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Illinois Compiled Statutes

Information maintained by the Legislative Reference Bureau
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Because the statute database is maintained primarily for legislative drafting purposes, statutory changes are sometimes included in the statute database before they take effect. If the source note at the end of a Section of the statutes includes a Public Act that has not yet taken effect, the version of the law that is currently in effect may have already been removed from the database and you should refer to that Public Act to see the changes made to the current law.

(30 ILCS 425/) Build Illinois Bond Act.

30 ILCS 425/1

    (30 ILCS 425/1) (from Ch. 127, par. 2801)
    Sec. 1. Short Title. This Article (herein the "Act") shall be known and may be cited as the "Build Illinois Bond Act".
(Source: P.A. 84-111.)

30 ILCS 425/2

    (30 ILCS 425/2) (from Ch. 127, par. 2802)
    Sec. 2. Authorization for Bonds. The State of Illinois is authorized to issue, sell and provide for the retirement of limited obligation bonds, notes and other evidences of indebtedness of the State of Illinois in the total principal amount of $11,358,681,100 herein called "Bonds". Such amount of authorized Bonds shall be exclusive of any refunding Bonds issued pursuant to Section 15 of this Act and exclusive of any Bonds issued pursuant to this Section which are redeemed, purchased, advance refunded, or defeased in accordance with paragraph (f) of Section 4 of this Act. Bonds shall be issued for the categories and specific purposes expressed in Section 4 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 102-1071, eff. 6-10-22; 103-7, eff. 7-1-23; 103-591, eff. 7-1-24.)

30 ILCS 425/3

    (30 ILCS 425/3) (from Ch. 127, par. 2803)
    Sec. 3. Findings. The General Assembly hereby makes the following findings and determinations:
    (a) The issuance and sale of Bonds pursuant to this Act is an economical and efficient method of financing long-term capital needs, including certain of the purposes of the State, as set forth in Section 4 hereof.
    (b) This Act will permit the issuance of Bonds, from time to time, for various purposes and with varying terms, features and conditions in order to enhance marketability and lower interest costs incurred by the State. Subsection (a) of Section 6 of this Act authorizes the issuance, from time to time, of Bonds in one or more series, in such principal amounts, bearing interest at such fixed rates or variable rates and having such other terms and provisions as designated State officers may fix and determine pursuant to the authority delegated under this Act. Subsection (b) of Section 6 of this Act authorizes, in connection with the issuance of and as security for any series of Bonds, the purchase of bond or interest rate insurance, the establishment of credit and liquidity enhancement arrangements with financial institutions, and participation in interest rate swaps or guarantee agreements or other arrangements to limit interest rate risk.
    (c) The financing of the facilities and other purposes described in Section 4 of this Act through the issuance of Bonds will involve numerous expenditures over extended periods of time, all of which expenditures shall be made only pursuant to and in conformity with appropriations from Bond proceeds by the General Assembly prior to the making of such expenditures.
    (d) Determinations with respect to (i) advantageous timing and amounts of such expenditures for particular approved facilities or purposes, (ii) establishing an advantageous mix of short-term and long-term debt instruments under bond market conditions prevailing from time to time, and (iii) specific allocations of Bond proceeds to particular facilities and purposes should be based upon financial, engineering and construction management judgments made from time to time.
    (e) The State's ability to issue Bonds from time to time, without further action by the General Assembly, in separate series, in various principal amounts and with various interest rates, maturities, redemption provisions and other terms will enhance the State's opportunities to obtain such financing as needed, upon favorable terms.
    In order to provide for flexibility in meeting the financial, engineering and construction needs of the State and its agencies and departments and in order to provide continuing and adequate financing for the aforesaid purposes on favorable terms, the delegations of authority to the Governor, the Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget, the State Comptroller, the State Treasurer and other officers of the State which are contained in this Act are necessary and desirable because this General Assembly cannot itself as understandingly, advantageously, expeditiously or conveniently exercise such authority and make such specific determinations.
(Source: P.A. 93-839, eff. 7-30-04.)

30 ILCS 425/4

    (30 ILCS 425/4) (from Ch. 127, par. 2804)
    Sec. 4. Purposes of Bonds. Bonds shall be issued for the following purposes and in the approximate amounts as set forth below:
    (a) $4,741,094,533 for the expenses of issuance and sale of Bonds, including bond discounts, and for planning, engineering, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, development, improvement, demolition, and extension of the public infrastructure in the State of Illinois, including: the making of loans or grants to local governments for waste disposal systems, water and sewer line extensions and water distribution and purification facilities, rail or air or water port improvements, gas and electric utility extensions, publicly owned industrial and commercial sites, buildings used for public administration purposes and other public infrastructure capital improvements; the making of loans or grants to units of local government for financing and construction of wastewater facilities, including grants to serve unincorporated areas; refinancing or retiring bonds issued between January 1, 1987 and January 1, 1990 by home rule municipalities, debt service on which is provided from a tax imposed by home rule municipalities prior to January 1, 1990 on the sale of food and drugs pursuant to Section 8-11-1 of the Home Rule Municipal Retailers' Occupation Tax Act or Section 8-11-5 of the Home Rule Municipal Service Occupation Tax Act; the making of deposits not to exceed $70,000,000 in the aggregate into the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund to provide assistance in accordance with the provisions of Title IV-A of the Environmental Protection Act; the planning, engineering, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, alteration, expansion, extension and improvement of highways, bridges, structures separating highways and railroads, rest areas, interchanges, access roads to and from any State or local highway and other transportation improvement projects which are related to economic development activities; the making of loans or grants for planning, engineering, rehabilitation, improvement or construction of rail and transit facilities; the planning, engineering, acquisition, construction, reconstruction and improvement of watershed, drainage, flood control, recreation and related improvements and facilities, including expenses related to land and easement acquisition, relocation, control structures, channel work and clearing and appurtenant work; the planning, engineering, acquisition, construction, reconstruction and improvement of State facilities and related infrastructure; the making of Park and Recreational Facilities Construction (PARC) grants; the making of grants to units of local government for community development capital projects; the making of grants for improvement and development of zoos and park district field houses and related structures; and the making of grants for improvement and development of Navy Pier and related structures.
    (b) $3,554,636,967 for fostering economic development and increased employment and fostering the well being of the citizens of Illinois through community development, including: the making of grants for improvement and development of McCormick Place and related structures; the planning and construction of a microelectronics research center, including the planning, engineering, construction, improvement, renovation and acquisition of buildings, equipment and related utility support systems; the making of loans to businesses and investments in small businesses; acquiring real properties for industrial or commercial site development; acquiring, rehabilitating and reconveying industrial and commercial properties for the purpose of expanding employment and encouraging private and other public sector investment in the economy of Illinois; the payment of expenses associated with siting the Superconducting Super Collider Particle Accelerator in Illinois and with its acquisition, construction, maintenance, operation, promotion and support; the making of loans for the planning, engineering, acquisition, construction, improvement and conversion of facilities and equipment which will foster the use of Illinois coal; the payment of expenses associated with the promotion, establishment, acquisition and operation of small business incubator facilities and agribusiness research facilities, including the lease, purchase, renovation, planning, engineering, construction and maintenance of buildings, utility support systems and equipment designated for such purposes and the establishment and maintenance of centralized support services within such facilities; the making of grants for transportation electrification infrastructure projects that promote use of clean and renewable energy; the making of capital expenditures and grants for broadband development and for a statewide broadband deployment grant program; the making of grants to public entities and private persons and entities for community development capital projects; the making of grants to public entities and private persons and entities for capital projects in the context of grant programs focused on assisting economically depressed areas, expanding affordable housing, supporting the provision of human services, supporting emerging technology enterprises, fostering the advancement of quantum information science and technology, and supporting minority owned businesses; and the making of grants or loans to units of local government for Urban Development Action Grant and Housing Partnership programs.
    (c) $2,785,076,600 for the development and improvement of educational, scientific, technical and vocational programs and facilities and the expansion of health and human services for all citizens of Illinois, including: the making of grants to school districts and not-for-profit organizations for early childhood construction projects pursuant to Section 5-300 of the School Construction Law; the making of grants to educational institutions for educational, scientific, technical and vocational program equipment and facilities; the making of grants to museums for equipment and facilities; the making of construction and improvement grants and loans to public libraries and library systems; the making of grants and loans for planning, engineering, acquisition and construction of a new State central library in Springfield; the planning, engineering, acquisition and construction of an animal and dairy sciences facility; the planning, engineering, acquisition and construction of a campus and all related buildings, facilities, equipment and materials for Richland Community College; the acquisition, rehabilitation and installation of equipment and materials for scientific and historical surveys; the making of grants or loans for distribution to eligible vocational education instructional programs for the upgrading of vocational education programs, school shops and laboratories, including the acquisition, rehabilitation and installation of technical equipment and materials; the making of grants or loans for distribution to eligible local educational agencies for the upgrading of math and science instructional programs, including the acquisition of instructional equipment and materials; miscellaneous capital improvements for universities and community colleges including the planning, engineering, construction, reconstruction, remodeling, improvement, repair and installation of capital facilities and costs of planning, supplies, equipment, materials, services, and all other required expenses; the making of grants or loans for repair, renovation and miscellaneous capital improvements for privately operated colleges and universities and community colleges, including the planning, engineering, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, remodeling, improvement, repair and installation of capital facilities and costs of planning, supplies, equipment, materials, services, and all other required expenses; and the making of grants or loans for distribution to local governments for hospital and other health care facilities including the planning, engineering, acquisition, construction, reconstruction, remodeling, improvement, repair and installation of capital facilities and costs of planning, supplies, equipment, materials, services and all other required expenses.
    (d) $277,873,000 for protection, preservation, restoration and conservation of environmental and natural resources, including: the making of grants to soil and water conservation districts for the planning and implementation of conservation practices and for funding contracts with the Soil Conservation Service for watershed planning; the making of grants to units of local government for the capital development and improvement of recreation areas, including planning and engineering costs, sewer projects, including planning and engineering costs and water projects, including planning and engineering costs, and for the acquisition of open space lands, including the acquisition of easements and other property interests of less than fee simple ownership; the making of grants to units of local government through the Illinois Green Infrastructure Grant Program to protect water quality and mitigate flooding; the acquisition and related costs and development and management of natural heritage lands, including natural areas and areas providing habitat for endangered species and nongame wildlife, and buffer area lands; the acquisition and related costs and development and management of habitat lands, including forest, wildlife habitat and wetlands; and the removal and disposition of hazardous substances, including the cost of project management, equipment, laboratory analysis, and contractual services necessary for preventative and corrective actions related to the preservation, restoration and conservation of the environment, including deposits not to exceed $60,000,000 in the aggregate into the Hazardous Waste Fund and the Brownfields Redevelopment Fund for improvements in accordance with the provisions of Titles V and XVII of the Environmental Protection Act.
    (e) The amount specified in paragraph (a) above shall include an amount necessary to pay reasonable expenses of each issuance and sale of the Bonds, as specified in the related Bond Sale Order (hereinafter defined).
    (f) Any unexpended proceeds from any sale of Bonds which are held in the Build Illinois Bond Fund may be used to redeem, purchase, advance refund, or defease any Bonds outstanding.
(Source: P.A. 103-7, eff. 7-1-23; 103-591, eff. 7-1-24.)

30 ILCS 425/4.1

    (30 ILCS 425/4.1)
    Sec. 4.1. Re-authorization of deposits into the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund. The making of deposits into the Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund (now known as the Water Revolving Fund) to provide assistance in accordance with the provisions of Title IV-A of the Environmental Protection Act, in an aggregate amount not to exceed $70,000,000, which was originally authorized in Section 4 of this Act by Public Act 85-1135, is hereby re-authorized.
(Source: P.A. 91-52, eff. 6-30-99.)

30 ILCS 425/5

    (30 ILCS 425/5) (from Ch. 127, par. 2805)
    Sec. 5. Bond sale expenses.
    (a) Costs for advertising, printing, bond rating, travel of outside vendors, security, delivery, and legal and financial advisory services, initial fees of trustees, registrars, paying agents, and other fiduciaries, initial costs of credit or liquidity enhancement arrangements, initial fees of indexing and remarketing agents, and initial costs of interest rate swaps, guarantees, or arrangements to limit interest rate risk, as determined in the related Bond Sale Order, may be paid as reasonable costs of issuance and sale from the proceeds of each Bond sale. An amount not to exceed 1% of the principal amount of the proceeds of the sale of each bond sale is authorized to be used to pay additional reasonable costs of each issuance and sale of Bonds authorized and sold pursuant to this Act, including, without limitation, underwriter's discounts and fees, but excluding bond insurance; provided that no salaries of State employees or other State office operating expenses shall be paid out of non-appropriated proceeds. The Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall compile a summary of all costs of issuance on each sale (including both costs paid out of proceeds and those paid out of appropriated funds) and post that summary on its web site within 20 business days after the issuance of the bonds. The summary shall include, as applicable, the respective percentage of participation and compensation of each underwriter that is a member of the underwriting syndicate, legal counsel, financial advisors, and other professionals for the Bond issue, and an identification of all costs of issuance paid to minority-owned businesses, women-owned businesses, and businesses owned by persons with disabilities. The terms "minority-owned businesses", "women-owned businesses", and "business owned by a person with a disability" have the meanings given to those terms in the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities Act. The summary shall be posted on the website for a period of at least 30 days. In addition, the Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall provide a written copy of each summary of costs to the Speaker and Minority Leader of the House of Representatives, the President and Minority Leader of the Senate, and the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability within 20 business days after each issuance of the bonds. In addition, the Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall provide copies of all contracts under which any costs of issuance are paid or to be paid to the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability within 20 business days after the issuance of Bonds for which those costs are paid or to be paid. Instead of filing a second or subsequent copy of the same contract, the Governor's Office of Management and Budget may file a statement that specified costs are paid under specified contracts filed earlier with the Commission.
    (b) The Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall not, in connection with the issuance of Bonds, contract with any underwriter, financial advisor, or attorney unless that underwriter, financial advisor, or attorney certifies that the underwriter, financial advisor, or attorney has not and will not pay a contingent fee, whether directly or indirectly, to any third party for having promoted the selection of the underwriter, financial advisor, or attorney for that contract. In the event that the Governor's Office of Management and Budget determines that an underwriter, financial advisor, or attorney has filed a false certification with respect to the payment of contingent fees, the Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall not contract with that underwriter, financial advisor, or attorney, or with any firm employing any person who signed false certifications, for a period of 2 calendar years, beginning with the date the determination is made. The validity of Bonds issued under such circumstances of violation pursuant to this Section shall not be affected.
(Source: P.A. 103-7, eff. 7-1-23; 103-605, eff. 7-1-24.)

30 ILCS 425/6

    (30 ILCS 425/6) (from Ch. 127, par. 2806)
    Sec. 6. Conditions for issuance and sale of Bonds - requirements for Bonds - master and supplemental indentures - credit and liquidity enhancement.
    (a) Bonds shall be issued and sold from time to time, in one or more series, in such amounts and at such prices as directed by the Governor, upon recommendation by the Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget. Bonds shall be payable only from the specific sources and secured in the manner provided in this Act. Bonds shall be in such form, in such denominations, mature on such dates within 25 years from their date of issuance, be subject to optional or mandatory redemption, bear interest payable at such times and at such rate or rates, fixed or variable, and be dated as shall be fixed and determined by the Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget in an order authorizing the issuance and sale of any series of Bonds, which order shall be approved by the Governor and is herein called a "Bond Sale Order"; provided, however, that interest payable at fixed rates shall not exceed that permitted in "An Act to authorize public corporations to issue bonds, other evidences of indebtedness and tax anticipation warrants subject to interest rate limitations set forth therein", approved May 26, 1970, as now or hereafter amended, and interest payable at variable rates shall not exceed the maximum rate permitted in the Bond Sale Order. Said Bonds shall be payable at such place or places, within or without the State of Illinois, and may be made registrable as to either principal only or as to both principal and interest, as shall be specified in the Bond Sale Order. Bonds may be callable or subject to purchase and retirement or remarketing as fixed and determined in the Bond Sale Order. Bonds (i) except for refunding Bonds satisfying the requirements of Section 15 of this Act must be issued with principal or mandatory redemption amounts in equal amounts, with the first maturity issued occurring within the fiscal year in which the Bonds are issued or within the next succeeding fiscal year, except that Bonds issued during fiscal year 2025 may be issued with principal or mandatory redemption amounts in unequal amounts, and (ii) must mature or be subject to mandatory redemption each fiscal year thereafter up to 25 years, except for refunding Bonds satisfying the requirements of Section 15 of this Act and sold during fiscal year 2009, 2010, or 2011 which must mature or be subject to mandatory redemption each fiscal year thereafter up to 16 years.
    All Bonds authorized under this Act shall be issued pursuant to a master trust indenture ("Master Indenture") executed and delivered on behalf of the State by the Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget, such Master Indenture to be in substantially the form approved in the Bond Sale Order authorizing the issuance and sale of the initial series of Bonds issued under this Act. Such initial series of Bonds may, and each subsequent series of Bonds shall, also be issued pursuant to a supplemental trust indenture ("Supplemental Indenture") executed and delivered on behalf of the State by the Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget, each such Supplemental Indenture to be in substantially the form approved in the Bond Sale Order relating to such series. The Master Indenture and any Supplemental Indenture shall be entered into with a bank or trust company in the State of Illinois having trust powers and possessing capital and surplus of not less than $100,000,000. Such indentures shall set forth the terms and conditions of the Bonds and provide for payment of and security for the Bonds, including the establishment and maintenance of debt service and reserve funds, and for other protections for holders of the Bonds. The term "reserve funds" as used in this Act shall include funds and accounts established under indentures to provide for the payment of principal of and premium and interest on Bonds, to provide for the purchase, retirement or defeasance of Bonds, to provide for fees of trustees, registrars, paying agents and other fiduciaries and to provide for payment of costs of and debt service payable in respect of credit or liquidity enhancement arrangements, interest rate swaps or guarantees or financial futures contracts and indexing and remarketing agents' services.
    In the case of any series of Bonds bearing interest at a variable interest rate ("Variable Rate Bonds"), in lieu of determining the rate or rates at which such series of Variable Rate Bonds shall bear interest and the price or prices at which such Variable Rate Bonds shall be initially sold or remarketed (in the event of purchase and subsequent resale), the Bond Sale Order may provide that such interest rates and prices may vary from time to time depending on criteria established in such Bond Sale Order, which criteria may include, without limitation, references to indices or variations in interest rates as may, in the judgment of a remarketing agent, be necessary to cause Bonds of such series to be remarketable from time to time at a price equal to their principal amount (or compound accreted value in the case of original issue discount Bonds), and may provide for appointment of indexing agents and a bank, trust company, investment bank or other financial institution to serve as remarketing agent in that connection. The Bond Sale Order may provide that alternative interest rates or provisions for establishing alternative interest rates, different security or claim priorities or different call or amortization provisions will apply during such times as Bonds of any series are held by a person providing credit or liquidity enhancement arrangements for such Bonds as authorized in subsection (b) of Section 6 of this Act.
    (b) In connection with the issuance of any series of Bonds, the State may enter into arrangements to provide additional security and liquidity for such Bonds, including, without limitation, bond or interest rate insurance or letters of credit, lines of credit, bond purchase contracts or other arrangements whereby funds are made available to retire or purchase Bonds, thereby assuring the ability of owners of the Bonds to sell or redeem their Bonds. The State may enter into contracts and may agree to pay fees to persons providing such arrangements, but only under circumstances where the Director of the Bureau of the Budget (now Governor's Office of Management and Budget) certifies that he reasonably expects the total interest paid or to be paid on the Bonds, together with the fees for the arrangements (being treated as if interest), would not, taken together, cause the Bonds to bear interest, calculated to their stated maturity, at a rate in excess of the rate which the Bonds would bear in the absence of such arrangements. Any bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued pursuant to any such arrangements for the purpose of retiring and discharging outstanding Bonds shall constitute refunding Bonds under Section 15 of this Act. The State may participate in and enter into arrangements with respect to interest rate swaps or guarantees or financial futures contracts for the purpose of limiting or restricting interest rate risk; provided that such arrangements shall be made with or executed through banks having capital and surplus of not less than $100,000,000 or insurance companies holding the highest policyholder rating accorded insurers by A.M. Best & Co. or any comparable rating service or government bond dealers reporting to, trading with, and recognized as primary dealers by a Federal Reserve Bank and having capital and surplus of not less than $100,000,000, or other persons whose debt securities are rated in the highest long-term categories by both Moody's Investors' Services, Inc. and Standard & Poor's Corporation. Agreements incorporating any of the foregoing arrangements may be executed and delivered by the Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget on behalf of the State in substantially the form approved in the Bond Sale Order relating to such Bonds.
    (c) "Build America Bonds" in this Section means Bonds authorized by Section 54AA of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("Internal Revenue Code"), and bonds issued from time to time to refund or continue to refund "Build America Bonds".
(Source: P.A. 103-591, eff. 7-1-24.)

30 ILCS 425/7

    (30 ILCS 425/7) (from Ch. 127, par. 2807)
    Sec. 7. Execution of Bonds. Bonds shall be signed by the Governor and attested by the Secretary of State under the printed facsimile seal of the State and countersigned by the State Treasurer by his manual signature or by his duly authorized deputy. If Bonds are issued in registered form pursuant to the Registered Bond Act, the signatures of the Governor, the Secretary of State and the State Treasurer may be printed facsimile signatures. The Master Indenture or any Supplemental Indenture may also require that each Bond be authenticated by the manual signature of the trustee thereunder or of a registrar or paying agent. Unless Bonds are issued in fully registered form, interest coupons with facsimile signatures of the Governor, Secretary of State and State Treasurer may be attached to the Bonds. The fact that an officer whose signature or facsimile thereof appears on a Bond, interest coupon, indenture or agreement authorized under this Act no longer holds such office at the time the Bond, coupon, indenture or agreement is delivered shall not invalidate such Bond, coupon, indenture or agreement.
(Source: P.A. 84-111.)

30 ILCS 425/8

    (30 ILCS 425/8) (from Ch. 127, par. 2808)
    Sec. 8. Sale of Bonds. Bonds, except as otherwise provided in this Section, shall be sold from time to time pursuant to notice of sale and public bid or by negotiated sale in such amounts and at such times as are directed by the Governor, upon recommendation by the Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget. At least 25%, based on total principal amount, of all Bonds issued each fiscal year shall be sold pursuant to notice of sale and public bid. At all times during each fiscal year, no more than 75%, based on total principal amount, of the Bonds issued each fiscal year shall have been sold by negotiated sale. Failure to satisfy the requirements in the preceding 2 sentences shall not affect the validity of any previously issued Bonds; and further provided that refunding Bonds satisfying the requirements of Section 15 of this Act shall not be subject to the requirements in the preceding 2 sentences.
    The Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall comply in the selection of any bond counsel with the competitive request for proposal process set forth in the Illinois Procurement Code and all other applicable requirements of that Code. The Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget may select any financial advisor from a pool of qualified advisors established pursuant to a request for qualifications. If any Bonds, including refunding Bonds, are to be sold by negotiated sale, the Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall select any underwriters from a pool of qualified underwriters established pursuant to a request for qualifications.
    If Bonds are to be sold pursuant to notice of sale and public bid, the Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget may, from time to time, as Bonds are to be sold, advertise the sale of the Bonds in at least 2 daily newspapers, one of which is published in the City of Springfield and one in the City of Chicago. The sale of the Bonds shall be advertised in the BidBuy eProcurement System or any successor procurement platform maintained by the Chief Procurement Officer for General Services, and shall be published once at least 10 days prior to the date fixed for the opening of the bids. The Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget may reschedule the date of sale upon the giving of such additional notice as the Director deems adequate to inform prospective bidders of the change; provided, however, that all other conditions of the sale shall continue as originally advertised. Executed Bonds shall, upon payment therefor, be delivered to the purchaser, and the proceeds of Bonds shall be paid into the State Treasury as directed by Section 9 of this Act. The Governor or the Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver contracts of sale with underwriters and to execute and deliver such certificates, indentures, agreements and documents, including any supplements or amendments thereto, and to take such actions and do such things as shall be necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes of this Act. Any action authorized or permitted to be taken by the Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget pursuant to this Act is hereby authorized to be taken by any person specifically designated by the Governor to take such action in a certificate signed by the Governor and filed with the Secretary of State.
(Source: P.A. 103-7, eff. 7-1-23.)

30 ILCS 425/8.3

    (30 ILCS 425/8.3)
    Sec. 8.3. Compliance with the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities Act. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall comply with the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities Act.
(Source: P.A. 100-391, eff. 8-25-17.)

30 ILCS 425/8.5

    (30 ILCS 425/8.5)
    Sec. 8.5. Truth in borrowing disclosures.
    (a) Within 20 business days after the issuance of any Bonds under this Act, the Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall publish a truth in borrowing disclosure that discloses the total principal and interest payments to be paid on the Bonds over the full stated term of the Bonds. The disclosure also shall include principal and interest payments to be made by each fiscal year over the full stated term of the Bonds and total principal and interest payments to be made by each fiscal year on all other outstanding Bonds issued under this Act over the full stated terms of those Bonds.
    (b) Within 20 business days after the issuance of any refunding bonds under Section 15 of this Act, the Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall publish a truth in borrowing disclosure that discloses the estimated present-valued savings to be obtained through the refunding, in total and by each fiscal year that the refunding Bonds may be outstanding.
    (c) The disclosures required in subsections (a) and (b) shall be published by posting the disclosures for no less than 30 days on the web site of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget and by providing the disclosures in written form to the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability. These disclosures shall be calculated assuming Bonds are not redeemed or refunded prior to their stated maturities. Amounts included in these disclosures as payment of interest on variable rate Bonds shall be computed at an interest rate equal to the rate at which the variable rate Bonds are first set upon issuance, plus 2.5%, after taking into account any credits permitted in the related indenture or other instrument against the amount of such interest for each fiscal year. Amounts included in these disclosures as payments of interest shall include those amounts paid pursuant to arrangements authorized pursuant to subsection (b) of Section 6 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 93-839, eff. 7-30-04; 93-1067, eff. 1-15-05.)

30 ILCS 425/9

    (30 ILCS 425/9) (from Ch. 127, par. 2809)
    Sec. 9. Allocation of Proceeds from Sale of Bonds. Proceeds from the sale of Bonds (other than refunding Bonds) shall be deposited in the separate fund in the State Treasury known as the Build Illinois Bond Fund and shall be expended only pursuant to appropriation by the General Assembly. Proceeds to be deposited into any debt service or reserve funds as may be required under any trust indenture shall be paid from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to the trustee under the trust indenture specified in the Bond Sale Order at the time of the delivery of the Bonds as directed in the Bond Sale Order. Accrued interest paid to the State at the time of the delivery of any series of Bonds shall be deposited into the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund in the State Treasury and shall be paid immediately from that Fund to the trustee under the trust indenture specified in the Bond Sale Order.
(Source: P.A. 93-839, eff. 7-30-04.)

30 ILCS 425/10

    (30 ILCS 425/10) (from Ch. 127, par. 2810)
    Sec. 10. Appropriation of Proceeds from Sale of Bonds. Accrued interest paid to the State at the time of the delivery of any series of Bonds and any other proceeds from the sale of Bonds issued pursuant to this Act to make deposits into debt service or reserve funds as may be required under any trust indenture are hereby appropriated and authorized to be expended as provided in this Act and in any trust indentures delivered pursuant to this Act. This Act shall constitute an irrevocable and continuing appropriation of all amounts necessary for such purposes and the irrevocable and continuing authority for and direction to the State Treasurer and the Comptroller to make the necessary transfers and deposits, as directed in the Bond Sale Order. All other proceeds are, at all times, subject to appropriation by the General Assembly and may be obligated or expended only with the written approval of the Governor in such amounts, at such times, and for such purposes as contemplated in such appropriations and in Section 4 of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 86-44.)

30 ILCS 425/11

    (30 ILCS 425/11) (from Ch. 127, par. 2811)
    Sec. 11. Repayment.
    (a) To provide for the repayment of Bonds and required deposits into reserve funds required to be maintained as security for the Bonds, the Governor shall include an appropriation in each annual State Budget of moneys in the following amounts for the following fiscal years 1986 through 1993:
Fiscal YearAmount Appropriated
    To provide for the repayment of Bonds in fiscal years 1994 and thereafter, the Governor shall include an appropriation in each annual State Budget of moneys in such amount as shall be necessary and sufficient, for the period covered by such Budget, to pay the interest, as it shall accrue, on all Bonds issued under this Act, to pay and discharge the principal of such Bonds, including any sinking fund redemptions, as shall fall due during such period, to pay the premium, if any, on Bonds to be redeemed prior to maturity and to make required deposits to any reserve funds required to be maintained as security for Bonds or for the purpose of retiring or defeasing Bonds, including any replenishments in the event of deficiencies in any reserve funds; provided, however, that amounts included in such appropriations for payment of interest on Variable Rate Bonds shall be the maximum amounts of interest which may be payable for the period covered by such Budget after taking into account any credits permitted in the related indenture against the amount of such interest required to be appropriated for such period; and, further provided that such appropriated amount shall not be less than the Annual Specified Amount (as defined in Section 3 of the "Retailers' Occupation Tax Act", as amended) for any such fiscal year.
    (b) A separate fund in the State Treasury called the "Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund" is hereby created.
    (c) The General Assembly shall annually make appropriations to pay the principal of and interest and premium, if any, on the Bonds sold under this Act and to make required deposits into reserve funds required to be maintained as security for the Bonds from the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund in the following amounts for the following fiscal years 1986 through 1993:
Fiscal YearAmount Appropriated
    To provide for the repayment of the Bonds and required reserve fund deposits in fiscal years 1994 and thereafter the General Assembly shall annually make appropriations from the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund in such amounts as shall be necessary and sufficient to pay the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds coming due in each such fiscal year, including any sinking fund redemptions, and to make required deposits to reserve funds for the purpose of securing Bonds or retiring or defeasing Bonds, including replenishment of any deficiencies therein; provided, however, that amounts included in such appropriations for payment of interest on Variable Rate Bonds shall be the maximum amounts of interest which may be payable during such fiscal year after taking into account any credits permitted in the related indenture against the amount of such interest required to be appropriated for such period; and, further provided, that such appropriated amount shall not be less than the Annual Specified Amount for any such fiscal year. If for any reason the State Treasurer and Comptroller fail to (i) credit amounts to the Build Illinois Bond Account (the "Build Illinois Bond Account") in the Build Illinois Fund in the State Treasury created under Section 6z-9 of "An Act in relation to State finance", approved June 10, 1919, as amended, (the "Finance Act") as required by Sections 6z-9 and 8.25 of the Finance Act or (ii) make transfers to the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund from the Build Illinois Bond Account as required by Section 8.25 of the Finance Act or (iii) make payments from the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund to the trustee under the Master Indenture as required by Section 13 of this Act, or if for any reason the General Assembly fails to make appropriations from the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund sufficient to pay the principal of and interest and premium, if any, on the Bonds, as the same by their terms shall become due, and to make required deposits into reserve funds required to be maintained as security for the Bonds or to retire or defease Bonds, including replenishment of any deficiencies, this Act shall constitute an irrevocable and continuing appropriation of all amounts necessary for all of the above purposes, and the irrevocable and continuing authority for and direction to the State Treasurer and the Comptroller to make the necessary transfers and deposits, as directed by the Governor, from the sources specified in Sections 6z-9 and 8.25 of the Finance Act to the Build Illinois Bond Account and from the Build Illinois Bond Account to the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund and to make the necessary payments from the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund to the trustee under the Master Indenture.
(Source: P.A. 91-53, eff. 6-30-99.)

30 ILCS 425/12

    (30 ILCS 425/12) (from Ch. 127, par. 2812)
    Sec. 12. Bonds as Limited Obligations of the State. The Governor, on behalf of the State, is authorized to direct the trustee under the Master Indenture securing the outstanding Bonds to pay to the General Revenue Fund on June 15, 1994, and each June 15th thereafter, all of the moneys on deposit in the General Reserve Fund held under the Master Indenture for the purpose of making distributive school aid payments in accordance with Section 18-11 of the School Code; provided that such direction shall be in compliance with the Master Indenture. All Bonds issued in accordance with this Act shall be direct, limited obligations of the State of Illinois payable solely from and secured by an irrevocable, first priority pledge of and lien on moneys on deposit in (a) the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund and (b) any fund or account maintained pursuant to any trust indenture securing any Bonds to the extent so provided in such indenture; provided, however, that Bonds of any series may be secured on a parity basis with, or on a senior or junior basis with respect to, any other series of Bonds as provided in the Bond Sale Order and trust indenture relating to such series. The State of Illinois hereby pledges the tax revenues and other moneys from whatever source which by law are required to be deposited into the Build Illinois Fund for the purposes of making transfers to and payments from the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund as required by Sections 6z-9 and 8.25 of the Finance Act, such pledge constituting a first and prior claim against and charge on such tax revenues and other moneys. The Bonds are not general obligations of the State and are not secured by a pledge of the full faith and credit of the State and, except as specifically provided in this Act and Sections 6z-9 and 8.25 of the Finance Act, the holders of Bonds may not require the levy or imposition of any taxes or the application of other State revenues or funds to the payment of Bonds. Each Bond shall describe the limited nature of the State's obligation on the face thereof. The Bonds shall be securities appropriate and acceptable for collateral as described in Section 6 of "An Act relating to certain investments of public funds by public agencies", approved July 23, 1943, as amended, or in any similar act providing for the collateralization of public funds.
    The Bonds are hereby made securities in which all public officers and bodies of the State and all political subdivisions of the State and other persons carrying on an insurance business, all banks, bankers, trust companies, saving banks and savings associations, including savings and loan associations, building and loan associations, investment companies and other persons carrying on a banking business, all credit unions, pension funds, administrators, and guardians who are now or may hereafter be authorized to invest in bonds or in other obligations of the State, may properly and legally invest funds, including capital, in their control or belonging to them. The Bonds are also hereby made securities which may be deposited with and may be received by all public officers and bodies of the State and all political subdivisions of the State and public corporations for any purpose for which the deposit of bonds or other obligations of the State is now or may hereafter be authorized.
(Source: P.A. 87-14; 87-860; 88-85.)

30 ILCS 425/13

    (30 ILCS 425/13) (from Ch. 127, par. 2813)
    Sec. 13. Computation of principal and interest; transfer from Build Illinois Bond Account; payment from Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund. Upon each delivery of Bonds authorized to be issued under this Act, the trustee under the Master Indenture shall compute and certify to the Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget, the Comptroller and the Treasurer (a) the total amount of the principal of and the interest and the premium, if any, on the Bonds then being issued and on Bonds previously issued and outstanding that will be payable in order to retire such Bonds at their stated maturities or mandatory sinking fund payment dates and (b) the amount of principal of and interest and premium, if any, on such Bonds that will be payable on each principal, interest and mandatory sinking fund payment date according to the tenor of such Bonds during the then current and each succeeding fiscal year. Such certifications shall include with respect to interest payable on Variable Rate Bonds the maximum amount of interest which may be payable for the relevant period after taking into account any credits permitted in the related indenture against the amount of such interest required to be appropriated for such period pursuant to subsection (c) of Section 11 of this Act.
    On or before June 20, 1993 and on or before each June 20 thereafter so long as Bonds remain outstanding, the trustee under the Master Indenture shall deliver to the Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget (formerly Bureau of the Budget), the Comptroller and the Treasurer a certificate setting forth the "Certified Annual Debt Service Requirement" (hereinafter defined) for the next succeeding fiscal year. If Bonds are issued subsequent to the delivery of any such certificate, upon the issuance of such Bonds the trustee under the Master Indenture shall deliver a supplemental certificate setting forth the revisions, if any, in the Certified Annual Debt Service Requirement resulting from the issuance of such Bonds. The "Certified Annual Debt Service Requirement" for any fiscal year shall be an amount equal to (a) the aggregate amount of principal, interest and premium, if any, payable on outstanding Bonds during such fiscal year plus (b) the amount required to be deposited into any reserve fund securing such Bonds or for the purpose of retiring or defeasing such Bonds plus (c) the amount of any deficiencies in required transfers of amounts described in clauses (a) and (b) for any prior fiscal year, minus (d) the amount, if any, of such interest to be paid from Bond proceeds on deposit under any indenture; provided, however, that interest payable on Variable Rate Bonds shall be calculated at the maximum rate of interest which may be payable during such fiscal year after taking into account any credits permitted in the related indenture against the amount of such interest required to be appropriated for such period pursuant to subsection (c) of Section 11 of this Act.
    In each month during fiscal years 1986 through 1993, the State Treasurer and Comptroller shall transfer, on the last day of such month, from the Build Illinois Bond Account to the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund and shall make payment from the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund to the trustee under the Master Indenture of an amount equal to 1/12 of 150% of the amount set forth below for each such fiscal year, plus any cumulative deficiency in such transfers and payments for prior months; provided that such transfers shall commence in October, 1985 and such amounts for fiscal year 1986 shall equal 1/9 of 150% of the amount set forth below for such fiscal year:
Fiscal YearAmount
provided that payments of such amounts from the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund to the trustee under the Master Indenture shall commence on the last day of the month in which Bonds are initially issued under this Act; and, further provided, that the first such payment to said trustee shall equal the entire amount then on deposit in the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund; and, further provided, that the aggregate amount of transfers and payments for any such fiscal year shall not exceed the amount set forth above for such fiscal year.
    In each month in which Bonds are outstanding during fiscal year 1994 and each fiscal year thereafter, the State Treasurer and Comptroller shall transfer, on the last day of such month, (i) with respect to Bonds constituting bonds issued pursuant to the bond authorization under this Act enacted pursuant to Public Act 96-36 and this amendatory Act of the 103rd General Assembly (and any refunding Bonds issued to refund such Bonds), first from the Capital Projects Fund and second, if needed, from the Build Illinois Bond Account and (ii) with respect to all other Bonds not described in clause (i), from the Build Illinois Bond Account, in each case, to the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund and shall make payment from the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund to the trustee under the Master Indenture of an amount equal to the greater of (a) 1/12th of 150% of the Certified Annual Debt Service Requirement or (b) the Tax Act Amount (as defined in Section 3 of the "Retailers' Occupation Tax Act", as amended) deposited in the Build Illinois Bond Account during such month, plus any cumulative deficiency in such transfers and payments for prior months; provided that such transfers and payments for any such fiscal year shall not exceed the greater of (a) the Certified Annual Debt Service Requirement or (b) the Tax Act Amount.
(Source: P.A. 103-591, eff. 7-1-24.)

30 ILCS 425/14

    (30 ILCS 425/14) (from Ch. 127, par. 2814)
    Sec. 14. State Covenant. The State of Illinois irrevocably covenants and agrees with the holders of Bonds issued pursuant to this Act that the State will not limit or alter (a) the basis on which the taxes and revenues of the State are required to be collected and deposited in the Build Illinois Fund created under "An Act in relation to State finance", approved June 10, 1919, as amended, pursuant to Section 6z-9 of that Act and to be credited to and transferred from the Build Illinois Bond Account pursuant to Section 8.25 of that Act; (b) the basis on which transfers of amounts credited to the Build Illinois Bond Account are required to be made to the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund; (c) the purposes of the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund; or (d) the provisions of this Section 14, or of Sections 11, 12 and 13 of this Act or the provisions of Sections 6z-9 or 8.25 of "An Act in relation to State finance", approved June 10, 1919, as amended, so as to impair, in any of the foregoing respects, the obligations of contract incurred by the State in favor of the holders of Bonds issued under this Act. The covenant and agreement set forth in this Section may be included in any Bond Sale Order, trust indenture, agreement or Bond authorized under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 84-111.)

30 ILCS 425/15

    (30 ILCS 425/15) (from Ch. 127, par. 2815)
    Sec. 15. Refunding Bonds. Refunding Bonds are hereby authorized for the purpose of refunding any outstanding Bonds, including the payment of any redemption premium thereon, any reasonable expenses of such refunding, and any interest accrued or to accrue to the earliest or any subsequent date of redemption or maturity of outstanding Bonds; provided that no refunding Bonds shall be offered for sale unless the net present value of debt service savings to be achieved by the issuance of the refunding Bonds is 3% or more of the principal amount of the refunded Bonds or the principal amount of the refunding Bonds to be issued; and further provided that refunding Bonds shall mature within the term of the Bonds being refunded in compliance with paragraph (e) of Section 9 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution of 1970.
    Refunding Bonds may be sold in such amounts and at such times, as directed by the Governor upon recommendation by the Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget. The Governor shall notify the State Treasurer and Comptroller of such refunding. The proceeds received from the sale of refunding Bonds shall be used for the retirement at maturity or redemption of such outstanding Bonds on any maturity or redemption date and, pending such use, shall be placed in escrow, subject to such terms and conditions as shall be provided for in the Bond Sale Order relating to the refunding Bonds. This Act shall constitute an irrevocable and continuing appropriation of all amounts necessary to establish an escrow account for the purpose of refunding outstanding Bonds and to pay the reasonable expenses of such refunding and of the issuance and sale of the refunding Bonds. Any such escrowed proceeds may be invested and reinvested in direct obligations of the United States of America, maturing at such time or times as shall be appropriate to assure the prompt payment, when due, of the principal of and interest and redemption premium, if any, on the refunded Bonds. After the terms of the escrow have been fully satisfied, any remaining balance of such proceeds and interest, income and profits earned or realized on the investments thereof shall be paid into the General Revenue Fund. The liability of the State upon the refunded Bonds shall continue, provided that the holders thereof shall thereafter be entitled to payment only out of the moneys deposited in the escrow account and the refunded Bonds shall be deemed paid, discharged and no longer to be outstanding.
    Except as otherwise herein provided in this Section, such refunding Bonds shall in all other respects be issued pursuant to and subject to the terms and conditions of this Act and shall be secured by and payable from only the funds and sources which are provided under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 102-16, eff. 6-17-21; 103-7, eff. 7-1-23.)

30 ILCS 425/16

    (30 ILCS 425/16) (from Ch. 127, par. 2816)
    Sec. 16. Compel Payment - Remedies of Bondholders. If the State fails to pay the principal of or interest on any of the Bonds or premium, if any, as the same become due, a civil action to compel payment may be instituted in the Supreme Court of Illinois as a court of original jurisdiction by the holder or holders of the Bonds on which such default of payment exists or by an indenture trustee acting on behalf of such holders. Delivery of a summons and a copy of the complaint to the Attorney General shall constitute sufficient service to give the Supreme Court of Illinois jurisdiction of the subject matter of such a suit and jurisdiction over the State and its officers named as defendants for the purpose of compelling such payment. Any case, controversy or cause of action concerning the validity of this Act relates to the revenue of the State of Illinois.
    If the Supreme Court of Illinois denies the holder or holders of Bonds or an indenture trustee acting on their behalf leave to file an original action in the Supreme Court, the Bond holder or holders or such indenture trustee may bring the action in the Circuit Court of Sangamon County.
(Source: P.A. 84-111.)

30 ILCS 425/17

    (30 ILCS 425/17) (from Ch. 127, par. 2817)
    Sec. 17. Investment of Money Not Needed for Current Expenditures - Application of Earnings.
    (a) The State Treasurer may, with the Governor's approval, invest and reinvest any moneys on deposit in the Build Illinois Bond Fund and the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund in the State Treasury which are not needed for current expenditures due or about to become due from such funds. Earnings or interest income from investments in the Build Illinois Bond Fund shall be deposited by the State Treasurer in the General Revenue Fund. Earnings or interest income from investments in the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund shall be deposited in the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund. Upon the direction of the Governor or his authorized representative, the State Treasurer and Comptroller shall transfer from the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund all such earnings or interest income derived from investments in the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund to the trustee under the Master Indenture.
    (b) Moneys in the Build Illinois Bond Fund may be invested as permitted in "An Act in relation to State moneys", approved June 28, 1919, as amended, and in "An Act relating to certain investments of public funds by public agencies", approved July 23, 1943, as amended. Moneys on deposit in the Build Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund may be invested in securities constituting direct obligations of the United States Government, or in obligations the principal of and interest on which are guaranteed by the United States Government, or in certificates of deposit of any state or national bank which are fully secured by obligations of, or guaranteed as to principal and interest by, the United States Government. Moneys on deposit with indenture trustees shall be invested in accordance with the above laws and the provisions of the respective indentures.
(Source: P.A. 98-674, eff. 6-30-14.)