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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide.

Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(60 ILCS 1/) Township Code.

60 ILCS 1/110-20

    (60 ILCS 1/110-20)
    Sec. 110-20. Zoning commission; appointment. The township board, when authorized by the electors at an annual or special township meeting to exercise the powers conferred by this Article, shall appoint a zoning commission of 5 members. The commission shall recommend the boundaries of districts and appropriate regulations to be enforced in those districts.
(Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.)

60 ILCS 1/110-25

    (60 ILCS 1/110-25)
    Sec. 110-25. Proposed zoning ordinance or resolution; hearing; cessation of commission.
    (a) The zoning commission shall prepare a tentative report and a proposed zoning ordinance or resolution for the entire township outside the area regulated by any municipal zoning ordinance.
    (b) After preparing the tentative report and ordinance or resolution, the commission shall hold a hearing on the report and proposal and shall afford persons interested an opportunity to be heard. Notice of the hearing shall be published at least 15 days before the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the township and shall also be posted at least 15 days before the hearing in 4 conspicuous places within the township. The notice shall state the time and place of the hearing and the place where copies of the proposed ordinance or resolution will be accessible for examination by interested parties. The hearing may be adjourned from time to time.
    (c) Within 30 days after the final adjournment of the hearing, the commission shall make a final report and submit a proposed ordinance or resolution to the township board. The township board may adopt the ordinance or resolution with or without change or may refer it back to the commission for further consideration.
    (d) The zoning commission shall cease to exist upon the adoption of a zoning ordinance or resolution for the township.
(Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.)

60 ILCS 1/110-30

    (60 ILCS 1/110-30)
    Sec. 110-30. Enforcement of ordinance or resolution. All ordinances or resolutions adopted under this Article shall be enforced by an officer of the township designated by ordinance or resolution. The ordinance or resolution may require that for any class or classes of districts created by it, applications be made for permits to erect buildings or structures or to alter or remodel existing buildings or structures. The ordinance or resolution may vest in the officer designated to enforce it the power to make orders, requirements, decisions, and determinations with respect to the enforcement of the terms of the ordinance or resolution.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 3481; P.A. 88-62.)

60 ILCS 1/110-35

    (60 ILCS 1/110-35)
    Sec. 110-35. Variations.
    (a) The regulations authorized by this Article may provide that a board of appeals may determine and vary their application in harmony with their general purpose and intent and in accordance with general or specific rules contained in the regulations in cases where there are practical difficulties or there is particular hardship in carrying out the strict letter of regulations relating to the use, construction, or alteration of buildings or structures or the use of land. Alternatively, the regulations may provide that the township board may by ordinance or resolution determine and vary their application in harmony with their general purpose and intent and in accordance with general or specific rules contained in the regulations in cases where there are practical difficulties or there is particular hardship in carrying out the strict letter of regulations relating to the use, construction, or alteration of buildings or structures or the use of land.
    (b) No variation shall be made by the township board without a hearing before the board of appeals. No variation shall be made by ordinance, resolution, or otherwise except in a specific case and after a public hearing before a board of appeals. There shall be at least 15 days notice of the time and place of the hearing, published in a newspaper of general circulation in the township. The notice shall contain the particular location for which the variation is requested as well as a brief statement of the proposed variation.
    (c) Where a variation is to be made by ordinance or resolution, upon the report of the board of appeals, the township board may by ordinance or resolution and without further public hearing adopt any proposed variation or may refer it back to the board of appeals for further consideration. Any proposed variation that fails to receive the approval of the board of appeals shall not be passed except by the favorable vote of three-fourths of all the members of the township board. Every variation, whether made by the board of appeals directly or by ordinance or resolution after a hearing before a board of appeals, shall be accompanied by a finding of fact specifying the reason for making the variation.
(Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.)

60 ILCS 1/110-40

    (60 ILCS 1/110-40)
    Sec. 110-40. Board of appeals; membership; meetings.
    (a) The township board shall provide for the appointment of a board of appeals of 5 members to serve respectively for the following terms: One for one year, one for 2 years, one for 3 years, one for 4 years, and one for 5 years. The successor to each member shall serve for a term of 5 years.
    (b) One of the members shall be named chairman at the time of his or her appointment. If there is a vacancy, the appointing power shall designate a chairman.
    (c) The appointing authority may remove any member of the board for cause after a public hearing. Vacancies shall be filled by the appointing authority for the unexpired term of any member whose place has become vacant.
    (d) All meetings of the board of appeals shall be held at the call of the chairman and at times and places within the county determined by the board. The chairman (or in his absence the acting chairman) may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses. All meetings of the board shall be open to the public. The board shall keep minutes of its proceedings showing the vote of each member upon every question (or, if a member is absent or fails to vote, indicating that fact) and shall also keep records of its examinations and other official actions. Every rule, regulation, every amendment or repeal of a rule or regulation, and every order, requirement, decision, or determination of the board shall immediately be filed with the township clerk and shall be a public record.
(Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.)

60 ILCS 1/110-45

    (60 ILCS 1/110-45)
    Sec. 110-45. Appeals; stay of proceedings.
    (a) The board of appeals shall hear and decide appeals from and review any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by an administrative official charged with the enforcement of any ordinance or resolution adopted under this Article. The board of appeals shall also hear and decide all matters referred to it or upon which it is required to pass under any ordinance or resolution or under the terms of this Article.
    (b) The concurring vote of 4 members of the board is necessary (i) to reverse any order, requirement, decision, or determination of an administrative official, (ii) to decide in favor of the applicant any matter upon which it is required to pass under an ordinance or resolution, (iii) to effect any variation in an ordinance or resolution, or (iv) to recommend any variation or modification in an ordinance or resolution or (iv) to the township board.
    (c) An appeal may be taken by any person aggrieved or by any officer, department, board, or bureau of the county. An appeal shall be taken within the time prescribed by the board of appeals by general rule by filing with the officer from whom the appeal is taken and with the board of appeals a notice of appeal specifying the grounds of the appeal. The officer from whom the appeal is taken shall promptly transmit to the board all the papers constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken.
    (d) An appeal stays all proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from unless the officer from whom the appeal is taken certifies to the board of appeals, after the notice of appeal has been filed with him or her, that, due to facts stated in the certificate, a stay would, in his opinion, cause imminent peril to life or property. If the officer makes a certification under this subsection, proceedings shall not be stayed otherwise than by a restraining order granted by the board of appeals or by the circuit court on application, on notice to the officer from whom the appeal is taken, and on due cause shown.
(Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.)

60 ILCS 1/110-50

    (60 ILCS 1/110-50)
    Sec. 110-50. Hearing and decision on appeal; judicial review.
    (a) The board of appeals shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of the appeal and give due notice of the time to the parties. The board shall decide the hearing within a reasonable time. At the hearing, any party may appear in person or by agent or attorney. The board of appeals may reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or may modify the order, requirement, decision, or determination as in its opinion ought to be done, and to that end the board has all the powers of the officer from whom the appeal is taken.
    (b) All final administrative decisions of the board of appeals are subject to judicial review under the Administrative Review Law and the rules adopted under that Law. "Administrative decision" is defined as in Section 3-101 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
(Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.)

60 ILCS 1/110-50.1

    (60 ILCS 1/110-50.1)
    Sec. 110-50.1. Actions subject to de novo review; due process.
    (a) Any decision by the township board of any township in regard to any petition or application for a special use, variance, rezoning, or other amendment to a zoning ordinance shall be subject to de novo judicial review as a legislative decision, regardless of whether the process in relation thereto is considered administrative for other purposes. Any action seeking the judicial review of such a decision shall be commenced not later than 90 days after the date of the decision.
    (b) The principles of substantive and procedural due process apply at all stages of the decision-making and review of all zoning decisions.
(Source: P.A. 94-1027, eff. 7-14-06; 95-843, eff. 1-1-09.)

60 ILCS 1/110-55

    (60 ILCS 1/110-55)
    Sec. 110-55. Compensation of board of appeals members. The members of the board of appeals shall receive compensation fixed by the township board and approved by the electors at an annual or special township meeting.
(Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.)

60 ILCS 1/110-60

    (60 ILCS 1/110-60)
    Sec. 110-60. Amendment of regulations; hearing. The regulations imposed and the districts created under this Article may be amended from time to time by the township board by ordinance or resolution after the ordinance or resolution establishing the regulation has gone into effect, but no amendments shall be made without a hearing before the board of appeals. At least 15 days notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be published in an official paper or a paper of general circulation in the township. If there is a written protest against any proposed amendment, signed and acknowledged (i) by the owners of 20% of the frontage proposed to be altered, (ii) by the owners of 20% of the frontage immediately adjoining or across an alley from the frontage proposed to be altered, or (iii) by the owners of 20% of the frontage directly opposite the frontage proposed to be altered, the amendment shall not be passed except by the favorable vote of three-fourths of all the members of the township board.
(Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.)

60 ILCS 1/110-65

    (60 ILCS 1/110-65)
    Sec. 110-65. Violations; remedies; misdemeanor.
    (a) If any building or structure is erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, repaired, converted, or maintained (or any building, structure, or land is used) in violation of this Article or of any ordinance, resolution, or other regulation made under this Article, the proper authorities of the township, or any person the value or use of whose property is or may be affected by the violation, in addition to other remedies, may institute any appropriate action or proceedings (i) to prevent the unlawful erection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, conversion, maintenance, or use, (ii) to restrain, correct, or abate the violation, (iii) to prevent the occupancy of the building, structure, or land, or (iv) to prevent any illegal act, conduct, business, or use in or about the premises.
    (b) The violation of the terms of any ordinance adopted under this Article shall be deemed a Class B misdemeanor.
    (c) Except in relation to township-owned property, this Section does not authorize any suit against a township or its officials for any act relating to the administration, enforcement, or implementation of this Article or any ordinance, resolution, or other regulation adopted pursuant to this Article.
(Source: P.A. 100-595, eff. 6-29-18.)

60 ILCS 1/110-70

    (60 ILCS 1/110-70)
    Sec. 110-70. School district.
    (a) In any hearing before a zoning commission or board of appeals, any school district within which the property in issue, or any part of that property, is located may appear and present evidence.
    (b) In exercising the powers under this Article with respect to public school districts, a township shall act in a reasonable manner that neither regulates educational activities, such as school curricula, administration, and staffing, nor frustrates a school district's statutory duties. This subsection (b) is declarative of existing law and does not change the substantive operation of this Article.
    (c) In processing zoning applications from public school districts, a township shall make reasonable efforts to streamline the zoning application and review process for the school board and minimize the administrative burdens involved in the zoning review process, including, but not limited to, reducing application fees and other costs associated with the project of a school board to the greatest extent practicable and reflective of actual cost but in no event more than the lowest fees customarily imposed by the township for similar applications, limiting the number of times the school district must amend its site plans, reducing the number of copies of site plans and any other documents required to be submitted by the township, and expediting the zoning review process for the purpose of rendering a decision on any application from a school district within 90 days after a completed application is submitted to the township.
(Source: P.A. 99-890, eff. 8-25-16.)

60 ILCS 1/110-75

    (60 ILCS 1/110-75)
    Sec. 110-75. Cooperation with other governmental units. In the exercise of powers conferred by this Article, the township board may cooperate with the county, with other townships, and with municipal or State authorities and may appoint any committee or committees it thinks proper to effect that cooperation.
(Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.)

60 ILCS 1/110-80

    (60 ILCS 1/110-80)
    (This Section may contain text from a Public Act with a delayed effective date)
    Sec. 110-80. Battery-charged fences.
    (a) As used in this Section, "battery-charged fence" means a fence energized by a battery that is not more than 12 volts of direct current that interfaces with an alarm system in a manner that enables the fence to cause the connected alarm system to transmit a signal intended to notify law enforcement of a potential intrusion.
    (b) Notwithstanding any other law, a township may not require a permit or other approval for the installation, maintenance, placement, replacement, or servicing of a battery-charged fence if (i) the battery-charged fence is located on nonresidential property completely surrounded by a nonelectric perimeter fence or wall that is not less than 5 feet in height and does not exceed 10 feet in height or 2 feet higher than the nonelectric perimeter fence or wall, whichever is higher, and (ii) any electrical charge produced on contact does not exceed energizer characteristics set for electric fences by the International Electrotechnical Commission.
    (c) Any battery-charged fence installed under this Section must have conspicuous signs located on the fence placed not less than 30 feet apart that read: "WARNING: ELECTRIC FENCE".
(Source: P.A. 103-796, eff. 1-1-25.)

60 ILCS 1/Art. 115

    (60 ILCS 1/Art. 115 heading)

60 ILCS 1/115-5

    (60 ILCS 1/115-5)
    Sec. 115-5. Definitions. As used in this Article, unless the context otherwise requires:
    "Board" means the township board in counties having a population of more than 150,000.
    "Development of real property" means the constructing, installing, planting or creating of any permanent or temporary improvement of real property that has been acquired for open space purposes.
    "Open land" or "open space" means any space or area of land or water of an area of 50 acres or more, the preservation or the restriction of development or use of which would (i) maintain or enhance the conservation of natural or scenic resources; (ii) protect natural streams or water supply; (iii) promote conservation of soils, wet lands, or shores; (iv) afford or enhance public outdoor recreation opportunities; (v) preserve flora and fauna, geological features, historic sites, or other areas of educational or scientific interest; (vi) enhance the value to the public of abutting or neighboring highways, parks, or other public lands; (vii) implement the plan of development adopted by the planning commission of any municipality or county; or (viii) promote orderly urban or suburban development. A township at any time may release a specified parcel of land from an open space plan and allow the development of the parcel to occur. Once development (as defined in Section 115-55) has commenced, the land shall no longer be eligible for acquisition as open space or open land.
    "Open space plan" means the written plan adopted by the board to implement an open space program and includes properly adopted amendments or additions to the plan.
    "Open space program" means the acquisition of the fee or of a lesser right or interest in tracts of open land in the township for open space purposes.
    "Open space purposes" includes (i) the preservation and maintenance of open land, scenic roadways, and pathways; (ii) the holding of real property described in clause (i), with or without public access, for the education, pleasure, and recreation of the public or for other open space values; (iii) the preservation of portions of that property in their natural condition and the development of other portions of that property; (iv) the management and use of that property in a manner and with restrictions that will leave it unimpaired for the benefit of future generations; and (v) otherwise promoting the conservation of the nature, flora and fauna, natural environment, and natural resources of the township.
(Source: P.A. 91-641, eff. 8-20-99.)

60 ILCS 1/115-10

    (60 ILCS 1/115-10)
    Sec. 115-10. Open space plan; petition.
    (a) A board desiring to enter upon an open space program may do so only after adoption of an open space plan under Section 115-15. The board shall commence preparation of an open space plan under that Section only upon the filing with the township clerk of a petition signed by not less than 5% or 50, whichever is greater, of the registered voters of the township (according to the voting registration records at the time the petition is filed) recommending that the board commence preparation of an open space plan. Within 5 business days after the filing of the petition, the township clerk shall provide public notice of the existence of the filed petition in the same manner as notices of meetings of the township board are provided. A hearing shall be conducted no less than 30 days after the filing of the petition to determine the validity of the petition, which may be challenged in accordance with the general election law.
    (b) A proposed open space plan shall (i) identify all open land within the township that the board deems necessary to acquire in order to accomplish the purposes of the open space program; (ii) state the ways in which the acquisition of open land will further open space purposes; (iii) state the estimated costs of implementing the proposed plan; (iv) state the approximate tax, per $100 of assessed value, that will be levied to provide the necessary funds for implementing the proposed plan; (v) state the estimated timetable for implementing the proposed plan; and (vi) establish standards and procedures for establishing priorities for the acquisition of parcels identified in the plan.
(Source: P.A. 94-622, eff. 8-18-05.)

60 ILCS 1/115-15

    (60 ILCS 1/115-15)
    Sec. 115-15. Public hearing.
    (a) Before adopting an open space plan or an amendment to a plan, the board shall conduct a public hearing on the plan or amendment, recommend adoption of the open space plan or receive a recommendation by petition of the voters of the township under Section 115-20 that the open space plan be adopted, and submit the question of adoption of the open space plan to the township voters under Section 115-20.
    (b) The board shall cause to be prepared a notice of the public hearing stating the date, time, place, and purpose of the hearing. The township clerk shall cause the notice to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the township not less than 15 nor more than 30 days before the date of the hearing. The township clerk also shall send notice of the hearing by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, not less than 20 days before the hearing, to the owners of property being recommended for acquisition and designation as open space or open land under the proposed open space plan. Those owners shall be those parties identified on the most current real estate tax assessment rolls for the county in which the township is located as being the parties to whom current real estate tax bills are being sent. A copy of the proposed plan also shall be filed with the township clerk, who shall make it available to the general public for inspection after publication of the notice of public hearing.
    (c) At the public hearing, all persons desiring to offer statements or other evidence in support of or in opposition to the proposed plan shall be afforded an opportunity to do so orally, in writing, or both.
    (d) Within 60 days after the public hearing, the board shall consider all of the evidence before it and may, based upon that evidence, recommend adoption or rejection of the proposed open space plan in whole or in part. The board's recommendation shall be in writing. If the board does not recommend adoption or rejection of the proposed open space plan, or if a petition from the voters of the township recommending adoption of the open space plan is not filed with the township clerk within 60 days after the public hearing, the open space plan may not be subsequently adopted unless another public hearing is held and notice given as provided in this Section. A recommendation by the board or by petition under this subsection (d) to adopt an open space plan shall be made no later than 138 days before the next regular election in order for the question of the adoption of the open space plan to appear on the ballot at that election. If the question of the adoption of the open space plan does not appear on the ballot, the open space plan may not be subsequently adopted unless another public hearing is held and notice given under this Section.
(Source: P.A. 85-1140; 88-62.)

60 ILCS 1/115-20

    (60 ILCS 1/115-20)
    Sec. 115-20. Referendum on recommended plan; petition.
    (a) If the board recommends adoption of the open space plan, or if a subsequent petition is filed by not less than 5% or 50, whichever is greater, of the registered voters of the township (according to the voting registration records at the time the petition is filed) recommending adoption of the open space plan, then the Board, within 30 days of making of the recommendation or the approval of the petition, shall file a petition with the township clerk, requesting the clerk to submit to the voters of the township the question of whether the township shall adopt the open space plan and enter upon an open space program, with the power to acquire open land by purchase, condemnation (except townships in counties having a population of more than 150,000 but not more than 250,000), or otherwise in the township and with the power to issue bonds for those purposes under this Article. Approval of a petition recommending adoption of the open space plan shall be given if the petition is determined to be valid following public notice and a hearing consistent with the requirements of Section 115-10 for the initial petition. The total amount of bonds to be issued under this Section may not exceed 5% of the valuation of all taxable property in the township and shall be set forth in the question as a dollar amount. The township clerk shall certify that proposition to the proper election officials, who shall submit the proposition to the township voters at the next regular election. The referendum shall be conducted and notice given in accordance with the general election law.
    (b) The question submitted to the voters at the election shall be in substantially the following form:
        Shall (name of township) adopt the open space plan
considered at the public hearing on (date) and enter upon an open space program, and shall the Township Board have the power (i) to acquire open land by purchase (insert ", condemnation," if the township is in a county having a population of more than 250,000) or otherwise, (ii) to issue bonds for open space purposes in an amount not exceeding $(amount), and (iii) to levy a tax to pay the principal of and interest on those bonds, as provided in Article 115 of the Township Code?
The votes shall be recorded as "Yes" or "No".
    (c) If a majority of the voters voting at the election on the question vote in favor of the question, the township shall thereafter adopt the open space plan recommended by the board or by the petition of the registered voters of the township and shall enter upon an open space program under this Article. If the proposition does not receive the approval of a majority of the voters voting at the election on the question, no proposition may be submitted to the voters under this Section less than 23 months after the date of the election.
    (d) If a majority of the legal voters voting at referendum in any township approved a proposition at the consolidated election in 2001 in reliance upon and consistent with this Section 115-20 as it existed prior to the effective date of Public Act 91-847, then that referendum and all actions taken in reliance thereon are hereby validated and are legally binding in all respects.
(Source: P.A. 94-622, eff. 8-18-05.)

60 ILCS 1/115-25

    (60 ILCS 1/115-25)
    Sec. 115-25. Amendments or additions to plan. If the board recommends any amendments or additions to a plan that has been adopted by a township, no property that is the subject of the amendment or addition may be acquired until the revised plan is approved by the voters at a referendum under Section 115-20 unless the amendments or additions do not provide for expenditures in excess of those provided in the original plan and do not provide for the acquisition of property other than from persons who are selling their property voluntarily.
(Source: P.A. 85-1140; 88-62.)

60 ILCS 1/115-30

    (60 ILCS 1/115-30)
    Sec. 115-30. Property within municipality; petition; referendum.
    (a) If the open space plan recommended for adoption under Section 115-20 contains property that is situated within the corporate boundaries of a municipality, the corporate authorities of the municipality may, within 30 days of the recommendation, vote to authorize the board of a township in a county having a population of more than 250,000 to acquire by condemnation property that is situated within the municipality's corporate boundaries. If the corporate authorities of the municipality fail to act within that 30 day period, then none of the property included in the open space plan that is situated within the municipality shall be acquired by the board by condemnation. The municipality's failure to act constitutes a denial of authority to acquire that property by condemnation.
    (b) If, within 30 days of the decision of the municipality to either authorize or deny the board the authority to acquire by condemnation that property included in the open space plan that is situated within the corporate boundaries of the municipality, a petition is filed with the township clerk, signed by not less than 15% of the registered voters of the municipality residing within the township (according to the voting registration records at the time the petition is filed), requesting that the question of whether the board shall be granted authority to acquire property within its corporate boundaries by condemnation be submitted to the voters of the municipality residing within the township, then the question shall be submitted to those voters in the form of a proposition. The petition shall state the public question to be submitted and contain a common description of the territory in plain and nonlegal language. The description shall describe the territory by reference to streets, natural or artificial landmarks, addresses, or any other method that would enable a voter signing the petition to be informed of the territory proposed to be acquired.
    (c) The township clerk shall certify the proposition to the proper election officials, who shall submit the proposition to the voters of the municipality who reside within the township. The referendum shall appear on the ballot at the same election as the referendum required in Section 115-20. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, the referendum shall be conducted and notice given in accordance with the general election law. The question submitted to the voters at the election shall be in substantially the following form:
        Shall the Township Board of (name of township in a
county having a population of more than 250,000) have the authority to acquire by condemnation open land that is situated within the corporate boundaries of (name of municipality) for open space purposes?
The votes shall be recorded as "Yes" or "No".
    (d) The election authority shall include on the ballot the description of the territory proposed to be acquired as set forth in the petition. If the election authority determines that the description cannot be included within the space limitations of the ballot, the election authority shall prepare large printed copies of a notice of the public question that include the description. The notice shall be prominently displayed in the polling place of each precinct in which the question is to be submitted.
    (e) If a majority of the voters voting at the election on the question vote in favor of the question, then the board may acquire by condemnation open land that is situated within the corporate boundaries of the municipality and included in the open space plan recommended for adoption under Section 115-20.
    (f) If the corporate authorities of a municipality deny the board the authority to acquire by condemnation property that is situated within the municipality's boundaries and the referendum does not appear on the ballot at the election specified in this Section, or if the proposition fails to receive the vote of a majority of the voters voting on the question, then the board may not acquire the property by condemnation.
(Source: P.A. 91-641, eff. 8-20-99.)

60 ILCS 1/115-35

    (60 ILCS 1/115-35)
    Sec. 115-35. Property contiguous to municipality; petition; referendum.
    (a) If the open space plan recommended for adoption under Section 115-20 contains property that is contiguous to the corporate boundaries of one or more municipalities, the corporate authorities of any of those municipalities may, within 30 days of the recommendation, vote to authorize the board of a township in a county having a population of more than 250,000 to acquire by condemnation property that is contiguous to the municipality's corporate boundaries. If the corporate authorities of a municipality fail to act within that 30 day period, then none of the property included in the open space plan that is contiguous to a municipality shall be acquired by the board by condemnation. The municipality's failure to act constitutes a denial of authority to acquire that property by condemnation.
    (b) If, within 30 days of the decision of the municipality to either authorize or deny the board the authority to acquire by condemnation that property included in the open space plan that is contiguous to the corporate boundaries of the municipality, a petition is filed with the township clerk, signed by not less than 15% of the registered voters of the township (according to the voting registration records at the time the petition is filed), requesting that the question of whether the board shall be granted authority to acquire property contiguous to the corporate boundaries of the municipality by condemnation be submitted to the voters of the township, then the question shall be submitted to those voters in the form of a proposition. The petition shall state the public question to be submitted and contain a common description of the territory proposed to be acquired in plain and nonlegal language. The description shall describe the territory by reference to streets, natural or artificial landmarks, addresses, or any other method that would enable a voter signing the petition to be informed of the territory proposed to be acquired.
    (c) The township clerk shall certify the proposition to the proper election officials, who shall submit the proposition to the voters of the township. The referendum shall appear on the ballot at the same election as the referendum required in Section 115-20. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, the referendum shall be conducted and notice given in accordance with the general election law. The question submitted to the voters at the election shall be in substantially the following form:
        Shall the Township Board of (name of township in a
county having a population of more than 250,000) have the authority to acquire by condemnation open land that is contiguous to the corporate boundaries of (name of municipality) for open space purposes?
The votes shall be recorded as "Yes" or "No".
    (d) The election authority shall include on the ballot the description of the territory proposed to be acquired as set forth in the petition. If the election authority determines that the description cannot be included within the space limitations of the ballot, the election authority shall prepare large printed copies of a notice of the public question that includes the description. The notice shall be prominently displayed in the polling place of each precinct in which the question is to be submitted.
    (e) If a majority of the voters voting at the election on the question vote in favor of the question, then the board may acquire by condemnation open land that is contiguous to the corporate boundaries of the municipality or municipalities and included in the open space plan recommended for adoption under Section 115-20.
    (f) If the corporate authorities of a municipality deny the board the authority to acquire by condemnation property that is contiguous to the municipality's boundaries and the referendum does not appear on the ballot at the election specified in this Section, or if the proposition fails to receive the vote of a majority of the voters voting on the proposition, then the board may not acquire the property by condemnation.
    (g) For purposes of this Section, "contiguous" means contiguous for purposes of annexation under Article 7 of the Illinois Municipal Code.
(Source: P.A. 91-641, eff. 8-20-99.)

60 ILCS 1/115-40

    (60 ILCS 1/115-40)
    Sec. 115-40. Later submission of proposition to include property. If in a township in a county having a population of more than 250,000 a parcel of land cannot be acquired by condemnation because it was not approved at an election under either Section 115-30 or 115-35, that parcel can again be included in a proposition only if (i) the procedures set forth in Section 115-15 relating to amendments that add property to existing open space plans have been followed and (ii) not less than 23 months have elapsed since the date of the election at which the voters failed to approve the acquisition of the parcel by condemnation.
(Source: P.A. 91-641, eff. 8-20-99.)

60 ILCS 1/115-45

    (60 ILCS 1/115-45)
    Sec. 115-45. Powers of township board. In any township in which the establishment of an open space program has been authorized by the voters under this Article, the township board, to the extent necessary to carry out the purposes of this Article and in addition to any other powers, duties, and functions vested in a township by law (but subject to limitations and restrictions imposed by this or another law), has the powers enumerated in the following Sections.
(Source: P.A. 82-783; 88-62.)

60 ILCS 1/115-50

    (60 ILCS 1/115-50)
    Sec. 115-50. Study; coordinated plan. The board may study and ascertain the open space resources and outdoor recreation facilities in the township, the need for preserving those resources and providing those facilities, and the extent to which those needs are being currently met. The board may prepare and adopt a coordinated plan of areas and facilities to meet those needs.
(Source: P.A. 79-472; 88-62.)

60 ILCS 1/115-55

    (60 ILCS 1/115-55)
    Sec. 115-55. (a) The board may acquire by gift, legacy, purchase, condemnation in the manner provided for the exercise of the right of eminent domain under the Eminent Domain Act and except as otherwise provided in this subsection, lease, agreement, or otherwise the fee or any lesser right or interest in real property that is open land and may hold that property with or without public access for open space, scenic roadway, pathway, outdoor recreation, or other conservation benefits. No township in a county having a population of more than 150,000 but not more than 250,000 has authority under this Article to acquire property by condemnation, and no other township has authority under this Article to acquire by condemnation (i) property that is used for farming or agricultural purposes; (ii) property that is situated within the corporate limits of a municipality or contiguous to one or more municipalities unless approval to acquire the property by condemnation is obtained under Section 115-30 or 115-35; (iii) property upon which development has commenced; or (iv) property owned by a religious organization, church, school, or charitable organization exempt from federal taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or similar provisions of any successor law, or any other organization controlled by or affiliated with such a religious organization, church, school, or charitable organization.
    (b) For purposes of this Section:
        (1)  "Development" of property is deemed to have
commenced if (i) at least 30 days before the filing of a petition under Section 115-10, an application for a preliminary plan or preliminary planned unit development has been filed with the applicable governmental entity or, if neither is required, a building permit has been obtained at least 30 days before the filing of a petition under Section 115-10; (ii) mass grading of the property has commenced; and (iii) within 180 days of the date the open space plan is recommended for approval by the board under Section 115-5 or by petition of the voters under Section 115-20, 115-30, or 115-35, the installation of public improvements has commenced.
        (2) "Contiguous" means contiguous for purposes of
annexation under Article 7 of the Illinois Municipal Code.
        (3) Real property is deemed used for farming or
agricultural purposes if it is more than 10 acres in area and devoted primarily to (i) the raising and harvesting of crops, (ii) the feeding, breeding, and management of livestock, (iii) dairying, or (iv) any other agricultural or horticultural use or combination of those uses, with the intention of securing substantial income from those activities, and has been so used for the 3 years immediately preceding the filing of a condemnation action. Real property used for farming or agricultural purposes includes land devoted to and qualifying for payments or other compensation under a soil conservation program under an agreement with an agency of the federal government and also includes the construction and use of dwellings and other buildings customarily associated with farming and agricultural uses when associated with those uses.
    (c) If a township's acquisitions of open land, or interests in open land when combined with other lands in the township held for open space purposes by other governmental entities, equals 30% of the total acreage of the township, then the township may not acquire additional open land by condemnation.
    (d) Any parcel of land that is included in an open space plan adopted by a township that has not been acquired by the township under this Section within 3 years, or within 2 years with respect to existing open space programs, after the later of (i) July 29, 1988, or (ii) the date of the passage of the referendum may not thereafter be acquired by condemnation by the township under this Section, except that if an action in condemnation to acquire the parcel is filed under this Section within that 3 year or 2 year period, as applicable, the parcel may be acquired by condemnation by the township notwithstanding the fact that the condemnation action may not be concluded within the 3 year or 2 year period, as applicable. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a parcel of land cannot be acquired by condemnation under subsection (a) because of its use for farming or agricultural purposes, the 3 year or 2 year period, as applicable, shall be tolled until the date the parcel ceases to be used for farming or agricultural purposes. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the fee or any lesser right or interest in real property that is open land may be acquired after the 3 year or 2 year period, as applicable, by any means authorized under subsection (a) other than condemnation.
(Source: P.A. 94-1055, eff. 1-1-07.)

60 ILCS 1/115-60

    (60 ILCS 1/115-60)
    Sec. 115-60. Classification of areas; structures. The board may classify, designate, plan, develop, preserve, administer, and maintain all areas, places, and facilities in which it has an interest and may construct, reconstruct, alter, and renew buildings and other structures and equip and maintain those buildings and other structures.
(Source: P.A. 79-472; 88-62.)