Illinois General Assembly - HB5252Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB5252  103rd General Assembly

Bill Status

Legislation: HB5252
Proponents: 34Opponents: 7No Position: 1
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Human Services (H) 4/3/2024 8:30 AM
Ben LazareBen Lazare ConsultingBen Lazare Consulting
Chris LoweryChris Lowery ConsultingChris Lowery Consulting
Hearing Date and Time: Human Services (H) 3/21/2024 8:30 AM
Amanda BeasleyAC Lifepoints
Angela CassidySelf
Aubry StapletonSelfSelf
Ben KnochelApostolic Christian LifePointsAdvocate for Individuals with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities
Blake StahlApostolic Christian LifePointsProvider Agency for Individuals Living With Disabilities
Brooke NafzigerAC LifePointsAdvocate for Individuals with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities
Christina WiegandApostolic Christian LifePointsAdvocate for individuals with intellectual disabilities
Crystal StreitmatterApostolic Christian LifePoints
Dan KlausAC LifePointsGuardian of individuals with intellectual disabilities
Dennis VirklerApostolic Christian LifePointsGuardian of Individual with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities
Elisabeth a LurzAC Life Points
Elizabeth KnappAC LifePointsAdvocate for Individuals with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities
Eric WilliamsAC LifePointsApostolic Christian LifePoints
Gerald OrndorffApostolic Christian LifePointsParent Guardian of Individual with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities
HaleyOakwood life points
Hannah DudiakApostolic Christian LifePointsAdvocate for Individuals with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities
Jennifer MilesAclifepointsAClifepoints
Julie HeimAC LifePointsParent Guardian of individual with intellectual developmental disabilities
Kate BookerApostolic Christian LifePoints or AC LifePointsAdvocate for Individuals with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities
Kathy HuthmannApostolic Christian LifePointsAdvocate for Individuals with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities
Kathy J TannerApostolic Christian LifePoints
Kaylene ButikoferAC LifePointsParent Guardian of Individual with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities
Larissa SteffenApostolic Christian LifePointsAdvocate for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
Lynne KnoblochApostolic Christian LifePoints Inc.Advocate for Individuals with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities
Mary CampAC LifePointsGuardian of adults with developmental disabilities
Mary MetzgerApostolice Christian LifePointsParent Guardian of Individual with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities
Melissa MillerApostolic Christian LifePointsAdvocate for Individuals with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities
Rebekah KochApostolic Christian LifePointsAdvocate for Individuals with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities
Stacey BorregoApostolic Christian LifePointsParent Guardian of Individual with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities
Steve HipplerAC LifePointsParent Guardian of Individual with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities
Timothy CassidyAC LifePoints
Virgil MetzgerApostolic Christian LifePointsParent Guardian of Individual with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities