Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Elem Sec Ed: School Curric Policies (H) 5/24/2017 10:30 AM |
Amy Jacobs | Self | Self, Gifted Education Teacher |
Andrea Zietlow | IAGC | IAGC |
Angela Liptak | Robert Crown School | Teacher |
Angela Stranges | Rhodes Elementary School | Gifted Education Teacher |
Ann M OGorman | Bourbonnais Elementary School Di | Bourbonnais Elementary School District Gifted Coordinator |
Audra Dwyer | Homeschooling Parent of Gifted Students | Homeschooling Parent of Gifted Students |
Barbara Thompson | Retired Teacher | |
Carolina Thaulad | stay home mom | IAGC |
Carolyn Welch | Illinois Association for Gifted Children | Illinois Association for Gifted Children |
Catherine Dykes | School District 96 | Catherine Dykes, Gifted Education Teacher |
Catherine Kaduk | Naperville School District 203 and University of Illinois at Chicago | |
Cindy Modrich | CCSD59 | teacher |
Coreen Sobczak | Evergreen Park School District 124 | Gifted Teacher |
Courtney Miller | IAGC | |
Cristina Cabrera | Elgin High school | Gifted teacher, gifted program coordinator |
Dan Alexander | Northwestern Settlement | member of IAGC |
Danelle Foster | School | |
Danielle Scacco | CCSD 181 | |
David Schwartz | Self | Self |
Deborah Lee | Elmhurst CUSD 205 | Elmhurst CUSD 205 |
Diane Barrett | Plainfield School District 202 | Gifted Specialist |
Diane Near | South Park Elementary School | Teacher |
Dr Merla Hammack | Educator | Former Illinois Gifted Educator (retired 2010), presently University Supervisor for Northern Illinois University, DeKalb |
Dr Sally Thomson | Illinois Association for Gifted Children | IAGC |
Esther Schabauer | Family | |
Gretchen Klocke | Self | Self |
Heather Cianciolo | Oak Park Parent | |
Helen J Steohens | St. Paul of the Cross School | Teacher |
irene gottlieb | none | |
Jackie Jahnke | None at this time | Former teacher and school administrator |
Jamie Seiberlich | IAGC | IAGC -- parent |
Jeanne Aken | Beach Park School District 3 | |
Jennifer A Stahl | IAGC member | IAGC member |
Jennifer Adams | Franklin Middle School | Teacher |
Jodi Briggs | CCSD59 | |
Joshua Dwyer | Untapped Potential Project | Untapped Potential Project |
Judith E Berlin | Education | Teacher |
KAREN KITTO | parent | |
Karen Syverson | Chicago Virtual Charter School | Chicago Virtual Charter School |
Kathleen A Dull | self | |
Kathleen Hatczel | Brookwood School District 167 | Brookwood School District 167 |
Kim Stone | Self | Parent |
Kimberly Dillender | Rock Island School District 41 | Teacher |
KRISTEN MCELLIGATT | Self-Employed Educational Consultant | Retired Educator, Past President of the Illinois Association for Gifted Children |
Leanne Ellis | Lincolnwood School District 74 | Gifted Teacher |
Linda Wallin | Duncan Wallin Networking Associates | Gifted teacher |
Lindsay Sudol | Campanelli Elementary School | |
Luanne | School District 28 | Literacy Coach, District 28 |
maricruz Ponce De Leon | Parent | |
Mary Galligan | Chicago Public Schools | |
Mary Holt | Lake Forest School District 67 | |
Mary Shapiro | Accurate Process Consulting | Accurate Process Consulting |
Mary Sue Ortale | Addison dist 4 | |
Matthew Kuntz | School Teacher | teacher |
Mirielle L Strasser | Woodridge SD 68 | Gifted Specialist |
Molly Merkey | Glenview District 34 | |
Newenka DuMont | Chicago Gifted Community Center | Chicago Gifted Community Center |
Nina Diehl | Northwestern Center for Talent Development | |
Pam Shaw | Illinois Virtual School | Teacher and Parent of Gifted and Twice Exceptional Children |
Pamela DePinto | Educator | Educational Consultant |
paula olszewski-kubilius | Center for Talent Development, Northwestern University | |
Phil Milsk | Law Offices of Phil Milsk | Illinois Association for Gifted Children |
Randee Blair | Center for Talent Development Northwestern University | Gifted Project Coordinator |
Rhonda Stern | DePaul University student | |
Rosina M Gallagher | Rosina M Gallagher, PhD | Psychologist |
Sara Warren | Danville School Distric | teacher |
Sarah Alexander | self | Gifted teacher |
Sharon Hess | ccsd59 | teacher |
Simona Masini | none | Teacher of Gifted Students |
Susan Bahl | Jonas Salk Elementary School | |
Susan Rhodes | IAGC | |
Suzy Lindblom | Rhodes 84,5 | |
Takako Chen | Higher Education | |
Tara Kristoff | none | none |
Tara Lenga | Sprague School D103 | Teacher Associate |
Theresa Coomer | Self | Self |
Tim Costello | Science & Arts Academy | Science & Arts Academy |
Tim Jedlicka | self | |
Todd Rapp | None | Self |
Yvette Stahl | Public School Teacher | Gifted Education Teacher |
Hearing Date and Time: Education (S) 4/4/2017 4:00 PM |
Adrienne Coleman | Illinois Mathematics And Science Academy | Educator |
Amanda Lishamer | Sterling Education | Tracher snd administrator for grades 3-12 |
Amy Roy | Na | NA |
Anand Ramakrishnan | none | IAGC MEMBER |
Ann Marie Tate | IAGC | Families of gifted children not served by current policies |
Ann McInerney | Iagc | Teacher |
Anna Adams | CANDO | Challenge Advocacy Network Development Organization (CANDO) |
Arijit Roy | NA | Gifted students |
Audra Dwyer | Homeschool Parent of Gifted | Self |
Bailin Shaw | Abbvie Inc. | Parent of gifted child |
Bernadette Dvorscak | Retired | Self |
Bonnie Park | IAGC | Retired gifted coordinator |
Bridgette Bonk | Private Citizen | Private Citizen |
C Barry | na | Self |
Carl Hopman | na | member, HSGS |
Carrie Felix | NA | self |
Carrie Sebold | Ms. | IAGC Member |
Catherine Dykes | RIVERSIDE SCHOOL DISTRICT 96 | Gifted Education Teacher |
Cathy Greene | Illois Association For Gifted Children | Gifted Children |
Cheryl Terdina | Family | Parent |
Christina Hoffmann | Representing myself | Representing myself |
Christina Magerkurth | None | My family |
Christine Ohtani-chang | Hga | Hga |
Christy Johnson | West Chicago district 33 | Gifted specialist |
Coreen Sobczak | Evergreen Park School District | Gifted Teacher |
Cristina Cabrera | Elgin High School | Myself and my students |
Cynthia Dickinson | Citizen of Illinois | family of a gifted child who is not being served by the state's current policy |
Debby Spertus | Spertus Studios | Self |
Deborah Grizzell | none | Individual |
Deborah Lee | Elmhurst CUSD 205 | Gifted Coordinator |
Denise Goshert | Plainfield School District 202 | Teacher |
Diane Beedy | Retired | Diane Beedy |
Diane Herrmann | self | self |
Dianne Woodard | CPS | Gifted Teacher |
Donna Borse | IAGC | IAGC member |
Donna Marino | Donna Marino, PsyD, Ltd | IAGC MEMBER |
Dr Judith Minor | Community Unit School District 308 | Dr. Judith Minor |
Dr Sally Thomson | Illinois Association for Gifted Children | IAGC |
Elizabeth Blalack | self | HSGS |
elizabeth carroll | Carroll Home | na |
Elizabeth Selander Hutchins | Kane County Consultant in Gifted Education and Foundational Services | Gifted Coordinator |
Emily Hayden | self | self |
Emily S Wiegand | LaGrange District 105 | Advanced Academics Math Specialist |
Eric Calvert | Center for Talent Development | Eric Calvert |
Erica Campbell | not applicable | not applicable |
Esther Schabauer | self | Family of gifted child not served by current policy |
Felicia Randle | U-46 | Teacher and parent of gifted children |
Garrett Boersma | IAGC | Students |
Genessa Schultz | CCA Academy | Academic Dean |
Georgette Foss | None | None |
gilda orta | Home Schooler | HSGS member |
Gina DeConti | Allstate Insurance Company | NA |
Ginny C Fitzgerald | Private Taxpayer | Private Taxpayer |
Haidee Fernandez | District 69 | Teacher |
Heidi Haldeman | Batavia Public School District 101 | Elementary school staff nurse |
Heidi Haldeman | Batavia Public School District 101 | Elementary school staff nurse |
Ivan Ewert | Self | Self |
Jamie Seiberlich | IAGC | IAGC |
Jennifer Clarke | teacher | gifted teacher |
Jennifer Merrill | advocate | family of gifted child not served by current policy |
Jennifer Sullivan | None | Indivisible Chicago, Indivisible123GO |
Jennifer Weege | GS131509316 | IAGC member |
Jennifer Wester | Self | self |
Jernelle Buckley | Batavia CANDO | IAGC member |
Joan Dahlquist | Parent of Gifted Child | HSGS |
JoAnn Wilk | Union Ridge School | Gifted Coordinator |
Joe Elzy | La Grange School District 102 | I am the teacher of a gifted and talented elementary school program. |
Joshua Dwyer | Untapped Potential Project | Untapped Potential Project |
Judith D Wahl | Flourish Consulting | Flourish Consulting |
Judith Tyler | Maine East High School | Gifted Lyceum at Maine Township High School District 207 |
Julia Scalzo | IAGC | Teacher |
Julianna Eshbach | NONE | MEMBER |
Julie Luck Jensen | retired | self |
Karen Young | none | self |
KarenSyverson | Chicago Virtual Charter School | teacher of gifted, coordinator of gifted program |
Kathleen Nilles | Nilles & Associates | Gifted Children, Family & Parent Support Liaison |
Kathleen Silver | Orland School District 135 | Teacher of Gifted |
Keith Olson | IPSD 204 | Classroom teacher |
Kenneth McConkey | None | IAGC member |
Kerry Rogers | Self | Self |
Kim Freitag | Cloverdale School | Assistant Principal |
Kim Smith | Lake Zurich School District 95 | Gifted Educator Specialist |
KRISTEN MCELLIGATT | Not applicable | Retired Educator |
Laura Cohen | Northbrook School District | Teacher of gifted middle school students |
Lauren Topazian | Self | self |
Leanne Statland Ellis | Lincolnwood School District 74 | Gifted Teacher |
Lilia Davis | Hawthorn District 73 | Teacher |
Linda Moric | River Trails School District 26 | Gifted Education Teacher |
Maggie Villwock | Mrs. | Accelerated Enrichment Teacher 3-5 |
Marek Dzianott | Attea Middle School | Gifted Enrichment Teacher |
Margaret Kahdeman | NA | IAGC |
Marie Tristan | Cicero District 99 | Middle school teacher |
Marisa Burvikovs | Dist 102 | Teacher |
Mary Di Leo Poole | Hsgs | Hsgs |
Mary Holt | self | self |
Mary Shapiro | Accurate Process Consulting | na |
Mattias Dahl | IAGC | IAGC |
Maureen Keane | Self | Indivisible |
Megan Grandstaff | Self | Self |
Meghan Carey | Clarendon Hills Middle School | differentiation specialist |
Michele Gaus Ehning | HSGS | Family of a gifted child not served by current policy. |
Michele Kane | IAGC | Parents of gifted children |
Myles Mendoza | One Chance Illinois | One Chance Illinois |
Newenka DuMont | Chicago Gifted Community Center | Chicago Gifted Community Center |
Nicole Musillami | La Grange School District 105 | Teacher |
Niki Werner | self | individual self |
Nikki Rousseau | NONE | SELF |
Pamela DePinto | Self-employed | Educational Consultant |
Pamela Shaw | Illinois Virtual School | Representing myself |
Patricia Boersma | IAGC | Students |
Patricia Cameron | Cary Junior High School | Gifted Specialist |
paula olszewski-kubilius | Center for Talent Development, Northwestern University | Center for TAlent Development, Northwestern University |
Phil Milsk | Law Offices of Phil Milsk | Illinois Association for Gifted Children |
Rachel Zahn | IAGC | IAGC Member |
Randee Blair | Center for Talent Development | Center for Talent Development, Northwestern University |
Randi Nass | Gurnee SD 56 | Gifted Teacher- Gurnee SD 56 |
Randy Lange | School District 102 | Gifted Coordinator - School District 102 |
Rhoda Rosen | Center for Talent Development | Center for Talent Development |
Robert Freitag | St. Charles North High School | School Counselor |
Rosina M Gallagher | R. M. Gallagher, PhD, NCSP | Psychologist |
Sara Bee | self | self |
Sara Havel | CCSD 181 | Gifted specialist |
Sharon Gubser | IAGC | IAGC |
Shawn Michael | self | self |
Sol Misener | NA | Myself |
Steven Evenhouse | Summit Hill SD 161 | Gifted Education Teacher |
Sue Avila | school | Teacher |
Susan Rhodes | Illinois Association for Gifted Children | Illinois Association for Gifted Children |
Tara Kristoff | Cook County S.D. 104 | myself |
Todd Rapp | None | Self |
Veronica Tabet | District 102 | Teacher |
Vivian Panoutsos | Lincoln school | Teachers. |
William E Keister | Not applicable | Parent |
Hearing Date and Time: Education (S) 3/29/2017 1:00 PM |
Bernadette Dvorscak | Retired | Self |
Debby Spertus | Spertus Studios | Self |
Jennifer Wester | Self | self |
Nathan La Porte | Self | Self |
Patricia Ehrenhaft | Self | self |
Phil Milsk | Law Offices of Phil Milsk | Illinois Association for Gifted Children |
Hearing Date and Time: Education (S) 3/14/2017 1:00 PM |
Alison E Nelson | Dominican University Summer Gifted and Talented Program | Illinois Association for Gifted Children |
Alyssa Tobias | Student | Gifted Students Everywhere |
Amy Bonsignore | NA | self |
Amy Jacobs | Self | Self |
Ana Ferman Perez | Gifted program Rockford | Gifted program parents |
Andrea Zietlow | IAGC | Illinois Association for Gifted Children |
Angela K Ramey | LaGrange D105 | Angela Ramey |
Ann McInerney | Member of IAGC | IAGC |
Ann-Marie Hejna | None | none |
Anna Adams | Parent | CANDO |
Ashley Yates | self | self |
Audra Dwyer | Homeschooling Parent of Gifted | self |
Barb Blohm | Self | Self |
Becky Havis | IAGC | IAGC |
Candi McDowell | Zion Academy of Science and Art | self |
Carl Hopman | na | Carl Hopman |
Carolyn Welch | Illinois Association for Gifted Children | Illinois Association for Gifted Children |
Carrie De La Cruz | West Northfield District 31 | IAGC |
Carrie Sebold | CANDO | Cando |
Christina Magerkurth | Parent | Self and family |
Cymone Card | Kids First Chicago | Myself as an individual citizen |
Dana Boutin | none | noneP |
Daniel Rappel | Koo and Associates | Self |
Deborah Grizzell | none | Individual |
Deborah Lee | Elmhurst CUSD 205 | Illinois Association of Gifted Children |
Deborah Rempert | Batavia Cando | Batavia Cando |
Debra Singleton | Self | Self |
Denise Kuchta | Queen Bee District 16 | Illinois Association of Gifted Children |
Denise M Goshert | PSD202 | Denise M Goshert |
Diane Stefani | IAGC | IAGC |
Dr Judith Minor | Community Unit School District 308 | Dr. Judith Minor |
Elizabeth Blalack | self | self |
Elizabeth Pridmore | Schiesher Elementary School | Self |
Ellen Smith | School District U-46 | Ellen Smith |
Eric Calvert | Center for Talent Development | Illinois Association for Gifted Children |
Eric M Madiar | Madiar Government Relations LLC | One Chance Illinois |
Frankie Larsen | PGE | Parents for Gifted Education |
Gail bohnenstiehl | crete monee district 201u | Ill Association for Gifted Children |
garrett boersma | none | citizen |
Gretchen Klocke | Self | Self |
Heather Macklin | none | none |
Heidi M Haldeman | CANDO | CANDO--BPS 101 |
Holli Long | PSD202 | Holli Long |
Janna smith | Arrow Road Academy | Parent of a gifted asperger's child who I had to remove form school because of the lack of acceleration and rhe knowledge of its benifits for children and teachers. |
Jeanine Buishas | Illinois Association for Gifted Children | IAGC |
Jeanne Aken | Beach Park school district | IAGC |
Jennifer Maniscalco | Parent | IAGC |
Jennifer Merrill | Self | Self |
Jennifer Wooldridge | Teacher | Jennifer Wooldridge |
Jocelyn Hecht | self | self |
Jonathan Whitall | Whitall | Me |
Joshua Dwyer | Untapped Potential Project | Untapped Potential Project |
Judith Berlin | SELF | SELF |
Judith Tyler | Maine East High School | Gifted Lyceum at Maine Township |
Julie Luck Jensen | retired | myself |
Julie Smallfield | self | self |
Karen Holden | Self | Batavia Cando |
Karen Syverson | Chicago Virtual Charter School | Illinois Association for Gifted Children |
Kathleen Kadlec | Home Schooling the Gifted Student | Home Schooling the Gifted Student (HSGS) |
Kathleen Nilles | Illinois Association for Gifted Children | Illinois Association for Gifted Children |
Kathleen Yurkewicz | not applicable | self |
Kellie Bae | Lake Bluff Elementary School District 65 | IAGC |
Kelly Neylon | Woodridge district 68 | IAGC |
Kenyatta Revelle | Self | Self |
Kerrie Fabbri | IAGC | IAGC |
Kim Shine | School District 124 | Illinois Association of Gifted Children |
Kristene Richardson | Self | Self |
Laura Beltchenko | Illinois educator | Illinois Association for Gifted Children |
Lauren Siegel | Wilmette School District 39 | Lauren Siegel |
LeeAnn Lodder | Home School Gifted Students | Self |
Leslee Dirnberger | Self | Self |
Lisa Rappel | Self | Self |
Lisa Stracks | Self employed | Myself and my children |
Lori Blohm | Self | Self |
Madeline Hazel | Wheaton Warrenville South High School | IAGC |
Maggie Sadowsky | The culinary architects | Iagc |
Marek Dzianott | Attea Middle School | Marek Dzianott |
Maria Appleton | Elgin School District u-46 | iAGC |
Marie Tristan | JUNIOR HIGH | Marie Tristan |
Martha Campbell | self | self |
Mary Anne Callahan | IHAP | none |
Mary Holt | Lake Forest School District 67 | Mary Holt |
Mary Poole | 6 Amigos Homeschool | Accellerated Learners |
Matthew Grizzell | none | Individual |
Matthew Kuntz | School District 97 Oak Park | self |
Melissa Smith | Smith Family | Gifted students everywhere |
Michael Foreman | Lincoln Financial Advisors | Myself |
Michael Sumrall | Assa Abloy | Michael Sumrall |
Michele Gaus Ehning | self | self |
Michele Kane | None | None |
Natasha Allred | self | myself, my children, and my students |
Niamh Muir | Individual | IAGC |
Niki Werner | Self | Self |
Nikki Rousseau | My Family | Rousseau Family |
patricia boersma | none | none |
Paula Olszewski-Kubilius | Center for TAlent Development, Northwestern University | Paula Olszewski-Kubilius |
Phil Milsk | Law Offices of Phil Milsk | Illinois Association for Gifted Children |
Phil Poole | Nuveen Investments | Our Child |
Rachael Price | Price Academy | Ann Marie Tate |
Randee Blair | Center for Talent Development | self |
Randi Nass | Gurnee SD 56 | Illinois association for gifted children |
Randy Lange | School District 102 | Randy Lange |
Rebekah Doan | Center for Talent Development | I am only representing myself as a taxpayer. |
Rima Binder | Northeastern Illinois University | ISGC |
Sally Thomson | Illinois Association for Gifted Children | Sally Thomson |
SARAH A GIUNCHEDI | Sarah A. Giunchedi | Sarah A. Giunchedi |
Sarah Bright | DePaul University | None |
Sarah Dowdy | Barrington CUSD220 | IAGC |
Schawana Tyus | None | Parent |
Shannon Holub | Da Vinci Academy | Illinois Association for Gifted Children |
Silvia Pelech | individual | Individual |
Simona Masini | self | SELF |
Susan Corwith | Center for Talent Development | Illinois Association for Gifted Children |
Susan Lee Miller | Jefferson County Associatin of Gifted Children | Susan Miller |
Susan Lee Miller | Jefferson County Association for Gifted Children | Susan Miller |
Suzan Avila | self | Self |
Suzanne Shelain | FurstStaffing | Parent IAGC Member |
Tanya Miller | District 33 | Myself |
Tara Kristoff | Cook County S.D. 104 | Illinois Gifted Children Association |
Tiffany Thompson | Tiffany Thompson | myself |
Trisha Singer | None | Myself |