Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Judiciary - Criminal (H) 11/15/2016 1:00 PM |
Abby McEntee | Na | Myself and family |
Allen Yang | Northwestern University | |
Andrew DeMuro | Guitars Over Guns | Andrew DeMuro |
Ann Kolasa Zastrow | Kellogg Executive Education | Self |
Anna Boekstegen | self | |
Anton S Frelix | SELF | SELF |
Barbara Blough | self | self |
Barbara Witkiewicz | DNA | myself |
Beverly Copeland | People for Safer Society | People for Safer Society |
Blessing Uchendu | Baker College Prep | |
Brenna OBrien | NA | Myself |
Brian Clarke | myself | |
Brigid Leahy | Planned Parenthood of Illinois | Planned Parenthood of Illinois |
Carol Moran | Carol Moran, MSW | self |
Caryn Fliegler | Myself | Myself |
Catherine Eccleston | self | self |
Colleen Daley | Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence | Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence |
Crystal Roach | Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago | Self |
Cynthia Bernardi | self | Cynthia Bernardi |
Daniel Lattanzi | NA | self |
Dave Stoneback | na | self |
David St John | Self | Self |
Denyse Stoneback | People for a Safer Society | People for a Safer Society |
Diane Barounis | self | |
Edward H Soderstrom II | None | Self |
Eileen G Soderstrom | none | self |
Eliza Betteridge | Northwestern University | |
Erin Epperson | self | self |
Eve Ludwig | self | |
Eve Ludwig | self | |
Fernanda Perez | PLUS Group | self |
Jean Terrien | None | Jean Terrien, GPAC-Illinois |
Jed Greenwald | SocialCode | |
Jeff Grand | Self | |
Jennie Pinkwater | Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics | Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics |
Jennifer Leininger | Lurie Children's | |
Jessica Ellis | self | |
Jill Althage | SELF | SELF |
Jill Edelblute | YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago | YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago |
Jill Fraggos | Strengthening Chicago's Youth | Strengthening Chicago's Youth |
Jill Fraggos | Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago | Lurie Children's Hospital |
Jo Ann R Potashnick | Temple Sholom of Chicago | |
John Barrett | Gun Responsibility Advocates | |
John C Duncan | HCSC | |
John Sents | none | |
Jon McEntee | Na | Myself |
judith corbeille | self | self |
Judith Lynn Aulik | Self | |
Julie Biehl | Children and Family Justice Center, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law | self |
Julie Hill | Self | Self |
Kathleen Sances | Gun Violence Prevention PAC | |
Kelli Day | self | self |
Kelly Harmon | Self | Self |
Kevin Kirsner | not applicable | |
Kyle Hillman | National Association of Social Workers Illinois Chapter | National Association of Social Workers - Illinois Chapter |
Laura Patrick | self | self |
Laura Williams | Self | My family |
Laura Zupko | self | self |
Leah Katz | SapientNitro | Leah Katz |
Lidia Ausbrook | Self | Self |
Linda Walker | Self employed | |
Lindsay Hagy | Mother | |
Lindsey Hammond | Community Renewal Society | Community Renewal Society |
Loida Rosario | Self | |
Lorna Haubrich | self | self |
Louis A Marquis | NA | |
Maggie Litgen | Health and Medicine Policy Research Group | |
marcia dellenbach | self | |
Margaret Feit Clarke | St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church, Peace & Justice Committee | self |
Margaret Sents | Retired | |
Mark Nagasawa | Erikson Institute, a graduate school in child development | |
Mark Walsh | Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence | Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence |
Mark Walsh | Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence | Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence |
Martha Clarke | self | self |
Mary Ann Quinlan | self | |
Mary Dixon | ACLU of IL | ACLU of Illinois |
Mary Taylor | None | SELF |
MaryJo Boyer | Self | Self |
Maureen Verwiel | self | self |
Michael Brierton | Brierton Design | |
Michael Kreloff | Michael Kreloff, Attorney at Law | Illinois Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics |
Michelle Scott | UCAN | Self |
mike pavilon | self | self and family |
Natalie Warren | none | |
Nick Chrisos | Self | Self |
Nicole StJean | Northwestern University | self |
Paul Clarke | Harvard University | |
Paul Fagen | Communities In Schools of Chicago | |
Quenton Galvin | self | |
Rachel Sax | Northwestern University | Self |
Rebeca Rosario | Self | Self |
Richard F Nielsen | NA | Gun Violence Prevention Task Force of the First United Methodist Church at the Chicago Temple |
Rodrigo Fernandez | CapGrow Partners | |
Ronit Lever MD | Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago | Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago |
Sally Clark Arden | Self | Self |
Sally Nador | Sally J. Nador, Psy. D. | |
Sally Nador | Sally J. Nador, Psy. D. | |
Sandra | na | self |
Sandra Shimon | Medical Transcription Service, Inc. | Oak Park GRA |
Sharleen Barron | None | |
Sharon Khurana | Dr. | self |
Stephanie Kollmann | Children and Family Justice Center | self |
Steve Baker | Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender | Cook County Public Defender |
Sue Dunmore | SELF | SELF |
Tara J McClellan McAndrew | self | |
Tom Hughes | Illinois Public Health Association | Illinois Public Health Association |
Tracey Riley | Northwestern University | |
Wallace Winter | Lake Forest Friends Meeting | SELF |
Yvonne Smith | Self | |