Name | Firm, Business Or Agency | Representing |
Hearing Date and Time: Education (S) 5/28/2015 6:30 PM |
Jennifer Ross | J and J Legislative, LLC | Lobbyist-VOYCE |
Sarah Hartwick | Advance Illinois | Advance Illinois |
Hearing Date and Time: Education (S) 5/27/2015 7:00 PM |
Brian Malone | None | None |
Jennifer Ross | J and J Legislative, LLC | VOYCE Lobbyist |
Quentin Anthony Anderson | Voices of Youth in Chicago Education | VOYCE |
Samantha Alvarez | Communities United | Samantha Alvarez |
Hearing Date and Time: Elem Sec Ed School Curricu Policies (H) 5/13/2015 10:00 AM |
Nirav Sanghani | Action Now | Nirav Sanghani, Action Now |
Angelica Jimenez | Illinois Collaboration on Youth | Illinois Collaboration on Youth |
Brian Malone | NA | NONE |
Bruce A Boyer | Loyola ChildLaw Clinic | self |
Caroline Rymarz | Not Applicable | Caroline Rymarz |
Cheryl R Jansen | Equip for Equality | Equip for Equality |
Daniel Cooper | Adler University | VOYCE; Communities United |
Deborah Kim | Lawndale Christian Legal Center | Deborah Kim |
Demian Kogan | NONE | Illinois Voter |
Eduardo Montiel | none | Communities United |
Eric Gutstein | University of Illinois at Chicago | VOYCE |
Hallie Trauger | UIC | Communities United, VOYCE |
Heather Dalmage | Roosevelt University | Myself |
Jennifer Ross | J and J Legislative, LLC | Lobbyist-VOYCE |
Jessica Schneider | Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights | Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights |
Joel Rodriguez | Southwest Organizing Project | SWOP and VOYCE |
John Cusick | Illinois Federation of Teachers | Illinois Federation of Teachers |
Johnnie M Taylor | Neighbors United | |
Khadine Bennett | ACLU of Illinois | ACLU of Illinois |
Kurt Hilgendorf | Chicago Teachers Union | Chicago Teachers Union |
larry stuffle | larry stuffle | il adult and continuing educators |
Mariame Kaba | Project NIA | Project NIA |
Mark Sanders | North Lawndale Employment Network | |
Melissa Abad | Northeastern Illinois University | Communities United VOYCE |
Melissa Picciola | Equip for Equality | Equip for Equality |
Michael D Rodriguez | Enlace Chicago | Enlace Chicago |
Michael Maita | Chicago Public School | Michael Maita |
Miranda Johnson | Loyola University Chicago School of Law | Education Law and Policy Institute, Loyola University Chicago School of Law |
Miriam Zeidman | Anti-Defamation League | Anti-Defamation League |
Nora Collins-Mandeville | Illinois Collaboration on Youth | Illinois Collaboration on Youth |
Owen Daniel-McCarter | self | Owen Daniel-McCarter |
Pamela Fenning | Loyola University Chicago | Pamela Fenning |
Quentin Anthony Anderson | Voices of Youth in Chicago Education | |
Ronnie Taylor | United Congress of Community and Religious Organizations | |
Sara Hamdan | IMAN | IMAN |
Thomas McDougal | Lesson Study Alliance | |
Yesenia Sanchez | P.A.S.O.- West Suburban Action Project | |
Hearing Date and Time: Education (S) 4/22/2015 6:30 PM |
Jennifer Ross | J and J Legislative, LLC | Lobbyist-VOYCE |
Hearing Date and Time: Education (S) 3/17/2015 1:01 PM |
Aaron Siebert-Llera | Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund | Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund |
Amy Ballinger-Cole | Advance Illinois | Advance Illinois |
Ana Mercado | Blocks Together | Blocks Together, Alternatives Inc., Ana Mercado Consulting |
Ashley Slupski | Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health | Ashley Slupski |
Autry Phillips | Target Area | organization |
Beth Berendsen | NA | Individual |
Bettina Johnson | Communities United | Communities United |
Brian Malone | NA | None |
Bryen Johnson | Illinois Federation of Teachers | IFT |
Cecile Carroll | 773-276-2194 | Blocks Together |
Colleen Harvey | Playworks Illinois | Playworks Illinois |
Dan Cooper | Adler University | Communities United |
Demian Kogan | 20th District | Individual |
Diane Limas | Communities United | Communities United |
Eduardo Montiel | Communities United | Communities United |
Elizabeth Berkeley | Communities United | Communities United |
Ethan Grant | Communities United | Communities United |
Evelin | Communities United | Communities United |
Hallie Trauger | Communities United | Communities United |
Harry Meyer | Southwest Organizing Project | person |
Helen Harnett | Communities United | Communities United |
jacqueline shine | Communities United | Communities United |
Jamillah Rashad | Southwest Organizing Project | Southwest Organizing Project |
Jeff Bartow | Southwest Organizing Project | Southwest Organizing Project |
Jeffrey Way | Communities United | Communities united |
Jen Brown | Northwestern University | Jen Brown |
Jennifer Ross | J and J Legislative, LLC | VOYCE-lobbyist |
Jessica Schneider | Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Inc. | Chicago Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights |
Jim Bray | Self | Illinois Justice Project |
Jim Freeman | Grassroots Action | Grassroots Action |
Judith Gall | Alternatives, Inc. | VOYCE |
Kristin E McKay | Umoja Student Development Corporation | Umoja Student Development Corporation |
Kurt Hilgendorf | Chicago Teachers Union | Chicago Teachers Union |
Liz Alexander | Cook County Justice For Children | Cook County Justice For Children |
Luis Carrizales | Community Renewal Society | Community Renewal Society |
Maria Salazar | Communities United | Communities United |
Mariame Kaba | Project NIA | Project NIA |
Mario Diaz | communities united | communities united |
Matthew Ginger | Communities United | Communities United |
Melissa Sterne | Communities United | Communities United |
Michael D Rodriguez | Enlace Chicago | Enlace Chicago |
Miranda Johnson | Loyola University Chicago School of Law, Civitas ChildLaw Center | Education Law and Policy Institute, Loyola University Chicago School of Law |
Naomi Milstein | Individual | individual |
Nat Duran | Self | Self |
Nick Jefferson | Communities United | Communities United |
Nora Collins-Mandeville | Illinois Collaboration on Youth | Illinois Collaboration on Youth |
POWER-PAC | COFI and POWER-PAC | Community Organizing and Family Issues and Parents Organized to Win, Educate, and Renew |
Rachel White-Domain | Communities United | Communities United |
Reuben Telushkin | Communities United | Communities United |
Ron Taylor | United Congress of Community and Religious Organizations | United Congress of Community and Religious Organizations |
Sara Hamdan | Individual | Individual |
Sarah Bess Dworin | Umoja Student Development Corporation | Umoja Student Development Corporation |
Sarah Yousuf | None | Sarah yousuf |
Sharon Schmidt | Communities United | Communities United |
Shawn Brown | Communities United | Communities United |
Steven Serikaku | Unitarian Church of Evanston | Self |
Tony Alvarado-Rivera | na | Person |
Tredayne Cabanlit | Communities United | Communities United |
Vicky Lim | Communities United | Communities United |
Walter Taylor | Individual | Individual |