Illinois General Assembly - HB3402Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB3402  103rd General Assembly

House Amendment 001
Bill Status

Legislation: HB3402
Proponents: 846Opponents: 15No Position: 1
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Education (S) 4/25/2023 1:30 PM
Brittni StickaFounders ElementaryBrittni Sticka
Abraham CarrettoparentSelf
Alexa BurzawaTax payerConcerned citizen.
Alexander ShreveIllinois State UniversityTaxpayer
Alicia ChaonIllinois State UniversityIllinois State University
Allison KinseyTeacherConcerned Citizen
Allyson CzarneckiTeacherConcerned Citizen
Alyssa DeplarisTaxpayerTaxpayer
Andrea Shea TemplesMcLean County Unit 5 School Districtconcerned Citizen
Andrew Alexander MilneNew Trier High SchoolThe students of Illinois
Andrew Stacysyc cusd 427parent
Angela Skowron BalkNoneSelf
Annie McGeeTeacherconcerned citizen
Anthony ZumpanoNew Lenox School District 122IAHPERD
AntonioTeacherconcerned citizen
Audra VanRadenCHSD 218Teachers and School Administrators
Barry TobinSelfSelf
Beckie StevensonCHSD 155IAHPERD
Becky FoellmerSelfSelf
Ben FatlanTeacherconcerned citizen
Benjamin HusseyindependentParent
Beth Stephensselfself
Bill CaseyTaxpayer in Illinoistaxpayer and voter
Braden Anthony Carlsonteachera concerned citizen
Brandon Schroyerteacherconcerned citizen
Braydon HauserTaxpayerTaxpayer
Brent HaverbackSelfSelf
Brie TiemensSelfTax payer
Brooke CallanSelfBrooke Callan
Brynn SheedyTaxpayerConcerned Citizen
C FeeneyCCSD181CCSD181
Candi CulpWarrensburg Latham CUSD11IAHPERD
Candice FlorancenoneConcerned parent, taxpayer and citizen.
Carl MeisterTaxpayerTaxpayer
Carlos A ArzuagaCarlos Arzuaga PhotographyIllinois State University
Caroline Sowaconcerned citizenconcerned citizen
Carson KuligowskiTeacherconcerned citizen
Caryn PutraSelfSelf
Catherine SturdyvinTeacherconcerned citizen
Cathy PatznerSelfself
Charles E CryerTaxpayerTaxpayer
Charles Herndon IIIconcerned citizen, taxpayer, parent,concerned citizen, taxpayer, parent,
Charlie AdelmanTax payerISU PETE
Cheryl WeissCitizenCitizen
Christian Woohyuk PaengTaxpayerTaxpayer
christine D asbrocktax payertax payer
Christine MalcherRetiredConcerned citizen
Christopher A CookTaxpayerCitizen and taxpaying parent
Christopher Fortmanntaxpayertaxpayer
Cindie L Cortinas-VogtSelfConcerned citizen
Claudia KadzielawaTaxpayerConcerned citizen
Corey Beirneselfself
Cory HastingsPersonalConcerned taxpayer
Courtney Dion WhitemyselfMyself
Craig MorrisNAParent, Concerned tax payer
Craig UtterbackTaxpayertaxpayer
Dan GoorisLibertyville High SchoolConcerned citizen
Dana ClarkeTeacherConcerned citizen
Dana MarconiConstituantStudents and teachers
Daniel OzgaTax PayerSelf
Daniel EmerickSelfConcerned Citizen and Father
Daniel PacellaPE StudentConcerned citizen
David IsaacsonParentConcerned Parent
David Villarrealtax payerconcerned citizen
Dawn Kelley-LettConcerned ParentConcerned Parent
Dawna EgelhoffTax payerSelf
Dayle M BoyleSelfSelf
Dean EmerickParentParent
Deb GarrahyTaxpayerTaxpayer
Debbie KnieryUnit 5Tom Bennett
Debra VogelSelfself
Denise SarnaTaxpayerTaxpayer
Derek FranzenTax payerTax payer
Don KasperConcerned citizenConcerned Citizen
Donovan Mosacktaxpayertaxpayer
Drew EmerickTaxpayerTaxpayer
Dylan LloydteacherA concerned citizen.
Eddie WilliamsMoline-Coal Valley School DistrictEddie Williams
Edward KoisTeacherConcerned citizen
Elaine R JonesConcerned citizenConcerned citizen
Elisa FoshayChicago Public SchoolsIAHPERD
Elizabeth A WalkerConcerned CitizenConcerned Citizen
Elizabeth Maharvoterconcerned citizen
Ellen Stevens Marshallvotervoter
Emma GoyolaTaxpayerTaxpayer
Erin browskiCitizencitizen
Erin Maurine Morantaxpayertaxpayer
Erin Maurine Morantaxpayertaxpayer
Ernest BerdychowskiTeacherconcerned citizen
Evan Bestortax payerconcerned citizen
Everlyn Falkner StephensRoosevelt SchoolTeachers
Gabrielle Schelfhouttaxpayerconcerned citizen
Gail HartigConcerned taxpayerTaxpayer
Garrick BalkNoneSelf
Gary SimonianEducationGary Simonian
George FrielDistrict 163George Friel
Grant DigiovanniTaxpayerTaxpayer
Hayley SeftonUniversity High SchoolConcerned Citizen
Heather ShafferSchool District 65personal
Helene DudaSelfSelf
Henry GordonAlWood High SchoolNo
Ian McCauslandSelfself
Ian Vaananentaxpayertaxpayer
Isabel Chowanectax payerConcerned citizen
Jack JohnsenIllinois State UniversitySelf
Jaclyn CinottetaxpayerTaxpayer
Jacob RojoTaxpayerTaxpayer
Jake PavlikTeacherconcerned Citizen
James BrickerTaxpayerConcerned citizen
James Chellsontaxpayertaxpayer
JANAYA SCALETTAconcerned citizenconcerned parent
Janelle Marconicitizen of DuPage CountyStudents and teachers
Jason DaneCitizenCitizen
Jason Denkcitizen, parentNone
Jaylen WestStudentconcerned citizen
Jean M WilliamshomeownerJean Williams
Jenna Stokes-Jenna Stokes
Jennifer DellisIaphardIAHPERD
Jennifer EmerickGalanti LawConcerned mother
Jennifer RossJ and J Legislative, LLCLobbyist-Illinois Association of Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance
Jennifer Tricolitax payerjennifer tricoli
Jessica FentonSelfSelf
Jessica Hoyteacher at Unit 5I will not be present, but I am a parent, teacher, citizen, and taxpayer.
Jill Diane KintnerEvans Junior HighConcerned citizen, parent, tax payer, and educatior
Jill GarneauPrairieland ElementaryPhysical Education Teachers
Jill VickeryVoterCommunity Member
Joely McCawMcLean County District No. 5Teachers
John DavForest ViewParent, concerned citizen, taxpayer
John SchiemannTaxpayerTaxpayer
John Van Pettenteacherconcerned citizen
John VanSlambrouckCommunity Consolidate School District 59IAPHERD
Jon OlichwierCUSD15 employeeSpecial Ed. teacher
Jonathan BlackTeacherConcerned citizen
Jonica MorrisonLions Park ElementaryJust myself
Joseph DouglasTeacherConcerned citizen
Josh RunkleSelfConcerned Citizen
Joshua GravesPE StudentConcerned Citizen
Joshua P GleicherSelfSelf
Joy Pyfertaxpayertaxpayer and parent
Julianna CruzSchoolConcerned taxpayer
Justin sadderTeacherConcerned citizen
Karen CranfordEverett ElementaryIAHPERD
Karen PuckettSelfConcerned citizen
Kasey MillerSEAPCOTeachers
Katelyn Mulatztax payertax payer
Katherine OlsonUnit 5 schoolsteachers
Kathleen WoodwardCitizenTax Payer, Parent, Teacher, Community Member
Kathy BeyerNapervilleConcerned citizen
Kathy MansellParent Voterself
Katie KritekHersey HS and New Trier HSconcerned citizen and parent
Katrina HaynesChicago Public SchoolsConcerned Citizen and tax payer
Katrina MaherTeacherSelf
Kayla RiedleClinton Junior High SchoolSelf
Keith VolanteEvanston SD 65Myself, Keith Volante
Kelly AlveyNoneNone
Kelly ZerbyDeKalb School District 428-Illinoisconcerned citizen, taxpayer
Ken MansellParent VoterSelf
Kerry NortonSelfParent and citizen
kevin chaffeeselfself
Kevin QuaidNCUSD 203teachers
Kimconcerned citizentaxpayer
Kimberly AltStockton CUSD 206Kimberly Alt
Kristi Meentsconcerned citizenparent
Kristin AllenSelfConcerned Parent
Kristin Draketaxpayertaxpayer
Kristin Reynoldsnonenone
Kristy HarrierTaxpayerTaxpayer
Landen StalterIllinois State UniversityIllinois State University
Laura NussleSelfSelf
Laura NussleTax payerSelf
Laura ScafidiHigh schoolMyself
Lauren CohenIllinois state universityGovernment affairs committee
Lauren HencierRichmond Burton High SchoolTeacher
Lesa NorthamConcerned CitizenConcerned Citizen
Liam Gritsuktaxpayertaxpayer
Lily Wedertaxpayerconcerned citizen
Linda WatsonIllinois Association for Health Physical Education Recreation and DanceIllinois Association for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance IAHPERD
Lisa Alvernia-KopetskyWestfield Community SchoolPhysical Education Teacher, parent, taxpayer
Lisa PhillipsSelfMyself
Lisa Tazelaarconcerned citizencitizen
Liz FontanaSelfconcerned citizen
Lori MarcotteGlenview School District 34IAHPERD
Luke ComptonTeacherconcerned citizen
Lynn Hatzikostantishomeownerconcerned citizen
Mackensie PerkinsTax payerConcerned citizen, taxpayer
Mackenzie BenneckeTaxpayerConcerned Citizen
Madissen GoughTaxpayertaxpayer
Malinda RossiSelfSelf
Mallik DonalyTeacherConcerned Citzen
Marcia BerkeSelfvoter
Marcie Uelmanconcerned parentConcerned parent
Maria PessmanISUconcerned citizen
Marilyn Bloechleselfvoter
Mark Anthony KutameChicago State UniversityIAHPERD
Mark FoellmerRetiredconcerned citizen
Mark S KattenbrakerSelfself
Marsha R WaldeckPersonalPersonal
Mary HenningerPrivate citizenTaxpayers
Mary HenningerRegistered VoterCitizen
Mason OhlemeyerTaxpayerTaxpayer
matt fastertGlenbrook Northteachers
Matthew KoufaliasStudentconcerned citizen
Maureen Huntselfself
Maureen LundteacherTaxpayer, citizen
Meaghan Theresa FastertGlenbrook South High SchoolTeacher
Megan Graziano-SerafiniCPSCPS
Megan Leestudentconcerned citizen
Megan MarroquinBradford CUSD1Physical Educators
Megan RodriguezNAParent
Megan Zerfasconcerned taxpayerconcerned taxpayer
Michael CahojSd54Mike Cahoj
Michael EnglishGlenbrook North High SchoolCommunity Member
Michael Hettingertaxpayerconcerned citizen, taxpayer
Michael MannEducationself
Michael SommerfieldJohnsburg Elementary SchoolJohnsburg Elementary School
Michael w Gillespiepersonaldistrict 97
Michelle Krewer-JohnsonSchool District 126District 126 Music Teachers
Mike HeathTaxpayerSelf
Missy MasonStagg High SchoolStagg high School
Misty UnderwoodMadison Senior High SchoolIAHPERD
Moira Kellytaxpayertaxpayer
Morgan deardeuffConcerned citizenConcerned citizen
Nadia SalcikStudnetConcerned citizen
Naomi KuhlmanTeacherConcerned Citizen
Nate StrongTeacherPe teacher
Nathan SincockNorth Palos School District 117taxpayer
Nicholas GebhartSelfConcerned parent
Nikotax payertax payer
Olivia GraysonStudentConcerned Citizen
Patrick ArlisBourbonnais Elementary School District 53IAHPERD
Patrick D MolinariConcerned CitizenTax payer
Paul WrennTaxpayerTaxpayer
Paula a cooperretired teacherRetired teacher , concerned citizen
Payton Mather.Concerned Citizen
Rachel Nelsontaxpayerconcerned citizen
Rebecca AnnunzioChicago Public SchoolsConcerned citizen and tax payer
Rebecca MeyerNoneStudents of IL
Riley SkeenSelfself
Robb MeisterDR.Citizen
Robert C Phillips.concerned citizen
Robert D Malekcitizencitizen
Robert DronSolorio Academy HSSolorio PE Teachers
Robert KellermanRhodes SD 84.5IAHPERD
Robert McBridevotervoter
Rocco FerrettiStudentconcerned citizen
Ron BassClinton CUSD15Ron Bass
Ryan Michael VelasquezCommunity MemberTeacher
Ryan ModertTax PayerConcerned Citizen
Ryann KasakSelfSelf
Samantha JohnsTeacherconcerned citizen
Sandra NoelIAHPERDself
Sandra Wichnerconcerned citizen, taxpayer, parent,concerned citizen, taxpayer, parent,
Sarah Buckselfvoter
Sarah HammanNoneconcerned citizen
Sarah Kistingertaxpayertaxpayer
Scott FormanHeritage Middle schoolConcerned citizens
Scott LukenNoneSelf
Sean KasakSelfSelf
Shannon FrielloNoneConcerned tax payer
Shannon PenningtonConstituentSelf
Shawn NowlancitizenConcerned citizen
Sheila EmerickParentParent
Shelley PichaACHSACHS
shelly M penrodConcerned citizensCitizen
Sheree BartaTeacherPhysical Education teachers
Sophia MirandaConcerned Prospective TeacherConcerned Prospective Teacher
Stacia Elizabeth HaleResidentConcerned citizen
Stephanie HaverbackSelfSelf
Stephanie SchulerConcerned Educator and ParentThe children of Illinois
Stephen LewisIndian Trail SchoolMusic Teachers
Stephen WeidnerSelfConcerned Citizen
Stephenie PhillipsPlano 88Plano 88 CUSD
Steve AnderssonNekritz, Amdor, Andersson GroupIllinois Public Health Institute
Steve BreenMeTaxpayer
Steve VlahosTaxpayerConcerned Tacpayer
Steven HartPersonIAHPERD
Susan AljetsConcerned CitizenConcerned citizen
Susan KennyChicago public schoolsparent, taxpayer
Sydney G Kozlowskiconcerned citizentaxpayer
Tamara BramlettValley View School District 365UNone
Tara J MccarthyCooperative Association for special educationTeachers
Teri LangstonNoneTeacher
Thomas GatesGeneva Middle Schoolconcerned citizen
Thomas Joel HaynesBunker Hill CUSD 8Thomas Haynes
Thomas L BabaCitizenSelf
Tim HughesChicago Public SchoolsTim Hughes
Tim McDonaldOak Park D97Tim McDonald
Todd WeimerTaxpayerTodd Weimer
Tyler WheltonTaxpayersConcerned Citizen
Vander GreenIllinois Statetax payer
Victoria OttoCitizencitizen
Viesturs TeivansPublic Educationteachers
Wesley DePriestChicago Public SchoolsTeacher
Will NavisVoterVoter
William RuddyTeacherConcerned Citizen
Windsor RobertsTaxpayerTaxpayer
Zach PetrinosISU studentTeacher
Zachary OwsleyIllinois State Lab SchoolsTeachers
Hearing Date and Time: Elem Sec Ed: Adm., Lic. & Charter (H) 3/8/2023 2:00 PM
Kim WheelerConcerned citizen
Aamir WaudiwalaNortheastern
Aaron kimptonSd308
Abraham CarrettoTax Payer
Addison MaschingIllinois State University
Addison Maschingtaxpayertaxpayer
Alan BatesISU
Alex MirandaNEIUNortheastern Illinois University
Alexander Charles ShreveIllinois state universityIllinois state university
Alina RolfeMundelein High School
Allison M KroeschIllinois State University
Allison M KroeschTaxpayer
Alyssa DeplarisTaxpayerTaxpayer
Alyssa KaveTampico Elementary School
Alyssa WilsonSelf
Amanda BilbreyGrant High School
amelia mays woodsUniversity of Illinois
Amy ChoeThe Lane School
Amy HurdIndividual
Amy LauerVvsd
Amy StrobelAlton School District
Andrea LeithCSD99 Downers Grove North High SchoolPhysical Education Teacher, Health Education Teacher, Dance Education Teacher
Andrew CastroCPS
Andrew EberlineIllinois State University
Andrew KempenSelfConcerned citizen
Andrew ThomasThe Academy at Saint Joan of Arc
Andy HorneConcerned CitizenMyself
Angela JohnsonChicago Public Schools
Angela R RippeyMcLean Co. Unit 5
Angie MorrisChannahon Elementary School
Ann SchulerTax payerTax payer
Anna Marie AbbateNorthwesternAnna Marie Abbate Future educator
Anne McGeeTeacher
Anthony Costellotaxpayertaxpayer
Anthony LoesslKCSD 96
Anthony Ryan StroheckerNortheastern Illinois UniversityNortheastern Illinois University
Anthony ZumpanoNew Lenox School District 122
April LikhiteDistrict65 Skokie Evanston
Ashley AlmdaleKCSD 96
Audra VanRadenSchoolPE teachers and parents
Barbara SantangeloCCSD 181
Beckie StevensonCHSD 155IAHPERD
Becky FoellmerSelfSelf
Ben MarksSelfConcerned Citizen
Benjamin HusseyselfParent
Benny GrahamNaperville Community School District 203
Beth LessenChoose One
Bill CaseyTaxpayer in Illinoistaxpayer and voter
Braydon Chase HauserTaxpayerTaxpayer
Brent HaverbackConcerned CitizenConcern Citizen
Brent JohnstonConcerned CitizenConcerned Citizen
Brian Croninconcerned citizen
Brian FischerLake Park High School
Brian KoehneSycamore School District
Bridget Ericksonmundelein high school
Bridget HaackSELFSELF
Brooke CallanResident
Brooke Pringleconcern
Bryan SmithBBCHS
Bryan WittersheimNiles West High SchoolMyself
Candice FloranceNAConcerned citizen
Carlos A ArzuagaIllinois State UniversityIllinois State University
Carrie NelsonTeacherTaxpayer Homeowner
Caryn PutraSelfSelf
Catherine DailyTaxpayerTaxpayer
Catherine HolbrookSchool District 25, Arlington Heights
Cathy Patznerself
Cathy Sanders574
Cayla ChicoselfNEIU
Chad IsaacsonDowners Grove North high School
Charles BradleyNCUSD 203Self
Charles CryerTaxpayerTaxpayer
Charles F Adelmantax payertax payer
Chase ThomasNortheastern Illinois UniversityTeacher Candidate
Chelsea GrossSelfConcerned Citizen
Cheryl SpringwoodGeorge Evans Junior High School
Cheryl Weissnonecitizen
Chris ArthursSelf RepresentationChris Arthurs
Chris TalacNaperville CUSD 203
Chris VivoneConcerned tax payer
Christian Alejandro ArenasHinsdale South High School District 86Hinsdale South Physical Education Department
Christian Woohyuk PaengTaxpayerTaxpayer
Christian Woohyuk PaengTaxpayerTaxpayer
Christina A FreemanParent
Christina Florenceself
Christine McCabeCCSD181
Christine OlsonStreator Elementary District 44
Christopher Fortmanntaxpayertaxpayer
Christopher PollardIllinois State UniversityIllinois State University
Christy N BazanIllinois State University
Cindie Cortinas-VogtSelf
Colleen BrazzaleOswego East High School
Colleen PredlTaxpayerconcerned citizen and taxpayer
Colleen RollinsChicago Public School
connor murphyMaywood 89
Conor StahoviakIllinois State University
Constance McGrathPlainfield School District
Corey BredehoeftTaxpayerTaxpayer
Cory VincentChicago Public Schools
Courtney Dion Whitecitizen
Craig MorrisSD 308
Cristee M Lempadeerfield high schoolt
Crystal Laffertyresident taxpayer
Cullen GonetTaxpayerTaxpayer
Cynthia DyrkaczCentral Stickney School District 110
Dale EmerickSelfConcerned Retired Educator
Dana CurbyUnit 5
Dana Marconicitizen of DuPage CountyStudents and teachers
Danelle EmerickResidentResident
Dani NovackTroy School District 30C
Daniel OzgaTax PayerSelf
Daniel DalyConstituent
Daniel EmerickSelfConcerned Citizen and Father
Daniel GillespieGM Financial
Daniel LambertChicago Public School
Danielle KunceMeridian School DistrictConcerned citizen, taxpayer
Darby WildeIllinois State University
Dave SchroetterNAEducation
David CocallasPlainfield School district 202
David IsaacsonParentConcerned Parent
David J Crainconcerned citizenTaxpayer
David Knudtsoncitizen
David NashTeacherIAHPERD
David SchmittTaxpayerTaxpayer
Dawn Kelley-LettConcerned tax payer
Dawn RobinsonSelfConcerned citizen
Dean Normanselfcitizen
Debbie AllbeeConcerned citizenconcerned citizen
Deborah A GarrahyIllinois State University
Debra BrokawRetired Physical Education Monmouth Roseville High School
Debra Vogelselfself
Deena DuBosechicago
Derek EckmanWinston Campus Junior High School
Derek FranzenTaxpayerTax Payer
Derek JohnsTaxpayermyself
Dhimitri TreskaJohn Mills Elementary
Diana DavisOlympiaIAHPERD
Dianne RennIllinois State University
Donald KasperConcerned citizenConcerned Citizen
Donald McKillipConcerned Citzen
Donovan MosackTaxpayerTaxpayer
Douglas Eccarius JrTaxpayerTaxpayer
Drew EmerickUnit 5
Drew ReifsteckTax payerTax Payer
Dustin WenselSelf
Dylan AndersonTaxPayerTaxpayer
Ed ToledoConcerned tax payer
Eduardo GonzalezTax payer
Edward LynchParent
Elaine R JonesConcerned citizen
Elisa FoshayChicago Public SchoosIAHPERD
Elise EmerickSelfSelf
Elizabeth A WalkerConcerned Citizen
Elizabeth BeinhauerPlainfield School District 202
Elizabeth Duncantax payerConcerned citizen
Elizabeth IvoryCASE
Ellen NivensD181
Ellen Stevens Marshallvotercitizen
Emily JonesIllinois State University
Emma GoyolaTaxpayer
Eric Joel RamosSelfSelf
Erica BoyleNone
Erica Joy PaytonDistrict 159 MattesonIAHPERD
Erica SkibbieMadison School
Erik DemickTaxpayerTaxpayer
Erin browskiCitizen
Erin KohlsaatTaxpayer
Erin M CollettiNCUSD 203
Erin Maurine Morantaxpayertaxpayer
Ethan Lee O'Danielltaxpayertaxpayer
Everlyn Falkner StephensRoosevelt School
Fabian CordovaNortheastern Illinois UniversityNortheastern Illinois University
Francesc BorrullRepresenting myself
Gabriel HarrisDowners Grove North HS
Gabriel TijerinaIAHPERD
Gabrielle SchelfhoutTaxpayerTaxpayer
Gail HartigWoodridge School District 68
Gary RojoTaxpayerTaxpayer
Gary SimonianSimonian
Gavin QuinlanTaxpayerTaxpayer
George FrielDistrict 163
Gina ParkerBerwyn North School District 98
Grace Bossinghamtaxpayertaxpayer
Grant DiGiovanniTaxpayertaxpayer
Gregory K RuetzKnoxville High School
Gricel SullivanVernon Hills High School
Griffin Gatenbyselfconcerned tax payer
Hannah Grace Martintaxpayertaxpayer
Heather ShafferDistrict 65Phys Ed
Heidi Carlsoncommunity member
Heidi SplinterD219 Niles North HS
Helene DudaSelfSelf
Henry GordonAlWood High School
Hillary LindenDistrict 65
Ian McCauslandSelf
Ivette GonzalezCPS
J MonsourNekritz Amdor ConsultingIllinois Public Health Institute (IPHI)
Jace CarterTaxpayerTaxpayer
Jack DownsNortheastern Illinois universityNortheastern Illinois university
Jack JohnsenIllinois State University
Jack JohnsenIllinois State University
Jack JohnsenIllinois State University
Jaclyn CinottetaxpayerTaxpayer
Jacob RojoTaxpayerTaxpayer
Jacob SullivanIllinois State UniversityConcerned Citizen
Jaime DennisWauconda Middle SchoolWauconda MS Physical Education
Jaime WheelwrightselfConcerned citizen
Jake BurkeRockford Public Schools
Jake Wagnertaxpayertaxpayer
James BrickerTaxpayerTaxpayer
James Chellsontaxpayertaxpayer
James ChrismonNA
James HaackDistrict 99
James RobinsonNaConcerned Citizen
James RossiSelfSelf
James VallaElmwood 322Elmwood 322
Jamie ShroatTownship District 113
JANAYA SCALETTALiberty Junior HighJanaya Scaletta
Janelle Marconicitizen of DuPage CountyStudents and teachers
Jared ReddrickNortheastern Illinois University
Jared Tyler Buchholztaxpayertaxpayer
Jarrod AmolschConcerned Citizen
Jason DenkNone
Jeff HenriksonSelfConcerned parent
Jeff L Dobbertintax payer
Jenna RobinsonSelfConcerned citizen
Jenna StokesSchool District 95District 95
Jenni PurdueJ & J LegislativeIllinois Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance
Jennifer A BelmonteHinsdale South High School
Jennifer a Tricolitax payer
Jennifer BanasNEIU Department of HSPE
Jennifer CigrandKildeeer Countryside School Dist 96
Jennifer EllinghausenHinsdale Central High School
Jennifer EmerickSelfConcerned citizen and Mother
Jennifer IsaacsonParentConcerned Parent
Jennifer L SnyderKingsley Junior High
Jennifer M Mauindividualtaxpayer and concerned citizen
Jennifer Mucciantiselfself
Jennifer RossJ and J Legislative, LLCLobbyist-Illinois Association for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance
Jennifer SavoieBradley Bourbonnais High School
Jennifer StimacSelfSelf
Jennifer Tomczakconcerned tax payer
Jeremy AndersonPSD 202Concerned Citizen and taxpayer
Jeremy RielleyDistrict 65
Jesse EstradaChicago Public Schools
JessicaMadison elementary
Jessica HoslerNortheastern Illinois UniversityNortheastern Illinois University
Jessica Whitney McDowellCUSD 300
Jill Diane KintnerUnit District Number 5
Jill R GarneauMcLean County Unit 5Physical Education Teachers
Jillian VickeryTaxpayerTaxpayer
Jim WalterPlainfield School District 202
John Barrett Fioreconcerned citizen
John BeerbowerMcHenry High School District 156
John DavidForest View Elementary School
John HohenadelChicago Public Schools
John J PrieboyPlainfield Central High SchoolJohn Prieboy
John ManchurNortheastern Illinois University
John SchiemannTax Payer
Jonathan Justin BrownEducationPerson
Jonathon CraigTeacher
Jordan DusthimerNortheastern Illinois University Future EducatorNortheastern Illinois University
Jordan SalesTaxpayerTaxpayer
Joseph CunnaneHomeownerJennifer Mae Cunnane, Thomas John Cunnane, Ryan Joseph Cunnane, Joseph William Cunnane
Joseph J Steffensconcerned citizentaxpayer
Joseph PocztowskiTax payer
Josh BrownConcerned Citizen
Judith Briggsconcerned citizenA concerned citizen and art educatorr
Julia LowePeoria Heights High School
Julia ValleyNortheastern Illinois UniversitySelf
Julie BreenConcerned citizen
Julie CruzTaxpayerTaxpayer
Julie RojoTaxpayerTaxpayer
Julie Weidnerhome
Justin BrownSchool District 47
Justin KuekingMarquardt School Dist. 15
Justin PlatznerIAHPERDHealth, physical education, art, music, and visual arts treachery across Illinois
Karen CalabreseWheaton Warrenville Community School District
Karen CoffinbargarFullerton
Karen M MilesIllinois Public School
Karen PuckettSelf
Kasey K MillerSEAPCO
Katarina BeyerLyons Township
Kate KalnesNew Trier High School
Kate RennoTeacher
Kathleen ONeillPublic School
Kathleen T CantoneChicago Public Schools
Kathleen WalkerPlainfield School District 202
Kathleen WoodwardISBETax payer, parent, resident, teacher
Kathryn Clotconcerned citizenConcerned Citizen
Katie Anne RoeD124
Katie KritekNTHSConcerned citizen
Katie MuellerValley View School District 365 U
Katie SaylerPrinceton High School
Katrina HaynesselfConcerned Citizen
Katrina MaherTeacher
Keith VolanteTeacherKeith Volante
Kelly AlveyNone
Kelly Gallickselfconcerned citizen
Kelly WatsonParentChildren
Kelsey Whiteself
Ken CzajkowskiSangamon Valley CUSD 9
Keo ThompsonIndividual
Kevin Tsetaxpayertaxpayer
Kim DykemaLieb schoolIAHPERD
Kim KaneTeachers.Physical education licensed educators
Kimani RaleySelf
Kimber FriedenMoline School District
Kimberly Martin BoydEvans Jr. High School
kimberly sayersconcerned cititzen
KirbyTrippleGlenbrook North payer
Kitt KopachConcerned Citizen and Taxpayer
Kraig Conyertax payerself
Krista BoothNEIUNEIU
Kristen ReynoldsSelfconcerned citizen
Kristi MeentsPremier Academyconcerned citizen and parent
Kristin CarlsonUniversity of Illinois
Kristin ReynoldsClinton Elementary School
Kylie Josephine Krahntaxpayertaxpayer
Landen Jay StalterIllinois State University
Lane BarryIllinois State UniversityI am a concerned citizen
Laura Dohertyretired
Laura Duffyselfmyself
Laura NussleSelfSelf
Laura ScafidiLeydenMyself
Laura WagleyConcerned CitizenStudents of IL
Laurel BaumannTaxpayertaxpayer
Lauren Andersontaxpayer
Lauren CohenISU
Lauren CohenTax payer
Lauren CohenTax payer
Lauren DeAngelisConcerned CitizenConcerned Citizen
Lauren GustinKCSD96
Lauren HansenTaxpayerTaxpayer
Lauren HencierRichmond Burton High School
Laurie SextonCitizen
Lawrence BohlSt. Luke Academy
Lea Clineself
Lesa NorthamNone
Liam Gritsuktaxpayer
Liam GritsukTaxpayer
Liam GritsukTaxpayer
Linda HeinemanselfConcerned Citizen
Lindsay L SmithSEAPCO
LISA HARMONFenton High SchoolTaxpayers
Lisa PhillipsSelfMyself
lisa tazelaarparentparent
Liz FontanaSelf
Lori Northup DonovanFremont Elementary School
Luke Flemingtaxpayertaxpayer
Lynette bayerSelfSelf
Lynette OlsonPutnam county schools 535IAHPERD
Lynette PrearlAHPERD
Lynn HatzikostantisTax payerEducators
lynn larsenconcerned citizen
Lynne B PaverShala FarmI am a resident of IL and a tax payer and I support this bill
Lyons Township High SchoolLyons Township Women's BasketballLyons Township HS
Madissen Goughtaxpayertaxpayer
Mae FlavinKildeer Countryside School District
Malea MurrinMcLean County Unit 5Malea Murrin
Malinda RossiSelfSelf
Margaret DunleavyChicago Public Schoolshouse bill3402
Margaret ParkerIllinois State UniversityMargaret Parker
Maria PessmanISUconcerned citizen
Marilyn Bloechleself
Mark Anthony KutameChicago State UniversityIAHPERD
Mark BibelYork High SchioolPhysical Educators
Mark BurtonNortheastern Illinois UniversityNortheastern Illinois University
Mark DemickTaxpayerTaxpayer
Mark Foellmercitizenconcerned citizen
Mark S KattenbrakerPersonal
Mark ShaferChicago Public Schools
Mark SpontakLicensed Professional in IllinoisShape Illinois
Marko JurkovicOswego East High
Mary L HenningerCitizenSelf
Mary RounceDistrict 86Tax payer
Mary WhiteeCCSD 181
Mason OhlemeyerIllinois State University
Mathew BoydD96
matt fastertGlenbrook Northteachers
Matt StimacEASD 13Self
Matthew AllardEvanston SD 65Evanston SD 65
Matthew TrembleyIllinois State University
Maureen LundBlack Hawk Center
Maureen ZopfOrland School District 135
Megan Elizabeth Novotneyconcerned citizen & taxpayerconcerned citizen & taxpayer
Megan PawelkiewiczNot applicable
Megan Zerfastaxpayertaxpayer
Mia TritchDistrict 86Tax payer
Michael BelfordNortheastern Illinois University
Michael EnglishGlenbrook North High School
Michael FoscoChute Middle School
Michael GalatiPlainfield School District 202
Michael GillespiePersonal
Michael HalloranTaxpayerTaxpayer
Michael J FoscoChute Middle School
Michael LawlerTaxpayer
Michael McGlennonMorton District 201
Michael MillikanTaxpayerMyself
Michael SommerfieldJohnsburg CUSD 12
Michael TreeseNortheastern Illinois University
Michelle CutinelliDistrict 181
Michelle JensenCitizen
Michelle KueltzoEvergreen Park High School
Michelle WalburnNA
Mike CasmerSchoolTeacher
Mike HeathTaxpayer
Mike Hettingertaxpayerconcerned citizen, taxpayer
Mike KneipPlainfield North
Mike StokesTRS
Mindy MartinDistrict 430
Mindy PerryDistrict 65
Misty UnderwoodPhysical Education TeacherIAHPERD
Moira Kellytax payertaxpayer
Molly Logantaxpayerconcerned citizen
Monalisa Georgopouloscitizen
Morgan DeardeuffSelfConcerned Citizen
Muzit GebretensaeNA
Nate StrongWilmington school district
Nathan Sincockpersonal
Nathan Walker GreenSchool
Nathan Wisetaxpayertaxpayer
Neil Mitchell Duncantax payerConcerned citizen
Nick GebhartSelfWorried Parent
Nicole CumminsSelfSelf
Nicole KozlowskiConcerned Citizen
Nicole KozlowskiTaxpayer
Nicole MolinaValley View School DistrictSelf
nicole youngElmhurst 205
Niko Sinnaevretax payertax payer
Noah C CausgroveNEIU
Noelle SelkowIllinois State University
Olivia GraysonNone
Olivia TomaszewskiWill County School District 92Olivia Tomaszewski
Owen KetterTaxpayerTaxpayer
Patrick ArlisBourbonnais Upper Grade Center
Patrick D MolinariConcerned CitizenTax payer
Patrick Hartnetttaxpayertaxpayer
Patrick K AllenWallace Grade School
Patrick LynchtaxpayerTeacher
Patrick PommierUnit 5 School DistrictGrove Elementary faculty and staff
Patrick StonebergNA
Paul WrennChicago Public Schools
Paul ZientarskiEducational Consultant
Paula a cooperretired teacher
Payton MatherIllinois State University
Peggy PryorSelf
Philip N RaffaelliRetired
Piotr SkrzypekEvanston Skokie District 65
Quin M HayesGlenbrook North
Rachael WilliamsCentral A&M
Rachel ErbTax payerTax payer
Rachel HuettnerCitizenConcerned citizen and tax payer
Raina LawlerTaxpayer
Raymond ArceoPublic Employee
Raymond Cardenas JrConcerned Citizen
Rebecca AnnunzioChicago Public SchoolsConcerned citizen and tax payer
Reed ChristensenConcerned citizen
Rich BeintumConcerned
Riley Jack ColeStreator YMCA
Robert DronSolorio Academy HSSolorio PE Teachers
Robert Mc Brideretiredvoter
Ron BassClinton Public Schools
Rory OConnellLockport Township High School
Ryan Budzinskiprivate citizen
Ryan Kilianconcerned citizen
Ryan ReganSelfConcerned citizen
Ryann KasakSelfSelf
Sam CangialosiTaxpayer
Samantha PerottiParent
Sandra WichnerParent
Sarah Buckselfconcerned taxpayer
Sarah HammanNone
Sarah Kistingertaxpayertaxpayer
Sarah PalmbergHighland Park High SchoolSelf
Sean GrandTaxpayerTaxpayer
Sean KasakSelfSelf
Sean L EmerickSelfConcerned citizen
Seth SchererNortheastern IllinoisNortheastern Illinois
Shannon M Frielloconcerned citizenTaxpayer
Shannon PenningtonConstituentSelf
Shaunise THomastaxpayertax payer
Shay Brownselfparent
Shea TemplesSelfconcerned Citizen
Sheila EmerickParentTaxpayer and concerned parent
Sheri L BanovicSelf
Sherilyn SullivanCASEAdapted Physical Education Teachers
Sierra MooreLincoln Land Community College
Skip WilliamsCitizen
Sofia KontinakisCitizen
Stacey RuhollEastern Illinois University
Stacia HaleCitizen
Stacy CraytonPlainfield School District 202
Stacy SparlinConcerned citizenConcerned citizen
Stephanie MazzonePlainfield School District
Stephen WeidnerHighland Park High School
Steve BreenNone
Steve McNabbPublic School
Steve ScottUniversity of St. Francis College of Education- Driver Education Endorsement Program
susan dischertMcLean County Unit District 5
Susan VincentChiddix Junior High
Suzanne DanielsonChicago Public Schools
Suzanne JanskyCitizen
Sydney Kozlowskitaxpayertaxpayer
Tamara BramlettValley View School District 365U
Tara McCarthyCooperative Association for special educationIAHPERD
Tara StokesIAHPERD
Taylor DananTaxpayerTaxpayer
Taylor SchwartzTaxpayerTaxpayer
Teri KlobnakConcerned citizen
Terrance ParksElementary and secondary schools103rd general assembly members
terri andrewsIndian Prairie School District
Thaddaeus Ryan LuperNEIU
Theresa OchoaSchool District 181
Thomas L BabaTax payer
Thomas SullivanD214Self
Tim HughesChicago Public Schools
Timothy LeeSelf
Tina RyanDistrict 181, Hinsdale, IL
Todd SpanglerIvy Hall School
Todd Steven GingerichIllinoisStudents of Illinois and content licensed teachers
Tony PetrusonisEducationTony Petrusonis
Tyler Wheltonconcerned citizenTaxpayer
Vander Greentaxpayerphysical education
Victoria KobelUnit 5
Victoria OttoCitizen
Vince Nirchitaxpayertaxpayer
Vincent DeLucaDistrict 128
Wesley DePriestChicago Public SchoolsTeacher
Will NavisVoterMyself
William AllenYorkville SD 115
William David BlackmanSelfSelf
Windsor RobertsTaxpayerTaxpayer
Yanko M JordanofCPS
Yvonne McDonaldConcerned Citizen
Zachary Nashalmantaxpayertaxpayer