Illinois General Assembly - HB1269Witness Slips
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Witness Slips For HB1269  103rd General Assembly

Bill Status

Legislation: HB1269
Proponents: 18Opponents: 0No Position: 0
NameFirm, Business Or AgencyRepresenting
Hearing Date and Time: Executive (H) 3/8/2023 10:00 AM
Al StonitschVillage of WoodridgeVillage of Woodridge
Bukola BelloVISION M.A.I. ConsultingCity of Aurora
Carie Anne ErgoVillage of Itasca, Illinois
Curt BarrettVillage of WinfieldVillage of Winfield
David BrummelCity of Warrenville
Deanne CureloVillage of ItascaVillage of Itasca
Eileen PhippsVillage of WayneVillage of Wayne
Evan SummersVillage of BensenvilleVillage of Bensenville
Evan SummersVillage of BensenvilleVillage of Bensenville
Hugh OHaraWill County Governmental LeagueWill County Governmental League
John CoultasIllinois Municipal LeagueIllinois Municipal League
Kevin S BarrVillage of Clarendon Hills
Matthew SladeMyselfSelf
Richard H VeenstraVillage of AddisonResidents of Addison
Suzette QuintellDuPage Mayors and Managers ConferenceDuPage Mayors and Managers Conference
Hearing Date and Time: Executive (H) 3/1/2023 10:00 AM
John CoultasIllinois Municipal LeagueIllinois Municipal League
Matthew SladeMyselfSelf
Suzette QuintellDuPage Mayors and Managers ConferenceDuPage Mayors and Managers Conference