Illinois General Assembly - HB5548Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB5548  103rd General Assembly

Bill Status

Legislation: HB5548
Proponents: 60Opponents: 647No Position: 1
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Civil (H) 4/3/2024 8:00 AM
Amy L KleinmanSelfSelf
Amy RubinNoneSelf
Ann LubanSelf
Beth NajbergSelfself
Beth Nudelmanselfself
Candice GoldsteinSelf
Carole LevineLevine Partnersself
Chris NyboChris Nybo LLCMutual Ground
Christine RaffaeleIllinois Coalition Against Domestic ViolenceIllinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Darlene ZamanskySelfself
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Debora WillageRetired
Deborah KadinSelfSelf
Deborah LevinsonSelf
Debra Borodkinselfself
Diane Schaar MD FAAPPediatriciannone
Donna Fishmanselfself
Donna GutmanSelfSelf
Elena MoroneSelf
Elene M CafassoSelfSelf
Elizabeth BoyleSelfSelf
Elizabeth CarrollselfNa
Elizabeth StoneSelf
Ellen KaplanSelfSelf
Esther RosenbloomSelfSelf
Fredi Beth SchmutteSelfSelf
Jane LippowSelfSelf
Jill LexierselfNational Council of Jewish Women
Joan Bludeau LavelleNA
Julie NilesSelf
Justin GibsonSelfSelf
Lara J Solonicknemy family
Laura WelchIllinois National Organization for WomenIllinois National Organization for Women
Lisa FredricksonSelfSelf
Madeleine BehrChicago Alliance Against Sexual ExploitationChicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE)
Margaret FrankSelfSelf
Maureen KeaneSelfSelf
Melissa SterneNoneSelf
Merle Kharasch GrossSelfSelf
Naomi Weitzelselfself
Roger GermannoneMacon County Parents Demand Parental Rights, Stop commie child grabbing
Sara AronSelfSelf
Sara BlockAscend JusticeAscend Justice
Sarah HirsenSelfSelf
Sherry Petlinselfself
Shoshana Frankselfself
Sue BradySelfSelf
Susan Agatenoneself
Susan BramletIllinois National Organization for WomenIllinois NOW
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Civil (H) 3/21/2024 8:30 AM
Aubry StapletonSelfSelf
catharine earlySelf
katie stanczykiewiczPlanned Parenthood of Illinois ActionPlanned Parenthood Illinois Action
Susan Bramlet LavinIllinois National Organization for WomenIllinois NOW
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Civil (H) 3/13/2024 8:00 AM
Adelaide ZwickPlanned Parenthood Illinois ActionPlanned Parenthood Illinois Action
Chris NyboChris Nybo LLCMutual Ground
Christine RaffaeleIllinois Coalition Against Domestic ViolenceIllinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Michael ZiriEquality IllinoisEquality Illinois
Susan Bramlet LavinIllinois National Organization for WomenIllinois NOW