of Section 24-11 of this Code relative to teachers having contractual continued service status whose positions are transferred from one board to the control of a different board, and those provisions of subsection (h) of Section 24-11 of this Code shall apply to these transferred teachers. The contractual continued service status of any teacher thereby transferred to the newly created district is not lost and the new school board is subject to this Code with respect to the transferred teacher in the same manner as if the teacher was that district's employee and had been its employee during the time the teacher was actually employed by the school board of the district from which the position was transferred.
    (c) When the creation of a unit district or a combined school district becomes effective for purposes of administration and attendance, as determined pursuant to Section 11E-70 of this Code, the positions of educational support personnel employees in the districts involved in the creation of the new district shall be transferred to the newly created district pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 10-23.5 of this Code. The length of continuing service of any educational support personnel employee thereby transferred to the newly created district is not lost and the new school board is subject to this Code with respect to the transferred educational support personnel employee in the same manner as if the educational support personnel employee had been that district's employee during the time the educational support personnel employee was actually employed by the school board of the district from which the position was transferred.
(Source: P.A. 99-657, eff. 7-28-16.)

105 ILCS 5/11E-115

    (105 ILCS 5/11E-115)
    Sec. 11E-115. Limitations on contesting boundary change. Neither the People of the State of Illinois, any person or corporation, private or public, nor any association of persons shall commence an action contesting either directly or indirectly the dissolution, division, annexation, or creation of any new school district under the provisions of this Article, unless the action is commenced within one year after the date of the election provided for in this Article if no proceedings to contest the election are duly instituted within the time permitted by law, or within one year after the final disposition of any proceedings that may be so instituted to contest the election; however, where a limitation of a shorter period is prescribed by statute, the shorter limitation shall apply, and the limitation set forth in this Section shall not apply to any order where the judge, body, or officer entering the order being challenged did not at the time of the entry of the order have jurisdiction of the subject matter.
(Source: P.A. 94-1019, eff. 7-10-06.)