Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Health Care Availability & Access (H) 5/11/2021 4:00 PM |
Alyse Mastrodonato | Homemaker | |
Angelique Miller | None | Parent |
Chris Newlon | Parent of a child with Down Syndrome | Parent of a child with Down Sydrome |
Diane Compton | Self | Self |
Dr Jennifer Thomas | Cary School District 26 | |
Karen Neville | National Association for Down syndrome | NADS |
Lindsay Robertson | National Down Syndrome Society | Mother of individual with Down syndrome |
Lori Reifsteck | Brokaw learning center | Parent |
Mark Robertson | National Down Syndrome Society | |
Maureen Linehan Howard | National Multiple Sclerosis society | National Multiple Sclerosis society |
Sarah Alzamora | Komar Screw Corp. | Parent |
Scott Reimers | Illinois State Medical Society | Illinois State Medical Society |
Vincent T Versaci | Vincent T. Versaci, DDS, PC | |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary (S) 3/16/2021 3:00 PM |
Adam Scheitel | RG Construction | Father of child with Down syndrome |
Adriana Cintron | Self | Self |
Adrienne Ericson | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Amanda Adkins | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Amanda Rainer | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Amber Anderson | Parent of child with Down syndrome | Parent of child with Down syndrome |
Amy Vecchione | Citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Ana C Pisani | Partners in Policymaking | Persons with Developmental Disabilities |
Andrea Fitzpatrick | none | friend of person with Down Syndrome |
Andrea Gingotta | Mom | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Andrew J Hilgart | Martin Brower - LLC | Parent of child with down syndrome |
Andrew Wyatt | Citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Angie Warner | Citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Anna Kirbach | Henry Senachwine Hig School | Aunt of a child with Down syndrome |
Aramis Paape | Lincoln Way West High School | I am a sibling to a person with Down syndrome |
Aubrey Paape | Aubrey Paape | Son |
Autum Conley | IWU | NA |
Autumn Feith | Teacher | Nephew who has Down Syndrome |
Ayden Zika | NADS | Brother |
Beth Kirkman | None | Beth Kirkman |
Bonnie Helms | Retired | Friend of person with Down Syndrome |
Brett Johnson | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Brianna Ripoli | NA | Laura Ripoli |
Brittany Christie | Gigi's Playhouse | Family Friend of a child with Down syndrome |
Brooke Urbanik | Nads | Nads frind of a person with downs |
Calum Paape | Cherry Hill School | I am a person with Down syndome |
Carole Janel | None | Great grandson who has Down syndrome |
Carolyn Wyatt | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Carrie Sluga | NA | NA |
Casey Zika | Nads | Father |
Catherine Paape | Self | Grandson with Down syndrome |
Cathie A Grover | Citizen | Grandparent of child with Down syndrome |
Charlee Meister | Self | friend of child with Down syndrome |
Charlie Robertson | Brokaw ELC | I am a person with Down syndrome |
Chrissy Daring | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Christine Newlon | Parent of a child with Down Syndrome | Parent of a child with Down Sydrome |
Christine Welcenbach | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Clare M Lund | Gower School District 62 | Friend of family with a child with Down Syndrome |
Clayton Wehmhoefer | Citizen | Clayton Wehmhoefer |
Corey Zika | Corey Zika | Uncle |
Cori Mohr | Self | Cori Mohr |
Coty Feith | None | Nephew with down syndrome |
Curtis Robertson | Citizen | People with Down Syndrome |
Cynthia Montgomery | TeachAbility | 3 |
Danelle Mueller | Na | Friend of a person with down syndrome |
Danity Paape | Nelson Ridge Elementary School | I am a sibling to a person with Down syndrome |
Dave VanBoxel | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
David Anderson | None | Grandson with Down syndrome |
David Schnettler | Froedtert South Medical Group | Sibling of child with Down Syndrome |
Debbie Kliebert | Self | Self |
Deborah Johns | Paraprofessional | Paraprofessional |
Debra Wehmhoefer | None | Louis and Debra Wehmhoefer |
Debra Wright | Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network | Parent of Child with Down Syndrome |
Diana Jenkins | Private Sector | Friend of Amber Anderson |
Diana Lee | self | self |
Diane Compton | Self | Parent of child with Down sydrome |
Diane Curtiss | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Dorena L Becker | Citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Doug Kirkman | none | Doug Kirkman |
Doug Meister | Self | friend of child with Down syndrome |
Drae Namaste-Rose | Self | Friends with children that have disabilities |
Dylan Ringer | Teacher | Nephew who has Down Syndrome |
Eliza Hamer | Berwyn South District 100 | Mother of Child with Down syndrome |
Ella Urbanik | Mops | Best friend of a person with downs |
Ella Urbanik | Mops | Friend with a person with downs |
Ember Erdmann | Col Productions | Cousin and friend of someone with Downs Syndrome |
Erin Horton | Self | My children |
Evelyn Erdmann | Col Productions | Friend and cousin of people with Downs Syndrome |
Faith Hays | teacher | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Gargi Bhadauria | Self | Parent of child with Down Syndrome |
Gary Szymik | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Gigi | Mops | Loved one with downs |
Greg Compton | Self | Parent of a child with Down syndrome |
Guadalupe Madrid | UIC | Hector Madrid |
Hannah Hayes | Shirley Ryan ability lab | Family member of a person to Down syndrome |
Harper Robertson | NA | Sibling of individual with Down syndrome |
Heather | Idss | Idss |
heather lis | personal | Parent of child with down syndrome |
Hector Madrid | DSDN | Father of child with down syndrome |
Heidi J Becker | Citizen | Family member of a person with Down syndrome |
Henry Kirbach | Henry Senachwine Jr. High and Grade School | Cousin of a child with Down syndrome |
Iyla Margulius | Iyla Margulius | Individuals with Down Syndrome |
Jake Adkins | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
James Huntenburg | NA | NA |
Jamie Bain | Allied Benefit Systems | Friend of Family with Down Syndrome |
Jason Steele | Business Owner | family member to a person with Down syndrome |
Jean Prisco | self | parent of child with Down syndrome |
Jeannette Collins | Family | Parents of children with Down syndrome |
Jeffrey Mohr | Citizen | Self |
Jena Wehmhoefer | Citizen | Jena Wehmhoefer |
Jenness Moss Stock | Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network | Mother of child with Down syndrome |
Jennifer Aquino | Health Care Service Corporation | Mother of child with Down Syndrome |
Jennifer B Wright | Self | Parent to a child with Down Syndrome |
Jennifer Burkett | Business Owner | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Jennifer Dougherty | none | parent of a child with special needs |
JENNY DIBENEDETTO | Parent | Parent of child with Down Syndrome |
Jessica Bradley | Mom | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Jill Bushnell | citizen | Great nephew who has Down syndrome |
Jill Kirbach | Jill Kirbach | parent of a child with Down syndrome |
Joanne L Bailey | Elisabeth Ludeman Center | Parents and Friends of Ludeman Center |
Jodi Craiglow | Trinity International University | Self |
Jody Stepnowski | Self | Self |
Joe Warner | Citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
JoElle Meister | Self | friend of child with Down syndrome |
Jonathan Paape | Jonathan Paape | Father of a child with down syndrome |
Jordan Marcacci | OSF healthcare | Mother of son with Down Syndrome |
Jorge Mojica | Jorge Mojica | Friend of a person with DS |
Josh Rainer | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Joyella Jorgensen | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Julia Hamer | Vivid Seats | Aunt of child with Down syndrome |
Julie Denny | Self | Slf |
Julie Greiner | Aon | Parent of child with Down Syndrome |
Julie L Peters | Parent of 21 year old special needs son | Parent of 21 year old special needs son |
Juliet Rojas | Supporter | Individuals with disabilities |
Justin Poss | NDSS | NDSS |
Kara Sword | Not applicable | Not applicable |
Karen Huntenburg | None | Every person is a person. |
Karen Masley-Joseph | Self | self |
Karen Neville | National Association for Down syndrome | Parent of a child with Down syndrome |
Katherine Cecchinelli | Citizen | Family of a person with Down syndrome |
Kathleen Johann | Not applicable | Grandmother of child with Down Syndrome |
Kathryn Shihadeh | self | parent of child with Down Syndrome |
Kaylee Short | Self | Wesley's Warriors |
Kelli Jagmin | Gigis Playhouse | Mother of child with Down syndrome |
Kelly Baldrate | individual | individual |
Kelly Hernandez | Gigis play house | Mother and sister to Individuals with DOWN SYNDROME . |
Kelly Neville | Special Sparkle | I am a person with Down syndrome |
Kelsey Bergsieker | Not applicable | Kelsey Bergsieker |
Kelsey Storm | Unity point health | Aunt of a child with Down syndrome |
Kerry Becker | Citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Kim Osterbrock | State Farm | Aunt of individual with Down Syndrome |
Kimberly Anderson | None | Grandson who has down syndrome |
Kira Baltazar | Self | Self |
Kyle Urbanik | Mops | Love someone with downs |
Lacey A Case | Self | Parents of children with Down syndrome |
Lance Neville | McDonalds | Parent of a child with Down syndrome |
Laurel Schnettler | Niece of a child with Down Syndrome | Niece of a child with Down Syndrome |
Lauren Osterbrock | Glenbrook Hospital | Aunt of individual with Down Syndrome |
Lauren Poss | NDSS | NDSS |
Lawrence Jankowski | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Lindsay A Robertson | National Association for Down Syndrome | Mother of individual with Down syndrome |
Lisa Tassone | USMEPCOM | Grandparent of child with Down Syndrome |
Lonna Janel | District 151 | Aunt to an individual with Down Syndrome |
Madison Petersen | Madison | Friend of person with DS |
Madison Robertson | Bednarcik Junior High | Sibling of individual with Down syndrome |
Makayla Petersen | Makayla | Friend of person with DS |
Mandy Meyer | mother | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Margaret Pack | Teacher | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Maria Almeida | Mother of a kid with Down syndrome | DSDN, NADS |
Maribeth Nooner | Citizen | Friend of a person with Down syndrome |
Marilyn Will | Citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Mario Romero | COTG | Relative of children with down syndrome |
Mario Romero | Thornton Township | Uncle of children with down syndrome |
Mario Zurita | Father of a kid with Down syndrome | DSDN, NADS |
Marissa Dixon | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Mark Balkcom | Self | Grandparent of child with a disability |
Mark Dixson | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Mark Robertson | Northern Trust | Father of individual with Down syndrome |
Mary Garren | Grandmother's of Special Needs Children | Sexual needs children. DOWN SYNDROME |
Matt Schreurs | Caterpillar, Inc. | Parent of child with Down syndrome |
Max Kirbach | Henry Senachwine High School | Uncle of a child with Down syndrome |
Meagan Mueller | Persons with Down syndrome | Aunt of persons with Down syndrome |
Megan C Kluver | Aurora | Friend of a child with Down syndrome |
Melanie Stith | Parent | Parent |
Melissa Wyatt | Citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Melody Zika | NADS | Mother |
Michele Hilgart | NA | NA |
Michele Lowe | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Michelle Boyd | Self | My family |
Monica Breen | Sibling with with Down Syndrome | Sibling of child withDown Syndrome |
Monica Randazzo | Monica Randazz | Aunt of person with Down Syndrome |
Myrna Nevarez | Tezak Funeral Home | Relative of child with down syndrome |
Nancy Szymik | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Natalie Garner | National Association for Down Syndrome | parent |
Nelson jusino | Gigis playhouse | Father and brother of children and adults with DOWN SYNDROME |
Nick Gornick | Shirley Ryan AbilityLab | Uncle of individual with Down syndrome |
Nicole Huntenburg | NA | NA |
Nicole Patton | National Down Syndrome Society | National Down Syndrome Society |
Omar Romero | Heart of Illinois Down Syndrome Association | Father of a child with Down Syndrome |
Paige Kirby | Self | Nephew with Down syndrome |
Paige Meister | Self | friend of child with Down syndrome |
Patricia Baeckelandt | SELF | SELF |
Paul Snedden | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Paula Patty | Galva Family Dentistry | Parents of child with Down syndrome |
Peggy Delaney | National Association for Down Syndrome | Parent of a child with Down syndrome |
Peggy Jankowski | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Penelope Kirbach | Henry Senachwine Jr. High and Grade School | Cousin of a child with Down syndrome |
Rachael Carrasquillo | NADS | Parent of a child with Down Syndrome |
Raquel Madrid | DSDN | Parent of child with down syndrome |
Rebecca M Silverman | self | Mother of child with Down syndrome |
Richard Aquino | Community Brands | Father of child with Down Syndrome |
Rob Dixon | Pastor | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Robert Kagan | Robert Kagan | Uncle of person with Down Syndrome |
Rosann Mazzanti | Self | Self |
Rosemary Fahlen | Citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Rowan Paape | Nelson Ridge Elementary School | I am a sibling to a person with Down syndrome |
Ryan Kirby | Self | Nephew with Down syndrome |
Sally Balkcom | Self | Grandparent of child with Down syndrome |
Sally Bruno | Nurse | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Samantha Johnston | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Samantha Riber | Galva Family Dentistry | Parent of child with Down syndrome |
Sandra Romero | Hometown School | Aunt of child with down syndrome |
Sandra VanBoxel | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Sara Johnson | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Saundra Ericson | none | friend of a person with down syndrome |
Scott Marcacci | Double M Properties LLC | Parent of child with Down Syndrome |
Sean Bushnell | Business Owner | family member to a person with Down syndrome |
Sharon Huntenburg | None | Benjamin Hilgart |
Sheila Mertes | Personal Witness | Disability Community |
Sommer Steele | Mabel's Market | family member to a person with Down syndrome |
Stefanie Erdmann | COL Productions | Cousin of a person with downs syndrome |
Stephani K Obenauf | National Association for Down Syndrome | Mother of children with Down syndrome |
Stephanie Wideman | Health Partners LLC | Down Syndrome Community |
Stephen Feith | Person | Myself |
Teresa Swanson | Sway Dance Chicago | Parent of a child with special needs |
Thomas Joseph Delaney | AON | Parent of a child with Down syndrome |
Tierney Morrison | self | Self |
Tiffany Elliott | Self Employed | Friend of a person with Down Syndrome |
Tom Curtiss | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Toni Huss | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Trisha Romero | Heart of Illinois Down Syndrome Association | Mother of a child with Down Syndrome |
Valeri Snedden | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
Veronica Zika | Veronica Zika | Person with DS |
Vicki Zika | Vicki Zika | Grandmother |
Vonda Gehret | None | Vonda Gehret |
Wayne Daring | citizen | friend to a person with Down syndrome |
William Erdmann | Col Productions | Relative of person with Downs Syndrome |
Zechiel Jagmin | Byline Bank | Father of child with Down syndrome |