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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
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Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(70 ILCS 1290/) Park District Aquarium and Museum Act.

70 ILCS 1290/0.01

    (70 ILCS 1290/0.01) (from Ch. 105, par. 325h)
    Sec. 0.01. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Park District Aquarium and Museum Act.
(Source: P.A. 86-1324.)

70 ILCS 1290/1

    (70 ILCS 1290/1) (from Ch. 105, par. 326)
    (Text of Section before amendment by P.A. 103-933)
    Sec. 1. Erect, operate, and maintain aquariums and museums. The corporate authorities of cities and park districts having control or supervision over any public park or parks, including parks located on formerly submerged land, are hereby authorized to purchase, erect, and maintain within any such public park or parks edifices to be used as aquariums or as museums of art, industry, science, or natural or other history, including presidential libraries, centers, and museums, such aquariums and museums consisting of all facilities for their collections, exhibitions, programming, and associated initiatives, or to permit the directors or trustees of any corporation or society organized for the construction or maintenance and operation of an aquarium or museum as hereinabove described to erect, enlarge, ornament, build, rebuild, rehabilitate, improve, maintain, and operate its aquarium or museum within any public park now or hereafter under the control or supervision of any city or park district, and to contract with any such directors or trustees of any such aquarium or museum relative to the erection, enlargement, ornamentation, building, rebuilding, rehabilitation, improvement, maintenance, ownership, and operation of such aquarium or museum. Notwithstanding the previous sentence, a city or park district may enter into a lease for an initial term not to exceed 99 years, subject to renewal, allowing a corporation or society as hereinabove described to erect, enlarge, ornament, build, rebuild, rehabilitate, improve, maintain, and operate its aquarium or museum, together with grounds immediately adjacent to such aquarium or museum, and to use, possess, and occupy grounds surrounding such aquarium or museum as hereinabove described for the purpose of beautifying and maintaining such grounds in a manner consistent with the aquarium or museum's purpose, and on the conditions that (1) the public is allowed access to such grounds in a manner consistent with its access to other public parks, and (2) the city or park district retains a reversionary interest in any improvements made by the corporation or society on the grounds, including the aquarium or museum itself, that matures upon the expiration or lawful termination of the lease. It is hereby reaffirmed and found that the aquariums and museums as described in this Section, and their collections, exhibitions, programming, and associated initiatives, serve valuable public purposes, including, but not limited to, furthering human knowledge and understanding, educating and inspiring the public, and expanding recreational and cultural resources and opportunities. Any city or park district may charge, or permit such an aquarium or museum to charge, an admission fee. Any such aquarium or museum, however, shall be open without charge, when accompanied by a teacher, to the children in actual attendance upon grades kindergarten through twelve in any of the schools in this State at all times. In addition, except as otherwise provided in this Section, any such aquarium or museum must be open to persons who reside in this State without charge for a period equivalent to 52 days, at least 6 of which must be during the period from June through August, each year. Beginning on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly through June 30, 2022, any such aquarium or museum must be open to persons who reside in this State without charge for a period equivalent to 52 days, at least 6 of which must be during the period from June through August, 2021. Notwithstanding said provisions, charges may be made at any time for special services and for admission to special facilities within any aquarium or museum for the education, entertainment, or convenience of visitors. The proceeds of such admission fees and charges for special services and special facilities shall be devoted exclusively to the purposes for which the tax authorized by Section 2 hereof may be used. If any owner or owners of any lands or lots abutting or fronting on any such public park, or adjacent thereto, have any private right, easement, interest or property in such public park appurtenant to their lands or lots or otherwise, which would be interfered with by the erection and maintenance of any aquarium or museum as hereinbefore provided, or any right to have such public park remain open or vacant and free from buildings, the corporate authorities of the city or park district having control of such park, may condemn the same in the manner prescribed for the exercise of the right of eminent domain under the Eminent Domain Act. The changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly are declaratory of existing law and shall not be construed as a new enactment.
(Source: P.A. 101-640, eff. 6-12-20.)
    (Text of Section after amendment by P.A. 103-933)
    Sec. 1. Erect, operate, and maintain aquariums and museums. The corporate authorities of cities and park districts having control or supervision over any public park or parks, including parks located on formerly submerged land, are hereby authorized to purchase, erect, and maintain within any such public park or parks edifices to be used as aquariums or as museums of art, industry, science, or natural or other history, including presidential libraries, centers, and museums, such aquariums and museums consisting of all facilities for their collections, exhibitions, programming, and associated initiatives, or to permit the directors or trustees of any corporation or society organized for the construction or maintenance and operation of an aquarium or museum as hereinabove described to erect, enlarge, ornament, build, rebuild, rehabilitate, improve, maintain, and operate its aquarium or museum within any public park now or hereafter under the control or supervision of any city or park district, and to contract with any such directors or trustees of any such aquarium or museum relative to the erection, enlargement, ornamentation, building, rebuilding, rehabilitation, improvement, maintenance, ownership, and operation of such aquarium or museum. Notwithstanding the previous sentence, a city or park district may enter into a lease for an initial term not to exceed 99 years, subject to renewal, allowing a corporation or society as hereinabove described to erect, enlarge, ornament, build, rebuild, rehabilitate, improve, maintain, and operate its aquarium or museum, together with grounds immediately adjacent to such aquarium or museum, and to use, possess, and occupy grounds surrounding such aquarium or museum as hereinabove described for the purpose of beautifying and maintaining such grounds in a manner consistent with the aquarium or museum's purpose, and on the conditions that (1) the public is allowed access to such grounds in a manner consistent with its access to other public parks, and (2) the city or park district retains a reversionary interest in any improvements made by the corporation or society on the grounds, including the aquarium or museum itself, that matures upon the expiration or lawful termination of the lease. It is hereby reaffirmed and found that the aquariums and museums as described in this Section, and their collections, exhibitions, programming, and associated initiatives, serve valuable public purposes, including, but not limited to, furthering human knowledge and understanding, educating and inspiring the public, and expanding recreational and cultural resources and opportunities. Any city or park district may charge, or permit such an aquarium or museum to charge, an admission fee. Any such aquarium or museum, however, shall be open without charge, when accompanied by a teacher, to the children in actual attendance upon grades kindergarten through twelve in any of the schools in this State at all times. In addition, except as otherwise provided in this Section, any such aquarium or museum must be open to persons who reside in this State without charge for a period equivalent to 52 days, at least 6 of which must be during the period from June through August, each year. Beginning on the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 101st General Assembly through June 30, 2022, any such aquarium or museum must be open to persons who reside in this State without charge for a period equivalent to 52 days, at least 6 of which must be during the period from June through August, 2021. Any such museum shall be open without charge throughout the year to an Illinois resident who shows a driver's license or Illinois Identification Card containing a designation that the resident is a Gold Star Family member. Notwithstanding said provisions, charges may be made at any time for special services and for admission to special facilities within any aquarium or museum for the education, entertainment, or convenience of visitors. The proceeds of such admission fees and charges for special services and special facilities shall be devoted exclusively to the purposes for which the tax authorized by Section 2 hereof may be used. If any owner or owners of any lands or lots abutting or fronting on any such public park, or adjacent thereto, have any private right, easement, interest or property in such public park appurtenant to their lands or lots or otherwise, which would be interfered with by the erection and maintenance of any aquarium or museum as hereinbefore provided, or any right to have such public park remain open or vacant and free from buildings, the corporate authorities of the city or park district having control of such park, may condemn the same in the manner prescribed for the exercise of the right of eminent domain under the Eminent Domain Act. The changes made to this Section by this amendatory Act of the 99th General Assembly are declaratory of existing law and shall not be construed as a new enactment.
(Source: P.A. 103-933, eff. 1-1-25.)

70 ILCS 1290/1.5

    (70 ILCS 1290/1.5)
    Sec. 1.5. Eminent domain. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, any power granted under this Act to acquire property by condemnation or eminent domain is subject to, and shall be exercised in accordance with, the Eminent Domain Act.
(Source: P.A. 94-1055, eff. 1-1-07.)

70 ILCS 1290/2

    (70 ILCS 1290/2) (from Ch. 105, par. 327)
    Sec. 2. Maintenance tax - Limitations - Levy and collection. Each board of park commissioners, having control of a public park or parks within which there shall be maintained any aquarium or any museum or museums of art, industry, science or natural or other history under the provisions of this Act, is hereby authorized, subject to the provisions of Section 4 of this Act, to levy annually a tax not to exceed .03 per cent in park districts of less than 500,000 population and in districts of over 500,000 population not to exceed .15 percent of the full, fair cash value, as equalized or assessed by the Department of Revenue of taxable property embraced in said district, according to the valuation of the same as made for the purpose of State and county taxation by the general assessment last preceding the time when such tax hereby authorized shall be levied: Such tax to be for the purpose of establishing, acquiring, completing, erecting, enlarging, ornamenting, building, rebuilding, rehabilitating, improving, operating, maintaining and caring for such aquarium and museum or museums and the buildings and grounds thereof; and the proceeds of such additional tax shall be kept as a separate fund. Said tax shall be in addition to all other taxes which such board of park commissioners is now or hereafter may be authorized to levy on the aggregate valuation of all taxable property within the park district. Said tax shall be levied and collected in like manner as the general taxes for such parks and shall not be included within any limitation of rate for general park purposes as now or hereafter provided by law but shall be excluded therefrom and be in addition thereto and in excess thereof. Provided, further, that the foregoing limitations upon tax rates, insofar as they are applicable to park districts of less than 500,000 population, may be further increased or decreased according to the referendum provisions of the General Revenue Law of Illinois.
    Whenever the board of park commissioners of a park district of less than 500,000 population adopts a resolution that it shall levy and collect a tax for the purposes specified in this Section in excess of .03 percent but not to exceed .07 percent of the value of taxable property in the district, the board shall cause the resolution to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation within the district. If there is no such newspaper, the resolution shall be posted in at least 3 public places within the district. The publication or posting of the resolution shall include a notice of (1) the specific number of electors required to sign a petition requesting that the question of the adoption of the resolution be submitted to the electors of the district; (2) the time within which the petition must be filed; and (3) the date of the prospective referendum.
    The secretary of the park district shall provide a petition form to any individual requesting one.
    Any taxpayer in such district may, within 30 days after the first publication or posting of the resolution, file with the secretary of the park district a petition signed by not less than 10 percent or 1,500, whichever is lesser, of the electors of the district requesting that the following question be submitted to the electors of the district:
    "Shall the .... Park District be authorized to levy an annual tax in excess of .... but not to exceed .... as authorized in Section 2 of "An Act concerning aquariums and museums in public parks" for the purpose of establishing, acquiring, completing, erecting, enlarging, ornamenting, building, rebuilding, rehabilitating, improving, operating, maintaining and caring for such aquariums and museum or museums and the buildings and grounds thereof?" The secretary of the park district shall certify the proposition to the proper election authorities for submission to the electorate at a regular scheduled election in accordance with the general election law. If a majority of the electors voting on the proposition vote in favor thereof, such increased tax shall thereafter be authorized; if a majority of the vote is against such proposition, the previous maximum rate shall remain in effect until changed by law.
    Whenever the board of park commissioners of a park district of a population less than 500,000 adopts a resolution that it shall levy and collect a tax for the purposes specified in this Section in excess of 0.07% but not to exceed 0.15% of the value of taxable property in the district, the board shall cause the resolution to be published, at least once, in a newspaper of general circulation within the district. If there is no such newspaper, the resolution shall be posted in at least 3 public places within the district. A tax in excess of 0.07% may not be levied under this subsection until the question of levying the tax has been submitted to the electors of the park district at a regular election and approved by a majority of the electors voting on the question. The District must certify the question to the proper election authority, which must submit the question at an election in accordance with the Election Code. The election authority must submit the question in substantially the following form:
        "Shall the .... Park District be authorized to levy
an annual tax in excess of .... but not to exceed .... as authorized in Section 2 of "An Act concerning aquariums and museums in public parks" for the purpose of establishing, acquiring, completing, erecting, enlarging, ornamenting, building, rebuilding, rehabilitating, improving, operating, maintaining and caring for such aquariums and museum or museums and the buildings and grounds thereof?".
    If a majority of the electors voting on the proposition vote in favor thereof, such increased tax shall thereafter be authorized. If a majority of the electors vote against the proposition, the previous maximum rate shall remain in effect until changed by law.
(Source: P.A. 95-643, eff. 6-1-08.)