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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
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Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.


65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-30

    (65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-30)
    Sec. 11-74.6-30. Financing. Obligations secured by the special tax allocation fund set forth in Section 11-74.6-35 for the redevelopment project area may be issued to provide for redevelopment project costs. Those obligations, when so issued, shall be retired in the manner provided in the ordinance authorizing the issuance of those obligations by the receipts of taxes levied as specified in Section 11-74.6-40 against the taxable real property included in the area and any other revenue designated by the municipality. A municipality may in the ordinance pledge all or any part of the funds in and to be deposited into the special tax allocation fund created under Section 11-74.6-35 to the payment of the redevelopment project costs and obligations. Any pledge of funds in the special tax allocation fund shall provide for distribution to the taxing districts of moneys not required, pledged, earmarked, or otherwise designated for payment and securing of the obligations and anticipated redevelopment project costs, and any excess funds shall be calculated annually and deemed to be "surplus" funds. If a municipality applies or pledges only a portion of the funds in the special tax allocation fund for the payment or securing of anticipated redevelopment project costs or of obligations, any funds remaining in the special tax allocation fund after complying with the requirements of the application or pledge shall also be calculated annually and deemed "surplus" funds. All surplus funds in the special tax allocation fund shall be distributed annually within 180 days after the close of the municipality's fiscal year by being paid by the municipal treasurer to the county collector in direct proportion to the tax incremental revenue received as a result of an increase in the equalized assessed value of property in the redevelopment project area but not to exceed as to each such source the total incremental revenue received from that source. The county collector shall subsequently distribute surplus funds to the respective taxing districts in the same manner and proportion as the most recent distribution by the county collector to the affected taxing districts of real property taxes from real property in the redevelopment project area.
    Without limiting the foregoing provisions of this Section, in addition to obligations secured by the special tax allocation fund, the municipality may pledge, for a period not greater than the term of the obligations, towards payment of those obligations any part or any combination of the following: (i) net revenues of all or part of any redevelopment project; (ii) taxes levied and collected on any or all real property in the municipality; (iii) the full faith and credit of the municipality; (iv) a mortgage on part or all of the redevelopment project; or (v) any other taxes or anticipated receipts that the municipality may lawfully pledge.
    The obligations may be issued in one or more series bearing interest at a rate or rates that the corporate authorities of the municipality determine by ordinance. The obligations shall bear a date or dates, mature at a time or times, not exceeding 20 years from their respective issue dates, be in a denomination, carry registration privileges, be executed in a manner, be payable in a medium of payment at a place or places, contain covenants, terms and conditions, and be subject to redemption as the ordinance provides. Obligations issued under this Law may be sold at public or private sale at a price determined by the corporate authority of the municipality. No referendum approval of the electors shall be required as a condition for the issuance of obligations under this Division, except as provided in this Section.
    If the municipality authorizes issuance of obligations under the authority of this Division secured by the full faith and credit of the municipality, which obligations are other than obligations that may be issued under home rule powers provided by Section 6 of Article VII of the Illinois Constitution, or pledges taxes levied and collected on real property in the municipality or pledges the full faith and credit of the municipality, the ordinance authorizing the issuance of those obligations or pledging those taxes or the municipality's full faith and credit shall be published within 10 days after the ordinance has been passed in one or more newspapers with general circulation within that municipality. The publication of the ordinance shall be accompanied by a notice of (i) the specific number of voters required to sign a petition requesting the question of the issuance of those obligations or pledging taxes to be submitted to the electors, (ii) the time in which the petition must be filed, and (iii) the date of the prospective referendum. The municipal clerk shall provide a petition form to any individual requesting one.
    If no petition is filed with the municipal clerk, as provided in this Section, within 30 days after the publication of the ordinance, the ordinance shall become effective. If, however, within that 30 day period, a petition is filed with the municipal clerk, signed by electors numbering not less than 10% of the number of registered voters in the municipality, asking that the question of issuing obligations using full faith and credit of the municipality as security for the cost of paying for redevelopment project costs, or of pledging taxes for the payment of those obligations, or both, be submitted to the electors of the municipality, the corporate authorities of the municipality shall call a special election in the manner provided by law to vote upon that question, or, if a general, State or municipal election is to be held within a period of not less than 30 or more than 90 days from the date the petition is filed, shall submit the question at that general, State or municipal election. If it appears upon the canvass of the election by the corporate authorities that a majority of electors voting upon the question voted in favor of the question, the ordinance shall be effective, but if a majority of the electors voting upon the question are not in favor of the question, the ordinance shall not take effect.
    The ordinance authorizing the obligations may provide that the obligations shall contain a recital that they are issued under this Law. The recital shall be conclusive evidence of their validity and of the regularity of their issuance.
    In the event the municipality authorizes issuance of obligations under this Section secured by the full faith and credit of the municipality, the ordinance authorizing the obligations may provide for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax upon all taxable property within the municipality sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the obligations as they mature. The levy may be in addition to and exclusive of the maximum of all other taxes authorized to be levied by the municipality. The levy, however, shall be abated to the extent that moneys from other sources are available for payment of the obligations and the municipality certifies the amount of those moneys available to the county clerk.
    A certified copy of the ordinance shall be filed with the county clerk of each county in which any portion of the municipality is situated, and shall constitute the authority for the extension and collection of the taxes to be deposited in the special tax allocation fund.
    A municipality may also issue its obligations to refund, in whole or in part, obligations previously issued by the municipality under the authority of this Law, whether at or before maturity, except that the last maturity of the refunding obligations shall not be expressed to mature later than December 31 of the year in which the payment to the municipal treasurer as provided in subsection (b) of Section 11-74.6-35 is to be made with respect to ad valorem taxes levied in the twenty-third calendar year after the year in which the ordinance approving the redevelopment project area is adopted.
    If a municipality issues obligations under home rule powers or other legislative authority, the proceeds of which are pledged to pay for redevelopment project costs, the municipality may, if it has followed the procedures in conformance with this Law, retire those obligations from funds in the special tax allocation fund in amounts and in the same manner as if those obligations had been issued under the provisions of this Law.
    No obligations issued under this Law shall be regarded as indebtedness of the municipality issuing the obligations or any other taxing district for the purpose of any limitation imposed by law.
(Source: P.A. 91-474, eff. 11-1-99.)

65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-35

    (65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-35)
    Sec. 11-74.6-35. Ordinance for tax increment allocation financing.
    (a) A municipality, at the time a redevelopment project area is designated, may adopt tax increment allocation financing by passing an ordinance providing that the ad valorem taxes, if any, arising from the levies upon taxable real property within the redevelopment project area by taxing districts and tax rates determined in the manner provided in subsection (b) of Section 11-74.6-40 each year after the effective date of the ordinance until redevelopment project costs and all municipal obligations financing redevelopment project costs incurred under this Act have been paid shall be divided as follows:
        (1) That portion of the taxes levied upon each
taxable lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property that is attributable to the lower of the current equalized assessed value or the initial equalized assessed value or the updated initial equalized assessed value of each taxable lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property in the redevelopment project area shall be allocated to and when collected shall be paid by the county collector to the respective affected taxing districts in the manner required by law without regard to the adoption of tax increment allocation financing.
        (2) That portion, if any, of those taxes that is
attributable to the increase in the current equalized assessed value of each taxable lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property in the redevelopment project area, over and above the initial equalized assessed value or the updated initial equalized assessed value of each property in the project area, shall be allocated to and when collected shall be paid by the county collector to the municipal treasurer who shall deposit that portion of those taxes into a special fund called the special tax allocation fund of the municipality for the purpose of paying redevelopment project costs and obligations incurred in the payment of those costs and obligations. In any county with a population of 3,000,000 or more that has adopted a procedure for collecting taxes that provides for one or more of the installments of the taxes to be billed and collected on an estimated basis, the municipal treasurer shall be paid for deposit in the special tax allocation fund of the municipality, from the taxes collected from estimated bills issued for property in the redevelopment project area, the difference between the amount actually collected from each taxable lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property within the redevelopment project area and an amount determined by multiplying the rate at which taxes were last extended against the taxable lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property in the manner provided in subsection (b) of Section 11-74.6-40 by the initial equalized assessed value or the updated initial equalized assessed value of the property divided by the number of installments in which real estate taxes are billed and collected within the county, provided that the payments on or before December 31, 1999 to a municipal treasurer shall be made only if each of the following conditions are met:
            (A) The total equalized assessed value of the
redevelopment project area as last determined was not less than 175% of the total initial equalized assessed value.
            (B) Not more than 50% of the total equalized
assessed value of the redevelopment project area as last determined is attributable to a piece of property assigned a single real estate index number.
            (C) The municipal clerk has certified to the
county clerk that the municipality has issued its obligations to which there has been pledged the incremental property taxes of the redevelopment project area or taxes levied and collected on any or all property in the municipality or the full faith and credit of the municipality to pay or secure payment for all or a portion of the redevelopment project costs. The certification shall be filed annually no later than September 1 for the estimated taxes to be distributed in the following year.
    The conditions of paragraphs (A) through (C) do not apply after December 31, 1999 to payments to a municipal treasurer made by a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants that has adopted an estimated billing procedure for collecting taxes. If a county that has adopted the estimated billing procedure makes an erroneous overpayment of tax revenue to the municipal treasurer, then the county may seek a refund of that overpayment. The county shall send the municipal treasurer a notice of liability for the overpayment on or before the mailing date of the next real estate tax bill within the county. The refund shall be limited to the amount of the overpayment.
    (b) It is the intent of this Act that a municipality's own ad valorem tax arising from levies on taxable real property be included in the determination of incremental revenue in the manner provided in paragraph (b) of Section 11-74.6-40.
    (c) If a municipality has adopted tax increment allocation financing for a redevelopment project area by ordinance and the county clerk thereafter certifies the total initial equalized assessed value or the total updated initial equalized assessed value of the taxable real property within such redevelopment project area in the manner provided in paragraph (a) or (b) of Section 11-74.6-40, each year after the date of the certification of the total initial equalized assessed value or the total updated initial equalized assessed value until redevelopment project costs and all municipal obligations financing redevelopment project costs have been paid, the ad valorem taxes, if any, arising from the levies upon the taxable real property in the redevelopment project area by taxing districts and tax rates determined in the manner provided in paragraph (b) of Section 11-74.6-40 shall be divided as follows:
        (1) That portion of the taxes levied upon each
taxable lot, block, tract or parcel of real property that is attributable to the lower of the current equalized assessed value or the initial equalized assessed value, or the updated initial equalized assessed value of each parcel if the updated initial equalized assessed value of that parcel has been certified in accordance with Section 11-74.6-40, whichever has been most recently certified, of each taxable lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property existing at the time tax increment allocation financing was adopted in the redevelopment project area, shall be allocated to and when collected shall be paid by the county collector to the respective affected taxing districts in the manner required by law without regard to the adoption of tax increment allocation financing.
        (2) That portion, if any, of those taxes that is
attributable to the increase in the current equalized assessed value of each taxable lot, block, tract, or parcel of real property in the redevelopment project area, over and above the initial equalized assessed value of each property existing at the time tax increment allocation financing was adopted in the redevelopment project area, or the updated initial equalized assessed value of each parcel if the updated initial equalized assessed value of that parcel has been certified in accordance with Section 11-74.6-40, shall be allocated to and when collected shall be paid to the municipal treasurer, who shall deposit those taxes into a special fund called the special tax allocation fund of the municipality for the purpose of paying redevelopment project costs and obligations incurred in the payment thereof.
    (d) The municipality may pledge in the ordinance the funds in and to be deposited in the special tax allocation fund for the payment of redevelopment project costs and obligations. No part of the current equalized assessed value of each property in the redevelopment project area attributable to any increase above the total initial equalized assessed value or the total initial updated equalized assessed value of the property, shall be used in calculating the general State aid formula, provided for in Section 18-8 of the School Code, or the evidence-based funding formula, provided for in Section 18-8.15 of the School Code, until all redevelopment project costs have been paid as provided for in this Section.
    Whenever a municipality issues bonds for the purpose of financing redevelopment project costs, that municipality may provide by ordinance for the appointment of a trustee, which may be any trust company within the State, and for the establishment of any funds or accounts to be maintained by that trustee, as the municipality deems necessary to provide for the security and payment of the bonds. If the municipality provides for the appointment of a trustee, the trustee shall be considered the assignee of any payments assigned by the municipality under that ordinance and this Section. Any amounts paid to the trustee as assignee shall be deposited into the funds or accounts established under the trust agreement, and shall be held by the trustee in trust for the benefit of the holders of the bonds. The holders of those bonds shall have a lien on and a security interest in those funds or accounts while the bonds remain outstanding and unpaid. Upon retirement of the bonds, the trustee shall pay over any excess amounts held to the municipality for deposit in the special tax allocation fund.
    When the redevelopment projects costs, including without limitation all municipal obligations financing redevelopment project costs incurred under this Law, have been paid, all surplus funds then remaining in the special tax allocation fund shall be distributed by being paid by the municipal treasurer to the municipality and the county collector; first to the municipality in direct proportion to the tax incremental revenue received from the municipality, but not to exceed the total incremental revenue received from the municipality, minus any annual surplus distribution of incremental revenue previously made. Any remaining funds shall be paid to the county collector who shall immediately distribute that payment to the taxing districts in the redevelopment project area in the same manner and proportion as the most recent distribution by the county collector to the affected districts of real property taxes from real property situated in the redevelopment project area.
    Upon the payment of all redevelopment project costs, retirement of obligations and the distribution of any excess moneys under this Section, the municipality shall adopt an ordinance dissolving the special tax allocation fund for the redevelopment project area and terminating the designation of the redevelopment project area as a redevelopment project area. Thereafter the tax levies of taxing districts shall be extended, collected and distributed in the same manner applicable before the adoption of tax increment allocation financing. Municipality shall notify affected taxing districts prior to November if the redevelopment project area is to be terminated by December 31 of that same year.
    Nothing in this Section shall be construed as relieving property in a redevelopment project area from being assessed as provided in the Property Tax Code or as relieving owners of that property from paying a uniform rate of taxes, as required by Section 4 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution.
(Source: P.A. 102-558, eff. 8-20-21.)

65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-37

    (65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-37)
    Sec. 11-74.6-37. Cancellation and repayment of tax benefits. Any tax abatement or benefit granted by a taxing district under an agreement entered into under this Act to a private individual or entity for the purpose of originating, locating, maintaining, rehabilitating, or expanding a business facility shall be cancelled if the individual or entity relocated its entire facility in violation of the agreement, and the amount of the abatements or tax benefits granted before the cancellation shall be repaid to the taxing district within 30 days, as provided in Section 18-183 of the Property Tax Code.
(Source: P.A. 89-591, eff. 8-1-96.)

65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-40

    (65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-40)
    Sec. 11-74.6-40. Equalized assessed value determination; property tax extension.
    (a) If a municipality by ordinance provides for tax increment allocation financing under Section 11-74.6-35, the county clerk immediately thereafter:
        (1) shall determine the initial equalized assessed
value of each parcel of real property in the redevelopment project area, which is the most recently established equalized assessed value of each lot, block, tract or parcel of taxable real property within the redevelopment project area, minus the homestead exemptions under Article 15 of the Property Tax Code; and
        (2) shall certify to the municipality the total
initial equalized assessed value of all taxable real property within the redevelopment project area.
    (b) Any municipality that has established a vacant industrial buildings conservation area may, by ordinance passed after the adoption of tax increment allocation financing, provide that the county clerk immediately thereafter shall again determine:
        (1) the updated initial equalized assessed value of
each lot, block, tract or parcel of real property, which is the most recently ascertained equalized assessed value of each lot, block, tract or parcel of real property within the vacant industrial buildings conservation area; and
        (2) the total updated initial equalized assessed
value of all taxable real property within the redevelopment project area, which is the total of the updated initial equalized assessed value of all taxable real property within the vacant industrial buildings conservation area.
    The county clerk shall certify to the municipality the total updated initial equalized assessed value of all taxable real property within the industrial buildings conservation area.
    (c) After the county clerk has certified the total initial equalized assessed value or the total updated initial equalized assessed value of the taxable real property in the area, for each taxing district in which a redevelopment project area is situated, the county clerk or any other official required by law to determine the amount of the equalized assessed value of all taxable property within the district for the purpose of computing the percentage rate of tax to be extended upon taxable property within the district, shall in every year that tax increment allocation financing is in effect determine the total equalized assessed value of taxable property in a redevelopment project area by including in that amount the lower of the current equalized assessed value or the certified total initial equalized assessed value or, if the total of updated equalized assessed value has been certified, the total updated initial equalized assessed value of all taxable real property in the redevelopment project area. After he has certified the total initial equalized assessed value he shall in the year of that certification, if tax rates have not been extended, and in every subsequent year that tax increment allocation financing is in effect, determine the amount of equalized assessed value of taxable property in a redevelopment project area by including in that amount the lower of the current total equalized assessed value or the certified total initial equalized assessed value or, if the total of updated initial equalized assessed values have been certified, the total updated initial equalized assessed value of all taxable real property in the redevelopment project area.
    (d) The percentage rate of tax determined shall be extended on the current equalized assessed value of all property in the redevelopment project area in the same manner as the rate per cent of tax is extended to all other taxable property in the taxing district. The method of extending taxes established under this Section shall terminate when the municipality adopts an ordinance dissolving the special tax allocation fund for the redevelopment project area. This Law shall not be construed as relieving property owners within a redevelopment project area from paying a uniform rate of taxes upon the current equalized assessed value of their taxable property as provided in the Property Tax Code.
(Source: P.A. 95-644, eff. 10-12-07.)

65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-45

    (65 ILCS 5/11-74.6-45)
    Sec. 11-74.6-45. Expenditure of certain revenues.
    (a) Revenues received by the municipality from any property, building or facility owned, leased or operated by the municipality or any agency or authority established by the municipality may be used to pay redevelopment project costs, or reduce outstanding obligations of the municipality incurred under this Law for redevelopment project costs. The municipality may deposit those revenues into a special tax allocation fund. The fund shall be held by the municipal treasurer or other person designated by the municipality. Revenue received by the municipality from the sale or other disposition of real property acquired by the municipality with the proceeds of obligations funded by tax increment allocation financing shall be deposited by the municipality into the special tax allocation fund.
    (b) (Blank).
(Source: P.A. 91-474, eff. 11-1-99.)