Illinois General Assembly - HB4548Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB4548  103rd General Assembly

House Amendment 001
Bill Status

Legislation: HB4548
Proponents: 1537Opponents: 189No Position: 4
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Health Care Availability & Access (H) 4/2/2024 4:00 PM
Christy DoeringSelf
Abigail EilermanSelfSelf
Abigail PaigeMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Acacia DyerMichelle's LTC Pharmacy
Adair SullivanSullivan Drugs
Adam BreezeByrd-Watson Pharmacy
Adam FloresIllinois Department of InsuranceIllinois Department of Insurance
adam robinsonOakwood Apothecary
Aidan MichaelMoody Health Mart Pharmacytaxpayer of illinois
Ajisa Tolicpatientself
Akankshya MohantySelfSelf
Alan BarlingAxline Pharmacy
Alesia GjoniRoosevelt University College of Science, Health, and Pharmacy
alex caravelloGALVA PHARMACY
Alex LoveOakwood Apothecary
Alexa MurphySelfSelf
Alexa MurphySelfSelf
Alexandria MellendorfHarmons Drug StoreIndependent Community Pharmacy
Alicia FeistamelSelfSelf
Alisha Bediselfself
Alison DonaldPatient
Alka Liss JosephSelfSelf
Allie GeeIndependent PharmacyWhite County Residents
Allison HartSavmor Pharmacy
Allison Schrieverselfself
Allison VandersandSelf
Alyse SantelFamily Care Pharmacy
Alyssa DelateeDales and Colees PharmaciesCentral Illinois Pharmacy Patients
Amal AbdelhalimSelfSelf
Amanda JohnsonPetersburg pharmacy patientpharmacy patients
Amber CrainMedicenter Pharmacy
Amber MorganOakwood Apothecary
Amber MunderPharmacy
Amber righterOakwood Apothecary
Amie WithersPharmacy
Amir ObeidallahSelf
AMY L KLOOSMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Amy LewisSav Mor Pharmacy
Amy LewisSav Mor Pharmacy
Amy MooreWalmart pharmacist
Amy ReynoldsOakwood Apothecary
Amy ReynoldsOakwood Apothecary
Ana NevarezUnion Medical Center Pharmacy
Andi VanderKolkIllinois Department of InsuranceIllinois Department of Insurance
Andrea HilleBrowns Drug StoreBrowns Drug Store
Andrea HilleBrowns Drug StoreBrowns Drug Store
Andrew CockrellMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Andrew DonnellyUI HealthAndrew Donnelly
Andrew FrymanOakwood Apothecary
Andy BiermannSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Andy CornBertram Pharmacy Sav morIndependent pharmacy
Andy GeePlum Street Pharmacy LLCmyself
Andy PistoriusIndependent Pharmacy
anela arapovicroosevelt uni
Angela DavisOakwood Apothecary
Angela FalkIndependent PharmacyPharmacy patients
Angela FalkSav Mor Pharmaciespharmacy patients
Angela NealOakwood Apothecary
Angela ReedPatient
Angela TriplettJ and S Professional PharmJ & S Professional Pharmacy
Angela WringBecks DrugsSelf
Angie CameronPatient
Angie ParsonsArthur Economic Development
Arlene FrakerOakwood Apothecary
Arvind SurtiElgin West PharmacySelf
Ashley CedilloSelf
Ashley MoyeMedicine Shoppe 2171
Ashley OguinnToledo Pharmacy
ashley RinschPharmacistBertram Pharmacy
Ashley Tufanosavmor tuscola
Ashtyn QuartermanByrd-Watson Pharmacy
Aubrey HeleineBertram PharmacyBertram Pharmacy
Audrey ButlerSelf
Austin HunterOakwood Apothecary
Austin RyherdOakwood Apothecary
Averill GordonTu PharmacyTu Pharmacy
Aysha Mahmoodself
Ayushi PatelSelfSelf
barbara caravelloGALVA PHARMACY
Barbara D VanderwerfPharmacy
Barbara KyesselfIndependent pharmacy patients
Barbara LanhamSav-Mor Pharmacy
Barry GoldenOakwood Apothecary
Barry MorganOakwood Apothecary
Barry Tyreelocal pharmacy patientpatients
Beau DixonAlwan Pharmacy
Beaux ColeNoneSelf
Becky OgleOakwood Apothecary
Bedrija Nikocevicnoneself
BeDrudin Isicpatientself
Behrudin Isicpatientpatient
Ben CalcaterraSelfSelf
Beth FiscusHarmon's Drug StoreIndependent Community Pharmacy
Beth ThurmanAxline Pharmacy
Betty GerulaPharmacy
Beverly RogersSelf
Bharat PatelMAB Pharmacy
Bhavna Modiself
Billy ThompsonPharmacy patientsPharmacy Patients
BOB GORSUCHalwan pharmacySELF
Brad EmelOakwood Apothecary
Brad GalliMedicenter
Brad HarmonHarmon's Drug StoreIndependent Community Pharmacy
Brad LedbetterPRN Pharmacies, LTDIllinois Pharmacy Patients
Brad ThomasSelf
Bradley SneedPlum Street Pharmacy
Brandi O'ConnorSelf
Brandon BeckwithPatient
Brandon Edwardsselfself
Brenda BrentonOakwood Apothecary
Brenda SebensOakwood Apothecary
Brent DoeringSelf
Brett GuinPatient
Brian KramerIllinois Association of Long Term Care Pharmacy ProvidersIllinois Association of Long Term Care Pharmacy Providers
Brian MoodyTuscola Chamber & Economic Development, Inc.
brian southardselfSELF
Bridget LavelleMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Bridgette PatrawDicks Pharmacy
Brie AllisonPetersburg Chamber of CommercePetersburg Chamber of Commerce
Brittany HessPetersburg Pharmacy Patientself
Brooke LangeSavmor Pharmacy
Brooke LavarierSav-Mor PharmacySav-Mor Pharmacies
Brooke LavarierSav-Mor PharmacySav-Mor Pharmacies
Bruce D BrueggemannWellCreek Pharmacy - Bethalto
Bruce D WoodRetired
Bruce D WoodSelf
Byron StrakusekLakes ApothecaryLakes Apothecary
Caleb BantonOakwood Apothecary
CALLIE GoekeJ and S Professional
Camille AyersOakwood Apothecary
Camille MowryPatient
Candi ColeOakwood Apothecary
Cara Mckinniesavmor tuscola
Carey UnthankMedicine ShoppePharmacists
Carl CraigOakwood Apothecary
Carol BenningSavmor Pharmacy
Carol Boyenself
caROL MCCARTalwan pharmacySELF
Carrie A HaysHarmon's Drug Store
Carrie DonnanPharmacy
Cathy HagenIndependent Pharmacy
Chad GoadOakwood Apothecary
Chad HarmonHarmon's Drug StoreIndependent Community Pharmacy
Chad KodiakKODOCARE PharmacyKODOCARE Pharmacy
Chance B ShumanIndpendent Pharmacy
Chance ShumanIndependent Pharmacy
Charla ProctorSavmor pharmacy
Chelsy J CrowSAVMOR PHARMACYSavmor Pharmacy
Cheryl Hilgenbergself
Cheryl LeeWhiteside County Health Department
Cheryl MartinOakwood Apothecary
Cheryl RobinsonOakwood Apothecary
Cheryl SteeleOakwood Apothecary
Chris Baurpatientself
Chris LambSav Mor Pharmacysav mor pharmacy
Chris Voracself
Chrissy DycusOakwood Apothecary
Christa RobinsonSullivan Drugs
christina smithalwan pharmacy
christina smithalwan pharmacyself
Christopher W CrankIllinois Council of Health-System PharmacistsIllinois Council of Health-System Pharmacists
Cindi OrosOakwood Apothecary
Cindi ReedIndependent Pharmacy
Cindy CoslowOakwood Apothecary
Claire ParasSelfSelf
Clayton PostlewaitDicks Pharmacy
Clint CribbetOakwood Apothecary
Cody SanduskySelfSelf
Cody SanduskySelfSelf
Cole TrovillionThe Medicine ShoppeSelf
Connie BooneFamily DrugSavMor Pharmacies
Connie BooneFamily DrugSavMor Pharmacies
Connie BurkeSavmor Pharmacy
Connie CookByrd Watson Drug Co.Byrd-Watson Drug Co.
Conny MoodyIllinois Public Health AssociationIllinois Public Health Association
Corbin Parks McGheeNational Multiple Sclerosis SocietyNational MS Society
Cormac KloosMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Cory NealOakwood Apothecary
courtney christiansenpharmacy
Courtney Dyeroakwood
Courtney Jay BeaumontKirby Pharmacy
Craig BeaumontToledo Pharmacy
Craig Mandelself
Craig WearWear Drug
Craig WintersselfSelf
Crystal AllenOakwood Apothecary
Crystal WesselAlwan Pharmacy
Curtis ShermanShermans Pharmacy
Cynthia GuinPatient
Dale CrawfordReed Pharmacies, LLC
Dalton DieckowGraham HospitalSelf
Dana SinglaSelf
Dane EadieOakwood Apothecary
Danesha HuntSavMor
Danesha HuntSavMor Pharmacy
Daniel AllenOakwood Apothecary
Daniel FreyIllinois Department of InsuranceIllinois Department of Insurance
Daniel GaliciaRoosevelt UniversitySelf
Daniel SmithSelf
Danielle DozardAlwans Pharmacy
Darcey LangianoPharmacy
Darci MandrellJ&S Professional Pharmacy
Darci MandrellJ&S Professional Pharmacy
Darlene Stickrodmorton alwan pharmacy
Darrell Prattpatientspatients
Darren GentzyelOakwood Apothecary
Dave FalkSav Mor PharmaciesPharmacy patients
Dave FlickingerPharmacy
Dave Tiffanself
David BagotPetersburg Pharmacy inc
David EnglandOakwood Apothecary
David FalkSav Mor PharmaciesIndependent pharmacy
David FrickPharmacy
david m bozarthFamily DrugSavMor Pharmacies
David MikusSelfSelf
David MikusSelfSelf
David ReedSelf
David RoseOakwood Apothecary
david southaRDselfSELF
David UmekJ D BROWN & CO
deanna pattymorton alwan pharmacy
debbie battyPlum Street Pharmacy LLC
Deborah A BenefielPearman PharmacySelf
Deborah A BenefielPearman Pharmacy and Pearman PharmacyPearman Pharmacy and Pearman Pharmacy
Deborah KirkpatrickOakwood Apothecary
debra hunterOakwood Apothecary
Deeda WilliamsFirst State Mortgage
Demi GardnerAlwan Pharmacy
DENISE FOURDYCEShermans Pharmacy
Denise ScarpelliUniversity of Chicago
Denise SentelOakwood Apothecary
Dennis Stickrodmorton alwan pharmacy
Desiree M SacinskiWalgreensself
Diane MooreMoore Family StoresIndependent pharmacy
Diane MooreMoore Family StoresPharmacy patients
Diona BaileySelfSelf
Don Armbrustpatientslocal pharmacy patients
Donald CarlMoody Health Mart PharmacyIndependent phamacies of illinois
Donald JonesOakwood Apothecary
Donald SauzekNoneSelf
Donyell MorganOakwood Apothecary
Doris ShookPatient
Doug ShookPatient
Douglas McClainpatientself
Dr Brandon FergusonMt.Carmel M.B.ChurchEveryone
Drew HartSavmor Pharmacy
Duane KremerKremer Pharmacy
Duane Stickrodmorton alwan pharmacy
Dustin MeltonParis Clinic Pharmacyself
E Scott EnglandIndpendent Pharmacy
earl mccartalwan pharmacySELF
Elena ThompsonselfSelf
Elizabeth HenriksonPharmacy
Elizabeth M ThrushThrush
elizabeth sauzekMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Elizabeth TateOakwood Apothecary
ella southardselfSELF
Ellen BasingerSelfPharmacy
Ellen FeelerIndependent Pharmacy
Ellen Ruth Ritzon behalf of selfself
Emily BrownSelf
Emily CesarettiSav-Mor Pharmacy - JAC Stores Inc.
Emily ScottSavmor Tuscola
Emily SledgeByrd Watson Pharmacy
Emily WetherholtIllinois pharmacists association
Emily Wielgusnoneself
emma greenthe pharmacie shoppemoore family store
Eric AsselmeierMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Eric BandyBandy's PharmacyPharmacy
Eric BlackSelfSelf
Erica AdamsMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Erica CarterIndependent Pharmacy
Erica ColeeDales and Colees PharmaciesCentral Illinois Pharmacy Patients
Erick YuquilimaNoneSelf
Erik CornettNaturalMed apothecary DBA Core PharmacyCore Pharmacy
Erika GibbonsPatient
Erin OBrienIllinois State Medical SocietyIllinois State Medical Society
Erin VanDeursenIndependent Pharmacy
Ethel KidwellOakwood Apothecary
Eugena GrahamMedicenter PharmacyMedicenter Pharmacy
Evan NoffkePatient
Farah SummersRx Stores LLC DBA Family Drug Pharmacy
Fayanne EmelOakwood Apothecary
Flor MatamorosNone
Floyd GroganSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Fogleman JoyceJ & S Professional Pharmacy Inc
Fonda ElderPatient
Franklin EthertonOakwood Apothecary
Gage MayesSavmor Pharmacy
GARRISON C MORELANDMoreland and Devitt PharmacyIndependent pharmacy
Garth ReynoldsIllinois Pharmacists AssociationIllinois Pharmacists Association
Gary CottermanSavmor Pharmacy
Gavin MayesSavmor Pharmacy
Gena DonaldsonSavmor Pharmacy
George ClaytonOakwood Apothecary
Ginger VoegelOakwood Apothecary
Giselle Maciasself
Grace GunningSullivans
Greg DirksPatient
Greg KillionGSK Business Services
Hallie TrovillionThe Medicine ShoppeSelf
hank gerberGerber
Hank ripponselfSELF
Hannah MoodyOakwood Apothecary
Hannah RighterOakwood Apothecary
Haresh KhakhkharRishi Pharmacy
Harlan FabertIndependent Pharmacy
HAYA R ALBANNARoosevelt universityself
Heather AndersonSelf
Heather BagotPetersburg Pharmacy inc
Heather EcclesOakwood Apothecary
Heather FrymanOakwood Apothecary
Heather KorandoMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Heather Maddensavmor tuscola
Heather VincentOakwood Apothecary
Heidi GroomsPatient
Heidi MerrimanAlwan
Heidi MerrimanAlwan
Heidi MerrimanAlwan
Heidi MerrimanAlwan
Heidi MerrimanAlwan Pharmacy
Heidi MerrimanAlwan Pharmacy
Heidi VoracHammond Henry Hospital, Vorac Pharmacy
Helen A RandolphRandolphs Rx Pharmacy
Helen A RandolphRandolphs Rx Pharmacy
Hilary GrimmOakwood Apothecary
Hilary GrimmPatient
Hillary GeePlum Street Pharmacy LLCCitizens that need independent pharmacy
Holly GriffinThe Pharmacie ShoppeMoore Family Stores
Hunter PriceMedicenter PharmacyMedicenter Pharmacy
Irene Knausselfpatient
Isabelle HristovaSelfSelf
Jabbar JabbariRoosevelt University College of Pharmacy
Jack BrownOakwood Apothecary
Jack KnuppelselfIndependent pharmacy patients
JACK PAyneMorton Alwan PharmacySELF
Jack RuffinoSelfSELF
Jacob PetersonOakwood Apothecary
Jacqueline JohnsonOakwood Apothecary
JADYN SEXTONPlum Street Pharmacy LLC
Jaedyn LambresonOakwood Apothecary
James GentzyelOakwood Apothecary
James LidySav-Mor Pharmacy Virden IL
James LidySavmor Pharmacy
James MinorPatient
James OllerPharmacy
Jamie HardyByrd-Watson Pharmacy
Jamie JefsonFamily Drug
Jamie JefsonFamily DrugSavMor Pharmacies
Jamie TitusSave mor
Jana PowellPatient
Janeen Winnikeselfself
Janet ButlerSelf
Janet DirksPatient
janet mckinneyMCKINNEY FARMS
Janet Roadcapself
Janice CordellOakwood Apothecary
Janice CordellPatient
Jared SauzekMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Jarrod SmithSelf
Jason BryowskyMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Jason Gillanself
Jason KasiarBecks DrugsBecks Drugs
Jason KorandoMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Jason LambersonOakwood Apothecary
Jason SmithReed Pharmacies
Jay PotterOakwood Apothecary
Jaylyn TurnerBecks DrugsBecks Drugs
Jeanette SchrockIndependent Pharmacy
Jeff ColclasureOakwood Apothecary
Jeff RoseOakwood Apothecary
Jeffery SauzekMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Jeffrey LakinsThe Pharmacie ShoppeMoore Family Stores
Jeffrey LakinsThe Pharmacie ShoppeMoore Family Stores
Jenna MarthyFairbury Pharmacy
Jenna SantelKroger Pharmacy
Jennifer CarswellSav mor Pharmacy
Jennifer ColvisMemorial Hospital
Jennifer LevittpatientIndependent pharmacy patients
Jennifer LoveOakwood Apothecary
Jennifer RosselliSelf
Jennifer SantelFamily Care Pharmacy of BreeseFamily Care Pharmacy of Breese
Jennifer SpickardSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Jennifer VoegelOakwood Apothecary
Jeremy DoggettOakwood Apothecary
Jeremy M WhitakerPearman PharmacyPearman Pharmacy
Jeremy RothSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Jerica SneedPlum Street Pharmacy LLC
Jerre Dale AtchisonMemorial Hospital
Jerry ArthurOakwood Apothecary
Jessi WhitworthDauber Pharmacy
Jessica Armasself
Jessica BeaumontToledo Pharmacy
Jessica EkissOakwood Apothecary
Jessica HunterMedicenter PharmacyMedicenter Pharmacy
Jessica ReedRx Stores LLCSavMor Pharmacies
Jessica ReedRx Stores LLC DBA Family Drug PharmacySavMor Pharmacies
Jill CottermanSavmor Pharmacy
Jill InmanPatient
Jill RauOakwood Apothecary
Jill WoodwardIndependent pharmacy
Jim BookerOakwood Apothecary
Jim BookerPatient
Jim GiaconeKimmel Chaplain Pharmacyself
Jim Pritz RphJ D Brown Pharmacy
Jo Lynne ClausonHudson Drug
Joann GoadOakwood Apothecary
Joanna Chaveznone
Joanne MackOakwood Apothecary
Jodi ElzyOakwood Apothecary
Jodi HughesOakwood Apothecary
Jodie MarlowOakwood Apothecary
Jody BakerAlwan Pharmacy
joe mccartalwan pharmacySELF
john a southardselfSELF
John AndersonSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
John Connelleypatientmyself
John CurryPatientspharmacy patient
John FayheeIndependent Pharmacy
John HunterMedicenter Pharmacy
John LovePatient
John MalloyOakwood Apothecary
John Mark JonesSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
John MayesSavmor Pharmacy
John OSullivanLawrence House Pharmacyself
John PruittOakwood Apothecary
John RPharmacy
john ruffinoSelfSELF
John SmithOakwood Apothecary
john southardselfself
John StandaNoneNone
John StandaSelf
John Wattnoneself
John Yoderself
John ZarantiSelfMyself
Johnna paulThe pharmacie shoppeMoore family store
Johnny GordonOakwood Apothecary
Johnny LoveOakwood Apothecary
Jon GreenOakwood Apothecary
Jonathan C ReedPatient
Jonathan FieldsIndpendent Pharmacy
Jonathan InmanPatient
Jonathan RossiIndependent Pharmacy
Jordan CraigIndpendent Pharmacy
Jordan GalvinOakwood Apothecary
Jordan MoschinoIndependent PharmacyJ & S Professional Pharmacy
Jordan SmithIndependent Pharmacy
Jordon L BoettaMichelle's LTC Pharmacy
Jose NietoSelf
Joseph BeachyOakwood Apothecary
Joseph Vishnauskiself
Joseph W NoetzelSelfSelf
Joseph WeirSelfSelf
Josh BornPatient
Josh BrownleeOakwood Apothecary
Joy BuntonUnited Working FamiliesSelf
Joyce FoglemanJ&S Professional Pharmacy
Juan Carlos ZavalaCVS pharmacy
Judi FoglemanProfessional Pharmacy
Judy Greenhalahpatientmyself
Judy SumnerOakwood Apothecary
Julie BlakleyPharmacy patientpharmacy patient
Julie BoydNoneSelf
Julie GiaconenoneKimmel-Chaplain Pharmacy
Jurdean Therese C AwitNorthwestern Medicine
Justin CouvePatient
Justin FarrisOakwood Apothecary
Justin FloreyPatient
Justine RisleyOakwood Apothecary
Kaiden Nathaniel RiggRigg FamilyCare Pharmacy
Kaleb MooreSelfSelf
Kaleb MooreSelfself
Kaleb N JonesRigg FamilyCare Pharmacy
Kali RobinsonSullivan Drugs
Kamlesh ShahB&kdrug
Karen D BennettJ&S Professional Pharmacy
Karen DoaneSavmor Pharmacy
Karen GoldenOakwood Apothecary
Karen GoldenOakwood Apothecary
KAREN HAYESAxline Pharmacy
Karen ReedPatient
Karen SteinkrugerPharmacy
Kassie LedbetterPRN Pharmacies, LTDIllinois Pharmacy Patients
Kate TimmermannNone
Katelyn Liptrotnone
Katelyn WalterSelfSELF
katherine sauzekMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Katheryn MaddenSelf
Kathy BookerOakwood Apothecary
Kathy BookerPatient
Kathy hayesToledo Pharmacy
kathy southardselfself
Katie LambertySelf
Katie LindseyFirst Family Pharmacy
Katie NeptunAmerican Pharmacy of Illinois DBA Alwan Pharmacy
katie smithselfSELF
Katilyn NihiserDicks Pharmacy
Katlyn Marie GriffinBeck's DrugsBeck's Drugs
Katrina MurphyOakwood Apothecary
Kaushik SoniIndependent Pharmacy
kayla craigself
Ked HouserPatient
Keeley HouserPatient
keith doehringDoehrings Pharmacy
Kellen WeissIndependent Pharmacy
Kelli BurnsSherman's Pharmacy
Kelly AustinOakwood Apothecary
Kelly BandyBandy's PharmacyPharmacy
Kelly FaulknerPatient
Kelly Ossolapharmacy
Kelsey VititowsmithAlwan pharmacy
Kelsey VititowsmithAlwan pharmacy
Kerry ReedMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Kerul MehtaAddison Pharmacy
Kevin CreemensOakwood Apothecary
Kevin FryeShermans pharmacy
Kim RiggRigg FamilyCare Pharmacy
Kimberly Ann KloosMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Korin BeckwithOakwood Apothecary
Korin BeckwithPatient
Kris CoxPharmacy
Kristen DownsSav Mor Pharmacy
Kristen DownsSav Mor Pharmacy
Kristi BanksNoneSelf
Kristina BryowskyMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Kristopher ReedRx Stores LLCSavMor Pharmacies
Kristopher ReedRx Stores LLC DBA Family Drug PharmacySavMor Pharmacies
Krystini JonesSelfSelf
Kurt VandeursenOakwood Apothecary
Kyle HillmanNational Association of Social Workers - Illinois ChapterNational Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter
Kyle R HelferichAlwan pharmacy
Kyle VanceSelf
Kyle WicklineOakwood Apothecary
lachell Wardellnone
lacy fayeMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Lamya ArmanMaxcare pharmacy
Larry Korelcselfself
Larry MerloMorton Alwan PharmacySELF
Larry MerrimanAlwan Pharmacy
Latisha Hammselfpatients
Laura Licariselfself
Laura MartinOakwood Apothecary
Laura NihellsMemorial Hospital
Laura PotterOakwood Apothecary
Lauren FechtigPlum Street Pharmacymyself
Lauren NgyuenSavmor Pharmacy
Lauren SprungGreenfield Revitalization Project
Laurie WollardMedicine ShoppeMedicine Shoppe
Laurrie MinorPatient
Leanne FitzgeraldOakwood Apothecary
Leila EbdairRoosevelt University
Leslie SauzekMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Lincoln GardnerAlwan pharmacy
Linda ButtryPharmacy
Linda ConnellyPharmacy
Linda MoxleyOakwood Apothecary
Linda Qualls BinderOakwood Apothecary
Linda SauzekNoneIndependent Pharmacy
Lindsay ShriverPatient
Lindsey HendersonOakwood Apothecary
Lindsey ShriverOakwood Apothecary
Lisa BeatySav-Mor Pharmacy
Lisa FloreyPatient
Lisa TrotterOakwood Apothecary
liz schnarralwan pharmacySELF
Lois McDanielMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Loni GreenOakwood Apothecary
Lora FrazierOakwood Apothecary
Lori C KimbroSav-Mor Drug
Lori MartzOakwood Apothecary
Lori WithersPharmacy Patientspharmacy patients
Louis SchlaeferPrescriptions Plus, LTD
lsamantha southardself
Lubna Abu samraEthos PharmacyEthos Pharmacy
Lucilla RuffinoSelfSELF
Luz ArriagaTu PharmacyTu Pharmacy
Lynn Reedcitizen
Lynn ReedPatient
Maggie DaughertyFairbury Pharmacy
Maggie KrumwiedeBond County Pharmacy LLCIndependent pharmacists
Mahendra PatelHarvey Health Center Phatmacy
majd ibrahimorland pharmacy
Mandi LambersonOakwood Apothecary
Mara vandeursenOakwood Apothecary
Marcia Merrimanalwan pharmacy
marcia smithselfself
Margaret M Sklossself
Margaret NeesFamily DrugSavMor Pharmacies
Margaret NeesFamily DrugSavMor Pharmacies
Margaret Olson KurbanovSelfSelf
Maria IleniRoosevelt Univeristy
Maria IleniRoosevelt Univeristy
Marian WilliamsHideg Pharmacy
Mariann QuallsSelf
Marissa BornPatient
Marissa LangefeldUniversity of Chicago Medical Center
Mark A RaumanSelf
Mark CordellPatient
Mark FrickeSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Mark RighterOakwood Apothecary
Mark ThrasherOakwood Apothecary
Mark WaeldeIndependent Pharmacy
Mark WaeldeOakwood Apothecary
Marla ArterburnOakwood Apothecary
Marla WoolfolkMichelles LTC Pharmacy
Marsha KirbyOakwood Apothecary
Mary Ann MalloyOakwood Apothecary
Mary Beth PruittOakwood Apothecary
Mary Ellen PetersenMoreland and Devitt,IncIndependent Pharmacy
Mary HornickRoosevelt University
Mary Jo BennettPharmacy
Mary LoweHarmon's Drug Store
mary southardselfSELF
Matt ColeOakwood Apothecary
Matt LederPatient
Mautez ArmanMax Care Pharmacy
McKenna RichJ & S Professional Pharmacy
Meagan SausamanSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Meena N TajpuriaJackson park pharmacy
Meera Patelnoneself
Megan HansenTu PharmacyTu Pharmacy
Megan OrosOakwood Apothecary
Megan RossiIndependent Pharmacy
Megan WesselmanReed Pharmacies
Megan WindOakwood Apothecary
Melanie ByersIndependent Pharmacy
Melanie ByersOakwood Apothecary
Melanie SmithSelf
Melinda ZieglerHarmon's Drug StoreSelf
Melissa fosterAlwan Pharmacy
Melissa KroenigNoneIndependent Pharmacy
Melvin ReynoldsOakwood Apothecary
Michael BeaumontToledo Pharmacy
Michael BogdanSelf
Michael BogdanSelfSelf
Michael CainOakwood Apothecary
Michael EcclesOakwood Apothecary
Michael Hilgenbergself
Michael Jason LanhamSav-Mor
Michael Kloos PharmDMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Michael MathiasOakwood Apothecary
Michael McDanielPatient
Michael minesingerSelfSELF
Michael MortonThe Medicine Shoppe
Michael WilliamsOakwood Apothecary
Michelle BorntregerHarry's Pharmacyself
Michelle DyerMichelle's LTC PharmacyMichelle's LTC Pharmacy
Michelle Lazaro MillerSelfSelf
Michelle MillerRoosevelt Universityself
Michelle Petersonpatientpetersburg pharmacy patients
Michelle WalshPatient
Michelle YoungOakwood Apothecary
mickey mccartalwan pharmacySELF
Mickie Brunnernone
Mikal ZuljevicNone
Mike BurrisOakwood Apothecary
Mike Carlson JrOakwood Apothecary
Mike hunterOakwood Apothecary
Mike MilesSelfWalgreens
Mike MinesingerMorton Alwan PharmacyAmerican Pharmacy of IL
Mike Szulakiewiczself
Milton ChildsRoosevelt University
Mindi RidenBecks Long Term Care PharmacyBecks Long Term Care Pharmacy
Mindy MillerPatient
Mohammad ArmanMax Care Pharmacy
Molly CurlessMoreland and Devitt,IncIndependent Pharmacy
Molly Reeder FoustPatient
Molly WilliamsReed Pharmacies, LLC
Monica SwaimOakwood Apothecary
Morgan BairAxline Pharmacy
Muhammad TahaCrescent PharmacyCrescent Pharmacy
Nancy ElderOakwood Apothecary
Nancy HopwoodPharmacy
Nancy KuhnsOakwood Apothecary
Nancy LedbetterPRN Pharmacies, LTDPharmacy Patient of IL
Nancy MinesingerAlwan Pharmacy
Nancy MinesingerSelfSELF
Nancy MinesingerSelfSELF
Nancy SchommerPharmacy Patientlocal pharmacy patients
Naomi ClintonToledo pharmacy
Naomi ClintonToledopharmacy
Nate RiceSelf
Nathan LambersonOakwood Apothecary
Nathan Limselfself
Nathan OgleOakwood Apothecary
Nathan VoracVorac Pharmacy
Nathaniel NguyenRoosevelt Univerisity
Nattphone Senesombathnoneself
Nicholas CaravelloGALVA PHARMACY
nicholas fostermorton alwan pharmacy
Nicholas GroomsPatient
Nicholas KidwellOakwood Apothecary
Nick VoegelOakwood Apothecary
Nicole SmithOakwood Apothecary
Nikki WicklineOakwood Apothecary
Nikunj L TajpuriaJackson park pharmacy
Nishant B ThakarRoosevelt University College of Science, Health, and Pharmacy
Noah FinleyNFIBNational Federation of Independent Business
Noelle YeakelOakwood Apothecary
Noelle YeakelPatient
Nolan HudspethPharmacy
Nora GraceMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Norma PiperOakwood Apothecary
Norman HobackSavmor Pharmacy
Oakley GeeIndependent Pharmacymyself
Olivia Solisselfself
Orvil Danny BoyerOakwood Apothecary
Oscar Gomezpatientpatients
Owen SullivanSullivan Drugs
P Lake WilliamsAxline Pharmacy II
Pam DossettPatientIndependent pharmacy patients
Pam Riceself
Patrice L JohnsonMedication Management Partners
Patricia CribbetOakwood Apothecary
Patricia McNealSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Patricia Watkinspatientsself
Patricia WhiteselfIndependent pharmacy patients
Patrick KloosMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Patrick PinkstonOptimum Potential Consulting
Patrick RuppelPharmacy
Patty CazelIndependent Pharmacy
Paul CraigOakwood Apothecary
Paul HeppeOakwood Apothecary
Paul HughesOakwood Apothecary
Paul KhouryKhoury pharmacy
Paulette WianPetersburg Pharmacylocal pharmacy patients
Peggy KellerOakwood Apothecary
Penny ArthurOakwood Apothecary
Penny PunchesOakwood Apothecary
Penny punchesOakwood Apothecary
Penny WaltonPatient
Peter BeschPetersburg Pharmacy Patientself
Peter Charles HartSelfSelf
Phillip MartinOakwood Apothecary
Phillip P DeWolf R PhSelf
Prit GorRoosevelt University college of science, health and pharmacyRoosevelt University college of science, health and pharmacy
Quentin rayOakwood Apothecary
Rachel ChalmersSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Ralph Coffeyself
Randy SchommerPetersBurg Pharmacy patientpharmacy patients
Ray KellerOakwood Apothecary
Rebecca BucurSelfself
Rebecca GeffsThe Pharmacie Shoppe
Rebecca KellerOakwood Apothecary
Rex WarrenPharmacy
Richard McDanielMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Rick CottermanSavmor Pharmacy
rikki rayOakwood Apothecary
Riley GeogheganNone
Riz minesingeralwan pharmacySELF
Rob BeanAxline PharmacyIndependent Pharmacy
Rob TaveggiaChenoa Rx
Robert HagenIndependent Pharmacy
Robert BestOakwood Apothecary
Robert CreamerSelfSELF
Robert ElderPatient
Robert HagenOakwood Apothecary
Robert HagenPatient
Robert HeisnerMedicenter Pharmacy
Robert LanhamSav-Mor
Robert MartzOakwood Apothecary
Robert SchaferSelfSelf
Robert YoungOakwood Apothecary
Robin MontgomerySav Mor Pharmacysav mor pharmacy
Rodney NeesFamily DrugSavMor Pharmacies
Rodrigo Estradaselfself
roger smithSelfSELF
Ron FrakerOakwood Apothecary
Ron WeaverOakwood Apothecary
Ron WhiteOakwood Apothecary
Ronald KayOakwood Apothecary
Ronna ButtOakwood Apothecary
Ruth Ann BolsenOakwood Apothecary
Ryan SmithAlwan PharmacyAlwan Pharmacy
Ryleigh GibbelSullivan Drugs
Sally JohnsonselfIllinois pharmacy patients
Sam AnSelfSelf
Sam MillerNone
Sandhya Shahselfself
sandra southardselfself
Sara CreemensOakwood Apothecary
sarah fostermorton alwan pharmacy
Sarah Hortonmyselflocal pharmacy patients
sarah hunsingerPlum Street Pharmacy LLC
Scott BorntregerBCH Pharmacyself
Scott JefsonShelby County Aviation
Scott JefsonShelby County AviationSavMor Pharmacies
Scott SzperraHome Health Solutionsself
seamus kloosMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Seth SawyerOakwood Apothecary
Shahad Mashhadaniself
Shane BennettJ&S Professional Pharmacy
Shane MillerMcDonough District Hospital
Shane MurphyOakwood Apothecary
Shannon KochSelfSelf
Shannon MillerOakwood Apothecary
Sharon Jonessavmor tuscola
Sharon WarrenOakwood Apothecary
Sharon WarrenPatient
Sharon WhiteOakwood Apothecary
Sheila KitzmanNorth Park Pharmacy
Shelby AsselmeierMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Shelby BoyerOakwood Apothecary
Shelby Dayself
Shelia CunninghamMichelles LTC Pharmacy
Shelley Cooperself
Shelly WilliamsSavmor Pharmacy
Sheri MunsonPatient
Sherri MunsonOakwood Apothecary
Sherrie KremerKremer Pharmacy
Sherry L MorrowSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Shiobhan HunterOakwood Apothecary
Shirley Armbrustlocal pharmacy patientpatients
Shirley CreamerSelfSELF
Shirley GentzyelOakwood Apothecary
Shirley GoodOakwood Apothecary
shirley groenwoldalwan pharmacySELF
Simple ManekSimarPharmacy
Sneha SrivastavaPharmacist, Myself
Sonya BestOakwood Apothecary
staci heppeOakwood Apothecary
Stacy HuckstepOakwood Apothecary
Starlin Ann Haydon-GreattingSelfself
Starlin Haydon-Greattingselfself
Starlin Haydon-GreattingSelfself
Stephanie HelmuthPatient
Stephanie MckinneyOakwood Apothecary
Stephanie McMahonIndependent Pharmacy
Stephen BoneOakwood Apothecary
Stephen E BenefielPearman Pharmacy and Paris Clinic PharmacyPearman Pharmacy and Paris Clinic Pharmacy
Stephen E BenefielPearman Pharmacy and Paris Clinic PharmacyPearman Pharmacy and Paris Clinic Pharmacy
steve caravelloGALVA PHARMACY
Steve DicksIndependent Pharmacy
Steve HeyderIndependent Pharmacy
Steven TerritoPharmacy
Stuart Pattymorton alwan pharmacy
Sue HumpressSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Sue WeaverOakwood Apothecary
Sumia GullRoosevelt university
Summayya AhmedRoosevelt
Susan BodineOakwood Apothecary
Susan FullPharmacy
Susan HallPharmacy
Susan MayesSavmor Pharmacy
Susan ShafferAlwan Pharmacy
Suzanne CrawfordPatient
SWETA PATELMedcare PharmacySelf
Sydney MarshallSavmor Pharmacy
Tabitha Millerselfself
Tal RozeneWellCreek Pharmacy Charleston
Tamara ValdezSelfSelf
Tammy ClaytonPatient
Tara ClaypoolBertram pharmacy
Tara ClaypoolBertram pharmacy
Taryn GlodowskiDicks Pharmacy
Tasha VerdeyenOakwood Apothecary
Taylor FryeShermans pharmacy
Taylor McreynoldsOakwood Apothecary
Taylor McWharterpatientpetersburg Pharmacy patients
Taylor TravelsteadNoneBecks Drugs
Teresa DicksDicks Pharmacy
Teresa DicksIndependent Pharmacy
Teresa MortonMedicine Shoppe Pharmacy
Terri ReedSelf
Terry CrosnoeOakwood Apothecary
Terry StillOakwood Apothecary
Terry WarrenOakwood Apothecary
Terry WarrenPatient
Tessa WeltyOakwood Apothecary
Theodore KroenigNoneIndependent Pharmacy
Theresa colclasureOakwood Apothecary
Theresa kellyPharmacist
Theresa ThrasherOakwood Apothecary
Thomas FitzgeraldOakwood Apothecary
Thomas GochenourNAself
Tiara MurphyOakwood Apothecary
Tiffaney ScottSavmor Pharmacy
Tiiffany vititowAlwan pharmacy
Tim GleasonPotter drug
Tim QuinlinOakwood Apothecary
Timothy EtienneHardin County PharmacyHardin County Pharmacy
Timothy Gleasonself
Timothy JacksonAIDS Foundation ChicagoAIDS Foundation Chicago
Timothy WisemanOakwood Apothecary
Tina WadeFamily DrugSavMor Pharmacies
Tina WadeFamily Drug
Toby HowardOakwood Apothecary
Todd EversDauber Pharmacy
Tom HomerPatient
Tom VoracTom Vorac Consultant Forester
Toni Vishnauskipharmacy
Tony FeelerIndependent Pharmacy
Tony JonesThe Sullivan PharmacyIndependent Pharmacy in Illinois
Tonya hillSavMor Pharmacy
TONYA HILLSavMor Pharmacy
Travis KuhnsIndependent Pharmacy
Travis WelchIndependent Pharmacy
Trent MooreMoore Family StoresIndependent pharmacy
Trent MooreMoore Family StoresPharmacy patients
Trinity M ShupeFamily DrugSavMor Pharmacies
Trinity ShupeFamily DrugSavMor Pharmacies
Troy WilliamsAxline PharmacyAxline Pharmacy
Truman Donald Craftsself
Tushar MehtaBroadway Ave Pharmacy
Tyler WagyOakwood Apothecary
valbhi patelself
Valerie HarrisSavmor Pharmacy
Veronica HopperOakwood Apothecary
Vicky ShahSelf
vipul patelmarengo community pharmacy inc
Walter Tim HendersonReed Pharmacies
Wesley GardnerAlwan pharmacy
Wesley GardnerAlwan pharmacyAlwan pharmacy
Whitney KauffmanIndependent Pharmacy
Whitney MckinneyMCKINNEY FARMS
whitney smtithplum street pharmacy
Will BatesPatient
WilliamMichelle's LTC PharmacyMichelle's LTC Pharmacy
William Cody WhitworthDauber Pharmacy
William LeighSavmor Pharmacy
Willliam BasingerSelfSelf
Wilmer J WilsonHarmon's Drug Store
Wole AdeoyeVictory Pharmacy of Decatur IncIPHA
Zak HornMetro Communications
Zane HarrisSavmor Pharmacy
Zayd Hatahet-Donovanselfself
Zehra Isicpatientpatient
Hearing Date and Time: Health Care Availability & Access (H) 3/20/2024 4:00 PM
Abigail PaigeMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Aidan MichaelMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
AMY L KLOOSMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Andrew CockrellMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Aubry StapletonSelfSelf
Austin James MinkSelfSelf
Conny MoodyIllinois Public Health AssociationIllinois Public Health Association
Cormac KloosMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Curtis YoungColees Corner Drugsself
Donald CarlMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
elizabeth sauzekMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Eric AsselmeierMoody Health Mart Pharmacytaxpayer of illinois
Erin OBrienIllinois State Medical SocietyIllinois State Medical Society
Garth ReynoldsIllinois Pharmacists AssociationIllinois Pharmacists Association
Heather KorandoMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Illinois Association of Public Health AdministratoIAPHAIllinois Public Health Administrators
Jared SauzekMoody Health Mart Pharmacytaxpayer of illinois
Jason BryowskyMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Jeffery SauzekMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Jordan PeckMy FamilyIndependent Pharmacy supporter
katherine sauzekMoody Health Mart Pharmacytaxpayer of illinois
Kerry ReedMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Kimberly YoungIndependent PharmaciesIndependent Pharmacy supporter
Kristina BryowskyMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
lacy fayeMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Leslie SauzekMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Lois McDanielMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Noah FinleyNFIBNational Federation of Independent Business
Nora GraceMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Patrick QuinnMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Richard McDanielMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Samantha PeckColees Corner DrugsIllinois Pharmacy Patients & Employers
seamus kloosMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Shelby AsselmeierMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Hearing Date and Time: Health Care Availability & Access (H) 3/12/2024 4:00 PM
Abigail PaigeMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Adelaide ZwickPlanned Parenthood Illinois ActionPlanned Parenthood Illinois Action
Adriana MorenoCitizenSelf
Afshan RaisHoly FamilySelf
Akil GhoghawalaBienestar Pharmacy
Akil GhoghawalaBienestar Pharmacy
Akil GhoghawalaBienestar Pharmacy
Alisha BediRana ReaganSelf
Alkaben AminMara Pharmacy
Alyssa DelatteDecatur Park DistrictDecatur Park District Employees
AMY L KLOOSMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Angela TressoThe Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy
Ankita PatelLifesource pharmacySelf
Annabel Sanchez solarioHarvey health centercitizen of illinois
Arvind SurtiElgin west pharmacySelf
Bhailal GandhiHoly FamilySelf
Bharat PatelMab Pharmacy
Bharti PatelLifesource pharmacySelf
Bhavna ModiRana ReaganSelf
Bille Doeringselfpatients
Brad LedbetterPRN Pharmacies, LTDIllinois Pharmacy Patients
Bryan L MattinglyHome Health Solutions
Carey UnthankMedicine Shoppe PharmacyPharmacists
Catherine CabotajeHoly FamilySelf
Chad YoungIBEW Local 146IBEW 146 Members
Chris HerndonSIHF Healthcare
Christopher Wayne CrankIllinois Council of Health-System PharmacistsIllinois Council of Health-System Pharmacists
Christopher Wayne CrankRush Copley Medical CenterIllinois Council of Health-System Pharmacists
Cole TrovillionThe Medicine ShoppeSelf
Cormac KloosMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Dan HohlIllinois State Medical SocietyIllinois State Medical Society
Daniel ServinHoly FamilySelf
David BagotPetersburg PharmacyIllinois pharmacists
Deepak DattaniPrime Care PharmacyKND Health Care Services
Edwin MuldrowDel-Kar Pharmacy IncSelf
elizabeth sauzekMoody Health Mart Pharmacytaxpayer of illinois
Eric AsselmeierMoody Health Mart PharmacyIndependent Pharmacy
Erin OBrienIllinois State Medical SocietyIllinois State Medical Society
Garth ReynoldsIllinois Pharmacists AssociationIllinois Pharmacists Association
Greg GradySelfself
Hallie TrovillionThe Medicine ShoppeSelf
Heather KorandoMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
HEMENDRA shahSns pharmacy
Hiren ZalaAllcare Discount Pharmacycitizen of Illinois
Ilesh shahAmbika pharmacySelf
Isaac NewtonPRN Pharmacies
J d vasnaniHHCPHRx IncCitizen of Illinois
Jared SauzekMoody Health Mart Pharmacytaxpayer of illinois
Jaya GandhiHoly FamilySelf
Jayant shahAmbika pharmacySelf
Jayntilal vasnaniHhcph rxAIPhA
Jeffery SauzekMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Jennifer RosselliSelf
Jigna GandhiHoly Familyself
Jignesh GandhiHoly FamilySelf
Jitesh PatelJ and P pharmacy
Jivan VachhaniEnglewood rx pharmacy
Joel KurzmanNational Community Pharmacists AssociationNational Community Pharmacists Association
Jyotin parikhSelfSelf
Kamlesh ShahRana ReaganSelf
KAMLESH SHAHRana Reagan phcyCitizen of illinois
Kassie LedbetterPRN Pharmacies, LTDIllinois Pharmacy Patients
katherine sauzekMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Kaushik SoniIndependent Pharmacy
Kerry ReedMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Kevin WoodardPetersburg PharmacySelf
lacy fayeMoody Health Mart PharmacyIndependent phamacies of illinois
Laura LicariSelfself
Leslie SauzekMoody Health Mart PharmacyIndependent phamacies of illinois
Lucia hernandezHarvey health center pharmacyAIPha
Luis LuisLifesource pharmacySelf
Mahendra PatelHarvey Health Center Pharmacist
Mahendra patelHarvey health center phcySelf
Mantaben V PatelAiphs
Matt Johnsonselfself
Mehul KhakhkharUpgrade Pharmacy, IncSelf
Mitesh D PatelPropack Pharmacy
Mohammed AliHhcphrx incAipha
Mohammed N KhanAllcare discount pharmacySelf
Nanica KolbSelfSelf
Nicholas Doeringselfpatients
Nikunj TajpuriaMeeni PharmacyCitizen of Illinois (Self)
Noah FinleyNFIBNational Federation of Independent Business
Nora GraceMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Panna patelHhcphrx incAipha
Patrice Johnson-PalmerJackson Park PharmacyJackson Park Pharmacy
Patrick DelatteAmerican Family InsuranceAmerican Family Insurance Customers
Patrick QuinnMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Pradipkumar VachhaniBourbonnais Pharmacy
Prakash shahSaahil pharmacySelf
Pranav PatelHoly FamilySelf
Pritesh ThakrarNASelf
Purvin TajpuriaJackson par k pharmacyJackson Park Pharmacy
Rajendra ParikhA Calmad phcySelf
Rajul ShethPrism Pharmacy ElginCitizens of ILLINOIS
Raksha ManekMedical park pharmacyCitizen of illinois
Samar ShethPrism Pharmacy AuroraCitizens of ILLINOIS
Samuel Earl ShearerThe Medicine Shoppe, 503
Sangita PatelBourbonnais Pharmacy
Sanjay ModiRana ReaganSelf
Sarah SchriewerHSHS St. Elizabeth's Hospital
Sarang PatelLifesource pharmacySelf
Satish PatelAiphaSelf citizen of Illinois
Scott SzperraHome Health Solutions by The Medicine Shoppe
seamus kloosMoody Health Mart PharmacyMoody Health Mart Pharmacy
Shameem AjaniHoly FamilySelf
shaqin FatakEnglewood rx inc
Shelby AsselmeierMoody Health Mart PharmacyIndependent phamacies of illinois
Shilpa shahAmbika pharmacy,inc.Self
ShirishOmnicare LTCSelf
Shital manekCommunity pharmacy
Shivam BhavsarCitizen of Illinois
Shreena ShahHoly FamilySelf
Snehal bhavsarBridgeport pharmacy
Sohan ManekCommunity PharmacyCitizen of illinois
Stacy SumnerSelf
SUDHIR MANEKMedical park pharmacyPharmacist
Swejal AminAllcare discount pharmacyIndependent pharmacy
Tabitha MillerPRN Pharmacies, Ltd. DBA The Medicine Shoppe
Theresa RodriguezPharmacy Automation SuppliesPharmacy Automation pharmacies
Tushar AgnihotriCMOPCitizens of illinois
VISHAL PATELBourbonnais Pharmacy
vitthalbhai PatelAiphs
Hearing Date and Time: Health Care Availability & Access (H) 3/5/2024 4:00 PM
Abbe FrySelfSelf
Abigail PaigeMoody Health Mart PharmacyMoody Health Mart Pharmacy
Adam BreezeByrd-Watson PharmacyMy local pharmacy
Adam WederPharmacy Plus, Inc.
Adam WederPharmacy Plus, Inc.
Addyson MonroePlum Street Pharmacy
Adelaide ZwickPlanned Parenthood Illinois ActionPlanned Parenthood Illinois Action
Aidan MichaelMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
AKIL GHOGHAWALABienestar Pharmacy
Alec LairdIllinois Retail Merchants AssociationIllinois Retail Merchants Association
Alice M RoganCreative Hands Christian Book Store
Alice StudzinskiSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Allie GeePlum Street Pharmacy
AMY L KLOOSMoody Health Mart PharmacyIndependent phamacies of illinois
Amy LewisSav Mor PharmacySav Mor Pharmacy
Amy MariottiSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Andrea HilleBrowns Drug StoreBrowns Drug Store
Andrew CornBertram PharmacyBertram Pharmacy
Angela CraigNone
Angela FalkSav Mor PharmaciesSav Mor Pharmacy
Angie NesbitSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Ankit patrlAkd llcSelf
Anthony DawdyRoad HogPharmacy Plus
April WilkinsHome Health Solutions by The Medicine Shoppe
Arthur SticePharmacy Plus
Ashish ChughAkd llcSelf
Ashley ElliottPharmacy Plus, Inc.
Ashley MoyeMedicine Shoppe 2171
Ashley OguinnToledo Pharmacy
Ashley RinschBERTRAM PHARMACYBertram Pharmacy
Aubrey HeleineBERTRAM PHARMACYBertram Pharmacy
Audrey ButlerSelf
Barb TaapkenSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Barbara MurrayBERTRAM PHARMACYBertram Pharmacy
BEAU DIXONAmerican Pharmacy of Illinois DBA Alwan Pharmacy
Beaux ColeSelf
Bedi AlishaRana-Reagan Pharmacy
Bedrija NikocevicSelfSelf
Beth ThurmanAxline Pharmacypharmacy
BETHANY GOBELMoreland & Devitt PharmacySelf
Bijal patelJ and P Pharmacy
Brad ChambersnaIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Brad HarmonHarmon's Drug StoreIndependent Community Pharmacy
Brad LedbetterPRN Pharmacies, LTDIllinois Pharmacy Patients
Braden HatfieldBERTRAM PHARMACYBertram Pharmacy
Bradley SneedPlum Street Pharmacy LLC
Breighann EarlyPharmacy PlusPharmacy Plus
Brenda BerryPharmacy Plus Inc
Brian BoekerSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Brian CreechSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Brian DalyFidelity Consulting Group, LLCIllinois Pharmacists Association
brian dalyfidelity consulting group, llcIllinois Pharmacists Association
Brian SommerConvergeOne Government Solutions
Brian ZuberDale's Southlake PharmacyLocal pharmacies
Bridget LavelleMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Bridget McIntyreSelfSelf
Brooke LavarierSav-Mor PharmacySav-Mor Pharmacies
Bruce D BrueggemannWellCreek Pharmacy - Bethalto
Bryan L MattinglyHome Health Solutions
Byron BerryPharmacy Plus Inc
Candace KnoxSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Cara HancockThe Pharmacie ShoppeThe Pharmacie Shoppe
Carey UnthankMedicine ShoppePharmacists
Carol BenningSavmor Pharmacy
Carolyn Jane KingSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Carter L LogueSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Cecelia AntonacciSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Chelsy CrowSav Mor Pharmacy
Cheryl HawkinsPharmacy Plus
Chris Lambsav mor pharmacysav mor pharmacy
Christina LawSelf
Christina OrtegaBroadway
Christina TuckerAlwan Pharmacy
Chuck RansonSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Cindy CarterMoreland & Devitt PharmacyMORELAND AND DEVITT
Clyde RushOn behalf of selfself
Connie BurkeSavmor Pharmacy
Conny MoodyIllinois Public Health AssociationIllinois Public Health Association
Cormac KloosMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Crystal TowerySelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Crystal WesselAlwan Pharmacy
Curtis ShermanShermans Pharmacy
Dale ColeeDales and Colees PharmaciesDales and Colees Pharmacy patients
Damaris RodriguezBroadway medical clinic
Dan HohlIllinois State Medical SocietyIllinois State Medical Society
Daniel BollmannSelf
Danielle DozardAlwan pharmacyAlwan Phamacy
Danielle SullivanSullivan Drugs
Darshil patrlHealing health rxSelf
David BagotPetersburg Pharmacy incEmployers for lower cost healthcare
David FalkSav Mor Pharmacies
David FrankMoreland & Devitt
David G MIKUSSelfSelf
Dawn M MorrowSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Dean L Rogan SrRogan's Country Pharmacy
debbie battyplum street pharmacy
Debra HootsPharmacy Plus, Inc.Self
Diane MastersSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Diane MooreMoore Family Stores IncMoore Family Stores Inc
Dipika naikAkd llcSelf
Don GeePlum Street Pharmacymyself
Donald AndradeAlwan Pharmacy
Donald CarlMoody Health Mart PharmacyIndependent Pharmacy
Donna SchafferSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Duane KremerKremer Pharmacy
Duane KremerKremer Pharmacy
Dustin Meltonselfself
Edwina GarrisonPharmacy Plus
Ella Mae ChambersSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Emily BartlettMoreland & Devitt Pharmacy
emma greenThe pharmacie shoppeThe pharmacie shoppe
Eric Blackselfself
Eric AsselmeierMoody Health Mart Pharmacypatients of illinois
Eric BandyBandy's Pharmacy
Eric RiggRigg FamilyCare Pharmacy
Erica ColeeColees PharmaciesColees Pharmacies
Erik CornettNaturalMed apothecary DBA Core Pharmacy
Frank CoonseSelfSenior IL Residents
GANDHI MAHEERana-Reagan Pharmacy
Garry MorelandMoreland and Devitt,Inc
Garth ReynoldsIllinois Pharmacists AssociationIllinois Pharmacists Association
Gavin MayesSavmor Pharmacy
Gena DonaldsonSavmor Pharmacy
George BennettSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Griffin CornSelfBertram Pharmacy
Gwendolyn PeeblesIllinois Office of ComptrollerIllinois Office of Comptroller
Hallie TrovillionThe Medicine ShoppeSelf
Hannah ChytlaBERTRAM PHARMACYBertram Pharmacy
Heather BagotPetersburg Pharmacy
Heather BagotPetersburg Pharmacy
Heather KorandoMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Heidi WilsonSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Helen KingSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Hillary GeeIndependent Pharmacycitizen
Hitesh PatelMain Pharmacy
Holly GriffinThe Pharmacie ShoppeThe Pharmacie Shoppe
Humaira GHOGHAWALABienestar Pharmacy
Ilesh shahAmbika pharmacy,inc.Self
Isaac NewtonPRN Pharmacies
Jacque SpencerPharmacy Plus
JADYN SEXTONPlum Street Pharmacy LLCmyself
James DevittMoreland and Devitt
James HaddickSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
James LidySavmor Pharmacy
Jami ParkMoreland & Devitt PharmacySelf
Jamie JefsonFamily DrugFamily Drug
Jamie TitusSav mor
Janice RobertsPharmacy Plus
Jared SauzekMoody Health Mart Pharmacytaxpayer of illinois
Jason BryowskyMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Jason CampbellPharmacy Plus, Inc.self
Jason Vincent KasiarKasiar EnterprisesBecks Drugs Oxygen and Medical Equipment
Jayde TegtmeyerMoreland & Devitt PharmacyMORELAND AND DEVITT
Jeanette RussellBERTRAM PHARMACYBertram Pharmacy
Jeanne KnousSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Jeffery SauzekMoody Health Mart PharmacyMoody Health Mart Pharmacy
Jenna GrayPharmacy Plus
Jennifer BrownNa
Jerica SneedPlum Street Pharmacymyself
Jesica Gentry SchlimmeCitizenCitizen
Jessica BeaumontToledo Pharmacy
JIGNA GANDHIRana-Reagan Pharmacy
Jill CottermanSavmor Pharmacy
Jill WoodwardThe Medicine ShoppeIndependent pharmacy
Jim DonaldsonSelfPharmacy Patients
Jitesh PatelJ and P pharmacy
Jivan vachhaniEnglewood rx pharmacy
Joan M StorkRons Construction
Joe BothelSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
John A ValaSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Joyce SielschottSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Judy BirdsellPharmacy Plus, Inc
Judy CampbellSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Julie LoweBERTRAM PHARMACYBertram Pharmacy
Jyotin ParikhMara pharmacyMy self
kamlesh R Shahrana reagan phcy
Kamlesh ShahPharmacist
Karen DoaneSavmor Pharmacy
karen hayesAxline pharmacy
Karen McGeePharmacy Plus, Inc.self
Karen S LynchCVS HealthCVS Health
Kari AlderferPharmacy Plus, Inc.self
Karishma DeepakAkd llcSelf
Kassie LedbetterPRN Pharmacies, LTDIllinois pharmacy patients
Kathryn Haynes EganSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Kathy BoydBERTRAM PHARMACYBertram Pharmacy
Kathy HayesToledo Pharmacy
Kathy MuellerSelf
Katie NeptunAmerican Pharmacy of Illinois DBA Alwan Pharmacy
Katilyn NihiserDicks Pharmacy
Kelli RossPharmacy Plus, Inc.
Kelly BandyBandy's Pharmacy
Kelsey VititowsmithAlwan pharmacy
Kendall KotterMoreland & Devitt PharmacyMORELAND AND DEVITT
Kenley BlairMedicine Shoppe
Kerry ReedMoody Health Mart Pharmacy
Kevin FryeShermans Pharmacy
Kevin WoodardSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Kim SuskoselfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Kimberly ayalaPharmacySelf
Kimberly Campbellself
Kimberly K SettlesPharmacy Plus, Inc.
Kimberly K SettlesPharmacy Plus, Inc.
Kristen ListonPharmacy Plus, Inc.
Kristina BryowskyMoody Health Mart PharmacyIndependent phamacies of illinois
Kristine CockerillMoreland & Devitt
Kyle JanvrinJanvrin PlumbingIndependent Pharmacies
Kyle R HelferichAlwan Pharmacy
Kyle ThompsonSelfSelf
Kyle WankleSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Laci JonesBERTRAM PHARMACYBertram Pharmacy
Larry SmithSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Laura Kathleen Frenchnone
Laura RubleselfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Lauren FechtigPlum Street Pharmacycitizen
Lauren YoungDale's Southlake Pharmacy - Decatur, ILDales and Colees Pharmacies
LAURIE NUNNAmerican Pharmacy of Illinois DBA Alwan Pharmacy
Laurie WollardMedicine Shoppe
Leslie SauzekMoody Health Mart PharmacyMoody Health Mart Pharmacy
Linda Diane RobertsPharmacy Plus, Inc.self
Lindsey WilkenSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Lisa GoodePharmacy PlusPharmacy Plus
Lois McDanielMoody Health Mart Pharmacy
Lori ChapmanselfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Lori McNutlySelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Lori SaboPetersburg Pharmacy, Inc.Illinois patients for reform drug pricing
Luke HatfieldBERTRAM PHARMACYBertram Pharmacy
Madeline StollMoreland and Devitt
Mahendra KhatauPharmacist
Makenzie StollMoreland and Devitt
Mandy StollMoreland and Devitt
Mantaben V PatelNone
Mariann QuallsPersonalPersonal
marisol ornelasbroadway medical clinic
Marsha BartlettMoreland and Devitt
Mary Ellen PetersenMoreland & DevittIndependent Pharmacy
Mary StewartSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Matt JohnsonSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Mayson CornSelfBertram Pharmacy
Megan BurrisThe Medicine Shoppe
Melinda CarterSelf
melissa lynne fosteralwan pharmacy and compounding center
Melissa StewartSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Michael BakerAlwan PharmacyAlwan pharmacy
Michael BogdanSelfSelf
Michael SpencerPharmacy Plus
Michelle DyerMichelle's LTC PharmacyMichelle's LTC Pharmacy
Michelle FergusonBERTRAM PHARMACYBertram Pharmacy
Michelle HeidelNone
Michelle SheppardSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Mick WenzelPlum Street PharmacyWhite County citizens
Mike MinesingerAlwan Pharmacy
Miranda KesslerMoreland & Devitt Pharmac
MODI BHAVNARana-Reagan Pharmacy
MODI MIHIRRana-Reagan Pharmacy
MODI RADHARana-Reagan Pharmacy
MODI RASHMITARana-Reagan Pharmacy
MODI SAGARRana-Reagan Pharmacy
MODI SANJAYRana-Reagan Pharmacy
Monica HambrickSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Morgan BairAxline Pharmacy
Nadia BerryPharmacy Plus Inc
Nancy LedbetterSelfPharmacy Patient of IL
Nancy MinesingerAlwan PharmacyALWAN PHARMACY
Nanica KolbSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Naomi ClintonToledo pharmacy
Nathan EarlyEarly Farms NurtientPharmacy Plus
Nathan VoracVorac Pharmacy
NEHA SHETHPrism Pharmacy ElginSelf
Nichol HyinkPharmacy Plus, Inc.self
Nicole WiseMoreland & Devitt PharmacyMORELAND AND DEVITT
Nikunj TajpuriaMeeni Pharmacy incSelf I Illinois resident
Nita ChambersNAIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Nitin ShahRx Community Medical Pharmacy,Inc
Nora GraceMoody Health Mart PharmacyIndependent phamacies of illinois
Norman HobackSavmor Pharmacy
Oakley GeePlum Street Pharmacycitizen
Owen SullivanCarlinville Health and Rx
Pam RiceBeck's DrugsBeck's Drugs
Pat KinsellCitizen
Pat MalonePrivate citizenSelf
PATEL AVIRana-Reagan Pharmacy
Patel pranavkumarPharmacySelf
Patricia WhiteSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Patrick QuinnMoody Health Mart Pharmacy
Patrick SommerTaco Bell
Phillip CamererPatientPharmacy Plus
Pinank shahSaahil pharmacySelf
Prashant PatelLifesourceSelf
Purvin TajpuriaJackson park pharmacyJackson park pharmacy
Randy JeffersonSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Rebecca GeffsThe Pharmacie Shoppe
Rebecca NeeleyBERTRAM PHARMACYBertram Pharmacy
Reese CliftonSelf
Rhett RossiselfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Richard Chapmanselfself
Richard McDanielMoody Health Mart Pharmacy
Rick CottermanSavmor Pharmacy
Robert BeanAxline Pharmacy
ROBERT PEARSONSIMARcitizen of illinolis
Robert WahlbrinkSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Robin JohnsonSelfSelf
Robin Montgomerysav mor pharmacysav mor pharmacy
Robin Montgomerysavmor pharmaycrobin
Ronald JordanSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Rosella Baker61534Alwan pharmacy
Ross BartlettMoreland & Devitt Pharmacy
Roxanne MinesTaxpayerCitizens
Rubeena SiddiquiPharmacyCitizens of Illinois
Ryan SmithAlwan pharmacy
Sam AnSelfSelf
Sam WalkerPharmacy PlusPharmacy Plus
Samantha JanvrinJanvrin PlumbingIndependent Pharmacies
Samantha Vasquez-LopezBroadway pharmacySelf citizens of Illinois
sandhya shahJ2SB
sapna kamdarmeeni pharmacy
Sarah Brockhouseselfself
Sarah GrossPharmacy Plus, Inc.
Sarah GrossPharmacy Plus, Inc.
sarah hunsingerplum street pharmacyPlum Street Pharmacy
Sarang patelAkd llcSelf
Satish PatelCitizens of IllinoisCitizens of Illinois
SAURABH SHETHPrism Pharmacy AuroraSelf
Scott BorntregerHarry's PharamcyIndependent Pharmacy
Scott JefsonShelby County Aviation
Scott StollMoreland & Devitt Pharmacy
Scott SzperraHome Health Solutions
seamus kloosMoody Health Mart PharmacyPharmacy patients of Illinois
Shah sejalbenPharmacySelf
Sharon MahonSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Shawn RenneckerCity of Barry
Shelby AsselmeierMoody Health Mart PharmacyIndependent Pharmacy
Shelia CunninghamMichelle's LTC Pharmacy
sherrie cookpharmacy plus
Sherrie KremerKremer Pharmacy
Sherrie KremerKremer Pharmacy
Sherry McCarthyPharmacy Plus, Inc.Self
Shilo BurlisonSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
ShirishJ&S community pharmacySelf
Shreena PatelPharmacySelf
Stephanie BatmanBERTRAM PHARMACYBertram Pharmacy
Stephen LedbetterPRN Pharmacies Ltd
Stephen LedbetterPRN Pharmacies Ltd
Steve HeyderIndependent Pharmacy
Sudhir ManekMedical Park pharmacy
Susan GronewaldSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Susan ShafferAlwan Pharmacy
Sydney MarshallSavmor Pharmacy
Tabitha MillerPRN Pharmacies, LTD DBA The Medicine Shoppe
Tal RozeneWellCreek Pharmacy Charleston
Tara ClaypoolBertram PharmacyBertram Pharmacy
Tara ClaypoolBERTRAM PHARMACYBertram Pharmacy
Tatyn O'Brien WalkerPharmacy Plus
Tess RansonSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Tiffaney ScottSavmor Pharmacy
Tiffany MI VoegelSav-Mor Pharmacy
Tim GillooleyPipefitterPipefitter's Local 597
Timothy RyanSelfRural Pharmacy Patients
Tony AntonacciSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
Tonya HillSavMor Pharmacy
Tracy CornBertram PharmacyBertram Pharmacy
Trent MooreMoore Family Stores IncMoore Family Stores Inc
Tricia DeanMoreland & Devitt PharmacySelf
Valeria GarciaBroadway Medical
Valerie HarrisSavmor Pharmacy
Vanessa Doesburgrana reagan pharmacy
Victoria McwhorterSelfIllinois patients for reform drug pricing
vitthalbhai PatelAipha
Wally DyerMichelle's LTC PharmacyMichelle's LTC Pharmacy
whitney smithplum street pharmacy
William GoodePharmacy Plus
William LeighSavmor Pharmacy
Xavier BrownBERTRAM PHARMACYBertram Pharmacy
Zane HarrisSavmor Pharmacy