Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Executive (H) 5/31/2016 2:00 PM |
Gwen Peebles | Advance IL | Advance IL |
Jessica Handy | Stand for Children | Stand for Children |
Laura Farr | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Public Schools |
Hearing Date and Time: Executive (H) 5/31/2016 8:30 AM |
Randy Protz | VCUSD203 | |
A Jane Richey | Harrisburg Community School District 3 | Harrisburg Community School District #3 62946 |
Abbigale Staples | None | East Moline School District #37 |
Adam McKinney | HHS | individual |
Adriana Lopez | Chicago Public Schools | |
Adriana Menezes | Individual | Individual |
Aigerim Bizhanova | Individual | Individual |
Aileen McMillan | CPS Parent | |
Ajana Adams | 7Four Communications | Individual |
Al Way | Individual | Individual |
Alan Basque | Itiviti | Individual |
Alanda Coon | Individual | |
Alba G | Chicago Public Schools | |
Alejandro Espinoza | Curie Metro High School | Curie Metro High School |
Alesha Allen | Harrisburg Unit 3 schools | Harrisburg Unit #3 Schools |
Alexander Kmicikewycz | Chicago Public Schools | |
Alexis Levy | Individual | Individual |
Alice Henry | Individual | Individual |
Alice Newlin | Taylorville Community Unit School District 3 | Taylorville Community Unit School District 3 |
Alicia Austin | parent | Family of 2 elementary students |
Alison Benefico | NA | ILEE |
Alison Orbin | NA | |
Alison schwartz | Individual | Individual |
Alissa Nudelman | Individual | Individual |
Allen Chastain | Individual | Individual |
Alta Himstedt | Individual | |
Alysia Kinsella | Guggenheim | |
Alyson Carrel | Northwestern University | Parents of Peirce |
Amanda Bradley | Stylecraft llc | Individual |
Amanda Brode | Chicago Public Schools | Individual |
Amanda Dye | Sandoval CUSD 501 | Sandoval CUSD#501 |
Amanda Kamplain | Vandalia Community High School | Vandalia Community High School |
Amanda Moloney | Sandoval CUSD 501 | Sandoval CUSD 501 |
Amanda Peters | self | |
Amanda Schmitt | Harrisburg Middle School | Individual |
Amanda Stacey | Harrisburg CUSD | Individual |
Amanda Stone | Harrisburg cusd 3 East Side Intermediate | Harrisburg cusd 3 |
Amanda Weber | EMSD37 | |
Amber Connor | Vandalia Community Unit School District 203 | Vandalia Community Unit School District 203 |
Amber Liset | Chicago Public Schools | Amber Liset |
Amelia Sheers | Berwyn South School District 100 | Individual |
Amie King | East Moline School District 37 | East Moline School District 37 |
Amy Brinkman | U46 | U-46 |
Amy Dominguez | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Public Schools |
Amy Drost | Household | Individual |
Amy Follett | Stand for Children | Stand for Children |
Amy Hennessy | Hawthorne Scholastic Academy | Hawthorne Scholastic Academy |
Amy Jackson | Vandalia Comm School District 203 | Vandalia Community School District #203 |
Amy Kendryna | Elgin U-46 School District | |
Amy Kohler | U-46 | |
Amy Mann | Citizen | Citizen |
Amy McGinnis Hogan | none | individual |
Amy Penna | CPS | |
Amy Penna | individual | |
Amy Penna | individual | |
Amy Phillips | individual | |
Amy Vieregge | Vandalia Community Schools | Individual |
Ana Arroyo | District U46 | |
Andrea Erickson | School District U46 | |
Andrea Nair | None | Individual |
Andrea Schafman | East Moline School Dist | East Moline School District #37 |
Andrew Heckman | Chicago Public Schools | Individual |
Andrew Hong | Chicago Excel Academy | ILEE |
Aneesh Sohoni | TFA | Individual |
Angela Balk | SD U-46 | |
Angela Browne | Taylorville Schools | |
Angela Harrell | East Moline School Dist 37 | East Moline Schools Dist 37 |
Angela Harrell | Glenview Middle School | East Moline School Dist 37 |
Angela Matthews | Pana Unit 8 | Individual |
Angela Pate | Sandoval Elementary School | Individual |
Angela Smith | West Aurora School District 129 | West Aurora |
Angela Smith | West Aurora School Dsitrict | Taxpayers of West Aurora School District |
Angella Gauch | school district | individual |
Angie Bennett | Harrisburg CUSD 3 | |
Angie Perkins | HCUSD 3 | individual |
Ani Smith | School District U-46 | self |
Anika Byrley | Individual | Individual |
Anita Brown | Taylorville CUSD | |
Ann Sindelar | Individual | Individual |
Anna Garcia | CPS | Individual |
Anna Patton | Pana High School | Pana High School |
Anne Weisgerber | Individual | |
Anne Wicklander | None | Individual |
Annie Gray | Sandoval CUSD 501 | Sandoval CUSD 501 |
Annie Terrell | CPS | |
Anthony Slater | AWH Distro | |
Anya Kompare | NA | Individual |
April Purcell Levy | Columbia College Chicago | Individual |
Apryl Lowe | U-46 School District | u-46 school district |
Ari Kaplan | Hawthorne Scholastic Acadamy | Individual |
Arlene Crandall | Retired Teachers Association of Chicago | Retired Teachers Association of Chicago |
Armenta Johnson | individual | individual |
ARRON SCHAFER | Schafer Farms | |
Ashlee Roffe | Individual | Individual |
Ashleigh Smothers | Harrisburg Unit 3 Schools | Harrisburg Unit #3 Schools |
Ashley Ford | Harrisburg Schools | Individual |
Audrey Ho | Individual | Individual |
Ayin Reichmann-Antes | ILEE | ILEE |
Barbara Connelly | North Palos School District 117 | |
Barbara Di Eugenio | Individual | |
Barbara Richardson | TJHS | Taylorville Junior High School |
Barbara Stigler | Berwyn South School District | Individual |
Barbara Tarter | Pana Unit 8 | Individual |
Barry Bennett | 16th street theater | Mr. |
Barth Bookhout | Sandoval junior senior high school | Individual |
Beckett Rothke | Alexander Hamilton Elementary School CPS | Alexander Hamilton Elementary School CPS |
Becky Nagel | Individual | |
Benjamin Yeager | atproperties | |
Benjie Willsey | East Side Intermediate School | Individual |
Bernadette Sanchez | DePaul University | Individual |
Beth Bond | Harrisburg School District Unit 3 | Harrisburg School District Unit #3 |
Beth Evans | Harrisburg CUSD 3 | Harrisburg Community #3 Schools |
Beth King | Pana Unit 8 | Individual |
Beth King | Pana Unit 8 | Individual |
Beth Lane | Harrisburg CUSD3 | Harrisburg CUSD3 |
Beth Napleton | Chicago Collegiate Charter School | |
Bethany Blackwood | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Public Schools |
Bettina Anagnostopoulos | Individual | |
Beverly Alvey | Harrisburg Unit 3 Schools | |
Bill Beyers | Pana Unit 8 School Board | |
Bill Kennedy | Individual | |
Birdie Soti | Chicago Jazz Philharmonic | Chicago Jazz Philharmonic |
Blaire Hunt | Harrisburg Unit 3 Schools | Harrisburg Unit #3 Schools |
Blythe Howard-Chou | APC | Individual |
Bob Pritchett | Salvation Army of McDonough County | |
Bonnie Luce | Harrisburg unit 3 schools | Harrisburg unit 3 schools |
Bonnie Sowarsh | Pana CUSD 8 | PEA |
Brad Goewey | Centralia High School | |
Brad Hilbert | Pana Unit 8 | |
Brad Tippitt | Citizens for Education | Citizens for Education |
Brandon Henshaw | Harrisburg Schools | |
Brandon Phillips | Harrisburg CUSD 3 | |
Brandy Hoy | TCUSD3 | Individual |
Breena Ferguson | None | Individual |
Brenda Engel | Centrralia High School | Individual |
Brenda Haupt | Grandparent | Parent |
Brenda J Questelle | Harrisburg Unit District 3 | HMS |
Brenda Thomas | parent | |
Brenda Ziegler | Harrisburg CUSD 3 | |
Brendan Tidwell Cullen | Individual | Individual |
Brent Hanke | Vandalia CUSD 203 1109 North Eigth Street Vandalia Illinois 62471 | Vandalia Community Schools |
Brett Hiner | EMSD37 | East Moline School District #37 |
Brian E Savage | UnityPoint Health Methodist Peoria | Individual |
Brian Hafner | None | Individual |
Brian Hurd | Harrisburg cusd 3 | Harrisburg cusd3 |
Brian Johnson | LEE | ILEE |
Brian Stark | Myself | |
Brian Stombaugh | East moline school district 37 | East moline school district 37 |
Brianna Zielke | Shared Mediation | individual |
Brighid S OShaughnessy | Individual | |
Brittany Croone | Perspectives High School of Technology | ILEE |
Brittany Jaekel | Chicago Public Schools | Individual |
Brooke Hoene | Vandalia District 203 | Vandalia School District #203 |
Brooke Rendleman | Harrisburg schools | Individual |
Bryan E Minier | Individual | |
C Allison Jack | Illinois Network of Charter Schools | |
Cacy Ellis | Harrisburg Unit 3 School District | |
Caitlin Hakala | US Peace Corps | |
Came LaPorte | Individual | Individual |
Cami Jo Tapscott | East Moline School District | East Moline School District #37 |
Candace Strong McLaughlin | Western Illinois University | Individual |
Cara Thomas | Taylorville School District | individual |
Carin Stroup | East moline school district | East Moline Schol District 37 |
Carl Breving | Individual | |
Carla Bankd | Harrisburg unit 3 | |
Carla Marley | Individual | Individual |
Carla Reed | Harrisburg Unit 3 Schools | individual |
Carly Angelly | West Side School unit 3 school district | Illinois school districts |
Carmen Ayala | Berwyn North School District 98 | Berwyn North School District 98 |
Carol Krei | Grandmother | Grandmother |
Carol Walega | Berwyn Douth School District 100 | Berwyn South School District 100 students |
Caroline Crozier | LULAC if Illinois | Latino community in Illinois |
Caroline Crozier | LULAC of Illinos | Latino community |
Carolyn Byerly-Dean | Public School Parent | Taxpayer |
Carolyn Eggert | CPS | Individual |
Carolyn Schramm | Pana CUSD 8 | Pana CUSD 8 |
Carrianne Scheib | Sandoval CUSD501 | |
Carrie Gleason | Hamilton Elementaryl | individual |
Carrie Gorden | Tcusd 3 | |
Carrie Merritt | Na | |
Casey Fuess | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Public Schools |
Casey Kyser | East Moline School District 37 | East Moline School District 37 |
Casey Matheson | Taylorville schools | Taylorville Schools |
Catalina Guerrero | Chicago Public Schools | Individual |
Catherine Brownstone-Stillwell | Belding School | Mrs. |
catherine fletcher | U-46 Elgin | 1969 |
Cathy Molen | Taylorville Junior High School | Taylorville Junior High School |
Cathy Wall | Harrisburg Community Unit District 3 | |
Cecilia siciliano | Individual | Individual |
chanda szczeblowski | Individual | |
Charles Slatkoff | Individual | Individual |
Charlotte Anderson | Citizen | Individual |
Charlotte Goldberg | Personal | |
Chellie McGuire | Harrisburg CUSD3 | |
Cheri Lux | Individual | |
Cheryl Angelly | Harrisburg CUSD 3 | |
Cheryl Covington | Taylorville Community Unit School District 3 | Citizens for Education |
Cheryl DeRoo | Elgin School District U-46 | |
Cheryl Potter | Taylorville High School | |
CHERYL ROBINSON | Individual | Individual |
Cheryl Sommer | United Congregations of Metro-East | |
Cheryl Wysong | Pana Citizens for Education | Pana Citizens for Education |
Chie Tanaka | Individual | |
Chris Anderson | Ancien | |
Chris Coplan | Peoria Public Schools | Peoria Public Schools |
Chris Hume | East Moline School District 37 | East Mine School District 37 |
Chris Hume | East Moline School District 37 | East Moline School District 37 |
Chris Krei | The Central Group | |
Chris Kuntzman | Taylorville Community Unit School District 3 | |
Chris Mueller | East Moline School District 37 | |
Chris Palmer | VCSD 203 | Individual |
Christen Shires | Harrisburg School District | Harrisburg Schools |
Christi Tyler | East Aurora School District 131 | East Aurora School District 131 |
Christina Dudley | Taylorville Community School District 3 | |
Christina Herzog | Individual | Individual |
Christine Conwell | Parent | |
Christine Lee | Individual | Individual |
Christine Ransdell | Taylorville High School | |
Christine Rice | Hypertext Magazine | Hypertext Magazine |
Christopher Beauchamp | RunningBoy Studio | Individual |
Christopher Burgess | Individual | Individual |
Christopher Gunn | Taylorville CUSD3 | TCUSD3 Teachers |
christopher james vanspeybroeck | none | |
Christopher Melton | Wayne Carter Trucking | |
Christopher Penna | Individual | Individual |
Christy Forbes | Individual | Vandalia Community Schools |
Christy Kierig | Individual | Individual |
Christy Storto | Hamilton Elementary School | Hamilton Elementary School |
Chuck Lane | Centralia High School | |
Cindy Black | Harrisburg Schools | Harrisburg CUSD #3 |
Cindy Chapman | State of Illinois | |
Claudia Lopez Heinrich | Self | U-46 parents |
Colin Kave | East Moline School District | |
Colleen McGaughey | Na | |
Colleen Noffsinger | Berwyn South School District 100 | Berwyn South School District 100 students |
Comfort Obeng | Hamilton Elementary School | |
Connie Goldsmith | BCHD | Individual |
Constancio Arnaldo | Individual | Individual |
Corey Fox | Hamilton Elementary | Hamilton Elementary School |
Corinne Blum MD | Individual | |
Cory King | Nokomis Unit 22 | Individual |
Courtney Thomas | TCUSD3 | Individual |
Craig W Deere | Peoples Bank & Trust | |
Crystal wilmoth | House wife | Sandoval grade school |
Curt Goldsmith | Farmer | Individual |
Cymone Card | ILEE | ILEE |
Cymone Card | West Austin Development Center | West Austin Development Center |
Cynthia Chernoff | Individual | |
Cynthia Karl | individual | |
Cynthia M Wagner | Taylorville Community Unit School District 3 | Taylorville Community Unit School District 3 |
Cynthia potter | Harrisburg3 | Individual |
Dalilnda Archer | East Moline School District 37 | East Moline School District 37 |
Dan antes | Daniel antes marquetry | ILEE |
Dan Blake | Myself | Myself |
Dan Craig | Harrisburg Schools | |
Dan snyder | Hamilton elementary school - concerned parent | individual |
dan white | public schools | |
Dana Montes | TCUSD3 | Citizens for Education |
Dana Rossini Rogers | Edenhurst studio and srog gallery | |
Daniel anderson | Chicago public schools | |
Daniel McDermit | Hamilton Action Team | Individual |
Darcey Regan | individual | Darcey Regan |
Darin L Brandt | Sandoval CUSD 501 | |
Darlene Yoder | District 100 | The children of Berwyn IL District 100 |
Darren Grafton | Sandoval High School | Individual |
Dave Moss | Vandalia school district | Vandalia school district |
David Bradley | Stylecraft LLC | Individual |
David Brummer | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Public Schools |
David Diepenbrock | Hawthorne Scholastic Academy | Individual |
David Earnhart | Individual | |
David Hays | Self | |
David Lett | Pana CUSD 8 | |
David Luce | Household | Individual |
David Osta | ILEE | ILEE |
David Salsedo | Covenant Presbyterian Church of Chicago | Individual |
Dawn Kulich | Chicago Public Schools | Hamilton Eldmentary |
Dawn Waarich | u46 | U-46 |
DEANNA HENSHAW | Individual | Harrisburg Unit 3 Schools |
Deb Mirabelli | Berwyn South District 100 | |
Debbie Chafee | North Palos District 117 | North Palos District 117 |
Debbie McGowan | Individual | Individual |
Debbie Strachan | Individual | Individual |
Debi Williams | Harrisburg 3 school district | |
Deborah Groark | NPSD117 | |
Deborah Payleitner | parent | parent |
Deborah Reichmann | Indiana University | ILEE |
Debra Abney | Individual | |
Debra Warfel | Amanda Charter School | |
Deeanna Stalets | Select... | individual |
Denise Buino | Individual | |
Denise Mathews | U-46 | U-46 |
Dennis Atteberry | TCUSD3 and Citizen for education | TCUSD3 and Citizens for Education |
Dennis Pastor | Hancor, Inc. | |
Derek Harlan | Individual | |
Derrek Hoene | Vandalia District 203 | Vandalia District 203 |
Diana Rodriguez | individual | individual |
Diane Fritch | Centralia High School | Centralia High School |
Dick Lockhart | Social Engineering | Retired Teachers Association of Chicago |
Didi Swartz | Individual | |
Don Ford | ccs135 | Donald A Ford |
Donna Goldman | none | |
Donna Hitpas | Mascoutah School District 19 | Individual |
Donna Whalley | na | |
Donya Jett | Sandoval CUSD 501 | Marion County |
Doreen Azat | Milo's Pizza & Pasta | Kelly Schroeder |
Doug Forbes | Vandalia Community Schools | |
Doug Jack | Centralia High School | |
Dr Sharon Desmoulin Kherat | Peoria Public Schools | Peoria Public Schools |
Duane Crenshaw | Fete Business Group | Individual |
Ed Fletcher | Monmouth-Roseville School District | Monmouth-Roseville School District |
Ehren Jarrett | Rockford Public Schools | Rockford Public Schools, DIstrict #205 |
Eileen murphy | Thinkcerca | Individual |
Ekaterina Bitkin | individual | individual |
Elda Diaz | Stay at home parent | |
Eliina Viele-Pritzker | Does not apply | Individual |
Elisa Biancalana | U46 | |
Elisha Brandes | Chicago Public Schools | Individual |
Elissa Klein | Taxpayer | |
Eliza C Kim | Chicago Public Schools | Individual |
Elizabeth Cavanaugh | Parental Units | Individual |
ELIZABETH CONRAN | The Menta Group | The Menta Group |
Elizabeth Dawe | Unit 3 Schools | |
Elizabeth Frothingham | Westside Primary | |
Elizabeth Frothingham | Westside Primary | Individual |
Elizabeth Fukawa | Ravenswood Fellowship United Methodist Church | |
Elizabeth Hails | Harrisburg CUSD 3 | Individual |
Elizabeth K Busch | Chicago Public Schools employee | Individual |
Elizabeth Ma | SD U-46 | SD U-46 |
Elizabeth Pilcher | Harrisburg unit 3 schools | |
Elizabeth S Schumacher | 3rd Coast PR | |
Elizabeth Sturrock | Individual | Raise Your Hand |
Elizabeth Vincent | Taylorville CUSD3 | Taylorville CUSD#3 |
Elizabeth Warwick | CPS | |
Ella Chafee | North Palos School District 117 | |
Ellen Le Grand | Intouch Solutions | Better funding for better schools SB231 |
Ellen Moiani | Illinois for Educational Equity | Illinois for Educational Equity |
Elsa Carrillo | Berwyn south school district | Berwyn south school district |
Elyse Baylis | Self | |
Emilie Heald | East Moline School District | East Moline School District 37 |
Emily Casey | Stay at home parent | Individual |
Emma Hernandez | Hamilton Elementary | Individual |
Emma Wilson | individual | Individual |
Eric Banu | Individual | |
Eric Huffman | Individual | |
Eric Lux | Vandalia CUSD 203 | |
Eric Runyan | Chicago Public Schools | |
Erica Austin | Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. -Nu Omicron Omega | Member |
Erica Austin | University of Illinois Extension-4H | 4-H |
Erica Johnson | U-46 | U-46 |
Erica Lauf | Chicago Parents | |
Erin | Vandalia Community Unit School District 203 | Vandalia School District 203 |
Erin Jackle | Self | School District U-46 |
Erin Maliszewski | individual | Chicago Public Schools |
Erin Sanders | Individual | Individual |
Erin Taylor | Individual | |
Eva Christensen | Individual | Individual |
Eva Reynoso | Komensky Elementary School, Berwyn South District 100 | Individual |
Evan Makela | Individual | Individual |
Evelyn Gay | East Moline School District 37 | East Moline School District 37 |
Falguni Shah | None | |
Farideh Dehkordi-Vakil | Western Illinois University | |
Fawn Ames | Taylorville Community School District 3 | Individual |
Franziska Weber | - | |
Fred Krueger | Parent | |
Fredda Cox | Harrisburg Schools | |
Gabe Angelly | Harrisburg Schools | Individual |
Gabriel Palomo | Maestros Ventures, LLC | Individual |
Garrick Balk | Self | Self |
Gary Ade | Pana Community Unit School District No. 8 | Pana Community Unit School District #8 |
Gary Ade | Pana High School | |
Gary Haupt | Grandparent | Grandparent |
Gayle McRoberts | Pana High School | |
George M Proano | Chicago Public Schools | |
Gerri Persin | cps parent | |
Giannina Berrios | Self employed | |
Gillian Barr | Above and Beyond | |
Glenda Hall | Public School | |
Glenn Good | Individual | |
Gloria L Hess | Independent Contractor, Self-Employed | Individual |
Grace Gallegos | Farragut Career Academy | |
Grace Hawk | Freelance | |
Grant Livingston | individual | individual |
Greg Anderson | Citizen | Individual |
Greg Langley | Harrisburg High School | Harrisburg Unit 3 School District |
Gregg Fuerstenau | TCUSD 3 | |
Gregory Petersen | Individual | Individual |
Gregory Smith | West Aurora School Dsitrict | Parents of West Aurora School District |
Greta Krueger | Individual | |
Griselda Zarate | McCormick Place | |
Gwen Peebles | Advance IL | Advance IL |
Gwendolyn Polk | Waukegan Community Unit School District 60 | Waukegan Community Unit School District 60 |
Hala Harb | family | individual |
Hang Nguyen Becker | CPS | CPS |
hannah Drake | Harrisburg CUSD 3 | Harrisburg CUSD 3 |
Hannah Naas Drake | Harrisburg CUSD 3 | Harrisburg CUSD 3 |
Heath Strom | Pana cusd | |
Heather Banu | Hamilton Elementary | |
Heather Cox | Harrisburg High School | |
Heather Day | Sandoval unit 501 | Sandoval unit 501 |
Heather Earnhart | Individual | |
Heather Fodor | self | individual |
Heather Mathews | Resident of school district u-46 | School district u-46 parent |
Heather Phillips | Pana CUSD No. 8 | Individual |
Heather Strom | Pana Unit 8 | Pana Unit 8 |
Heather Swenson | Belding School | Better Funding Better Schools |
Heather Yutzy | Belding Elementary- Chicago Public Schools | Belding Elementary |
Heidi Carder | Harrisburg CUSD 3 | |
Heidi Gottschalk | Parent | |
Heidi L Durbin | Taylorville School District | Individual |
Heidi Lensing | Ridgewood Elementary School | East Moline School District 37 |
Heidi Moore | Individual | CPS parent |
Helaine Krysik | N A | Individual |
Hilary Ford | Harrisburg High School | Harrisburg high school |
Holly Borowski | 1965 | Individual |
Holly Kohli | hamilton family member | Individual |
Hope Chafee | none | |
Hsuan-min Chou | Individual | |
Hugo Magliocco | Faith Coalition for the Common Good | Faith Coalition for the Common Good |
Ian Chafee | North Palos District 117 | North Palos District 117 |
Ian Stone | Chicago Public Schools | Individual |
Irene Escobar | Individual | Na |
Iva Turner | Providence Englewood Charter School | |
Ivannia Daniels | Harrisburg High School | |
Jaclyn Daniels | Vandalia Unit School District 203 | Individual |
Jacqueline Foil | Year | Taylorville Junior High |
Jacquelyn Medina | CPS | |
Jaime Herrera | individual | |
James Groark | North Palos School District 117 | |
James Holzer | Centralia High School | |
James K Goltz | NA | NA |
James Mitchem | Valley View School District 365U | Valley View School District 365U |
James Redican | Lurie Childrens Hospital | Individual |
Jamie Butler | PTA member | Individual |
Jamie Garrett | Taylorville School District | Individual |
Jamie Harrison | TruVision Health | |
Jamie L Brandt | Illinois Real Estate Services, Inc. | Individual |
Jane Bagus | Berwyn South school District 100 | |
Jane Sechrest | Harrisburg Community Unit District 3 | |
Janet Fuller | Self-employed | Individual |
Janet Hughes | Harrisburg High School | Individual |
Janet Kensil | Taylorville Community Unit School District 3 | |
Janet Kensil | TCUSD 3 | |
Janet Pavlik | Hawthorne Scholastic Academy | |
Janice Hrabak | Pana School District | Pana Educational Association |
janice welsch | Individual | |
Jared Wolf | Pana High School | Inidividual |
Jason Clay | Vandalia Community Schools | |
Jason Colturi | NORR Architects | Individual |
Jason Cutler | West Monroe Partners | Individual |
Jason Roper | Individual | Individual |
Jay Smith | citizen | |
Jay Streicher | Somonauk CUSD 432 | Somonauk CUSD 432 |
Jay Thompson | Unit 3 School District | |
Jaylee Underwood | East Moline School District | East Moline School District #37 |
Jean Ninmer | Taylorville Community Unit School District 3 | |
Jeanette DuBay-McDermit | self | CPS |
Jeanne Gockenbach | self | |
Jeannie Stachowiak | NPD117 | |
Jeb odam | Taylorville community unit school district 3 | Taylorville high school |
Jeff Bragg | Otter Creek School | Otter Creek School |
Jeff Craig | West Aurora School District 129 | West Aurora Schools |
Jeff Day | Sandoval unit 501 | Sandoval unit 501 |
Jeff Filippelli | Osterman & Co. | Individual |
Jeff Gray | BNSF | Sandoval CUSD 501 |
Jeff Strieker | Litchfield CUSD 12 | |
Jeffery Harrell | none | Individual |
Jeffrey Drake | Harrisburg CUSD 3 | Harrisburg CUSD 3 |
jen faust | individual | |
Jenna Rich | Vandalia High school | |
Jennifer Rothkopf MD | Jennifer Rothkopf, MD, SC | Individual |
Jennifer E Chromy | HAT - Hamilton Action Team | HAT - Hamilton Action Team |
Jennifer fuddy | Individual | Individual |
Jennifer Garrison | Sandoval CUSD 501 | Sandoval CUSD 501 |
Jennifer Gordon | Individual | |
Jennifer hodge | Sandoval elementary | Sandoval schools |
Jennifer Holthaus | Pana | Pana CUSD #8 |
Jennifer Husbands | Schools That Can Chicago | Individual |
Jennifer Irvin | Harrisburg Unit 3 | Harrisburg Unit #3 Schools |
Jennifer Lamb-Hetherington | Individual | CPS |
Jennifer Lee | ILEE | ILEE |
Jennifer Lehotsky | Berwyn South District 100 | Individual |
Jennifer May | VIACOM | |
Jennifer Mitchell | Holistic Divorce Resolution, Inc. | Individual |
Jennifer Ronan | Chicago Public Schools | individual |
Jennifer Rothke | Individual | |
Jennifer Shroder | Self | My family |
Jennifer Toomey | Individual | Individual |
Jennifer Vyncke | East Moline School District 37 | East moline School District 37 |
JENNIFER WISE | Taylorville School District | Taylorville School District |
Jenny Dempster | Individual | |
Jenny Moats | Citizens For Education | Citizens for Education |
Jeremy Barter | Hcusd 3 | Individual |
Jeremy Dunn | parent | Individual |
Jeremy Jett | Sandoval CUSD 501 | Marion County |
Jeremy Majeski | Berwyn South School District 100 | Berwyn South School District 100 |
Jess Schroeder | Protech Associates | Individual |
Jessica Eckard | Vandalia Community School District 203 | Vandalia Community District 203 |
Jessica Handy | Stand for Children | Stand for Children |
Jessica Lingertat | NA | |
Jessica Miller | Pana CUSD 8 | Pana Citizens for Education |
Jessica Zander | ILEE | ILEE |
Jill Gottfred | LEE | individual |
Jill Jewell | Vandalia Community Unit School District 203 | Vandalia Community School District 203 |
Jill Rorem | Individual | |
Jill Roselieb | East Moline School District 37 | |
Jill Ryan | East Moline School District | East Moline School District 37 |
Jim Adamson | East Moline Schools | East Moline Schools |
Jim Moats | Citizens for education | |
Jina Anderson | Citizen | Individual |
Joann Snelling | East Moline School District | |
JoAnna Griffiths | TCUSD3 | Taylorville Community School District #3 |
Joanna Sharp | U-46 | U-46 |
Joanne Oyer | Coonley Elementary School | Chicago Public Schools |
Jocelyn Song | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Public School students and educators |
Jodi Lacy | Citizen | CPS paren |
jodie zeitler | 1970 | Individual |
Jody Hay | Pana Community School District | Pana CUSD #8 Pana Educational Assoc. |
Jody Johnson | Pana CUSD8 | Individual |
Jody Stepnowski | School District U-46 | School District U-46 |
Joe Hill | Taylorville Schools | Joe Hill |
Joe Lawson | Vandalia community school | |
Joe Thompson | Harrisburg Community Unit District 3 | Harrisburg Unit District 3 |
Joey L Daniken | Vandalia Community High School | |
John Adams | The Boss Group II, Inc. | Individual |
John Crabb | Harrisburg CUSD 3 | |
John Hurd | Harrisburg Community Unit School District 3 | Individual |
John LeVault | Breeze Courier | |
John M Yundt | PPG Industries | In Support of Better Funding for Better Schools - SB231 |
John Tschoe | Individual | Individual |
Johni Beal | Harrisburg High School | Individual |
Johnna Vincent | TCUSD 3 | Individual |
Jon Livingston | individual | individual |
Jon Schmidt | Raise Your Hand Coalition | Raise Your Hand |
Jonathan Chaparro | Noble Network of Charter Schools | Noble Network of Charter Schools |
Jonathan Doster | Ounce of Prevention | Ounce of Prevention |
Joni Saulsberry | Harrisburg Hogg School | |
Josefina Melendez | Elgin High School | Elgin High School |
Joseph Corcoran | School District U-46 | |
Joseph Fulham | Hawthorne Academy | Individual |
Joseph H Eby | Faith Coalition for the Common Good | Faith Coalition for the Common Good |
Joseph Mirabelli | Individual | |
Josh Allen | Harrisburg unit 3 schools | Harrisburg Unit #3 schools |
Josh Hetherington | Family | |
Joshua Cauhorn | NA | ILEE |
Joshua Kaufmann | Teach Plus Chicago | Teach Plus Chicago |
Joslyn Williamson | Taylorville CUSD 3 | |
Joy Masada | self | |
Judy Scherzer | Pana Community Unit School District | Pana Community Unit School District #8 |
Judy Schramm | Pana CUSD 8 | Pana CUSD 8 |
Juletta Ellis | Pana CUSD 8 | |
Julie Ann Ullrich | Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises | Individual |
Julie Brennan | Na | Self |
Julie Fulton | Tax Payer | |
Julie Goding | Dough Dough Bird Baking Company | Individual |
Julie Han | Individual | |
Julie Lay | Vandalia Community High School | Vandalia Community School District 203 |
Julie LeBeane | Taylorville CUSD 3 | |
Julie Lessin | Glenview Middle School | East Moline School District 37 |
Julie Leston | u-46. Willard Elementary | |
Julie Martin | Harrisburg unit 3 schools | Harrisburg unit 3 schools |
Julie McRoy | East Side School | Individual |
Julie Simon | Hamilton Elementary School | Hamilton Elementary School Chicago |
Julie Snyder | Hamilton Elementary School, Chicago Public School | individual |
Julie Tidwell | Self | Self |
Julie Weber | Parent | Individual |
Julie Wollerman | Regional Office of Education 33 | ROE 3 |
Justan Mann | Citizen | Citizen |
Justin Pitts | 1989 | Rowe-Clark Math & Science Academy |
Kara Crayne | Harrisburg High School | Individual |
Kara Johnson | East Moline School District 37 | East Moline School District 37 |
Karen Cushing | Chicago Public Schools | Individual |
Karen Fox | School District U-46 | School District U-46 |
Karen Kuntzman | Taylorville CUSD3 | |
Karen Luce | Household | Individual |
Karen Miley | Individual | |
Karen Moss | Vandalia CUSD 203 | Vandalia CUSD 203 |
Karen Plumley | Individual | |
Karen Schopf | Self | Individual |
Kari Hagy | Vandalia Jr High | |
Kari Uddin | None | |
Karin Alfaro | Saint Ignatius College Prep | Hawthorne Scholastic Academy |
Karin McGaw | Protech Assoc. | Individual |
Karla Koenig | Taylorville High School | Taylorville CUSD 3 |
Karyn McGroarty | none | individual |
Kashyap Muthuraman | Parent | Individual |
Kate Beazley | independent | individual |
Kate Bookhout | Birth to three program | Individual from Marion county |
Kate Burns | Kate Burns VO | Individual |
Katelyn Bandy | Taylorville School District | |
Katherine Romano | None | U-46 |
Kathleen Feeney | Chicago Public Schools | |
Kathleen Hayes | Individual | Self |
Kathleen Kopps Rigali | Individual | Individual |
Kathryn Andrews | Hamilton Elementary | |
Kathryn Foltz | Frederick County Public Schools | |
Kathryn Foltz | Frederick County Public Schools | Kelly Schroeder |
Kathryn Gallagher | St. Mary's Catholic School | Individual |
Kathryn Swanson | East Moline School District 37 | East Moline School District 37 |
kathy donnelly | CCS 135 | |
Katie Konieczny | Oscar Mayer magnet school | Oscar Mayer magnet school |
Katrina Hanke | Vandalia 203 1109 N 8th Street Vandalia Illinois 62471 | Vandalia Community Schools |
Katrina Johnson | Centralia High School | Individual |
Kay Medley | Pana Unit 8 School District | Pana Unit #8 School District |
Kayla Basil | Taylorville School District | Taylorville School District |
Kayla Oyler | Taylorville School District | Individual |
Keely Flynn Schoeny | Hamilton Elementary School | Individual |
Keith Thompson | Parent | |
Kelly Jones | Vandalia | |
Kelly M Shermach | Individual | |
Kelly McKee | Stonington Grade School | |
Kelly OBrien | School District U-46 | |
Kelly Schroeder | Chicago Public Schools | Individual |
Kelly Wren | School District | Individual |
Kelsey Webb | Individual | Individual |
Kenneth Arndt | U-46 | |
Kenton Kodner | Norgia | Individual |
Keri Garrett | Ciitizen | Individual |
Keri Mateer | Citizens for Education | |
Kerrie Rovito | Hamilton Elementary School | Chicago Public Schools |
Ketra Lashley-Easley | Individual | Individual1 |
Kevin Drost | Household | Individual |
Kevin Hooper | Resident | ILEE |
Kevin Jackson | Vandalia Community Schools | Vandalia Community School District 203 |
Kevin McGroarty | Gold Leaf Design Group | Individual |
Kevin rench | Centralia high scholl | |
Kim Dennison | Harrisburg School District | Individual |
Kim Myers | Wells Elementary School | East Moline School District 37 |
Kim Porter | Taylorville High School | |
Kim Well | Vandalia | |
Kim Williams | Harrisburg Community Unit 3 | Individual |
Kimberly Hahnenkamp | Pana Unit 8 | |
Kimberly Davis | Harrisburg CUSD 3 | Harrisburg CUSD#3 |
Kimberly Mendoza | CPS | Chicago Public Schools |
Kimberly Samford | Samford Residence | Individual |
Kimberly Wolf | Decatur Memorial Hospital | Individual |
Kira Palmer | Individual | Individual |
Kirby Albers | Centralia High School | Individual |
Kris Reichmann | Partners4Ed, Inc | ILEE |
Kris Sottardi | Hamilton Elementary | Individual |
Krista Bowers Sharpe | Western Illinois University | Individual |
Kristen A Irwin | Loyola University Chicago | Individual |
Kristin Humphries | East Moline School District 37 | East Moline School District #37 |
Kristina Docherty | East Moline school district | East Moline School District #37 |
Kristina Guiney | Community member | U-46 |
Krystal Wilson | Harrisburg CUSD 3 | |
Kyle Anderson | Pana-Parent | Individual |
Kyle Foltz | Active Physical Therapy | Kelly Schroeder |
Kyle McGowan | Individual | Individual |
Kym Hughes | Individual | |
Lacey Wieseman | Concerned citizen | |
LaDonna Whitlock | Harrisburg CUSD 3 | |
LaNette Proctor | Harrisburg Community Unit District 3 | Harrisburg Community Unit District #3 |
Larry Bury | self | U-46 parent |
Larry Emerick | Vandalia School District | Vandalia School District |
Larry Gallagher | United Congregations of Metro East | United Congregations of Metro East |
Larry Perez | . | individual |
Laura Farr | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Public Schools |
Laura Pinsof | Families Together Cooperative Nursery School | |
Laura V Broberg | CPS | Individual |
Lauren Gillman | Hawthorne Scholastic Academy | Individual |
Lauren Slanker | Freedom Middle School | |
Laurie Pappenfuss | Individual | |
Laurie White | Memorial Elementary School | |
Lea Anderson | Citizen | Individual |
Leanne M Bales | Sandoval 501 | |
Lee Mateer | Taylorville High School | individual |
Libby Levandoski | individual | individual |
Libby Towle Arredondo | HCUSD 3 | |
Lily Johnson | Harrisburg Middle School | |
Linda Brissenden | Sandoval CUSD 501 | Sandoval CUSD 501 |
Linda Chastain | individual | individual |
Linda Frost | TCUSD3 | |
Linda Krei | individual | individual |
Linda Matthews | Harrisburg CUSD 3 | Individual |
Linda Rohaly | Belding school | Linda rohaly |
Linda Scham | none | U-46 School District |
Lindsay Dunn | HCUD | |
Lindsay Hulliberger | Barnes & Thornburg LLP | Individual |
Lindsey Becker | None | |
Lindsey Jackson | East Moline School District 37 | East Moline School District 37 |
Lindsey Massey | Stonington Elementary School TCUSD 3 | Taylorville Community Unit School District |
Lindsey Witherspoon | West Side Primary School, Harrisburg Unit 3 School District | |
Lisa Bergbreiter | 1972 | 1972 |
Lisa Betsworth | Year | East Moline District 37 |
Lisa Eden | Delightful Desserts | |
Lisa Hernandez | Hamilton Elementary | Individual |
Lisa K Hopp | community member | |
Lisa Mayhall | Pana Junior High School | |
Lisa Mendell | None | |
Lisa Mishkin | Lisa & Ross Mishkin | Lisa Mishkin |
Lisa Ozment | individual | Individual |
Lisa Polderman | Individual | |
Lisa Robbins | Vandalia school district | Individual |
Lisa Stran | Lisa Stran Inc | Individual |
Lisa White | U-46 school district parent | |
Liz Goss | Individual | |
Logan Dye | Sandoval CUSD 501 | Sandoval CUSD 501 |
Lois Mondt | Individual | Individual |
Lois Thiessen Love | Inidividaul | Individual |
Lori Ade | Pana Community Unit School District No. 8 | Pana Community Unit School District #8 |
Lori Baker-Sperry | xx | INDIVIDUAL |
Lori Berkes-Nelson | Individual. | |
Lori McClusky | HCUSD 3 | Teachers |
Lori Meseke | Vandalia CUSD 203 | |
Lori Oyler | Taylorville Community School District 3 | |
Lori Porter | Individual | |
Lori Turner | LEE | ILEE |
Lori Wemple | Individual | |
Lori Willhite | East Moline School District 37 | East Moline School District 37 |
Louis A Kerr | Harrisburg Unit 3 | Harrisburg Unit 3 |
LuAnn Little | Harrisburg Unit 3 Schools | |
Luke B Lewandowski | consulting | Individual |
Luz Ramirez | LULAC IL Education Council 5238 | Individual |
Lynell Slaybaugh | Taylorville CUSD3 | Individual |
Lynn Rice | TCUSD3 | Individual |
Lynn Robben | Centralia Junior High School | Centralia Junior High School |
Maggie Rivera | LULAC council 5260 | LULAC of Illinois District 2 (all suburbs outside Chicago) |
Maguire Smith | West Aurora School Dsitrict | Students of West Aurora School District |
Malley Smih | West Aurora School Dsitrict | Alumni of West Aurora School District |
Mamie Cosey | parent | Individual |
Mandi Austin | Individual | Individual |
Manisha Kimmel | Individual | |
Marc Cockerill | Individual | Individual |
Marc Henshaw | Harrisburg Illinois School District | Harrisburg Unit #3 School District |
Marcia May | None | |
Marcie M Crespo | Self | Individual |
Marcie Marzullo-Bertelsman | Elgin U-46 | Elgin U-46 |
Marcus Questelle | Harrisburg CUSD 3 | Individual |
Margaret Sutor | Individual | |
Margaret Walsh | Chicago Public School | individual |
Margo Wagoner | Taylorville School District | Individual |
Maria Antoinette Spinner | Taylorville Community Unit School District 3 | Citizens for Education |
Maria Dunstan | Western Illinois University | Individual |
Maria McGloin | Hawthorne school parent | |
Maria Pradd | none | |
Marianna Pellinghelli | Taylorville Community Unit School District | Individual |
Maribel Galvez | Berwyn South School District 100 | Individual |
Maribeth detmer | Sandoval comm district 501 | Sandoval comm district 50q |
Maribeth detmer | Sandoval comm district 501 | Sandoval comm district 50q |
Marie White | Midwives Alliance of North America | Individual |
Marilyn Mcmanus | Berwyn South School District | school children in the state |
Mariola Pik | Belding Elementary School | |
Marisa Lewandowski | individual | |
Marisol Negorn | Chicago Public Schools | |
Mark Behee | LaSalle II School PTO | |
Mark Doan | Effingham School District | Effingham Unit #40 |
Mark Ribbens | School District U 46 | School District U 46 |
Mark Wagner | Citizens for Education | Citizens for Education |
Mark Wilhelm | Ordained Minister | Individual |
marni nissen | individual | |
Mars April Caulton | Mary Crane Center | Mary Crane Center |
MARSHA BYAS | HCUD 3 | Students of Southern Illinois |
Martha Klems | Individual | |
Martie Evans | Hamilton elementary | Individual |
Martin Bentley | George Washington High School | George Washington High School |
Martin Diaz | Clancey Co. | |
Martin Torres | Latino Policy Forum | Latino Policy Forum |
Marty | 60123 | |
Mary Ann Fergus | School District U-46 | School District U-46 |
Mary Fukawa | Individual | 1980 |
Mary Grigar | Roosevelt University | |
Mary Havis | Berwyn South School District 100 | |
Mary Jones | Pana Schools | |
Mary K Lange | Individual | Individual |
Mary Peterson | EMSD 37 | East Moline School District |
Marybeth DeLaMar | Schoo District U-46 | |
Matt Dannaman | individual | |
Matt Miller | Citizens for education | |
Matt Spiegel | MedaLink | Individual |
Matthew B Hovey | Self | Self |
Matthew Corso | Individual | Individual |
Matthew F Becker | Self | Individual |
Matthew Hutchison | Taylorville High School | |
Matthew McCabe | Stricklin & Associates | Noble Network of Charter Schools |
Maura Moss | Vandalia CUSD 203 | Vandalia CUSD |
Maura Nugent | CPS | |
Maura Robbins | CPS | CPS |
Maurine Magliocco | Faith Coalition for the Common Good | Faith Coalition for the Common Good |
Megan DuBois | EMSD37 | East Moline School District #37 |
Megan Lemonds | Harrisburg Unit 3 school district | Individual |
Megan Tanner | Taylorville High School | CREATE, TEA |
Meghan Brewer | Chicago Public Schools | Individual |
Meghan Condon | DePaul University | Individual |
Meghan Henry | EMSD | East Moline School District #37 |
Meghan Sovell | Chicago Public Schools | |
Melanie Aronson | Hamilton Elementary | Individual |
Melanie Bolton | Sandoval ELEMENTARY | Sandoval ELEMENTARY |
Melanie Brown | None | |
Melanie Dix | Individual | Individual |
Melanie Meidel | School District U-46 | |
Melanie Rawlins | Retired | Individual |
Melinda Barton | Individual | Individual |
Melinda Johnston | Individual | Individual |
Melinda Wolf | Westside Primary | Individual |
Melisa | individual | individual |
Melissa Alberssen | Taylorville Junior High | Individual |
Melissa Ann Williams | Taylorville Community Unit School District 3 | Taylorville Education Association (TEA) |
Melissa Belt | Harrisburg Community School District | |
Melissa Mitchell | Federation for Community Schools | Federation for Community Schools |
Melissa Owens | Parent | School District U-46 |
Melissa Reeter | Na | |
Melissa Richlen | The MacArthur Foundation | I am a parent of two Hawthorne Scholastic Academy students |
Melissa Schlau | Sandoval school district 501 | Sandoval school district 501 |
Melissa Skweres | Individual | Individual |
Melissa Stocks | Taylorville School District | |
Melissa Sturgeon | Jacob Beidler Elementary School | |
Meredith Kroot | Bell school parents | Bell school students |
Michael Alberssen | Taylorville High School | Individual |
Michael Asplund | East Moline School District 37 | East Moline School District 37 |
Michael Boglino | Harrisburg Middle School | individual |
Michael Lampe | United Congregations of Metro-East | |
Michael Lange | Individual | Individual |
Michael Lingertat | NA | |
Michael Popp | East Aurora School District 131 | East Aurora School District 131 |
Michael Reiss Butz | Chicago Taxpayer | |
Michael Ryan | East Moline School District | East Moline School District 37 |
Michael Saracini | Berwyn South School District 100 | |
Michael Saracini | Freedom Middle School | |
Michael Schuba | Schubas | Individual |
Michele Way | Harrisburg CUSD 3 | Individual |
Michelle Adelstein | Individual | Individual |
Michelle Heideman | Faith Coalition for the Common Good | |
Michelle Hughes | Harrisburg Unit 3 | Harrisburg Unit 3 |
Michelle Kelly | Individual | Individual |
Michelle Ketcham | SHERIDAN CONTRACT | |
Michelle Landreth | Sandoval CUSD 501 | |
Michelle McNary | Vandalia Community Schools | IndividualL |
Michelle Okuno | Individual | |
Michelle Pulce | Faith Coalition for the Common Good | |
Mika Hulliberger | Self | |
Mike Blaha | None | Individual |
Mike Foster | Citizens for education | |
Mike Garrison | Parent | Parent |
Mike Gauch | Harrisburg School District | Harrisburg Unit #3 schools |
Mike Springer | Individuals | Mike Springer and Debi Lilly |
Mindy Allen James | Sandoval High School | |
Mollie Morrison | Taylorville School District | Individual |
Molly Stewart | Individual | Individual |
Monica Byrd | HSA | HSA LSC |
Myisha Shields | Catalyst Maria Charter School | |
Nancy Chlumsky | Hiawatha Elementary School | |
Nancy colbrook | Taylorville school district parent | Citizens for equal funding for schools |
Nancy D Solomon | Nancy Solomon & Associates Inc | |
Nancy Ganci | Memorial Elementary School | Memorial Elementary School |
Nancy Langenfeld | Centralia City Schools Centralia | Individual |
Nancy Razon | LULAC of Belvidere 5303 | LULAC of Belvidere |
Nancy Shier | None | |
Nancy Williams | Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra | Individual |
Natalie Sheedy | individual | |
Natalie Slater | I Heart Foods | |
Nathan Earnest | Home Owner | Individual - Home Owner |
Nathan Lampe | United Congregations of Metro-East | United Congregations of Metro-East |
Nathan Pietrini | Chicago Public Schools | Hawthorne Scholastic Academy, Chicago Public Schools |
Neil Vincent | DePaul University | |
Nia Odeoti-Hassan | Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. | Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority |
Niccole Stewart | Harrisburg Middle School | |
Nick James | Harrisburg High School | |
Nick Macri | Old Town School of Folk Music and Hamilton Elementary School | |
Nicole Vega | Berwyn South School District | Individual |
Nicolette Campabello | Berwyn South School District | |
Nikki Brubaker | Sandoval Jr. - Sr. High School | |
Nina Elliot | Ten35 | Individual |
Nina Xoomsai | not aplicable | |
Nish Shah | Cps | Cps parents |
Noe Velazquez | Parent | U-46 |
Nora Curry | Na | |
Norman Betts | Harrisburg school district | |
Orren Wilson | individual | indidvidual |
Paige Nilson | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Public Schools |
Paige Ponder | One Million Degrees | Individual |
Paisley Peterson | Parent, tax payer | Parent, tax payer |
Pam Plunkett | Harrisburg CUSD 3 | Harrisburg CUSD#3 |
Pam Witmer | Illinois Network of Charter Schools | Illinois Network of Charter Schools |
Pamela Hartwig | Taylorville School District | Taylorville School District |
Pamela L Mitchell | Individual | Individual |
Pastor Robert Jones | John Divine Missionary Baptist Church | United Congregations of Metro East |
Pastor Norma Patterson | Good Shepherd of Faith UCC | United Congregations of Metro East |
Pat Klinge | East Moline School District 37 & Moline School District 40 | East Moline School District 37 & Moline School District 40 |
Patricia A Davis | Teacher | |
Patricia A Langley | Private Citizen | |
Patricia A Rownd | Chicago Public Schools | |
Patricia Crosby | NTA | Individual |
Patricia Smithpeters | Harrisburg High School | |
Patricia Smithpeters | Harrisburg unit 3 | Individual |
Patrick Versluis | East moline schools | |
Patrina Singleton | CPS | |
Patti Collins | West Side School | individual |
Paul Donahue | Pana School District | |
Paul Donahue | Pana School District | |
Paul Held | Taylorville High School | Individual |
Paul Hitterman | Individual | |
Paul Lauff | Pana CUSD 8 | Pana CUSD #8 |
Paul P Lopez | Whole Foods | Individual |
Paula Brown | Taylorville CUSD3 | |
Paula D Hess | Hamilton Elementary | |
Paula Manar | None | |
Pegeen McGhan | Chicago Public Schools | Individual, concerned parent |
Penny King | Taylorville Community School District 3 | Taylorville Community School District #3 |
Peter Beerdeke | Bild Innovative Technology LLC | Belding Elementary School |
Peter Magliocco | Individual | |
Peter Wilhelm | individual | individual |
Petter Wahlback | Citizen | Individual |
Philip Novello | U-46 | U-46 |
Phyllis Bango | Representation | Individual |
Phyllis c self | Individual | Individual |
Presley Gauch | student | individual |
Rachael Philbin | Individual | Rachael Philbin |
Rachel Azzarello | Parent | The Public School Children |
Rachel Crowl | Chicago Public Schools | |
Rachel Harley | KIPP Chicago | KIPP Chicago |
Rachel Manthe | East Moline School District | East Moline School District 37 |
Rachel Salsedo | DePaul University | Individual |
Rachel Willenborg | Vandalia High School | Vandalia High School |
Racine Freeman | Faith Coalition For The Common Good | Faith Coalition For The Common Good |
Rae Ann Gore | Sandoval CUSD 501 | Sandoval CUSD 501 |
Raechel Ferry-Rooney | None | |
Rakisha Sloane | ILEE | ILEE |
Ralph C Merten | Sandoval CUSD 501 | supporting sandoval CUSD 501 boad of education |
Ramona DeMille | Individual | Individual |
Randel B Josserand | Individual | |
Randy Smithpeters | Harrisburg high school | Individual |
Raul Sanchez | Lulac Illinois Council 5238 | Latino communities in illinois on education issues to provide quality education for all students to succeed. |
Raymond Sheedy | Merrill Lynch | Individual |
Rebecca Arndt | Unit 203 | |
Rebecca Bierbaum | Alton Area Cluster - United Congregations of Metro-East | Alton Area Cluster - United Congregations of Metro-East |
Rebecca Bierbaum | Individual | Individual |
Rebecca Brown | East Moline School District 37 | EMSD37 |
Rebecca Hendrickson | Individual | Individual |
Rebecca Larson | Individual | Individual |
Rebecca Lavin | Hawthorne Scholastic Academy | |
Rebecca Skillette | Centralia High School | Indiviual |
Regan Borman | East Moline School District 37 | East Moline School District 37 |
Regina Crespo | Larsen Middle School | |
Regina Hilbert | Pana Unit 8 School District | Pana Unit 8 School District |
Remie A Williams | Chicago Public Schools | Individual |
Rena Wils | Glenview Middle School | East Moline School District 37 |
Rene E Kudlinski Baltudis | CPS | Individual |
Renee Brown | Taylorville School District 3 | |
Renee Whightsil | Vandalia Community Unit Schools | |
Renee Williams | Individual | Individual |
Rev Jeffery Welch | First United Presbyterian Church | United Congregations of Metro East |
Rev Jerome Rogers Sr | Shining Light Missionary Baptist Church | United Congregations of Metro East |
Reva Nelson | Reva Communications | Individaul |
Rhoda Dudra | Pana CUSD 8 | |
Rhonda L Benjamin | Sandoval CUSD 501 | |
Rhonda Petersen | Individual | Individual |
Rich Well | Vandalia School District | Vandalia |
Richard Dwyer | Harrisburg | |
Richard Dwyer | Harrisburg unit 3 | |
Richard E Bryan | Individual | Individual |
Richard L Clark | EMSD 37 | individual |
Richard S Martin | individual | individual |
Richard W Jacobs | East Moline School District 37 | East Moline School District 37 |
Richard white | Taylorville home source | Citizens for education |
Richie Well III | Vandalia | Vandalia |
Rick Champley | Pages Body Shop | |
Ricky wilmoth | Sandoval district 501 | |
Rina Jorgensen | Individual | Individual |
Rita griffith | Harrisburg school district | Harrisburg school district |
Rita J Prather | Harrisburg Unit 3 | Harrisburg Unit #3 |
Rita Weber | Fox Meadow Elementary School District U-46 | |
Riva Feshbach | Individual | Self and my school age son. |
Rob Myers | Cintas | East Moline School District 37 |
Robbyn Stocking | individual | |
Robert Blount | None | U-46 School District |
Robert Brown | Taylorville schools | Taylorville schools |
Robert OBrien | not applicable | not applicable |
Robert Pauly | School board member South Berwyn School District 100 | |
Roberta Ruben | None | |
Robin Bettis | Individual | Individual |
Robin Steans | Steans family foundation | Individual |
Robin Wilbur | Sandoval 501 | |
Robyn | Pana CUSD8 | Pana CUSD 8 |
Robyn E Williams | Harrisburg High School | |
Roger Wallace | Myself | School District U-46 |
Rola Guerrera | Self | |
Ron Bieganski | StudioWorksBieganski | StudioWorksBieganski |
ron perlman | The Center | individal |
Ron Raglin | School District U-46 | |
ronda fassero | Stonington Elementary | Stonington Elementary |
Rosalva Portillo | East Moline School District 37 | East Moline School District #37 |
RoseAnne Hobbs | Taylorville Junior High | Taylorville Junior High |
Roy Williams Jr | Faith Coalition for the Common Good | Faith Coalition for the Common Good |
Rudy Valdez | LULAC IL Education Council 5238 | SWIFTT |
Rudy Valdez | South West Ideas For Today & Tomorrow | SWIFTT |
Rudy Valdez | South West Ideas For Today & Tomorrow | SWIFTT |
Russ Pande | Pepper Construction | |
Russell D Burch | Taylorville School District | Taylorville School District |
Ruth Rau | Ruth Rau | Individual |
Ryan Brown | Taylorville CUSD 3 | Individual |
Ryan Lambert | Harrisburg Unit 3 Schools | |
Safia Khan | None | |
Samara Anderson | Robert Freedman Agency | |
Samira Nazem | Not Applicable | |
Samuel Pearson | Chicago Public Schools | Chicago Public Schools |
Sandra Bozarth | Harrisburg Schools | Individual |
Sandra citron | U-46 | |
Sandra Gadel | Individual | |
Sandra Jordan | Individual | |
Sandra Jordan | Self-Employed | |
Sandra Stombaugh | Vandalia Community Unit Schools District 203 | Vandalia Community Unit Schools-District #203 |
Sandra Stringham | Parent | |
Sandra Sue Hooper | Taylorville Community School District | Citizens for Education |
Sandra Williams | Taylorville Community Unit School District No. 3 | Individual |
Sara Blanchetti | Taylorville tcusd3 | Sara Blanchetti |
Sara Grissinger | Prodigious Brand Logistics | individual |
Sara Kallal | Pana Community Unit 8 | Public Education |
Sara McGuire | Home | Individual |
Sara Pennock | Citizens for Education | Citizens for Education |
Sara Smith | Individual | Individual |
Sarah | East Moline School District | East Moline School District |
Sarah | Hamilton | Individual |
Sarah Abu-Absi | Individual | |
Sarah E Marsaglia | Taylorville Consolidated Unit School District 3 | |
Sarah Hintz | Memorial Elementary School | |
Sarah Lopez | Alexander Hamilton Elementary School | |
Sarah Lopez | BeWell | Citizen |
Sarah Makela | individual | |
Sarah Sorrill | TCUSD3 | Taylorville students |
Sarah Stockwell | EMSD 37 | East Moline School District 37 |
Sarah Thompson | Parent | |
Sarayu Ratnam | Individual | Individual |
Sasha Hanning | Individual | Individual |
Scott Archer | Esters Company | East Moline School District 37 |
Scott Dewar | Harrisburg Schools | |
Scott Savage | Pana School District 8 | Individual |
Scott Way | Individual | |
Scott Wyatt | Hamiltom | Individual |
Selene Stewart | School District U-46 | School District U-46 |
Shalee Johnson | Glenview Middle School | East Moline School District #37 |
Shalee Johnson | Glenview Middle School | East Moline School District #37 |
Shalon Beerdeke | Belding Elementary School | |
shannan carpenter | Hamilton Elementary School | Individual |
Shannon Babcock | Individual | |
Shannon Belmont | self | |
Shari Massey | Individual | |
shari rogers | individual | individual |
Shawn White | Individual | Individual |
Shawna Edwards | Glenview Middle School | East Moline School District #37 |
Sheila Mattmiller | Centralia High School | |
Sheila Nissim | Sheila N. Nissim, LCSW | |
Sheila ODonnell | Individual | Individual |
Shelley Graves | Mid State Special Ed Cooperative | |
Shelli Obrien | School | Individual |
Shelli Ratermann | Vandalia Elementary School | Vandalia Elementary |
Shelly Misner | Bowlesburg | East Moline District 37 |
Shelly Murphy | East Moline School District 37 | East Moline School District 37 |
Sheri Curry | None | |
Sherri Fox | Harrisburg CUSD 3 | |
Sherry Hartmann | School District U-46 | |
Sheryl Hanson | East Moline School District | |
Shiella Puddephatt | Self | Individual |
Shilpesh Patel | U-46 parent | Shilpesh Patel |
Shweta Shah | Cps | Cps teacher |
Sinthuja Ramalingam | ILEE | ILEE |
Siobhan Moffitt | None | |
Snezana Simic | Pershing school | |
Sonys Wimberly | Sandoval School District 501 | |
Stacey Balkansky | Parent | |
Stacey Paradis | Individual | |
Stacey Thompson | Harrisburg School District | Harrisburg School District |
Staci Carroll | Individual | Individual and it is for proponent of SB231 which is not a choice |
Staci Langhauser | Sandoval Sr jr high | |
Stacia Braun | Teacher | |
Stacy Davis Gates | Chicago Teachers Union | Chicago Teachers Union |
Stacy Mesnard | Vandalia Community Unit 203 | Vandalia Community Unit 203 |
Stefanie Anderson | Parent | Individual |
Stephanie | Sandoval CUSD 501 | |
Stephanie A Mejia | Chicago Public Schools | |
Stephanie Betts | Harrisburg School District | |
Stephanie Ferrell | Harrisburg School | Harrisburg Unit 3 School System |
Stephanie Leonard | TCUSD3 | Taylorville school district, IEA |
Stephanie Pande | Individual | |
Stephanie Rhodes | Sandoval CUSD 501 | Sandoval CUSD 501 |
Stephanie Taiber | Home | Individual |
Stephen M Steele | Taylorville High School | Individual |
Stephen Maliszewski | individual | |
Stephen Sabo | INDIVIDUAL | |
Steve Johnson | Self | |
Steve Skweres | Chicago Public Schools | |
Steven Burger | U-46 | |
Steven R Borowski | Residential | |
Sue Angelacos | U-46 | |
Sue Butler | School District Berwyn South 100 | Children of Berwyn South |
Susan Baumgartner | Centralia City Schools Dist 135 | Centralia City Schools Dist 135 |
Susan Corbus | Bond County Community Unit 2 | Greenville Education Association |
Susan Deetz | Stonington elementary | Educators of District #3 |
Susan Eby | Faith Coalition for the Common Good | Faith Coalition for the Common Good |
Susan Kerr | U-46 | self |
Susan L Storiale | Hamilton Elementary Chicago | Individual |
Susan Strange | Vandalia Community School District | Vandalia Community School District #203 |
Susan Wahlback | Personal Growth Associates | Individual |
Susanna Lang | Chicago Teachers Union | Chicago Teachers Union |
Susie Lee | Chicago Public School | CPS |
Suzanne Berkes | Funding IL's Future | |
Suzanne Caulfield | Individual | Individual |
Suzanne Schafer | Schafer Farms | Pana schools |
Sydney Lett | individual | SB231 |
Sylvia Dee Held | Individual | Individual |
Tanner Holloway | Vitamin Shoppe | Kelly Schroeder |
Tanner Holloway | Vitamin shoppe | Kelly Schroeder |
Tanya Jett | Taylorville Community School District | |
Tara Hurley | Individual | Individual |
Taylor Well | Vandalia | |
Ted Christians | Individual | Individual |
Tera Dunn | Parent | |
Teresa Ramos | Funding Illinois' Future | Funding Illinois' Future |
terri donnan | individual | individual |
Terri Lozier | SD U-46 | SD U-46 |
Terry Bumann | Parent of EM school district children | |
Terry L Benjamin | South Central Transit | Marion County |
Theodia Gillespie | Quad County Urban League, Inc. | Quad County Urban League, Inc. |
Theodore A Ernst | None Specified | Belding Elementary School LSC |
Theresa Bumann | East Moline School District | |
Theresa Bumann | Parent of EM school district children | |
Theresa Majchrzak | East moline school district | East moline sch. Dist. |
Theresa Segura-Herrera | individual | |
Thomas Albert Ullrich | OnePlus Corporation | Individual |
Thomas Cox | Individual | Individual |
Thomas Hernandez | Hamilton Elementary | Individual |
Thomas Pradd | Individual | |
Tia Heppner | EMSD 37 | East Moline School District #37 |
Tiffany Cumberworth-Neppl | East Moline Schools | |
Tiffany Nyberg | Harrisburg Unit 3 Schools | Harrisburg Unit 3 Schools |
Tim Christer | Pana Save-A-Lot | individual |
Tim Davis | Harrisburg | Individual |
Tim Hogan | Ogilvy & Mather | Individual |
Tim Riff | CPS | |
Timothy Krzyzanowski | School District U-46 | |
Timothy L Prather | Hamilton County Unit10 | Harrisburg Unit #3 |
Tisha Johnson | None | |
Todd Gillman | Hawthorne Scholastic Academy | Individual |
Todd Goldberg | Parent | CPS |
Todd Goldberg | Parent | CPS |
Tom Latonis | None | Individual |
Tom Merritt | Summit Funding | Summit Funding |
Tom Siegler | Centralia High School | Centralia High School |
Tony | Harrisburg Unit 3 school district | |
Tony Martinez | West Aurora School District 129 | West Aurora School District 129 |
Tony Sanders | School District U-46 | School District U-46 |
Tonya Gideon | Citizens For Education | Citizens For Education |
Traci Deadmond | Sandoval jrsr high | |
Tracy A Brown | Irving Park United Methodist Church | Individual |
Tracy Anderson | EMSD 37 | East Moline School District 37 |
Tracy Barrett | Private Citizen | |
Tracy Greer | East Moline School District | East Moline School District |
Tracy Hultgren | Individual | |
Tracy Kelly | PARENT | |
Travis | Bluford Unit School District | Bluford Unit School District |
Travis | Centralia High School | |
Trevelyn Florence-Thomas | Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc | Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. |
Trevor Higgins | Pana Unit 8 | Pana Unit 8 |
Tricia Seei | Glenview Middle School | Glenview Middle School |
Tricia Vanzuiden | Wells elementary | East molin school district 37 |
Valarie Hodges | Harrisburg | Harrisburg CUSD #3 |
Valerie Harrell | Self | Individual |
Valerie Levan | none | |
Valerie Pilcher | Harrisburg School District Number 3 | Individua |
Vanessa | Northwest Side Housing Center | |
Vanessa Reu | CPS | Individual |
Vera Mount | none | |
Veronica Muncy | Piper School | |
Veronica Muncy | Piper School | |
Veronica Pastor | Pana CUSD | Pana CUSD |
Vicki Pastor | Individual | Individual |
Vicki Paulsen | Cps parent | |
vickie simpson | Benton Grade School | Individual |
Victoria Torres | Self | |
Victoria Watkins | City of Chicago | Office of the Mayor |
Vince Samford | Individual | Individual |
Vince TORNABENE | Pure-Grooves, LLC | |
Vita Harris | Chicago Board of Education | Individual |
Vivek Kohli | hamilton family member | Individual |
Vondale E Singleton | Gary Comer College Prep | |
Walter Evans | ROE 13 | Sandoval CUSD #501 |
Wayne N Houser | unknown | Regional Office of Education #13 |
Wendy Barban-Jourdan | Centralia city schools dist135 | Individual |
Wendy Mundell | Pana CUSD 8 | |
Wendy Mundell | Pana CUSD 8 | |
Wes Aymer | TCUSD3 | |
Whitney Nicholes | Harrisburg Unit 3 Schools | Harrisburg Unit 3 schools |
William C DeMille | Individual | Individual |
William Charles Rigali Jr | Individual | Individual |
William Chastain | Individual | Individual |
William David Higgs III | Southern Illinois University | William David Higgs III |
William Nissen | Na | |
William Wright | The Overture Group | U-46 Parent |
Yolanda Knight | National Teachers Academy LaSalle Language Academy | Individual |
Yolanda Luna | NA | |
Yooshik Jeon | TM Healthcare Management | Individual |
Youn Hong | Lurie Chlidren's Primary Care | |
Zachary Cox | Harrisburg High School | |
Hearing Date and Time: Executive (S) 5/3/2016 11:00 AM |
Hearing Date and Time: Executive (S) 4/13/2016 1:30 PM |
Aaron Lane | Self | Aaron Lane |
Aaron Lane | SELF | SELF |
Aaron Lane | Trinity Automotive Inc. | Aaron Lane |
Abbie Eklund | School District u-46 | School Distict u-46 |
Adam Beck | Rock Island Milan School District | East Moline School District #37 |
Alfredo Peralta | CPS | Self |
Alta Himstedt | Taylorville Public Schools Foundation | not appearing |
Amanda Hofbauer | Mawi Learning | ILEE |
Amber McNeil | Na | ILEE |
Amy Gibb Clark | East Moline School District 37 | East Moline School District 37 |
Anita Brown | Taylorville School District | Citizens for Education |
Anne Dorn | Citizens for Education | Citizens for Education |
Annie Gray | Sandoval CUSD 501 | Sandoval CUSD #501 |
Arturo Ramirez | District 100 | To the Studetns of District 100 |
Astin Moravek | East Moline School District | East Moline School District37 |
Barb Tarter | Pana Unit 8 | teachers |
Beatriz Maldonado | Berwyn South School District 100 | Berwyn South School District 100 |
Belle Moore | Sandoval CUSD 501 | Sandoval CUSD #501 |
Benjamin Stam | University of Michigan Health Systems | Self |
Beth Barrow-Johnson | Individual | Individual |
Beth Carroll | Glenview Middle School | Kristen Humpries |
Beth King | Pana CUSD 8 | Pana Unit 8 |
Beverly Williams | Mid State Spec Education | teacher |
Brad Paisley | Na | Na |
Brad Skertich | Southwestern CUSD 9 | Southwestern CUSD 9 |
Brandi Malisia | Pana School District | Pana ESP Members |
Brett Darr | Medora Intermediate School | Brett Darr |
Brian Guthrie | Sandoval Community Unit School District number 501 | public school districts |
Brian Stombaugh | East Moline schools | East Moline schools |
Brighid Bennett | Amandla Charter School | Brighid Bennett |
C Thomas | Citizens for Education | Citizens for Education |
Candace Byars | Pana Schools | Schools |
Caroline Cool | NA | ILEE |
Chad Allison | Illinois Valley Central School District No. 321 | Students of the IVC School District |
Charles Johns | West Chicago District 33 | . |
Cheryl Wysong | Pana CUSD 8 Schools | Pana CUSD 8 Schools |
Cheryl Wysong | Pana Schools | Teachers and Administrators |
Cheyenne Hopkins | Sandoval CUSD 501 | Sandoval CUSD #501 |
Cindy Ashcraft | washington school | Pana ESP |
Colin Kave | Business | East Moline School District #37 |
Courtney Evans | Sandoval CUSD 501 | Sandoval Education Association |
Danial Wiborg | EMSD37 | East Moline School Dist. 37 |
Daphne Rodman | Pana CUSD 8 | Pana CUSD 8 |
David Dorn Jr | Citizens for Education | Citizens for Education |
David Feinberg | Charter School Support Services | ILEE |
David Lett | Pana C.U.S.D. 8 | Funding Illinois Future Coalition Pana C.U.S.D. #8 |
Debbie Glenn | Mid-State Special Education, Pana School District, Pana IL | Mid-State Special Education and Pana School District #8, Pana, IL |
Deeanna Stalets | Pana Community Unit District 8 | #betterfundingbetterschools |
Derek Dempsey | Southwestern School District 9 | Southwestern School District |
Derek Hutchins | Crab Orchard CUSD 3 | Crab Orchard CUSD #3 |
Diann Milford | Berwyn South School District 100 | Children of Berwyn South School District 100 |
Donald D Owen | Urbana School District | Urbana School District #116 |
Donnie Lewis | Richland Community College | ICCB SAC |
Donya Jett | Sandoval CUSD 501 | Sandoval Education Association |
Edwin Shoemate | Cobden CUSD 17 | Schools |
Elizabeth Christenson | East Moline School District 37 | East Moline School District 37 |
Elizabeth Jimenez | Berwyn South District 100 | Berwyn South District 100 |
Elizabeth Jimenez | Berwyn South District 100 | Berwyn South District 100 |
Elizabeth Trousdale | Resident of Illinois | Elizabeth Trousdale |
Ellen Beyers | Pana Jr. High School | Pana Jr. High School teachers |
Emilie Heald | East Moline School District | Students of EMSD37 |
Eric Lux | Vandalia CUSD 203 | IL students |
Erica Hernandez | SD U46 | Self |
Erica LaMarche | Pana Community School District 8 | Pana CUSD 8 |
Evan Krauss | East Side Aligned | East Side Aligned |
Gayle McRoberts | Pana High School | Pana High School |
Gregg Fuerstenau | TCUSD 3 | Taylorville Community Unit School District 3 |
Gwen Peebles | Advance IL | Advance Illinois |
Heather Beck | East Moline School District | East Moline School District #37 |
Heather Smith | Pana School District Unit 8 | Pana Schools |
JACQUELINE TRAYNERE | Will County Board | DuPage Township Pct 16 |
James Greenwald | Granite City Dist 9. | Granite City School District 9 James Greenwald |
Jamie L Liacone | Senate Floor Amendment 1 | SDU46 |
Janice Hrabak | Pana School District | Pana Educational Association |
Jason Darr | Southwestern High School | Southwestern High School |
Jeb Odam | Taylorville High School | Citizens for Education |
Jennifer Greene | East Moline School District 37 | East Moline School District 37 |
Jeremy Jett | Sandoval CUSD 501 | Sandoval CUSD #501 |
Jill Gottfred | LEE | Jill Gottfred |
Jill Gottfred | LEE | Self |
Jill Gottfred | LEE | Self |
Jill Roselieb | EMSD37 | EMSD37 |
Jill Ryan | East Moline School District | East Moline School District #37 |
Jill Sproat | Faith Coalition for the Common Good | Better Funding for Better Schools |
Jim S Scianna | South Berwyn School district 100 | South Berwyn District 100 |
Jody Hedger | BSD100 PARENT COALITION | Coalition of Berwyn BSD 100 |
Jody Johnson | Pana Junior High School | Pana CUSD #8 |
Joel Raney | Hope Publishing Company | ILEE |
John W Tedrick | Vandalia Community High School | Vandalia Community Unit School District # 203 |
JOSHUA D KAUFMANN | Teach Plus Chicago | Teach Plus Chicago |
Joshua Gunderlock | D100 | Students of D100 |
Joyce Beach | Individual | Individual |
Julie Moreno | East Moline School District 37 | East Moline School District 37 |
Kate Sievers | Calhoun CUSD 40 | DR. KATE SIEVERS |
Katherine Hyde | Oak Street Real Estate Capital, LLC | ILEE |
Kay Medley | Pana Unit 8 School District | IEA |
Kelly Knox | Sandoval High School | Sandoval High School |
Kent Buckrop | Glenview middle school | Illinois students |
kerin kelly | lawyer | Parents of students that get ripped off under the current system |
Kim Myers | Wells Elementary School | East Moline School District 37 |
Krista Badani | U-46 | Parent of u-46 school district |
Kristin Pollock | Advance Illinois | Funding IL Future, Advance Illinois |
Kyle Hillman | National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter |
lacey rogers | Citizens for Education | Citizens for Education |
LaMont R Williams | None | None |
Lana Hutchinson | Pana ESP Union | Pana ESP Union |
Larry Gallagher | United Congregation of Metro East | United Congregations of Metro East |
Laura Grieger | South Berwyn School District 100 | Children of Berwyn South School District 100 |
Laura OConnor | Laura's Tutoring | Josh Cauhorn |
Laura Schmitz | Pana School District | teacher |
Lillie Stone | EMSD 37 | EMSD 37 |
Lindsey Kerby | Pana Unit 8 | Pana Unit #8 |
lisa jo champley | Pages Body SHop | Citizens for Education |
Lorelei Buen | Farnsworth School | Chicago Public Schools |
Margaret Corcoran | U-46 | Citizen |
Margarita Mojica | EMSD37 | EMSD37 |
Margarita Mojica | EMSD37 | EMSD37 |
MARIA Y ARGUETA | Berwyn South School District 100 | Maria Y Argueta |
Maribeth Detmer | Dandoval Community Dist.501 | Sandoval Dist 501 |
Marilyn Mcmanus | Pershing School | students of Pershing School in Berwyn South District 100 |
Mark Holloway | Self | U46 parent |
Mary Havis | Berwyn South School District 100 | Children who attend Berwyn South School District 100 schools |
Mary Jane Holstein | Hope Publishing Co. | Better Funding for Better Schools |
Mary Jones | Pana Unit 8 Schools | Pana Unit #8 Schools |
Mary Langdon | emsd37 | Mary langdon |
MARY MOYLE | school | East Moline SchoolmDst. 37 |
Michael Mueller | East Moline School District 37 | East Moline School District 37 |
Michelle Heideman | Faith Coalition for the Common Good | Faith Coalition for the Common Good |
Michelle Okuno | Individual | Individual |
Nancy J Betcher | agency | Kristin Humphries |
Nicole G McKinley | NA | ILEE #3 |
Nicole Lane | Self | Nicole Lane |
Patrick Gallagher | Chicago Public Schools | On my behalf |
Patrick Harding | Not Applicable | ILEE |
Paul Donahue | Pana CUSD 8 | sef |
Paul Donahue | Pana Education Association | Pana Education Association |
Personal | SFA1 | Citizens for education |
Peter Gunther | Self | Self |
Ramon Mojica | MSD40 | Ramon Mojica |
Randy Brandmeyer | None | none |
Randy Protz | Vandaila Community Unit School District 203 | VCUSD 203 |
Rebecca Miller | Parent | Self |
Rebekah Harding | none | ILEE |
Rev Jerome A Rogers Sr | New Salem Baptist District | New Salem BAptist District Association |
Rich Well | Vandalia School District | Vandalia School District |
Rich Well | Vandalia School District | Vandalia School District |
Richard L Clark | EMSD 37 | Illinois School Districts |
Rick Bonitzer | Credit Collection Partners | Citizens for Education |
Rob Myers | Cintas | East Moline School District37 |
Robin Steans | Steans Family Foundation | Individual |
Ryan Stegink | Indiana University | Ryan Stegink |
Samantha Godden-Chmielowicz | Schurz High School | Individual |
Samantha Shuman | Berwyn South District 100 | Berwyn South District #100 |
Sara Kallal | Pana Community Unit 8 | Public Education |
scott Hopkins | southwestern Middle school | scott D Hopkins |
Shari Schmidt | North Palos School District 117 | North Palos School District 117 |
Shelly Murphy | East Moline School District 37 | East Moline School District 37 |
Shilpesh Patel | Streamwood Resident | U-46 |
Stacy Gherardi | Berwyn South SD 100 | The children of Berwyn South School District 100 |
Stacy Smedley | PEA IEA | myself |
Stephanie Rhodes | School | Sandoval CUSD #501 |
Stephen Morris | Sandoval school District 501 | Sandoval cusd 5p1 |
Susan Ade | Pana School District | Pana School District #8 |
Susan Parsons | Children's librarian | I self |
Susan VanHerzeele | EMSD37 | EMSD37 |
Tammie Felicia Vinson | CPSDepriest | Chicago Teachers Union |
Tammy Deere | Pana School District | Pana ESP Members |
Tammy Oertel | Southwestern CUSD 9 | Southwestern CUSD 9 |
Teresa Dothard-Campbell | East Moline School District 37 | East Moline School District 37 |
Teresa Latuszek | Little Brothers | ILEE |
Tiffany Cumberworth-Neppl | East Moline Schools | East Moline School District |
Tim Page | A-C Central CUSD 262 | A-C Central CUSD 262 |
Tony Sanders | School District U-46 | School District U-46 |
Tory DeGreve | East Moline School District | East Moline School District |
William Wright | U-46 Resident | U-46 Parent |