Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Executive (H) 9/9/2021 11:00 AM |
Natalie McIntosh | Exelon | |
Aaron Buntjer | Self | Self |
Aaron Erickson | NA | |
Aaron Hegge | Self | Self |
Aaron McCool | Exelon | IBEW Local 15 |
Aaron Shaffer | Self | Self |
Abel Leal | Nuclear worker | |
Adam Fugett | Will Co Resident | Will Co Resident |
Adam Fuller | Self | Self |
Adam Price | Self | Self |
Adam Wilson | self | self |
Aditya Patel | Exelon | |
Agatha Piwcewicz | self | |
Aida Castro | Self | Self |
Aiden Glidic | IBEW | IBEW |
Aiden Glidic | Self | Self |
Aimee Bohnert | Illinois Resident | Self |
Alan Krebsbach | Self | Self |
Alan Medsker | None | Self |
Alan Sedacki | Self | |
Alana Doss | Self | Self |
Alberto Moreno | ComEd | |
Alex Broda | Self | Self |
Alex Maas | Self | Self |
Alex Masters | Alex masters | Alex masters |
Alexis jensen | Na | |
Ali Gale | Self | |
Alison Phillips | Quad cities station | |
Allen Nevills | 93 Energy | 93 Energy LLC |
Allison Free | Self | Self |
Alvaro Avila | SELF | Self |
Alycia Snow | Self | Self |
Alyssa Hayes | University of Tennessee | |
Alyssa passmore | Self | Self |
Amanda Davis | Self | Self |
Amanda Dickrell | Morris Hospital | Self |
Amanda Grabowski | self | |
Amber Lanning | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Amory | Self | |
Amy Hambly | Self | Self |
Amy Nichols | Self | Self |
Amy Richards | Self | Self |
Amy Seng | resident | taxpayer |
Amy Tooley | Self | Self |
Andra Trank | Andra trank | |
Andrea Herrald | Self | Self |
Andreas Symeonides | Williams Architects | Registered Architect, State of Illinois; Resident, Village of Arlington Heights & State of Illinois; Proponent of Clean Energy & Sustainable Design |
Andrew Brewer | Self | Self |
Andrew Davis | Self | Self |
Andrew Fox | Self | |
Andrew McDonald | Local 15 | |
Andrew Phelps | Self | Self |
Andrew Pisha | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Andrew Plenge | self | self |
Andrew Rowe | Exelon | Andrew Rowe |
Andrew Shute | Headline Solar | Headline Solar |
Andrew Wright | Self | Self |
Andrubal Nieves | Self | IBEW LOCAL 15 |
Andy Johnson | self | self |
Andy Seay | Simpleray | self |
Angela Snow | Self | Self |
Angelique Saddoris | self | self |
Anna Raschke | Self | |
Anne Harvey | My Kid's Mom | |
Annette Cowart | 93 Energy | 93 Energy - for the environment - to reduce carbon emissions, for employees of oil, nuclear and coal industries to transition to renewables |
Annette Fannin | Self | Self |
Annie McAnespie | Self | Self |
Annie Wong | self | |
Anthony Crose | Self | |
Anthony Crose | Self | Self |
Anthony Orendorff | None | |
Anthony Taylor | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Antonia Gabry | Concerned Citizen | Concerned Citizen |
April Mancuso | Self | Myself and My Family |
April Murphey | Self | Self |
Arick Stephenson | Self | Self |
Ashley Kachlik | Self | |
Ashley mauer | Self | |
Athena Lane | Self | Self |
Austin Knapp | SELF | SELF |
Austin Wilde | None | Self |
Avalon Betts-Gaston | Illinois Alliance for Reentry & Justice | Illinois Alliance for Reentry & Justice |
Bailey chiodo | Self | Self |
Barry Mingus | State of Illinois | Private individual |
Ben Clements | Na | |
Ben Clements | Self | |
Ben Junis | Self | |
Benjamin Busser | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Beth Sundman | Self | Self |
Bethany Brown | None | |
Beverly Byrne | resident | taxpayer |
Bhavin Parikh | Self | Self |
Bill Neighbour | Self | Self |
Blair Horath | Self | Self |
Bo Parrish | Self | Srlf |
Bob Drysch | Exelon | No |
Bonnie Jensen | Self | Self |
Bonnie Petersen | self | self |
Brad Auker | Auker Rental | |
Bradley F Lanka | Exelon LLC | Myself |
Bradley Gritt | Self | Self |
Bradley Kaskavage | Exelon | Self |
Brady Newman | resident | taxpayer |
Brandon Gabry | Concerned Citizen | Concerned Citizen |
Brent Sullivan | Self | Self |
Bret Richards | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Brett rogers | Same | |
Brett Trafton | self | self |
Brian Fischer | Self | Self |
Brian Hale Jr | IBEW Local 15 | |
Brian Harlan | self | self |
Brian Kezele | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Brian Lewin | Illinois Resident | Illinois Resident |
Brian Moritz | Retired Nuclear worker | Byron Generating Plant |
Brian Olbrot | Self | Self |
Brian Spencer | Self | |
Brian Udrow | resident | taxpayer |
Brian Vanderjack | Self | Self |
Brian Wake | Self | self |
Briana Franciskovich | Self | Self |
Briannah fields | Wise | |
Bridget Brennan | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Bridget Ryan | Na | |
Bridgette Bonk | Self | Self |
Brigitta Greg | Citizen | Self |
Brittney Kaluzny | Self | Self |
Brock Whiteman | self | self |
brooke austin | Exelon | |
Bruce Mandish | Self | |
Bryan Mauer | Illinois resident | Family |
Bryce Trevino | Self | Illinois resident |
Caitlyn Mattingly | Self | Self |
Camilo Rodriguez III | self | Self |
Carissa Faletti | Self | Self |
Carl Rytych | Self | Self |
Carl Smith | Self | Self |
Carl Thatcher | self | self |
Carlos Zuniga | Exelon | IBEW Local 15 |
Carol D Peck | Self | Laborer's Local Union |
Carson Hegge | Self | Self |
Cary Wehrle | Self | Self |
Cassie Lockhart | IBEW LOCAL 15 | IBEW LOCAL 15 |
Catherine Johnson | Self | |
Chad Davenport | Exelon | |
Chad Humbers | Self | Self |
Charity Gotschall | Exelon | |
Charles Davis | The Stone Touch Company | |
Charles Sims | The Iron Keg, LLC | |
Charles Symeonides | Illinois Resident | Self |
Charli Seloover | IBEW 15 | |
Chavonne Symeonides | Illinois Resident | Self |
Cherie Miller-Kling | Self | Self |
Cheryl Free | Self | Self |
Cheryl Jones Das | Self | Self |
Chloe Rickman | Self | Self |
Chris Andree | Ibew 15 | |
Chris Houk | ComEd | ComEd |
Chris Mark Moser | Self | |
chris riser | IBEW 15 | |
Chris Smith | Reed Custer school | Reed Custer school |
Chris Wasson | Self | |
Christian Cantu | Exelon | |
Christina | self | self |
Christina Levine | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Christina Thatcher | self | self |
Christine Ditzler | self | self |
Christine Lynde | Byron CUSD 226 | Byron CUSD 226 |
Christine Macella | Self | |
Christine Macella | Self | Self |
Christopher Deprest | Self | Self |
Christopher Kaluzny | Self | Self |
Christopher Psichogios | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Christopher R Garcia | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW LOCAL 15 |
Cody French | Self | |
Cody Smith | IBEW local 15 | IBEW local 15 |
Colleen Rynski | self | self |
Colleen Sheridan | Self | Self |
Coltan Davis | Resident | None |
Connie Glowacki | Self | Self |
Corey Rennert | Self | Self |
Corie Glenn | self | |
Cory M Hale | Exelon | Exelon employees |
Cory Myers | Cory myers | |
Cory Ryan | resident | |
Cory Smith | Exelon | |
Cristy Pirc | self | Self |
Curtis Roberts | Self | Self, IBEW Local 15 |
cynthia brady | self | self |
Cynthia Foster | Self | Self |
Dale Rossman | Self | Self |
Dalin Johnson | Concerned citizen | |
Dan Bohnert | Illinois Resident | Self |
Dan Guisti | Self | Self |
Dan Lee | Tax payer | Self |
Dan Newman | resident | taxpayer |
Dan Todhunter | Self | Self |
Dan Whiteman | self | self |
Dana acup | Exelon | |
Dana Franchi | Self | Self |
Dana Jackson | None | |
Dana Mullen | Self | Self |
Daniel Collins | Self | Self |
Daniel Glenn | Self | |
Daniel Glenn | Self | Self |
Daniel Mesa | Self | Self |
Daniel Murphy | . | |
Daniel Niehaus | Self | Self |
Daniel Rosales | Self | self |
Danielle Martin | Family | Family |
Danielle VanDuyne | Self | Self |
Darin Schoolcraft | Illinois resident | Self |
Darlene Hattan | None | |
Darren cherrington | Illinois resident | Self |
Daryl Alan Johnson | Self | Byron Nuclear Plant- Exelon |
Dave Fannin | Self | Self |
David Birchmier | Simpleray | Simpleray |
David Bubnack | Illinois Resident | |
David Chandler | resident | taxpayer |
David Cummings | local 15 | local 15 |
David Dondlinger | Self | Self |
David Gabry | Self | Self |
David Groharing | Self | |
David Gullott | None | None |
David Johnson | IBEW | |
David lantz | Self | Self |
David Rubino | Father | Concerned resident |
David Schwartz | Self | Self |
David Seng | resident | taxpayer |
David Shinnick | Self | Self |
David Smith | Self | IL Resident |
David Wojczynski | Self | |
David Zentmyer | Resident | |
Dawn Butera | Self | Self |
Dawn Keene | Self | Self |
Dawn Knapp | SELF | SELF |
Deb Childers | Self | Self |
Deb Eisfeller | Byron.Nuclear Station | |
Deborah McBreen | None | Illinois Resident |
Deborah Meyer | IBEW15 | IBEW15 |
Debra Johnson | Illinois resident | Self |
Debra Murray | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Dennis Flanagan | None | |
Derek Ferguson | IBEW | IBEW |
Derek Hoffman | Self | Self |
Derek Wessman | IBEW local 15 | |
Derrick Porter | Self | IBEW Local 15 |
Diane Bernardi | Self | |
Diane Loucks | Self | Self |
Diane Smith | Self | Self |
Dominic Sanfilippo | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Dominick Centracchio | ibew local 15 | self |
Dominick Centracchio | self | ibew local 15 |
Don Curl | Exelon | IBEW Local 15 |
Donald Armbruster | Exelon | Self |
Donald Maue | Self | Self |
Donna Raschke | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Donna Thatcher | self | self |
Douglas Phillips | Self | Self |
Dustin Harrolle | Self | Self |
Dustin Hess | NA | Self |
Dustin Spray | Self | Self |
Earin Land | self | |
Edward Englert | Myself | Myself |
Eleni Symeonides | Illinois Resident | Self |
Elizabeth Glenn | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Jackson | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Moesch-Chiquito | ibew local 15 | ibew local 15 |
Elizabeth Phelps | Self | Self |
Elizabeth Robison | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Elmer Hernandez | UI | |
Emily Bridgewater | SELF | SELF |
Emily Duering | Self | Self |
Emily Ray | Self | |
Emma Kendro | Simpleray | Simpleray |
Eric Cieszkiewicz | self | self |
Eric Franciskovich | IBEW Local 15 | Self |
Eric Gordon | self | self |
Eric Gross Jr | Exelon | |
Eric Halverson | Self | Myself |
Eric Harcharik | Myself | |
Eric Jebsen | Self | Self |
eric maloni | Self | Self |
Eric Payne | 93Energy | 93Energy |
Eric Strey | Self | Self |
Erica Peredetto | self | self |
Erik Nelson | self | self |
Erin Lewis | Self | |
Estel Ray | Self | |
Evan Williams | Exelon | Exelon |
FABIAN VELA | Local 15 | |
Forrest Helfrich | Self | Self |
Frank Witt | Homeowner | |
Frank Davito | IBEW local 15 | IBEW local 15 |
Fraser Olsen Sinclair | Headline solar | Headline solar |
Gabe Castillo | Self | Self |
Galo Vera | self | self |
Garry Stark | Self | Self |
Gary Blatz II | Illinois Resident | Self |
Gary Pirc | self | self |
George L Hughes | Exelon LLC | |
Glen Castro | Self | Self |
Glenda O'Bannon Revies | self | self |
Glenn Townsell | Dresden Generating Station | |
Greg Lehman | Self | Self |
Greg Raschke | Self | |
Gregory Johnson | Exelon | |
Gregory Perian | Self | IBEW Local 15 |
Gwendalyn Wilde | Self | Self |
Hannah Bridgewater | self | self |
Harris Welt | Self | Self |
Heather Banks | Self | Self |
Heather Harrolle | Self | Self |
Heather Meyer | Self | Self |
Hector Navar | Self | Self |
Holden DeGrave | Self | |
IBETH RODRIGUEZ | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
ioannis mourikes | self | self |
Jacelyn Desmarais | Concerned Illinois Resident | Myself |
Jackie Troutman | Self | Self |
Jacob A Becker | IBEW 15 | Ibew local 15 |
Jacob Burton | None | Concerned Illinois Resident |
Jacob Crouse | IBEW 15 | IBEW 15 |
Jacob Montoya | SELF | SELF |
Jacob Schmitt | FutureTECH | FutureTECH |
Jade Sharum | Self | Self |
James Sober | Exelon- Nuclear Generation- IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
James Banks | Self | Self |
James Burke | Illinois resident | self |
James Clark | Local 15 | |
James Cook | Self | Self |
James E Hopf | Generation Atomic | Generation Atomic |
James Glidic | IBEW | IBEW |
James Jackson | Self | Self |
James Lynde | Self | |
James Nevling | Self | |
James Tamayo | IBEW Local 15 | |
Jamie Barber | Self | Self |
Jamie Rennert | Self | |
Jamie Sharisky | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Janet Gaudet | Exelon | IBEW Local 15 |
Janet Gaudet | Self | Self |
Janice Horath | Self | Self |
janina kradenych | self | |
Jannice Bubnack | Illinois Resident | |
Jared Bomkamp | Self | Self |
Jared Breitbach | Jared Breitbach | Jared Breitbach |
Jarrod Dunnavan | Self | |
Jason | Seco | IBEW 15 |
Jason Gerber | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Jason Hammer | Self | |
Jason Jackubowski | Self | Self |
Jason koller | Local 17 | |
Jason Park | Self | Self |
Jason Rowell | Marine | Nuclear Workers |
Jason Skrzypiec | IBEW Local 15 | Self |
Jason Skrzypiec | On behalf of self | Self |
Jason Stalter | Self | Self |
Jason Wambergue | Self | |
Jeanine pitman | Self | Self |
Jeannette Papucci | Resident | Taxpayer |
jeff buch | Ibew | Ibew |
Jeff Ferry | Vistra Corp | Vistra Corp - Dynegy, Luminant, Ambit Energy, Homefield Energy, Brighten Energy, ILG&E, Energy Rewards, Public Power Energy Supplier |
Jeff Horath | IBEW local 15 | Local 15 |
Jeffery Johnson | Self | Self |
Jeffrey Bridgewater | self | self |
Jeffrey Carlson | Self | Self |
Jeffrey Clark | self | |
JEFFREY R TUTT | Self | Self |
Jenell Bush | Exelon | |
Jenna Basil | Self | Self |
jennifer alberico | None | None |
Jennifer Cook | Self | Self |
Jennifer Courtney | Self | Self |
Jennifer Dougherty | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Jennifer Johnson | Concerned Citizen | All employees of Exelon in Dresden and Byron |
Jennifer Stumbaugh | 93 Energy | |
Jeremy Brooks | Self | Self |
Jeremy Davidson | HEADLINE SOLAR | Headline Solar |
Jeremy Hossack | Graybar Electric | self |
Jeremy J Haddon | IBEW local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Jeremy Jiskra | Self | Self |
Jeremy Noah | Self | Self |
Jeremy Wight | Exelon | |
Jerime Kelly | Self | Self |
Jerome Zupancic | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Jessica Sheppard | Self | Self |
Jessica Fannin | Self | IBEW Local 15 |
Jessica Fuller | Self | Self |
Jessica Provance | Exelon | Exelon |
Jessica Radke | Self | Self |
Jessica Terrell | Exelon Employee IBEW member | IBEW member |
Jill Pottorff | self | self |
Jill Seyller | Self | self |
Jill Swanson | Self | |
Jim Mlakar | None | |
Jo Chandler | resident | taxpayer |
JoAnn Koenig | Self | Self |
Jody James Bodey | None | None |
Joe Ambrosini | Self | Self |
Joe Coughlin | self | self |
Joe Seyller | self | self |
Joe Smith | Union labor | Local unions supporting industry |
Joe Zebell | Self | Self |
Joel Fern | Exelon | |
Joel Gerweck | Self | Self |
John Abel | Self | Self |
John Brian Daniels | Concerned Illinois Resident | Myself |
John Butler | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
John Byrne | resident | taxpayer |
John Ciesla | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
John Dillon | IBEW | Self |
John Duranto | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
John Ebens | self | |
John Elder | Self | Self |
john f reich | Exelon | Self |
John Feigl | Self | Self |
John Feigl | Self | Self |
John Hulmes | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
John Kijowski | Self | Self |
John McDonnell | 93 Energy Solar | |
John Morahn | Self | Self |
John Richards | Self | Self |
John Rickard | City of Byron | City Council, City of Byron, IL |
John Salyers | Self | Self |
John Sandoval | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
John Spinelli | Self | Self |
Jolene Moroney | resident | taxpayer |
Jon Garriott | Self | Self |
Jon Gentz | Resident | |
Jonathan Banzhaf | Self | Self |
Jonathan Lewis | Tomahawk Communications LLC | Employees of Tomahawk and their families. |
Jonathan Lewis | Tomahawk Communications LLC | Employees of Tomahawk and their families. |
Jordan Koenig | Self | |
Jordan Sinnott | Self | Self |
JOSE ABITUA | Self | Self |
Jose Carandang | Self | Self |
Josef Brennan | Self | Self |
Joseph Bacigalupo | Retired | Self |
Joseph Capolina | Self | Self |
Joseph Gilmartin | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Joseph Serio | Self | Self |
Joseph Taylor | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Josh Clark | Simpleray | Simpleray |
Josh Hintze | Self | |
Josh Jiskra | Self | Self |
Joshua Bernardin | IBEW | IBEW |
Joshua Ericks | self | IBEW Local 15 |
Joshua Morahn | Self | Self |
Joshua Wall | IBEW - Local 15 | IBEW - Local 15 |
JP Byrnes | myself | myself |
Julie Kim | self | self |
Julie Niehaus | Self | Self |
Julie Popovich | Self | Self |
Justin Anderson | Self | Self |
Justin Paul | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Justin Vano | Self | Self |
Justin W Partee | Self | Self |
Kaila Bubnack | Kaila Bubnack | Kaila Bubnack |
Kaitlyn | Concerned Illinois Resident | Myself |
Kaleb Paulton | Exelon | Self |
Kali Roed | Self | self |
Kara Castillo | Self | |
Karen Duering | Self | Self |
Karen Dwulat | resident | taxpayer |
Karen Merkle | Self | |
Karen Raschke | Self | |
Karen Ream | self | Self |
KARLA BACON | Self | Self |
Kassidy Cherrington | Self | Illinois resident |
Kate Clements | Na | |
Kate Clements | Self | Self |
Kate Schnell | Self | self |
Katherine Johnson | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Katherine Davis | The Stone Touch Company | |
Kathleen Todhunter | Self | Self |
Kathryn Whitehead | Kathryn Whitehead | Kathryn Whitehead |
Kathy and Martin Toms | Self | Exelon nuclear Byron |
Kathy Barry | self | |
Kathy Jiskra | Self | Self |
Kati Ricken | Exelon | |
Katie Olbrot | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW LOCAL 15 |
Katie Peternell | None | Self |
Katrina Wojczynski | Self | |
Katy Kaluzny | Self | Self |
Kay Johnson | Self | Self |
Keith Eggert | self | |
Keith Eye | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
keith mavity | self | self |
Kelly Brennan | Self | Self |
Kelly Larsen | Self | Self |
Kelly Zlevor | Self | Myself |
Ken Nicely | self | |
Ken Sandeno | D Construction | D Construction |
Kendall Luelf | Ibew local 15 | |
Kendra Hobby | Behalf of Byron Station | |
Kennedy Dickrell | Student | Illinois Resident |
Kenneth Adams | Self | Resident |
Kenneth Moss | Self | Self |
Kent Schreiber | Self | Self |
Kenya Phillips | Self | sELF |
Kerrin Bailey | Self | Self |
Kevin Brehm | Exelon | |
Kevin Gaffney | Self | Self |
Kevin Guzman | resident | taxpayer |
Kevin Kerner | Self | Self |
Kevin Medenblik | Illinois resident | Illinois resident |
Kevin P Millette | Commonwealth Edison | |
Kevin Roach | K&J Investment Properties, LLC | |
Kevin Udrow | resident | taxpayer |
Kiersten Sheets | Ruyle Mechanical Services, Inc | Ruyle Mechanical Services, Inc |
Kiley Burke | Self | self |
Kim Larson | Self | Self |
Kim Papucci | resident | taxpayer |
Kimberly Ingram | self | self |
Kimberly Vavra | Self | Self |
Kirsten Crawford | resident | taxpayer |
Kirsten Young | Self | Self |
Koni Whiteman | self | self |
Kris hobbs | Omnicare, inc | |
Krish Kripakaran | Self | Self |
Kristen Hallquist | Self | Self |
Kristen Humbers | Self | Self |
Kristi Phillips | Self | Seld |
Kristi Phillips | Self | Self |
Kristin Dondlinger | Self | Self |
Kristin Meek | Self | Self |
Kristina Centracchio | ibew local 15 | ibew local 15 |
Kristina Centracchio | self | ibew local 15 |
Kristina Krueger | Comed Exelon | |
Kristy Groharing | Self | Self |
Kurtis Bielefeldt | Self | |
Kyle | South | |
Kyle Duttlinger | IBEW | |
Lacy Morris | None | |
Landon Finch | Comed - IBEW Local 15 | Comed IBEW Local 15 |
Larry Price | Self | Self |
Laura Bucciarelli | Self | Self |
Laura M Drapinski | Self | Self |
Laura Tolle | Self | Self |
Lauren Ryan | resident | taxpayer |
Laurie mcbride | Self | Self |
LaVander Williams | comed | |
Leah Harrolle | Self | Self |
Leslie E Holden | Self | Self |
Leslie Robinson Jr | self | self |
Lester Johnson | Self | Self |
Levi Huene | Self | Self |
Lewis Butler | Simpleray | Simpleray |
Lewis Steve | ComEd | |
Linda Persha | Illinois Resident | Self |
Lindsay Smith | None | Self |
Lindsey Webster | Self | Self |
Lisa Brogaard | resident | taxpayer |
Lisa Callaway | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Lisa Dempsay | self | self |
Lisa Esser | IBEW LOCAL 15 | IBEW LOCAL 15 |
Lisa Leipus | None | Self |
Lisa Sims | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Lisa young | University chicago ingalls | |
Lisa Zurawski | Self | Self |
Londyn Lindahl | Self | Self |
Loren E Boehm | Self | Self |
Loren Koenig | Self | Self |
Lori Haines | self | self |
Lori Myers | Constituent | Self |
Lorna Surman | Self | Self |
Louis Manivong | Self | |
Louryn Strampe | Self | Self |
Lucas Pirc | self | self |
Mae Wilton | Self | Maegan Wilton |
marco hernandez | ibew local 15 | ibew |
Margaret Hattan | None | |
Margaret Wojczynski | Self | |
Maria A Salame | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Marie Julius | Self | Self |
Marie Schultheis | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Mario Lopez | Self | Self |
Marisa Kivi | Self | Self |
Marisa Tolbert | Lincoln College | |
Mark Budelier | Self | Self |
Mark Chamberlain | Illinois Resident | Illinois Resident |
Mark Cox | D. Construction, Inc | Friends of Nuclear Energy - |
Mark Ferbend | IBEW | IBEW |
Mark Ferko | Self | Self |
Mark I Manella | Local 15 | Local 15 |
Mark Jiskra | Coal City School District | Self |
Mark Kultgen | self | self |
Mark Mazurkiewicz | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Mark Phillips | Exelon | |
Mark Shaulis | Self | Self |
Marti Pantaleone | Self | |
Marvin Baier | Self | |
Mary A Criscione | Resident | |
Mary ellen giese | Self | Self |
Mary Grose | self | self |
Mary Smoot | resident | taxpayer |
Mary Wehking | self | self |
Mason Duke | Self | Self |
Matt Fellows | Self | |
Matt Groharing | Ibew local 15 | |
Matt Groharing | None | |
Matt Lance | Self | Self |
Matthew Chouinard | none | Self |
Matthew Harrison | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Matthew Hattan | None | |
Matthew provance | Exelon | |
Matthew R Hinkle | Matt Hinkle | Illinois citizen |
Matthew Shirley | Exelon | |
Matthew Slade | Myself | Self |
Matthew Trubac | IBEW LOCAL 15 | IBEW LOCAL 15 |
Maureen Eccles | resident | |
Maureen Seng | resident | taxpayer |
Melanie Schultz | Self | |
Melody Wright | Self | Self |
Miah | self | self |
Michael Macella | Self | Self |
Michael A Sundman | IBEW 15 | |
Michael acup | Exelon | |
Michael Craig | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Michael Freeman | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Michael Hamende | IBEW local 15 | |
Michael Macella | Self | Self |
Michael McGuire | IBEW Local 15 | self |
Michael McIntyre | self | self |
Michael Muth | Self | |
Michael Nelin | Self | Self |
michael reeves | self | self |
Michael Ruder | Illinois Resident | Illinois Resident |
Michael Sharum | Self | Self |
Michael Shue | Self | Self |
Michael Sieja | 93 Energy | |
Michael Stewart | IBEW | Self |
Michael Strohmeier | Self | Self |
Michael Tuten | self | self |
Michelle Bradley | Self | Self |
Michelle Clark | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Michelle Lane | Byron226 School District | Myself |
Michelle Lane | My Family | Myself |
Michelle Marie Albert | IBEW Local 15 | self |
Michelle miller | Homeowner | |
Michelle Newman | resident | taxpayer |
Michelle Park | Citizen | Citizen |
Michelle Park | self | Citizen |
Michelle Porter | Self | Self |
Michelle Porter | Union Laborer | Self |
Michelle Smith | Self | |
Michelle Udrow | resident | taxpayer |
Michial Johnsom | Concerned citizen and Dad of Byron plant operator. | Concerned citizen |
Mike Davalos | Exelon Nuclear | Self |
Mike Larson | Self | Self |
Mike Macella | Local 15 | Local 15 Braidwood |
Mike Pinkston | Ibew local 15 | Mike Pinkston |
Miranda Coyne | Little Keeoers Daycare | |
Mitchel Mathews | IL Resident | Self |
Mitchell Cannon | Self | Self |
Mitchell Redford | IBEW | IBEW |
Mohammed Asraarulhaq | Self | Self |
Nakole Gould | Self | Self |
Nancy Fay | Fayz6audio | Nancy Fay |
Nate McGoldrick | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Nate Newman | resident | taxpayer |
Nathan Darrow | Self | Self |
Nathan Galloway | Concerned Citizen | Concerned Citizen |
Nathan Johnson | Nathan | Nathan |
Nathan Reece | Exelon | |
Nathan Wojczynski | Self | Self |
Nicholas Barber | Self | Self |
Nicholas Carstens | Personal | |
Nicholas Lashock | Local 15 | Nicholas Lashock |
Nicholas Lueth | Exelon | |
Nicholas Mancuso | Self | Illinois Families and Taxpayers |
Nicholas Tolbert | IBEW | |
Nichole Zebell | Self | Self |
Nick Duffy | self | self |
Nick kohrs | Self | Self |
nick muzzareli | citizen | IL Resident- Save Nuclear Plants |
Nicole Davis | Self | Self |
Nicole Sosnowski | resident | taxpayer |
Nicole Udrow | resident | taxpayer |
Nicole Wietting | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Nicole Wojczynski | Name | Self |
Nora Cabrales | IBEW LOCAL 15 | IBEW LOCAL 15 |
Octavio Corral | None | None |
Omar Escamilla | Self | Self |
Otto Toke | IBEW LOCAL 15 | IBEW LOCAL 15 |
Pamela Mullin | self | self |
Pat Escatel | Self | self |
Patricia Graham | Self | Self |
Patricia Johnson | Self | Myself |
Patricia L Faletti | Self | Self |
Patrick Boyle | Exelon Generation - Dresden Station | |
Patrick Feeley | Ibew local 15 | |
patrick haas | self | ibew 15 |
Patrick J Boyle | Exeelon Generation | Exelon Generation |
Patrick J Ohst | Exelon | Self |
Patrick Leever | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Patrick Livernois | Self | Self |
Patrick Newman | Self | Self |
Patrick Quealy | Private citizen | |
Patrick Shaulis | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Patrick Whitehead | Patrick Whitehead | Patrick Whitehead |
Paul Gebbia | Resident | |
Paul Kobos | None | |
Paul Puleo | Exelon | IBEW |
Paul Schultz | Self | Self |
Paul Vig | Self | Self |
Paula Butorka | Self | |
Paula Porter | Self | Self |
Peggy Shinnick | Dresden | Self |
Peggy Wessman | Resident | |
Petra Ramos | self | self |
Phil Gould | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Phil Hansett | Illinois | |
Primitivo Ramos | self | self |
Rachel Browning | Self | Self |
Rachel Lobb | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Rachel Wilkey | Self | |
Rachel Wojczynski | Self | Self |
Randy Ferrill | self | self |
Randy Finn | Self | |
Randy Schmidt | Exelon Generation | |
Ravi Trivedi | Exelon | |
Rebecca Bridgewater | Self | self |
Rebecca Hoffman | Self | Self |
Rebecca Perez | Self | Self |
Rebecca Steinman | Self | self |
Reid Dickrell | Student | Illinois Resident |
Reuben Johnson | IBEW local 15 | Myself |
Reuben Johnson | Self | Self |
Richard Guerrero | IBEW Local15 | IBEW Local15 |
Richard Hauck | Comed | Ibew local 15 |
Richard Pitman | Self | Self |
Rick Onsen | Gooselake Townshio | |
Rick Peabody | IBEW Local 15 | |
Rick Peabody | Self | Self |
Rick Terven | Illinois Pipe Trades Association | Illinois Pipe Trades Association |
Rita Kaufman | Exelon | |
Rob Zaldivar | 93Energy LLC | 93Energy - Solar contractor employees and their families. |
Robert Ahearn | Self | IBEW Local 15 |
Robert D Hoffman | Self | Self |
Robert Kaluzny | Self | Self |
Robert Montgomery | Self | Self |
Rodney Hopkins | Self | |
Rodrigo Ramos | Self | |
Rodrigo Ramos | self | self |
roger wakenight | prescott brothers ford | |
Ronald Sieling | IBEW local 15 | IBEW local 15 |
Ronald Stopka | Exelon | Illinois life long tax payer |
Ruqaiyah Stanley | Self | |
Russ Ruettiger | IBEW Local 15 | |
Ryan Bailey | Self | Self |
Ryan Duy | Exelon | |
Ryan Irvine | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
ryan pate | ibew | IBEW 15 |
Ryan Smith | IBEW L.U. 15 | |
Ryan Taplin | Self | Self |
Sally A Hoffman | Self | Self |
Sam Converse | na | self |
SANTOS NODAL | Concerned American citizen | |
Sara Seibt | Self | Self |
Sarada Kona | Exelon | |
Sarah cannon | Self | |
Sarah Clisham | Exelon | |
Sarah Coady | Self | Self |
Sarah Jorn | Self | Self |
Sarah Khaliquzzaman | Self | Self |
Sarah Swienton | Self | Self |
Sawyer Kuepker | Exelon | |
Scott Dickrell | IBEW Local 15 | Self |
Scott Levine | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Scott Meyers | Self | |
Scott Meyers | Self | Self |
Scott Ragan | IBEW local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Sean hosseini | Self | Self |
Sean M Shannon | Exelon | |
Sean Mattingly | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Sean OShea | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Sean Rigby | SELF | SELF |
Sean Stott | Laborers' International Union - Midwest Region | Laborers' International Union - Midwest Region |
Seth McAnespie | Self | Self |
Shane Cuddy | Self | Self |
Shane Hart | Self | Self |
Sharon Wagner | IBEW Local 15 | Concerned citizen for Global Climate, Clean Air, and People's Jobs |
Shaun Havey | Self | Self |
Shawn Courtney | Self | Self |
Shawn Greeley | Self | Self |
Shawn McGlynn | Self | Self |
Shawn Pixler | Self | |
Shawn Wachter | ComEd | |
Shawna Cuddy | Self | Self |
Shayna | self | self |
Sheila May | None | Self |
Shelly Hull | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
sherri fraine | na | |
Sherri Shaulis | Self | Self |
Sheryl Petric | Brakur Custom Cabinetry, Inc. | |
Shirley Lambros | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Sisto Andrea Perciballe | Self | Self |
Sky Goltz | Energy Advocate Group | |
Sondra Stewart | Self | |
Soteris Symeonides | Illinois Resident | Self |
Stacy Blatz | Illinois Resident | Self |
Stanley bush | Ibew local 15 | |
stanley bush | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
Steph Hodson | Self | Self |
Stephen Blais | self | self |
Steve Dwulat | resident | taxpayer |
Steve Fay | Fayz6 Woodworking | Steve Fay |
Steven Duering | Self | Self |
Steven Schildhouse | IBEW local 15 | |
Steven Schildhouse | IBEW Local15 | |
Suresh Grover | Exelon Generation | |
Susan Bailey | Self | Self |
Susan Fiske | Self | |
Susan Korn | Self | Self |
Susan Phillips | Self | Self |
Sydney Sherman | Exelon Generation | Exelon Generation |
Syeda Huma | Self | Self |
Tammi Hegge | Self | Self |
Tara Branscum | Self | Self |
Tara Noah | Self | Self |
Taylor Troutman | Citizen | Nuclear Energy |
Taylor Tuten | not applicable | |
Teresa Rosales | Self | Self |
Terri Price | Self | Self |
Terrin Cannon | Self | Self |
Terry Johnsom | Self | Concerned citizen Mom of Byron plant operator |
Terry Sheridan | Retired IBEW15 | |
Thaddeus Crites | ComEd | |
Theresa Vetter | IBEW Local 15 | IBEW Local 15 |
thomas anton | Byron Nuclear Station | Exelon |
Thomas Corcoran | Self | Self |
Thomas Rakes | IBEW Local 15 | Self |
Thomas Rosenthal | Self | Self |
Thomas Striley | Exelon Corporation | |
Tiffany Shinnick | Self | Self |
Tim Crawford | resident | taxpayer |
Tim McBride | Self | Self |
Tim Wilburn | Self | Self |
Todd Casagrande | Exelon Generation | |
Todd Francisco | Self | Self |
Todd J Schultz | IBEW | IBEW |
Todd Troutman | Citizen | Citizen |
Tom Hart | IBEW Member | |
tom scott | Self | Self |
Tony Wittrock | self | Self |
Tracy Ericks | IBEW Local 15 | self |
Trevor Hegge | Self | Self |
Tye Carrington | Tye Carrington | |
Tyleen Pfeifer | Self | Self |
Tyler Spencer | Self | IBEW local 15 |
Vanessa Guzman | resident | taxpayer |
Vern Moss III | Self | Self |
Victor Angelo Hughes | Self | IBEW Local 15 |
Victor Beltran | Self | Self |
Victor Landman | ComEd | |
Victoria Eggers | Self | Self |
Vincent M Mellens | self | |
Virgil Flener | Self | Self |
Wade Herrald | Self | Self |
Walter Remiasz | Illinois Resident | Illinois Resident |
Watson Smoot | resident | taxpayer |
wayne bacigalupo | Baci Me Photography | Self |
Wendy Schluntz | Self | Self |
Whitney Wilson | Self | self |
William Burns | Illinois Resident | Illinois Residents |
William Clemens | Dresden | Self |
William Fassler | Illinois Resident | Self |
William Free | Self | Self |
William Johnson | Self | |
William K Akre | Self | Self |
William Malecki | self | self |
William Riggs | IBEW 15 | |
William Scott Allison | SELF | SELF |
William Sean Allison | self | |
Willow Taller | NA | Self |
Youngguk Kim | Self | self |
Yulinda Johnson | IBEW | |
Zachariah Terry | Exelon | |
Zachary Brogaard | resident | taxpayer |
Zachary Kalaitzakis | Self | Self |
Zapopan Marie Sims | Self | |