Illinois General Assembly - SB0076Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For SB0076  103rd General Assembly

Senate Amendment 001   House Amendment 001   House Amendment 002
Bill Status

Legislation: SB0076
Proponents: 245Opponents: 156No Position: 4
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Public Utilities (H) 4/18/2023 3:00 PM
Aaron GurnseyCentral Illinois Building and Construction Trades CouncilCentral Illinois Building and Construction Trades Council
Alan MedskerNoneSelf
Albert E RoscowHaier Plumbing & Heating, Inc.Local 101 Plumbers & Pipefitters
Alberto RinconNA
Alejandro RomoLocal 281
Alexander GaySprinkler Fitters Local 281
Alexander MarshallSelf
Alyssa HayesUniversity of TennesseeSelf
Amanda BachmannUniversity of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignSelf
Andrew KretschmarSanborn Williams Consulting, LLCIronworkers District Council of Chicago & Vicinity
Anna BielaSelf
Anthony LigammariLocal281
Austin MejdrichNASelf
Brad BabcookChemical Industry Council of IllinoisChemical Industry Council of Illinois
Brad ByrnesSprinkler Fitters Local 281
Brad TietzChicagoland Chamber of CommerceChicagoland Chamber of Commerce
Bradley D BestPlumbers and Pipefitters Local 553
Brennan ChesleyNA
Brett Schwalb553
Brian PoirotLocal 101
Brian PoirotLocal 101
brian zurlieneLocal 101 plumbers and pipefitters
Brianna LantzIllinois Energy AssociationIllinois Energy Association
Bryan LaRocheSprinkler Fitters Local Union 281, U.A.Sprinkler Fitters Local Union 281, U.A.
Carl ColglazierSelf
Casey GodfreySelf
Charles WardLocal 281Local 281
Chloe Valentine AndradeHill Fire Protection
Chris HarstonSelfSelf
Clint WalkerUA Local 551
Cody DirckLocal 281 Sprinklerfitters
Colby CampbellSprinkler Fitters Local 281
Daniel McKennaPlumbers and Pipefitters Local 101 Belleville Illinois
Daniel WilliamsNA
Daniel WilliamsnaSelf
Darrin RamboUA Local 669 SprinklerfittersUA Local 669 Sprinklerfitters
Dave ProstUA Local 101UA Local 101
David M Maroon Jrunited association of plumbers local 63UA Plumbers Local 63
David MedskerSelf
Derek HuizengaSelfSelf
Derek StevensState Council of Operating EngineersState Council of Operating Engineers
Doc GregoryPipefitters 597Pipefitters 597
Doc GregoryWill Grundy Building Trades CouncilWill Grundy Building Trades Council
Donald OttSprinkler Fitters Local 281United Association
Donovan GriffithIllinois Manufacturers' AssociationIllinois Manufacturers' Association
Doug PursellPlumbers and Pipefitters UA Local 160
Edward MarhankaPlumbers and Pipefitters Local 101Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 101
Eric JebsenSelfSelf
Eric L PachecoNaSelf
Eric MathisSelfSelf
Evan WoodingUnited Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters
Ezequiel ValdiviaLocal 281Local 281
Francis Vincent Jude HermanSprinkler Fitters Local 281
Gabriel PrangePlumbers & Pipefitters local 101Plumber & Pipefitters local 101
Galen SelligmanUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignSelf
Harold pajakLocal 101
Herbert H FrohockPlumbers and Pipefitters UA Local 553Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 553
Ian J Hyzyselfself
Jack CambriaLU281
Jack LockhartSelf
Jakub MuszynskiSelfSelf
James CoynePlumbers Local 130, UAPlumbers Local 130, UA
James HopfNoneSelf
James N Atterberry JrUA Local 101UA Local 101
Jay LoganPlumbers and pipefitters local99Plumbers and pipefitters local99
Jeff FerryVistraVistra
Jenna MitchellMidAmerican EnergyMidAmerican Energy
Jeremy MunozLocal 281
Jeremy WarginLocal 281
Jerry KelleherLocal 99Local 99
Jesus gradillaLocal 281Concerned home owner
Joe DuffyClimate Jobs IllinoisClimate Jobs Illinois
John BattuelloUA 553UA 553
John CoultasIllinois Municipal LeagueIllinois Municipal League
John GirardSelfSelf
John Prindeville IIILocal 281
John schergenLocal 281
Jose Carlos MunozSelfSelf
Joseph DrausSprinkler Fitters Local 281Sprinkler Fitters Local 281
Joseph MiscimarraSelfSelf
Joshua Venzianoselfself
Julia EssLocal 281 sprinkler fitters unionLocal 281 sprinkler fitters
Keelan RiceNA
keenan schlenderLocal 281
Keith WilsonLocal 101
Kent L JacksonPlumbers &Pipefitters local 101Unions
Kevin M ReepeLocal 101
Kevin MulhearnSprinkler Fitters Local 281Sprinkler Fitters Local 281
Kevin SemlowIllinois Farm BureauIllinois Farm Bureau
Krzysztof HeldakLocal 281
Kyle PercakLocal 281
Larry GnatRoofers and Waterproofers Local 11Roofers & Waterproofers District Council
Leif RasmussenNorthwestern University
Lexie MatthewsLocal 281
Luke H GruchalaUA LU 101
Madison SchroderGeneration AtomicSelf
Marc NicholNuclear Energy InstituteNuclear Energy Institute
Marc PoulosLocal 150 Operating EngineersLocal 150 Operating Engineers
Mark DeeryConstruction
Mark ThomasSteamfitters Local 439
Marty HowardSprinkler Fitters Local 281Highly concerned citizen
Mary RasmussenSelfSelf
Matt CarrollSprinkler Fitters Local 281
Matt GallLocal 281Local 281
Matteo MiazzoselfSelf
Matthew BauerSprinkler fitters 281
Matthew J BiekertPlumbers&Pipefitters Local 101
Matthew J KellyUA Local 149United Association Local 149
Matthew LangendorfIL Pipe Trades
Matthew SladeMyselfSelf
Matthew T LienenLocal 25 Plumbers & PipefittersLocal 25 Plumbers & Pipefitters
Michael LaageSprinkler Fitters 281Sprinkler Fitters Local 281
Michael McLeanSelfSelf
Nathan RyanUIUCSelf
Nicholas GilbrideSprinkler Fitters Local 281Concerned citizen
patrick c smokerlocal 101 plumbers and pipefitterslocal 101 plumbers and pipefitters
Piper FernauUIUCSelf
Ray EickhoffNAUA Local 281
Richard Fuess IIPlumbers and Pipefitters Local 101
Rick TervenIllinois Pipe Trades AssociationIllinois Pipe Trades Association
RyanLocal 281Concerned citizen
Ryan BoyleNorthern Trust
Samuel primozicSprinkler fitters Hall
Scott HohimerPlumbers&Steamfitters Local 137
Scott PresslakSelfSelf
Scott T DeitzLocal 101 UA
Sean CroninSelfSelf
Spencer BlackwellNone
Spencer KohrmannLocal 101 Plumbers and Pipe FittersLocal 101 Plumbers and Pipefitters
Stavros GregoriouLocal 281
Stephen ArmstrongUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
stephen Doughertylocal 281concerned citizens
Stephen LongoSelfSelf
Steven VanceSelfSelf
Steven VanceSelfSelf
Tim GillooleyLocal 597 Pipefitters
Timothy MurphyLocal 281Concerned citizen
Vincent DeLortaLocal 281
Whitney JohnsonSelfSelf
William AllisonPlumbers & Pipefitters Local Union 25Plumbers & Pipefitters Local Union 25
William HincksSprinkler Fitters Local Union 281 U.A.Sprinkler Fitters Local Union 281 U.A.
William P MehilosSelfSelf
Xavier LeeNone
Zachary gibbsLocal 281
Hearing Date and Time: Energy and Public Utilities (S) 3/9/2023 10:00 AM
Aaron AkreSelfSelf
Aaron HackettUniversity of IllinoisAaron Hackett
Adrian Calderonnoneself
Alan MedskerNoneSelf
Alex CreameanNoneMyself
Alex JablonskiSelfSelf
Alyssa HayesUniversity of TennesseeSelf
Amanda BachmannUniversity of IllinoisSelf
Anthony RuzzoJensen HughesNone
Arist HuUniversity of IllinoisArist Hu
Bennett MurphyNoneNone
Brad TietzChicagoland Chamber of CommerceChicagoland Chamber of Commerce
Brandon WillisIndividualNone
Brian KurzNANA
Brianna LantzIllinois Energy AssociationIllinois Energy Association
Christopher C BerganEnergy Reality ProjectChristopher Bergan
Dan Bohnertselfself
Daniel WilliamsNoneSelf
Daniel WilliamsSelfSelf
Danny PressCitizenCitizen
David LeClearSelfSelf
Dilan KurukulasuriyaUniversity of IllinoisNA
Don MillerSelfSelf
Donovan GriffithIllinois Manufacturers' AssociationIllinois Manufacturers' Association
Elliott Rockselfself
Emmet PenneyGrid BriefSelf
Eric G MeyerGeneration AtomicGeneration Atomic
Eric JebsenSelfSelf
Ethan NicollsUniversity of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignSelf
Grant MillsNoneSelf
Greg ObisObis IntlPersons
Griffin HillyTransMarket GroupSelf
Guido David Nunez-MujicaThe Breakthrough InstituteMyself
Harrison Armand BrosiusUniversity of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignAmerican Nuclear Society
Heather HoffMothers For NuclearHeather Hoff, Mothers for Nuclear
Jack CruikshankSelfSelf
Jack GerardContra DC LLCJack Gerard
Jackie MillerSelfSelf
Jacob RiceAmerican Nuclear SocietyAmerican Nuclear Society
Jakub MuszynskiSelfSelf
James HopfSelfSelf
Jared SnyderSelfSelf
Jeff FerryDynegyVistra, Vistra Zero
Jeffrey LuseGeneration AtomicGeneration Atomic
Jenna MitchellMidAmerican EnergyMidAmerican Energy
Joe DuffyClimate Jobs IllinoisClimate Jobs Illinois
John CoultasIllinois Municipal LeagueIllinois Municipal League
John LowderLowder Govermental SolutionsIllinois State Conference of the IBEW
John SergeantSelfSelf
Joshua BolattoSelfSelf
Joshua HoffmanStudentMyself
Julia HaskellNoneJulia Haskell
Julia DeWahlNot applicableSelf
Kara GoffSelfSelf
Kati RickenConstellation energyMyself
Katie christensenNAKatie Christensen
Kelly PachowiczSelfSelf
Kevin SemlowIllinois Farm BureauIllinois Farm Bureau
Kiersten SundellGeneration AtomicGeneration Atomic
Louis OpterSelfSelf
Lucas Brandtna.Self
Lucas GiolasSelfSelf
Maciej Wojtasikselfself
Madison HillyCampaign for a Green Nuclear DealSelf
Madison SchroderGeneration AtomicGeneration Atomic
Marc NicholNuclear Energy InstituteNuclear Energy Institute
Maria JacobsonMaria JacobsonMaria Jacobson
Mark DenzlerIllinois Manufacturers' AssociationIllinois Manufacturers' Association
Mark W NelsonRadiant Energy GroupMyself only
Martin HawleyNoneMartin Hawley
Marty OrrSelfNone
Matthew MeyerGeneration AtomicGeneration Atomic
Matthew SladeMyselfSelf
Michael McLeanSelfSelf
Michael OlsonNAself
Mickey Davisselfself
Nancy NortonIndividualIndividual
Nathan RyanUniversity of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignSelf
Nicholas BlackNANA
Nicholas John JanssenNoneSelf
Nick HamiltonNANA
Nick MullinsSelfSelf
Olivia EvansUniversity of Illinois Urbana ChampaignSelf
Paris Ortiz-WinesSelfSelf
Philip HultSelfSelf
Piper FernauUniversity of Illinois- Urbana-ChampaignUniversity of Illinois- Urbana-Champaign
Regan LindeUniversity of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Rick TervenIllinois Pipe Trades AssociationIllinois Pipe Trades Association
Ryan PickeringIndependentNone
Seaver WangThe Breakthrough Institutemyself
Stephen ArmstrongUniversity of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignMyself
Stephen H WilliamsNoneSelf
Steven RumbaughUniversity of IllinoisSteven Rumbaugh
Susie graffSelfSelf
Sydney HolmanCozen OconnorMidAmerican Energy
Thomas Seewaldselfself
Tola AlukoGeneration AtomicGeneration Atomic
Vincent PorterNoneSelf
Yash MamtoraSelfSelf