Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Agriculture & Conservation (H) 3/22/2021 10:00 AM |
Diana Davis | Self | Self |
Gail Anton | self | |
Jennifer Kuroda | Illinois Bobcat Foundation | Illinois Bobcat Foundation |
Scott Meister | self | self |
Scott Seifrid | Personal | |
Hearing Date and Time: Agriculture & Conservation (H) 3/15/2021 10:00 AM |
Abigael Woodworth | None | Myself |
Adam Moderow | Self | Self |
Adriana Villarreal | Self | Self |
Agnieszka Tierney | Myself | Myself |
Aimee Clayton | Myself | Myself |
Aimee Hemphill | Self | |
Alana De Los Santos | Alana De Los Santos | |
Alicia Metzger | Self | Self |
Amanda Kram | Myself | Myself |
Amanda Pankau | Self | |
Amanda Wiesenhofer | Friends of Sangamon County Animal Control | |
Amber Nichols | Self | |
Amy Scott | - | self |
Andrea Walters | Life Insurance | Self |
Angela C Molina DeBolt | Private citizen | Private citizen |
Angela Hayes | Illinois Humane | Illinois Humane |
Angela Peters | Buffalo Grove Law Offices | Angela Peters |
Anita Shore | Myself | Myself |
Anna Morrison-Ricordati | Self | |
Anna umali | Independent | |
Anne Chantos | self | self |
Ardyn Cieslak | Self | Self |
Artemis Asproyerakas | Self | Self |
Azure Moss | Myself | |
Barbara McKasson McKasson | Sierra Club, Shawnee Group | Shawnee Group Sierra Club |
Barbara Nozzi | Self | |
Bernie Schlafke | Self | |
Bettina Dornseifer | Self | Self |
Bil | Individual | |
Billie Callahan | Self | Bobcats |
Billita Jacobsen | private citizen | |
Bonnie Bakutis | Self | Self |
Brad Dopke | Self | Self |
Brian Gaughan | self | self |
Brian Norwood | Na | na |
Brittany Zwicker | Individual | |
cameron pierce | Self | Self |
Cameron Smith | Douglass School Art Place | |
Candace Colby | private citizen | |
Cari Meyers | The Puppy Mill Project | |
Carina Dornseifer | Self | Self |
Carla Jaffe | Self | Self |
Carla Womack | self | Self |
Carol Ann Ripple | Self | Self |
Carol L Dopke | Self | Self |
Carol Longhenry | Myself | Myself |
Carrie Frost | Self | |
Catalina Garduno | Self | Self |
Cathy Daul | Self | |
Cathy Daul | Self | |
Cathy Helen Johnson | Myself | |
Caty Brown | self | self |
Cecilia Fell | Self employed | Cecilia Fell |
Charles Browne | Rockford Communications | |
Charles Johannsen | Johannsen Video Production | self |
Chelsea Lange-Yancy | None | None |
Cherie Travis | self | |
Cheryl Kindschy | Wolfwatcher | |
Chester Grandahl | Self | self |
Chloe Fortina | Na | |
Chris Albert | self | |
Chris Benda | Illinois Native Plant Society | Individual |
Chris Velez | Self | Self |
Chrisoula Drivas | SELF | SELF |
Christie J Robnett | Peoria Audubon Society | |
Christina Lehman | Self | Myself |
Christine Mezatis | Self | |
Christine Newsom | Myself | |
Christine Pado | Citizen | Citizen |
Christopher Meshes | Individual | Individual |
Christy Slaby | None | Self |
Cindy Rippa | Petropolis Inc | Petropolis Inc |
Cinthia Tapia Mascorro | myself | myself |
Claire Trainer | Self | |
Connie Daniels | Self | Self |
Corrine Morrow | Self | |
Cristobal Manzano | Self | |
Crystal Gough | None | |
Cynthia Kanner | Environmental Defenders of McHenry County | Environmental Defenders of McHenry County |
Cynthia Samels | Self | Self |
Cynthia Sewell | myself | myself |
Daniel Strang | self | |
Dara Turnball | Self | Self |
Darcy Hemphill | Self | |
David E Shellenberger | Self | |
Deborah Bauch | Myself | Bobcat Foundarion |
Deborah Corker | Shawnee Grp of Sierra Club | Self |
Denise Drube | Self | Self |
Denise Rolando | Self | Self |
Dennis Doyle | Self | Self |
Dennis Endicott | Self | Self |
Diana L O'Connor | Myself | Myself |
Dina Raymond | NA | Self |
Dolores Santucci | Self | Self |
Dolores Voss | None | |
Don J Miller | self | |
Dorothy McDaniel | Self | Self |
Douglas Kowalewski | Self | Self |
Edward Erwin | Self | Self |
Eileen Sutz | Save Wildlife Now Network | |
Elana Harris | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Boettner | Northwest Illinois Audubon Society | Northwest Illinois Audubon Society |
Elizabeth C Schuch | Self | Self |
Emily Greer | Individual | |
Emma DePierro | Solutions for Optimal Health | self |
Erin Roche | Carla Womack | |
Felicia Husfeldt | Self | Self |
Gabriela Balucating | Self | Self |
Gail Diedrichsen | myself | |
Gary Gordon | Self | Self |
Gary Kolb | Individual | Myself |
gloria kraft | Kraft Ranch | |
Gloria Straube | Bluewater Appraisals | |
Harold Lehman | Self | Myself |
Harry Threlkeld | Myself | Self |
Heather Friedli | Self | Self |
HELEN DOIG | self | Myself |
Helen Shih | Self | Self |
Hendrica Regez | Galena Green Team | Galena Green Team |
Hubert Dornseifer | Self | Self |
Ida McCarthy | Companion Animal Protection Society | Companion Animal Protection Society |
Ingrid Ivette Gonzalez | Self | Self |
Irene Sewell | Myself | Myself |
Isobella Merritts | none | Self |
Ivy Gonzalez | Self | Self |
Jackie Freeman | Retired | Self |
Jame Sewell | Myself | Self |
James Andrews | Tango Limited | |
James Duplex | Self | |
James Fehrenbacher | individual | self |
James O'Donoghue | Self | Self |
Jami Ledbetter | Self | |
Jamie Arntzen | Self | Self |
Jamie Leinss-Doyle | Sef | Self |
Jamie Viebach | Self | Self |
Jan Thomas | Douglass School Art Place | |
Jane Cogie | Self | Self |
Jane McBride | Illinois Humane | Illinois Humane |
Janet Bauer | Self | |
Janice Duplex | Self | |
Janna Pinnell | Self | |
Jean Sellar | self | self |
Jeanette Andrews | Self | Self |
Jenna Holakovsky | Self | Self |
jennifer blackburn | self | self |
Jennifer Kuroda | Illinois Bobcat Foundation | Illinois Bobcat Foundation |
Jennifer Samaras | SELF | SELF |
Jennifer Scoby | Self | |
Jennifer Vaughn | Self | Self |
Jerry Brearton | Self | |
Jesse Bramhall | Me | |
Jessica Beverly | None | Self |
Jessica Bradshaw | NA | |
Jessica Broxton | self | self |
Jessica Giltzow | NA | |
Jewel McClard | Self | Myself |
Jill Gehrmann | Meow Mobile | |
joan Faulkner | Self | |
Joan Steele | SICIL | myself |
Joann Fricke | self | self |
Jodi Brummel | Self | Self |
Jodie Wiederkehr | Chicago Alliance for Animals | |
Joe Richardson | The Nature Conservancy | Nachusa Grasslands |
Johanna Jenkins | None | |
John Andrews | Self | Self |
John Curran | Self | Self |
John Delurey | Vote Solar | |
JOHN J DAY | self | self |
John Lee Lambert | SWM | |
John Longhenry | Myself | Myself |
John Maddox Sr | Self | |
John Magney | Shawnee Group Sierra Club | |
Jonas Dornseifer | Self | Self |
Jorge Gonzalez | Self | Self |
Jose Alberto Perez | None | |
joseph d lusk | trapper | |
Joseph S Appell | Self | Self |
Joy Davy | Self | Self |
Judith Groskind | Self | |
Judith Hayes | Self | |
Judy Harris | self | self |
Julie Hanson | Individual | Self |
Julie Kasluga | Julie Kasluga | Julie Kasluga |
Juliet Moderow | Self | Self |
Karen Fiorino | self | self |
Karen Kay | Self | Self |
Karolyn Teal | Self | Self |
Kathleen Maddox | Self | |
Kathleen Stelford | Oaken Acres Wildlife Center | Oaken Acres Wildlife Center's hundreds of supporters |
Kathryn J LoBue | Self | Self |
Kathy Cieslak | State Automatic Heating and Cooling | Self |
Kati Lothson | University of Illinois Wildlife Medical Clinic | Myself |
Katie voss | It's a Pittie Rescue | |
Kay Day | self | self |
Kelly W | Illinois Bobcat Foundation | Illinois Bobcat Foundation |
Kelsey Koch | Self | Self |
Kenneth Donart | Self | |
Kenworthey Bilz | Representing myself as a citizen | |
Kerin Smith | Self | Self |
Kevin D Garthe | Self | |
KRISTEN ZAMBO | Private individual | |
Kristi Karls | Myself | Myself |
Kristie Lecaros | Self | Self |
L Wilczynski | self | self |
Laura Augustaitis | Self | Self |
Laura Bartman | Self | Self |
Laura Brown | Individual | Individual |
Laura Jepson | Self | Laura and Jacob jepson |
Laura Martinez | Self | Self |
Laura Otolski | Self | Self |
Laura Schaefer | myself | |
Laura Watson | none | self |
Laurie Riggle | Self | |
Leslie J Patterson | Self | Self |
Liane Sue Tucker | Self | |
Lilly Boruszkowski | Self | |
Linda Camac | Self | |
Linda Helstern | None | |
Lisa Velez | Self | Self |
Lori Allen | None | Self |
Lorie Allen | Self | Self |
Lynn Depuye | Self | Self |
Madhuri Pydisetty | Self | Self |
Magic Kieper | Myself | Self |
Mallory Conover | Rps205 | Myself |
Marc Ayers | Humane Society of the United States | Humane Society of the United States |
Marc Bate | Self | Individual |
Margaret Grandahl | Self | self |
Margaret Rozhon | None | Self |
Maricarmen Gonzalez | Self | Self |
Marie T Perkins | Self | Self |
Martin B Rosenberg | Myself | Myself |
Mary Anne Mathwich | Self | Self |
Mary Coventry | Friends | |
Mary Edwards | Self | |
Mary Finley | Private Citizen | Myself |
Mary Louise Dolvig | Self | Self |
Mary Margaret Pulliam | Self | |
Mary McMahon | Self | Self |
Mary Shabbott | Self | Self |
Matthew Charles Mckenzie | McKenzie farms | |
Matthew Slade | Myself | Self |
Maya Domiano | Companion Animal Protection Society | Companion Animal Protection Society |
Megan Pease | None | |
Megan Pinkston | Self | Ginger Baker |
Melinda Stanis | Self | Self |
Michael Gerhardt | Self | Self |
michael pammer | Self | |
Michael Quintero | self | |
Michael Turner | self | |
Michele Ruud | Self | Self |
Michelle Garthe | Self | |
Michelle Grimm | Self | Self |
Micky Rosenquist | Myself | Myself |
Mike Covell | Self | Self |
Mike Fricke | self | self |
Molly Doolittle | Northwest IL Audubon Society | Northwest IL Audubon Society |
Monica Kay | None | Self |
Monica Ptak | myself | myself |
Monika Plumb | no business | |
Monty Smith | self | Self |
Morgan Arens | Self | |
Morgan Mason | Na | Self |
Mylan Engel Jr | None | Self |
Nancy Carol Teichmiller | myself | myself |
Nancy Clark | Self | Self |
Nancy J Schietzelt | none | Myself |
Nancy Karen | Self | Self |
Natalie Bobrowska | Self | |
Nelma Battrell | Self | |
Nerma Frieden | myself | myself |
Nicole Denise Saulsberry | sierra club | Sierra Club |
Nicole Frithsen | Illinois Humane | Illinois Humane |
Nicole Gianni | Self | |
Nikki Ormsby | Self | Self |
Nikki Orvis | Self | Self |
Nina D Newhouser | Constituent | |
Nina Munoz | Student | |
Pamela Matthews | individual | self |
Pamela Richards | Northwest Illinois Audubon Society | |
Paris Walker | Self | |
Pat McCarthy | Companion Animal Protection Society | Companion Animal Protection Society |
Patty Weyhrich | self | |
Pete Fenner | -please select- | Peoria Audubon Society |
PETE KUTCHER V | Myself | Myself |
Philip C Thompson | Individual | self |
Polly Dohr | Self | |
rachael burs | Self | Self |
Rachel Lathrop | None | |
Rachel Sanford | Myself | |
Ralph M Bosse | Retired | |
Randall Auxier | Southern Illinois University Carbondale | |
Randall L Melendez | Self | Self |
Randall Schietzelt | none | Myself |
Randy Schmitz | DxE | |
Raquel Melendez | Self | Self |
Raven Nantz | Self | Self |
Rebecca Shriver and family | NIAS | NIAS |
Rehana Mohammed-Smith | Georgia's Place Bird Sanctuary | Rehana Mohammed-Smith |
Renee Patten | Self | NA |
Richard Leviton | Self | Self |
Riley Pope | self | |
Rita Hunt | Self | Self |
Rob Burciaga | Myself | |
Robbin Keenan | Self | Self |
Robert Grillo | Free from Harm | |
Ron Norwood | Na | NA |
Ronald Naversen | Retired | Self |
Rose Giovannelli | Self | Self |
Rosemary Davy | Self | Self |
Ruby Gerhardt | Self | |
russell august engelke | self | self |
Sabrina Hardenbergh | self | self |
Sam Spiller | Self | |
Samuel McAvoy | Myself | |
Sandi Swiss | Self | Self |
Sara Eynon | Self | Carbondale Garen Study Club |
Sara Gardner | self | |
Sarah E Parker-Scanlon | private citizen | |
Sarah Fack | Self | |
Sarah Greer | Myself | Myself |
Sarah Heyer | self | self |
Sarah Moore | Animal Protective League | Animal Protective League |
Sarah Webb | Myself | self |
Sean Childers | Self | Self |
Sergey Prokushkin | Sergey Prokushkin Consulting | Sergey Prokushkin Consulting |
Shannon Stokr | Self | |
Sharon Obery | Starved Rock Cleanup Crew | |
Shawnee Elmore | self | self |
sheryl bass | self | self |
Stanley Woodworth IV | None | Myself |
Stephanie Jarosz | Myself | |
Steve Eberhart | Sierra Club | |
Steve Gonzalez | Self | Self |
Steve Pittman | self | self |
Steven Dittmar | Self | |
Steven H Doll | Self | |
Steven L Hartman | Retired, Southern Illinois University | |
Subramanian Iyer | Self | Self |
Sue Menter | self | |
Susan Johansen | self | self |
Susan Billinger | Myself | Myself |
Susan Blaho | Self | Self |
Susan Davis | Self | Self |
Susan Svizzero | self | self |
Susan Tyler | undefined | |
Susan Warder | Self | Self |
Susan Zaitz | Self | Self |
Suzanne Schmitt | Myself | |
Tabitha Tripp | None | None |
Teri Gidwitz | self | self |
Terri Hoshell | Self | Self |
Theresa Pope | self | |
Thomas Bik | self | |
Thomas Gall | Myself | Myself |
Timothy Bauch | None | Bobcat Foundation |
Tina Perryman | Self | |
toby powers | self | self |
Tomi Tranchita | Individual | |
Valerie Chalcraft | Applied Animal Behavior | self |
Vicki Donley | Alpaca Pines Llc Farm and Fiber Mill | |
Vicky Kloth | Self | Self |
Vito Mastrangelo | Attorney at Law | self |
Wanda Hoover | Please SelectUUANI | UUANI |
Wayne Knutson | Trapper Hunter | I support the hunting and trapping of Bobcats. |
William Radovich | Self | |
Yoav Kashiv | Self | Self |