Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Human Services (S) 5/1/2019 3:30 PM |
Kathryn Winkler | NA | Self |
Aage Christensen | Self | Self |
Alan Richard Brown | none | self |
Amber Smock | Access Living | People with disabilities living in metro Chicago |
Amy Fultz | Ctf Advocacy | Ctf Illinois |
Ann Sickon | Center For Independent Futures | Self |
Ann Soutter | self | self |
Anna Bauer | NA | self |
AnnaMarie Tan | Self | Self |
Anne McDermott | Self | Self |
Annie Perusky | Service, Inc. | Self |
Barbara Nudo | Self | Indivisible |
Becky Marshall | Self | Self |
Bonnie Dohogne | disability advocate | self |
Brianne Anderson | Self | self and other individuals with disabilities |
Bridgette Bonk | Private Citizen | Private Citizen |
Brigid Leahy | Planned Parenthood of Illinois | Planned Parenthood of Illinois |
Carole Drennan | none | Myself |
Catherine Caporusso | Resistance | Women and children |
Catherine King | Cititzen | self |
Cathy Christensen | Self | Self |
Cheryl Jones Das | Self | Self |
Cheryl R Jansen | Equip for Equality | Equip for Equality |
Christine Myers | Livingston County Mental Health Board | LCMHB |
Christopher Conan Calhoun | Self | Person's with disabilities residing in Ford, Livingston, Mclean, DeWitt Counties |
Daniel Belko | Office of Cook County Public Guardian | Office of Cook County Public Guardian |
Dawn Albanese | Individual | Self |
Deborah Sandstrom | Self | Self |
Dia Morgan | None | None |
Dylan Renz | Ctf Advocacy | Ctf Illinois |
Edmund Leipus | None | Self |
Edward Spire | Self | Self |
Ellen C Garza | self | self |
Emily Asher | self | self |
Emily Hayden | self | self |
Emily Watts | retired faculty | self |
Erin C Kissick | None | Self |
Erin Nowlan | Human Rights Authority | Guardianship and Advocacy Commission |
Gene Seaman | Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission | IGAC |
Heather Spaetzel | Ms. | self |
Ileen Lasko | Self | Ileen Lasko |
Ileen Lasko | Self | Self |
Ioana Qureshi | Illinois Department of Human Services | self |
J Beverly | self | self |
Jaclynn Wickey | NA | Parent |
Jacqueline Bauer | NA | self |
jae jin pak | self | self |
Jan Walch | Self | Self |
Janet Nelson | self | self |
Jason Nosbaum | Self | Self |
Jeanne Kowalkowski | Self | self |
Jennifer G Henderson | A Fresh Event | Self |
Jennifer R Beyers | Rare Bird Beauties | SELF |
JoAnn Russell-Baum | HRA | HRA |
Joanna Bastermajian | Joanna B. Artistry | Self |
John Edwards | Ctf Advocacy | Ctf Illinois |
JoLynn Doerr | self | self |
Jon Burnet | Human Rights Authority | GAC |
Julee Mortensen | NA | Self |
Julia Testin | NA | Self |
Julie Falco | self | self |
Julie Stephan | Self | Self |
Kai Hung | Self | Self |
Karen Irizarry | None | Self |
Kathleen Sidwell | Ctf Illinois Advocacy | Advocacy |
Kathy Decker | CTF advocacy | CTF illinois |
Keith Utz | CTF advocacy | CTF illinois |
Kendra Horvath | CTF advocacy | CTF Illinois |
Kim Estes | CTF advocacy | CTF illinois |
Kish Pisani | Parent | Parent |
Krescene H Beck | Illinois Self-Advocacy Alliance, In | self |
Kristie Monast | self | self |
L Montalbano | self | self |
Laura Hart | Human Rights Authority | Human RIghts Authority |
Laura James | self | self |
Laurie Jo Reynolds | University of Illinois at Chicago | self |
Leanne Mull | none | none |
Lee Hasselbacher | Self | Self |
Linda Lunt | Self | Self |
LINDA SHELTON | Self | Self |
Lisa Leipus | None | Self |
Lisa McManus | parent | parent |
Lori Palmer Kane | Little City | Little City |
Luis Andrade | Illinois Association of Rehabilitation Facilities | Illinois Association of Rehabilitation Facilities |
Magdalena Mentelska | Na | Self |
Margaret Tanenberg | Center for Independent Futures | People with disabilities |
Mariel Hamer | Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities | Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities |
Marion Nowak | self | self |
Marney Orchard | Center for Independent Futures | Self |
Martin Cruz | parent | Partners in Policymaking |
Marvin L Doolin | none | self |
Mary Alice | None | Mary Alice |
Mary Joan Cepla | self | self |
Matthew Landau | Center for Independent futures | Adults with disabilities |
Maureen Linehan Howard | Self | Self |
Meg Cooch | The Arc of Illinois | The Arc of Illinois members |
Megan Mutti | Arc of Il | Personal support - family member of individual with developmental disability |
Melissa Justus | CTF advocacy | CTF Illinois |
Michael Bauer | NA | self |
Michele Westmaas | self | self |
Mike Wickey | Self | Family member |
Nancy Soren | none | myself |
Nancy Tobritzhofer | Self | Nancy Tobritzhofer |
Nancy Todor | None | Self |
Nora Handler | None | self |
Pamela A Heavens | individual | individual |
Pat Doggett | CTF advocacy | CTF illinois |
Patricia Armstrong | On behalf of self | Illinois voter |
Perry Hal Patterson | Illinois Guardianship Association | Illinois Guardianship Association |
Robert Peterson | The Arc of Illinois | All people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the State of Illinois. |
Sandy Walker | Allstate | Self |
Sarah Beuning | Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault | Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault |
Sarah Breeden | None | Self |
Sarah Caltvedt | Self | Self |
Sarah Layden | Resilience, formerly Rape Victim Advocates | Resilience, formerly Rape Victim Advocates |
Scott Betz | Self | Self |
Shannon Tarkowski | Self | self |
Shirley Perez | The Arc of IL | Families |
Steven Serikaku | None | Self |
Susan Walker | Self | Self |
Suzen X Riley | Self | self |
T E King | Self | Self |
T J King | Self | Self |
Tanya Evanoff | self | self |
Tara Ahern | IL Self Advocacy Alliance | Self |
Teresa Parks | Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission | Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission and Parent and Guardian of an Adult with Disabilities |
Teri Steinberg | Partners in Policymaking | Self |
Terry Teasley | CTF Advocacy | CTF Illinois |
Veronica Betz | Self | Self |
Vickie Turner | Ctf Advocacy | Ctf Illinois |
Virginia Dimond | Dimond Consulting Group | Self |
Wendy Nagode | None | Self |
Willie Gunther | Illinois Assistive Technology Program | Illinois Assistive Technology Program |
Hearing Date and Time: Human Services (H) 3/13/2019 8:30 AM |
Amber Smock | Access Living | People with disabilities living in metro Chicago |
Amy Fultz | CTF Advocacy | |
Ana Pisani | DuPage Valley Special Athletes and parent advocate | Parents and Self Advocates |
Ann Sickon | Center For Independent Futures | |
Ashley Withers | Community Choices | Community Choices |
Barry Lowy | Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission | Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission |
Bobbie Eastin | CCAR Industries | CCAR Industries |
Bonnie Dohogne | disability advocate | |
Brandy Moore | self | |
Bryant Carr | CTF Advocacy | |
Carol Murphy | Parent of 2 with autism | |
Carol Sanderson | None | |
Carrie Estrada | The Children's Advocacy Center | |
Carrie Newman | Center for Independent Futures | |
Cathy Christensen | Self | Self. |
Cheryl E Laskasky | Self | Citizen |
Cheryl R Jansen | Equip for Equality | Equip for Equality |
Cindi Swanson | Parent | I'm a parent advocate |
Conan Calhoun | LIFECIL | Person's with disabilities residing in Ford, Livingston, Mclean, DeWitt Counties |
Connor Larsen | Center for Independent Futures | |
Curtis Harris | Mr. | |
Dan Ahern | Allstate Insurance | |
Daniel Belko | Office of Cook County Public Guardian | Office of Cook County Public Guardian |
Dawn M Albanese | Individual | Self |
Diana Braun | Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities | Illinois Council on Devlopmental Disabilities |
Diane Hettasch | self | self |
Dylan Renz | Ctf Advocacy | |
Elizabeth Minogue | Self | Parent |
Emily Asher | Representing Self | Representing Self |
Emma Olson | Self | |
Erika Winston | UCP Seguin of Greater Chicago | |
Grace Tsao | self | - |
Heather Spaetzel | IPADD | |
Heather Spaetzel | IPADD | |
Imran Khan | ABA of Illinois | |
Ioana Qureshi | Illinois Department of Human Services | |
J Beverly | self | |
Jaclynn Wickey | NA | |
jae jin pak | none | |
James Cansler | NorthPointe Resources | |
Jamie Cox | 1966 | Jake Cox |
Jamie Cox | Parent | |
Jeffrey Bennett | Illinois Psychiatric Society | |
Jennifer G Henderson | A Fresh Event | |
JJ Hanley | none | |
Jon Burnet | Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission | |
Jon Nicholas Connell | Center for Independent Futures | |
Jon Rutter | Community member | |
Joni Kraft | Avenues to Independence | Avenues to Independence |
Karen Sammeth | Parent | |
Katherine Thurston | UCP Seguin | |
kathleen carmody | Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities | Institute on Public Policy for People with Disabilities |
Kathy Decker | CTF advocacy | |
Kathy Lyons | Self | |
Kelly Baldrate | individual | |
Kendra Horvath | Ctf Advocacy | |
Kim Bowdry | Champaign County Mental Health Board | Persons |
Kim Tarkowski | LIFE CIL | self |
Kimberly Mercer-Schleider | Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities | Illinois Council on Developmental Disabilities |
Krescene Schneider-Beck | Illinois Self-Advocacy Alliance, In | self |
Laura Hart | Human RIghts Authority | |
Laura VanPuymbrouck | self | self |
Leanne Mull | Arc of illinois | |
Lillian Cartwright | Resilience | |
Linda Hall | None | |
Linda Preston | Retired | Self |
Linda Sandman | Blue Tower Solutions | |
Linda Shelton | Self | Self |
Lindsy | Advocate | Na |
Lore Baker | Association for Individual Development - AID | Association for Individual Development |
Margaret Tanenberg | Center for Independent Futures | |
Marie Rucker | The Center for Developmental Disabilities Advocacy and Community Supports | Individuals with Developmental Disabilites |
Mary Milano | Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission | Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission |
Matthew Landau | Center for Independent futures | |
Maureen Cesarotti MA RPh LCPC | CTF Illinois - ACCESS Behavioral Health | |
Meg Cooch | The Arc of Illinois | The Arc of Illinois |
Melissa Wilkinson | NA | |
Melissa Wilkinson | NA | |
Meri Helbig | LIFE Center for Independent Living | Individuals with disabilities |
Meri Tucker | Parent | |
Michael Griswold | Citizen | Self |
Mike Bibo | The Center for Developmental Disabilites Advocacy and Community Supports | Individuals with Developmental Disabilites |
Molly Lundin | None | |
Mrs Nancy Littell | Living Independently for Everyone - Center for Independent Living | |
Nicole Weathersby | Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission | |
Nora Handler | None | Self |
Pam Heavens | individual | |
Pat Doggett | CTF Advocacy | |
Reagan Carey | CTF Illinois | |
Rebecca Obuchowski | Community Choices | I represent an adult service provider that supports adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities |
Rita Winkeler | IL-ADD | IL-ADD |
Robbie Cox-White | The Arc | |
Robert Peterson | Arc of Illinois | Arc of Illinois |
Robert S Taylor | Trinity Services, Inc. | |
Ronald Melka | Lyons Township Mental Health Commission | Lyons Township Mental Health Commission |
Sandy Walker | Allstate | |
Sarah Layden | Resilience, formerly Rape Victim Advocates | Resilience, formerly Rape Victim Advocates |
Shannon Tarkowski | self | self |
Sharon Anderson | Ray Graham Association | People wtth intellectual disabilities |
stacy geabes | none | |
Stefany | Schwab Hospital | |
Susy Woods | Illinois Assistive Technology Program | IATP |
Suzanne S Aaron | Self | |
Tara Ahern | IL Self Advocacy Alliance | |
Tara Dunning | Self | Self |
Tavarus Wesley | Newstar Services | |
Teresa Parks | Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission | Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission and Parent of an adult with disabilities |
Terry Teasley | Ctf Advocacy | |
Theresa Russell | Self | |
Tracey Wyant | Illinois State Self Advocacy Alliance | |
Tracy Rivera | Access Services of Northern Illinois- ISC, PAS, ISSA Agency | |
Tracy Wright | Gateway Services, Inc. | |
Tyler Versgrove | Zurich North America | Tyler Versgove |
Valeri DeCastris | IL Human Rights Authority | IL Human Rights Authority Board |
Veronique Baker | Illinois Guardianship & Advocacy Commission | Illinois Guardianship & Advocacy Commission |
Wendy Nagode | NA | |