Illinois General Assembly - Senate Committee Bills
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Bills Assigned To Rules
103rd General Assembly
MembersNotice of HearingBills 
Bill # Sponsor ABR - Short Description Last Action Date
SB 2 (SFA 1)Richard J. Winkel, Jr. Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules5/10/2005
SB 42 (SCA 1)John O. Jones Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 70 (SCA 1)William R. Haine Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules2/8/2005
SB 77 (SCA 1)Debbie DeFrancesco Halvorson Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 79 (HCA 1) House Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Referred to Rules; 3-9(b).7/1/2005
SB 85 (SCA 1)Donne E. Trotter Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules2/22/2005
SB 85 (SCA 2)Donne E. Trotter Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 107 (SCA 1)Dale A. Righter Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 107 (SCA 2)Dale A. Righter Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 116 (SCA 1)Iris Y. Martinez Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 125 (SCA 1)Susan Garrett Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 132 (SCA 1)Deanna Demuzio Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 140 (SCA 1)Carol Ronen Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 154 (SCA 1)Pamela J. Althoff Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 158 (HFA 1) House Floor Amendment No. 1 House Recedes 113-000-00011/2/2005
SB 177 (SFA 1)Iris Y. Martinez Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules4/11/2005
SB 178 (SFA 1)Jeffrey M. Schoenberg Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules4/8/2005
SB 178 (SFA 2)Jeffrey M. Schoenberg Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules4/11/2005
SB 203 (SCA 1)John J. Cullerton Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 204 (SCA 1)Martin A. Sandoval Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 218 (SFA 1)John M. Sullivan Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 227 (SCA 1)Edward D. Maloney Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 257 (SFA 1)Don Harmon Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 276 (SCA 1)John J. Cullerton Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 276 (SCA 2)John J. Cullerton Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules4/13/2005
SB 276 (SCA 3)George P. Shadid Senate Committee Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 276 (SFA 4)William R. Haine Senate Floor Amendment No. 4 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 276 (SFA 5)David Luechtefeld Senate Floor Amendment No. 5 Referred to Rules5/13/2005
SB 278 (SCA 1)William R. Haine Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 278 (SCA 2)William R. Haine Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules3/16/2005
SB 278 (SFA 3)William R. Haine Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules4/11/2005
SB 280 (SCA 1)John J. Cullerton Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 285 (SCA 1)James T. Meeks Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 314 (SFA 1)John J. Cullerton Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules3/31/2005
SB 330 (SCA 1)Larry K. Bomke Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 342 (SCA 1)John M. Sullivan Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 392 (SFA 1)James A. DeLeo Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 392 (SFA 2)James A. DeLeo Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules2/9/2006
SB 425 (SCA 1)Mattie Hunter Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 442 (SCA 1)John J. Cullerton Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 453 (SFA 1)John J. Cullerton Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 467 (SFA 1)William R. Haine Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 467 (SFA 2)William R. Haine Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 477 (HCA 1) House Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 495 (SCA 1)Wendell E. Jones Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 499 (SCA 1)Steven J. Rauschenberger Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules2/17/2005
SB 536 (SCA 1)Dan Rutherford Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 547 (SCA 1)Iris Y. Martinez Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 595 (SFA 1)Emil Jones, Jr. Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)12/5/2005
SB 602 (SFA 1)Bill Brady Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules5/13/2005
SB 618 (SFA 1)M. Maggie Crotty Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Re-referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).6/4/2006
SB 618 (SFA 2)Kirk W. Dillard Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules3/28/2006
SB 618 (SFA 3)Kirk W. Dillard Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules3/28/2006
SB 620 (SFA 1)Terry Link Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules5/13/2005
SB 625 (SFA 1)Emil Jones, Jr. Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules5/13/2005
SB 629 (SCA 1)Deanna Demuzio Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 629 (SCA 2)Deanna Demuzio Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 629 (SFA 3)Deanna Demuzio Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules4/12/2005
SB 638 (SFA 1)Mike Jacobs Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules10/24/2005
SB 677 (SFA 1)Don Harmon Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 678 (SFA 1)Don Harmon Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 678 (SFA 2)Don Harmon Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 679 (SFA 1)James A. DeLeo Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Re-referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).6/4/2006
SB 700 (SFA 1)Terry Link Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules10/25/2005
SB 750 (SCA 1)Richard J. Winkel, Jr. Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules3/3/2005
SB 750 (SFA 3)James T. Meeks Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 750 (SFA 4)James T. Meeks Senate Floor Amendment No. 4 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 750 (SFA 5)Richard J. Winkel, Jr. Senate Floor Amendment No. 5 Referred to Rules5/10/2005
SB 809 (SFA 1)Debbie DeFrancesco Halvorson Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules10/25/2005
SB 809 (SFA 2)Debbie DeFrancesco Halvorson Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)12/5/2005
SB 811 (SFA 1)Larry K. Bomke Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules5/4/2005
SB 836 (SFA 1)James F. Clayborne, Jr. Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Re-referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).6/4/2006
SB 836 (SFA 2)James F. Clayborne, Jr. Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Re-referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).12/31/2006
SB 851 (SFA 1)Jacqueline Y. Collins Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 854 (SFA 1)Martin A. Sandoval Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules2/24/2006
SB 854 (SFA 2)Martin A. Sandoval Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Re-referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).6/4/2006
SB 854 (SFA 3)Dale E. Risinger Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules4/5/2006
SB 856 (SFA 1)Kimberly A. Lightford Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 858 (HFA 1) House Floor Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).12/31/2006
SB 881 (SFA 1)Martin A. Sandoval Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Re-referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).6/4/2006
SB 920 (SFA 1)Jeffrey M. Schoenberg Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 928 (SFA 1)Gary Forby Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Re-referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).6/4/2006
SB 944 (SFA 1)James F. Clayborne, Jr. Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules4/11/2005
SB 999 (SFA 1)Jeffrey M. Schoenberg Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Re-referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).6/4/2006
SB 1026 (SFA 1)John J. Cullerton Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 1029 (SFA 1)Terry Link Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules5/4/2006
SB 1031 (SFA 1)James A. DeLeo Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 1035 (SFA 1)Deanna Demuzio Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules5/13/2005
SB 1066 (SCA 1)Martin A. Sandoval Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 1121 (SFA 1)Emil Jones, Jr. Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules5/24/2005
SB 1123 (SFA 1)Antonio Munoz Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 1138 (SFA 1)Mattie Hunter Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b).7/1/2005
SB 1188 (SFA 1)Bill Brady Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules5/13/2005
SB 1266 (SFA 1)Emil Jones, Jr. Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 1266 (SFA 2)Emil Jones, Jr. Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 1302 (SFA 1)Don Harmon Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 1324 (SFA 1)M. Maggie Crotty Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules5/5/2005
SB 1324 (SFA 2)M. Maggie Crotty Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules5/23/2005
SB 1353 (SCA 1)Frank C. Watson Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules5/20/2005
SB 1353 (SCA 2)Frank C. Watson Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules5/23/2005
SB 1431 (SCA 1)Miguel del Valle Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 1447 (SFA 1)James F. Clayborne, Jr. Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 1447 (SFA 2)James F. Clayborne, Jr. Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules5/26/2005
SB 1448 (SFA 1)James F. Clayborne, Jr. Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules5/26/2005
SB 1454 (SCA 1)Jeffrey M. Schoenberg Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 1456 (SCA 1)Dave Syverson Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 1456 (SCA 2)Dave Syverson Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 1484 (SFA 2)Richard J. Winkel, Jr. Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules4/11/2005
SB 1484 (SFA 3)Richard J. Winkel, Jr. Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules5/10/2005
SB 1618 (SCA 1)Gary Forby Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 1621 (SFA 1)Edward D. Maloney Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 1662 (SCA 1)Peter J. Roskam Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules3/8/2005
SB 1664 (SCA 1)Iris Y. Martinez Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 1684 (HFA 2) House Floor Amendment No. 2 Motion to Concur Referred to Rules5/4/2006
SB 1685 (SCA 1)William R. Haine Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 1691 (SFA 2)Terry Link Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 1692 (SFA 2)Terry Link Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 1703 (SFA 2)Don Harmon Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules4/11/2005
SB 1719 (SCA 1)Frank C. Watson Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules5/20/2005
SB 1719 (SCA 2)Frank C. Watson Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules5/23/2005
SB 1721 (SFA 1)Ira I. Silverstein Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules5/4/2005
SB 1722 (SCA 1)James F. Clayborne, Jr. Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 1773 (SCA 1)Dale A. Righter Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 1791 (SFA 2)Martin A. Sandoval Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 1791 (SFA 3)Martin A. Sandoval Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 1791 (SFA 4)Martin A. Sandoval Senate Floor Amendment No. 4 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 1805 (SFA 1)Frank C. Watson Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules4/11/2005
SB 1816 (SCA 1)Don Harmon Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules3/10/2005
SB 1822 (SFA 1)Carol Ronen Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules5/18/2005
SB 1835 (SFA 2)Kirk W. Dillard Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Re-referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).6/4/2006
SB 1835 (SFA 3)Kirk W. Dillard Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules3/2/2006
SB 1838 (SCA 1)John J. Cullerton Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules3/8/2005
SB 1838 (SFA 2)Mattie Hunter Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 1838 (SFA 3)Mattie Hunter Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 1871 (SFA 1)James F. Clayborne, Jr. Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 1886 (SFA 1)Kimberly A. Lightford Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules4/11/2005
SB 1886 (SFA 2)Kimberly A. Lightford Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 1887 (SFA 1)Kimberly A. Lightford Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 1902 (SFA 1)Larry K. Bomke Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules3/31/2005
SB 1958 (SFA 1)Jeffrey M. Schoenberg Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 1962 (HFA 1) House Floor Amendment No. 1 House Recedes 110-005-0015/31/2005
SB 1974 (SFA 1)Debbie DeFrancesco Halvorson Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 1978 (SCA 1)Frank C. Watson Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules5/20/2005
SB 1978 (SCA 2)Frank C. Watson Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules5/23/2005
SB 1979 (SCA 1)Ira I. Silverstein Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 1979 (SCA 2)Frank C. Watson Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules4/11/2005
SB 1979 (SCA 3)Frank C. Watson Senate Committee Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules4/11/2005
SB 1990 (SFA 1)Emil Jones, Jr. Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules10/26/2005
SB 1992 (SFA 1)William R. Haine Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
SB 2074 (SCA 1)Mattie Hunter Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 2078 (SCA 1)Don Harmon Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 2089 (SCA 1)Kimberly A. Lightford Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/18/2005
SB 2096 (SCA 1)Louis S. Viverito Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules3/15/2005
SB 2123 (SFA 2)Frank C. Watson Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules4/6/2006
SB 2144 (SCA 1)Mike Jacobs Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules2/17/2006
SB 2144 (SCA 2)Mike Jacobs Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules2/17/2006
SB 2144 (SCA 3)Mike Jacobs Senate Committee Amendment No. 3 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules2/17/2006
SB 2144 (SCA 4)Mike Jacobs Senate Committee Amendment No. 4 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules2/17/2006
SB 2144 (SCA 5)Mike Jacobs Senate Committee Amendment No. 5 Referred to Rules2/8/2006
SB 2144 (SCA 6)Mike Jacobs Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules2/17/2006
SB 2144 (SCA 7)Mike Jacobs Senate Committee Amendment No. 7 Referred to Rules2/15/2006
SB 2198 (SCA 1)Kirk W. Dillard Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules2/17/2006
SB 2198 (SFA 2)Kirk W. Dillard Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules2/15/2006
SB 2229 (SFA 1)Edward D. Maloney Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules2/23/2006
SB 2267 (SCA 1)Carol Ronen Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules2/7/2006
SB 2295 (HCA 1) House Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).12/31/2006
SB 2295 (HFA 3) House Floor Amendment No. 3 Motion to Concur Referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).12/31/2006
SB 2330 (HCA 1) House Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).6/4/2006
SB 2353 (SCA 2)Don Harmon Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules2/16/2006
SB 2394 (SFA 2)John J. Cullerton Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Re-referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).6/4/2006
SB 2394 (SFA 3)John J. Cullerton Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules2/28/2006
SB 2415 (SFA 1)John J. Cullerton Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Re-referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).6/4/2006
SB 2415 (SFA 2)John J. Cullerton Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules2/28/2006
SB 2439 (SCA 1)John J. Cullerton Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules2/17/2006
SB 2510 (SFA 2)Kwame Raoul Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Re-referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).6/4/2006
SB 2510 (SFA 3)Kwame Raoul Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Re-referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).6/4/2006
SB 2515 (SFA 1)Carol Ronen Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Re-referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).6/4/2006
SB 2515 (SFA 2)Carol Ronen Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules2/28/2006
SB 2574 (SCA 1)Ira I. Silverstein Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules2/17/2006
SB 2574 (SCA 2)Ira I. Silverstein Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules2/16/2006
SB 2592 (SCA 1)Jeffrey M. Schoenberg Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules2/17/2006
SB 2611 (SCA 1)Terry Link Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules2/17/2006
SB 2616 (SFA 2)Kirk W. Dillard Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules2/17/2006
SB 2619 (SFA 1)Jacqueline Y. Collins Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Re-referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).6/4/2006
SB 2688 (SCA 1)Terry Link Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules2/17/2006
SB 2688 (SCA 2)Terry Link Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules2/14/2006
SB 2720 (SCA 1)James F. Clayborne, Jr. Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules2/17/2006
SB 2759 (SCA 1)Debbie DeFrancesco Halvorson Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules2/9/2006
SB 2770 (SFA 1)Carole Pankau Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Re-referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).6/4/2006
SB 2777 (SCA 1)Pamela J. Althoff Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules2/14/2006
SB 2777 (SFA 2)Pamela J. Althoff Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules2/24/2006
SB 2837 (SFA 1)Deanna Demuzio Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules2/17/2006
SB 2933 (SCA 1)Chris Lauzen Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules2/14/2006
SB 2960 (SFA 1)Wendell E. Jones Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Re-referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).6/4/2006
SB 2965 (SCA 1)John J. Cullerton Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules2/17/2006
SB 2980 (SFA 2)John J. Cullerton Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules2/27/2006
SB 2983 (SCA 1)Rickey R. Hendon Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules2/17/2006
SB 2983 (SCA 2)Rickey R. Hendon Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules2/15/2006
SB 2983 (SFA 3)Bill Brady Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules2/28/2006
SB 2986 (HCA 1) House Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).6/4/2006
SB 3087 (SCA 1)John J. Cullerton Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules2/9/2006
SB 3087 (SCA 2)John J. Cullerton Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules2/17/2006
HB2M. Maggie CrottyPROP TX-LIABILITY FOR WASTESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB9Carol RonenDRUG OVERDOSE PREVENTION ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB21John J. CullertonVEH CD-WIRELESS PHONESSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB44M. Maggie CrottyHOME CARE WORKER PROTECT ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB58Terry LinkHEALTH ED-REQUIRED INSTRUCTIONSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB119James A. DeLeoST GROUP INS-VISION & DENTALSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 119 (SCA 1)Bill Brady Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules5/4/2005
HB153Kathleen L. WojcikPUB HEALTH-MEN'S ISSUE STAFFSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB166Rickey R. HendonJUV CT&CRIM PRO-COUNSELSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB183Richard J. Winkel, Jr.FIREARM ID- APPEAL- DENIALSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB213Susan GarrettMEDICAID-HOME HEALTH SERVICESSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB220Edward PetkaCRIM CD-PROHIBITED FIREARMSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB231Iris Y. MartinezPEN CD-CHI TCHRS-BOARD-PRINCSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB236Pamela J. AlthoffTWP CD-REG OCCUPATIONSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB250Kimberly A. LightfordEDU-NUTRITION-DEPRESSN-SUICIDESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB253Donne E. TrotterINS CD-AIDS VACCINESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB258Jacqueline Y. CollinsDCFS-CHILDREN'S ACCOUNTSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB279Susan GarrettLOCGOV-AQUARIUMS & MUSEUMSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB335Jacqueline Y. CollinsST GOVT-LOBBYIST-NO GIFT LISTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB351Kirk W. DillardCD CORR-EXTENDED SENTENCESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB369Donne E. TrotterVEH CD-MISDEMEANOR-RESTITUTIONSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB371Dale A. RighterJUV CT-DETENTION-JAILSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB374Adeline Jay Geo-KarisSCHOOL CONSTRUCTION-LOCAL CODESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB380Kwame RaoulSPYWARE PREVENT INITIATIVE ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 380 (SFA 1)Kwame Raoul Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules5/18/2005
HB 380 (SFA 2)Kwame Raoul Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules5/24/2005
HB394John J. CullertonGRANDPARENT VISITATIONSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB442Dale A. RighterVEH CD-ELUDING PEACE OFFICERSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB448Emil Jones, Jr.RAFFLES-RESRCH HOSP EXEMPTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB451Edward D. MaloneyCONSUMER FRAUD-DISCOUNT CARDSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB452Don HarmonTANNING FACILITY-NONE UNDER 18Session Sine Die1/9/2007
HB467Carol RonenRTA-BICYCLE TRANSPORTATIONSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB471Dale A. RighterALTERNATE FUELS - GRANTSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB472Dale A. RighterETHANOL BOARD ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB473Dale A. RighterPROC CD-VEHICLES-FUELSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB474Dale A. RighterALTERNATE FUELS-NOTICESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB476Don HarmonSPONSORSHIP RTS-STATE PROPSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB481Jacqueline Y. CollinsCRIM CD-JEWELRY IMPLANTSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 481 (SFA 1)Don Harmon Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
HB 481 (SFA 2)Don Harmon Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
HB 481 (SFA 3)Don Harmon Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules10/26/2005
HB 481 (SFA 4)Jacqueline Y. Collins Senate Floor Amendment No. 4 Referred to Rules11/2/2005
HB483Edward D. MaloneyFOIA-CONTRACTSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB500William R. HaineCONSUMER CHOICE BENEFITS ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB503Todd SiebenCD OF CIV PRO-EVICTIONSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB602Dale A. RighterADULT ENTERTAIN BILLBOARD ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB637Mike JacobsINS-VARIOUS HEALTH COVERAGESSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB641Dave SullivanARTHRITIS PREVENTN/CONTROL ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB644Kwame RaoulCOURT OF CLAIMS-PRISONERSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB648Debbie DeFrancesco HalvorsonRX DRUG DISCOUNT-ALL RESIDENTSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB664Steven J. RauschenbergerLIQUOR-LOCAL COMMISSIONERSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB665William R. HaineHORSE RACING-UNCLAIMED TICKETSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 665 (SCA 1)William R. Haine Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules5/6/2005
HB686John J. CullertonLIQUOR-ALCOHOL WO LIQUID MACHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB688Jeffrey M. SchoenbergCHILD PROD SAFE-REG WEB INFOSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB709Don HarmonINC TX-DEPRECIATIONSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 709 (SCA 2)Chris Lauzen Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules5/3/2005
HB 709 (SFA 3)Don Harmon Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
HB 709 (SFA 4)Chris Lauzen Senate Floor Amendment No. 4 Referred to Rules5/13/2005
HB 709 (SFA 5)Don Harmon Senate Floor Amendment No. 5 Referred to Rules5/25/2005
HB711Terry LinkMILITARY SURPLUS ID ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB740Terry LinkPUB AID-AABD-MEDICAID SPND-DWNSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB747Mattie HunterTOBACCO-POSSESSION-MINORSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB755James T. MeeksSCH CD-POLIC LINE UP-MUG PHOTOSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 755 (SFA 1)James T. Meeks Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules5/10/2005
HB 755 (SFA 2)James T. Meeks Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
HB 755 (SFA 3)Richard J. Winkel, Jr. Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
HB 755 (SFA 4)James T. Meeks Senate Floor Amendment No. 4 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
HB765Terry LinkPUBAID-PRSNL NEEDS ALLWNCE $50Session Sine Die1/9/2007
HB779James F. Clayborne, Jr.CRIM PRO-DNA ANALYSISSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB781Gary ForbyCOMMUNTY & HOME CARE-ELIGBLITYSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB782Pamela J. AlthoffLOCGOV-IDOT LEASE-VACANT LANDSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB794John J. CullertonFIREARM SELLERS BACKGROUND CKSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB880Arthur J. WilhelmiCRIM CD-ORG RETAIL THEFTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 884 (SCA 1)John J. Cullerton Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules5/2/2005
HB904M. Maggie CrottyHEPATITIS C SCREEN AWARE ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB907Carole PankauCONSUMER FRAUD-INTERNET-PHONESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB914Martin A. SandovalCORONER DNA STATE POLICESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB934Gary ForbyVEH CD-NOISE-NO SEIZURESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB961Mattie HunterHOMELESS MENTAL-DISABLED ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB962Donne E. TrotterFOREIGN TRADE ZONES-E ST LOUISSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB976Mattie HunterCD CORR-PROST HLTH REFERRALSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1017Kirk W. DillardUTILITIES-TELEPHONE SYSTEMSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1038John J. CullertonOPEN MEETING-ATTENDANCESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 1038 (SFA 1)John J. Cullerton Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
HB1041Pamela J. AlthoffPROP TAX-RATE LIMIT REFERENDASession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 1041 (SFA 2)Don Harmon Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
HB1043Pamela J. AlthoffCONSERVATN DIST-ELECT/APPNT BDSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1055Donne E. TrotterMID-AMERICA MEDICAL DIST ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1056Kimberly A. LightfordAFRICA-AMERICA PEACE BRIGADESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1059James A. DeLeoVEH CD-SALVAGE BUYER ID CARDSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 1059 (SCA 1)Dave Sullivan Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules4/28/2005
HB1084Pamela J. AlthoffFIREARM ID ACT-PROOF OF CARDSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1094Dale A. RighterCD CORR-AGG CRIM SEX ABUSESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1101Peter J. RoskamMUNI CD ANNEXATION RR UTILITYSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1102Don HarmonJURY ACT-JUROR EXEMP-MOTHERSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1148John J. CullertonSNOWMOBILE-UNDER 18-HELMETSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1178M. Maggie CrottyHEARING CONSUMER-SUNSET EXTENDSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1191Gary G. DahlTIF EXTEND-GARDNERSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 1261 (SFA 3)Pamela J. Althoff Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules1/9/2007
HB1272James F. Clayborne, Jr.COMMUNITY SELF-REVITALIZE ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1283Rickey R. HendonSCH CD-CENTER FOR REHAB & EDUCSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1289Antonio MunozLIQUOR-PRIOR CONTIN COMPLI TXPSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1319Jacqueline Y. CollinsCRIM CD-PROSTITUTION PROBATIONSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 1319 (SFA 1)Jacqueline Y. Collins Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
HB 1319 (SFA 2)Jacqueline Y. Collins Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
HB 1319 (SFA 3)Jacqueline Y. Collins Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
HB1320Dale A. RighterCHILD ABUSE-SCHOOL ADMIN REPRTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1362Susan GarrettFOOD, DRUG, COSM ACT-LINDANESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1371M. Maggie CrottyNATIONAL GUARD RETIREMENT RANKSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1377Kirk W. DillardVEH CD-PREGNANT WOMAN-PARKINGSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1397Rickey R. HendonDCFS ACT-ALTERNATIVE CARE PLANSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1404Iris Y. MartinezHEALTH ED-TEEN DATING/VIOLENCESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1429Dale A. RighterADOPTION ACT-GUARDIANSHIP FORMSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1447Kathleen L. WojcikMHDD FEE-FOR-SERVICE PAYMNTSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1448Kathleen L. WojcikMHDD-CHILD SUBSTANCE ABUSESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1450Pamela J. AlthoffMENTAL HEALTH INTEGRATED SERVSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1451Kathleen L. WojcikMHDD-SERVICES-MINIMUM STNDSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1457Jeffrey M. SchoenbergPROCUREMENT-REVERSE AUCTIONSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 1457 (SFA 1)Jeffrey M. Schoenberg Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Motion to Recede Referred to Rules; 3-9(b).7/1/2005
HB1475Edward D. MaloneySCH CD-CONTRACTSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1504M. Maggie CrottyPROP TX-REDEMPTION PAYMENTSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1535Susan GarrettCOMP HEALTH EDUC-NUTRITIONSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1539Kirk W. DillardDHS-IDPH-TANF-NUTRITIONSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1554Susan GarrettRX DRUG PRICE FINDER ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1555Edward D. MaloneyVEH CD-PARK ZONE SPEED LIMITSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1585Susan GarrettARSENIC IN SCHOOL PLAYGROUNDSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1586Carol RonenDHS-MHDD-SUBSTANCE ABUSE EXAMSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1592William R. HaineJUV CT-CHRON TRUANT-DETENTIONSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1604Emil Jones, Jr.STATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1632William R. HaineCRIMINAL LAW-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1732Terry LinkREVENUE-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1814Gary ForbyPENSIONS-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1815Jeffrey M. SchoenbergPENSIONS-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB1920John J. CullertonGAMING-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2001Jacqueline Y. CollinsEDUCATION-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2002Edward D. MaloneyEDUCATION-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2010Deanna DemuzioEDUCATION-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2011Iris Y. MartinezEDUCATION-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2012Miguel del ValleEDUCATION-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2048William E. PetersonBUSINESS-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2065Gary ForbyCRIMINAL LAW-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2108Debbie DeFrancesco HalvorsonEMPLOYMENT-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2150Iris Y. MartinezCIVIL LAW-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2221James F. Clayborne, Jr.TRANSPORTATION-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2275Gary ForbyGOVERNMENT-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2317William R. HaineFINANCE-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2347Jeffrey M. SchoenbergVEH CD-EXCESSIVE IDLINGSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2353Edward D. MaloneyCLEAN IND AIR ACT-HLTH FACILSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2355James A. DeLeoWEIGHTS & MEASURES-GAS-INSPECTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2369Cheryl AxleyCHILD ABUSE-UNREPORTED-PENALTYSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2374Donne E. TrotterFAMILY CASE MANAGEMENT ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2388Pamela J. AlthoffE85 BLEND FUEL-CMS-VEHICLESSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2390John J. CullertonVEH CD-BICYCLES-TORT LIABILITYSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2394Susan GarrettSMALL BUSINESS WEB DEVELOPMENTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2416James T. MeeksELEC CD-ELECTROCAL BDSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2418William R. HaineCHILD SUPPORT DISBURSMT-NO SSNSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2444Iris Y. MartinezVEH CD-LATE REG FEES-MILITARYSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2446Edward PetkaDHS-AUTISM-CILA-RESIDENTL SRVCSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2469Iris Y. MartinezPEN CD-CHI TCHRS-BD OF TRUSTEESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 2469 (SCA 2)Iris Y. Martinez Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules2/14/2006
HB 2469 (SCA 3)Iris Y. Martinez Senate Committee Amendment No. 3 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/25/2006
HB2492Ira I. SilversteinULTRASOUND ADMINISTER ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 2492 (SFA 1)Dale A. Righter Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules5/13/2005
HB2506Antonio MunozVEH CD-INCREASE REGISTRATN FEESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2512Kimberly A. LightfordSTATE PROMPT PAYMENT-PRIORITYSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2521Dan RutherfordDEER PERMITS- LANDOWNERSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2526Pamela J. AlthoffBENEFIT PROTECTION ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2536Christine RadognoST FINANCE-TRANSFERS-NOTICESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2543Donne E. TrotterJUV CT-PARENT-CHILD PLANSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2582John J. CullertonCONTROLLED SUB-HEROINSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2690Gary ForbyFIRST RESPOND BUILDING MAP ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2704Don HarmonCRIM CD-FIRST DEGREE MURDERSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2708Emil Jones, Jr.FINANCE-PETTY CASH FUNDSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 2708 (SFA 2)Christine Radogno Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules4/11/2006
HB 2708 (SFA 3)Jacqueline Y. Collins Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Re-referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).12/31/2006
HB2712Pamela J. AlthoffMETRO EAST MASS TRANSITSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2928Gary ForbyCIVIL LAW-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2930Pamela J. AlthoffELECTIONS-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB2941Jeffrey M. SchoenbergCRIMINAL LAW-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3031Jeffrey M. SchoenbergHEALTH-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3127Pamela J. AlthoffTRANSPORTATION-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3167Terry LinkREGULATION-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3416Kirk W. DillardCRIM CD-SEX OFFENDER DAY CARESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3417James A. DeLeoCOMPTROLLER-DELAYED BILLSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 3417 (SFA 1)Susan Garrett Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules5/5/2005
HB 3417 (SFA 2)James A. DeLeo Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules5/17/2005
HB3457Pamela J. AlthoffVEH CD-SENIOR DRIVER SERVICESSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3463John J. CullertonVEH CD-AUTOMATE ENFORCEMENTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3464Don HarmonINS-TITLE INS ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3467Jacqueline Y. CollinsIDPH - NEEDLE EDUCATIONSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3475Bill BradyMUNI CD-MUNI CLERK TRAININGSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3499William R. HainePHYSICAL THERAPY-DEFINED-MISCSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3500Dan CroninSCH CD-ACADEMIC WATCH STATUSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3511Dale A. RighterALCOH&OTHER DRUG-METHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3517Pamela J. AlthoffDRUG COURT-METHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3523Dale A. RighterCIV ADM CD-METH HOTLINESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3524Dale A. RighterMETH-CHILD-PROTOCOLSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3528John O. JonesDEPT AG-METH ENCOUNTERSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3529John O. JonesINERT ANHYDROUS AMMONIASession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3554Martin A. SandovalSCH CD-DRUG TESTINGSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3577William R. HaineLIQ-PRESENCE DURING INSPECTIONSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3593Dan RutherfordCONDOMINIUM- BOARD POWERSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3596Edward D. MaloneyMEDICAID-HOME CARE-AGE 21Session Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3602Pamela J. AlthoffPTELL-RATE INCREASE FACTORSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3604Chris LauzenCONVEYANCE-KANE CO-RESTRICTIONSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 3604 (SCA 1)James A. DeLeo Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules5/3/2005
HB3606George P. ShadidPROC PREFERENCE-BIOBASEDSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3621Todd SiebenCNTY CD BOARD MEMBER MILITARYSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3624Pamela J. AlthoffALT TEACHER CERT-PROGRAM LIMITSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3641Pamela J. AlthoffDCEO-COMMUNITY GRANTSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3674Pamela J. AlthoffDHS-TANF-CHILD CARE PROVIDERSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3687Pamela J. AlthoffTECH RESCUE TEAM REIMBURSEMENTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3691Todd SiebenSCH CD-MANDATE WAIVERS-HEARINGSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3696Deanna DemuzioDENTAL PRACTICE-EXTEND SUNSETSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3711Bill BradyCONSERVATION CORPS ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3760Martin A. SandovalPARK & RECREATION CONSTRUCTIONSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3761Don HarmonPUBLIC LIBRARY CONSTRUCTIONSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3767Terry LinkLOCATION MATTERS ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 3814 (SFA 2)John M. Sullivan Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules11/1/2005
HB3823Gary ForbyPROMPT PAY- AGGREGATE INVOICESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3853Christine RadognoMEDIGAP PREMIUM REIMBURSEMENTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3871Martin A. SandovalEMERGENCY POWERS-IMMUNITIESSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3873John O. JonesCRIM CD-TRESPASS AGRI FACSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB3879Christine RadognoSCH CONSTRUCTION-RANK-NOTIFYSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4032Pamela J. AlthoffMEDICAID-NURSING HOME RATESSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4051Dale A. RighterHUMAN RIGHTS-COURT ACTIONSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4052Dan CroninCRIM CD-HEINOUS BAT UNBORNSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4081Frank C. WatsonCOUNTY WORK CAMPSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4104Pamela J. AlthoffPROP TX-TAX ASSISTANCESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4132Kirk W. DillardCRIM CD-REPLICA WEAPONSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 4132 (SCA 1)Kirk W. Dillard Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules3/16/2006
HB4141John J. CullertonCRIM CD-AGG BATT-TAXI DRIVERSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4157Dale A. RighterEXEC ORDER FISCAL IMPACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4187Martin A. SandovalVEH CD-GOLD STAR PLATESSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4204Cheryl AxleyVEH CD-DUI FINE-CRIM VIOLENCESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 4204 (SCA 1)Cheryl Axley Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules3/23/2006
HB 4204 (SFA 2)Cheryl Axley Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules3/28/2006
HB4205Terry LinkCONSUMER FRAUD-GIFT CERT FEESSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4221Richard J. Winkel, Jr.ISAC-SALE OF LOANS-INT-FEESSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4223Rickey R. HendonMEDICAID-HOME HLTH SRVCS-RATESSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4258Dan CroninIL SMART ENERGY TASK FORCESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4274Larry K. BomkePENCD-SERS-PART REFUND-INTERNSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4291James A. DeLeoCD CORR-CONTRACTUAL NURSESSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4296William R. HaineVEH CD-SALVAGED VEHS-REPORTSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4301Dale A. RighterVEHICLE INSURANCE-SUSPENSIONSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4334Don HarmonFINANCE-ADMIN CHARGE BACKSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4359Richard J. Winkel, Jr.HORSE RACING FUND-URBANA PARKSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4363Louis S. ViveritoWILDLFE PRESRVTION SCRATCH-OFFSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4391William E. PetersonCRIM CD-DISORDERLY CONSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4396Carol RonenCRIM PRO-BLOOD WITHDRAWLSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4397John J. CullertonDCEO-NAT GUARD HOME ASSISTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4404Kimberly A. LightfordDEPT ON AGING-HEALTHCARESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 4404 (SCA 1)Kimberly A. Lightford Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/25/2006
HB4405Pamela J. AlthoffLOCGOV-IDOT LEASE-VACANT LANDSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4412Dale E. RisingerPROC PREFERENCE-BIOBASEDSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4442Terry LinkOPEN MEETINGS-48 HOUR NOTICESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 4442 (SFA 2)Terry Link Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Re-referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).6/4/2006
HB 4442 (SFA 3)Terry Link Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Re-referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).6/4/2006
HB4447Don HarmonALL KIDS-DEPENDENT STUDENT CVGSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4453Emil Jones, Jr.IL WORKFORCE INVEST BOARDSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4456Kimberly A. LightfordAF AM HIV/AIDS RESPONSE FUNDSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4457Edward D. MaloneyICE CREAM TRUCK WORKER REGSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4521John J. MillnerVEH CD-COURT SUPERVISION FEESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 4521 (SCA 1)John J. Millner Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/25/2006
HB4523Edward D. MaloneyTATTOO & BODY PIERCING REG ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4526Jacqueline Y. CollinsDCFS-GRANDPARENT CARESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4529George P. ShadidFIREARM OWNERS ID-APPLICATIONSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4532Arthur J. WilhelmiCRIM CD-DISORDERLY CONDUCTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4544Donne E. TrotterABANDOND NEWBORN INFANT-CHURCHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4546James A. DeLeoMUNI CD-HIRING POLICE AND FIRESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4561Antonio MunozVEH CD-MILITARY PLATES-FRAUDSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4604Don HarmonDCEO-RETOOLING PROGRAMSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4607Martin A. SandovalCRIM PRO-DNA ANALYSISSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4666Emil Jones, Jr.EMERGENCY POWERS-LICENSESSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4679John J. MillnerCRIME VIC YEAR POST INDICTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4696Carole PankauHEALTH ED-ABANDONED NEWBORNSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4735Pamela J. AlthoffPROP TX-RATE ADJUSTMENTSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4737James F. Clayborne, Jr.PENCD-ECON OPPORTUNITY INVESTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4739Jacqueline Y. CollinsCRIM CD-THEFT LIMITATIONSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4740Iris Y. MartinezGROW YOUR OWN TEACH-GRNT EXPNDSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4743Pamela J. AlthoffMUNI CD-BLDG CD FINESSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4746Terry LinkTOLL HWY-RTA SUBURBAN BUSESSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4752Susan GarrettCIV PRO-QUICK TAKE-BANNOCKBURNSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 4752 (SFA 2)Susan Garrett Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Re-referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).6/4/2006
HB4755Jeffrey M. SchoenbergCOMPTROLLER-DELAYED BILLSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4756Don HarmonDCEO-DEPT TRADE MEETINGSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4764James F. Clayborne, Jr.USE & OCC-HOME HEATINGSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4805James A. DeLeoPROP TX-ASSESSORS-CONFLICTSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4819William E. PetersonINC TX-CHECKOFFSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4828Kwame RaoulHUMAN RTS-FILING WITH EEOCSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4845John M. SullivanPROP TX-NOTICESSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4864Dan CroninSCH CD-ACADEMIC WATCH STATUSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4886James A. DeLeoCRIM PRO-BAIL DENIALSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4894Antonio MunozFIRE SPRINKLER-INSPECT-TESTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4949James F. Clayborne, Jr.O'FALLON CHECKOFFSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4951Donne E. TrotterMID-AMERICA MEDICAL DISTRICTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4955Edward D. MaloneySCH-CD-CHI-MORGAN PARK HIGHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4959William R. HaineCRIM PRO-FAIL TO APPEAR-FUNDSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4965John M. SullivanIFA-AMBULANCE LOAN PROGRAMSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4973Iris Y. MartinezPENCD-ART 7-ADMINISTRATIVESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB4974Kimberly A. LightfordSCH CD-CLASS SIZE REDUCTIONSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB5001Don HarmonELEC CD-NO EDUC ELECTORAL BDSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB5031Deanna DemuzioEDUCATION-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB5216Cheryl AxleyCRIM CD-STALKING FORFEITURESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 5216 (SCA 1)Cheryl Axley Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules3/21/2006
HB 5216 (SFA 2)Cheryl Axley Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules3/28/2006
HB 5216 (SFA 3)Cheryl Axley Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules3/28/2006
HB5219Dale E. RisingerINJURY REPORTS-ABUSE-CRIMESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB5233John M. SullivanFIRE PROT DIST-MEDICAL SERVICESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB5244Jacqueline Y. CollinsI-CONNECT COMPUTER TECH ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB5256Martin A. SandovalCRIM CD-AGG ASSAULT&AGG BATSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB5257Bill BradyTELECOM-ENHANCED ZIP CODESSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB5268Iris Y. MartinezSTATE COMPREHENSIV HOUSNG PLANSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB5269Martin A. SandovalCOM COLLEGE-ENGLISH INITIATIVESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB5295Pamela J. AlthoffFINANCE-CILA APPROPSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB5296Don HarmonALL KIDS-AUDIT-REPORT-PREMIUMSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB5299John J. CullertonINTERNET DATING DISCLOSURE ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 5299 (SFA 2)John J. Cullerton Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Re-referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).6/4/2006
HB5334Carol RonenCONDO ADVISORY COUNCILSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB5337John J. CullertonVIATICAL STTLMNT ACT 2006Session Sine Die1/9/2007
HB5340Susan GarrettSCH CD-SICK LEAVE-BIRTH-ADOPTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB5349William R. HaineINS-MILIT MEMBER INS REINSTATESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB5356Larry K. BomkeFIRE PROTECTION-TRAININGSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB5370Edward D. MaloneySCH CD-MANDATE WAIVER REPORTSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 5370 (SFA 1)Edward D. Maloney Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Re-referred to Rules; Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b).6/4/2006
HB5382Terry LinkDISABILITY SERVICES ACTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB5385John J. CullertonMEDICAID-AUTISM SERVICESSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB 5385 (SCA 1)John J. Cullerton Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Rules3/25/2006
HB5386Susan GarrettMEDICAID-CHILDREN-AUTISM-WAIVRSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB5388Don HarmonADMIN PRO-SMALL BUSINESSSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB5462Frank C. WatsonCRIMINAL LAW-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB5478Larry K. BomkeLOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB5830Bill BradySCHOOLS-FORSTYHSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HB5834Kimberly A. LightfordMADDEN MENTAL HLTH CTR-LOYOLASession Sine Die1/9/2007
HJR1Mattie HunterOPRAH WINFREY WEEKSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HJR 1 (SFA 1)Mattie Hunter Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules; 3-9(b)7/1/2005
HJR29Kirk W. DillardFOSTER CARE TASK FORCESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HJR37Jacqueline Y. CollinsPOLICY AGAINST TORTURESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HJR76Antonio MunozFALSE ID TASK FORCESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HJR93Gary ForbySHAWNEE HILLS WINE TRAILSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HJR101Don HarmonVICIOUS DOG TASK FORCESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HJR105Louis S. ViveritoOLDER ADULTS-COMPREHENSIV CARESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HJR110Larry K. BomkeWOMEN/MILITARY SRVC MEMORIALSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HJR118Pamela J. AlthoffSPEC EDUC FUNDING TASK FORCESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HJR119Pamela J. AlthoffACCOUNTABLE SCHOOLS TASK FORCESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HJR130Mike JacobsMISCANTHUS-POWER SOURCESession Sine Die1/9/2007
HJR144Jacqueline Y. CollinsU.N. RESPONSIBILITY TO PROTECTSession Sine Die1/9/2007
HJR154Donne E. TrotterOPRAH WINFREY WEEKSession Sine Die1/9/2007
EO0606GovernorCOMMON ADMIN FUNCTIONSSession Sine Die1/9/2007