Illinois General Assembly - HB3803Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB3803  103rd General Assembly

Bill Status

Legislation: HB3803
Proponents: 43Opponents: 6No Position: 0
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Public Utilities (H) 3/7/2023 2:00 PM
Abraham ScarrIllinois PIRGIllinois PIRG
Alicia and Greg RichardsAgricultural LandownersSelf
Ann Baskervilleselfself
Ariel HamptonIllinois Environmental CouncilIllinois Environmental Council
Becky Simonself
Carolyn BendelEnvironmental Defenders of McHenry CountyEnvironmental Defenders of McHenry County
Catherine Ann Franczykself
Christiane Reyselfself
Corey HendersonAgricultural land ownerself
Cynthia Norbits ReynoldsSelfSelf
David McEllisEnvironmental Law and Policy CenterEnvironmental Law and Policy Center
Deni MathewsSelfSelf
Elaine NekritzNekritz Amdor Andersson GroupIllinois Clean Jobs Coalition
Hannah Lee FlathSelfSelf
Jen Packheiserselfself
JIm and Terri FrisbieAgricultural and natural landowners
Jo Ann PotashnickSelfSelf
Joan K BradburySelfself
Joseph ZefranSelfIllinois Citizens
Joyce Blumenshineselfself
Karen Brockelsbyjust meself
Karyl Dressenselfself
Kathleen CampbellCitizens Agsinst the Heartland Greenway PipelineCitizens Agsinst the Heartland Greenway Pipeline
Kathryn BalkNAself
Laura Davisselfself
Macaire Grambauerselfself
Marilyn L ShelleyFarm OwnerSelf
Mary Ellen DeClueCitizens Against Longwall MiningMs.
Meredith WestSelfSelf
Meryl Greer Domina350Kishwaukee155 People who are part of our group. They all live in northern Illinois.
Meryl Greer DominaRetired
Nicole Denise SaulsberrySierra Club-IL ChapterSierra Club, Illinois Chapter
Rachel SiegelIllinois Beaver Allianceself
Ramona HendersonAgricultural Land Ownerself
Renee PattenEdgewater Environmental CoalitionNA
Rosemary MaziarzSelfSelf
Ryne Mitchellmyself
Sally BurgessSierra ClubSelf
Sandra HendersonAgricultural Land Ownerself
Sandra Kaptainself
Sandra Lindbergnone
Steven HallNaSelf
William DaviesselfSelf