Illinois General Assembly - Senator's Bills
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Senator Jay C. Hoffman (D), 112th District - 102nd General Assembly
Jay C. Hoffman was a Sponsor on all bills listed below.
Click Here to see only bills where Jay C. Hoffman was a Primary Sponsor.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
HB70Jay C. HoffmanREGULATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB146Tom CrossCARE OF STUDENTS WITH DIABETESHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB376Jack D. FranksINC TAX- COLLEGE SAVINGS PLANHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-00238/3/2007
HB403Jim WatsonUSE/OCC TX-WATER SUPPLY EXEMPTHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB429Edward J. AcevedoLIQUOR-RETAIL WINE SHPMNTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-063410/3/2007
HB616Thomas HolbrookCHILD ABUSE-INJURY-DCFS REPORTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-04058/24/2007
HB633Thomas HolbrookCOUNTY JAIL-MEDICAIDHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB663William B. BlackVEH CD-SUSPENSION-CAUSED DEATHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB665Thomas HolbrookPROP TX- AUTOMATION FEESHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB818Jay C. HoffmanUTILITIES-PROHIBITED INSTALLSHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB880Karen A. YarbroughAGING-VENDORS OF SERVICESHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB881Jay C. HoffmanELECTIONS-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB882Jay C. HoffmanELECTIONS-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB883Jay C. HoffmanSTATE GOVERNMENT-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB884Jay C. HoffmanEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB885Jay C. HoffmanEDUCATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB886Jay C. HoffmanFINANCE-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB887Jay C. HoffmanSAFETY-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB888Jay C. HoffmanPUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB889Jay C. HoffmanCRIMINAL LAW-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB890Jay C. HoffmanCRIMINAL LAW-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB927Jay C. HoffmanMUNI CD-WATER DISCONNECTHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB928Jay C. HoffmanWRK COMP-FIREFIGHTER-EMTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-03168/21/2007
HB1039Jack McGuire$AG-CASA GRANTHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1085Jay C. HoffmanTOURISM-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1105Careen M GordonPREVAILING WAGE-FACILITIESHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1245Jay C. HoffmanSTATE GOVERNMENT-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1246Jay C. HoffmanFIRE MARSHAL-SPECIAL AGENTHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1310Jay C. HoffmanPEN CD-SLEP-PROBATION OFFICERHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1311Jay C. HoffmanTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1312Jay C. HoffmanSTATE GOVERNMENT-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1313Jay C. HoffmanSIU-CORN-TO-ETHANOL RESRCHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-00998/13/2007
HB1314Jay C. HoffmanTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1315Jay C. HoffmanTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1316Jay C. HoffmanTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1317Jay C. HoffmanTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1318Jay C. HoffmanHORSE RACING-UNCLAIMED TICKETSHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1500James D. BrosnahanUTIL-CABLE-VID-COMPETITIONHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1507Jay C. HoffmanSHORT TERM BORROW-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1508Jay C. HoffmanUNEMPL INS-HOLIDAY-UNAVAILABLEHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1525Joseph M. LyonsAUTO THEFT PREVENTION-SUNSETHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-02128/16/2007
HB1685LaShawn K. FordELEC CD-JUNIOR JUDGESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-07144/7/2008
HB1724Thomas HolbrookPROP TX-PPV LEASE-USAFHThird Reading - Short Debate - Lost 045-069-0014/27/2007
HB1750George Scully, Jr.UTILITIES-ELECTRICITY RATESHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1777Jay C. HoffmanCLEAN COAL-FUTUREGENHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1909Jay C. HoffmanREVENUE-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1911Jay C. HoffmanEMPLOYMENT-SAFETYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-06239/17/2007
HB1912Jay C. HoffmanTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1913Jay C. HoffmanGAS STORAGE ACT-WET-FUELINGHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1914Jay C. HoffmanTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1915Jay C. HoffmanVEH CD-TITLE-SHOW BENEFICIARYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-07848/7/2008
HB1929Jay C. HoffmanPEN CD-DNST POL-MARRY IN RETMTHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1930Jay C. HoffmanPEN CD-IMRF-ELECTED OFFICIALSHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1965Jay C. HoffmanREVENUE-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1966Jay C. HoffmanREVENUE-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1967Jay C. HoffmanREVENUE-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB1968Jay C. HoffmanREVENUE-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2041Sara Feigenholtz$DHS-CHILDREN-FAMILIES-CILAHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2106Michael K. SmithAGRICULTURE-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2132Kevin JoyceTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2133Jay C. HoffmanTRANSPORTATION-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-08228/14/2008
HB2134David E. MillerTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2135David E. MillerTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2136Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2137Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2138Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2139Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2140Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2141Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2142Jay C. HoffmanTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2143Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2144Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2145Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2146Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2147Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2148Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2149Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2150Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2151Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2152Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2153Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2154Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2155Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2156Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2157Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2158Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2159Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2160Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2161Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB2482Kenneth DunkinREVENUE-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-07205/27/2008
HB2670Jay C. HoffmanELECTIONS-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB3444Jay C. HoffmanINC TX-CLASSROOM SUPPLY CREDITHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB3472Greg HarrisHEALTH-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB4355Jay C. HoffmanDOWNSTATE TRANSPORT ASSISTHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB4550Jay C. HoffmanSWIDA-BOARDHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB4901Jay C. HoffmanLOCAL GOV-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5153Jay C. HoffmanINC TX-ECON DEVELOPMENT CREDITHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5154Jay C. HoffmanHORSE RACING-UNCLAIMED TICKETSHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5155Jay C. HoffmanPROP TX-ASSESSORSHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5156Jay C. HoffmanPEN CD-ART. 3-GLEN CARBONHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5157Jay C. HoffmanARBITRATION-SEAMAN RR EMPLOYEEHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5158Jay C. HoffmanPEN CD-DNST POL-MARRY IN RETMTHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5159Thomas HolbrookRAILROAD POLICE-MISCONDUCTHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5203Jay C. HoffmanREGIONAL PLANNING-CMAPHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5249Jay C. HoffmanEPA-POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITYHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5380Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5381Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5382Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5383Michael J. MadiganTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5494Jay C. HoffmanIDOT-CONVEYANCESHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-10484/7/2009
HB5570Patrick J Verschoore$DHS-PARENTS-HIGH RISK CHILDRNHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5692Jay C. HoffmanPEN CD-ART 3 TRANSFERS-CREDITHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5693Jay C. HoffmanREGULATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5694Jay C. HoffmanREGULATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5695Jay C. HoffmanREGULATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5714Kevin A. McCarthyTRANSPORTATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB5726Jay C. HoffmanDHFS-RX DRUG ADVERTISNG-REPORTHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB6339Jay C. Hoffman$DOTHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB6339*Jay C. Hoffman$DOTHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB6663Jay C. Hoffman$09 TRAILER CAPITALHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB6664Jay C. HoffmanREVENUE - GAMING EXPANSIONHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB6699Jay C. HoffmanETHICS-CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONSHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB6700John A. FritcheyETHICS-CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONSHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB6701John A. FritcheyCOMP REVIEW-REPORT APPROVALHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB6702John A. FritcheyST CONTRACTOR CONTRIBUTIONSHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HB6703John A. FritcheyGOVT ETHICS-GA LOBBYINGHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HR166Jay C. HoffmanMEMORIAL-RYAN GARBSHResolution Adopted3/6/2007
HR187Jay C. HoffmanCONGRATS-SIUE 50 YEARSHResolution Adopted3/27/2007
HR314Jay C. HoffmanCOLLINSVILLE HS DRILL TEAMHResolution Adopted4/20/2007
HR392Bob BigginsHONORS MAUREEN MURPHYHResolution Adopted5/9/2007
HR405Jay C. HoffmanTAX INCREASES-OPPOSEHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HR430Thomas HolbrookST LOUIS CARDINALS MONTHHResolution Adopted5/17/2007
HR534Jay C. HoffmanCONGRATS - RON SCHAEFERHResolution Adopted6/21/2007
HR575Kurt M. GranbergPENSION CRISISHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HR635Jay C. HoffmanCONGRATS - AGNES VIVODHResolution Adopted8/1/2007
HR747Thomas HolbrookMEMORIAL-GRANVILLE WARFIELDHResolution Adopted10/3/2007
HR972Dan BradyCONGRATS - CARL KASTENHResolution Adopted2/13/2008
HR1009Michael J. MadiganFUTUREGEN PROJECTHResolution Adopted4/2/2008
HR1087Jay C. HoffmanCONGRATS - DARRELL MCGIBANYHResolution Adopted3/13/2008
HR1388Jay C. HoffmanFLETCHER 70TH ANNIVERSARYHResolution Adopted7/15/2008
HR1398Jay C. HoffmanCONGRATS - ROBERT MCCLELLANHResolution Adopted7/15/2008
HR1434Kurt M. GranbergMEMORIAL-BILL FOSTERHResolution Adopted7/15/2008
HR1481Jay C. HoffmanEASTER SEALS AUTISMHResolution Adopted9/10/2008
HR1496Jay C. HoffmanCONGRATS-CASEYVILLE VFWHResolution Adopted9/10/2008
HR1646Jay C. HoffmanHONORS - SEN. PAUL SIMONHResolution Adopted12/15/2008
HR1671Michael J. MadiganIMPEACHMENT OF GOVERNORHResolution Adopted 114-001-0011/9/2009
HJR127Lou LangSUPPORTS-AARP DIVIDED WE FAILHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
HJR141Ron StephensVETERANS BRIDGEHSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB172John J. CullertonVEH CD-GRADUATED LICENSESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-03108/20/2007
SB363William R. HaineCRIM CD-RECKLESS HOMICIDESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-05879/4/2007
SB384William R. HaineTWP CD-SEWERAGE CHARGESSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB488Mike JacobsPEN CD-SLEP-PROBATION OFFICERSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB521John J. CullertonAPP DEFEND-JUV RESOURCE CENTERSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-03768/23/2007
SB725Debbie DeFrancesco HalvorsonCNTY AUDITOR-STIPENDSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB733Michael W. FrerichsELEC CD-NEW PARTY/INDEPENDENTSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB780James A. DeLeoSTATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB849James F. Clayborne, Jr.EDUCATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-00308/7/2007
SB1265Antonio MunozVEH CD-NO LICENSE PLATE COVERSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-00298/7/2007
SB1348Antonio MunozCRIM PRO-BAIL DEPOSITSSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1358William R. HaineFIRE MARSHAL-SPECIAL AGENTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-05028/28/2007
SB1468Kimberly A. LightfordPAYDAY LOAN-LOAN TERMSSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB1592Gary ForbyUTILITIES-ELECTRICITY RATESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-04818/28/2007
SB1704Gary ForbyCLEAN COAL-FUTUREGENSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-00187/30/2007
SB1900James A. DeLeoAUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERSSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB2031William R. HaineEMERG TEL SYS BOARD-CNTY BOARDSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-101212/15/2008
SB2052William R. HaineFLOOD PREVENTION DISTRICT ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 95-07195/21/2008
SB2311Susan GarrettSCHOOL SAFE ROUTES PROGRAMSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB2547James F. Clayborne, Jr.UTILITIES-SYNTHETIC NATURL GASSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SB2784Don HarmonCIV PRO-DEATH OF PARTYSSession Sine Die1/13/2009
SJR40William R. HaineSUPPORT-DOMESTIC JOBS-MILITARYSAdopted Both Houses8/1/2007
* indicates a special session bill