Illinois General Assembly - HB3814Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB3814  103rd General Assembly

Senate Amendment 001
Bill Status

Legislation: HB3814
Proponents: 221Opponents: 0No Position: 1
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Elem Sec Ed: Adm., Lic. & Charter (H) 3/8/2023 2:00 PM
Abby Youngselfself
Abigail WillmontNashville FFASelf
Adam Weimanselfself
Alison McGrewMcGrew Cattle
Allison MosherBlue Mountain LivestockSelf
Allison SwansonJRW
Amanda E HempsteadNaSelf
Amanda E HempsteadSelfSelf
Amanda L SpinnerArgenta Oreana High School
Amy J Schaalselfself
Amy LucieSelf
Andrea RoseNASelf
Andrew KleinAndrew Klein
Andrew LarsonIllinois Soybean GrowersIllinois Soybean Growers
Andy GoforthNashville FFASelf
Angela KellyKelly FarmsSelf
Angie BaneSelfSelf
Anna ShulerSouth Central FFA
Anna ShupeSelf
Anna WebelNone
Annaleah EmmDwight FFA AlumniDwight FFA Alumni
Annessa ArmourSerena HighSchool
Annika SpringWestern IL UniversitySelf
Ashley JohnsonLa Moille CUSD 303FFA
Baley MiltonSelfSelf
Beckie ThomsonSelfSelf
Breck KramperSelf
Brekin BartlowWide Open Farms
Brianna HillearySelf and Pontiac FFASelf and Pontiac FFA
Brittany ButlerSelf
Brook LewisFarmSelf
Brooklyn RomaniPontiac FFAPontiac FFA
Bryanna SmithNashville FFASelf
Bryce SchettlerNashville FFASelf
Cacy KruseSelf
CadencePontiac FFASelf and Pontiac FFA
Carrie KeeneySelf
Carrie PollardPollard Farms
Cassidy SpesardGRHS
Cassie CrouchCrouch Dorsets4H leader, parents, teacher, former 4-H and FFA Member, FFA Advisor
Catherine JonesSelfSelf
Chad MahlerSerena High School
Chelsea DuisSelf
Chris EvansSaline County Agriculture AssociationSelf
Christina BashamQuarryview Angus
Claire GeigerHighland High SchoolClaire Geiger
Clara Dean HaasPontiac FFASelf, and Pontiac FFA
Cole rapprapp cattleSelf
Collin MoseleySelfSelf
Corrine WascherUnited FFA
Dakota HanenbergerNashville FFAself
Dane HennenfentKnoxville High SchoolSelf
Daniel ParkerSelf employed
Daniel PhillipsSelf
Dara C EntwistleEntwistle HerefordsDara Entwistle
Darin BlunierMidland School DistrictSchools
Darrell Dunbar IIISelf
Dayna AndersonSelfSelf
Debbie AggerttSelfSelf
Donald Moffittself
Ed EngelEngel Farms
Elizabeth WhiteakerSerena Community Unit School District 2Self
Elizabeth BuchanaBusy B FarmhouseSelf
Ellen TrainorMy familyMy children
Emily FrieseSelfSelf
Emily FriestadFriestad FarmsFamily
Emily MillburgChester High SchoolSelf
Emily PerryPerry Farms
Emmalee HaegeSelfSelf
Eric WiselySelfSelf
Erin McCaskillFarmSelf
Erin ZornsNa
Ethan MaloneNashville FFAself
Evan KroegerNashville FFASelf
Gary L Bowmanselfself
Gia OrrParent of an FFA Graduate who is a USDA 1890 Scholar in Baton Rouge, LAFFA Students across Illinois
Grace TolliverNashville FFAself
Greg CoxC&G Consulting PartnersIL Soybean Association
Hayden KinkadeOlney FFA Chapter
Heather EubankEubank Farms
Heather HassebrockPersonalSelf
Heather MetzgerMetzger Show CattleSelf
Isabelle LovinNashville FFAself
Jacob MeisnerMahomet-Seymour High SchoolMahomet-Seymour High School
Janet WindishWindish Insurance Agency, LLCSelf
Janie FoxSelf
Jared BergmannSelfSelf
Jared BressnerSelf
Jason G BachmanEureka High SchoolFFA and 4H
Jean NealGeorgetown Ridge Farm CUD School District
Jennifer BirdsellVirginia CUSD 64Self
Jennifer Louise StaleyKansas High Schoolself
Jennifer SmithWilliamsville High School
Jennifer WatersSelfFFA Alumni Member
Jenny BergmannMCHS FFA
Jesse FaberPontiac Township High School, Illinois Association of Vocational Agriculture TeachersIAVAT and Agricultural Education
Jesse HakeSelfSelf
Jessica ChipmanFlanagan-Cornell High SchoolFlanagan-Cornell High School
Jessica G LaceyFarm4-H and FFA students
Jessica HakeSelfSelf
Jessica IbergMadison County 4-HMadison County 4-H
Jill DownIndividual
Jill SwansonSwanson FarmsSelf
Jillian MooreMoore Farms4-H & FFA
Jim RicheyGalatia FFA ChapterGalatia FFA Chapter
Jim RicheyGalatia FFA ChapterGalatia FFA Chapter
Joe RicheyFamily FarmSchool
Joe SeysSeys farms
Johnna DunbarSelf
Jonathan Matthew BeckerPontiac FFASelf and Pontiac FFA
Joni StapletonSelfSelf
Josh St PetersIllinois Beef AssociationIllinois Beef Assn
Joshua BergWest Washington County CUSD 10Self
Julie BlunierSelfSelf
Julie Erschen SaylorSelfSelf
Julie VlosakIndian Creek High SchoolJulie Vlosak
Julie VlosakIndian Creek School DistrictJulie Vlosak
Justin HowardGeorgetown Ridge Farm Unit Dist 4school
Justin MosherBlue Mountain LivestockSelf
Katherine ThurmanThurman Cattle
Katie KurwickiNashville FFAself
Katy ArnoldSelfSelf
Kayla RiedleIAVATSelf
Keith ibergMadison County 4-HMadison County 4-H
Kelly AylesworthSelf
Kelly PoolSelf
Kelton RoethemeyerNashville FFAself
Kim RoemersbergerNone
Kimberly N WolterWindy Hill MeadowsSelf
Kirsten ParrSelfSelf
Kirsten WyattPaxton-Buckley-Loda High School
Korbin CollinsCollins Cattle CompanySelf
Korbin WagenbachAkron Services
Krista L WhiteHeyworth High SchoolSelf
Lacey SchickSchick FarmsSelf
Lars DunnIllinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission
Laurel Spahnself
Levi HugeNashville FFASelf
Lexi RuemkerKewanee High SchoolSelf
Lily EmgeNashville FFASelf
Lily TejadaNashville FFASelf
Liz Brown-ReevesLiz Brown-Reeves ConsultingIlllinois Pork Producers
Lori MooreSelf
Maggie St PetersSelfSelf
Makayla WinkaNashville FFASelf
Malena RogersSelfMalena Rogers
Maliah RiechmannNashville FFAself
Malisa Kraft.Myself
Mallory TolleyIAVATIAVAT
Mark MuellerSelfSelf
Mark SteberRCHS Ag DeptRichland County High School
Mary GrishamSelf
Mary HentgesNashville FFASelf
Mary K Nealself
MaryBeth Bowmanselfself
Matthew AndersonAnderson HerefordsAnderson Herefords
Matthew MeyerSelfSelf, Mendota Township High School, Mendota FFA Chapter, Mendota FFA Alumni
Meg BaerSelf
Megan MeadeCerro Gordo High SchoolCerro Gordo Schools
Meghan BorcherdingFarmStudents
Michael Alan Rhineynoneself
Michele OliverSelfSelf
Michelle TorranceSelfSelf
Michelle WadlowFFASelf
Missy YorkYork FarmsFFA and 4-H
N Bret ParrSelfSelf
Nancy TerpeningKnoxville FFA and Knox County 4HKnoxville FFA and Knox County 4H
Nicholas NicholsNichols sheep farmSelf
Nicholas SchislerNASelf
Nichole NolteHooten Farms, LLCSelf
Nick JamesIAVAT
Nicole Phillips PhillipsSelf
Nikitah NattierFarmSelf
Nora UngerSelfSelf
Parker BaneSelfParker Bane
Patrick BarryPhelps Barry and AssociatesIllinois Association of Vocational Agriculture Teachers
Paul HakeSelfSelf
Paul Swansonself employed farmerself
Payton Carol SemmensPontiac FFAPontiac FFA
Peggy TroneRIVER RIDGE HSself
Peyton MaschhoffNashville FFAself
Rachel borcherdingSelfSelf
Rachel FrostSelfself
Randi RiemannSelf
Randie KochernaSelf
Rebecca S SpauldingSpaulding Polled Herefords
Rebekah HendershottPontiac FFASelf and Pontiac FFA
Reese BohmPontiac FFASelf and Pontiac FFA
Reggie DowellDowell Farm
Rhonda PlaegerSelf
Rich ClemmonsGovPlus Capitol Consulting
Rick WilkinsSelf
Riley DuckworthIllinois Foundation FFASelf
Rodney KnittelSelf
Ronald AggerttSelf
Ryan RobertsWestern Corn & Cattle
Samantha SmithFairfield Community High SchoolIAVAT Member
Sandy MooreSelf
Sarah NicholsJersey Community High SchoolJerseyville FFA
Sarah ReedyRDY Maddox ReedyMaddox Reedy
Sean AbernathyNashville FFAself
Shelby CarlsonCitizen
Sierra WalterOttawa Ottawa Township High SchoolOttawa Township High School
Stacey SchislerSelf
Stacy BrowningSelf
Stephanie Vojas TaylorVojas Taylor LLCCompeer Financial
Stephanie Vojas TaylorVojas Taylor LLCFarm Credit Illinois
Steve AustinSelf
Steve HulsHuls FarmsSelf
Steve RappSJ LivestockSchool
Tammy Legelselfself
Tara weaverNoneCorbin, Cane, cray weaver
Tasha BuntingIllinois Milk Producers AssociationIllinois Milk Producers Association
Tessa BergmannNashville FFASelf
Tracie SayreSelfSelf
Trudy Swansonself employed farmerself
Veronique Bakernoneself
William KlingSelfSelf
Zechariah Ezekiel LandstromPontiac FFASelf Pontiac FFA