Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/26/2021 2:00 PM |
Jose Gonzalez | Self | Self |
Abigail Crino | North Park University | SELF |
Adair Small | UUPMI | UUPMI |
Adam P Heenan | na | Self |
Adam Rodriguez | Self | |
Adele D Nicholas | Law Office of Adele D. Nicholas | self |
Aimee Beaubien | School of the Art Institute of Chicago | |
Alan Mills | Uptown People's Law Center | Uptown People's Law Center |
Alex Boutros | Chicago Votes | Chicago Votes |
Alex Kessler | Self | Education Justice Project |
Alexander J Ozawa | na | Self |
Alexandria Macias | North Park Theological Seminary | Self |
Alice Kim | PNAP | self |
Allan Lindrup | Unitarian Universalists for Social Justice | |
Alonzo T FRANKLIN | I am MOM. Tamms year 10 | Annette |
Alycia Vang | Self | |
Alyssa Befumo | Self | Self |
Alyssa Filicicchia | DePaul University | SELF |
Alyssa Soren | Openfinance | |
Amanda Price | UUANI | |
Amber | Teacher in the Department of Visual Arts at the University of Chicago | |
Amber Jipp | North Park University | |
Aminah A Coleman | Self | Parole Illinois |
Amy Graff | NA | SELF |
Amy Louvier | NA | NA |
Amy Martinez | Self | |
Ana Olivares | self | |
Anais Malave | Self | |
Anamaria Perez | Self | |
Andrea Spicer | Uptown Christian School | |
Andres Hernandez | Prison and Neighborhood Arts Project | |
Andrew Daglas | Self | Self |
Andrew Larson | NPTS SRA | Self |
Angel medina | Self | Self |
Angela Stenberg | NA | SELF |
anita lewis | concerned citizens | |
Annabelle Burns | University of Chicago | |
Anne Goodwin | NA | |
Anne Olson | Packback | Anne Olson |
Anne Scoltock | Self | Self |
Anne White | UUANI | UUANI |
Annette Burlet | self | self |
Annette Franklin | I am MOM. Tamms year 10 | I am Mom |
Annette Thompson | SELF | |
Antoinette Talach | Self | Self, and witness |
Antonio Garcia | self | |
April Neander | The University of Chicago | Self |
Arisbel Camacho | SELF | SELF |
Ashton Hoselton | Self | Self |
Athena Williams | Athena Williams | Bree D'Vaughn Williams |
Audrey Petty | Individual | |
Audrey Shadle | UUANI | UUANI |
Audrey Sze | SELF | SELF |
Austin Burton | Self | Self |
Avalon Betts-Gaston | Self | Self |
Barbara Ghoshal | self | self |
Barry M Lewis | Law Office of Barry M Lewis | |
Beatrice Villar | Self | Self |
Benjamin Cohen | self | |
Benjamin Ruddell | ACLU of Illinois | ACLU of Illinois |
Bertha Bejar | Self | Self |
Brandon Hasenbuhler | Myself | |
Brenda Bailey | Self | Self |
Brenda Ford | Self | Self |
Brenda Smith | Self Employed | SELF |
Brenna Lemieux | UUANI | |
Bret Widman | North Park University | North Park University |
Brian Holmes | NA | |
Brian Kirkbride | Self | Self |
BRIAN S DOLINAR | Parole Illinois | |
Bridget Geraghty | Self | |
Bryce Rogers | Self | Self |
Caitrin Gallagher | Self | Self |
Caleb Elmer Stunkel | Self | Self |
Caleb Williams | Concerned | Citizen |
Callie Beier | NA | Self |
Cameron Stamm | Self | |
Camille Doucet | Mrs. | |
Camille Lat | Self | |
Candi Spang | Self | Self |
Carlee Notebaert | SELF | |
Carlee Notebaert | SELF | |
Carlos Rojas | Self | |
Carly Kocurek | none | self |
Carolyn Laughlin | self | |
Catherine Rose | Self | |
Cathy Blanford | Citizens for Parole | Self |
Cathy Shanley | retired teacher | myself |
Cecilia Kearney | SELF | SELF |
Cesar-Anton Gamalinda | Prison and Neighborhood Arts Education Project | Self |
Cesraea Rumpf | not applicable | self |
Chad Burlet | 3rd St. Ag | self |
Charles Goodwin-Kucinsky | self | |
Charles Ruth | self | UUANI |
Chase Friel | NPTS SRA | Self |
Chris Guzaitis | Personal | |
Chrisoula Drivas | SELF | SELF |
Christina Borizov | End of Lock down collation | |
Christina Borizov | End of Lockdown | |
Christina Howard | Self | |
Christina Rivers | self | self |
Christine Billups | Not applicable | SELF |
Christopher Corral | Self | |
Christy Garcia | self | |
Christy Garcia | Tamms Year Ten | |
Claire Pentecost | Professor | |
Claudean Spivey | Self | |
Clyde Schwab | SELF | |
Colleen Vahey | Self | Self |
Cristina Schlesier | self | Self |
Crystal Norris | Self | |
Crystal Norris | SELF | |
Cynthia Fecher | Built In | Self |
Cynthia Giannetti | Self | Self |
Dale Griffin | UUANI | Self |
Darren Howard | Citizens for Parole | |
Dave Brinkman | Elmhurst University | self |
David Bates-Jefferys | SELF | UUANI |
David Potthoff | Citizens for Parole | |
David Sharpe | None | Self |
David W Kersten | North Park Theological Seminary | |
Deborah Montgomery | UUANI | |
Deborah Smith | Self | Self |
DEBRA AUGER | North Park Theogical Seminary | self |
Debra Southorn | American Friends Service Committee Chicago | American Friends Service Committee Chicago |
Dedrick Coleman | Self | Parole Illinois |
Delaney Morrison | NA | Self |
Denise Bartik | None | |
Dennis Keen | Self | Self |
Deonta Kyles | SELF | SELF |
Deyra Mercado | Celebrations Limo | |
Diana Echezarreta | NA | |
Diane Chavez | Individual | |
Diane Gormely-Barnes | UUANI | UUANI |
Dolores Pino | self | self |
Don Wedd | None | |
Donn Engebretson | Evangelical Covenant Church | Self |
Donna Dickson | Self employed | |
Donya Fogle | Self | |
Dr Peter Draper | self | |
Dr Suzanne E Willis | Self | Self |
Ed Kucinsky | NA | |
Eileen Wiviott | self | UUANI |
Elizabeth Figueroa | Self | |
Elizabeth Gomez | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Piotrowski | North Park Covenant Church | self |
Elizabeth Zemke | self | self |
Ellen Ritter | Education Justice Project | Self |
Ellen Wiggins | Edler Parole Illinois | |
Emeline Boehringer | Self | |
Emilio Alvarez | Self | |
Emma Keenan | none | SELF |
Emma O'Hagan | Self | Self |
Erana Jackson Taylor | A Safe Haven Foundation | |
Eric Chandler | SELF | SELF |
Erin Franzinger Barrett | Self | |
Esperanza Rosario | GAP Community Center | |
Faith P Bailey | self | UUANI |
Felix Rojas | Self | |
Fionna R Ek | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | |
Francesca Mathewes | Self | Self |
Gail Maize | SELF | SELF |
Gail T Smith | Children's Best Interest Project | |
Gary D Donze | Self | |
Gary Davis | self | self |
Gary Oltmans | self | self |
General | All of Us or None Central Illinois | All Of Us Or None Central Illinois |
Genesis Colon | Self | |
Gina Tarullo | Self | |
Giudi Weiss | none | none |
Gricelda Ceja | self | |
Hadil Salahat | Self | Self |
Hannah Christensen | Self | Self |
Hannah Wolod | Self | |
Hayley Larson | NPTS SRA | Self |
Hilary Landau Krivchenia | self | self |
Hilda Garcia | Self | |
Holly Bernstein | SELF | SELF |
Houstine Cox | Parole Illinois | SELF |
Howard Hansen | Self | |
Ilene Thornton | Third Unitarian Church of Chicago | self |
J Monsour | Nekritz Amdor Consulting | John Howard Association (JHA) |
Jack Schneider | MCA Chicago | |
Jacqueline Ibarra | Self | |
Jacqueline Talach | Loved one of incarcerated | Loved one of incarcerated |
Jacquelyn Pope | UUANI | UUANI |
Jael Olivares | Self | Self |
Jaime Macias | Self | Self |
Jake La Fronz | Self | SELF |
James Baugh | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | self |
James Deere | Students Against Incarceration | Students Against Incarceration |
James Eidson | Self | |
James Kane | UUANI | UUANI |
James Kilgore | self | |
James Pruitt | Party of Communists USA | Self |
James Scoltock | Self | Self |
Jamie Hansen | Self | Self |
jan Goldberg | NA | self |
Jane Bannor | UUJEC | |
Jane Folliard | Self | Self |
Jane Kimball | Self | self |
Jane Miller | Self | |
Janet Holden | self | self |
Janice E Pohlman | Self | SELF |
Janice G Kelly | self | |
Janice Mulqueeny | None | Self |
Jason LaFountain | Individual | |
Jean Peters | self | self |
Jeffrey Colman | Jenner & Block LLP | Self |
Jen Dean | Chicago Votes, Parole Illinois | Chicago Votes, Parole Illinois, On behalf of our community members at Stateville Prison |
Jen Packheiser | UUANI | self |
Jennifer Alexander | self | self |
Jennifer Laws | Self | Self |
Jennifer Soble | Illinois Prison Project | Illinois Prison Project |
Jenny B Ross | None | self |
Jeremy Colon | Self | |
Jessica Izquierdo | self | Self |
Jessica Sanchez | SELF | |
Jim Clark | Self | UUANI |
Jim Parks | None | UUANI |
jim Simonis | One Northside | One Northside |
Joan Retzloff | UUANI | UUANI |
Jobi Cates | Restore Justice Illinois | Self |
Johanna Ryan | Third Unitarian Church | |
John Donnelly | Donnelly & Associates, Inc | John L. Donnelly |
John Knewitz | Great Plains Zen Center | Self |
John L Rooney | Capitol Strategies Consulting, Inc | Self |
John McDonough | Avatria | Self |
John Stainthorp | People's Law Office | |
John Young | UUANI | UUANI |
Jolie Hackney | Self | Self |
Jones II | Illinois Justice Project | |
Jose Antonio Rojas | Self | |
Joseph Manna | SELF | |
Joseph Mapp | Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation | Self |
Joshua Blair | Self | Self |
Josie Strathman | NPTS SRA | Self |
Joyce Haeckel | self | |
Juana Olivares | self | |
Judi Dansizen | Self | Self |
Judith McCloskey | Self | Self |
Judy Kilbride Donze | Self | Self |
Julia Beckman | Self | Self |
Julia Harrison | self | self |
Julia Rademacher-Wedd | SELF | |
Julianna Burlet | Public Elementary School | self |
Julie Anderson | Self | |
Julie Laut | Self | Self |
Karen Alanis | self | |
Karen Courtright | SELF | Self |
Karen Galley | Self | |
Karen Goldner | Self | |
Karen Kelly | Self | Self |
Karen Kortsch | self | self |
Karen Mooney | Unitarian Universalist Advocacy Network of IL | Unitarian Universalist Advocacy Network of IL |
Karl Ostroski | Self | |
Karla | UUANI | UUANI |
Kathrine Nicolas | self | self |
Kathryn Chapman | Belle Counseling and Wellness, PLLC | Self |
Kathryn Wrigley | self | |
Kathy Olaughlin | Self | Self |
Katie Williams | Self | Self |
Katrina Burlet | Wheaton College | self |
Katrina Mioduszewski | Chicago Torture Justice Center | |
Katrina Phidd | Chicago Votes | Chicago Votes Action Fund |
Kay Kammen | Parole Illinois, Restore Justice Illinois, Families of Loved Ones in IL Prisons | Parole Illinois |
Kayla Rueda | Restore Justice | Self |
Kayleigh Leonard | Self | Self |
Kelli McQueen | University of Illinois | self |
Kelly Clark | self | SELF |
Kelly D Watt | Self | Self |
Kelly Hannemann | Aunt Kelly | self |
Kenneth Sawyer | McCormick Theological Seminary | self |
Kevin Mulqueeny | UUANI | UUANI |
Kiah Sandler | Chicago Votes | Self |
Kimberly Herbert | NA | |
Krista Dutt | self | |
Krista Smith | Teach for America | Self |
Kyle Brown | Self | Self |
Kyle Johnson | SELF | |
Lamon Reccord | Lamon Reccord LLC | SELF |
Lance Pittman | None | SELF |
Lara Vazquez | Self | Self |
Larry Golden | self | |
Latasha Pollard | SELF | |
Latoya Daniels | Self | Self |
Laura Basanta | Na | Self |
Laura Cuber | None | Self |
Laura Franklin | Self | Self |
Laura Macias | Self | |
Lauren Metlock | Self | |
Laurie Ann Czizik | self | self |
Laurie Ann Czizik | Tokio Marine America | self |
Laurie Jo Reynolds | University of Illinois at Chicago | self |
Lee Bannor | Self | Self |
Lee Barker | UUANI | UUANI |
Linda Clark | UU Prison Ministry of Illinois | UU Prison Ministry off Illinois |
Linda Groetzinger | Self | |
Linda Karlen | self | self |
Linda Linsin | UUANI | Self |
Lisa Rademacher | self | self |
Lisa Williams | Self | Self |
Lloyd Gaston | Self | Self |
Logan Middleton | Self | |
Lois Ahrens | The Real Cost of Prisons Project | |
Loretta M Dameron | Self | Self |
Lori m talach | self | self |
Lorrie Akins | Self | Self |
Luis Adrian Vargas | self | |
Lukas Gilkeson | none | |
Luke Fidler | Prison and Neighborhood Arts Education Project | |
Luke Palmerlee | North Park Theological Seminary | Self |
Lydia Vander Stelt | North Park Theological Seminary School of Restorative Arts | Self |
Lynne S Nowlan | Parole Illinois | |
Madeleine Van Hecke | Self | |
Madeleine Ward | CURE IL | CURE ILLINOIS |
Malika Hannah | Self | Self |
Marcelino Olivares | self | |
Marcia Bernstein | UUANI | UUANI |
Marcia Sezer | UUANI | UUANI |
Margaret -Betsy- Rubin | self | self |
Margaret E Shaklee | Unitarian Universalist Advocacy Network of Illinois | Unitarian Universalist Advocacy Network of Illinois |
Margaret Henry | None | Self |
Maria J Yanguas | self | self |
Maria Martinez | Self | |
Maria Patino | Self | Self |
Marian Honel-Wilson | None | Self |
Marie Chocolate | SELF | |
Marie Cobbs | UUANI | |
Marissa Corral | self | |
Marissa Heffler | McMaster-Carr | self |
Mark Fry | Self | Self |
Marlene Nolan | Self | Self |
Marsha Borders and | self | |
Mary Aiardo | Self | |
Mary Claire Peceny | self | |
Mary Corazza Parks | Corazza Parks Consulting, Inc. | |
Mary Dycus | Self | UUANI |
Mary Getty | Unitarian Universalist Advocacy Network of Illinois | |
Mary Pat Scoltock | Self | Self |
Mary Shapiro | Self | Self |
Mary Veeneman | North Park University | |
Maya Crystal | Self | Self |
Melanie R Butler | SELF | |
Melissa A Pavlik | North Park University | |
Michael Stinson | Individual | |
Michelle Clifton-Soderstrom | North Park Theological Seminary | Self |
Michelle Seelye | Self | Self |
Michelle VanNatta | Self | Self |
Molly Zupan | SELF | |
Mona Miller | Self | Self |
Monique Felton | Self | Self |
Morgan Malone | SELF | SELF |
Myra Epping | self | self |
Myrna Mendia | Illinois parole | |
Nancy Rojas | Self | |
Nancy Alvarez | Self | |
Nancy Arnesen | North Park University | self |
Nancy Dietrich | self | |
Nancy H Farquhar | self | self |
Nancy Luciano | Self | |
Nancy Napalo | UUANI | UUANI |
Nancy Ross | Union League Club of Chicago | Members of the Union League Club of Chicago |
Natalia Bogucka | Righting Wrongful Convictions podcast | Natalia Bogucka |
Natalie Nespoli Moreira | CAARPR,NAEFI, IL9, 48WIPO, | SELF |
Nicholas Vang | Self | Self |
Nicole Drivas | SELF | SELF |
Nikki Donnelley | Law firm | |
Nina Darner | American Bar Foundation | |
Nolan Baumgartner | NPTS SRA | Self |
Norman Groetzinger | none | |
Ofelia Rojas | Self | |
Olivia Gotsch | NA | |
Oscar Martinez | Self | |
Oscar Martinez Jr | Self | Representation |
Pam Rumancik | Self | |
Pamela Richart | Eco-Justice Collaborative | Co-Director |
Patricia Flaa | UUPMI | UUPMI |
Patricia Rojas | Self | |
Paulina Grzybowicz | self | Self |
Penny Gates | SELF | |
Philip Kostov | 777hh | |
Preston Hogue | Grace and Peace Church | |
Quentin Edwards | none | Self |
Rachel Colon | Self | |
Rachel Fraade | none | self |
Raja jaber | Self | Self |
Randi Nalani Gutierrez | Self | |
Raul Ceja | self | |
Rebecca Gant | UUANI | UUANI |
Rebecca Ginsburg | self | |
Rebecca Williams | SELF | SELF |
Rev Allison Farnum | Unitarian Universalist Prison Ministry of Illinois | Unitarian Universalist Prison Ministry of Illinois |
Rev Jason Lydon | Second Unitarian Church of Chicago | Self |
Richard V Pokorny | Self | Self |
Robert D Kreisman | Union League Club of Chicago, Adminstration of Justice committee | |
Robert Gault | self | self |
Rommie Johnson | SELF | Rommie Johnson |
Ruelyn Garrett | Chicago Votes | |
Ryan Dalton | NA | Self |
Ryan Griffis | self | Self |
Sally Engebretson | North Park University | self |
Sandra Lawrence | Self | |
Sandra S Rigsbee | Self | |
Sara van Alkemade | Sara van Alkemade | self |
Sara Woody | Self | Self |
Sarah Harmon | Self | UUANI |
sarah j miiler | self | |
Sarah Lewison | Center for Subsistence Research | |
Sarah Ross | Prison and Neighborhood Arts Project | self |
Sarah Vanderwicken | UUANI | UUANI |
Sarah Weddle | Dill Pickle Co-Op | self |
Scott Aaseng | Unitarian Universalist Advocacy Network of IL | Unitarian Universalist Advocacy Network of Illinois |
Scott Metzger | UUANI | UUANI |
Scott Morgan | self | self |
Sergio Fraterrigo | Self | Self |
Sha Quese Johnson | Muvas Kitchen And Catering | |
Shaquita Hudson | Self | Self |
Shari Stone-Mediatore | Parole Illinois | |
Sharon Varallo | Augustana College Prison Education Partnership | |
Sherri L D'Agostino | self | self |
Sherri Meyer | Self Employed | Self |
Shirley Lundin | UUANI | Self |
Shirley Lundin | UUANI | uUANI |
Shopnavo Biswas | Self | Self |
Sonia Garcia | SELF | SELF |
Soong Chan Rah | North Park Theological Seminary | Self |
Sophia Manuel | Self | |
Stacey Rubin Silver | Self | |
Steven Serikaku | None | Self |
Steven Strejc | Hospitality | |
Steven Strejc | Organization | |
Susan Kristi Anderson | UUANI | UUANI |
Susan L Olaska | self | |
Susan Mooney | Unitarian Universalist Advocacy Network of Illinois | |
Susan Shields | Parole Illinois | Self |
Susan Stephens | Unitarian Universalist Prison Ministry of Illinois | |
Susanna Lang | UUANI | UUANI |
Suzanne Bauman | self | self |
Tammy Bond | None | Self |
Taylor Wolfram | Unitarian Universalist Prison Ministry | |
Ted Pearson | Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression | Chicago Alliance ASgainst Racist and Piolitical Repression |
Tekia Childs | Self | |
Terrie Maxey | Self | Self |
Therese Kelleghan | Self | Self |
Thomas Burlet | self | self |
Thomas E Kelly | self | |
Thomas F Karaba | Karaba Law | |
Thomas Hagan | University of Chicago | SELF |
Timothy Rose | Self-Employed Attorney | |
Tina Hinojosa | Self | |
Tomas Uriostegui | Self | Self |
Tracey Olson | Citizens for Parole | |
Traci Shanklin | SELF | |
Troi Strongspirit Valles | Parole Illinois | |
Troi Valles | Parole Illinois | |
Vicki Szech | UUANI | Self |
Vickie Reddy | North Park Theological Seminary | |
Vincent Fox | Self | Self |
Vincent Unger | Self | Self |
Vivek Doshi | Self | Self |
Wanda V Teruel | Self | Self |
William Andrews | North Park Theological Seminary School of Restorative Arts | |
William Nissen | William J. Nissen, Attorney-at-Law | Citizens for Parole |
william ryan | citizens for parole | citizens for parole |
William Trlak | UChicago | Self |
Xavier Perez | DePaul University | |
Xochitl Lopez | Self | Self |
Young Kim | Self | |
Yvette Johnson | self | |
Zachary Robertson | self | Self |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/23/2021 10:00 AM |
J Monsour | Nekritz Amdor Consulting | John Howard Association (JHA) |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 3/16/2021 10:00 AM |
Erika Garcia | SELF | SELF |
John Amdor | Nekritz Amdor Consulting | John Howard Association of Illinois |