Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Health Care Availability & Access (H) 4/2/2024 4:00 PM |
Christy Doering | Self | |
Abigail Eilerman | Self | Self |
Abigail Paige | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Acacia Dyer | Michelle's LTC Pharmacy | |
Adair Sullivan | Sullivan Drugs | |
Adam Breeze | Byrd-Watson Pharmacy | |
Adam Flores | Illinois Department of Insurance | Illinois Department of Insurance |
adam robinson | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Aidan Michael | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | taxpayer of illinois |
Ajisa Tolic | patient | self |
Akankshya Mohanty | Self | Self |
Alan Barling | Axline Pharmacy | |
Alesia Gjoni | Roosevelt University College of Science, Health, and Pharmacy | |
alex caravello | GALVA PHARMACY | |
Alex Love | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Alexa Murphy | Self | Self |
Alexa Murphy | Self | Self |
Alexandria Mellendorf | Harmons Drug Store | Independent Community Pharmacy |
Alicia Feistamel | Self | Self |
Alisha Bedi | self | self |
Alison Donald | Patient | |
Alka Liss Joseph | Self | Self |
Allie Gee | Independent Pharmacy | White County Residents |
Allison Hart | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Allison Schriever | self | self |
Allison Vandersand | Self | |
Alyse Santel | Family Care Pharmacy | |
Alyssa Delatee | Dales and Colees Pharmacies | Central Illinois Pharmacy Patients |
Amal Abdelhalim | Self | Self |
Amanda Johnson | Petersburg pharmacy patient | pharmacy patients |
Amber Crain | Medicenter Pharmacy | |
Amber Morgan | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Amber Munder | Pharmacy | |
Amber righter | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Amie Withers | Pharmacy | |
Amir Obeidallah | Self | |
AMY L KLOOS | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Amy Lewis | Sav Mor Pharmacy | |
Amy Lewis | Sav Mor Pharmacy | |
Amy Moore | Walmart pharmacist | |
Amy Reynolds | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Amy Reynolds | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Ana Nevarez | Union Medical Center Pharmacy | |
Andi VanderKolk | Illinois Department of Insurance | Illinois Department of Insurance |
Andrea Hille | Browns Drug Store | Browns Drug Store |
Andrea Hille | Browns Drug Store | Browns Drug Store |
Andrew Cockrell | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Andrew Donnelly | UI Health | Andrew Donnelly |
Andrew Fryman | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Andy Biermann | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Andy Corn | Bertram Pharmacy Sav mor | Independent pharmacy |
Andy Gee | Plum Street Pharmacy LLC | myself |
Andy Pistorius | Independent Pharmacy | |
anela arapovic | roosevelt uni | |
Angela Davis | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Angela Falk | Independent Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients |
Angela Falk | Sav Mor Pharmacies | pharmacy patients |
Angela Neal | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Angela Reed | Patient | |
Angela Triplett | J and S Professional Pharm | J & S Professional Pharmacy |
Angela Wring | Becks Drugs | Self |
Angie Cameron | Patient | |
Angie Parsons | Arthur Economic Development | |
Arlene Fraker | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Arvind Surti | Elgin West Pharmacy | Self |
Ashley Cedillo | Self | |
Ashley Moye | Medicine Shoppe 2171 | |
Ashley Oguinn | Toledo Pharmacy | |
ashley Rinsch | Pharmacist | Bertram Pharmacy |
Ashley Tufano | savmor tuscola | |
Ashtyn Quarterman | Byrd-Watson Pharmacy | |
Aubrey Heleine | Bertram Pharmacy | Bertram Pharmacy |
Audrey Butler | Self | |
Austin Hunter | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Austin Ryherd | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Averill Gordon | Tu Pharmacy | Tu Pharmacy |
Aysha Mahmood | self | |
Ayushi Patel | Self | Self |
barbara caravello | GALVA PHARMACY | |
Barbara D Vanderwerf | Pharmacy | |
Barbara Kyes | self | Independent pharmacy patients |
Barbara Lanham | Sav-Mor Pharmacy | |
Barry Golden | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Barry Morgan | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Barry Tyree | local pharmacy patient | patients |
Beau Dixon | Alwan Pharmacy | |
Beaux Cole | None | Self |
Becky Ogle | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Bedrija Nikocevic | none | self |
BeDrudin Isic | patient | self |
Behrudin Isic | patient | patient |
Ben Calcaterra | Self | Self |
Beth Fiscus | Harmon's Drug Store | Independent Community Pharmacy |
Beth Thurman | Axline Pharmacy | |
Betty Gerula | Pharmacy | |
Beverly Rogers | Self | |
Bharat Patel | MAB Pharmacy | |
Bhavna Modi | self | |
Billy Thompson | Pharmacy patients | Pharmacy Patients |
BOB GORSUCH | alwan pharmacy | SELF |
Brad Emel | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Brad Galli | Medicenter | |
Brad Harmon | Harmon's Drug Store | Independent Community Pharmacy |
Brad Ledbetter | PRN Pharmacies, LTD | Illinois Pharmacy Patients |
Brad Thomas | Self | |
Bradley Sneed | Plum Street Pharmacy | |
Brandi O'Connor | Self | |
Brandon Beckwith | Patient | |
Brandon Edwards | self | self |
Brenda Brenton | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Brenda Sebens | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Brent Doering | Self | |
Brett Guin | Patient | |
Brian Kramer | Illinois Association of Long Term Care Pharmacy Providers | Illinois Association of Long Term Care Pharmacy Providers |
Brian Moody | Tuscola Chamber & Economic Development, Inc. | |
brian southard | self | SELF |
Bridget Lavelle | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Bridgette Patraw | Dicks Pharmacy | |
Brie Allison | Petersburg Chamber of Commerce | Petersburg Chamber of Commerce |
Brittany Hess | Petersburg Pharmacy Patient | self |
Brooke Lange | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Brooke Lavarier | Sav-Mor Pharmacy | Sav-Mor Pharmacies |
Brooke Lavarier | Sav-Mor Pharmacy | Sav-Mor Pharmacies |
Bruce D Brueggemann | WellCreek Pharmacy - Bethalto | |
Bruce D Wood | Retired | |
Bruce D Wood | Self | |
Byron Strakusek | Lakes Apothecary | Lakes Apothecary |
Caleb Banton | Oakwood Apothecary | |
CALLIE Goeke | J and S Professional | |
Camille Ayers | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Camille Mowry | Patient | |
Candi Cole | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Cara Mckinnie | savmor tuscola | |
Carey Unthank | Medicine Shoppe | Pharmacists |
Carl Craig | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Carol Benning | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Carol Boyen | self | |
caROL MCCART | alwan pharmacy | SELF |
Carrie A Hays | Harmon's Drug Store | |
Carrie Donnan | Pharmacy | |
Cathy Hagen | Independent Pharmacy | |
Chad Goad | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Chad Harmon | Harmon's Drug Store | Independent Community Pharmacy |
Chad Kodiak | KODOCARE Pharmacy | KODOCARE Pharmacy |
Chance B Shuman | Indpendent Pharmacy | |
Chance Shuman | Independent Pharmacy | |
Charla Proctor | Savmor pharmacy | |
Chelsy J Crow | SAVMOR PHARMACY | Savmor Pharmacy |
Cheryl Hilgenberg | self | |
Cheryl Lee | Whiteside County Health Department | |
Cheryl Martin | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Cheryl Robinson | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Cheryl Steele | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Chris Baur | patient | self |
Chris Lamb | Sav Mor Pharmacy | sav mor pharmacy |
Chris Vorac | self | |
Chrissy Dycus | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Christa Robinson | Sullivan Drugs | |
christina smith | alwan pharmacy | |
christina smith | alwan pharmacy | self |
Christopher W Crank | Illinois Council of Health-System Pharmacists | Illinois Council of Health-System Pharmacists |
Cindi Oros | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Cindi Reed | Independent Pharmacy | |
Cindy Coslow | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Claire Paras | Self | Self |
Clayton Postlewait | Dicks Pharmacy | |
Clint Cribbet | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Cody Sandusky | Self | Self |
Cody Sandusky | Self | Self |
COLE SULLIVAN | Sullivan Drugs | |
Cole Trovillion | The Medicine Shoppe | Self |
Connie Boone | Family Drug | SavMor Pharmacies |
Connie Boone | Family Drug | SavMor Pharmacies |
Connie Burke | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Connie Cook | Byrd Watson Drug Co. | Byrd-Watson Drug Co. |
Conny Moody | Illinois Public Health Association | Illinois Public Health Association |
Corbin Parks McGhee | National Multiple Sclerosis Society | National MS Society |
Cormac Kloos | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Cory Neal | Oakwood Apothecary | |
courtney christiansen | pharmacy | |
Courtney Dyer | oakwood | |
Courtney Jay Beaumont | Kirby Pharmacy | |
Craig Beaumont | Toledo Pharmacy | |
Craig Mandel | self | |
Craig Wear | Wear Drug | |
Craig Winters | self | Self |
Crystal Allen | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Crystal Wessel | Alwan Pharmacy | |
Curtis Sherman | Shermans Pharmacy | |
Cynthia Guin | Patient | |
Dale Crawford | Reed Pharmacies, LLC | |
Dalton Dieckow | Graham Hospital | Self |
Dana Singla | Self | |
Dane Eadie | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Danesha Hunt | SavMor | |
Danesha Hunt | SavMor Pharmacy | |
Daniel Allen | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Daniel Frey | Illinois Department of Insurance | Illinois Department of Insurance |
Daniel Galicia | Roosevelt University | Self |
Daniel Smith | Self | |
Danielle Dozard | Alwans Pharmacy | |
DANIELLE SULLIVAN | Sullivan Drugs | |
Darcey Langiano | Pharmacy | |
Darci Mandrell | J&S Professional Pharmacy | |
Darci Mandrell | J&S Professional Pharmacy | |
Darlene Stickrod | morton alwan pharmacy | |
Darrell Pratt | patients | patients |
Darren Gentzyel | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Dave Falk | Sav Mor Pharmacies | Pharmacy patients |
Dave Flickinger | Pharmacy | |
Dave Tiffan | self | |
David Bagot | Petersburg Pharmacy inc | |
David England | Oakwood Apothecary | |
David Falk | Sav Mor Pharmacies | Independent pharmacy |
David Frick | Pharmacy | |
david m bozarth | Family Drug | SavMor Pharmacies |
David Mikus | Self | Self |
David Mikus | Self | Self |
David Reed | Self | |
David Rose | Oakwood Apothecary | |
david southaRD | self | SELF |
David Umek | J D BROWN & CO | |
deanna patty | morton alwan pharmacy | |
debbie batty | Plum Street Pharmacy LLC | |
Deborah A Benefiel | Pearman Pharmacy | Self |
Deborah A Benefiel | Pearman Pharmacy and Pearman Pharmacy | Pearman Pharmacy and Pearman Pharmacy |
Deborah Kirkpatrick | Oakwood Apothecary | |
debra hunter | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Deeda Williams | First State Mortgage | |
Demi Gardner | Alwan Pharmacy | |
DENISE FOURDYCE | Shermans Pharmacy | |
Denise Scarpelli | University of Chicago | |
Denise Sentel | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Dennis Stickrod | morton alwan pharmacy | |
Desiree M Sacinski | Walgreens | self |
Diane Moore | Moore Family Stores | Independent pharmacy |
Diane Moore | Moore Family Stores | Pharmacy patients |
Diona Bailey | Self | Self |
Don Armbrust | patients | local pharmacy patients |
Donald Carl | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Independent phamacies of illinois |
Donald Jones | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Donald Sauzek | None | Self |
Donyell Morgan | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Doris Shook | Patient | |
Doug Shook | Patient | |
Douglas McClain | patient | self |
Dr Brandon Ferguson | Mt.Carmel M.B.Church | Everyone |
Drew Hart | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Duane Kremer | Kremer Pharmacy | |
Duane Stickrod | morton alwan pharmacy | |
Dustin Melton | Paris Clinic Pharmacy | self |
E Scott England | Indpendent Pharmacy | |
earl mccart | alwan pharmacy | SELF |
Elena Thompson | self | Self |
Elizabeth Henrikson | Pharmacy | |
Elizabeth M Thrush | Thrush | |
elizabeth sauzek | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Elizabeth Tate | Oakwood Apothecary | |
ella southard | self | SELF |
Ellen Basinger | Self | Pharmacy |
Ellen Feeler | Independent Pharmacy | |
Ellen Ruth Ritz | on behalf of self | self |
Emily Brown | Self | |
Emily Cesaretti | Sav-Mor Pharmacy - JAC Stores Inc. | |
Emily Scott | Savmor Tuscola | |
Emily Sledge | Byrd Watson Pharmacy | |
Emily Wetherholt | Illinois pharmacists association | |
Emily Wielgus | none | self |
emma green | the pharmacie shoppe | moore family store |
Eric Asselmeier | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Eric Bandy | Bandy's Pharmacy | Pharmacy |
Eric Black | Self | Self |
ERIC S RIGG | EKMKK Pharmacy, LLC | |
Erica Adams | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Erica Carter | Independent Pharmacy | |
Erica Colee | Dales and Colees Pharmacies | Central Illinois Pharmacy Patients |
Erick Yuquilima | None | Self |
Erik Cornett | NaturalMed apothecary DBA Core Pharmacy | Core Pharmacy |
Erika Gibbons | Patient | |
Erin OBrien | Illinois State Medical Society | Illinois State Medical Society |
Erin VanDeursen | Independent Pharmacy | |
Ethel Kidwell | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Eugena Graham | Medicenter Pharmacy | Medicenter Pharmacy |
Evan Noffke | Patient | |
Farah Summers | Rx Stores LLC DBA Family Drug Pharmacy | |
Fayanne Emel | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Flor Matamoros | None | |
Floyd Grogan | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Fogleman Joyce | J & S Professional Pharmacy Inc | |
Fonda Elder | Patient | |
Franklin Etherton | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Gage Mayes | Savmor Pharmacy | |
GARRISON C MORELAND | Moreland and Devitt Pharmacy | Independent pharmacy |
Garth Reynolds | Illinois Pharmacists Association | Illinois Pharmacists Association |
Gary Cotterman | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Gavin Mayes | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Gena Donaldson | Savmor Pharmacy | |
George Clayton | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Ginger Voegel | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Giselle Macias | self | |
Grace Gunning | Sullivans | |
Greg Dirks | Patient | |
Greg Killion | GSK Business Services | |
Griffin | Self | Self |
Hallie Trovillion | The Medicine Shoppe | Self |
hank gerber | Gerber | |
Hank rippon | self | SELF |
Hannah Moody | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Hannah Righter | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Haresh Khakhkhar | Rishi Pharmacy | |
Harlan Fabert | Independent Pharmacy | |
HAYA R ALBANNA | Roosevelt university | self |
Heather Anderson | Self | |
Heather Bagot | Petersburg Pharmacy inc | |
Heather Eccles | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Heather Fryman | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Heather Korando | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Heather Madden | savmor tuscola | |
Heather Vincent | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Heidi Grooms | Patient | |
Heidi Merriman | Alwan | |
Heidi Merriman | Alwan | |
Heidi Merriman | Alwan | |
Heidi Merriman | Alwan | |
Heidi Merriman | Alwan Pharmacy | |
Heidi Merriman | Alwan Pharmacy | |
Heidi Vorac | Hammond Henry Hospital, Vorac Pharmacy | |
Helen A Randolph | Randolphs Rx Pharmacy | |
Helen A Randolph | Randolphs Rx Pharmacy | |
Hilary Grimm | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Hilary Grimm | Patient | |
Hillary Gee | Plum Street Pharmacy LLC | Citizens that need independent pharmacy |
Holly Griffin | The Pharmacie Shoppe | Moore Family Stores |
Hunter Price | Medicenter Pharmacy | Medicenter Pharmacy |
Irene Knaus | self | patient |
Isabelle Hristova | Self | Self |
Jabbar Jabbari | Roosevelt University College of Pharmacy | |
Jack Brown | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Jack Knuppel | self | Independent pharmacy patients |
JACK PAyne | Morton Alwan Pharmacy | SELF |
Jack Ruffino | Self | SELF |
Jacob Peterson | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Jacqueline Johnson | Oakwood Apothecary | |
JADYN SEXTON | Plum Street Pharmacy LLC | |
Jaedyn Lambreson | Oakwood Apothecary | |
James Gentzyel | Oakwood Apothecary | |
James Lidy | Sav-Mor Pharmacy Virden IL | |
James Lidy | Savmor Pharmacy | |
James Minor | Patient | |
James Oller | Pharmacy | |
JAMIE BIERMAN | SAV MOR PHARMACY | sav mor pharmacy |
Jamie Hardy | Byrd-Watson Pharmacy | |
Jamie Jefson | Family Drug | |
Jamie Jefson | Family Drug | SavMor Pharmacies |
Jamie Titus | Save mor | |
Jana Powell | Patient | |
Janeen Winnike | self | self |
Janet Butler | Self | |
Janet Dirks | Patient | |
janet mckinney | MCKINNEY FARMS | |
Janet Roadcap | self | |
Janice Cordell | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Janice Cordell | Patient | |
JANIENE A KEENE | self | self |
Jared Sauzek | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Jarrod Smith | Self | |
Jason Bryowsky | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Jason Gillan | self | |
Jason Kasiar | Becks Drugs | Becks Drugs |
Jason Korando | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Jason Lamberson | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Jason Smith | Reed Pharmacies | |
Jay Potter | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Jaylyn Turner | Becks Drugs | Becks Drugs |
Jeanette Schrock | Independent Pharmacy | |
Jeff Colclasure | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Jeff Rose | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Jeffery Sauzek | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Jeffrey Lakins | The Pharmacie Shoppe | Moore Family Stores |
Jeffrey Lakins | The Pharmacie Shoppe | Moore Family Stores |
Jenna Marthy | Fairbury Pharmacy | |
Jenna Santel | Kroger Pharmacy | |
Jennifer Carswell | Sav mor Pharmacy | |
Jennifer Colvis | Memorial Hospital | |
Jennifer Levitt | patient | Independent pharmacy patients |
Jennifer Love | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Jennifer Rosselli | Self | |
Jennifer Santel | Family Care Pharmacy of Breese | Family Care Pharmacy of Breese |
Jennifer Spickard | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Jennifer Voegel | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Jeremy Doggett | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Jeremy M Whitaker | Pearman Pharmacy | Pearman Pharmacy |
Jeremy Roth | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Jerica Sneed | Plum Street Pharmacy LLC | |
Jerre Dale Atchison | Memorial Hospital | |
Jerry Arthur | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Jessi Whitworth | Dauber Pharmacy | |
Jessica Armas | self | |
Jessica Beaumont | Toledo Pharmacy | |
Jessica Ekiss | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Jessica Hunter | Medicenter Pharmacy | Medicenter Pharmacy |
Jessica Reed | Rx Stores LLC | SavMor Pharmacies |
Jessica Reed | Rx Stores LLC DBA Family Drug Pharmacy | SavMor Pharmacies |
Jill Cotterman | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Jill Inman | Patient | |
Jill Rau | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Jill Woodward | Independent pharmacy | |
Jim Booker | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Jim Booker | Patient | |
Jim Giacone | Kimmel Chaplain Pharmacy | self |
Jim Pritz Rph | J D Brown Pharmacy | |
Jo Lynne Clauson | Hudson Drug | |
Joann Goad | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Joanna Chavez | none | |
Joanne Mack | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Jodi Elzy | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Jodi Hughes | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Jodie Marlow | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Jody Baker | Alwan Pharmacy | |
joe mccart | alwan pharmacy | SELF |
john a southard | self | SELF |
John Anderson | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
John Connelley | patient | myself |
John Curry | Patients | pharmacy patient |
John Fayhee | Independent Pharmacy | |
John Hunter | Medicenter Pharmacy | |
John Love | Patient | |
John Malloy | Oakwood Apothecary | |
John Mark Jones | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
John Mayes | Savmor Pharmacy | |
John OSullivan | Lawrence House Pharmacy | self |
John Pruitt | Oakwood Apothecary | |
John R | Pharmacy | |
john ruffino | Self | SELF |
John Smith | Oakwood Apothecary | |
john southard | self | self |
John Standa | None | None |
John Standa | Self | |
John Watt | none | self |
John Yoder | self | |
John Zaranti | Self | Myself |
Johnna paul | The pharmacie shoppe | Moore family store |
Johnny Gordon | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Johnny Love | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Jon Green | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Jonathan C Reed | Patient | |
Jonathan Fields | Indpendent Pharmacy | |
Jonathan Inman | Patient | |
Jonathan Rossi | Independent Pharmacy | |
Jordan Craig | Indpendent Pharmacy | |
Jordan Galvin | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Jordan Moschino | Independent Pharmacy | J & S Professional Pharmacy |
Jordan Smith | Independent Pharmacy | |
Jordon L Boetta | Michelle's LTC Pharmacy | |
Jose Nieto | Self | |
Joseph Beachy | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Joseph Vishnauski | self | |
Joseph W Noetzel | Self | Self |
Joseph Weir | Self | Self |
Josh Born | Patient | |
Josh Brownlee | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Joy Bunton | United Working Families | Self |
Joyce Fogleman | J&S Professional Pharmacy | |
Juan Carlos Zavala | CVS pharmacy | |
Judi Fogleman | Professional Pharmacy | |
Judy Greenhalah | patient | myself |
Judy Sumner | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Julie Blakley | Pharmacy patient | pharmacy patient |
Julie Boyd | None | Self |
Julie Giacone | none | Kimmel-Chaplain Pharmacy |
Jurdean Therese C Awit | Northwestern Medicine | |
Justin Couve | Patient | |
Justin Farris | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Justin Florey | Patient | |
Justine Risley | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Kaiden Nathaniel Rigg | Rigg FamilyCare Pharmacy | |
Kaleb Moore | Self | Self |
Kaleb Moore | Self | self |
Kaleb N Jones | Rigg FamilyCare Pharmacy | |
Kali Robinson | Sullivan Drugs | |
Kamlesh Shah | B&kdrug | |
Karen D Bennett | J&S Professional Pharmacy | |
Karen Doane | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Karen Golden | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Karen Golden | Oakwood Apothecary | |
KAREN HAYES | Axline Pharmacy | |
Karen Reed | Patient | |
Karen Steinkruger | Pharmacy | |
Kassie Ledbetter | PRN Pharmacies, LTD | Illinois Pharmacy Patients |
Kate Timmermann | None | |
Katelyn Liptrot | none | |
Katelyn Walter | Self | SELF |
katherine sauzek | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Katheryn Madden | Self | |
Kathy Booker | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Kathy Booker | Patient | |
Kathy hayes | Toledo Pharmacy | |
kathy southard | self | self |
Katie Lamberty | Self | |
Katie Lindsey | First Family Pharmacy | |
Katie Neptun | American Pharmacy of Illinois DBA Alwan Pharmacy | |
katie smith | self | SELF |
Katilyn Nihiser | Dicks Pharmacy | |
Katlyn Marie Griffin | Beck's Drugs | Beck's Drugs |
Katrina Murphy | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Kaushik Soni | Independent Pharmacy | |
kayla craig | self | |
KB | Pharmacy | |
Ked Houser | Patient | |
Keeley Houser | Patient | |
keith doehring | Doehrings Pharmacy | |
Kellen Weiss | Independent Pharmacy | |
Kelli Burns | Sherman's Pharmacy | |
Kelly Austin | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Kelly Bandy | Bandy's Pharmacy | Pharmacy |
Kelly Faulkner | Patient | |
Kelly Ossola | pharmacy | |
Kelsey Vititowsmith | Alwan pharmacy | |
Kelsey Vititowsmith | Alwan pharmacy | |
Kerry Reed | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Kerul Mehta | Addison Pharmacy | |
Kevin Creemens | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Kevin Frye | Shermans pharmacy | |
Kim Rigg | Rigg FamilyCare Pharmacy | |
Kimberly Ann Kloos | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Korin Beckwith | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Korin Beckwith | Patient | |
Kris Cox | Pharmacy | |
Kristen Downs | Sav Mor Pharmacy | |
Kristen Downs | Sav Mor Pharmacy | |
Kristi Banks | None | Self |
Kristina Bryowsky | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Kristopher Reed | Rx Stores LLC | SavMor Pharmacies |
Kristopher Reed | Rx Stores LLC DBA Family Drug Pharmacy | SavMor Pharmacies |
Krystini Jones | Self | Self |
Kurt Vandeursen | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Kyle Hillman | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter |
Kyle R Helferich | Alwan pharmacy | |
Kyle Vance | Self | |
Kyle Wickline | Oakwood Apothecary | |
lachell Wardell | none | |
lacy faye | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Lamya Arman | Maxcare pharmacy | |
Larry Korelc | self | self |
Larry Merlo | Morton Alwan Pharmacy | SELF |
Larry Merriman | Alwan Pharmacy | |
Latisha Hamm | self | patients |
Laura Licari | self | self |
Laura Martin | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Laura Nihells | Memorial Hospital | |
Laura Potter | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Lauren Fechtig | Plum Street Pharmacy | myself |
Lauren Ngyuen | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Lauren Sprung | Greenfield Revitalization Project | |
Laurie Wollard | Medicine Shoppe | Medicine Shoppe |
Laurrie Minor | Patient | |
Leanne Fitzgerald | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Leila Ebdair | Roosevelt University | |
Leslie Sauzek | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Lincoln Gardner | Alwan pharmacy | |
Linda Buttry | Pharmacy | |
Linda Connelly | Pharmacy | |
Linda Moxley | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Linda Qualls Binder | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Linda Sauzek | None | Independent Pharmacy |
Lindsay Shriver | Patient | |
Lindsey Henderson | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Lindsey Shriver | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Lisa Beaty | Sav-Mor Pharmacy | |
Lisa Florey | Patient | |
Lisa Trotter | Oakwood Apothecary | |
liz schnarr | alwan pharmacy | SELF |
Lois McDaniel | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Loni Green | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Lora Frazier | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Lori C Kimbro | Sav-Mor Drug | |
Lori Martz | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Lori Withers | Pharmacy Patients | pharmacy patients |
Louis Schlaefer | Prescriptions Plus, LTD | |
lsamantha southard | self | |
Lubna Abu samra | Ethos Pharmacy | Ethos Pharmacy |
Lucilla Ruffino | Self | SELF |
Luz Arriaga | Tu Pharmacy | Tu Pharmacy |
Lynn Reed | citizen | |
Lynn Reed | Patient | |
Maggie Daugherty | Fairbury Pharmacy | |
Maggie Krumwiede | Bond County Pharmacy LLC | Independent pharmacists |
Mahendra Patel | Harvey Health Center Phatmacy | |
majd ibrahim | orland pharmacy | |
Mandi Lamberson | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Mara vandeursen | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Marcia Merriman | alwan pharmacy | |
marcia smith | self | self |
Margaret M Skloss | self | |
Margaret Nees | Family Drug | SavMor Pharmacies |
Margaret Nees | Family Drug | SavMor Pharmacies |
Margaret Olson Kurbanov | Self | Self |
Maria Ileni | Roosevelt Univeristy | |
Maria Ileni | Roosevelt Univeristy | |
Marian Williams | Hideg Pharmacy | |
Mariann Qualls | Self | |
Marissa Born | Patient | |
Marissa Langefeld | University of Chicago Medical Center | |
Mark A Rauman | Self | |
Mark Cordell | Patient | |
Mark Fricke | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Mark Righter | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Mark Thrasher | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Mark Waelde | Independent Pharmacy | |
Mark Waelde | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Marla Arterburn | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Marla Woolfolk | Michelles LTC Pharmacy | |
Marsha Kirby | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Mary Ann Malloy | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Mary Beth Pruitt | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Mary Ellen Petersen | Moreland and Devitt,Inc | Independent Pharmacy |
Mary Hornick | Roosevelt University | |
Mary Jo Bennett | Pharmacy | |
Mary Lowe | Harmon's Drug Store | |
mary southard | self | SELF |
Matt Cole | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Matt Leder | Patient | |
Mautez Arman | Max Care Pharmacy | |
McKenna Rich | J & S Professional Pharmacy | |
Meagan Sausaman | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Meena N Tajpuria | Jackson park pharmacy | |
Meera Patel | none | self |
Megan Hansen | Tu Pharmacy | Tu Pharmacy |
Megan Oros | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Megan Rossi | Independent Pharmacy | |
Megan Wesselman | Reed Pharmacies | |
Megan Wind | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Melanie Byers | Independent Pharmacy | |
Melanie Byers | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Melanie Smith | Self | |
Melinda Ziegler | Harmon's Drug Store | Self |
Melissa foster | Alwan Pharmacy | |
Melissa Kroenig | None | Independent Pharmacy |
Melvin Reynolds | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Michael Beaumont | Toledo Pharmacy | |
Michael Bogdan | Self | |
Michael Bogdan | Self | Self |
Michael Cain | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Michael Eccles | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Michael Hilgenberg | self | |
Michael Jason Lanham | Sav-Mor | |
Michael Kloos PharmD | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Michael Mathias | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Michael McDaniel | Patient | |
Michael minesinger | Self | SELF |
Michael Morton | The Medicine Shoppe | |
Michael Williams | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Michelle | Self | Self |
Michelle Borntreger | Harry's Pharmacy | self |
Michelle Dyer | Michelle's LTC Pharmacy | Michelle's LTC Pharmacy |
Michelle Lazaro Miller | Self | Self |
Michelle Miller | Roosevelt University | self |
Michelle Peterson | patient | petersburg pharmacy patients |
Michelle Walsh | Patient | |
Michelle Young | Oakwood Apothecary | |
mickey mccart | alwan pharmacy | SELF |
Mickie Brunner | none | |
Mikal Zuljevic | None | |
Mike Burris | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Mike Carlson Jr | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Mike hunter | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Mike Miles | Self | Walgreens |
Mike Minesinger | Morton Alwan Pharmacy | American Pharmacy of IL |
Mike Szulakiewicz | self | |
Milton Childs | Roosevelt University | |
Mindi Riden | Becks Long Term Care Pharmacy | Becks Long Term Care Pharmacy |
Mindy Miller | Patient | |
Mohammad Arman | Max Care Pharmacy | |
Molly Curless | Moreland and Devitt,Inc | Independent Pharmacy |
Molly Reeder Foust | Patient | |
Molly Williams | Reed Pharmacies, LLC | |
Monica Swaim | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Morgan Bair | Axline Pharmacy | |
Muhammad Taha | Crescent Pharmacy | Crescent Pharmacy |
Nancy Elder | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Nancy Hopwood | Pharmacy | |
Nancy Kuhns | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Nancy Ledbetter | PRN Pharmacies, LTD | Pharmacy Patient of IL |
Nancy Minesinger | Alwan Pharmacy | |
Nancy Minesinger | Self | SELF |
Nancy Minesinger | Self | SELF |
Nancy Schommer | Pharmacy Patient | local pharmacy patients |
Naomi Clinton | Toledo pharmacy | |
Naomi Clinton | Toledopharmacy | |
Nate Rice | Self | |
Nathan Lamberson | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Nathan Lim | self | self |
Nathan Ogle | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Nathan Vorac | Vorac Pharmacy | |
Nathaniel Nguyen | Roosevelt Univerisity | |
Nattphone Senesombath | none | self |
Nicholas Caravello | GALVA PHARMACY | |
nicholas foster | morton alwan pharmacy | |
Nicholas Grooms | Patient | |
Nicholas Kidwell | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Nick Voegel | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Nicole Smith | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Nikki Wickline | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Nikunj L Tajpuria | Jackson park pharmacy | |
Nishant B Thakar | Roosevelt University College of Science, Health, and Pharmacy | |
Noah Finley | NFIB | National Federation of Independent Business |
Noelle Yeakel | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Noelle Yeakel | Patient | |
Nolan Hudspeth | Pharmacy | |
Nora Grace | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Norma Piper | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Norman Hoback | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Oakley Gee | Independent Pharmacy | myself |
Olivia Solis | self | self |
Orvil Danny Boyer | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Oscar Gomez | patient | patients |
Owen Sullivan | Sullivan Drugs | |
P Lake Williams | Axline Pharmacy II | |
Pam Dossett | Patient | Independent pharmacy patients |
Pam Rice | self | |
Patrice L Johnson | Medication Management Partners | |
Patricia Cribbet | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Patricia McNeal | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Patricia Watkins | patients | self |
Patricia White | self | Independent pharmacy patients |
Patrick Kloos | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Patrick Pinkston | Optimum Potential Consulting | |
Patrick Ruppel | Pharmacy | |
Patty Cazel | Independent Pharmacy | |
Paul Craig | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Paul Heppe | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Paul Hughes | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Paul Khoury | Khoury pharmacy | |
Paulette Wian | Petersburg Pharmacy | local pharmacy patients |
Peggy Keller | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Penny Arthur | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Penny Punches | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Penny punches | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Penny Walton | Patient | |
Peter Besch | Petersburg Pharmacy Patient | self |
Peter Charles Hart | Self | Self |
Phillip Martin | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Phillip P DeWolf R Ph | Self | |
Prit Gor | Roosevelt University college of science, health and pharmacy | Roosevelt University college of science, health and pharmacy |
Quentin ray | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Rachel Chalmers | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Ralph Coffey | self | |
Randy Schommer | PetersBurg Pharmacy patient | pharmacy patients |
Ray Keller | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Rebecca Bucur | Self | self |
Rebecca Geffs | The Pharmacie Shoppe | |
Rebecca Keller | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Rex Warren | Pharmacy | |
Richard McDaniel | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Rick Cotterman | Savmor Pharmacy | |
rikki ray | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Riley Geoghegan | None | |
Riz minesinger | alwan pharmacy | SELF |
Rob Bean | Axline Pharmacy | Independent Pharmacy |
Rob Taveggia | Chenoa Rx | |
Robert Hagen | Independent Pharmacy | |
Robert Best | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Robert Creamer | Self | SELF |
Robert Elder | Patient | |
Robert Hagen | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Robert Hagen | Patient | |
Robert Heisner | Medicenter Pharmacy | |
Robert Lanham | Sav-Mor | |
Robert Martz | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Robert Schafer | Self | Self |
Robert Young | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Robin Montgomery | Sav Mor Pharmacy | sav mor pharmacy |
Rodney Nees | Family Drug | SavMor Pharmacies |
Rodrigo Estrada | self | self |
roger smith | Self | SELF |
Ron Fraker | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Ron Weaver | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Ron White | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Ronald Kay | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Ronna Butt | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Ruth Ann Bolsen | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Ryan Bainbridge | GALVA PHARMACY | |
Ryan Smith | Alwan Pharmacy | Alwan Pharmacy |
Ryleigh Gibbel | Sullivan Drugs | |
Sally Johnson | self | Illinois pharmacy patients |
Sam An | Self | Self |
Sam Miller | None | |
Sandhya Shah | self | self |
sandra southard | self | self |
Sara Creemens | Oakwood Apothecary | |
sarah foster | morton alwan pharmacy | |
Sarah Horton | myself | local pharmacy patients |
sarah hunsinger | Plum Street Pharmacy LLC | |
Scott Borntreger | BCH Pharmacy | self |
Scott Jefson | Shelby County Aviation | |
Scott Jefson | Shelby County Aviation | SavMor Pharmacies |
Scott Szperra | Home Health Solutions | self |
seamus kloos | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Seth Sawyer | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Shahad Mashhadani | self | |
Shane Bennett | J&S Professional Pharmacy | |
Shane Miller | McDonough District Hospital | |
Shane Murphy | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Shannon Koch | Self | Self |
Shannon Miller | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Sharon Jones | savmor tuscola | |
Sharon Warren | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Sharon Warren | Patient | |
Sharon White | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Sheila Kitzman | North Park Pharmacy | |
Shelby Asselmeier | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Shelby Boyer | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Shelby Day | self | |
Shelia Cunningham | Michelles LTC Pharmacy | |
Shelley Cooper | self | |
Shelly Williams | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Sheri Munson | Patient | |
Sherri Munson | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Sherrie Kremer | Kremer Pharmacy | |
Sherry L Morrow | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Shiobhan Hunter | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Shirley Armbrust | local pharmacy patient | patients |
Shirley Creamer | Self | SELF |
Shirley Gentzyel | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Shirley Good | Oakwood Apothecary | |
shirley groenwold | alwan pharmacy | SELF |
Simple Manek | Simar | Pharmacy |
Sneha Srivastava | Pharmacist, Myself | |
Sonya Best | Oakwood Apothecary | |
staci heppe | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Stacy Huckstep | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Starlin Ann Haydon-Greatting | Self | self |
Starlin Haydon-Greatting | self | self |
Starlin Haydon-Greatting | Self | self |
Stephanie Helmuth | Patient | |
Stephanie Mckinney | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Stephanie McMahon | Independent Pharmacy | |
Stephen Bone | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Stephen E Benefiel | Pearman Pharmacy and Paris Clinic Pharmacy | Pearman Pharmacy and Paris Clinic Pharmacy |
Stephen E Benefiel | Pearman Pharmacy and Paris Clinic Pharmacy | Pearman Pharmacy and Paris Clinic Pharmacy |
steve caravello | GALVA PHARMACY | |
Steve Dicks | Independent Pharmacy | |
Steve Heyder | Independent Pharmacy | |
Steven Territo | Pharmacy | |
Stuart Patty | morton alwan pharmacy | |
Sue Humpress | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Sue Weaver | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Sumia Gull | Roosevelt university | |
Summayya Ahmed | Roosevelt | |
Susan Bodine | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Susan Full | Pharmacy | |
Susan Hall | Pharmacy | |
Susan Mayes | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Susan Shaffer | Alwan Pharmacy | |
Suzanne Crawford | Patient | |
SWETA PATEL | Medcare Pharmacy | Self |
Sydney Marshall | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Tabitha Miller | self | self |
Tal Rozene | WellCreek Pharmacy Charleston | |
Tamara Valdez | Self | Self |
Tammy Clayton | Patient | |
Tara Claypool | Bertram pharmacy | |
Tara Claypool | Bertram pharmacy | |
Taryn Glodowski | Dicks Pharmacy | |
Tasha Verdeyen | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Taylor Frye | Shermans pharmacy | |
Taylor Mcreynolds | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Taylor McWharter | patient | petersburg Pharmacy patients |
Taylor Travelstead | None | Becks Drugs |
Teresa Dicks | Dicks Pharmacy | |
Teresa Dicks | Independent Pharmacy | |
Teresa Morton | Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy | |
Terri Reed | Self | |
Terry Crosnoe | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Terry Still | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Terry Warren | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Terry Warren | Patient | |
Tessa Welty | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Theodore Kroenig | None | Independent Pharmacy |
Theresa colclasure | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Theresa kelly | Pharmacist | |
Theresa Thrasher | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Thomas Fitzgerald | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Thomas Gochenour | NA | self |
Tiara Murphy | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Tiffaney Scott | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Tiiffany vititow | Alwan pharmacy | |
Tim Gleason | Potter drug | |
Tim Quinlin | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Timothy Etienne | Hardin County Pharmacy | Hardin County Pharmacy |
Timothy Gleason | self | |
Timothy Jackson | AIDS Foundation Chicago | AIDS Foundation Chicago |
Timothy Wiseman | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Tina Wade | Family Drug | SavMor Pharmacies |
Tina Wade | Family Drug | |
Toby Howard | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Todd Evers | Dauber Pharmacy | |
Tom Homer | Patient | |
Tom Vorac | Tom Vorac Consultant Forester | |
Toni Vishnauski | pharmacy | |
Tony Feeler | Independent Pharmacy | |
Tony Jones | The Sullivan Pharmacy | Independent Pharmacy in Illinois |
Tonya hill | SavMor Pharmacy | |
TONYA HILL | SavMor Pharmacy | |
Travis Kuhns | Independent Pharmacy | |
Travis Welch | Independent Pharmacy | |
Trent Moore | Moore Family Stores | Independent pharmacy |
Trent Moore | Moore Family Stores | Pharmacy patients |
Trinity M Shupe | Family Drug | SavMor Pharmacies |
Trinity Shupe | Family Drug | SavMor Pharmacies |
Troy Williams | Axline Pharmacy | Axline Pharmacy |
Truman Donald Crafts | self | |
Tushar Mehta | Broadway Ave Pharmacy | |
Tyler Wagy | Oakwood Apothecary | |
valbhi patel | self | |
Valerie Harris | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Veronica Hopper | Oakwood Apothecary | |
Vicky Shah | Self | |
vipul patel | marengo community pharmacy inc | |
Walter Tim Henderson | Reed Pharmacies | |
Wesley Gardner | Alwan pharmacy | |
Wesley Gardner | Alwan pharmacy | Alwan pharmacy |
Whitney Kauffman | Independent Pharmacy | |
Whitney Mckinney | MCKINNEY FARMS | |
whitney smtith | plum street pharmacy | |
Will Bates | Patient | |
William | Michelle's LTC Pharmacy | Michelle's LTC Pharmacy |
William Cody Whitworth | Dauber Pharmacy | |
William Leigh | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Willliam Basinger | Self | Self |
Wilmer J Wilson | Harmon's Drug Store | |
Wole Adeoye | Victory Pharmacy of Decatur Inc | IPHA |
Zak Horn | Metro Communications | |
Zane Harris | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Zayd Hatahet-Donovan | self | self |
Zehra Isic | patient | patient |
Hearing Date and Time: Health Care Availability & Access (H) 3/20/2024 4:00 PM |
Abigail Paige | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Aidan Michael | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
AMY L KLOOS | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Andrew Cockrell | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Aubry Stapleton | Self | Self |
Austin James Mink | Self | Self |
Conny Moody | Illinois Public Health Association | Illinois Public Health Association |
Cormac Kloos | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Curtis Young | Colees Corner Drugs | self |
Donald Carl | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
elizabeth sauzek | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Eric Asselmeier | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | taxpayer of illinois |
Erin OBrien | Illinois State Medical Society | Illinois State Medical Society |
Garth Reynolds | Illinois Pharmacists Association | Illinois Pharmacists Association |
Heather Korando | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Illinois Association of Public Health Administrato | IAPHA | Illinois Public Health Administrators |
Jared Sauzek | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | taxpayer of illinois |
Jason Bryowsky | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Jeffery Sauzek | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Jordan Peck | My Family | Independent Pharmacy supporter |
katherine sauzek | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | taxpayer of illinois |
Kerry Reed | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Kimberly Young | Independent Pharmacies | Independent Pharmacy supporter |
Kristina Bryowsky | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
lacy faye | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Leslie Sauzek | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Lois McDaniel | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Noah Finley | NFIB | National Federation of Independent Business |
Nora Grace | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Patrick Quinn | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Richard McDaniel | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Samantha Peck | Colees Corner Drugs | Illinois Pharmacy Patients & Employers |
seamus kloos | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Shelby Asselmeier | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Hearing Date and Time: Health Care Availability & Access (H) 3/12/2024 4:00 PM |
Abigail Paige | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Adelaide Zwick | Planned Parenthood Illinois Action | Planned Parenthood Illinois Action |
Adriana Moreno | Citizen | Self |
Afshan Rais | Holy Family | Self |
Akil Ghoghawala | Bienestar Pharmacy | |
Akil Ghoghawala | Bienestar Pharmacy | |
Akil Ghoghawala | Bienestar Pharmacy | |
Alisha Bedi | Rana Reagan | Self |
Alkaben Amin | Mara Pharmacy | |
Alyssa Delatte | Decatur Park District | Decatur Park District Employees |
AMY L KLOOS | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Angela Tresso | The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy | |
Ankita Patel | Lifesource pharmacy | Self |
Annabel Sanchez solario | Harvey health center | citizen of illinois |
Arvind Surti | Elgin west pharmacy | Self |
Bhailal Gandhi | Holy Family | Self |
Bharat Patel | Mab Pharmacy | |
Bharti Patel | Lifesource pharmacy | Self |
Bhavna Modi | Rana Reagan | Self |
Bille Doering | self | patients |
Brad Ledbetter | PRN Pharmacies, LTD | Illinois Pharmacy Patients |
Bryan L Mattingly | Home Health Solutions | |
Carey Unthank | Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy | Pharmacists |
Catherine Cabotaje | Holy Family | Self |
Chad Young | IBEW Local 146 | IBEW 146 Members |
Chris Herndon | SIHF Healthcare | |
Christopher Wayne Crank | Illinois Council of Health-System Pharmacists | Illinois Council of Health-System Pharmacists |
Christopher Wayne Crank | Rush Copley Medical Center | Illinois Council of Health-System Pharmacists |
Cole Trovillion | The Medicine Shoppe | Self |
Cormac Kloos | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Dan Hohl | Illinois State Medical Society | Illinois State Medical Society |
Daniel Servin | Holy Family | Self |
David Bagot | Petersburg Pharmacy | Illinois pharmacists |
Deepak Dattani | Prime Care Pharmacy | KND Health Care Services |
Edwin Muldrow | Del-Kar Pharmacy Inc | Self |
elizabeth sauzek | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | taxpayer of illinois |
Eric Asselmeier | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Independent Pharmacy |
Erin OBrien | Illinois State Medical Society | Illinois State Medical Society |
Garth Reynolds | Illinois Pharmacists Association | Illinois Pharmacists Association |
Greg Grady | Self | self |
Hallie Trovillion | The Medicine Shoppe | Self |
Heather Korando | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
HEMENDRA shah | Sns pharmacy | |
Hiren Zala | Allcare Discount Pharmacy | citizen of Illinois |
Ilesh shah | Ambika pharmacy | Self |
Isaac Newton | PRN Pharmacies | |
J d vasnani | HHCPHRx Inc | Citizen of Illinois |
Jared Sauzek | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | taxpayer of illinois |
Jaya Gandhi | Holy Family | Self |
Jayant shah | Ambika pharmacy | Self |
Jayntilal vasnani | Hhcph rx | AIPhA |
Jeffery Sauzek | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Jennifer Rosselli | Self | |
Jigna Gandhi | Holy Family | self |
Jignesh Gandhi | Holy Family | Self |
Jitesh Patel | J and P pharmacy | |
Jivan Vachhani | Englewood rx pharmacy | |
Joel Kurzman | National Community Pharmacists Association | National Community Pharmacists Association |
Jyotin parikh | Self | Self |
Kamlesh Shah | Rana Reagan | Self |
KAMLESH SHAH | Rana Reagan phcy | Citizen of illinois |
Kassie Ledbetter | PRN Pharmacies, LTD | Illinois Pharmacy Patients |
katherine sauzek | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Kaushik Soni | Independent Pharmacy | |
Kerry Reed | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Kevin Woodard | Petersburg Pharmacy | Self |
lacy faye | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Independent phamacies of illinois |
Laura Licari | Self | self |
Leslie Sauzek | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Independent phamacies of illinois |
Lucia hernandez | Harvey health center pharmacy | AIPha |
Luis Luis | Lifesource pharmacy | Self |
Mahendra Patel | Harvey Health Center Pharmacist | |
Mahendra patel | Harvey health center phcy | Self |
Mantaben V Patel | Aiphs | |
Matt Johnson | self | self |
Mehul Khakhkhar | Upgrade Pharmacy, Inc | Self |
Mitesh D Patel | Propack Pharmacy | |
Mohammed Ali | Hhcphrx inc | Aipha |
Mohammed N Khan | Allcare discount pharmacy | Self |
Nanica Kolb | Self | Self |
Nicholas Doering | self | patients |
Nikunj Tajpuria | Meeni Pharmacy | Citizen of Illinois (Self) |
Noah Finley | NFIB | National Federation of Independent Business |
Nora Grace | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Panna patel | Hhcphrx inc | Aipha |
Patrice Johnson-Palmer | Jackson Park Pharmacy | Jackson Park Pharmacy |
Patrick Delatte | American Family Insurance | American Family Insurance Customers |
Patrick Quinn | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Pradipkumar Vachhani | Bourbonnais Pharmacy | |
Prakash shah | Saahil pharmacy | Self |
Pranav Patel | Holy Family | Self |
Pritesh Thakrar | NA | Self |
Purvin Tajpuria | Jackson par k pharmacy | Jackson Park Pharmacy |
Rajendra Parikh | A Calmad phcy | Self |
Rajul Sheth | Prism Pharmacy Elgin | Citizens of ILLINOIS |
Raksha Manek | Medical park pharmacy | Citizen of illinois |
Samar Sheth | Prism Pharmacy Aurora | Citizens of ILLINOIS |
Samuel Earl Shearer | The Medicine Shoppe, 503 | |
Sangita Patel | Bourbonnais Pharmacy | |
Sanjay Modi | Rana Reagan | Self |
Sarah Schriewer | HSHS St. Elizabeth's Hospital | |
Sarang Patel | Lifesource pharmacy | Self |
Satish Patel | Aipha | Self citizen of Illinois |
Scott Szperra | Home Health Solutions by The Medicine Shoppe | |
seamus kloos | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy |
Shameem Ajani | Holy Family | Self |
shaqin Fatak | Englewood rx inc | |
Shelby Asselmeier | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Independent phamacies of illinois |
Shilpa shah | Ambika pharmacy,inc. | Self |
Shirish | Omnicare LTC | Self |
Shital manek | Community pharmacy | |
Shivam Bhavsar | Citizen of Illinois | |
Shreena Shah | Holy Family | Self |
Snehal bhavsar | Bridgeport pharmacy | |
Sohan Manek | Community Pharmacy | Citizen of illinois |
Stacy Sumner | Self | |
SUDHIR MANEK | Medical park pharmacy | Pharmacist |
Swejal Amin | Allcare discount pharmacy | Independent pharmacy |
Tabitha Miller | PRN Pharmacies, Ltd. DBA The Medicine Shoppe | |
Theresa Rodriguez | Pharmacy Automation Supplies | Pharmacy Automation pharmacies |
Tushar Agnihotri | CMOP | Citizens of illinois |
VISHAL PATEL | Bourbonnais Pharmacy | |
vitthalbhai Patel | Aiphs | |
Hearing Date and Time: Health Care Availability & Access (H) 3/5/2024 4:00 PM |
Abbe Fry | Self | Self |
Abigail Paige | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy |
Adam Breeze | Byrd-Watson Pharmacy | My local pharmacy |
Adam Weder | Pharmacy Plus, Inc. | |
Adam Weder | Pharmacy Plus, Inc. | |
Addyson Monroe | Plum Street Pharmacy | |
Adelaide Zwick | Planned Parenthood Illinois Action | Planned Parenthood Illinois Action |
Aidan Michael | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
AKIL GHOGHAWALA | Bienestar Pharmacy | |
Alec Laird | Illinois Retail Merchants Association | Illinois Retail Merchants Association |
Alice M Rogan | Creative Hands Christian Book Store | |
Alice Studzinski | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Allie Gee | Plum Street Pharmacy | |
AMY L KLOOS | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Independent phamacies of illinois |
Amy Lewis | Sav Mor Pharmacy | Sav Mor Pharmacy |
Amy Mariotti | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Andrea Hille | Browns Drug Store | Browns Drug Store |
Andrew Corn | Bertram Pharmacy | Bertram Pharmacy |
Angela Craig | None | |
Angela Falk | Sav Mor Pharmacies | Sav Mor Pharmacy |
Angie Nesbit | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Ankit patrl | Akd llc | Self |
Anthony Dawdy | Road Hog | Pharmacy Plus |
April Wilkins | Home Health Solutions by The Medicine Shoppe | |
Arthur Stice | Pharmacy Plus | |
Ashish Chugh | Akd llc | Self |
Ashley Elliott | Pharmacy Plus, Inc. | |
Ashley Moye | Medicine Shoppe 2171 | |
Ashley Oguinn | Toledo Pharmacy | |
Ashley Rinsch | BERTRAM PHARMACY | Bertram Pharmacy |
Aubrey Heleine | BERTRAM PHARMACY | Bertram Pharmacy |
Audrey Butler | Self | |
Barb Taapken | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Barbara Murray | BERTRAM PHARMACY | Bertram Pharmacy |
BEAU DIXON | American Pharmacy of Illinois DBA Alwan Pharmacy | |
Beaux Cole | Self | |
Bedi Alisha | Rana-Reagan Pharmacy | |
Bedrija Nikocevic | Self | Self |
Beth Thurman | Axline Pharmacy | pharmacy |
BETHANY GOBEL | Moreland & Devitt Pharmacy | Self |
Bijal patel | J and P Pharmacy | |
Brad Chambers | na | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Brad Harmon | Harmon's Drug Store | Independent Community Pharmacy |
Brad Ledbetter | PRN Pharmacies, LTD | Illinois Pharmacy Patients |
Braden Hatfield | BERTRAM PHARMACY | Bertram Pharmacy |
Bradley Sneed | Plum Street Pharmacy LLC | |
BRANDI PORTWOOD | Pharmacy Plus | |
Breighann Early | Pharmacy Plus | Pharmacy Plus |
Brenda Berry | Pharmacy Plus Inc | |
Brian Boeker | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Brian Creech | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Brian Daly | Fidelity Consulting Group, LLC | Illinois Pharmacists Association |
brian daly | fidelity consulting group, llc | Illinois Pharmacists Association |
Brian Sommer | ConvergeOne Government Solutions | |
Brian Zuber | Dale's Southlake Pharmacy | Local pharmacies |
Bridget Lavelle | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Bridget McIntyre | Self | Self |
Brooke Lavarier | Sav-Mor Pharmacy | Sav-Mor Pharmacies |
Bruce D Brueggemann | WellCreek Pharmacy - Bethalto | |
Bryan L Mattingly | Home Health Solutions | |
Byron Berry | Pharmacy Plus Inc | |
Candace Knox | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Cara Hancock | The Pharmacie Shoppe | The Pharmacie Shoppe |
Carey Unthank | Medicine Shoppe | Pharmacists |
Carol Benning | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Carolyn Jane King | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Carter L Logue | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Cecelia Antonacci | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Chelsy Crow | Sav Mor Pharmacy | |
Cheryl Hawkins | Pharmacy Plus | |
Chris Lamb | sav mor pharmacy | sav mor pharmacy |
Christina Law | Self | |
Christina Ortega | Broadway | |
Christina Tucker | Alwan Pharmacy | |
Chuck Ranson | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Cindy Carter | Moreland & Devitt Pharmacy | MORELAND AND DEVITT |
Clyde Rush | On behalf of self | self |
Connie Burke | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Conny Moody | Illinois Public Health Association | Illinois Public Health Association |
Cormac Kloos | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Crystal Towery | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Crystal Wessel | Alwan Pharmacy | |
Curtis Sherman | Shermans Pharmacy | |
Dale Colee | Dales and Colees Pharmacies | Dales and Colees Pharmacy patients |
Damaris Rodriguez | Broadway medical clinic | |
Dan Hohl | Illinois State Medical Society | Illinois State Medical Society |
Daniel Bollmann | Self | |
Danielle Dozard | Alwan pharmacy | Alwan Phamacy |
Danielle Sullivan | Sullivan Drugs | |
Darshil patrl | Healing health rx | Self |
David Bagot | Petersburg Pharmacy inc | Employers for lower cost healthcare |
David Falk | Sav Mor Pharmacies | |
David Frank | Moreland & Devitt | |
David G MIKUS | Self | Self |
Dawn M Morrow | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Dean L Rogan Sr | Rogan's Country Pharmacy | |
debbie batty | plum street pharmacy | |
Debra Hoots | Pharmacy Plus, Inc. | Self |
Diane Masters | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Diane Moore | Moore Family Stores Inc | Moore Family Stores Inc |
Dipika naik | Akd llc | Self |
Don Gee | Plum Street Pharmacy | myself |
Donald Andrade | Alwan Pharmacy | |
Donald Carl | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Independent Pharmacy |
Donna Schaffer | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Duane Kremer | Kremer Pharmacy | |
Duane Kremer | Kremer Pharmacy | |
Dustin Melton | self | self |
Edwina Garrison | Pharmacy Plus | |
Ella Mae Chambers | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Emily Bartlett | Moreland & Devitt Pharmacy | |
emma green | The pharmacie shoppe | The pharmacie shoppe |
Eric Black | self | self |
Eric Asselmeier | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | patients of illinois |
Eric Bandy | Bandy's Pharmacy | |
Eric Rigg | Rigg FamilyCare Pharmacy | |
ERIC S RIGG | EKMKK Pharmacy, LLC | |
Erica Colee | Colees Pharmacies | Colees Pharmacies |
Erik Cornett | NaturalMed apothecary DBA Core Pharmacy | |
Frank Coonse | Self | Senior IL Residents |
GANDHI MAHEE | Rana-Reagan Pharmacy | |
Garry Moreland | Moreland and Devitt,Inc | |
Garth Reynolds | Illinois Pharmacists Association | Illinois Pharmacists Association |
Gavin Mayes | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Gena Donaldson | Savmor Pharmacy | |
George Bennett | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Griffin Corn | Self | Bertram Pharmacy |
Gwendolyn Peebles | Illinois Office of Comptroller | Illinois Office of Comptroller |
Hallie Trovillion | The Medicine Shoppe | Self |
Hannah Chytla | BERTRAM PHARMACY | Bertram Pharmacy |
Heather Bagot | Petersburg Pharmacy | |
Heather Bagot | Petersburg Pharmacy | |
Heather Korando | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
HEIDI MERRIMAN | Alwan Pharmacy | |
Heidi Wilson | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Helen King | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Hillary Gee | Independent Pharmacy | citizen |
Hitesh Patel | Main Pharmacy | |
Holly Griffin | The Pharmacie Shoppe | The Pharmacie Shoppe |
Humaira GHOGHAWALA | Bienestar Pharmacy | |
Ilesh shah | Ambika pharmacy,inc. | Self |
Isaac Newton | PRN Pharmacies | |
Jacque Spencer | Pharmacy Plus | |
JADYN SEXTON | Plum Street Pharmacy LLC | myself |
James Devitt | Moreland and Devitt | |
James Haddick | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
James Lidy | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Jami Park | Moreland & Devitt Pharmacy | Self |
JAMIE BIERMAN | SAV MOR PHARMACY | sav mor pharmacy |
JAMIE BIERMAN | SAV MOR PHARMACY | sav mor pharmacy |
Jamie Jefson | Family Drug | Family Drug |
Jamie Titus | Sav mor | |
Janice Roberts | Pharmacy Plus | |
Jared Sauzek | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | taxpayer of illinois |
Jason Bryowsky | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Jason Campbell | Pharmacy Plus, Inc. | self |
Jason Vincent Kasiar | Kasiar Enterprises | Becks Drugs Oxygen and Medical Equipment |
Jayde Tegtmeyer | Moreland & Devitt Pharmacy | MORELAND AND DEVITT |
Jeanette Russell | BERTRAM PHARMACY | Bertram Pharmacy |
Jeanne Knous | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Jeffery Sauzek | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy |
Jenna Gray | Pharmacy Plus | |
Jennifer Brown | Na | |
Jerica Sneed | Plum Street Pharmacy | myself |
Jesica Gentry Schlimme | Citizen | Citizen |
Jessica Beaumont | Toledo Pharmacy | |
JIGNA GANDHI | Rana-Reagan Pharmacy | |
Jill Cotterman | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Jill Woodward | The Medicine Shoppe | Independent pharmacy |
Jim Donaldson | Self | Pharmacy Patients |
Jitesh Patel | J and P pharmacy | |
Jivan vachhani | Englewood rx pharmacy | |
Joan M Stork | Rons Construction | |
JOBANI ADAMES | Business | |
Joe Bothel | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
John A Vala | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Joyce Sielschott | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Judy Birdsell | Pharmacy Plus, Inc | |
Judy Campbell | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Julie Lowe | BERTRAM PHARMACY | Bertram Pharmacy |
Jyotin Parikh | Mara pharmacy | My self |
kamlesh R Shah | rana reagan phcy | |
Kamlesh Shah | Pharmacist | |
Karen Doane | Savmor Pharmacy | |
karen hayes | Axline pharmacy | |
Karen McGee | Pharmacy Plus, Inc. | self |
Karen S Lynch | CVS Health | CVS Health |
Kari Alderfer | Pharmacy Plus, Inc. | self |
Karishma Deepak | Akd llc | Self |
Kassie Ledbetter | PRN Pharmacies, LTD | Illinois pharmacy patients |
Kathryn Haynes Egan | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Kathy Boyd | BERTRAM PHARMACY | Bertram Pharmacy |
Kathy Hayes | Toledo Pharmacy | |
Kathy Mueller | Self | |
Katie Neptun | American Pharmacy of Illinois DBA Alwan Pharmacy | |
Katilyn Nihiser | Dicks Pharmacy | |
Kelli Ross | Pharmacy Plus, Inc. | |
Kelly Bandy | Bandy's Pharmacy | |
Kelsey Vititowsmith | Alwan pharmacy | |
Kendall Kotter | Moreland & Devitt Pharmacy | MORELAND AND DEVITT |
Kenley Blair | Medicine Shoppe | |
Kerry Reed | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | |
Kevin Frye | Shermans Pharmacy | |
Kevin Woodard | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Kim Susko | self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Kimberly ayala | Pharmacy | Self |
Kimberly Campbell | self | |
Kimberly K Settles | Pharmacy Plus, Inc. | |
Kimberly K Settles | Pharmacy Plus, Inc. | |
Kristen Liston | Pharmacy Plus, Inc. | |
Kristina Bryowsky | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Independent phamacies of illinois |
Kristine Cockerill | Moreland & Devitt | |
Kyle Janvrin | Janvrin Plumbing | Independent Pharmacies |
Kyle R Helferich | Alwan Pharmacy | |
Kyle Thompson | Self | Self |
Kyle Wankle | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Laci Jones | BERTRAM PHARMACY | Bertram Pharmacy |
Larry Smith | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Laura Kathleen French | none | |
Laura Ruble | self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Lauren Fechtig | Plum Street Pharmacy | citizen |
Lauren Young | Dale's Southlake Pharmacy - Decatur, IL | Dales and Colees Pharmacies |
LAURIE NUNN | American Pharmacy of Illinois DBA Alwan Pharmacy | |
Laurie Wollard | Medicine Shoppe | |
Leslie Sauzek | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy |
Linda Diane Roberts | Pharmacy Plus, Inc. | self |
Lindsey Wilken | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Lisa Goode | Pharmacy Plus | Pharmacy Plus |
Lois McDaniel | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | |
Lori Chapman | self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Lori McNutly | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Lori Sabo | Petersburg Pharmacy, Inc. | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Luke Hatfield | BERTRAM PHARMACY | Bertram Pharmacy |
Madeline Stoll | Moreland and Devitt | |
Mahendra Khatau | Pharmacist | |
Makenzie Stoll | Moreland and Devitt | |
Mandy Stoll | Moreland and Devitt | |
Mantaben V Patel | None | |
Mariann Qualls | Personal | Personal |
marisol ornelas | broadway medical clinic | |
Marsha Bartlett | Moreland and Devitt | |
Mary Ellen Petersen | Moreland & Devitt | Independent Pharmacy |
Mary Stewart | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Matt Johnson | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Mayson Corn | Self | Bertram Pharmacy |
Megan Burris | The Medicine Shoppe | |
Melinda Carter | Self | |
melissa lynne foster | alwan pharmacy and compounding center | |
Melissa Stewart | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Michael Baker | Alwan Pharmacy | Alwan pharmacy |
Michael Bogdan | Self | Self |
Michael Spencer | Pharmacy Plus | |
Michelle Dyer | Michelle's LTC Pharmacy | Michelle's LTC Pharmacy |
Michelle Ferguson | BERTRAM PHARMACY | Bertram Pharmacy |
Michelle Heidel | None | |
Michelle Sheppard | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Mick Wenzel | Plum Street Pharmacy | White County citizens |
Mike Minesinger | Alwan Pharmacy | |
Miranda Kessler | Moreland & Devitt Pharmac | |
MODI BHAVNA | Rana-Reagan Pharmacy | |
MODI MIHIR | Rana-Reagan Pharmacy | |
MODI RADHA | Rana-Reagan Pharmacy | |
MODI RASHMITA | Rana-Reagan Pharmacy | |
MODI SAGAR | Rana-Reagan Pharmacy | |
MODI SANJAY | Rana-Reagan Pharmacy | |
Monica Hambrick | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Morgan Bair | Axline Pharmacy | |
Nadia Berry | Pharmacy Plus Inc | |
Nancy Ledbetter | Self | Pharmacy Patient of IL |
Nancy Minesinger | Alwan Pharmacy | ALWAN PHARMACY |
Nanica Kolb | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Naomi Clinton | Toledo pharmacy | |
Nathan Early | Early Farms Nurtient | Pharmacy Plus |
Nathan Vorac | Vorac Pharmacy | |
NEHA SHETH | Prism Pharmacy Elgin | Self |
Nichol Hyink | Pharmacy Plus, Inc. | self |
Nicole Wise | Moreland & Devitt Pharmacy | MORELAND AND DEVITT |
Nikunj Tajpuria | Meeni Pharmacy inc | Self I Illinois resident |
Nita Chambers | NA | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Nitin Shah | Rx Community Medical Pharmacy,Inc | |
Nora Grace | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Independent phamacies of illinois |
Norman Hoback | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Oakley Gee | Plum Street Pharmacy | citizen |
Owen Sullivan | Carlinville Health and Rx | |
Pam Rice | Beck's Drugs | Beck's Drugs |
Pat Kinsell | Citizen | |
Pat Malone | Private citizen | Self |
PATEL AVI | Rana-Reagan Pharmacy | |
Patel pranavkumar | Pharmacy | Self |
Patricia White | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Patrick Quinn | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | |
Patrick Sommer | Taco Bell | |
Phillip Camerer | Patient | Pharmacy Plus |
Pinank shah | Saahil pharmacy | Self |
Prashant Patel | Lifesource | Self |
Purvin Tajpuria | Jackson park pharmacy | Jackson park pharmacy |
Randy Jefferson | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Rebecca Geffs | The Pharmacie Shoppe | |
Rebecca Neeley | BERTRAM PHARMACY | Bertram Pharmacy |
Reese Clifton | Self | |
Rhett Rossi | self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Richard Chapman | self | self |
Richard McDaniel | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | |
Rick Cotterman | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Robert Bean | Axline Pharmacy | |
ROBERT PEARSON | SIMAR | citizen of illinolis |
Robert Wahlbrink | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Robin Johnson | Self | Self |
Robin Montgomery | sav mor pharmacy | sav mor pharmacy |
Robin Montgomery | savmor pharmayc | robin |
Ronald Jordan | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Rosella Baker | 61534 | Alwan pharmacy |
Ross Bartlett | Moreland & Devitt Pharmacy | |
Roxanne Mines | Taxpayer | Citizens |
Rubeena Siddiqui | Pharmacy | Citizens of Illinois |
Ryan Smith | Alwan pharmacy | |
Sam An | Self | Self |
Sam Walker | Pharmacy Plus | Pharmacy Plus |
Samantha Janvrin | Janvrin Plumbing | Independent Pharmacies |
Samantha Vasquez-Lopez | Broadway pharmacy | Self citizens of Illinois |
sandhya shah | J2SB | |
sapna kamdar | meeni pharmacy | |
Sarah Brockhouse | self | self |
Sarah Gross | Pharmacy Plus, Inc. | |
Sarah Gross | Pharmacy Plus, Inc. | |
sarah hunsinger | plum street pharmacy | Plum Street Pharmacy |
Sarang patel | Akd llc | Self |
Satish Patel | Citizens of Illinois | Citizens of Illinois |
SAURABH SHETH | Prism Pharmacy Aurora | Self |
Scott Borntreger | Harry's Pharamcy | Independent Pharmacy |
Scott Jefson | Shelby County Aviation | |
Scott Stoll | Moreland & Devitt Pharmacy | |
Scott Szperra | Home Health Solutions | |
seamus kloos | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Pharmacy patients of Illinois |
Shah sejalben | Pharmacy | Self |
Sharon Mahon | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Shawn Rennecker | City of Barry | |
Shelby Asselmeier | Moody Health Mart Pharmacy | Independent Pharmacy |
Shelia Cunningham | Michelle's LTC Pharmacy | |
sherrie cook | pharmacy plus | |
Sherrie Kremer | Kremer Pharmacy | |
Sherrie Kremer | Kremer Pharmacy | |
Sherry McCarthy | Pharmacy Plus, Inc. | Self |
Shilo Burlison | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Shirish | J&S community pharmacy | Self |
Shreena Patel | Pharmacy | Self |
Stephanie Batman | BERTRAM PHARMACY | Bertram Pharmacy |
Stephen Ledbetter | PRN Pharmacies Ltd | |
Stephen Ledbetter | PRN Pharmacies Ltd | |
Steve Heyder | Independent Pharmacy | |
Sudhir Manek | Medical Park pharmacy | |
Susan Gronewald | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Susan Shaffer | Alwan Pharmacy | |
Sydney Marshall | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Tabitha Miller | PRN Pharmacies, LTD DBA The Medicine Shoppe | |
Tal Rozene | WellCreek Pharmacy Charleston | |
Tara Claypool | Bertram Pharmacy | Bertram Pharmacy |
Tara Claypool | BERTRAM PHARMACY | Bertram Pharmacy |
Tatyn O'Brien Walker | Pharmacy Plus | |
terry traster | MOWEAQUA PHARMACY | |
Tess Ranson | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Tiffaney Scott | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Tiffany MI Voegel | Sav-Mor Pharmacy | |
Tim Gillooley | Pipefitter | Pipefitter's Local 597 |
Timothy Ryan | Self | Rural Pharmacy Patients |
Tony Antonacci | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
Tonya Hill | SavMor Pharmacy | |
Tracy Corn | Bertram Pharmacy | Bertram Pharmacy |
Trent Moore | Moore Family Stores Inc | Moore Family Stores Inc |
Tricia Dean | Moreland & Devitt Pharmacy | Self |
Valeria Garcia | Broadway Medical | |
Valerie Harris | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Vanessa Doesburg | rana reagan pharmacy | |
Victoria Mcwhorter | Self | Illinois patients for reform drug pricing |
vitthalbhai Patel | Aipha | |
Wally Dyer | Michelle's LTC Pharmacy | Michelle's LTC Pharmacy |
whitney smith | plum street pharmacy | |
William Goode | Pharmacy Plus | |
William Leigh | Savmor Pharmacy | |
Xavier Brown | BERTRAM PHARMACY | Bertram Pharmacy |
Zane Harris | Savmor Pharmacy | |