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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Updating the database of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (ILCS) is an ongoing process. Recent laws may not yet be included in the ILCS database, but they are found on this site as Public Acts soon after they become law. For information concerning the relationship between statutes and Public Acts, refer to the Guide.

Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.


55 ILCS 5/4-2005

    (55 ILCS 5/4-2005) (from Ch. 34, par. 4-2005)
    Sec. 4-2005. Payment of salaries; disposition of fees. The salaries of the State's attorneys, excepting that part which is to be paid out of the State treasury as now provided for by law, and the salaries of all Assistant State's attorneys shall be paid out of the general corporate fund of the county treasury of the county in which the State's attorney resides, on the order of the county board by the treasurer of the county: The fees which are now, or may hereafter, be provided by law to be paid by the defendant or defendants, as State's attorney's fees, shall be taxed as costs and all fees, fines, forfeitures and penalties shall be collected by the State's attorney, except as otherwise specifically provided by law, and shall be paid by him directly into the county treasury to be deposited into the general corporate fund of the county. The county treasurer shall receipt therefor.
(Source: P.A. 100-987, eff. 7-1-19.)

55 ILCS 5/4-2006

    (55 ILCS 5/4-2006) (from Ch. 34, par. 4-2006)
    Sec. 4-2006. Report of fees.
    (a) It is hereby made the duty of all State's attorneys to report to the circuit court at such times as the court shall determine by rule, the payment and collection of all fees, fines, forfeitures and penalties and to satisfy the court by voucher or otherwise, that all fees, fines, forfeitures and penalties by them collected, except as otherwise specifically provided by law, have been duly paid over to the county treasurer, as required by Section 4-2005, and the State's attorney shall have no further interest in conviction fees, fines, forfeitures and penalties or moneys collected by virtue of such office. The court shall note the filing of the report and fix a day certain not less than 30 days thereafter, when objections in writing may be filed to such report by any one or more taxpayers of the county, and when objections are filed to such report a hearing may be had upon such report and objections at such time and in such manner as the court may direct and after such hearing the court may approve or disapprove of such report as justice may require, and make all proper orders in reference thereto, and if no objections have been filed, the court shall inspect such report and require the State's attorney to produce evidence in proof of his having paid over as required by law all fines and forfeitures collected by him; and if it appears to the court that any State's attorney has failed or refused to turn over the fines and forfeitures collected by him as required by law the court shall at once suspend him and appoint a State's attorney pro tempore to perform the duties of the office until such State's attorney shall have complied with the provisions of this Division or the orders of the court in regard thereto. The court, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Section shall have the power to examine books and papers and to issue subpoenas to compel the appearance of persons and the production of books and records: Provided, however, no order entered under this Section shall be a bar to any proper proceedings against such State's attorney and his bondsman to require him to account for moneys collected and not paid over by him as required by law.
    (b) Waiver of report of fees. The filing of the report of fees as provided by subsection (a) of this Section may be waived by written administrative order of the chief judge of the circuit upon written request and affidavit of the State's attorney of a county within the circuit that all fines, fees, forfeitures, and restitution are collected by the clerk of the circuit court and that none of those funds pass through the office of the State's attorney.
(Source: P.A. 100-987, eff. 7-1-19.)

55 ILCS 5/Div. 4-3

    (55 ILCS 5/Div. 4-3 heading)
Division 4-3. Cook County State's Attorney - Compensation

55 ILCS 5/4-3001

    (55 ILCS 5/4-3001) (from Ch. 34, par. 4-3001)
    Sec. 4-3001. State's attorney; assistants.
    (a) The State's Attorney of Cook County shall be paid an annual salary of $75,000 until December 31, 1988, $90,000 until November 30, 1990, $100,000 until June 30, 1994, and $112,124 thereafter or as set by the Compensation Review Board, whichever is greater.
    Such sums shall be in full payment for all services rendered by him. Until July 1, 2011, the State shall furnish from the State treasury 66 2/3% of such salary in effect on December 31, 1988 and 100% of the increases in salary taking effect after December 31, 1988. Beginning on July 1, 2011, the Department of Revenue shall furnish from State funds appropriated to it out of the Personal Property Tax Replacement Fund or the General Revenue Fund for that purpose 66 2/3% of such salary in effect on December 31, 1988 and 100% of the increases in salary taking effect after December 31, 1988. Cook County shall furnish 33 1/3% of such salary in effect on December 31, 1988. The State's Attorney of Cook County may not engage in the private practice of law.
    (b) If Cook County chooses to participate in the subsidy program described in this subsection (b), 24 assistant state's attorneys shall be appointed for the prosecution of alcohol-related traffic offenses. Cook County shall annually receive a subsidy for the payment of the salaries and benefits of these assistant state's attorneys from State funds appropriated to the Department of Revenue out of the Personal Property Tax Replacement Fund or the General Revenue Fund for distribution to Cook County for that purpose. The amount of the subsidy shall equal $50,000 per assistant state's attorney appointed under this subsection, adjusted for inflation each July 1 using the Consumer Price Index of the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor. If in any year the amount appropriated for the purposes of this subsection (b) is insufficient, the annual subsidy shall be reduced accordingly.
    When and if Cook County chooses to participate in the subsidy program described in this subsection (b), the number of assistant state's attorneys who are prosecuting alcohol-related traffic offenses must increase by 24. These appointed assistant state's attorneys shall be in addition to any other assistant state's attorneys assigned to those cases on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly, and may not replace those assistant state's attorneys. Cook County assistant state's attorneys appointed and subsidized by this subsection (b) may also prosecute other types of misdemeanor cases at the direction of the Cook County State's Attorney.
(Source: P.A. 97-72, eff. 7-1-11.)