Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Executive (S) 1/5/2023 10:00 AM |
Patricia B Kubistal | DKG Illinois | self |
Adam Ramirez | Chicago Public School District 299 | self |
Adrienne Head | Chicago Public School District 299 | self |
Adrienne R Alexander | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Aida Flores | Parent, School leader Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Aisha McCarthy | CPAA | Cpaa |
Alahrie Aziz-Sims | CPS | CPAA |
Alana Aziz | Taxpayer | Community |
Alesia Allen | Chicago Public School 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Alexandra Dakessian | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Amber Commodore | Chicago Public School District 299 | Self |
Andrea Kluger | Chicago Federation of Labor | Chicago Federation of Labor |
Angela Hanrahan | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Public School District 299 |
Anika Murphy-Wellere | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Atlan Arceo-Witzl | Self | Self |
Augustina Bottari | CPS | CPAA |
Avice Nelson | Community | Community |
Bosede Bada | Chicago Public Schools | CPAA |
Bosede Bada | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principal and Assistant Principal Association |
Bukola Bello | VISION M.A.I. Consulting | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Careda Taylor | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Principals Association |
Clarisa Bravo-Ruiz | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Consuelo Gaines | Chicago Public Schools - Illinois District 299 | self |
Craig Lichtenberg | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Cy Hendrickson | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Dawn Creed | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Dawn Sydnor Cole | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals Administrators Association CPAA |
Derrick L Kimbrough | Chicago Public Schools - District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Elizabeth Gearon | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association | CPAA Member |
Ellen Kennedy | self | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Frances Barnett Evins | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Principal Administrators Association |
Frank Morris | CPS | Chicago Principals Association |
Frederick Williams | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
George Szkapiak | John F. Kennedy H.S. of Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Gerardo Benjamin Trujillo | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Heather Minyard | Chicago public schools 299 | Chicago principals and administrators association |
Helen Kantzioris | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Jarreau Sims | Taxpayer | Community |
Jeffery Cooks | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
JOENILE ALBERT REESE | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals Administrators Association |
John Boggs | Community | Community |
John OConnell | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Judy Adams | Self | Self |
Julio Alvarez | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Kai Murray | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Kate Graham-McHugh | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Kate Reidy | Chicago public schools | Chicago Public Schools administrators |
Kathleen Valente | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Kia Banks | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Kimberly Collier | none | Community |
Latoya Lyons | Chicago public schools district | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Latricia Baker-Tall | Chicago Public Schools | CPAA |
Laura Paull | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Leonard Harris | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Leonetta C Sanders | Chicago Public School | CPAA |
Linda R Williams | Self | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Lucja Mirowska-Kopec | Chicago Public Schools, district 299 | self |
Magda Derisma | IL AFL-CIO | IL AFL-CIO |
Margaret Alhasoon | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Marian L Strok | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals Administrators Association |
Mark Grishaber | Chicago Public School District 299 | self |
Mark Janka | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Mary Cavey | CPS | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Mary Kay Richardson | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Matthew Price | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
MEGAN YRACHETA | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | CPAA - Chicago Principals & Administrators Association |
Melissa Hess | Chicago Public School District 299 | Self |
Melissa Resh | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Melvin Soto | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Michael L Richie | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and and Administrators Association |
Michelle Harrell | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Nicole C Spicer | self | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Nneka Gunn | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Nora Danielle Dandurand | Chicago Public Schools | Nora Dandurand |
Norma Cortez | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Olimpia Bahena | Talcott Fine Arts and Museum Academy | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Onome Alabi | CPS | Self |
Patrick Levins | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Paul Karafiol | Chicago Public Schools | Self |
Paulette Williams | City of Chicago | Paulette Williams |
Pavielle Driver | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principal and Administrators Association |
Raul Magdaleno | Chicago Public Schools-299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Rebeka Barrera | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Reginald York | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Remel Terry | Chicago Westside Branch NAACP | Chicago Westside Branch NAACP |
Richard McMillan | Chicago Public School | CPAA |
Robert Baughman | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principal and Administrator Association |
Robert Johnston | Self | Self |
Roxana Del Real | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Ryan Belville | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Ryan Glowacz | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Ryan Leonard | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Safurat Giwa | CPS | CPAA |
Sarah MoonSarudi | Chicago Public Schools 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Shante Ivory | Chicago Public School District 299 | Self |
Sharon Herod Jones | Self | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Sherisse Freeney | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Principal Administrators Association |
Sherry Pirtle | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
sheryl freeman | Chicao Public Schools | Chicago Principals Association |
Stephanie Bester | Chicago Public Schools | CPAA |
Susan S Paik | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
tamara Witzl | CPS employee | CPAA |
Tenesha Hatter | Chicago Public School district 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Teresa Chrobak-Prince | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Terri Kelly | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Public Schools |
Terri Kelly | Chicago Public Schools 299 | Chicago Public Schools 299 |
Terrill Cole | Self | Self |
Terry Khuu | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Tim Drea | IL AFL-CIO | Illinois AFL-CIO |
Toni Johnson West | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Tonya Hammaker | CPAA | CPAA |
Tonya Tolbert | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Tracey Stelly | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principal and Administrators Association |
Trinidad Liberto | Self | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Troy LaRaviere | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Tyrone Dowdell | self | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Venus DeLoach | Chicago Public School 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Vickie Durrah | Chicago Public Schools | Vickie Durrah for CPAA |
Victoria Tomko | Chicago School District 299 | Self |
Wilma R Newchurch | self | CPAA |
Hearing Date and Time: Labor & Commerce (H) 2/16/2022 2:00 PM |
Aida Perez | Chicago Public Schools - District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Adam Ramirez | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Alahrie Aziz-Sims | Chicago Public Schools and CPAA | Chicago Principals Association |
Alesia Franklin-Allen | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Alexandra Dakessian | Chicago Public School District 299 | Self |
Alfredo Lopez | Chicago Public School District 299 | |
Ana Torres-Romero | Chicago Public Schools | |
Anamaria Orbe | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association. |
Angela Colon | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Angela Sims | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Angelica Guerrero | Chicago Public school District 299 | Chicago Principles and Administrators Association |
Anna Alvarado | Self | Self |
Anna Kulvik | Self | Self |
Anthony Acciari | Self | Self |
Arthur Anthony Fumarolo | retired | |
Aryelle Smith | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Barbara Tomko | self | self |
Bernadette Glover | Chicago Public Schools 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrator Academy |
Beverly Jordan | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Bridget Harris | Chicago Public School District 299 | self |
Bukola Bello | VISION M.A.I. Consulting | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Carol floros | Self | Self |
Carol Koszola | Self | Self |
Carolyn Skibba | CPS | Self |
Carri Annunzio | Self | Self |
Carrie Cole | Chicago Public School District 299 | |
Cesar A Balcazar | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Charia Johnson | Local School Council | Chicago Public School District 299 |
Charise Roldan | Self | Self |
Charles Bright | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Cheryl White | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Chris Wiesyk | Self | Taxpayer |
Christos Mourtokokis | Chicago Public School District 299 | Self |
damir ara | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Dave Comerford | Illinois Federation of Teachers | Illinois Federation of Teachers |
David Ramirez | self | self |
David Scott Tharp | self | Self |
Dawn Creed | Chicago Public School District 29 | Chicago Principals & Administrators Association |
Debbie Nikokavouras | Chicago Public Schools | |
Denis Roarty | self | self |
Denise Scott | Chicago Public Schools | |
Eileen Scanlan-Peterson | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Elizabeth Farrow | self | self |
Elizabeth M Mourtokokis | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Elvia Rincon | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Eric Fay | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association. |
Eric Flores | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Erica Pacheco | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association. |
Erika Foreman | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Estaphanie Mora | self | self |
Frederick Williams | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Gerald Macon | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Gerald V Dugan Jr | Retired Chicago Public Schools | |
Grace Moody | Chicago Public School District 299 | Self |
Greg Mason | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Gretta Ellis | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Iraida B Dugan | Chicago Public Schools | |
Israel Urbina | Chicago Public Schools 299 | Self |
Ixtla Arceo-Witzl | Self | Self |
Jacquelynn Camden | Chicago Public School District 299 | self |
Jacquelynn Camden | CPS Parent | |
Jarreau Sims | Chicago | Chicago Principals Association |
Jason Ruiz | Chicago Public School District 299 | Local School Council |
Javier Romero | Self | Self |
Jayme LeTempt | Chicago Public School District 299 | Self |
Jeffery Cooks | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Principals Administrators Association |
Jeffrey Hanrahan | Self | Self |
Jennifer Vitkus | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Jenny Greenblatt | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Jessica Coors | Self | self |
Joan Garey-Rogers | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Joan Lynch | Chicago Public Schools | |
Jose Ramirez | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Jose Rodriguez | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Joseph Lazio | Chicago Public Schools - District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Joy C Harris | na | na |
Joyce Anderson | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Judy Adams | Self | Self |
Julie Pienta | CASSELL SCHOOL | |
Julie Trejo | Chicago Public School District 299 | CPAA |
June Witzl | self | self |
Kahinde Longmire | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Karen Valentine | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Karren Ray | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Kate Ljubenko | Chicago Public School District 299 | self |
Kathleen Bandolik | CPAA | CPAA |
Kathleen T Valente | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Katrina Cabrera | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Keisha Kidan | City of Chicago District 299 | Self |
Kellie Dean | self | self |
Ken Cuellar | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Kevin Coppage | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Kia Banks | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Kimberly Collier | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Public Schools |
Krissandra Taylor-Walker | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Krista Rajanen | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Kristen Kania | Self | Self |
Kurt Hilgendorf | Chicago Teachers Union | Chicago Teachers Union |
LaShae Jenkins | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Latice Nicholson | Chicago Public School District 299 | Self |
lauren m DeGiulio | Moos | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Leah Brown | self | self |
Lena Matschke | Self | Self |
Leonard Harris | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association. |
Leticia L Gonzalez | formerly at CPS | |
Lindsi Lara | 299 | CPAA |
Linnette Claudio | Chicago Public Schools - District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association. |
Lisa Anderson | Self | Self |
Lori | District 28 | |
LoWanda Bell | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Magda Derisma | IL AFL-CIO | IL AFL-CIO |
Manda Lukic | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Marcos Guzman | self | self |
Margaret Alhasoon | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Maria Ramirez | self | self |
Marie Szyman | Pershing Magnet School | Marie Szyman |
Mark Grishaber | Chicago Public School District 299 | |
Mark Janka | Chicago Public Schools, District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Mark Jordan | Self | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Marquise Smallwood | Self | Self |
Marta Lopez | Chicago Public School District 299 | Zapata LSC |
Martin Mora Jr | self | self |
Martin P Walsh | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Self |
Mary Georgina Swanson | self | self |
Mary Kay Richardson | Velma Thomas ECC | |
Mellodie Brown | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Michael Dakessian | Self | Taxpayer |
Michael Herring | Jahn Elementary School | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Michael J Kosko | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Michael Marzano | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Michael Pacourek | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Michelle Edmonds | Chicago Public School District 299 | CPS Parent self |
Michelle Harrell | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Michelle Kopke | Chicago Public School District 299 | Local School Council |
Mike Krzysztofiak | CPS District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association. |
Monique B Jones | --None-- | Self |
Natalie Rodriguez | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Nick Kania | Self | Self |
Nicole C Spicer | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Nicole McConnell | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Nicole White | Chicago Public Schools | CPS |
Nneka H Gunn | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association (CPAA) |
Pablo Guzman | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Pamela Brandt | Goudy Technology Academy | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association. |
Patricia Kubistal | self | Self |
Patrick J Kenny | Self | |
Paul Jones | self | self |
Pavielle Driver | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Phillip Yasenak | CPS | |
Raquel Davis | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Refugio Ramirez | self | self |
Renata Wiesyk | Self | Taxpayer |
Robert Johnston | NA | |
Rodney Moon | Self | Self |
Rodolfo Alvarado | Self | Self |
Rosa Sailes | Self | Self |
Ruth F Garcia | Chicago Public Schools 299 | Chicago Principals and Adminstrators Association |
Ryan Belville | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Ryan Coors | Chicago Public Schools 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Sabrina Gates | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Safurat Giwa | Chicago Public School - District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association. |
Safurat Giwa | CPAA | |
Salvador Velasco | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Self |
Scott Treibitz | American Federation of School Administrators | American Federation of School Administrators |
Sherisse Freeney | Chicago Public Schools | |
Sherisse Freeney | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Principal Association |
Stuart C Fuess | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
suzanne kilgannon | Chicago Public School District 299 | self |
Taiesha Ford | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Tamara Littlejohn | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Tamara Witzl | Chicago Public Schools- dist. 299 | Chicago Principal and Administrators Association |
Teresa Chrobak-Prince | Chicago Principal Administrators Association | Self |
Tiffanie Burton | Chicago Public School District 299 | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
TONYA Y TOLBERT | Chicago Public Schools District 299 | Chicago Principal's and Administrators Association |
Troy LaRaviere | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association | Chicago Principals and Administrators Association |
Vanessa Williams Johnson | Chicago Public Schools | CPAA |
Veronica Barrera | Chicago Public School District 299 | |
Wesley Peterson | Self | self |
William Matschke | Self | Self |
Yvette G Torres | Chicago Public Schools | Collective Bargaining for School Leaders |