Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Labor (S) 5/8/2019 11:00 AM |
Kathryn Winkler | NA | Self |
Alex Paterakos-Figueroa | SEIU Healthcare | SEIU Healthcare |
Alexandra Eidenberg | WE WILL | WE WILL |
Alexandra Heestand | NA | Self |
Alice Trimmer | None | None |
Alma Kubota | None | Self |
Amanda Kozar | Self | NA |
Amy | Self | Self |
AmyJo Conroy | AAUW | na |
Andrea Danis | AAUW | Women and girls |
Andrew Daglas | Self | Self |
Andrew Heiserman | Chicago Public Schools | citizen |
Ann Wilson | homeowner | Ann Wilson |
Anna Huckaba | none | Self |
Anna Koeppel | Laborers' International Union - Midwest Region | Laborers' International Union - Midwest Region |
Anthony Buttitta | none | self |
Anu sarda | self | self |
Ashley Kirby | self | self |
Barbara Nudo | Self | Indivisible |
BarbaraBrumfield | None | Interested Citizen |
Beatrix Hoffman | citizen | self |
Becky Danner | self | self |
Becky Ejupi | self | self |
Becky Marshall | Self | Self |
Bernadette Dvorscak | Retired | Self |
Bill Slankard | self | self |
Bonnie Petersen | self | self |
Bridgette Bonk | Private Citizen | Private Citizen |
Brigid Leahy | Planned Parenthood of Illinois | Planned Parenthood of Illinois |
Bruce Frazin | self | Self |
Caitlyn McEllis | Illinois Attorney General's Office | Illinois Attorney General's Office |
Camilla Stefl | Self | Self |
Carol Chavarria | Self | Self |
Carol Fesco | 1964 | Self |
Carole Drennan | none | Myself |
Carole Martz | self | self |
Carolyn Robinson | Self | Self |
Catherine Caporusso | Resistance | Women and children |
Catherine King | Illinois resident | Illinois resident |
Catherine McNeilly | Adler University | self |
Celene Peurye-Hissong | Self | Self |
Cheryl Gist-Williams | We Will | I am not appearing |
Cheryl Jones Das | Self | Self |
Christina Dunn | Self | Self |
Christine Popovich | none | Self |
Cindy Grau | Self | Self |
Connie Holroyd | Self | Self |
Cory Gapstur | self | Self |
Dan Nelson | Self | self |
Daniel Mahoney | None | Self |
Daniela Mahoney | Self | Self |
Deanna Durica | Self | Self |
Deborah Fenner | Self | Self |
Dia Morgan | None | None |
Diane and Jerry Balin | AAUW Riverside Branch | Riverside Branch AAUW |
DJSimon | self | AAUW |
Donna McDonald | Self | Self |
Edmund Leipus | None | Self |
Eileen Paull | Self | Self |
Elisa Larche-Ciesla | None | Self |
Elisabeth Hubbard | Self | self |
Elizabeth Czechanski | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Hart | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Inglehart | self | self |
Elizabeth Monkus | self | self |
Elizabeth Nicolai | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Picard | None | Elizabeth Picard |
Ellen Moderhack | Self | Myself |
emily beaufort | self | self |
Emily Wachowiak | Self | self |
Emily Watts | retired faculty | self |
Faye Marcus | Self | Self |
Faye Marcus | Self | Self |
Francine Dudzinski | Private citizen | self |
Gail Schnitzer Eisenberg | Stowell & Friedman, Ltd. | Self |
Georgiana Carollus | Self | Self |
Gerta Sorensen | Self | Self |
Grace Barter | Resolution Systems Institute | self |
Grace Pigozzi | University of Illinois at Chicago | Literacy Professor |
Gwendolyn Walski | Self | Self |
Hannah Oakley | Self | Self |
Heather Egland | Illinois resident | Self |
Heather Hayes | Self | Self |
Heather Porter | Self | Self |
Heidi Thorp | IL Voter | Self |
Holly Stovall | WIU | Myself |
Jack Patterson | Self | Self |
James Schwartz | Self | Self |
Janet Messmer | Self | Self |
Janet Nelson | self | self |
Janice L Knudsen | None | Self |
Jason Keller | IL AFL-CIO | Labor |
Jean Page | self | self |
Jeanette F Klein | Mrs. | self |
Jeanne Kowalkowski | Self | Self |
Jenni Purdue | J & J Legislative | American Association of University Women |
Jessica LaFountain | Resident | Resident |
Jill Adams | None | Self |
Jinny Chieu | None | Self |
Joan Scheeter | self | self |
Joanna Webb-Gauvin | AFSCME Council 31 | AFSCME Council 31 |
John B Bulger | None | John B Bulger |
JoLynn Doerr | self | self |
Joseph Harrow | self | self |
Julia Testin | NA | Self |
Julie Kaufman | self | self |
Julie Stephan | Self | Self |
Justin Miller | self | self |
Karen Goldman | Self | Self |
Karen Kortsch | self | self |
Karin Janowski | Self | Self |
Kate Schnell | Self | self |
Katherine Burton | Self | Self |
Kathleen Morkert | retired | self |
Kathleen O'Malley | self | self |
Kathryn Malarkey | Self | Self |
Kathy Entrup | self | self |
Kay Moss | McLean County Voter | McLean County Democrats |
Kay Rosen | None | Self |
Khadine Bennett | ACLU of Illinois | ACLU of Illinois |
Kristina Rice | NA | Myself |
Kurt Hilgendorf | Chicago Teachers Union | Chicago Teachers Union |
Lana Wroten | Self | Self |
LAURA A WOODS | self | self |
Laura James | self | self |
Leah Cooper | Self | Self |
Leah Handel | Self | Self |
leah Mayers | Self | Self |
Lee DeLong | None | Self |
Leslie Lina Paluch | YWCA Evanston North Shore | YWCA Evanston North Shore |
Linda Chandler | None | Self |
Linda Lunt | Self | Self |
LINDA SEYLER | self | Linda Seyler |
Lindsay Morrison | self | self |
Lindsey Hammond | Community Renewal Society | Community Renewal Society |
Lisa Leipus | None | Self |
Lisa Roberts | Self | Self |
Lisa Zolbrod | HMH | myself |
Liz Adams | None | Self |
Liz Markel | Self | Self |
Lonnie Dunlap | Retired | Self |
Lori Myers | Constituent | Self |
Margaret Rohter | Mrs. | AAUW |
Margaret T Mercer | none | self |
Maria Tolpin | self | self |
Marie Grygienc | None | Self |
Marie Kudrys | Self | Self |
Marion Nowak | self | self |
Marjorie Halperin | Marj Halperin Consulting | Self |
Mark Kluge | Self | Self |
Martha Sladek | Self | AAUW |
Mary Grose | self | self |
Mary Heins | Self | Self |
Mary Hobein | self | self |
Mary Joan Cepla | self | self |
Mary Quinlan | Self | Self |
Mary Sutter | Mrs. | Self |
Mary Vazquez Lorinser | Self | N A |
Mary Wehking | self | self |
Matt Hanson | Self | Self |
Matthew Slade | Village of Durand | Self |
Maureen Headington | Stand Up-Save Lives Campaign | Stand Up-Save Lives Campaign |
Maureen Keane | Self | Maureen Keane |
Melissa Josephs | Women Employed | Women employed |
Melissa Senger | None | Self |
Merrill Cole | Self | Self |
Michael Peshkin | none | self |
Michelle Roskens | Self | Self |
Monica Paulson | Muejres Latinas en Accion | Muejres Latinas en Accion |
Musette Michael | Musette Michael | Musette Michael |
Myra Epping | self | self |
Nancy Grandone | Self | Self |
Nathan La Porte | Self | Self |
Nels Wadycki | Self | Self |
Nick Uniejewski | NA | Self |
Nina Corwin | Nina Corwin, MA, LCSW Private Practice | Nina Corwin |
Nora Handler | None | Self |
Norie A Knezetic | none | self |
Pam Prosch | retired | self |
Pamela Ohman | Self | Self |
Pamela Sourelis | None | None |
Patricia Graham | Self | Self |
Patricia Spence | Self | Self |
Patti Ehrenhaft | Self | Self |
Paula Hamilton | self | self |
Peggy Cain | none | self |
Phuong-Yung Cong-Huyen | Self | Self |
Rachel M Engelhardt | self | self |
Randi Olson | KinderCare | Self |
Rebecca Groble | Self | Self |
Rinda West | self | self |
Robert Miller | Mr. | registered Illinois voter |
Rose Mary Meyer | Project IRENE | Project IRENE |
Ryan Dohoney | Self | self |
Sara Strahan | self | self |
Sarah Breeden | None | Self |
Sarah Feezor | glenview resident | WeWill |
Sarah Layden | Resilience, formerly Rape Victim Advocates | Resilience, formerly Rape Victim Advocates |
Sarah Novey | self | Self |
Sean Graham-White | self | self |
sharon gordon | self | self |
Shawn Michael | self | self |
Sherri Gail Barber | self | myself |
Sonja Kosanovic | Ms. | self |
Stephanie Ryan | self | self |
Steve Hetzel | Mr. | Self |
Steve Pittman | none | self |
Sue Friedman | Retired | Self |
Susan Balaban | self | self |
Susan Bramlet Lavin | Illinois National Organization for Women | Illinois NOW |
Susan Budde | none | self |
Susan Jaffee | Knit Nirvana llc | Business owner |
Susan Walker | Self | Self |
Tara Bouldrey | Self | Self |
Teresa Stinaldi | self | self |
Teri Gidwitz | self | self |
Terri Klowden | Self | Self |
Theresa Haack | Myself | Myself |
Tim Lovell | On behalf of self | Indivisible Chicago |
Tracey Sherman-Falcon | self | self |
Verena Block | SELF | SELF |
Victoria Carlee | retired | self |
Wanda Walker | in between jobs | self |
Wendy Pollack | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law |
Wendy Posner | Self | self |
William A Frazin | Self | Self |
William Little | Self | Self |
Zach Koutsky | Local 881 UFCW | 34,000 Local 881 United Food and Commercial Workers |
Hearing Date and Time: Labor & Commerce (H) 2/20/2019 2:30 PM |
Kathryn Winkler | NA | Self |
Adele Gleason | Self | Self |
Alisa york | Self | Self |
Andrew Kretschmar | SEIU Healthcare Illinois Indiana | SEIU Healthcare Illinois Indiana |
Ann Soutter | self | self |
Anna Koeppel | Laborers' International Union - Midwest Region | Laborers' International Union - Midwest Region |
Ashley Miller | Self | Self |
Azariah | Attorney at Law | |
Barbara Nudo | Self | Indivisible |
Becky Marshall | Self | Self |
Bernadette Young | NA | Self |
Bridgette Bonk | Private Citizen | Private Citizen |
Bruce Frazin | self | Self |
C barry | Na | Self |
Caitlyn McEllis | Illinois Attorney General's Office | Illinois Attorney General's Office |
Candace Sinclair | self | self |
Carol Lorente | self | self |
Carol Mancini | NA | Self |
Carol S Lauhon | Self | Self |
carole drennan | none | Myself |
Carole Martz | self | self |
Carolyn Robinson | Self | Self |
Carolyn Cochran Kopel | Self | Self |
Cassandra Kaczocha | NA | Political AF |
Catherine Caporusso | Resistance | Women and children |
Charyn Beaumont | Self | None |
Christina Dunn | Self | Self |
Christine Popovich | none | Self |
Claire Flynn McIntyre | Self | Self |
Cory Gapstur | self | Self |
Courtney Ashenbrenner | Self | Self |
Cynthia Mundell | Self | Self |
Daniela Mahoney | Self | Self |
Darilyn Dinsmoor | Self | Self |
David Bythewood | Constituent | Self |
David Rechs | self | self |
David Stanford | none | self |
Deanna Brennan | Self | Self |
Deanna Durica | Self | Self |
Dia Morgan | None | None |
Diane Tye | Self | Self |
DIANNE MARSELLA | Dianne Marsella | Concerned citizen |
Dick Breckenridge | BlueGreen Alliance | b |
Dr Donald Hennig | None | Self |
Eamon Daly | NA | Self |
Edmund Leipus | Self | Self |
Elaine Rockney | self | self |
Elena Demos | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Czechanski | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Hart | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Monkus | self | self |
Ellen Wolcott | Self | self |
Emily Kostielney | None | Individual |
Emily Barney | self | self |
emily beaufort | self | self |
Erin C Kissick | None | Self |
Evelyn Kaehler | self | self |
Ginny T Lyons | none | |
Gwyn Ciesla | NA | Myself |
Heather Egland | Illinois resident | Self |
Heather Hayes | Self | Self |
Heidi Thorp | Constituent | Self |
Heidi Henry | Constituent | Constituents Heidi & Stan Henry |
Holly Stovall | self | Myself |
Janice L Knudsen | None | |
Jason Keller | IL AFL-CIO | Labor |
Jean Page | self | self |
Jeanette F Klein | Mrs. | |
Jenni Purdue | J & J Legislative | American Association of University Women |
Jennifer Caputo | Self | Myself |
Jennifer Hartsig | None | Self |
Jennifer King | Self | |
Jennifer Larkin | Self | Self |
Jessica Droeger | Self | Self |
Jim Slezak | self | self |
JoAnn Kawell | self | self |
Joanna Webb-Gauvin | AFSCME Council 31 | AFSCME Council 31 |
Jody Coss | self | self |
Johnna Knabe | self | self |
JoLynn Doerr | self | self |
Joy Mix | Self | Self |
Juliana Morawski | None | None |
Julianne marken | Self | Self |
Julie Stephan | Self | Self |
Justin Rand | Self | Self |
Kara Kuo | self | |
Karen Goldman | Self | Self |
Karen Kortsch | Self | Self |
Karen Slater | Private citizen | Myself |
Katherine Burton | Self | Self |
Kathy Feingold | Self | Self |
Kay Rosen | Self | |
Kerri Bloom | Self | |
Khadine Bennett | ACLU of Illinois | ACLU of Illinois |
Kim Gatz | Self | None |
Kristina Rice | NA | Myself |
Kyle Hillman | National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter |
Laura James | self | self |
Laura Krain | Self | Indivisible |
Laura Welch | Will County NOW | |
Laurie Condra | Self | Self |
Leslie Lina Paluch | YWCA Evanston North Shore | YWCA Evanston North Shore |
Lila Yusen | Self | Self |
Linda Chandler | None | Self |
Linda Johnson | Self | Self |
Linda Montalbano | self | Humans |
Linda Montanero | Linda Montanero | Self |
Lindsay Morrison | self | self |
Lisa Goranson | Private citizen | Private citizen. |
Lisa Leipus | None | Self |
Lisa Roberts | Self | Self |
Lisa Rose | Individual | Myself |
Liz Adams | None | Self |
Lonnie Dunlap | Retired | |
Lori Fennel | Self | Self |
Margaret E Rubin | Self | Self |
Maria Zeller Brauer | NA | Self |
Marie Mckenna | Self | Self |
Marie Grygienc | None | Self |
Marie Jones | none | none |
Marion Nowak | self | self |
Marla barch | Na | |
Marvin L Doolin | none | self |
Mary Ellen Gass | Self | |
Mary Grose | self | self |
Mary McGovern | Self | Self |
Mary Miller | self | self |
Mary Patrcia Ernst | Ernst Financial | self |
Matthew Slade | Village of Durand | Self |
Maureen Keane | Self | Maureen Keane |
Melissa Josephs | Women Employed | Women employed |
Meta Mueller | Citizen | Self |
Michael Tamez | Self | |
Michelle Fadeley | Illinois NOW | Illinois National Organization for Women |
Morgan Snouffer | None | Self |
Musette Michael | Musette Michael | Musette Michael |
Nan Virginia Bateman | Myself | |
Nina Corwin | Nina Corwin, MA, LCSW Private Practice | Nina Corwin |
Pamela Bailey | None | |
Pamela Sourelis | None | Self |
Patricia Armstrong | On behalf of self | Illinois voter |
Patricia Graham | Self | Self |
Patricia McAdams | Self | Self |
Paul Grzywacz | None | Self |
Paul Joseph Schleitwiler FCM | retired | self |
Rachel Becknell | Constituent | Self |
Rasa Avizienis | Self | |
Roque C Ybarra | private citizen | taxpayer |
Sara Seibt | self | self |
Sarah Breeden | None | Self |
Sarah Novey | self | Self |
Shannon Millikin | self | self |
Stephanie Ryan | self | self |
Susan Langan | Self | Self |
Susan Bramlet Lavin | Illinois National Organization for Women | Illinois NOW |
Susan Walker | Self | Self |
T E King | Self | Self |
T J King | Self | Self |
Tabitha Elzer | NA | Self |
Terry Boyd | self | |
Tracey Gzamouranis | Self | Self |
Tracy Nicholson | none | self |
Wendy Pollack | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law |
William A Frazin | Self | Self |
William McNary | Citizen Action Illinois | Citizen Action Illinois |
Zachary Joel Gittrich | 1988 | |
Hearing Date and Time: Labor & Commerce (H) 2/13/2019 2:00 PM |
Brigid Leahy | Planned Parenthood of Illinois | Planned Parenthood of Illinois |
Caitlyn McEllis | Illinois Attorney General's Office | Illinois Attorney General's Office |
David Schwartz | Self | Self |
Gail Schnitzer Eisenberg | Stowell & Friedman, Ltd. | Self |
Jason Keller | IL AFL-CIO | Labor |
Jen Dean | Chicago Votes | Chicago Votes |
Khadine Bennett | ACLU of Illinois | ACLU of Illinois |
Kyle Hillman | National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter |
Leslie Lina Paluch on behalf of YWCA Evanston North Shore | YWCA Evanston North Shore | |
Matthew Slade | Village of Durand | Self |
Melissa Josephs | Women Employed | Women employed |
Susan Bramlet Lavin | Executive Director | Illinois NOW |
Tim McLean | Illinois Trial Lawyers Association | Illinois Trial Lawyers Association |
Wendy Pollack | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law | Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law |