Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary (S) 5/1/2019 3:30 PM |
aaron boeder | Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. | not applicable |
Alex Campos | Dudley & Lake | ITLA |
Andrew Burkavage | Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. | Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. |
Andrew Mossman | Gori Julian and Associates | Gori Julian and Associates |
Andrew Murrie | SHC | SHC |
Andrew Thut | Levin & Perconti | ITLA |
Andrew Williams | Simmons Hanly Conroy LLC | None |
Antonio Romanucci | Romanucci & Blandin, LLC | Romanucci & Blandin, LLC |
Ashley Nicole Hadler | Cohen & Malad, LLP | Ashley N. Hadler |
Bhavani Raveendran | Romanucci & Blandin LLC | Romanucci & Blandin, LLC |
Bradley Cosgrove | Clifford Law | Clifford Law |
Brendan Smith | Simmons Hanly Conroy | Self |
Brian Salvi | Salvi, Schostok, & Pritchard P.C. | Illinois Trial Lawyers Association |
Britney Pennycook | Phillips Law Offices | Britney Pennycook |
Brittany Mennie | Albarran Law Offices | Albarran Law Offices |
Bruce Wolf | Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard | Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard |
Bruno R Marasso | Romanucci & Blandin, LLC | Bruno R. Marasso |
Bryan Ruggiero | Levin & Perconti | Self |
Cari Silverman | LEVIN & PERCONTI | Cari Silverman |
Carly E Shannon | Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. | Illinois Trial Lawyers Association; Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. |
Casey C Cira | Simmons Hanly Conroy | ITLA |
Christopher C Cortese | Hurley McKenna & Mertz | Illinois Trial Lawyers Association |
Christopher Guinn | Simmons Hanly Conroy | Simmons Hanly Conroy |
Christopher Hurley | Hurley McKenna and Mertz | Victims of negligence and malpractice |
Daisy Ayllon | Levin & Perconti | Daisy Ayllon and Levin and Perconti |
Daniel | Levin & Perconti | Daniel Goldfaden |
Daniel J Biederman Jr | Leonard Law Group LLC | Injured people |
Daniel M Kotin | Tomasik Kotin Kasserman | Individual |
Daniel Smart | Dudley & Lake, LLC | Dudley & Lake, LLC |
Daniel Sparks | Law Offices of Steven J. Malman | Daniel Sparks |
David Bulgarelli | Levin & Perconti | Levin & Perconti |
David Eldridge | David P. Eldridge | Illinois State Bar Association |
David W Aubrey | Gori Julian & Associates | Only self |
Eirene Nakamura Salvi | Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. | Eirene Nakamura Salvi |
Elise Waisbren | Phillips Law Offices | Elise Waisbren (personally) |
Elizabeth Olszewski | Salvi Schostok & Pritchard | ITLA |
Eric Kang | Levin and Perconti | ITLA |
Eric Meli | Levin & Perconti | Levin & Perconti |
Erik Borczon | Kaveny plus Kroll LLC | Personal |
Evan Smola | Hurley McKenna & Mertz | Victims of negligence |
Faith Spencer | Parts & Spencer Ltd | self |
Frank A Sommario | Romanucci & Blandin, LLC | Romanucci & Blandin, LLC |
G Michael Stewart | Simmons Hanly Conroy, LLC | injured |
Gabe Aprati | Levin & Perconti | Levin & Perconti |
George A Dieguez | Phillips Law Offices | George Dieguez |
Gregory L Shevlin | Cook, Bartholomew, Shevlin & Cook LLP | Above Firm |
Gregory Lamorena | Malman Law | Gregory Lamorena |
H Candace gorman | law office of H. Candace Gorman | none |
Heidi L Wickstrom | Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard | Salvi Schostok & Pritchard PC |
Henry simmons | clifford Law offices | Clifford Law Offices |
Irene Dymkar | Law Offices of Irene K. Dymkar | Law Offices of Irene K. Dymkar |
Jaime A Koziol | Levin & Perconti | Jaime Koziol |
James | Tomasik Kotin Kasserman | Person |
James R Stever | Gori Julian & Associates | Plaintiffs |
James Ryan | Gori Julian & Associates, P.C. | self |
Jared Hausmann | Simmons Hanly Conroy | self |
Jared Reynolds | Levin & Perconti | ITLA |
Jason Kellerman | Steven J. Malman & Associates, P.C. | Steven J. Malman & Associates, P.C. |
Jean Michel Lecointre | Simmons Hanly Conroy LLC | Injured |
Jenna Miller | Levin & Perconti | ITLA |
Jennifer Ashley | Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard, P.C. | ITLA |
Jennifer Dolan | Salvi Schostok & Pritchard, PC | Jennifer Dolan |
Jillian Babineaux | Levin & Perconti | Jillian Babineaux |
Jim Covington | Illinois State Bar Association | Exclusive |
Jim Collins | Illinois Trial Lawyers Association | Illinois Trial Lawyers Asssociation |
John Foley | Simmons Hanly Conroy | Plainitffs |
john mennie | Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard, P.C. | Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard, P.C. |
John Perconti | Levin & Perconti | John Perconti |
John Scanlon | HealyScanlo | Itla |
Joseph M Lloyd | Dudley & Lake, LLC | ITLA |
Katherine Twardak | Tomasik Kotin Kasserman | Proponent |
Kathy Byrne | Cooney & Conway | Self |
Katie Davis | Illinois Trial Lawyers Association | Illinois Trial Lawyers Association |
Keith Hebeisen | Clifford Law Offices | Clifford Law Offices |
Ken Danzinger | Simmons Hanly Conroy | Self |
Kerry OSullivan | Simmons Hanly Conroy | Self |
Kevin Golden | dudley & lake LLC | dudley & lake |
Kristen N Koeller | Malman Law | ITLA |
Kurt Ensign | Self | Self |
Larry Rogers Jr | Powers Rogers Smith | Illinois Trial Lawyers Association |
Lauren Park | Levin & Perconti | Levin & Perconti |
Luther Simmons | Simmons Hanly Conroy | Simmons Hnaly Conroy |
Margaret Battersby | Levin & Perconti | Self, Firm, Clients |
Marisa Schostok | Dudley & Lake, LLC | Dudley & Lake, LLC; ITLA |
Mark Prince | Prince Law Firm | Myself |
Marvet Sweis | Levin & Perconti | Levin & Perconti |
Matt Williams | Salvi Schostok & Pritchard | victims of negligence |
Matthew Henry | Malman Law | ITLA |
Megan Kolosieke | Gori Julian & Associates PC | ITLA |
Melinda Longford Power | West Town Law Office | West Town Law Office |
Michael Angelides | Simmons Hanly Conroy | Simmons Hanly Conroy |
Michael Bonamarte | Levin & Perconti | ITLA |
Michael Cody Favilla | Simmons Hanly Conroy LLC | Self |
Michael Egan | Cooney & Conway | Plaintiffs in personal injury actions |
Michael Grieco | Romanucci & Blandin, LLC | Injured Parties |
Michael Hickey | Simmons Hanly Conroy | Self |
Michael Holden | Romanucci & Blandin, LLC | Self |
Michael K Hibey | Simmons Hanly Conroy | Self |
Michael Lubeck | Cooney & Conway | Record of Appearance Only |
Michael Mertz | Hurley McKenna & Mertz | N.A |
Michael Shanahan | Levin Perconti | Not applicable |
Michael Sorich | Cavanagh Law Group | Self |
Nicholas Emerson | Levin & Perconti | Nicholas Emerson |
Nicolette A Ward | Romanucci & Blandin, LLC | Romanucci & Blandin, LLC |
Pamela Dimo | Levin & Perconti | L |
Patrick Giese | Tomasik Kotin Kasserman, LLC | Injured victims |
Patrick Grim | Tomasik Kotin Kasserman, LLC | Myself |
Patrick J Richel | Cavanagh Law Group | Patrick J Richel |
Patrick Salvi | Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. | none |
Patrick Salvi | Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard PC | myself |
Paul Dix | Simmons Hanly Conroy | Injured parties |
Perry Browder | Simmons Hanly Conroy | Injured |
peter schlax | Dudley and Lake LLC | Peter Schlax |
Peter V Bustamante | Law Office of Peter V. Bustamante | Self |
Phil Terrazzino | TKK | TKK |
RandyGori | Gori Julian | myself |
Rebecca Hausman | Simmons Hanly Conroy | Self |
Rob Kohen | Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. | Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C. |
Robert Geimer | Tomasik Kotin Kasserman | None |
Ron Motil | Gori Julian & Associates | ITLA |
Samantha Sindles | Dudley & Lake, LLC | Not applicable |
Sara M Salger | Gori, Julian & Associates | Sara M. Salger |
Sarah Farwick | Illinois Trial Lawyers Association | Illinois Trial Lawyers Association |
Shawn Kasserman | Mr. | victims of negligence |
Stacey Feeley Cavanagh | Cavanagh Law Group | Stacey Feeley Cavanagh |
Stephen J Phillips | Phillips Law | Stephen J Phillips |
Stephen Weil | Weil & Chardon LLC | self |
Susan Novosad | Levin Perconti | record of appearance |
Tara Devine | Salvi Schostok & Pritchard | Salvi Schostok & Pritchard |
Taylor F Sprehe | Simmons Hanly Conroy | na |
Taylor Kerns | Simmons Hanly Conroy | Self |
Terrence M Quinn | Phillips Law Offices | Illinois Trial Lawyerd Association |
Thomas J Power | Cooney & Conway | Thomas J Power |
Thomas Mulroy III | Salvi Law | self |
Tiffany E Alberty | Malman Law | Tiffany E. Alberty |
Tim Cavanagh | Cavanagh Law Group | Illinois Trial Lawyers Association |
Tim McLean | Illinois Trial Lawyers Association | Illinois Trial Lawyers Association |
Timothy F Thompson | Simmons Hanly Conroy | Simmons Hanly Conroy |
Timothy Martin | Cooney & Conway | NA |
Timothy R Ocasek | Cooney and Conway | Cooney & Conway, Attorneys |
Todd Gampp | Simmons Hanly Conroy | Todd Gampp |
Todd Neilson | Simmons Hanly Conroy | Summon Hanly Conroy |
Tyler N Dihle | Prince Law Firm | Not Applicable |
Wafeek Elafifi | Levin & Perconti | ITLA |
Warren Copple | Injured Parties | Injured Parties |
William Kent Winingham | Wilson Kehoe Winingham | W. Kent Winingham |
William McNary | Citizen Action Illinois | citizen action illinois |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Civil (H) 3/27/2019 8:30 AM |
Tim McLean | Illinois Trial Lawyers Association | Illinois Trial Lawyers Association |
Hearing Date and Time: Commercial Law Subcommittee (H) 3/20/2019 8:33 AM |
Jim Covington | Illinois State Bar Association | Exclusive |
Larry Rogers Jr | Powers Rogers Smith | Illinois Trial Lawyers Association |
Tim McLean | Illinois Trial Lawyers Association | Illinois Trial Lawyers Association |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Civil (H) 3/20/2019 8:30 AM |
Larry Rogers Jr | Powers Rogers Smith | Illinois Trial Lawyers Association |
Tim McLean | Illinois Trial Lawyers Association | Illinois Trial Lawyers Association |
William McNary | Citizen Action Illinois | Citizen Action Illinois |