Illinois General Assembly - HB4934Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB4934  103rd General Assembly

House Amendment 001   Senate Amendment 001
Bill Status

Legislation: HB4934
Proponents: 4Opponents: 0No Position: 2
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Veterans Affairs (S) 5/2/2024 9:00 AM
Austin James MinkSelfSelf
David SchwartzSelfSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Veterans' Affairs (H) 3/5/2024 4:00 PM
Dave MarshIllinois VFWIVFW
Staci BoyerVFW Naperville post 3873VFW, American Legion, creator of the Adopt a Veterans Grave Project,