Illinois General Assembly - HB4107Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB4107  100th General Assembly

Bill Status

Legislation: HB4107
Proponents: 1353Opponents: 5567No Position: 9
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 10/24/2017 3:00 PM
Kathryn WinklerNASelf
Aaron dennisIndividual
Adam SmestadSmestad Law
Adelheid Mersselfself
Adelle RenzagliaSelfSelf and Family
Aden Kumlerselfself
Aden Kumlerselfself
Adrienne HahnSelf
Aileen EilertConstituentSelf
Aileen Scarimnone
Aisha NobleSELFNorth Side Action & Resistance
Al Estockselfpersonal
Alan Seeseconstituentself
Alan SwainSwain Music Corp
Aleda DigginsVoices of Reason Bloomington-NormalSelf
Aleksandra PravdicNAself
Alexandra LandersSelfSelf and family
Alexandra Piechockinone
Alexandra Piechockiself
Alexis GldstoneNANA
Alice MulberryRetired Latin Teacher
Alice TrimmerNoneNone
Alice TrimmerNoneNone
Alicia ChastainCitizenMyself
Alicia HenrySelfAlicia Henry
Alireza DoostdarNot applicable
Alisa YorkSelfSelf
Alison HunterSelfself
Allen Rendelselfself
Allison FakhourySelfSelf
Allison Longenbaughselfself
Allison MortlandNoneSelf
Allison PaparaOld Town Barbershop
allison schein holmesnone
Allison StephanSelfSelf
Alma KubotaNoneSelf
Alyssa Amedeiselfself
Amanda BrennerSelfPersonal
Amanda FrenchOn behalf of selfSelf
Amanda HodgmanNational Louis University
Amanda HodgmanNational Louis University
Amanda MartinnonePersonal
amanda nugentself
amanda nugentself
Amanda PuchalskiNoneMyself
Amanda ReCupidoSelfSelf
Amanda SODERSTROMMrsself
Amanda TozerSelfSelf
Ami RelfConcerned Citizen
Amy BilowSchool
Amy Carrselfself
Amy Carrselfself
Amy CarriganSelf
Amy HandSelfSelf
Amy Heggemeyerself
Amy KellySelf
Amy LouvierSelf
Amy Poehlingselfself
Amy RenzulliSelf
Amy TelismanNAself
Amy TelismanNAself
Amy WozniakSelfSelf
Andrea Imreself
Andrea SwansonNone
Andrew Johnsonselfself
Andrew StevensNot ApplicableSelf
Angela Bakercitizenself
Angela JustselfPersonal
Anjali BidaniNAmyself
Anjum AliIndividualSelf
Ann GillespieNANA
Ann GreensteinNoneSelf
Ann Masurselfself
Ann P LeedsSelfSelf
Ann ScholhamerWomen's March on Chicagonone
Ann Soutterselfself
Ann Wilkersonselfself
Anna Clare McDermottretired
Anna DarrowSelfSelf
Anna HaSelfSelf
Annalee G Fjellbergself
Anne FlavinPersonal
Anne Knaflmyselfmyself
Anne McDermottSelf
Anne McIntoshNAself
Anne RoseanSelfSelf
Anne Stevensself
anne wagnerselfself
Anne WickNANA
Anne WilsonSelf
Annette Kleinmanindiividual
Annie WilliamsNONENONE
Anthony hilversRetired
April OboikowitchNoneSelf
arleen campionLives Matter
Audrey Lind Lessingerself
Barbara A LannonNoneIndividual
Barbara Anne HechenbergerMoms' Demand ActionMom's Demand Action Gun Sense group
barbara duttonnoneself
Barbara Jill Williamstaxpayer
Barbara JohnsonSelf
Barbara JohnsonSelf
Barbara Lonerganselfself
Barbara Lonerganselfself
Barbara McPhailSelf
Barbara NudoSelfindivisible
Barbara NudoSelfIndivisible
Barbara Patinkaperonalpersonal
Barbara PowellRetiredSelf
Barbara SantarelliSelf
Barbara SchnitzerNASelf
Barbara Schwarzentraubself
Barbara suttonselfself
Barry HothersallnoneBarry Hothersall
Beatrice WestrateMyselfMyself
Becky MarshallSelfSelf
Becky MarshallSelfSelf
Benjamin JacobiNAPersonal
Bernadette DvorscakRetiredSelf
Beth FlintoftSelfSelf
Beth Gordonself
Beth McNamaraSelf Employed
Beth ParrottNASelf
Beth Polichselfnone
Beth Vlerickselfself
Beth WellsConcerned Citizen
Bethany ShoreNASelf
Beverly Beckself847
Beverly CopelandNCJWNA
Beverly KehrIndividualSelf
Bill Bakerselfself
Bill Pageselfself
Billie BraunNot ApplicableBillie Braun
Blair BarbourBlair Barbour LCSW
Bob HaismannoneIndivisible Oak Park Area
Bonnie BuckleyRetiredNone
Brandelyn NelsonNA
Brandie MadridNone
Breanne LiscinskyNielsen
Breanne LiscinskyNielsen
Bree MakovecSelfMY CHILDREN
Brenda CzayaMyselfMyself
Brendan CarrickSelf815
Brenna OBrienNAMyself
Brian ElmoreSelfSelf
Brian KolvaNoneSelf
Brian SingerSelfSelf
Briavael OReillySelfSelf
Bridget TarrantSelfSelf
Bridgette BonkPrivate CitizenPrivate Citizen
Bridgette BonkPrivate CitizenPrivate Citizen
Bridgette BonkPrivate CitizenPrivate Citizen
Bridgette BonkPrivate CitizenPrivate Citizen
Bridgette BonkPrivate CitizenPrivate Citizen
Brittany DrehoblnonePersonal
Brooke Devlin-BrownSelf
Bruce S FrazinSelfSelf
Bruce Untermanselfself
Caleb DoyleTaxpayerTaxpayer
Callandria SmithCitizen
Camilla Dadeyself
Candace Sinclairselfself
Candace SummersSelfSelf
Candace Wilmotnoneself
Cara AdlerIndivisible Chicago-South SidePersonal
Carine AlfanoSelfSelf
Carleen SpryIndivisible IllinoisSelf
Carol BuckleyNaSelf
Carol ChavarriaMs.Personal
carol finneganSelfTake Action 60091
Carol LaCasseSchool district 220
Carol LauhonSelfSelf
Carol LindNA
Carol Lorenteselfself
Carol ManciniNASelf
Carol N Wilsonself
Carole BuebeSelfSelf
Carole DrennannoneMyself
Carole DrennannoneMyself
Carole Martzselfself
Caroline BaderSelfSelf
Caroline BaderSelfSelf
Carolyn BonistalliNAself
Carolyn DonarskiCKDesignSelf
Carolyn JohnsonNASelf
Carrie CharlesSelf
Carrie Felixselfself
Caryl HodgdonIndividual
Caryn FlieglerMyselfMyself
Casey meyersBHHS Starck
Catherine Caporussomom
Catherine DeeSelfFamily
Catherine Gillespiespeech therapist
Catherine Hargreavesnoneself
Catherine webberNone
Catherine Yoshimuraself employed
Cathryn MillerSelf
Cathryn Tantilloselfself
Cathryn Tantilloselfself
Cathy DeaneRetired Library AdministratorSelf
Cathy MyersMs.
Cathy StixSelf-employedSelf
Cathy StixSelf-employedSelf
Cathy StixSelf-employedSelf
Cathy StixSelf-employedSelf
Cathy StixSelf-employedSelf
Cathy StixSelf-employedSelf
Celia Buccinone
Celine V WoznicaNA
Celine V Woznicaprivate citizen
Celiza BragancaSelfSelf
Chantal Chandlerselfself
Charity Hainesselfself
Charlene J NottoliNottoli & Son italisn Sausage Shop & Deli
Charles CrossNASelf
Charles Hamiltonnana
Charles KouriLingo Studio Inc
cheryl bresneynone
Cheryl DasSelf
Cheryl GeigerSelfSelf
Cheryl Liptoncitizen
Chris KiousSelfSelf
chris popovichNoneSelf
Chris Szalkoselfself
Christa BattagliaNAMyself
Christina GromFedEx
Christina HoffmannRepresenting myselfRepresenting myself
Christina KruegerSelfSelf
Christina PerezNoneSelf
Christina T RagusoPrivate citizenPrivate citizen
Christine PetersRetiredSelf
Christine A Engblomon behalf of self
Christine Bensonself
Christine DrathCitizen
Christine E Nelsonprivate citizenself
Christine Gavlinnone
Christine PadoCitizenCitizen
Christine Petersonselfself
Christine RittenSelfSelf
Christine Toddnone
Christopher JanninkNANA
Christopher MartinThe Nicest People CompanyChristopher L. Martin
christopher reedNAmyself
Christy Ogilvie McCrearyself
Chuck MolesAs an individual citizen.NA
Cindy LevineProphet
Cindy LevineSelf
Cindy McMullanNASelf
Cindy TwetenSelfSelf
Claire DietrichNone
Claire LamontcaSelf
Clara MosqueraNot applicable
Clara Raubertasself-employedself
Clare BonistalliNAself
Colette Martin-WildeSelfSelf
Colleen DaleyIllinois Council Against Handgun ViolenceIllinois Council Against Handgun Violence
Colleen M OLearyIndividual
Colleen StenslikSelfSelf
Connie HolroydSelfSelf
Connor McAndrewnonenone
Coreen ArnoldNone
Cori WhiteSelfSELF
Corinne BanachNONEself
Cory GapsturSelfSelf
Cory GapsturSelfSelf
Courtney AshenbrennerNoneSelf
Crystal BellSelfSelf
Cynthia GreenwoodSelf
Cynthia McKendallSelfSelf
Cynthia NelsonSelfself
Cynthia R BrotenselfSELF
Dale GrupeNoneSelf
Dale GrupeNoneSelf
Dan newmanNiles township hs
Dana BokorSelfSelf
DANA MORANNonePersonal
Dana Simpsonself
Daniel AugstinSelfSelf
Daniel CoySelfSelf
Daniel MahoneyNoneSelf
Daniela IonTaxpayerSelf
Danielle BranchDistrict 215
Danielle BranchConcerned Citizen
danielle mcmann-griffinSelfSelf
Darcey reganselfself
Darilyn DinsmoorSelfSelf
Darlene BrandSelf
daryl novick1963224
Dave Dimmlichself
David SjolanderNoneSelf
David Bietilaselfself
David Bietilaselfself
David FisherNoneMyself
David GurionSelf
David Hoytself-employedSelf
David Rechsselfself
David Rechsselfself
David SchwartzSelfSelf
David SeifertSelfSelf
David StimpsonDBS Group
David Strausself employed
David TelismanNAself
David TelismanNaself
David ZoltannaSelf
dawn h frenzelMs.
Deadre Lorberpersonalpersonal
Dean RauschNAMyself
Deanna Brennanselfself
Deb Lecos--None--self
Debbie WangMorningstarSelf and my children
Debby Brauerselfself
Debora Johnstonnone
Deborah A WilsonPrivate CitizenPrivate Citizen
Deborah K Fultontaxpayerself
Debra DohertyNA
Debra KutskaMyselfMyself
Debra NielsenSelfself
Debra SingletonSelfSelf
Denise B Peavey McDermottSelfself
Denise HixsonSelf
Derek Benderselfself
Devin VeselenakNANA
Diana DalnesSelf
Diana HamannNoneNone
Diana Laubernone
Diana Laubernone
Diane J MaciejewskiSelfSelf
Diane KlockSelf
Diane MatherMsself
Diane Moenoneself
Diane Oltman AyersRegistered Voters of McHenry County
Diane SurufkaNone
Diane WhiteselfSelf
Dianna RushingNASelf
Dianne M MarsellaMsself
Dick ColeMeMe
Dina RossNAMyself and my two children
Domenic BucciNone
DonnaselfselfSIXTH No Cycling
Donna Carrollself
Donna CullenNone
Dorothy C MaleskiSelfSelg
Dorothy ElfringAetna
Dorothy McDanielSelfSelf
Dorothy McDanielSelfSelf
dorothy nolenDorothy NolenIndivisible
Douglas BishopUniversity of Chicago
Dr Constance CatellaniC. A. Catellani MD, S.C.
Dr Gary L ChapmanUnited Church of Christ
Ed Lipinskinone
Ed Spireselfself
Eddie JohnsonCity of ChicagoChicago Police Department
Edward H Soderstrom IISelfSelf
Eileen DordekEileen Dordek LCSW
Eileen G SoderstromSelfSelf
Eileen Hartcitizen
Eileen OReganSelfSelf
Eileen PembrokeSelf
Eileen PembrokeSelf
Elaina BoytorselfPersonal
Elaine CanevaroNoneSelf
Elaine Feldmanself
Elaine FisherNoneSelf
Eleanor LipinskiselfTake Action 60091
Elene Cafassoself
Elisa CampSelfSelf
Elisa HelfordSelfSelf
Elisa RedishSelfSelf
ELISA ZusmanNone
Elise HauptmanSelfMyself
Elizabeth BruneNA
Elizabeth CzechanskiSelfSelf
Elizabeth GilbertSelfSelf
Elizabeth Grayself
Elizabeth Hanauer-Friedmanselfself (mother of 3 children in Illinois)
Elizabeth JohnstonNASelf
Elizabeth MagesSelfSelf
Elizabeth Minogueconcerned citizenself
Elizabeth Rooneynonenone
Elizabeth Tatetaxpayertaxpayer
Elizabeth Wilfongnone
Elizabeth WolterSelf
Ellen BradySelf
Ellen ModerhackSelfMyself
Ellen OhNASelf
Ellen WolcottHuddleself
Ellyn Drathring JungSelfSelf
Emilie Hoganselfself
emily beaufortselfself
Emily BiegelSelf
Emily BiegelSelf
Emily campbellSelfSelf
Emily Corbetton behalf of selfself
EMILY E WILSONcitizenself
Emily FarrArdent Law, LLCSelf
Emily KreamNASelf
Emily MorrisonNoneMyself
Emily morrisonNoneMyself
Emily ProvostSelfSelf
Emily StonerPersonalPersonal
Emily ValenciaSelfSelf
Emily Wattsretired facultyself and family
Emily Zelenkaselfself
Emma AbrahamNot applicable
Emma KowalenkoKowalenko Consulting Group, Inc.
Eric Georgeself646
Eric Ginsburgself
Erica FoleySelfSelf
Erica Van SchaikNoneSelf
Erika BachnerSelfSelf
Erin EwoldtNoneSelf
Erin FarlowSELFpersonal
Erin FlanaganSelf
Erin Hecklerselfself
Erin Hecklerselfself
Erin KissickNoneMyself
Erin OBrienIllinois State Medical SocietyIllinois State Medical Society
Esther AllmanSelf
Esther AllmanSelf
Esther AllmanSelfSelf
ethan rusinpersonalPersonal
Eugene BrandSelf
Evelyn Kaehlerselfself
Ezra WallachEzra Wallach
fanny moyhomedemocrat
fanny moyhomedemocrat
fanny moyhomedemocrat
fanny moyhomedemocrat
fanny moyhomeSane person
Fay MichaelisSelfSelf
Fernanda BrasileiroSelfSelf
Fernanda BrasileiroSelfSelf
Frances GriffinTechnoClin ConsultingSelf
Frank j HammondsNRANra
Frank WangRetiredSelf
Fred HahnSelf
Gail Donnelly BaderNoneNone
Gail EisenbergStowell & Friedman, Ltd.Self and Family
Gail Harris-Schmidtnone
Gary P DettlAlt F1
Gary Schwartzselfself
Gayle LewisSelfSelf
George FerraraConcerned CitizenMyself
George RothSelf
Georges Selvaisself
Gerri Rodeself
Gerta SorensenSelfPersonal
Gina LoftusSelfSelf
Ginny LyonsMs.self
Ginny LyonsMs.SELF
Gita PunwaniSelfSelf
Giudi Weissselfself
Grace Clearnoneself
Grace RabierNoneSelf
Grace WallachGrace Wallach
Greg AlvaradoSelfSelf
Greg Owen-BogerSelfIndivisible 123GO
Gregory SchwartzSelf
Gwen SmithNoneSelf
Gwen SmithNoneSelf
Gwyn CieslaNAMyself
Hal SnyderNAMyself
Hannah HayesnoneSelf
Harvey FeingoldSelfSelf
Heather AldermanNoneself
Heather ColburnnoneSelf
Heather ColburnnoneSelf
Heather DumdeiSelfSelf
Heather EglandIllinois residentSelf
Heather GrossmanSelfSelf
Heather GrossmanSelfSelf
Heather JohnstoneSelf
Heather PorterSelfSelf
Heather RuhnkeRuhnke family
Heidi ThorpNASelf
Heidi MayerTake action
Heidi SleperKurtz Law OfficesSelf
Hilaire Joseph Sainsonnoneself
Hilary BouchardIndividualself
Hollis ApidaSelf
Holly FingerleSelf
Holly Kerrself
Hugh Bradyselfself
ivan sizemoreMr.self
ivan sizemoreMr.self
J EichorstSelfSelf
Jacalyn ZaleskiNoneNone
Jacalyn ZaleskiNoneNone
Jacalyn ZaleskiNoneNone
Jacelyn IntresNANA
Jacqueline BakerSelfSelf
Jacqueline BauerNAself
Jacqueline CrnkvovichMrs.630
Jacqueline Raimoselfself
Jacquelyn SalekTax Payer
Jade MoremGreen Jade DesignMyself
James BuckinghamCCDOC
James GiordanoMrself
James T SchwartzSelfSelf
James vogenNone
Jamie Winchellselfself
Jan CookNA
Jan DarrowSelfSelf
Jan Pietrzakselfself
Jan StarzecSelf
Jane Bushuenone
Jane Landersselfself
Jane Neumannself
Jane VerrySelf
Janet C KappesSelf
Janet GuaderramaMrs.Self
Janet PottsNAMyself
Janet RohdeSelf
Janet Spector BishopNoneSelf
Janice ChaSelf Employed
Janice ChaSelf Employed
Janice ChaSelf EmployedSelf
Janice G Sackettself847
Janice VanderMeerSelf
Jason ArcherUniversity of Illinois at Chicago
Jason BrownSelfSelf
Jason MichalskiSelf
Jason NewhuisOn Behalf of SelfSelf
Jay MULBERRYRetired school principal -- Chicago Public Schools
Jean Baxnone
Jean Des BiensSelf
Jean Helen VondriskaSelfPersonal
Jean MageeNoneProgressive Women of Oak Park
Jean MageeNoneProgressive Women of Oak Park
Jean RichardsonABA of Illinois
Jeanette ClarkPrivate citizenPersonal
Jeanette I QuirkSchool Psychologist
Jeanne Barrhomepersonal
Jeanne McKiernanOnwensia Partners
Jeanne Vaverhome ownerzon
Jeff AxelrodMr
Jeff BachnerSelfSelf
Jeff BonistalliNAself
Jeff GrybashConcerned Citizen ParentMY CHILDREN
Jeff MooreThe Lawn Moores, LLCself
Jeffrey FriedmanselfSelf (law student, father of kids in Champaign public schools)
Jeffrey HolstNone
Jeffrey StarzecSelf
Jenna BraunsteinJenna Braunstein PhotographySelf
Jenna Leving Jacobsonselfself
Jenni WilsonNone
Jennifer CaputoSelfMyself
Jennifer CarizeySelfSelf
Jennifer ChristensenNoneNone
Jennifer E Luckey MurphyMCC
Jennifer E Millerselfself
Jennifer GieratNoneSelf
Jennifer HubertRush Oak Park HospitalPersonal
Jennifer LaDukeSelfSelf
Jennifer LaDukeSelfSelf
Jennifer LokshinSelfSelf
Jennifer MaltasNone
Jennifer Manningnoneself
Jennifer Maukselfself
Jennifer MuellerCenter for Well Being
Jennifer PennockNone
Jennifer RhodesNAMyself
jennifer romansNorth Shore Indivisible
Jennifer Shanahanselfself
Jennifer Shanahanselfself
Jennifer SouthworthUnited Methodist Church
Jennifer SterlingSelf
Jennifer SwainSwain Music Corp
Jenny Berman Rossnone
Jessica GaffneyThe Goodman Theatre
Jessica GockleyNAMyself
Jessica LaFountainResidentResident
Jessica WayneSelf
Jill AdamsNoneSelf
Jill AlthageNA
Jill BlairNoneSelf
Jill GimeskySelfSelf
Jill GrulkeMyselfSelf
Jill JaegerNoneSelf
Jill Van Burenselfself
Jim LonginoSelfSelf
Jim MichalikNAMyself
Jim Slezakselfself
Jim Slezakselfself
Jim VeselenakNANA
Jo Aburanoselfself
Jo Ann PotashnickSelfSelf
Joan Anundson-Ahrself
Joan GorrellNONEJoan Gorrell
Joan IngoliaNone
Joan KonopackiNoneSelf
Joan McGarrySelfSelf
Joan Ohselfself
Joan ScheeterPERSONALPersonal
Joanna SawitzIndivisible NLCIndivisible NLC
Joanna SawitzNoneIndivisible NLC
Joanne DiazSmall Animal Relief Veterinarianse
Joanne DiazSmall Animal Relief Veterinarianself
Joanne EdmondsRetired
Joanne GurionSelfFamily
Jodell GabrielMs.779
Jodi LacyNoneSelf
Jodie SlothowerVoices of Reasonself
Jody Cossselfself
Jody Cossselfself
Joel Wallaceself
John BarronSelfSelf
John DemilioMyselfJust myself
John GraberNAMyself
John HamiltonNANA
John Joseph Maciejewskiselfself
John NayNay Farms
JoLynn Doerrselfself
Joseph BarteauNA618
Joseph FrerichSelfSelf
Joseph LegaultSelfSelf
Joseph M MoralesPrivate
Josephine PolanekMrs.Self
Josephine PolanekMrs.Self
Joshua FoxPersonalPersonal
Joy ChaplinSelfSelf
joy kayeIPAIPA
Joyce GoldensternPersonalPersonal
Joyce Graveley-BleierSelfSelf
Joyce SlavikSelfSelf
Joyce WilliamsSelfSelf
Judith AulikSelfSelf
Judith HorwitzErie Family Health Center
Judith McDevittSelfSelf
Judith RosowiczCitizen
Judy Teibloom-MishkinLactation Partners
Judy WaldeckPersonalPersonal
Julia ErdelySelf
Juliana MorawskiNone
Julianne BonwitSelf
Julie A DawsonPrivate CitizenSelf
Julie AdamsSelfSelf
Julie AdamsSelfSelf
Julie BrennanNaSelf
Julie DicksonSelfSelf
Julie GrimmeRPS
Julie GrimmeRPS
Julie Kaufmanselfself
Julie KayaianSelfSelf
Julie Kistlerself
Julie PrandiUnitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington-Normal
Julie StephanSelfSelf
Julie ThompsonSelf
Julie ThompsonSelf
Julieta Aguileraselfself
Justin RandSelfSelf
Justin RandSelfSelf
K Beth HummelbergSelfSelf
K Beth HummelbergSelfSelf
Kaitlyn KundeNAMyself
kara johnsonself
Karee R WallachKaree WallachKaree Wallach
Karen PlontyNANA
Karen PlontyNANA
Karen BarronSelfSelf
Karen BarronSelfself
Karen BarronSelfSelf
Karen Clausingretiredconcerned citizen
Karen CourtrightNANA
Karen GarvinResident
Karen Groomnone
Karen Groomself
karen p davidself employed
Karen W George upPrefix
Karen WagnerSelf
Karen Yee ReidSelfSelf
Karherine DanielsSelfAction for a Better Tomorrow
Kari Dillonindividual
Karin Evansselfself
Karin Evansselfself
Karin Evansselfself
Karin SchuelerSelfSelf
Karin SchuelerSelfSelf
Karleen McAllesterNA
Kate GlassConcerned Citizen
Kate MonkusIndivisible Chicago
Kate MonkusPersonalNA
Katharine MuellerSelfSELF
Katharine Quinnon behalf of self
Katherine BurtonSelfIndivisible
Katherine GjajaSelfSelf
Katherine HeintzSelfSelf
Katherine Hermann StoneNAPersonal
Katherine ShattoSelfSelf
Katherine WoodSelfSELF
Kathie Shurself
Kathleen BoyleSelf
Kathleen Brown KriegMrs.
Kathleen Buckleynone
Kathleen CarterSelfSelf
Kathleen HanniganSelfSelf
Kathleen Maher LipinskiNoneSelf
Kathleen RospendaSelfSelf
Kathryn LoewySelfSelf
Kathryn RyanSelfSelf
Kathryn WagnerSelf
Kathryn WestburgMs.SELF
Kathryn WiseSelfSelf
Kathy FeingoldSelfSelf
Kathy LombardinoNoneSelf
Katie AburanoSelfSelf
Katie AdelsbergerKnox Collegeself
Katie CousinoSelfSelf
Katie RamirezSELFself
Katy SteinSelf
Kay ChristNone
Kay Schloesserselfself
Keelie Fallonselfself
keelie witzelSelfSelf
Kelli WegenerMrs.847
Kelly AlbrightMyselfMyself
Ken OlsonDr.
Ken OlsonDr.
Kent SmithExecutive ProducerMDA
Keri CascioSelfSelf
Kerri Calvertselfindividual
Kerry Kraemer1971Self
Kerry RogersSelfSelf
Kerry TurkSelfSelf
Kevin BartlettSecurity
Kevin HarringtonSelf
Kim CavillNAself
Kim HinesSelfSelf
Kim OstranderSELF
Kimberly AlcantaraSelfSelf
Kimberly Alexandernoneself
Kimberly EngblomSelf
Kimberly Fraherselfself
Kimberly Fraherselfself
Kimberly RomainSelf
Kris OConnorNANA
Kristen PitzenSelfSelf
Kristi barnwrllSelf
Kristi CoxMrs.Self
Kristin CleggSelfSelf
Kristin Curtisnaself
Kristin Kalitowskiselfself
Kristina Del PinoSelfSelf
Kristina Grbavacnana
Kristina RiceNANA
Kurt Muellerselfself
Kym TeslikSelf
Lara Taylornone
Larissa Levitanselfself
Laura Bednarselfindivisible
Laura CinatSelf
Laura CrossanSelfSelf
Laura DiasMom
Laura FisherNone
Laura FrankiewiczSelfSelf
Laura FrankiewiczSelfSelf
Laura FrankiewiczSelfSelf
Laura FrankiewiczSelfSelf
Laura FrankiewiczSelfSelf
Laura GrafNone
Laura HeinNorthwestern Universitypersonal
Laura Jacobsself-employed
Laura Jacobsself-employed
Laura Kampsself
Laura R DewanSelfSelf
Laura SingerNone
Laura SovaBroadlands
Laura StrongnoneLaura Strong
Laura WoodsSelfSelf
Laurel Hayscitizenna
Lauren HarperSelf
Lauren Quinnselfself
lauren schwankenone
Lauren StenzelConcerned Citizen Parent
Laurie GoldsteinSelf
Laurie GoldsteinSelf
Lea ClineselfSelf
Leah Handelselfself
Leah Kirschnerselfrepresenting self
Leah Mayers222 Trial & ErrorPersonal
Leah RobertsNA
Leah Whiteselself
Leanne Primrose-Brownselfself
Lee DeLongMs.none
Lee MehnSelf
Lee MehnSelf
Lena WalentLena Walent Design
Lenice AbbottSelfSelf
Lenice AbbottSelfSelf
Leon BernsteinRetiredself
Leslie Cummingsselfself
Leslie GraysonSelfSelf
Leslie Hirschselfself
Leslie RyeNoneSelf
Leslie travisSelfSelf
Leslie TravisSelfSelf
Lewis KirkNA
Lilly SimmonsMs.
Linda BoydMyself77
Linda Brumbackselfself
Linda BurtonSelf
Linda BurtonSelfSelf
Linda ChandlerNoneSelf
Linda HindeResident
Linda HindeResidentResient
Linda JohnsonSelfSelf
Linda KallasSelf
Linda KochNone
Linda Lopataselfself
Linda Lopataselfself
Linda LuntAction for a Better Tomorrow ElmhurstAction for a Better Tomorrow Elmhurst
Linda PolenzaniHUDDLE
Linda Scottnaself
Linda UntermanMrs. Linda UntermanMrs. Linda Unterman
Linda Waycieselfself
Linda ZiemerSelfSelf
Lindsay EanetSelf
Lindsay HagySelfSelf
Lindsay Morrisonselfself
Lindsay WelbersMs.Self
Lindsey HammondCommunity Renewal SocietyCommunity Renewal Society
Lindsey HewittOakton Community College
Linnea ONeillself
Lisa CrockerAction for a Better Tomorrow217
Lisa Griffinnonenone
Lisa HendricksonSelfRecord of appearance only
Lisa HendricksonSelfRecord of appearance only
Lisa Kaiharaselfself
Lisa KoubaSelfSelf
Lisa leipusNoneSelf
Lisa leipusNoneSelf
Lisa leipusNoneSelf
Lisa MossNoneNone
Lisa Mullettnone
Lisa MyskerSelf
Lisa PerezSelfSelf
Lisa RobertsSelfSelf
Lisa RoseIndividualNone
Lisa RouffNoneNone
Lisa Sachsself
Lisa SparagnaOwner
Lisa WalshSelfSelf
Lisabeth Van DammeNoneSelf
Liz AdamsNoneSelf
Liz KeysSelfSelf
Liz Willockindividual
Lohra Vogelselfself
Lois BrockmanRetiredSelf
Lola AugstinSelfSelf
Lonnie DunlapRetired
Lori McKiernanNANA
Lori MyersConstituentSelf
Loyd ClaytonNAMyself
Lucas HergertNorth Shore Unitarian Church
Lucinda Mellottnoneself
Lucy Pickselfself
Luke AdamsLuke Adams Design
Lydia Vincentyresidenceself
Lynda Thromnoneself
Lynda Thromnoneself
Lynda Thromnoneself
Lynn FrangerNoneNone
Lynn Griffisselfself
Lynn LaneseLynn LaneseSelf
Lynn SakataMyselfMyself
Lynn SakataMyselfMyself
Lynn SamarooResident
Lynn Siebenselfself
Lynn StanczukSelfSelf
Lynne Lenzselfself
Lynne M WestphalSelfSelf
Lynne RubenSelf
M GregoryMyself IL voterMyself IL voter
Macaire GrambauerselfSelf
Madeline BaumSelfSelf
Madhuri Patelself as a citizen
Madonna Penceself
Magda RothSelf
Maggie LuSelfSELF
Maggie Morrisselfself
Malia ZoghlinSelfself
Mallory CaiseNAMyself
Mande MischlerNANA
Mara E MeyerSelfSelf
Marcia Bernsteinselfself
Marcia M Bollo1942
Margaret HartmanSelf
Margaret Jacomeself
Margaret Lindsayselfself
Margaret MassSELFself
Margaret MichelsonNorthshore University Health System
Margaret PissarreckNANA
Margaret SentsRetired
Maria GlaserSelfSelf
Maria RandazzoIndividual
mariann stephensnone
Marianne GrieblerMyselfMyself
Marie A Cabiyaselfself
Marie GrygiencNoneSelf
Marie GrygiencNoneSelf
Marie GrygiencNoneSelf
Marie PopkinSelfSelf
Marie-Claude SchauerOrion Marine Corporation
Marilyn FreeseSelfSelf
Marilyn FriedmanNAself
Marilynn Gortowskimyselfmyself
Marion Nowakselfself
Marissa KalmanSelfSelf
Mark Bongesself
Mark MasonFather
Mark MuehlhausenSelfSelf
mark Novotnynonemyself
Mark StasiorowskiNASelf
Mark WalshIllinois Council Against Handgun Violenceichv
Marla Barchnot applicable
Marsha LeeSelf
Martha Carlsonna
Martha klemsSelf
Marti SwansonIRTAself
Martin CuellarSelfPersonal
Marva Watkinspersonalpersonal
Marvin L Doolinnoneself
Marvin L Doolin JrSelf
Mary Ann PhillipsSelfSelf
Mary BarteauNA
Mary Beth LangNone
Mary Gettyself630
Mary Groseself
Mary Hughes19th Ward Parents for Special EducationParents of Children with Special Needs in the 19th Ward of Chicago
Mary HughesCitizenSelf
Mary JayaramanNoneSelf
Mary Jeanette MoranSelf
Mary Joan Ceplaselfself
Mary Kay Macenoneself
Mary Laneself
Mary Lou Ludickyself
Mary Lyman-ParrishSelfSelf
Mary MillerABTself
Mary MorrisseyOffice of the Illinois Attorney GeneralOffice of the Illinois Attorney General
Mary Pat Forstoncitizen
Mary Patrcia ErnstErnst Financialself
Mary Patrcia ErnstErnst Financialself
Mary PosnerSelfSelf
Mary QuinlanSelfSelf
Mary ShapiroSelf
Mary TavegiaSelfSelf
Mary Tworek-Tupperselfself
Maryam BrotineSelfSelf
Maryann DImprerioselfself
Maryann VazquezSelfSelf-Constituent
Maryann VazquezSelfSelf-Constituent
Maryann VazquezSelfSelf-Constituent
MaryBeth NapierPersonalIndivisible Evanston
Maryellen SchwartzTaxpayerTaxpayer
Marygael CullenNANA
Mason Schloesserselfself
Mato Grbavacnana
Matt KovalcikIndividualPersonal
Matthew GulattoNone
Matthew Lenzselfself
Maureen BairdSelfSelf
Maureen BairdSelfSelf
Maureen BairdSelfSelf
Maureen HickeySelfSelf
Maureen KeaneSelfMaureen Keane
Maureen McGonagleselfself
Maureen McGonagleselfself
Maureen VanaSelfself
Meg ReynoldsSelfself
Meg Reynoldsselfself
Megan Beltran JewettSelfSelf
Megan KivarkisSelfSelf
Megan MichalskiSelf
Megan MockaitisSelfMy Self and My Family
Meghan ZefranSelfPersonal
Meghann McEnteenoneMyself
Melanie Chapmanselfself
Melanie PatricNoneSelf
Melanie SchikoreCountryside Church Unitarian Universalist
Melanie Scott-Dockeryindividualself
Melissa Chenselfself
Melissa Chenselfself
Melissa Chenselfself
Melissa DieboldHomeSelf
Melissa MacGregorSelfSelf
Melissa Probernonenone
Melissa Raguseoselfself
Melissa Sankoselfself
Melissa SchwartzSelf
Melissa SterneNoneSelf
Meredith D SchachtNASelf
Meredith PayneSelfSelf
Merle MonroeIndividualIndividual
Merlin MatherMrSelf
Merrill ColeSelfSelf
MICHAEL BREMERCumberland Group
Michael ConroyMichael Conroy & AsscocatesMichael Conroy
Michael I RothsteinTabet DiVito & Rothstein LLC
Michael Kaiser-NymanNANA
Michael Kalasunasself
Michael La PorteNoneSelf
Michael MelliniNA
Michael MelliniNANA
Michael RaguseoSelfSelf
Michal PalatnikNone
Michele BeaulieuxselfIndivisible
Michele BeaulieuxselfIndivisible
Michele EdelmuthSelf
Michele Jaye SolomonNA
michele pulverMs1
Michelle BautistaSelf
Michelle BerrySelf
Michelle FarraSelfSelf
Michelle FreedmanNoneSelf
Michelle KritselisN.A.Self
Michelle ORton LoftusORTON LOFTUS LAW GROUPIL children
Michelle RoskensSelfSelf
Michelle SingletonMidwestern University773
Michelle Thomasselfself
Michelle TrayneSelfSelf
Miguel BautistaCitizenCitizen
Mike Bishopself
Mildred V Palmerindividual847
Miranda WilgusACA Consumer AdvocacyAca consumer Advocacy
Miriam WagnerSelfSelf
Monica VelezNoneSelf
Monica VelezNoneSelf
Monica VelezNoneSelf
Monica CoursonSelfSelf
Monica LeventhalSelf EmployedNone
Monica McGillSelfSelf
Morgan Paulusselfself
Morgan SnoufferNoneSelf
Morgan SnoufferNoneSelf
Musette MichaelMusette Michael
Myra GillespieSelfEducators
Nadine Robertson DiMareSelfSelf
Nancy JonesSelfSelf
Nancy Arlenself-employed
Nancy CunovIndividual
Nancy GormanSelf
Nancy Graham MillerSELF
Nancy Graham MillerSELFSelf
Nancy GrandoneNaSelf
Nancy GrandoneNASelf
nancy hagenself employed
Nancy HolstNone
Nancy HolstNone630
Nancy J Patushnone
Nancy J Patushnone
Nancy Kelly-MartinIndivisualIndvidual
Nancy NelsonSelf
Nancy SchietzeltCitizenMyself
Nancy SchietzeltMrs.
Nancy SchulzSelfSelf
Nancy Sorennonemyself
Natalie Warrennonenone
Natalya Fishmannot applicablemyself
Nathan La PorteSelfSelf
Neal Katzselfself
Nicole CrudupSelf
Nicole SernaSelfSelf
Nicole StemlerSelfself
Nilsa SweetserSelfSelf
NIna CoppolaselfNina Coppola
Nina CorwinNina Corwin, MA, LCSW Private PracticeNina Corwin
Noel Zakselfself
Noelle McDonoughselfself
Noreen McAndrewDomestic Engineer
olga domchenkoresident not rep of any agency or firm
Oscar AlcantaraSelfSelf
P L Wattselfself
Pam ProschMs.
Pamela GrayNoneSelf
Pamela Koerkelnoneself
Pamela Metcalf Waudselfself and family
Pamela Ohmanselfself
Pamela Taylornoneself
Pat PerrierJust Breathe Yoga Studio
Patricia A Roopna
Patricia AdelmanSelfSelf
Patricia ArmstrongOn behalf of selfIllinois voter
Patricia B RoccoSelf
Patricia HeiseSelfSelf
Patricia HeiseSelfSelf
Patricia InmanNone
Patricia MasekNoneSelf
Patricia MasekNoneSelf
Patricia McAdamsSelf
Patricia McAdamsSelf
Patricia SeligaNASelf
Patrick McMullanNAmyself
Paul SafyanNorthshore Unitarian Church
Paula Belnapselfpersonal
Paula WallrichPrivate citizen
Peggy Sloyanselfself
Penelope MulchSelfSelf
Penny ShepherdMrs.Self
Pete ErikssonSelf
phil oelkersnaself
Philip GarbeSelfself
Philipp Robert Palmernone
Phyllis OrzechowskiPersonalPersonal
Priya DugadSelfSelf
Rachel ErdmanCitizenNcjw and The Jewish people
Rachel BecknellConstituentSelf
Rachel Fandelself
Rachel Goadselfself
Rachel KligermanSelf-employedSelf
Rachel WallachNoneSelf
Rachelle StiversSelfSelf
Randi SternindependentIndividual
Randolph RollerNANA
Randy EwoldtNoneSelf
Rebecca Bennettnonepersonal
Rebecca FortnerResident
Rebecca Hinrichs GlimcoSelf
Rebecca HooverSelfSelf
Rebecca KiddThousand Waves Martial Arts and Self Defense centerself
Rebecca MillsSelfSelf
Rebecca PfistererNASelf
Rebecca WeinbergSelfNone
Regina Marie FerreraSelf-employedPersonal
Renea GoodSelfSelf
Renee Gladstonenoneself
Renee WsolSelfSelf
Renita Millerselfself
Renita MillerSelfSelf
Rhonda PresentNANA
Rhonda RKCitizenSelf
Richard GoldbergselfSelf
Richard M WallachRichard Wallach
Richard PociusNoneSelf
Richard Schreiberselfself
Richard SchwierNAMyself
Richell MintzlaffNot ApplicableCitizens
Richell MintzlaffNot ApplicableCitizens
Rita Rossi-FoulkesNoneNone
Rita Rossi-FoulkesNoneNone
Rita Rossi-FoulkesNoneNone
Robert BernsteinSelfSelf
Robert Louis Woodleyna
Robert W Linzmeier-.
Roberta ConboySelf
Roberta MooreselfSELF
Roberta NovakMs.Personal
Roberta RubenSelf
Robin CharlestonNone
Robin DusekMeself
Robin DusekMeself
Robin M RyanNoneSelf
Robin RaganKnox College
Robin Wickenkampself
Robyn Tannyselfself
Rodney A PattersonNONE
Ronda FellerSelfSelf
Ronda MichelsIndividualNone
Rosa SanMarchiSelf
Rosalind BlaurockSelfSelf
Rosemarie ColacinoHeartland Resistance CoalitionPersonal
Rosemary EschNoneSelf
Russell GraftonSelfSelf
Ruth Fink-WinterNA
Ruth Orme-JohnsonHustler
Ruth RichSelfSelf
Ruth RichSelfSelf
Ruth ScifoNot Applicable
Sabine Selvaisself
Sally NadorPstchologist
Sandra GiordanoMrs.
Sandra Giordanoselfself
Sandra Silvaselfself
Sandra Simonisnoneself
Sandra SwantekSelfWritten
Sandra Ulbrich AlmazanNA
Sara BernerNoneSelf
Sara BrownNASelf
Sara Horanselfself
Sara Horanselfself
Sara Kurenskyself
Sara Lewisnana
Sara Rezviselfself
Sara RyersonSara Ryerson, LCSW
Sara SpaniolCollege of DuPageself
Sarah BauerSelfSelf
Sarah BreedenNoneSelf
Sarah CollyerSelf
Sarah ContorerNoneSelf
Sarah EllisSelfSelf
Sarah Noveyselfself
Sarah OehlerSelfSwlf
Sarah PetersenSelfSelf
Sarah Polichcitizencitizen
sarah silinsselfmyself and my two minor children
Scott Clarknamyself
Scott FlackState Farm InsuranceSelf
Scott Horwitznonenone
Scott Horwitznonenone
Scott MigaldiSelfSelf
Scott SpaniolMorton CollegeSelf
Sean BradleyselfSelf
Sean Graham-WhiteNAself
Seth TeskeNone
shana Bernsteinnone773
shana Bernsteinslef773
Shanna SimpsonSelf
Shannon CareyNoneNone
Shannon McDonnellNoneSelf
Sharon BranchSelf
Sharon HellmanVoices of REason
Sharon KhuranaSelfself
Sharon L BoughnerTaxpayer217
Sharon L Boughnertaxpayer217
Sharon SeligaNASelf
Shawn BurkCitizen
Shawn Michaelselfself
Shayna watchinskiSelfSelf
Sheila Ondracheknot applicable
Sheila SnyderSelf
Sheldon CopelandNANCJW
Shelley SutherlandSelfSelf
Sheri ZierdtNoneSelf
Sherrilyn DrewMs.
Sherry HawkinsSelfSelf
Sherry JainSelfSelf
Shira KoffmanSLPself
Siobhan ConnorsNone
Sol MisenerNAMyself
Sonja RotenbergNoneself
Sonny CohenselfSelf
Stacy Saefselfself
Steffanie FlackNoneSelf
Stephanie BassettSelfSelf
Stephanie GrayNANA
Stephanie Holtnonenone
Stephanie ScheitlerNone
Steve BranchConcerned Citizen
Steven B Philoonillinois citizenself
Steven PachecoSelfSelf
Steven PachecoSelfSelf
Storey ShearerSelSelf
Stuart Greenspanselfself
Stuart Greenspanselfself
Sue FriedmanRetiredSelf
Sue RioNoneSelf
Susan Balabanselfself
Susan BeckerMs.630
Susan BuddeIndivisible ChicagoPersonal
Susan FarmerSelfSelf
Susan FriedmanRetiredSelf
Susan GallagherSelfSelf
Susan GuironnetSelfSelf
Susan HelwigNoneSelf
Susan JaffeeKnit Nirvana llcBusiness owner
susan linkself
Susan MasonSusanmasonfineartSelf
Susan McFaulSelfSelf
Susan MunrononeEvanston Moms Demand Action
Susan Schomburgselfself
Susan Schomburgselfself
Susan SobonNAMyself
Susan WalkerSelfSelf
Susan WelchSelf employedSelf
Susan WiechmanSelfSelf
Suzanne BesawSelfSelf
Suzanne StroemerNA
Sylvia Renteriaselfself
Tami MartinConcerned citizenSelf
Tamiko BakerSelfSelf
Tammy GeorgiouSelf
Tammy Leanne GreenSelf Employed
Tanja MurrayNoneSelf
Tara HedgesSelf
Tara McClellan McAndrew- None -none
Ted GanchiffSelfSelf
Teresa MoroDr.Self
Terri Gensselfself
Terri KlowdenSelfSelf
Terry Boydnonenone
Terry BoydSelfSelf
Terry BoydSelfSelf
Terry BoydSelfSelf
Terry BoydSelfSelf
Thomas A Williamsselfself
Thomas Morelpersonalpersonal
Thomas MossSelfPersonal
Tiffany SpawNoneSelf
Tiffany SpawNoneSelf
Tiffany SpawNoneSelf
Tiffany WalshSelfSelf
Tim LacyNoneNone
Tim LovellOn behalf of selfIndivisible Chicago
Timna AxelChicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights
Toni DuncanNA
Toni DuncanNAself
Traci BernthalSelfSelf
Traci KurtzerSelfSelf
Tracy Ahrself
Tracy McGonagleSelfSelf
Tracy Nicholsonnoneconcerned parent
Tracy ScadutoSelf
Tracy SilvermanSelfSelf
Valerie Powersnone
Valerie Shullselfself
Vanessa Griffinindividual
Verena BlockSELFSELF
Verena BlockSELFSELF
Vicki Dvorak IselySelf
Victoria CarleeRetired
Victoria Grahmselfself
Victoria LongSelfSelf
Victoria WatkinsCity of ChicagoOffice of the Mayor
viktoria erhardtself
vivian chounaself
Vivian TedfordNAmyself
Vivien Eisenbergnone
Walter SeligaNASelf
wayne rhodesselfself
Wendy GiffordNASelf
Wendy Parrisself
Wendy PollockMs.Self employed
Whitney Watersnoneself
William BianchiNAPersonal
William EmrichMoms Demand ActionMoms Demand Action
William J Carroll Jrselfself
William Robert McAndrew- None -none
Ximena Ann ReedySelf
Yuki SpellmanSelf
Yulia BjekicSelfSelf
Yung Cong-HuyenSelfSelf