Illinois General Assembly - HB2607Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB2607  103rd General Assembly

House Amendment 001
Bill Status

Legislation: HB2607
Proponents: 357Opponents: 29No Position: 3
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Sp. Comm on Crim Law and Pub Safety (S) 4/26/2023 3:00 PM
Chris NyboChris Nybo LLCMutual Ground
Christine RaffaeleIllinois Coalition Against Domestic ViolenceIllinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Dallas BearState of IllinoisSelf
Kyle HillmanNational Association of Social Workers - Illinois ChapterNational Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter
Madeleine BehrChicago Alliance Against Sexual ExploitationChicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation (CAASE)
Martha Younger-WhiteNoneNone
Ryan GougisCook County Justice Advisory CouncilCook County Justice Advisory Council
Sarah BeuningIllinois Coalition Against Sexual AssaultIllinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/9/2023 2:00 PM
Aaron AllenSelf
Aaron SparlingSelfSelf
Alan HeuermanNA
Alex FriesFries Keyboard Works, LLCSelf
Amanda WatsonAmanda
Amber HouseSelf
Amy Kochannyselfself
Amy Krahulaselfself
Amy Lakralselfself
Angela Donsbachon behalf of selfon behalf of self
Angela EvansNASelf
Angela HamptonColes County
Angela J McKeeselfself
Angela KoesterSelf
Angela M DirksSelf
Angela ObertSelfSelf
Anna Shadleselfself
Annie ReidSelf
Ashley Greuelpersonal
ashley spittlerParent
Barbara ProbstSelf
Barbara WilliamsNone
Beata Drozdaselfself
Becky Fehrnamyself
Beverly BryantSelfSelf
Bill HardiekNone
bill kuzanselffmaily
Blake Kuhlselfself
Bob WolfeSelfMy Family
Bonnie SchutzMe
Braden Shadleselfself
Bradley Thompsonselfself
Brenda ByersNoneSelf
Brenda PruemerSelfSelf
Brendan AppelLaw Offices of Brendan R AppelLaw Offices of Brendan R Appel, LLC
Brent KirchhoferPersonal
Brian KirchhoferNA
Brian KirchhoferNA
Brian WodtkaSelfSelf
Brittany ConeSelf
Brittany TuelNone
Brittney BrummerIndependent
Bryan SlaySelfSelf
Carla BiermanSelfSelf
Carol Parrishself
Carolyn Richardsonna
Carolyn SwartSrlf
Carrie BieleckiSelfSelf
Catherine GerardiSelfSelf
Chad KirchhoferNA
Chad w FinneyTaxpayer
Cheryl KozlovNaSelf
Cheryl M SowersPersonal
Cheryl SlayPrivate citizenSelf
Christie kirchhoferSenior Services
Christina SmithSelf
Christine MarthaSelfFamily
Christopher Skeltoncitizenmyself
Christopher SwickMyselfHousehold
Christy KlinglerPatterson Dental
Christy KlinglerSelf
Cindy BaileyNANA
Cindy MillerSelfSelf
Cindy ZumbahlenSelfself
Claire Van Hornself
Cleo McManawaySelf
Colleen DietzSelfSelf
Collin MoseleySelfSelf
Corey DasenbrockNoneSelf
Courtney ReedMartins of Effingham
Craig OdegaardNA
Curtis GouldSelf
Cynthia J Niemergna
Cynthia Mullerselfself
Dan Shadleselfself
Dannette LogueSelf
Darlene Kuhlselfself
David BlackOn behalf of selfOn behalf of self
David G DufernPersonalMyself
David HolsteHolste FarmsMyself
David MasonSelfSelf
David ObertSelfSelf
Debbie GreeneNa
Deborah Cohorstnonemyself
Deborah QuayleSelf
Deborah RiedleNoneNone
Debra BrentlingerBrentlinger farmsBrentlinger farms
Debra GilbertNASelf
Debra L MalinowskiYearself
Denelle HetrickSelfSelf
Denise LittlefairSelfSelf
Denise WellsSelfSelf
Derek Kuhlselfself
Devin McManawayDieterich CUSD 30
Dewain WellenSelfSelf
Diane ArnoldSelf
dianne falcoFamily
Dixie BlackOn Behalf of SelfOn Behalf of Self
Dolores MarleySelfSelf
Donald AndersonSelf
Donald GilbertNASelf
Donald K PippinSelf
Donna L McElroynoneself
Douglas McCulloughSelf
Drew Lewisselfself
Elizabeth Slezakself
ellen smithna
Elzbieta NieweglowskiSelfSelf
Erma FielderSelfSelf
Ewa LandgrebeNa
George CarterPrivate CitizenMyself
Gina KoesterNone
Glenn DrakeSelf
Grant GetteSelf
Greg Perryself
Haley LeeSelfSelf and children
Hollie ShoupSelfSelf
Holly FunnemanSelf
Holly PhelanSelfSelf
Jackie GarneauJackie
Jackie KapcheckSelf
Jacqueline R Lustigpatterson
Jadwiga CichorzSelfSelf
James CummingsNone
Jamie GeierFirm
Jamie WellbaumSelfSelf
Jane DidwayFamilyFamily
Janet BladeSelfSelf
Janet LortonNANA
Jason BangertIffert's ELectric, Inc.
Jason BiermanSelfSelf
Jay PruemerSelfSelf
Jay RotheSelfSelf
Jennifer BrouchMyselfMyself
Jenny BiermanSelfSelf
Jenny GorskySelfSelf
Jesse KoesterSelf
Jessica SpentzosSelfSelf
Jessica KruswickiIndividual
Jill GouldSelf
Jill KoesterPersonal
Jim WakefieldSelfSelf
Joanne ORourkeSelfSelf
Jody HolkenbrinkCCSB
Joe Ungrundnone
John CurtisSelfSelf
John HansonSelfSelf
John J KortteOn behalf of selfOn behalf of self
John J RiedleNoneNone
john kinlenselffamily
Jovanna SantowskiNANA
Joy MooreNA
Judy brummerBrummer porkers
Judy CountsSelfSelf
Judy Repkingselfself
Judy WilliamsSelfSelf
Julie BreerJulie Breer
Julie CaiseSelfSelf
Julie GallowaySelf
Julie JordanSelf
Julie PonzianoSelfIC4IC
Julie StephensThe business of parenting
Karen WarrenJ and K Rentals
Kari McManawayTeutopolis school district
karina kinlenselffamily
Karla RepkingSelfSelf
Kathleen HeinMyselfmyself
Kathryn KirbySelf
Kathy FreemanSelf
Katie DavisSelfMy family
Katie DavisSelfMy family
Katie WortmanSelfSelf
Keith Kuhlselfself
Kelli M ChapmanWar Horse Christian SchoolIndividual
Kelly Taylor BlandSelf
Kem L WilsonSelfMy family
Kendra Cartern a
Kenneth YerkesNone
Kenny CountsSelf
Kent ZumbahlenSelfself
Kevin BarbierSELF
Kim DeckerSelfSelf
Kim MersmanSelf
Kimberly ScarbroughNA
Kimberly SparlingSelfSelf
Larry Black JrSelfSelf
Larry DidwayFamilyFamily
Laura CannataNoneSelf
Laura LaswellSelfSelf
Lee Ann Perryself
Lesley HillFamilyFamily
Linda BrinesSelfSelf
Linda FuhrSelf
Linda HutchesonSelf
Linda J HaunSelf
Linda LandersSelf
Linda RueskenSelfSelf
Linda WolfeSelfMy Family
Lisa DolanSelf
Lisa M Tegelerselfself
Lisa McCormickCitizen
Lisa SchabbingSelf
Lisa ThompsonSelf
Lisa VerdonSelfSelf
Lori MetteNA
Lori SchippersSelfSelf
Lucille SkibinskiTrustee
MaKayla WatsonMaKayla Watson
Marcia Milburn-GehleGehle Farms
Marcie ShafferSelfSelf
Margie HeuermanNA
maribeth noonerSelfSelf
Marie QuintanaSelfSelf
Markowski ElzbietaSameOwn
Marlene WInesself
Marta MelkowskaSelfSelf
Mary CzajkowskiSelfMyself
Mary KlinglerIndividual
Maryetta WebbPrivate Citizen
Matt BertrandSelfSelf
Matthew KernSelfSelf
Megan LenearSelfSelf
Melinda BiermanMother of two children that were sexually abused age 3 and 4Adam niemerg
Melissa GrossSelf
Melissa JohnsonSelfChildren of IL
Melissa KellySafe
Melissa LagerhausenPerson
Melissa lLejeckSelfSelf
Michael GravattNANA
Michael KrekeNone
Michael RIleyNANA
Michele DavisSelf
Michelle HanSelfSelf
Michelle KuhlselfSelf
Michelle TrckaWe The PeopleWE THE PEOPLE
Michelle WardSelfSelf
Mike OrsbornNone
Mike OrsbornNone
Mona BogardSelfSelf
Morgan A ProbstProbst Mediation Services
Nathan ZumbahlenSelfSelf
Nick BradacSelf
Nicole BradfieldCAC
Nicole SilversSelf
Nila Gail RiggsSelfSelf
Olivia LewisSelfself
Pam KuchenmeisterSelfSelf
Patricia BonkNo Affiliation
Patricia GoodwinSelf
pattie tackettna
Patty MillerSelfSelf
Paul Mullerselfself
Paul Repkingself
Paul RueskenSelfSelf
Phil Coxself
Piotr WojtanowiczSelf
Quincy Vanderhoofself
Ralph FalconburySelfSelf
Randy DeeringNone
Randy Wellbaumnot available
Raymond BladeSelfSelf
Rhianna L BannickSupporter
Rhiannon WodtkaSelfAelf
Rhonda McManawayself
rick mcschoolermyselfmyself
Rita WakefieldSelfSelf
Robby J FinnNoneSelf
Robert J MetteNa
Robert KlinglerIndividualIndividual
Robert KlinglerSelf
Robin L KortteIndividual
Rose DaltonMyselfMyself
Ryan GotschMyselfMyself
Sandra Earpnana
Sandra GudauskySelf
Sandy CroftSelf
Sarah Allison MurrayNone
Sarah BeuningIllinois Coalition Against Sexual AssaultIllinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Sarah Dieselselfself
Sharon K DavisMyself
Sharon SchroederSelfSelf
Shawn PlatzSelf
shawn tackettna
Sheila DavidsmeyerselfSELF
Sheryl WoodhamThe Guardian CenterThe Guardian Center, Inc.
Sonny RossMy Family
Stacey PruittSelf
Stephanie Shadleselfself
Stephanie SpackeyIndividual
Steve Tegelerselfself
Steven J SteffenSteffen Heating & Air Conditioning IncSteven J Steffen
Sue McWhorterCitizen
Susan AndersonSelf
Susan B DixonNASelf
Susan ConfortiNa
Susan VinsonSelf
T Henricksna
Tara BangertIffert's ELectric, Inc.
Tayden BertrandSelfSelf
Teresa K FielderSelfSelf
terrah gaveilosPinnacle
Terri McDowellNone
Theresa KingNone
Theresa PalmerSelfSelf
Theresa RueskenselfSelf
Thomas HallNaMyself
Tiara BertrandSelfSelf
Tim MillerSelfSelf
Tony HolkenbrinkHolkys
Tracy lapshinNone
Tricia BarbierSelf
Trisha HagyNone
Trisha NelsonSelf
Valissa SuttonConsultant
Victor Kuhlselfself
Vincent KlinglerIndividual
Walter Richardsonna
Wayne PruemerSelfSelf
Whitney KirchhoferSelf
Whitney SteffenSelfSelf
Whitney ZumbahlenSelfSelf
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/7/2023 4:00 PM
Amy HoardSelfSelf
Beverly BryantSelfSelf
Bob WolfeSelfMy Family
Dallas BearState of IllinoisSelf
Deborah QuayleSelf
Dolores MarleySelfSelf
Janet BladeSelfSelf
Jennifer BrouchMyselfMyself
Karma SeymourSelfSelf
Kathy FreemanSelf
Katie DavisSelf
Linda FuhrSelf
Linda WolfeSelfIllinois children
Lisa McCormickCitizen
Lucille SkibinskiCaseyville Library
Michael RIleyNANA
Michelle CunneyNone
Patricia Hoffmeierself
Patty MillerSelfSelf
Raymond BladeSelfSelf
Sarah BeuningIllinois Coalition Against Sexual AssaultIllinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Tim MillerSelfSelf